Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 6, 1876, p. 2

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r*a max? naBBSKHin jpnii AnoN ruci> rss PaV.lisUed T'vcry Thursday Morning.; $1 JBgf- Aiinurn in Advance. 'JOS |Hi HACKING ED(T\M! : " j fi'i.^.<Si"t-jg tflc-.'.r -. 5!i!S*iKr * i";j'iKKxi>AT Mw'msi;,. ATiiii, !, "lS7t:. "..Two n ilton Mu passing pieces. < . "tw Goncl-al HhH I he mentionv ;r Mtv J now in ! en:v-ei'o. rtriViitcd'in Iljini-r uhiy "night.-- oh a charge' ofj counterfeit- half dollira -leaded low "?-' ^Sf \>'--i H^ .- "fcraSSI mm ? - s "*$'? '^~., '- '/:'{' ;-j::j;?i i _";. ";'f t:;>" |: r. r IS-:. S -!' * i' , .;i\ii;tirs interested in reviving the work on tho Credit Valley Railway .-; nra rfoiiM; tlieir host to.,-flatter the poodle ^f Toronto into granting'n 250,069 bonus to the Company'.- ': The City Council do not -sern to. ; take kindly to the proposition, and s largo-portion of/thtr'-'tax-pay?rs .think it is about fiiuo to jstop giv- ~r"ing bonuses.; Any number, of let ters are being published.!.on the at Wor "_.- subject, but" it is. questionable? TIhumIh whether they- willTuivo the' desired i ipdUuis " |-t!iroiii.-h lllYS ' The brought tu\\ the with iml girl Milh. Presic 'suffering cal neui part bv effect. V .'^pRfP'I* '. l: We notice n flight advance in the. j^price of wheat one dollar being about the ruling figure .for fair "samples/while 7ts high as .$1.02: has been paid here for the better grades. The-good ;iile'igjjing of the-past two. '" weelcs has hud the effect of enliven- inaflhcigraiii market ,.:uul~ quite a laripMpianUiy -of' wheat has been bouglvtibv'bur millers. Other ar- , tides of p'reduce ren^ain ".without ;much change in price.: .s- . .'..". in THE FkEE PKESS, ACTON, ... resign atiou illke is intiihnteii of irobablo; i :jui!?je.f tieii. 'Wortenshiben 1-asjliis successor. C?oldie, of . Glielph, has ; possession. a fine bald le,' which was. caught a iw'hv-ii fanner in 1'hin. 0ttawa Grand > !.uryv'hii8 n u truo bill agaiitstMar- vtanitbW'M.r.P.. cluirgeu cently i\ssatiltiu's the little ent Grant is said, to be fixim a return of ]H-rio<H- ;lgia, caused . probably in periodieal exposuresi of Government frauds. _Tho einhankuieirt of a reservoir ivster, -tllas.-)., gave -wav on ettiug loose 7t')i,000,000 ^C water which swept the valley iWtroying a number if mills and houses. Ponal I Campbell, an Owen Sound -\oung ; uian,; with lots of bash, wmt to Toronto last week airil fell in with "D^iftil;'.Quigley. The two wont toan hotel and Quig- le'y robbt d (.'ampbell of A .-JoOO gohl wajeh atul chain; ..:-"' ; i i^eeiiui; of creditors of-Jlte- A'Coi., MontiTid, on' Sat- .i^sighee was Instructed -At land, Ga; urd.iy, :tl: to lake Gay for Ireland f stood t ,{r.V i fr^V /: mm :i!ii^.ri'. ' ' r--l-":Vl ' : -;-d!:J;'l!tj- i'-t'^s ^-.'.i'Ji- - i:'^'- Tbe Dominion .Premier in . a lengthy speech, tbe otker day, reviewed ihe past a&d piv'scnt posi tion of the Pacific Katlway, and - -cave iT-succinct stateiiienT of tho o _ policy which the: government had "in view for the future.'.: : He ,pre sented an outlinb of the probable -* v. r co-ioriu iu -route to be adopted. ; The lobil ex- , trok and penditure in coriducjing tlie surveys [ down a * has beefi over two and a quarter | rveowji. million dollars a little-more than e iroecediiigs agiiinst Klias brgery.'and against..Win. >r issuing. It is. u'nder- nive lpft the city. A letter.was read'froui MrrGco. also tivkeu.fVom \jhieh' il is gai.her- An Evoilinpr with ed tliariv team .liall evidently Jieeh Saukoy tied about-T>0-jxids.froin the house, and that there wore tracka'of theco pel-suns, oho from' the door and two from the east wirnlow. ': ' Dr." l>avidson- {of Watford, t.esli-1 lied 1o tindmg a bullet inUhe lhig"li,i wFiich-Tiad eansuilj iujtuies Kiillicient to cause <leatli. - 'The following vci\liet \van-feturn- "e>l by the. jury : "A certain .'pur- son, to jhe juroi-s uiikuowiij on Maix-hoOth, lSTlG, at Warwick, in the county of IJiiulitoii.'did feloni pusly, wilfully, and, 'with mulieo aforivthought, kill and murder 'ono Patrick Monahan." ! No clue him yet been got to-tho perpetrators of tho tjeetl. .1 : n . .- - vr, HALT9N GOUNT^, ONT., APRIL % 1876. Moody and Sbnibra Laidlaw V;llley l^iilwa-i City "CoiS asking d granting 000, -an4 connected President of ;the Credit before.the Toronto led last Monday night, em to submit -a I'ylaw is line a bonus "of 8"2jO,- DilVring tp pay expenses therewith.'. oTre millioYi being for survevs- west of the Roekv Mountains. p^;;^||'|||; .rAh&.-y.'m. > Fraudulent' trausact-ioas on an ' extensive' sale; by ~a si-Lolcsale * Sard wire; house ib' Montreal, Hive ..recently been broitght'to light. .The ':firui;of Ireland, Qay & Co.-coiv.- me'ncett' busmes^a 'few, veal's ago w-fth vervilittle-cipitul, ftjid thro-ud;h forgeriesf"'and. r.irsropfeentaiicii's. succeeded in obtaining .ticcommoda- tioa loans from the banks to the ex- -tent of ;290P00,wK.en.;at Xh'e same lime tiej weie actuallyf worth thou sands^ of dollars less than n-o'.hing. ' They wer>i ' finally couipellexl to go into insolvency,and an investigation l of their afiairs has reveAl.-d-lliO1 as tounding .facts. ~ . One of' the "firm was forced^-to. ackpowlcdge that he had iorgeii paper: to . the extent of .?40,000; r Hchad -been gi'iurbiiii heavily jn.-stoeks with the hope of being able to retire the forged paper before it was discovered, but the speculations proved disastrous. Both members of the firm have sought refxige in flight, presumably to IJncle Saoi's Dominions. . ' - W nuisor, eight or ten days ago a in entered alhouseia De- vithoiit jirovocatiou shot oung man' named Xle- riwmurdt rer escaped to whei-e he has been '.ar rested, "an-L'an application for Ins extrashtio tiuii'is not Murder and Attempted Rob bery ii. Lambipn C9unty. -heard. The. investiga- Vet finished. .- - . A FmKMER THK.'VICTIil; W.i-rroKi), Mr.rch 31. cold-blooded nnirder oc- night "about seven" miles it the house of Miehael v.Uich was . brcki n- Uito, other. Patrick/ mortally ing about an. hour after- ie two bi'-others are bacli- .Louse ibeing kept by their sisttr, ill's. Ann Mctiuire. Anothei eurred las from here -M.^iitiiani and his b hhut, he ilwards, f elors,, thei fa-i.}'! tlier It is went gti.ttjnj oV'the iiro qtivst is ;i; ji'l, loo Another revolution h;is broken out in Mexico. General Diaz has ^risen in rebellion and taken Mata- - moras, a torn on- the Jiio Grande, '-.. about 40 iniles-^above its mouth in ; r.-ihe Gulf, ahd about 4-50-north ej^st . of the "capital;'Mexico.- It has a pqpulation.'Af "20,*0y. .. Lumberer& are'.pieking up cour age in^conseqnence of. the news that a'large* spring fleet is expected from England for timb r. Stocks T are lighten the..old country, atjd prices fiavB^advanced^ avrn luin- ber is also advancing-in-jprice^ and Isaw-log makers rejoico.^thereat. :..[__A paragraph iii the=Kew York Tribune, Marctr 24tS ..'says s-ei- ..*"' Speaking of tele^rajAing, a re- ' niarkable ^ exhibition^ of prompt work was.mader'rto>(lay^by tbei^Di- rect Ca.ble,Conipan|y. ' TwO bankers ' having.! occasion in the ordinary course Of their business to. cable to"' London'.requiriug Answers', one re ceived bis; reply in 1&' minutes and the other in 13' minutes froin the time of-delivering Ihek messages, to the company." " bsed tliat the inurderere ivith the intention of sonjie money. ;'Th'e eviderrce ler -as given "at the in- fOllows : ... ast .inL'ht, aboutj ,11 o!cloek, n in led, T heard ithe outside knock ai in: then I:'saw.a light kite'ten ;..PaSrick"'had risen and_6aken he gun down and gone into -Ithe k Ltchen to meet them j I j.* heard two 4hots fired;T-got upland" t him, asking him if he i hem;;-he said no, but uooni 9. 1.11 th,. went to mef: had shot thev had slot, him : Patrick and! sl.ejjfc in the same room btit not in the same Ixd; I got up as soon as Patrick, bu . I was looking for a pistol,-so hi got into the kitchen ive Lave a rifle and pis-^ house. (The rifle was Did not hear Patrick Statement of the I Murderer. "W-; H,'Siuith,'who. ittiiow lying in the Saruia gaol liiuler. sentence of ileath foi'-tlu; niurder of Mr. Pin- lav at Soiilbi'M, has imade a htate- iiuiilt to the llov. T; P. KHerby, of, ill. which ise. says that on the night, uf tluvlnurder lie went to bed ati> o'clock, and was afterwards aroused by Mrs. Finlay, who said ^something was -wrong in tho stable. lle|and his bed-felliiw, Shanks, got, up jan'd went - out"; to the stable, wl^-ro they found !Mr. Piulay :on the tloor. Mrs. Finlay cjime to wards the stable and asked if he was dead. .- Tluy,' went up'to him and thought- lib.-was. Tliey then left the stables to "return to tho house, and on their way Mrs.'.-Fin- lay seized priconej-'s arm and asked go back and tie up the horse wliich was loose.- They then re-, turned to the-' "stable, and while they were tying, up, Mrs. Finlay took up a gun 'from'a'lie'neh ill the stable, and placed'it in a cor ner, shaking her head -at prisoner juit to take any notice, ai'd she then left ...the stabl<\ . ; After they; returned to the hous-e ^lys. Finlay' told, him not to taki' -notice of what he had Been her do in the stable. Shanks and he went oil' to the nearest neighbors, whom they woke'up'and brought bick with them. ' Prisoner, tln-n went, into Finlay's house; when Mrs. Finlay asked if he Lajljjee-n'vwhat she did in the Stable,':/ml he told her he had-.seen her take the gun from the bench; on which she got up from.---tho lounge, "wh'or<i .she was sitting,.and cry and said, "'Onlyj for that gun it would have been a secret to'th.e world'.^ She then went to tho cupboard and tookTi Hible from oil' the toji, and said,>"I want you to swva'r that you-will never, n-fieat what' I am > going to tell you." Fx>v a few see ; ' pads he made no ailswrr.. Bhe tli-.-ii | said, " Are you not: going to do as f I ak you, for T <U>uX_kn6w the | minute when some of them will be | in V. He still kept silence, when she said.if" he wouLI' not. 'do 'vfhat'/ she. wanted she..,would poison her self before liv-o minutes wOreover. He knew-, that she had poison in the pantry., . He had. felt badly scared before, but tins threat to poison herself "made him worse.' and he answered her by saying, "'I ' will do what they ask "me in this way, so long as I do not put myself in danger," and she said, in reply, Yoii know they cannot do any thing to you." ISlie then told him how- Finlay was'killed, and said sho went, out the- night before, and loosed the halter strap knowing that the horse would soon, break -loose, and fixed things to her hand, atlcl, that, returning to the :house , {.From the. Hamilton tfeui Dcmiitiou.) ;.Ifoing iii New York lakt week, we availud ourselvcH of the oppor tunity afforded by tlie presence of Messrs. Moody and SankeV in that city, of hearing these world revi valists, Their meeting* aro held in Uarnum's: Hip]')oibomu! an im mense building, coveriiig an entire, block, and containing -.t\yci largo ^udieneo hulls;" the larger (if which can accommodate about eight thou sand people, and thi> Smaller, six thousand. feeing j it advertised that tho doors would be! opened half an hour before, the coliimence- moiit of tho meeting, we thonglit that being at the place twenty min utes or a quarter of an hour before tho time of commencing, w.e would i'e able to secure a seat-^ so wo took he street cars, and .-passed street fter street, wondering when We .vould- arrive , at our destination, when the conductor called out, "Hippodrome!1' Now" wo had been under the'impression that wo would liavo" to walk . round the block', but when a gentium [inly po lice-officer, pointing straight ahead, said " This way, Siri"; and when Wo saw a brilliantly lighted build ing into which a crowd was pouring itself,'over tlie en trainee of which was a placard with these words, " Moody aid Saiihoy. j- Gospel" iiieetiugs " J- wo w 'lit 'with: the icrowit Vast asset ibly,-j~ut least five-thousand ; gram. nest - praying ; earn't attentive^ audience ; whom wo felt inclin as Moody."." At-kTn^ ushers, as we retired, which of the speakers was Mr. Moody, ye learn ed, what we had suspected-nil time, that Mr. Moody had in that hall tli;it evening.i gone into what is expressly , singi;ng ; cur st hddresses ; but: no - one d to .identify one of tho tl not been We liad !y called the "overflow inceiingj'rand we could not fail to have a heightened impression of the g|andeiir of an assembly, tho mere overflow from which produced a gathering so large and imposing. Though we had not .succeeded in hearing Moody, we own houIr. Ih ho done, lll> )mn not taken uioro than twenty!iriin- utes, and yet wh>it a wealth of idea 1 That vast crowd liu^ saf sjiolbbound. i Tlie . earnest man, with not ono particle of eccentricity, has enchained thorn. ' Ah if reliev ed from a painful strain on--'their. attention, wo l.""11' iV-b'nz/.ing and a riiHtling among .the crOwd, which is promptly checked, by Mr. Moody, whostT tact aiid prompitudo are worthy of a general, shows his generalship ':.too" in tho military KtriutnesB of the discipline observed ill his liieetings. Siniiera are Ire- strained from anything like irrevor- anco and saints from any audible .expression of feeling, which in so vast a crrwd'might- lead to a panic, for tho only expression of emotion is tlie solemn stillness nnd the silent tear, without even an audible amen. Singing, an, address, prayetyund tho benediction followed. UV leave.; Tlio whole service has occupied ex actly an hour. Hilt while wo aro going home, the comniodious - in quiry rooms aro being thronged, by earnest seekers of -salvation', who are encouraged and instructed by experienced Christian .workers, lay and clerical,.of different denomina tions, and before ten o'clock scores will have" decided to live for God and heaven. And thus tho jwork goes on. :' . NEW ADVEItTi|3BMENTS. KfOTICE: TO CREDITORS. In the Matter of Ithe Estate of , Thomas Burns, Deceased. . Tho ereilitors of Thomas Burnn.'-lnte of tho Village: of Aetop, ill tho County of iliilton, gcntlemani, deceased, who diod on or about the twenty-fifth day of February, A.D. 1B7(>, ttnd| others having claims agaiiit the wx'ul deceased, are in pursuance of .the Act 2!) Victoria, Cap. '2S, Sec. 27, hereby notified and requir ed to send on or before, the nintb"uay ,bf May next," by post, toj thoundersicried Solicitors for the Administrator of tlio said deceased, their cliritHinn and sur names, addresses and ^descriptions, the fnll {HiTticnlftn'-iif tlieir claims, a state ment o their accounts and, tlie.nature of the securities, if any held by them, and the said-creditors and others are iiluo notified that immediately after the expiration of -the said fiinth day ofj'May.' the assets of the said jdeceased will he distrihn't'cil among the parties.entitled thereto, Laving regard|to the claims of which tho adi|iinislrator had then notice, and that tho administrator will not be liable for the assets or any par^. thereof iso distributed to nny! person of who3e I claims the administrator shall not have Lhad notice at the time of such distribu tion. .'-'.; Dated this ?8th day of March, A.D. 1876. :' .- '. .[' . ', - >" i{ouEifrsoK,-McMuitRicii' & Howaiui, t Solicitors for Alkxaniiku I5UKNS, Administrator, Xo. 1, Union Bluck, Toronto street, i" ! ;. ; Toronto. thoroughly which was enjoyed 'the presided over venerable Dr. Tvn<j add meeting; by' tlie lOssed bv A separation between husband and wife . by mutual consent; took' place before the Brantford Police Magistrate recently. ' / A Hiunll revolution is going on in M^exico. Gen. Diaz, the;rebel chief, attacked Matamoras oiij Sun day morning with 1000 men, and when JJOO of the Government sol-' iliers1 were sent' out to, attack thial forqe, they went over in a body to the enemy. The city was taken, anil Diaz and his uien now occupy it: -;'..;: ' '" I ,: HSIollie Holbrook, the Chicngp adventuress, and Mary King, no iorious Kho()-Iifters, have been ar rested in New York. Both < were dressed in the height of fashion, and when taken into custody1 were, coming out of jv millinery ptore, having their spoils concealed below their'garments. MASONIC Aprons For Ball oil 18th, For sale at PRINGLE'S Jeweleryj Store 0dstral; Boot oM Skoe' r^fcdp; ' "Sn GFiAIISIE & SOISl Y3> i- Havo just reoejved-.'tbeir SPRING STOCK OF BOOTS &|$p| which is ahead of anythingevefed offered in Acton forfltyle^rjd'dSrBbflilT andrct prices that cannot be updersord. :':\. \ ' OUR 1 GOSTOJVf "- : Will receive carefal personal attention, and all work'.-guaranteed to*r "Pon't forget the place, "satisfaction. Mill Street; opposite Morrow's Drag StOBe._ Acton, April 4, 1870. CRAIKE &80N. B VLSA3I SHADE TREES. Any quantity of young Bafcams can be liad from tlie" undersigned, on-lot No. 82, 7th con. Nassagaweya, :or will be delivered at Aetori or elsewhere, from ten to fifty cents each, according to size. Orders.niay be left at the Vhkk 1'kess office. JOHN BENNETT. March 27, 187G. ' . -:' OTI.CE. :$ before me ; tol in the produced.) say anytli snap the rii afterwardi revolver wa; request of tl shooteri. witjh The barrels discharged, one. .If has than, a year. They were a the revolvei yv.ith a bar not hear but door, and tl its hinges g-; did not' 'hear sjHVeral men of uu'uked ability, in cluding one who is just.asl influen tial in Now York as ever he. Was in this city Dr. Orfiiiston. Next evening we foriucjj part of a crowd of about six thousand per sons, that stood for a considerable timein tlie street "fryingoii a cold gridiron," and awaiting.thoopening of the doors. When at length the door's were opened we I were borne alongwith the crowd into the build ing; where we succeeded'ill getting a very good seat. By degrees the members of Mr. Sjnkey's picked choir of three hundred voices took their-places'.in t,he seats assigned to tlieui, and .'when they had all as sembled they Rang some of tlie sini- - ii plo but marvellously sweet and powerful sacred melodies, the fame of which has spread j wherever the Wave a through, the vast ball, full of richness, full pf strength, full of sweetness. But while we have been listening eight' o'clock has arrived,- and ; precisely at .eight Mr. Moody, carrying in his harfli the Bagster's Bible that is his inseparable companion, steps .out on the platform, followed by Mr. Saukey, Dr. Tyng, and others'. Mr. Moody announces.aj hymn. We looked up :llr. Sitnkey js seated ui \% luuil lias sjucau \yiif.ic English .language is spoken, after wave of melody rolled she Vtent to bed -with Finlay. j at the-little cabinet organ lof which Whilst laying iiwake she heard the, we have read,. Will ho! lead the singinir with his voice 1 or if he does, will'that.ono.voice make any e-.ciip, but he told 'me wou-ld not go: off. Thif> also produced, atr thj? e- jurors. It WaB a six-, one barrel useless^ vide'utly had not been md are all loaded but been loaded for more- Witness continued - 1 gone before I found, the door is secured across the'eentre \ did One knock against.the at broke the door off did "not see the par ties that caiije in,, but Patrick told me they wer : two,-and. wore drqss-. ed in black cloTRies, .and one/wore moccasins ai'd^one had on striped pants ; did"n )t see which way theyhorse'- making a "noise. She then woke up Finlay, Udling him that the horse was loose in the stable, aiid that ho' had better attend to him, because he might get to the potatoes. He then got,up,'ind she got up too, Wiring as: an excuse j ncKK <tf.- tlie singin for so doinr;, that she wanted went went after into rick climbed was shot; d aboufithe aj Patrick. said any enmity aTiil anyone; iey left j after this I le loft -and blew the horn to alarri the neighbors'; Pat- Coui'Ty CouscnV There will be a speeijil rneeti-ng of the County Council today, (Thursday), for the 'fIlc& co ^ purpose of deciding.ak to the course dled'.but'belIl fel-be taken with ij.-giird to. the de benture^ issued under; the Hamib ton & Iffolth-western Puiihvay by-. law, ; " - ! Ex'j'fiNSIVij FlHB IN' PusLlXCH. - Ijast Saturday morning,'at aljout four o*elo'uV:, a seii,otwr occuried; was aiso knot feed open, but a small into the 'loftv after he d not . say anything learance o^ the men; he did-not know.of existing between,him my sister went for as"1- sistance to M^-". McLean's before he g afraid of another at- ;;g6 sooner; we had n the house; do not person' knew of US' >ney ; got the money - two months ago ; on ^ofng out saw a. pail about a foot, from the dpar^; the middle door tack, did ne about 8300 kno'w if ^ a"nj having the m for cattle :ov.e -%$ :M I ' ' '& : %i Hvf^ ^*J"f/;33 B|t| X : 1^ W*J -* 33 ^Bcz ^a IL.--. "' ~ ?P^.i"--H Pi fR^^f l-T" ; ^J m^m tffiy^j] \ T' - t^* nH is':^a Hi^T^S W&M K:|^ V-i } ' <*fi efisfyzm ji^^^Ki H '** '< r Sj^joH 1 ! Aj_-. .; on the premises.of Mt John. Me-'. F ulaiie, TOth con, of/ Puslinch, ':-. ibjjt two and a half miles ffoin; jdoririston, byj/hich nineteen head. vf;attle, several barns and sheds7 "a number of furioiug iniplements, including a threfcliing machine, ttnd. -a'quatitiiy of other valuabje mate rial, such as baniel heading and feed were destroyed. . TJ>e' loss- will btL about $8,000. There was/an inf suranee of $3,0.00 in the Vibtorii WutualTrtsuranee Compiiuy. The Cat 'So of the f}r is;uiikiiow"iT.; knock would shots wei rdistincfllV ai they missed 1 did not;.;pay pistol -or/ rifle M r.s. Ann JilTIlHcl tlie her brother. do that; am sure tw'6 shots we?e.fiipdy.heard the reports &' Patrick told me im the first time-; he syhetbei' they had,a iloGuire, n\vorn, con- fprcgoirig pvidenco of and also "stated that Patrick said- 4*&<wa8 gone, and ,to look but for tl droselves; she thought that Patrick' ^as overyCO yeai-s old. M^r. and M rs. Laplillui M^cLeau's and/Mr. It. i dwiit'b evidence v/ere to warm some milk for the baby, and that she would go out with him. She told prisoner that- theyt went out both together, he carryings the lantern.. He unlocked 'lie stable door and went in, and as ho stepped in she told him to be careful, lest the'horse -should kick him, also telling him to look and see if the horse hud eaten any of the potatoes. Sho said to prisoner,." I had now he stooped down to look, and as-.he was rising I shot him, and as the gun went off, I fell against the bench-in a fright, and, the gun dropped out of ray hands." ' The prisoiiei-'s state- saying that he ulent coincludes bv is entirejly innocent of the murder of Mr. "Finlay, that Mrs, Finlal-'s evidencj) :against him is false ajiid that he cation sb appeals for further investi- that he may not suffer the. penalty of death for a crime of which Le is guiltless. Sale of. Cattle. Mr. George Rudd, tJhe noted Devon breeder, of Puslinch, has sold to TSlt: A. F. Brunstone,6f Oneida County, N.Y., two bull calves and-a cow for 390. They are splendid animals and will, "we dre)sure, Avell maintain the reputation' of Mr. Rudd's herd abroad.- At Milton, on Wednesday night, a man,;knowu as " Old Simmons," staying at Jackson's Hotel, attempt ed suicide: by drinking an ounce! of laudanum. Hfl told some, one in the house what ho was going to do, and when it was found that ljc had taken the poison, medical attend ance was sesurcd in time to save his life. .-. -' v Parliament will"be prorogued on Wednesday, the 12th inst. perceptible difference/in the volume of" melody wo heard awhile, ago? We listened- that one voice adds fifty per cent'to the force and rich- A prayer is offered, a portion of] Sci|ipture is read, aiid then .Mr. fcankey, by Mr, Moody's request, sings his favorite also, " Tho Ninety arid Nine." Pre vious to doing so, without any re marks, he recites ii a j touching manner tho verses from! the fif teenth of Luke,., frem which, the ideas in the hymn ;aro j derived. He sings. At first wo are disap pointed. That rich baritone voice does little more than talk. And yet, as he-proceeds every word is distinctly beard through the building, and there is at* empha sis from time to tine that makes the' scene pictuied in the words live before lis. And no'v the. soul of the singer seems to be struggling with a great sorrow :.nd bowed-in a great awe."' It is more than Bind ing : his soul touches ours,, and we feel as he does. We are c6nquered, we are nieltod, we weep. A short pause and the stilh ess us broken by -the distinct,-.precussive, almost hard voice of Mr. MoodyL As he proceeds=his voice gnins sweetness and flexibility, b,ut not force or vol ume, for it is rather loudjjr at the beginning than afterward. The style is fhat of an earnest and ex ceedingly rapid conversation.- Texts are quoted, illustrations:used, ideas advanced with a prolniptitude and decision that mean biisiqjess. Every word has . a puirposk \ He is tpO earnest to use any ar ifibei. Never vociferous, always eai nesti he lights up some text of Sc iptiire which has seemed obscure ori enforces spmo forgotten duty, 3r-probes, bur conscience or- with i aarvlellous in sight reads our very thoughts, or thrills us with'a touc aingj story, or pictures a Bible scent in a few bold and vapid strokes, i Wd forget Moody. ,Wo think o" God and our ' a ' A smair congregation of Miller- ites, believing in the prediction that the. world would come [to anj end at 4 o'clock .Saturday morning,! remained up all night in the ball; in Toronto where they worship, clad in their robes. After waiting till 5 o'clock they dispersed^ remember ing it was A]uil 1st. iti in lis. J ' . At the- Royal Exchange Hotel, jiVcfon, on the 2nd.inst., the wife of MrJ Thos. Campbell, <if a Bdii. .'! At White Keck, Mich., on the 24th ult., the wife of the Rev. A. J. iiobue?, of a daughter. j j ; . - i 1)111). hi .Aetoiij on Saturday of bh;udiug of tho lung Spuhdit, aged about 51 years. i At the residence of Mr. Thomas Ben nett, iiT Ih'in, on Sunday, 2nd iust., Mr. .John Zimmenuan ,r.j:cd about 77:ycars. lie; was one of Acton's pioneers. : the iU :, Mr. Sa mst., iiniicl Errs' Cocoa. (irtATKPUL asi^ Com- roKTlNO. " By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of; digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well selected cocoa,'.Mr. Epps has provided our breakfasf-tables with a delicately flavored be-verage which may save us many heavy dootors' bills. It is by tlie judicious use of such artieles'of diet tliat a constitution,may begradually builS up until strongtnough to Tesist every -! tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are l|oating around us rea<Jy to attack wherever there is a weak point. We maylescapo many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blond-and a pro perly nourished iframe." Civil ',Sercice G'uvltf. Sold only in packets labeled "Ja5H3 Errs & Co.; Homoeopathic Chemist, 48, Thireadncedle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, j.ondon." - i , ! G-TTEIiPH, BIVALVES And other Luxuries STOEBABD'S BAZAAR. - Thb'Public Examination^ the-pnpfl r of tlie Acton: Public Sc'hpoi wflf taki" ' place: oil: Tuesday, April IJji, xxSU. I -mencing in the 2nd and 3rdiDcpartment ' at 'J o'clock a.m., and in the It at 1 p. " rn.r, The parents and guardians of-.tle " pupils and-ill othersihte^qsted in edi- - edition are cerdially invited to attend. " ;40-2t/' , -..J-. ROSSJmith. :\-4- zestie vcrr.," tttolLQa? Xow is the Time to Buy Cheapv Hand and Button-hole .Boauete, -v. Fresh from. Hot Houses Qnelpli, April i. 1878. I Fresh '^ Oysters, Cove Oysters, Canned Fruits,. Lobsters, Sardines, et-c.,- . . ;- = ' . ' . ^ At .S-TODDARD'S. Fresh Frsrit-J-ii gi-eat^ibr.ndance - " At ST ODD ABD:S.t .whe'n ordered. THE1 MAN Who can sell you GOOD GOODS CHEAP At'TOX MAKKKTS Flour ...... ' White Wheat .. TreadwelU. ' .. Spring "Wheat .. Barley ' .'..- ... Oats J., - .. Fens . ' Potatoes, per bush Dried Apples, per lb Onions, per bushel Butter .,.' ... Eggs. :.' -.. ..- Dressed Hogs Hay, per ton .... Lambskins.. Pelts .;. ... ' Lard - ' . i. ' '... Tallow ... Bacon ,. Ham ... Shoulder... $2 iiO pi 0 00 0 05 to I 00 0 95 to 1 00 0 90 \.o 0 95 0 65 to 0 78 0 35 to 0 00 0 60 to 0 05 0 35 to 0 00 0 07 "toO 08 1 00 to 0 00 0 20 to 0.22- 0 15 bO 00 8 00 to 0 00 12 00 to 14 00 0 50 to 0 80 0 50 io 0 60 0 15 to 0 16 0 07 to 0 08 0 iOtoO 00 0 12 to 0 14 0 10 to 0 12 NEW ADVER.TISEMENTS. T^KESS & MANTLE-MAKINCj MISS M. ELLIOTT wishes to intil', mate to the ladies of Actpn and vicinity that She hns removed to the corner of Church and Willow streets, in part of Mrs. Yeomaris's house, where she will be pleased to receive orders fqr dress and mantle-making, of any description.. Stamping done to order. Charges mod erate and satisfaction guaranteed. Acton, April C, 1876. 41-3t mENDERS FOE PURCHASE OP.THE ! I -. METHODIST CHURCH, H' Tenders for the pufchaso of the Old Metho<list Church property, Aefon^ will bo i received .until WEDNESDAY^ tho 12th day of APRIL, inclusive. Terms and particulars made known on apj liba tion to the undersigned, td whom ten ders may bo addressed. The highest or any tender will' not necessarily he ac cepted unless satisfactory. j . . W; HrSTOREY, ! .' . Soc Building Com. Acton, March 28, 187C. ' ;40|2't and GOODS is the EIGHT to deal iritii, and You .will find him every time at the He can New Dry MA 1ST his name is J. "W. M'ANN. Central Emporium, Corner Mill & Willojy streets, _A_aTCD:Esr- Bhow you fine stock of Goods, Ready-Mods Clothing, Groceries}, Crockery. and "Wall Paper. .... Call and bo convin :od that this is' Acton,: Ap :il 5, 1870, st A 1 Finnau' Hnddies at only 12 cents,'.or"10ilb:i. for a dollar. I'.-. [_' At STODD AKD'S. .. In order to aciK'niniodate my numer ous customers aiid my incrcasuig trade, I have considerably enlarged my pre mises. - ;$3i zln/mm^Ajf': \\jouId inform the people of ^dcton and vieinity that he has i again piji nienced the Butchering jdusines? In this rilhige, and -from bis lon^ " experience,in Oris line; h'e .will be Ar able to furnish ; fresh, meats of-:all. V kinds of the best quality, biceiy and " :* cleanly dres^ed-.-^,, ; |' ..-;'"-. Meat delivered at the housw ' : Tuesdiivp and Saturdays,1 and alwy' ] ' on hafidiatme- Shop. -., " The j patronage 'of, the pablic is rei . . spectrally solicited ,'..- "' i -. . ' "S, ZDIMERSIAS.": < -.-Act.j.n, Mar.chtloihTSIisi.-' i^^isAJ* lir.nio '..- " FOR THE MILIJdN; i 5 -I- -ii. nEI>Kr;EST0DDJiKJ3,j: g. i g %> STIOStlilf UMEiTMIliG. -. The undersigned begs leave to inform the people of Acton and .vicinity that he. will furnish all . Requisites in Undertaking on short notice ajid reasonable terms a& Tcan be" had .-' Hearse ,.Supplied:-' ich'en Desired. Also that he will . Fit up Stores'.& 0fB.oas in the besfesty^fe. Show Cases, Book Cases nnil -Desks niade to order. ' FURNITURE REPAIRED. Shop on Williw-street, near Main st. . P.M. SrcCA^X.,,-'- Acton,.March 20, 1876.. 39-6m The undersigned has commenced tlie Butchering Business ' XIMf AOTON, Beg tt> tliatthey haVe secured " 1" . - -!'- .- l ^t:', First-Gl;ass Baker, ; -." ino*;- : premisiea (Dined and-'that tlieir Baking-hnsinefeiis in f.all dpuration, in the premises <m Vjy Mrs. Hanna.- 'Bread wifl be deliveredidaftjr; at tap ir- houses inthe.village and vicinity. ' Weddinj? Gak6s, Tea Cak^a, made in; tWo very best manner, and kept ^7 always (in hand; good and; fresh.. Al6 . - all kinds of Confectionery.: BiscSits, "" : Cheese, Ifcc. ;-..- ' - '. 'V. .. 'V The patronage -of 4he pnbbc. iisea-.! peetfally.solicited. " .-'.'"-":'-' "-, j - IB. "&-E..-NICELIXf' T ; Actonl. Feb. 29, 1S76. i > . SEND i25c. U>G. P..RO.WHifj 4 COCK , Jiew York, for RaWiphletof 100-Jraxes ooniainin^ llsti <>r 3J0O newspapers,oid .. estlma:es showing cost.ofaiaverltslnjr. A CLATTER AMONGST I^INVVARk! r- :: ; '-" KEW TIN AND STOVE KPOt. The ubdersignedannorjnee" to.tbl.'~V people" of Aqtori and surroundingv con"ntry"i that they tiavq opened a ' - Opposite Allqn's Lively and will.keep constantly on band static, Tin, Sheet-Iron"; and Stove' Business, '"; . Th Right Spot. ,r. W. MANN. Fresh and Salt Meats,rFish, ':. Fowls and Vegetables;" at all seasoha of the year^ i The support of the public is most Respectfully solicited.' ' ;' CHEAP FOR. CASS, - . the best plan so. say you all. i .EDWARD MATTHEWS Acton, March 15, 1876 3S.3ih Qli O a day at homo. Agents wanted.- vP J. <3 Outtit and terms free. THUE & CO, Augiisw, Maine. ' -^Xjl TKpIitiOP* CHAJPMAN, Practical Bookbinder. All Descriptions- <f Binding N[eatly Executed. Accouiit'Books of qW-Kinds Made to. -, Order. ". . Euling Promptly .Attended to. ' BrNDKBY-r-St. Georg'o'sSquare, Gnelpfi; Orders left at tfie Free Prrsr'Office whereprice list ;can be'seen, will re- V efv'o promnt attention,"'.. in .the premises formerly opcupM by Mrr C has Dean, nearly opposite the' post office. Being prictical workmen of l^fjte experience, we can assure ill |ffcO; may. favor us with their patraHjag& that they can rely upon having 11 work executed promptly and in the Very best manner. A large .stock of ' Tin, Sheet-Iron and Japan- , : '" ned laro always on hand, of the besfeqiwitT* gTOYEg. of various patterns always in stodt. Eavetroughhjg! Jobbing '"' ' ' promptly attended to. Rags, b on, Bras^ add Copper tak*1 ' " -' t ' m exchange, j i- ^ Tho pitronage of the pul>iP * respectfully sohcited, ',;- .' WILSON <fc JOHNS0S. Ao'tbn, M"areh 8, 1S76 __________ $5 to $20 a"mfd^ ^S* fiee. _, ^_____,......... wortb' V Sxifc-bON' 4 Co, Portland,Jit ' -Haltc 1 1 Miltoii, cor inst. --PubliJ next Tnesd.i] te:restcd in i "endeavor to ~, _-We.ul Cook, son ol about going f jninistry, atl Jie expecta'[ years. - Mr. has porct bred yeartiil "Parkinson, tl ^n^Eratnopa, "figare. }.; '-':_ ... " You cj * - song books ; McLed * ' ' '" ""'the Mammf.l j iave receiveij ^ Goods, "whifl ingly low p ril -. .vertisemen', i .'" ' . "_Mr. lSJ . rived here \A ,i" evening,', lul '-.: ."Acton"so tl o^ ": '.recent.actit r /. that ha'beat '.' ^parts. ;.%._ - : ; Spi^ng SncHia3 Oran dieS,;-Jellie4 J| -sFruits in tinl , tables, , PictlJ '/pies, Einin=,j ^Brps.'j -, _WeiT V o"pubHe meet -"'belli.HoUi o| ' purpose : of j .forming.a rar ? ~Ity. .-We'^re'l -. meeting- o^. -.- "' " -^-TJie i}el| Matthews' . by-Mr.-Tie 'haye attracle ' - -iJiehillhi-. ing and- pp. "_Bertzog is -J , : speaker; abdj j^ars to': be in . ; 1 xiks n|ore |p'| . : lidy sitting i aend rushes'; . ' come ihomE,| >er-in-la^-' fell i -.1 er ntiik altiul -is xehaage. "VS| -^oTaryr^xIe -: %hen his- wji r-i - ': W'tiey he.-gp - Buy a dress-wj _";.: ',. ' the desired aj, lEOU iTT'o. *.= tf-il hah" the'price 1 i Atnisur'doj-, -lJ . n4tt, of IJrew-sl . 'S*1! nacred J| i ' called'the" ford -strdck Hinj wxd did'no^-retalial t J>" ists arrafcned inRockab %'v Ahlan a^eedtj . ; .' cost?, oa ccvnsi --:. i'; "forgiving huu ; ; j" 'case, wasjsetlie r " AUemptetl sal f , A man' abonl : '" i -Ajlex. Weir,-.wi . attempted to I j* -Toesday"- mcirJ - i Mr. Ste'wart,i He4s a man nl " ; eincated, -"'Fol J of niauej! 'havel " k\ fnends in Sc .' ;' ]' %s Vs ." . "'sprelsj' Rl -I- '-t~ raoney has bel 7: fallen. 5ito a| :i -: ^rfy onJTuesH ', - - "Stewart.-I was r- -. -"-iMiseproj i '.-,-.: j J. .; . tflft he iiy c -, . throat /pSa a" i. .-:;"-'^i.tafcek froij ;; . Iti ';HV\;--^".W'jinaJ :' 1' '. fr0^ at^mptl :^v. ::9fKBarj|' fspovedljy del fjpa- Mr fal **n. suffering - Iwth- pegodic. *fi,5 hings, finall *f last, -after. "MP*- - The de*, aear Acton fcrl known and wul ftneral on MonJ tended. Mr John-Zu early pioneers i *he residence TW Bcanet, | *#yyea,aso',| Wathe farm f ^way track if] ', part of spied 'by i,. e resided .fori nSht up ^ laJ lH*wife died3uf ,*hpiiie has bJ fj pa^alytlC lttla almost help 1 *M a quujt, uns *a. highly r-.feoffeeniuJ . Xf^^^r.pJ 1 rSfaae,*H | *#j*t many i f 1 i

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