Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 30, 1876, p. 4

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tKfg Man -rr ACTON FREE PRESS Tsftsrs. Oni> dol&rh year.!C'.l.\i In ttYMi'rc. Unol i'.U_L<rvn-e<lirco months one dollar aim a iiujf.vlll ! or two dollars If not pa'd tin the ch.i oi_*.h<- .}*-. No pni or will he split, to any per son tttore liun one y.'ar unpaid.: ; ;f HATlss'or APVKKiitsi^-u. Klein cent*. Jwr tln^fot-Hr*! Insvi'tion, nnd i.w>i cents ixsriloe for ouch ROVspquont InWrlton'i tihort HdwrUsomenLs.o.t eight lini>s mul *Hter, *t rf turee Insori ions. lUrelites'K Cards <>f eight Utoos aud under, $< per Mtinr.m. ; A liberal dUcom tVUowedon ndvortle- tifrnts inserted T>r t>xttKict~ periods. Advertisement-- wlthMit s{K3o!i\l Inslroo- trtmsilnsj-rivU fin f..rl)iJ,_jiid charged" fKieor.JInil.v. '"'- i. - Any S;*oial Koll.'e. tho object of which tit to. promote the lx^ctmi.-cri'I'-onoIli or:my or orai>*y, to ti .. . - - an juKor:lseivio:Uc G* or orai>*tiy, to lie consldff^d w' hilvoKlspmoatr . '. - . ..- Train-ia'ni ntvcfllteein(?nt.{b be paid for whenror>lt'Jred.. AUuulv^irtlsfUs accounts iSMMlervd <jn rtetlyi .-V- > : Notices ot Jitarrtages, Births and Deaths htcricd fTee"-' , ,-.- &'<. - m-'*~ rM mmm m - Fui^rigrBAPija"; -, { . "Why, the' parsounge. '-' f When are. cvcis.tvot eyes '? When tlie vjrid makes thcin wwter. . '- " - ~ !- When ia--an artist lijca, a cook? i- -Whea- lie'sdrawing a little duck. :"-; Toe' higher classes I<kr? " {he : ** hire * daises. ._ . : ' water'jto i ppiriitious liijuor lie is a well wLsberl :_;'_., , y '- - Bards -of " eh in " music are now , being organized on tlii> strcot-. cor- .-; ners,." y i V- - . - _ Keep oii gcxid terms'; Vitliyov.r j-""Mi'if^ your stomach, juj^I yo^r c6iV f cience.*- _ - - .. ~ .iVrieh man .may innke n poor v>'"h{isbAn5:bnti*lni<'>t any girl is will-' __ ing U> t.<\ke ih'y ritk. . J":. . In" these <lull tihie^.it is pleas- .-;* ant to contemplate that there is no ' -discount on ruHsiqal note^.. When re"react^of Boweti, Beech- - er, Bal>c6ck and E^lknaj^ tve uiny welL inquire: " Can sucH; things 1> ?'_ "... A lady, condemning the wearing \ ; of "aiousjaclies, declated : "It is one of- vhe fashiotis I set riiy fact} against 1" ' . 1. -i '_ " Friend, imitate tie example of a locomotiveC. lie runs along, whistles over hisiwdrk, ahd:yet. T never takes anything jbiri water to ; I Vetiiis whistle with.*- '{ , ' .That -was a fearful jesbof- Lord .. . Sortwry s on sentencing fe-death a thief vrfio had stolen"6. wiitch : " You. tnide" a grasp at .tithe, tny. ladj; ^bqt- you clutehed et^rnityt j '? I say,-boy, .whoie horse_is that; j yod are riding I" . _ M . ;" Winyit's. daddy's." 'tV :" "Who is your daddy f " " " Why, clon't you kjTiciTr'? heV uncle, Pewr.Jones." "' . " S?o"yon're the^son of your unclej -how do yonTnake that Jout, young ..:'"-' T r^J^ell, I doa"t know'zactly how "fisi" replied the boy; " but ybii set- da4dy 'got to; be a widower." and married mother's sister, who.: is" " - aunt Sally, and so he's my uncle -~mow.'%-" y' ' - ' "-- Gold, Silver & Nickel Plating Works, x-! -' ' ^-' >. * ~ SlanuficUireraml Importerot Bre|>oU aud Muzzle Loading Rifles, shot <;uns, ate. Kemlyer* of u!l ticffrljiiioitg- ultrags on ELI'H AKUOUY, Ely 0:l| A3aa^TJNITION FOK A1.I. BKE3ECH liOAOING ARJSS. A Kynocli'.s CarlrMiie H'ubos nnd fur re NuhIIiir s;iiiic. Jie-lnailt'iv, lio.njppci-i. O.ip KJiM-toi-s, Curlers, nnd Creators.I'K'aiur^, itiijl (111 arilclcs iivc;*ys.ry f.ra Sporis-u im's qui lit. VUj*'its of1 Kipdilne ami-Jobbing t'.TtVfaoil <m,Uu' sh-.jrtc^t lu-Ui-t' ul 118 Quebec, streotl' JOHSKlBKIfAM. ir^niit fi-iiin i- Callrry on llic jircml-cs Klu'.-MrK n.Iri. to II) p.m. "My stock will always bo found complete ia-\ _ * (Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, j -Glassware, Stationery, Wall' PaperSj Window Blinds, Window Rollers, &o. JA^IES EYDLR, Proprietor. ^Speclalties^SAl'SAGE, OYSTERS, YARHOHTU BLOATERS, FIXNAX IIA1>1>1ES, &c, &e The G rand Lodg& "Jr O. G. T. of i Ontario', now stands third in uurn- ' ber of-any La the world, and fijian- ~rcialiy it'is first. - : V ' . -' "' A coEjpilaiion,of divorce statis ties for th'e past "year in Chicago 2'2i Kep airriage THE; FREE PRESS ^CTOtf; JIALTON ^COtTNTY, 0H1\^ MAR _-.'Dnjboginning the business of 1876, L.would return amcere thanks to mv nun oroua oustomgra lor tho vory'.jlbci'ral support thoy have given me during the past '22 yearn, and again I most rjospectlully ask a continuance of their[ re.spi>ctivo support. During tny tixperienco in business I hard pretty thoroughly fouud out the. .' -'- Ups and Bowh^ |in Tradbr V And nm fully convincoil tltat a ' Credit Susiness is a Dangerous Business to J Tjotb Seller and1 Buyer. J I am therefore determined to do a. i ReIady pay pus 13^ess And give my customers tho bene6t*y. giving them . Eign: per cent off for ^ksh oiall General \, - ".i ' : ' Groceries,,; (excepting Sugar). By doing, business fisianovo,,I ^yill have the cash to | ' ~ buy my goods rind eileot a . SAVING-OF AT LEAST 6 PER CENT ; I ' . .'" . MY CUSTOMERS WILL, GET THE BENEFIT, .! And in reality got ' 14 per cent for their Pleaso consider the matter over, and givo me your support to carry out ,; the "only right way of doing business, that is ' :!?, \H} -A. BTT JE3^.-^: DRUGS, 0||mS, DRpS. Srusrs, ObcaxiealBJ, Bye Stuffs, [ -. !i"'" Faao7rfta4 tfoilotrSop, BponffOB, BrushosJj : faints, Oils and Varnishes, .! " J. Faao7 and RiTjlJor Ocods. < PUBS/RTIiTEEi'ANC liIQITORS for Kfldicinal Pnrpoi iea only j All goods warranted of the beatquality arid ot ten per cent below Toronto prices. ' . ' ^ ' , i Don't:forget thoplace. Medical Hall; Mill street, Actoln. Acton, March 13, 1875. G. E REMNANTS! RBMNA.1^TS! Prevl6us~tb stock taking, we -will have our usual two weeks' of Remnants, j Every Uomnantin tuo store wilf be sold )DS & oney. y Papons, Carriages, Slcigrhs, > Cuttors, &c. In stock and, niadfe to Oriler on the Shortest Notice, j Strict atuntlon paldi to Sorbs-shosing & General Jo"tTbiiig and 9aU...-fict: on guaranteed, ActQ'n July Kt, \i~5.j 1 : . * shows an astonishing sum of mitr!! taonial infidelity and unbappifiesS. J- number of cases begun Celebrated .-Ointment caxti.eii the j : " " l>OOR MAN'S FRIEND, !i= coiifldently recommended tio the Pub lic a; au ticfaillng remedy "or! wounds of. eVei,: dtsTtptlon; a cerjalB enre /or LTtce ated Sofe' Ltip;, even pf twenty year.' siandiiijr; Cms; 'Burns, Scald, i3raU ess. tthilblains, dcorlnttlr .Eruptions, and ['irnjile.s'cin ihe K"*ce, 8ore and.ln- flamt-d KyeK, ^forc 'Heafls, Pore JJreasts. Piles Pi&'Lula.- and Cahc rons! Humours,' and 11 nSpociric for ibose jfTiiotlngErupT tlons tliatM'in^tlmp.i follovv varlnnation. In Pots at Is; Ijd. and is. 9d. each. .Dr. iooJits* Pilars AitisdrophulsB < ALTEK.NATIVE i*ir,.l.S, confirmed: by sikty ye:t'r>.' e?:j:-eri.encb to be one of tne -bV^t me<Uciiies ever compounded for -1>UTlfjfiL'gjthe'-blr-od, ami Nature itt hei oi*;{ra.ions. |Hen'e they.are nsefu*. PRODUCE TAKEN AS I CASH. - i I believe in the DISCOUNT SYSTEM, and an it.has proved very satis- fjicfory, I will continue to give the discount as follows: On 25 cts, 2 cents discount; on 50 cts, 4 cents ; on 75. cts, 6 cents;; on gl, 8 cents.' CohTey;4inccr, Issuer of Marriage licenses, Insnrnnce Agent Agent Money to Loan, Asent Montreal Tel. Co., Clerk Fonrtta Div. Court, Coin, in Q. B.,A:c. Acton. January 18, 1S70. ii i r i .i i JAMES MATTHEWS. Wm. Stewart & Go. IFl'XDHAH STREET. y-J_ ^(jijumber 526; decrees granted, 28-5 ; :--..' ir.ot disposed of,S1C9-^decrees fie-) \*^ffi$ nie<l 70., "The" civuses ii-e "sumSiar-'l dniiirfeweOiriis. particul - - , e- u . w . Li- ^.:"i^*4' N*-CtcJ &r. .T:it-v. for: lied as follqisfg: Kamily a j crueltv . ^.eorbut'ir Cumolalri^, Glnn ajiv ijjosf ip. peutfiit, which mn3: be uiken at . those of the m a mil'l and superior GIBLPE Wm 111: drunk- fall tliies .wlthOTlconlii^mentor chanee --T'-' ' ""if- ' - of dief. Sold in -Jioxvs at Is. J(d., 9.0d., uenncsE^ 6y. .- '* - -! . ' a. 1,-lis. and f " . ,c' \ . BY THE--PRap'BIKTUBS, : ;^"^^T f^^^^ Mr;i-BBiCH ANDiBAENICOTT /Elyih .Fhelps,:wbo.ts /'years cf j ; ; ._.- at TirEtR age,bas just finished-ciittfag a_ third j-oispf x'saky, CmrtroET, e!>ci..i\d, set oi teeth. The ftrst of this sec I and by all resDeotabtc Medicine Vendors was eat some four years ago, and atr intervals since new oi^s'.huve . been added;'.. The' last outs com- pleting^_ this set are jus't fairlyi - through the gums,. Mr. Phelps, is i, a .reouarkably faal<? old. man. Hfe I with" Mr. Asa Iearn, on tlie - fih coTicessiGn of'3Ialahide. ' j - The Essex Times tells the people I ofJ. Kent ib beware of a swin-- "Bevfarfe of Counterfeits, "For the protection of the public of Brlt- 1 ish. Xdrth America, 1 rler-Jn It niy duty io stat thatiny PiLL.'f a>'E> Vixtment are neither manufaclured nbr_'hokt In any jiart-oGttu- U>-tTKiSiArh.s,. Eacll Pot aud !i>k b*ir* the " Brftlsb .'ioveroment' Stump, With the words '" H-U-io-Wr-AY'-i PlLt,S AND OlNTMfXT, \fy>ND-jN',T' entrav.rd- th'^reon. I onr the "label i.H llife (lidress, .>C3 OXkop-D Stkeet, Thl.-i, notice has beconje necessary'. In -- ^.- , r >.. ,. con-'n(.(i!'nce o: vile and spurioummita- oler of the name 01 . (>iay, alias tlo.rsol "Htiliowa.v'xPituund Ointment " about j" wnfeMJ,brleat en Lan ;; New. ties iiiylinp '.'Hollwray 4 an a^*umed thus ' presumably makitfg^his w^y into {yon by JSeut.. He is said-to be from thir- j. _Je"ind ... tyts l.hirtyjft^e .years old, of -slighti "f."^^1,01^ ed _t 78 .Maid- York. o> par- h cm selves 3o.,"| with rade mars, McHTehry, die., who goes : pretending to be a deteeiive or offi^ ear, and hi/Idly arrests his victims,' X.whom he allows to go- upon- pay- I_ cbent of He has bled'fqnite ... W-nnmtipr tnrnnrrbnnt F.-y: aml'ki TJ.iprlnclnled vendors"can flbtaln this _ar.numiier^rirougnoui, r^ssex, anti.i8J.trasjr>a1 a v'ery ]ow price, .and soideceive ' ----------X- -----"iv selling the samafor my'genuine wjty!*'l'l:l< and Ointment, which hufactured only atfS33J Oxford Idol).. - ! I ' , .,,-,. , -, - ,-r- . .,, ,. ., I rersrms who may _be so. deceived will build, light complexion, with llgfafc-; hente^ed tocommuhiisitewlthmn. . jAde-whfikera "'Hia last ^attempt M&nr*?** ! iSJAi.^S'- was1 made near Stonev Point. ; ! Provinces, who obtain my mediciujes di rect Worn here, have very properly buk- trested ^liat I should, lonthe benefit of tlK-irasellves and the nubile, Insert their names in *hr> papers, that It' may be known :nat, my medicines can be nad g-nuine fr.iri-t.iiem. ' . The fo lowing is a list, of the firms allud- *u I*. 4.~.~~: 1? ~A.,.~ in*i;':i..t ed to: and 1 particularly recommend ihat-towrj, fin .Friday, 10th Ir^to.I, to The Arnprior 'Star gives the fol lowing particulars .of the horrible accident ufc the v^pollen factory in 'Mary Stuart,, an employee, wHle sweeping the fioor, was caught by a "revolving sliaftfjby of the head, and;, the .-whole pf her sealp was torn off from [the nape o the __neck to the eyebrows. One 0ye is , damaged" and.^ botb tears"; kre gone. - It was the most sickening: sight, to - see a bare bkull with bright eyes in , it. ~\ She does not ^experience ktny CTeat pain, and only comj^alngTof a - dullness la her heactc ~S inflamBia;-- . tk>n_doec not set in, she ,-will most 'likely recoveivrlt' will -fee remem bered that k girl was killed in a ; manner similar to the w ty; in -rvhicJi- the' accident occurred, in this fc- tory,- Boma'.four years since. Th'e; proprietors of the factory have had the sfcaft encased" to prevent the -' |ssibpity of Occident in^fature. apply to some of tne Houscsnamed: Evans, MBP.qEK & Co., Montreal.- Avej-.v, Utiow.i i Co.. Halifax, SS Forsyth <t Co., Halifax, S. 8 - T. Ii. BAirKEp. <fe .Spy., t. John, N. B. Afotiib, vi ribs' H'AS,i> Co., ChartottetowrJ -Lanolm 4 Co. Victoria; BC 'lociKE iCO.. Victoria, B.C. Dr^40uK Pallw, Chatham, KB MtrsjRb.S: Co., Montreal Sf AMiN8> <!: bo., Uamllton, Ont. ' HUTXl RoHE,1'orontv>. A_;:CHinMANiSMiTU, St. John, H, B. Jow ji( .id, uo/lerlch, Out Ei/MOT <fc Co., Toronto J. CnAt|)> John, S.B. , - Hasi.visihs. Brotiieus, Sti John.N."B K.S.'pK:t>i>T, Windsor, Ont Mrs.0Ri'EN, Morden, K78 - " GSoboeIi;. tfuNT, _!jn frederleton, "N. B \VT, H. TjiloKpsoN Harbor Orace, N,F. L JrSI. Wxj<t.t, FredJrldton, A, B W. &i)7\'vki.TCr'Mt\ntTeal.~ -' Cbas: l\ DAViBg, F.rederlcton, N B ' Theirdedicinps are.sold at the lowest wholesa e net prlws, in quantities of not less thai i20-WorthT-?vlz., 8s. 0d., 22s., ur.-l 31s. Der jdozin- boxes of Pills.or pots of Ointment, tor which remittances mast be sent l n advance. THOMAS HOL1X)WAY. J 683, Oxfcrd Street, W.C. au^uffil?,i i. tip ldon, Janetst, 1S7S. ; Are showing now Spcieal Lines in, Cheap Jackets. Special Lines of Cheap Dress Goods Special Lines of Cheap Cottons. Special Lines of Cheap Silks. Special Lijnea jpf Cjheap Flannels. Special Liies of Cheap Blankets. A Special A Special A Special C. T. HILL, Mill Street, ACtOX, DEALER IN EEMNANTS DRKSS GOODS BEjvlNANrS SILKS, - REMNANTS LUSTRES, " REMNANTS FRENCH MERINOS, . KEM^s'ANTft. PRINTS, ".' , ;' ' REMNANTS COITOKS (White and Grey)/ REMNANTS TICKINGS, ' ' . REMNANT^ UOLLANDS, '~; REMNANTS'FLANNELS, "/'. REMNANTS TOliVELLINGS, I REMNANTS SIJJRTiNGS, REMNANTS T\VEED.^, REMNANTS WINCEYS, &o., &o. MORROW. Oloaring Sale cl eap. AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. "O'crJi I WINTER OF & J Aro now olleredat VEKY LOW PRliSJESi To" make room for Spring .Stock. Uo-w- is the time to:^et Bafgains.," Call iiafc m Toll I. ^S' -^ j.College, Jaemb^ i and | Bf ict^n,.Feb. 15, 1876. CRAINE '$4 wioiwr A. O. BUCHAM Quo Faslilcroablo Wost'Enil DrciRs, Millinery and Manilo FKUbllshnient. ph, Fb. 81, 1870. CC _t3 I Gr-';KS.:-A-.3Zi Mi . -. ' COMMENCED AT THE '* .. Mammoth Hduse, On Friday,! Jan. Ith, I87G. The balance of our Winter Stock ' will be bleared out at i . : - -! " ' ' ".. Endrnioiisjly Lp>v Prices. 33 Wfl, AT JE%NI(3" KENNEDY ;B '. ' IIve j'uft" received their Fall Stock of Boots and SHoes; And arftdelernmined to continue to sell cheaper thad tb cheapest, 4- ::^ batter value for ydur money than ckn be hai elsewhr. . " Call and See for YoujrselVes[ and bring joxir Firendswith jq.u. . .. Examine pur stock which comprises everything in 'the trade of thleiwb" and most olegant styles and patterns b| English, Canadian ,and American_ manufacture. ': %. I"'"- i 11. ___ ' iwaB, f?ur?l i I<!S". *fa w Jf orir J . i College. (Ssna '"? Tueiays amt - s'.'p. rh..' Kesldetj ' Acrrok. . VxISis" */ -veyancer Is -. Postmaster,- Iij -Vohe'r ib Loan . jgrAp^i Co., Cierl eoraj in. 14. By, < ilE.M ,au'oer, L,lfff vA^sirrancel . *c.,iprfciare>i na 1 and ojE reiiionj I/O* ii, Sui Morii Olasgi* Hou.sV.1 MAT! m om<^-' Corl J Streetsj(ifbr"get| . , , -.AKornel Lf/'iiaiicery, .Ac.' -;'K ng. isma^T ;< ill ' 3R&bit' Office wl me-nt-V-f i>. W..CJ /law witJ'ptl.'-iid : Uon Trldiijlof tacl ? XI isrci the 3>| ntf K1 .4Aseni foj . All bo*iu |^,ilih"iully jBollcited m XI Lot of Canton. Flannesl Lot of Cheap Tweeds. Lot of .Winceys, Cheap. Black Lusl ires, Special Value. f '. ^t ^1: 44 WM. STEWART & Co. General Groceries, Boots and Shoes, "Wall Paper, Window Blinds, Crockery, Glassware, -.' Nad, ! ! . ' - '. ! Glass, 1 . 1 - 1 .:,.-- Putty, IiinseedF Oil,"w & souei . Paints, ; :-j ,:. If-""' Turpentine, - Machine Oil, OpalOpl, ; > SaltJ etc. The subscriber begs toreturn blsthanis to the inhabltoxitBof Actonandanrround- ing country, for the liberal patropaga heretofore extcndecTto him, and at the same time solicit their further support N.B.-Cash Paid fpr Hides delivered.' Aeton, July 1st. 1875, if T. HILL. Big I^educticn.; THE GOODS MUST BE SOLD. Prepare for Bargeins. Note the pi icrs pf a few of our lead- -.' -ln^ lines : \ ' " . * ! "' . Extra beavy Full Cloth, 40o per yd. ' Extra heavy Wool Tweed, 50o pr yd. Extra, heavy BlUketB, $3 00. Sp'endid Shawlp, $1.50. . . Splendidyackets, $1.50. Fur Setsn2 00. Extra heavy Funnels, 25c per yard. Extra heavy Factory Cotton, 7c pr yd 500 Ladies!'Whicey Skirls, made up, 50c each. 200. pieces Plain and Fancy Dress Goods, l^ic per yard. l 100 pieces' Beautiful' New Serges, "~ 20c per yard. The above if only a few.lines of goods whi^h ws shall offer at this our Big Sale. Jiemember.tbis. is. to be the grandest, ' ... "PUSH SALE" we have ever contemplated. Call and sjee ua if you want to buy goods |at panic prices. We shall be pleased to see our customers,! arid Bhow pur stciok whether they want to buy'or hot, XST 2?o troubh to show Oaodt.~f& ' MolSoD, ANDERSON & CO., Mhmmoti liouse, ' ,:;!' (iebrgetown. N. B. Remember ' our Ordered Clothing and Millinery Departments. :MoL., A. & Co. Georgetown, Jan. 11, 1870. , C3" frders promptly exeeuted and'gSott (it's guaranteed. I ' N.B.r^-All account's-Siust be settled this month. Acton Nov. 4. 1S75 EENNEDYjBRO*: Steam Carriage, MAIN STREET, ACTON. I*:'M ... General.Blacksmith, Carriage and Wagon Makerj Best Iiorse-Shoei"s in tne Cptoty .'.']-:". fl. . COLLAED'S PATEilit llRQN SAMdWS ! . Always ;on hand.; A Good. Stock of "Wagons. \ BEPAIBIN<; promptly 4nd properly attended to. Aoton, July J, 1875. \ w I . . i ,.tl ' . M Ii. , '- I. iljl fa i.j^~ z~r. ' '-' CONSTANTLY ARRIVING AT'THE " j \ '." CENTRAL "EM^ORIUiVli MILt STREET, ACTok. /< J : ;-' ;; Winter Stockj of "..." AND READf-SHADk CLOTHING .-_ " . P ^3 H. iL I 3ST G- vO ^H* IH^ / '[\- 1; G RJE] A T ! B A H GA, I listS$. ' ' In' (rroGeries^ ^ookerV- Will be found a caniplete assortmelht of the best qualityj and5 GrMs^are .Aotpn, Dec. 2bJ 1875^ ^1j^:MCflpL; SAL! N iXTSj ___ tilttou '.in Ca.ya?. tlie I ipateu t-A'iao.nt :or pri QfS'i iisfi aiiiB tae-yctirs ^'Meeiaaleai K| :t^nis *vid..Drafts ^iiiier aarrijtgq - (isy.Kojl Bus'taes' p- m fiffice at ihi. pf 1 *wai.ty, Hal ton. I VEBj ctonVi 0=j Jpla!t<ri"g and I itie mns^reui-OiJ tic a". -Oirantt't-11 .CTOS il B. -J: E.'xlj Ftni: anci F.eed iAl. Hn-i.xe-iii:. p*ii;-. U..SU- or] I.*; ' l31I.VI4> - t^jliert. ___.H'iJt Is -p.iyte'; wit|_rn.- tr.-KveUer^ft'i 1' p.'ud iit "5i do tToti jllrix-pnOlip, Kj:l .iquurs aud .Ci^ itienJ.ive:Mostli JI.flI.fi3 Iii^sensa' fchv' Couutiej .' orders 1-f dee, Ad Ijii , ockwo-id, will J erms feisonali wv Sot tie Sales atlSe a'de i iCpunty, at reajK^ Adiresa; .ir-L Sweeping ^Sale |;of Ready-]^ade poUiiiigL\]coii ervcedi tb-daj ht thie : i ' ELEPHAN 'vis?: - - . 'l"" ' I V . . -'-.-(. I-V, IRare j^anoei. Call anit Sfe ;ptir;;Pfi0es. January 4, |18I6; ; i "M6 fc LoiKor ^"yadiam Strtet, 1 -.-" >- ":, -"' B'iyww)ww*itagfag3ge>ft^tfJM?!i'wiB^iifg^ :|5 fe '-- 'TomdStoiJ &C-, iiade 1 and gat ud Coanfry. -. : est. ScotJ mentfi init)d '" A.1 tieal mirbll MVERY .': --./- .JF" '2SiS' PrSasurel it i^HIle genej-allj t-v..:.

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