Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 30, 1876, p. 3

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--$ ' 0M atterns M Si' I l *t-.ex- -: ...- ,'C S I w.-: ^p t,, at! .wfcj W. GES, L 0mmM -:' J ..' - ." .. -' - ! ,jTHE FREE PftESS, ^CTDN, pALTOlST C^pTY, -OIT, MAKCH LOCAL MATTERS. . -j-Mti;- Itertzog; nil evatii^list of ^e._tiiBCipl<^?," i holding rcjipiou*>cr".-- vicet h^talt hows' Hall, ojidh fc"vvtung- Revival services tire being fcett wry night t"h;s \rco)i in theMeth- odist Church, at CreyiiK>ii'$ Corners, t>y fov, Mr. C.-uvert aim others.' _.- The .Urge vesirJmg calf, owned the ryzzLim. boknu.K AcnosTfe n-o3-:. I -articles prirod by ladies, -n Village in Ontario. - - 1> ...I-.. I.V.:--. -A . ."* ' \y Mr. C. 'S. $irift.h, which weighed 1090 tfet^on hi* ciie -year-oldf Jjirth.iliiy', Vm been purchased Ivy Mr. \Yuju J.oy ei\, %f the;Scoteli-Block, ly^tiesiirgrt'or STtJ, Acton1, forhxTt iXimo mijsio.- ' 1? y- .Roman Kniporor, 1 -a town in'Seotl ind. r-a county in Ch'rthrio. ?.(x< J> -"- a KenUtMiiah's njimo. * city in Canaila, S -the- , ailoidiit - riauto for con iiuMila? 9-often foiind'in j_i4d;ihiJies^ ' 1U a city in ono of tli j ^Ninety-eight loaus of siwv-logs were delivered at l>:\>\vn fritaH?* jsa\v --imll one day last week,;-. gr*gat> of 7-t.oOO feet of UunVr. One iod of nonstock lo>3 ;V.ias::re.l- j JSllf. .feet.'.: This doc* not U'li much .fee-a ' .Vfndirrg'up of tire lumber huMiicss hv'ro. Try the- Hall, Acttii... _ ' -^ThcA}>nl Cattle Faiv will-bc*hcld next Thursday, the 0th p'rox. \Vo aspect to see .v very hvr_ro iiunfi>er of ono of tho OS. ':"'; io Kaateni NEW SPRING GOODS. /'. RECEIVED THIS WEEK, fT G. % SCOTT'S ! STORE, ' i < The Largest, Choloost and Cheapest Stock of \. PRINTS, DRESS GOobs, OottoaaAoi, ' - ly'i- . Plain aad Ob*okod Bucks, ! . t\ Cotton ShirtlajB, ;' -. .' :, -.":'. ) ; { Saittlnar and Oroohot Cotton, :.Y.. . Trimmings, Sco. Thcso Goods wcro bought \yjtli great care in tho best markets for Cash, and owing to the stringency in tho mouoy market. ! __. AT AN UNUSTJALtY LOW. FIGrTJRK. They will bo sold at fipm 5 to: TO per oent leas than Guelph prices. . . ., . , .....__.,. Gall and inspect Goods and Prices beforo going eliowhoro.- "CWtlc'on the. crvn'mK Several Imvers ..l,', _, ' frvimTorvfeto and v&^here have >i^i- " V',h-\he tandlo of a farmer's -Imfr.. M?ta"sL^?eLtte P <T"M"g0^ 0id ^^ PP8Ua Aj{!?eW'5 n^- ' ... .;.,.' . * xviam street. Acton. . i fled the-.r iKtoiif.oH-ot present, an.l tne :it. -. , -' Stalo*.. 1 .n.rivor in Kurojic.,' l! the namejof a hird.'. -llr honae- holu utensil. .- The initials read downwaWs, ta\A tho finals upwnrils, pvc tho imnio of otto of i\ur business men and what lio deals in. no.'niiK AORosi'ie.No^-T I it -I .Ian au cxtfnct'hiKl - 1(1--to eiiiluro.,i- S:\l-part, of a sitip. a-kind of dueJc. :li-^rfruit- "/ tith a liar,I kind of stono. th:- a"Turkish province. l^Ui- a part of the arm, ! th-jvvrt of a tlower. liHh one of the jii^ns of 11th part of-the inside \$ a church. ll-th USth-^-a well known domqstic animal J4th a small hirtl. -\ loth the last letter of the xudinc. tho Greek WcdL rmrtrirs-t fivraiers-vv ill e.:i,;e:iv or t.viuake- this one of the.lvst: fairs vie hjvt ev^r . m^ \had.' h.t -in tliis- vie:r.:ty .-.'few days as;o, auj f] '- -ahippctl from thestatief) 1;lK-. This is _, an evidrtice that the ilchU'rs snxious to-buy. l; . v ~ j -r-lf,.TPu want dr-.iv.iiHr liJi>\s.or. ^v^_-.jper^o"t"ii:eiMe.Ue:-.l H;-.!l, -V:>,<- ^ A .l>ra:natio .iisd- MiiMoal Ku- tertainnvcht^ will j^-' grvto i-a the Tem- ' peranet 1S;-JU this iTiiv.rsoayi eveniiiji . i 1> ly initials rea<hdownwa.Ws .will give l the name of ajjreat"Joiie.rjil ; and .finals read upward* w ill name one lis most important Ivattl -s. ANSrO.SlTK)X am used to.-tie as a ban ichcad. me ami I am ail animal. Transpose ine and 1 am'a.^rain. my he.vd and tjransjvose- me Aoton, March 14, 187;" G. M. SCOTT, ^ iii i .vestore- my ami tjra!..-j^..,^ ...^ v:n auvl 1 am -^v kind of filch _ :- l'r;isp,vse ag:iiu ami ho person would v to lose me. j.. uV.rtail' nie and I am jusetl in wino :trs Ileavi me-h:ickwar*ls and 1 am hi slight --under the.rau-pioes.,1i ;'.:e Ae;o:i l>!v:si Sons o: Tcmivr.-aice. . T'..epr::iV:; S.-a- torti-; tE-."e ev.tvrt.-.-iu-.' wiiriv t:ie TAMON;Il Vl'^Zl.E 1st lOj'Hl-- -J j-juiee of a tree; 3 a ilf-'tt ill. -.-]>:- an "African - ... ... . - : sai-..l luc.t.. :i --ill-ttiH. .-<- an "Atncan -prnrmv.n5-,.._-.:. -.. ,T ^., _ ..,.- __.ui. ^^ .. ^ . ^ f^ J^lltii V_Aai- re:,svrs, by the (jl-,-.^. S^-ta iciutof tiinji. 0-i-a' con- . jyoeirtfeAowa; 4>Kv;ryi:ic '-Clv-.b.'- Th: ".eiitjy .e::-.ereit r^e:^-:i,' r.nil i: .-..i'.' n. 1:i,.i.-:t- v.iii etit vif the ' .pttaiin^. -.^- '.fn the i"ie.vr. 11. :1. J^' Is sa:^ to.:, we tiv-.r:- Lfn ..r ,- An^fJ^-^r , :" ei:.:^e V-V-. ets "alsvi t^- jnv.a '.y sever..'i-.- tuil o:l.vis.^_V,'i; i.'-.-.-.'oi'^.t;. Tha irwtiri'.s r?\! ii~ the ^ci.J'1-:^-:. :*..['; ^Ytfu c.a; ir,-t ,":-i:u* r.i-yt Is nr.4 V [ son.; : c-iis r-: nar.t. >.*, '. --: The f>no'.eii:<_; atisv*crs ' hare heen, re- -Vi;.t t.. hiit' Week's'I'u'zi-Ji-sir l*rl>lein--AE the rirst irato he left S; t ti:.- sc,..::.h4": at thetfiW-.': takin- H- t-> -the old trcjitleiuaii, Biaking a otrdof I.". r.ppl.". "| :e (."" rrect answers- to the ahove "have teCORD Bi MONTREAL HQUSE,$r. ^uKBAajfcOJBJ.1;-'-"">t'-V'f y* -ji. ii..>,i.i. j-!!i!v.-^ii'^m*] ^--J"' rsoBca* CHEAP CASH jAdTG^I. -ii 1 ; . - 1 - ' - vci ~ ' ". "^ K - fr. 1 . '.- v'-- ".it. :3( Mew i&&$* r Ho Accpuats to Wigt,-.-;1-!,-.^ 2tfo;-SacLDei' 0oJ#- TlffiSS IsKjLlD^ lEj^STt er. 11 pi* of Actoa. *ffwn h will h i of all thrr himtf and-a!wjv j poUie la rav> "" IBBMAK. .- r ;i> J.dailj'^iW" ., ... l-ricillitj'. -".'Jj - |ea Coluiav .-.- er,*ndkp ^,-jwp | frwh. Alao -' r, iSiacnrta, -:;:;-: nWi- ia-i^v T-^f ^tcioB-(ccnetL. inst., -a.ll --U-'- ja- :u'.^rs\ i--"!!~ pr.^e::e. j JITrauttfs 'er'prrv;-"::;'. j-.iev::r>\.-'r\..-.'l :u:.l': 'ailr^tcih ... On Cjtiou 'j- Mr'.- VLrlii-e, jv'-- 'i-'^a ! by -Mr,-^niith'.jth j Ai: tii;-t;-rep -r_5 A-.i.s j ' received r.:.-!:.:.;!..' r<.i':.:l.:i^::"t.i--.Mr. "gmith. -vnitl' i-y >ej.-:-i, the Auditors' .-.'. u!.,L .^hliie-i state- ni-.Bt a-.-v :-:-- I-. - Mr. Christie. o:^:.-.:-.:-.a .: I'"nr.r.ce .. Cxr:i:^itr^e. r-.TH-rrto'l t'-.i.- i"-.-11.--.% \r.s r-*- ounts : H. .'^ b:fths. .lenths "Hallow?.-,-. l_7t , 1*. , Jas. < . and Lizzie K------: lhi~L.'itia^No. 1 dusatij lb. r.-:i. - !. -rr..!. H. r. --, J.-imes G i.--:t-Ki---. '": I-.-- J'h,-.r..d,:""Nn.":t; -. l:/i".\i well HeLrhiUitliain. -liam i j lojv. . U|tewelh ; I.i; ' -' i^zie K.1 , I.-r rojTiLrs-.tfM-ir ::!r.riv-.'^.-s. ^"T-i.Or 3'. - ' ' >%::K;.-<l:;eTtj--:'-h-hiTe r.r.-;e as to the liability f.? tje <.' j piy th-v ce- '-coaaicf II.' Ki.ihsr, o: >-;.-"J, f ir e. ::iita- Vl^^cti in th-e.!iyu6r case *>f Chii)Wi.-L-e .. Morrow. Tht.l'.eeve esplxrted-.'.hat the aise was trieitl l<ef"re iith and dis" mUseil for want of rallicient evidence t, -convict ; tni5.i;o, n.-'t ir.\^.:\ -:i;e pre Ca-tiol: to de:u':::nl fr.'rn the eo:::;j:.-.:.ii :-.!*.: a^lep^it <>: j;K-;:ey in r.'.v.-.:ir.- : < c >v . the c.'st-r ai.-t tiu-.t the e;-:iljj!-i::ani. had ^Kiu after ti^e i*;:.-::.: .--..1 j.I t -ixivl that he i he w^^ ~ R^iv viiir 13 lots a:i.d Shoes at. the v'.-.*ii Sy.-t.-::i. MoiieV saved every. time y-'-.i n-.:.'-.e"a p.irchase, Cliristie, ll-^Joti-a i C.i. j " : ' .- In adopting the dtrictly Cash, Systeihv w.e feel assurled that the public generally will heartily seconxi our cflbt&s to extinguish a system of, long credits, so pernacioiiajto- the interests of both jbuyer: and seller., To carry this chafiga irito operation, we t|.ave deterrnined to i^ffer.;-iall\Hfies.l^0f. goods at j lo^rer prices than ^ver fcejx^re sold ifi/'Ji^Lis country. ^ p ' - - i :-. o IO*- vm o We believe the correct principle of advertising ?4-N\-^hi,i'.Tiri....-.d:- and domg business generally to be, to show"cus- r:,-he - ' -" aIul tomers-and-btliers,-clearly, positively anil convin-^ t : '-* ' cingly, tMat it is to their interests to trntle wilh." the party adverttsing. This of cburse is hot pos sible to every merchant, for to do so he inust be .1 abieto show clearly that lie Can g;iv'e tJiem bettef se where. . v - ^ ;..:r."ii'i.t vry.hin-yoa wantat}va'ue for their, iiioney than' they caii get e th-j cheap ea-h:st'.!-e.-AL"ton.- A dollar ' ,*. t.'; case- iL i'~ ^vJ.!: ,yc.i:i,.:ai^^nttetim<v-|ff0 aceoiiipiish tliis, he must not only buy well but -' "' ^.. he must mark all Goods down to Bottom Prices, so that -customers w(ill see at a glance, that it is to their interests to trade with hiiri. rtLE.lRIX SALE OF @!HTR. 'GOOD'S Mc HAIR'S /.:. ir--*'- ,'* ,-A- ,! :., ?i] r" / '_j i,. ' m ". lej-allj^ li.ii le i!i)'.ier,.the;eirci:m->tii-.icc,- fur the prevalent of the coa-'.ttd-le's fee- himseji". r.::d if th'i C'M-.acil in.-i.-itc.i - upt1i"!t, he'y.;u .prepaTel to do .... Mr. : Christie. prj;^:t'i that c;i..-h of th-i. coiiii .j. ciilcrs ifhotfld pay 2._p_rr.ii'irtio;iate share . f"'the rcfciiunt. But this was ohjectcd .*to^by die other. me:nlx.-rs of the Council '_' on the score of its .ln.-iiig .-. legitimate] '. 'municipal ma*ter, "and ^'.nhl iie paid ,"- livthe-munivipality.) ?<Ir. .S'eeonl t:i>:-.l-; ' lv- uiovtil,. .secor.dr.d }.y Mr: IL-nmilt-.m/ -that the acupnut <fi 11- Fisher -1'-- ]iaid. "...,. C'-arrle.l. '^ Mr. Christie cal!ed--for the ,- ayes -and iisys.ahd tiioy w-ere re'eordeii. as <f< <>ws : Yeas Mrissrs. Secx.r<l,- '.jji-SBUt-^, hud -Ha'milUin ; Xay-^-3'Ir. Chris-- ' ~ - 1 The Jceeve reported that the money ' that bad jA-cyi-onsly ln;en placed in his hands for charifable purposes, was abmit Jczbaasteit;'that a .-largejjK.r'thin-of the v'430 hail l>een doled out to. "tramps/': an .almost innutntrahle nujnbtr ot whom! . nad eallfefl ijpon him for assistance dti-t- ingjthe' pai t two riaontlis. He tb'itijrlit a^r^ce wifrter was now nearly over,- ) there would ..not hereafter be so 'great a , Sir. Smjisi'moVtod, seconded 1jy Mr. Christie, that ten. dollars he.plact-d- m -..' Hhe liamlr r>{ the lleeye to he used for - .-<iEafitable ))nri>ose3 as rexjuired. " " Mr.' Seeord reported tin* the corhniit- '. tee appointed a,t last-isfoctingof Coun cil had c'Sairriaed. the ' By-laws and selocted such as should bo; printeiL. He u .moved,,Becofided Uy ifr. Hamilton, that ^Cr.'Hacking btjnstruetedto print 200 - coj^ies in piinphlotform of the Etpudin^f "By-laws of the rirunicjpality, also to \ embody tjierein the Auditors' abstract andrdetai4t-d statement. ' O.n motion of Mr. Christie, twelve ' copies-'of By-laiy 5.'o. 45, in r,espectr4o taverns, ire.-, vvert ordered tot* printed on cardd>o^rd to |>e posted .ui> in hotels. On .rnotion of, Mr. Secord, .Beconded " l^y Mr^Christie, (our dollars: were order- 'd-^o k jiiid U? each of the Auditors, , Messrs.-Z. Jlall aiul S. Carter, for their i -.... The -Council adjoarned.till Thnrs(day, ,'-/April ggth. -. -^ ' _vf-.~. ^-CicnW Fxdt.T-_Ha.ts ii , g_ren;t tn the two In the twjo frtvoices below we think >ye. clearly show the advantage gained by those who deal witii us, over thtise who don't. ereatly Eeducsd P^icas A customer bought bf Secord Bros.; , ;A large quantity of ji^eleJry To be rushed off at- I7BB7 t0 JfilOES. HEIGH WSTQP 5 lbs. Meteor T6"n, fiOc. per lb...... 11 lbs. IJright jSujrup-....... :.:.-.. , . . Meilitim Bright Sugar ...... 1 lb. B<5st Hyton Tea.............. 1 set Knives and Forks........ .. 1 set Chins, _44 pieces....... /..... If gallon Coal Oil........;........ An ithcr (jp.arty who didn't buy at Secord; Bros., had f to pay the following prices lor the- same'goods: S2 50 h 00 1. 00 -. 1 -MX - ; 4 00 30 Si! 15' 5 lbs. Meteor Tea, 75 per lb .... 11 lbs Best Sugar.............-... "12 lbs. Medium Bright Sugar .".... 1 lb. Best [Hyson Tea ..,......... 1 set Knives.and Forks ...'.___. .-.-. "1 set China, 44 plecek............ I gallon 'Coal Oil '.\ ........-----'.. Brought down..."-........i. What's the Matter? Why any person who wants ajgood and cheap __ > *3 ' vkrietjl of-style and equality cheap af8r| ' <lhrabl<K-atthe Caslitiyi.tcui.--Christi&,.j -Uecd'essiinii. CV. * -, ' . "-j ^Li " SET OP HARNESS Should call on HOBT. GREECH, '" M5LI/ STT^BEET, ACTON, ; Who Is always ready to supply cus tomers -with everything usually kept in a first-class Harness Shop. ~ ; Harness made to order oh'.the shortest possible notice. ' /?"" :- - ' - ' C0LLAR3 A SPB0IAl.tV- . . R. CKBECH ,A.cton. Nov. IS, 1375. . .i ?3 75 1 JO 1 (-9 1 oo- 1 75 . . 0 00 35 JS15.04 .r\ll 15. . ?3.89 V9 and being: opened up: as- rapidly^ as possible. ; A iMlin^ spectibn of goods |and prices we flatter ourselves tydli fully sustain us in anything we say respectm trouble to show go6ds. Inspection invited, ^fie rhenjbion a iew lines.. :"-j^-tv ^_" Our stock of Prints presents, unusual attraLciions, froni 7 cents up. .:::. :' O-rey land "White i Cottons, best values evefc oSeredl, Cottonades, Ducfcs, Denims, Cbttoh Shirting's, &oi, at from 15 to 20 per cent louver than last year: 1 I f LSilES'V:BMSS'vGO(}DS,;:C Gents', Youths' and Boys' Felt Hatsrat cash probes^ No one need go^vfthout ajiewhat, ti4o>wi& tnuch talked of hard times. All ttie; very/ latest igiajkes1 and! styles in i English, American and Canadian jStraw and Felt Hatis (constantly on hand, .;'"-;.;; "2- j These goods are bojught direct from theimakers, :| on jfche very best t0rms, and can and will be- sold: cheapM i^an;- the cheapest. :|We- su^oin a few jm neatly flnishied OPrunellas, only ^56., generally-sold M^xm^ dollar; Ladies' iine Button Prunellas, $175, generally sola" at $2.25 to $2f50; Ladies" Prunella Tie Shoe, Mel latest novelty, very pretty, only. $1.3G; Polish Tie! ShQ^^arhe price; Gents] QaiteVs, $1.75 toi$2;50;vGents' Alexia^ c new article, ^old at outside points for $4f bnly ^2;|l(EeM'fei Brogans, extra value, only $1.15 all other} lines in ^rd$c^ tion. These goods andprices will bear comparison: rnos|t; favorably with anything ofTerfed either in large lots] tot single pairs.! ' r n this season will rival spared to mak it the most attractive ;S|bw Boom lin jthe^ -' fL" J'-l 'to I .4-1 >" all former efibrts. SN"o painCwiU two cdtiiitie^, not only in style and quality of go in cheapness as Secord Bros.' customer thus sayed -, no less than 89 on a purchase of about eleven doljars. The man who didn't buy from them now thinks.,it- would have been itoIds jriterests if he had gbne to Secord Brbsr^That man is now a living, standing!, walk ing advertisement for us. These are every dayl: facts, witnessed to by Wimdreds of our customers, anJ commend themselves to the attention of every ' >' frifg'al housekeeper. Orders of five dollars and upwards delivered at Georgetown, Nbjrval, Limehous(f Guelph. TJockr vy|iod, &cM free ot cliarge. j ,v \-' bulr oxrs, New and Fresh at bottom pricea , h1 A.-li^(^TTS-::5;0A' OS^^^!E3;: t^ SEC0HD BROS., Aoton, ^ 1.: Tho largest Rotail Importers of] Te^ west of"Toronto;' i e-r; :p';*^e are. assured; has no ]rival^ and; as we shall ppntmiie be s^ll the same line entire sati^factioh cah jbeT ^arahteed 12 POUNDS OF BRiaH^lSUG ^ Best brands of Tobacco, 10 to] 15 jp^r{cent below rjb lar prices. . ~'^:. In fact the public, can safely f^fy on Bavih^ "SO on every do;llarih cash invested wiffirM V'-f";'^ ' I For which:we! will pay cash when r I A call solicited^ 4BS1 _ anteed. Norsedohd priidfe.; Gpodfe all\%m^v^d"-ia^JHi0^M prices:, |how..j .....CK':Ml^$l|^BpfeSpEfe ti __.^-..^^a^-.v-.- ..:-.^.-'... .._..,..,.).., H^; iwifjfcvfjsli mm ^a

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