Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 30, 1876, p. 2

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PaVJiaJ^ljKyVry. Thursday Morning. $1 Bor :Anmiin iu Advance. M- 'S K ACKIMO TOiToV " f i- v ? .*! - Your donuj thin ing t| THE FREE PRESS,[ACTON, HALTON COUNTif, ONT., MARCH 30, 1870. '^ '. -i ~ , TKmaKAT Momnxo, Mauch 30, 1S76. The-Ne4 Twern & Shop l*r - ~ ~?] -- ' Tfte-CoiWiissnmers and inspee> .Sirs for th4 various districts iu On tario "have bcnr~ap|bmted, and "their names .announced^ Tlie G!<<!*' ot Monday, publishes the:-complete list for tlfcv whole -Province, from which we I select the following for Tfctlion-County : .~ r- ! * Win. Bunton, " of Wellington Square, Johnson Harrison, lof -Milton, amF'VY'. fl.: Young, of pakvillo. Inspector, Jus, A sFi-fcso-jyof Milton. .;',:Tlie coiiniissioiui-s -are men of good character and: high standing, -_e_aidd \re believe " they will perforin their duties efficiently "all d impar- - tiilly. The-office is.enritvly an -l-! Jji^uOrary jbue the commissionei-s receiving no -nav for their services. The office?f-Inspector.-we belio.vij. has fallen ;into good Lauds. Mr. - Jb'rnser has long held the p.bsitioii'"of Sheriff's BailirL in Milton, and we | . bare reason topiramic he will dis" ffebarge hisfonerbus duties faithfully ,- and intelligently. The salary is by' ""'no means exorbitant for the -. amount of wort the-Inspectors-are- ^called upon".-to perform,: it being based at the rate of '?-iU0 for the first ten tjhousand iu a license dis trict, aucl |$50 jfor efith additional, five thousand of the, population. This iilloM'ance covers'all traveling expanses.. The Inspector will re^ 7quirelo visit- each- licensed house iu his. district . frequently, to have - , general sii{>ervision ever tbeTn, and to see that there, be-Ho infringe- - ' :, -'.- /: >Tlie; Mumeipai Councils and the License Commissioners -bare juris- - _-diction: m their respective ..munici palities and- are equally responsible conv the -prov theiil jury be cob. tore. Murderers Sentenced! to i . bo Hanpod ! trial of'.John and Jam j for the niimloro/Ajhol Mrtc- \ near Calatfonia, occupied the of tho Ilaldimand Assizes ihnriilav- iiiut Saturday Ja'nd was ' Africa, has sailetl for England GENERAL NEWS. . Mr. Win McOluw,of_ .Esq nesting^ (has pujvhased hho Lucknow. Mill Property for.ST'jfilKV Lieut. Catuenon, who. recently completed his tjxp'oriitionir ncyosH cnc: uded -! on Monday.. ii Severa >rnatidns, overheard [botwtHin jrisowera when in R>\bl, ,\voro given in tlio-fTiilencOj.! Tli|< defenco rostc J niainly on the, evidence of the j:irl Barber, but' ber.testimony d to be false;"and she herself i of perjury.' 'Thoevulence of '-guilt*~vas wo strong that the bad no ditliculty ! in ' ruiuleriug a ve -vliot of guilty. ~ .Tudgl> Wilson send need both -'prisoneri? to bo iiaiuetl.on the '21-st of June. On Che foilowiii'i day -fliey confosstjd ^heii guilty aiul udniittedf the evi-- ideno of -tho pivs'ocutioii. T-hi'V have given:a full statement of .their actio us.- ' They preceded iMaoidbn- il,l, :,nd lay in wait for him. Jul"1 str'ck the- fatal blow, ami after ritlin' the pockets of theiV-Victiui tlii>v iii>turncd fo Oaludonhii by way of- thp railway bridge. ' i ' I A <himn^fng ',-ttirm passed over ]Se>- Englaml on Saturday, destroy-, ing tv large amount of property mid cansing.delays.iti niilroiid travel. . Flora post office has been chang ed to Floridalo, awing to tho con fusion arising tlirough^-tho. similar ity between Klora and Flora. -Two cows hecidentjy shut ?ip in nit- unused stable in Meafocd re mained in .durance foi* ovt'r two weeks, aiid "woro shirved to death. S A convention of base bnllei's is "to beheld in Toronto shortly, when a plan will be set on -.foot"for form ing a Dominion Assoeiatibn. The Independent Order of Odd Fellpws will celebrate tlio iiiinivei'- Siiry of -tho .establishment of their Order-in Canada on th,o I Oth April. A woman wm found dead near . Oshawa, Monday ni^ht. She was partly" covered with .snow, ami turns out to be an old vagrant of tlse vicinity. ] The Frinco of Wales arrived at Hints ' Butter I'JUn- <f the Frtf .Pff.'.t. the.Wasoii.--of the year is now at baud when-^butter-making y Suez'on Saturday mid in tho after- I noon left for Cairo, accotiipanieil by M. Do Ijesseps and several Egypt ian dignitaries. :" The seduction case, at Middlesex of Me Fwen vs. Torrance, Township of McGlllivi-av, resulted in a yerdiet for plaintiff ot ,$f>00 damages, the full, amount claimed. I' Tiris -coof of. *Jio i\ ri v i n g . sheds. at- fticlied-to Marshall's livery stables, on !?5atur- of the utmost importunec to ii1:l>' l'.v K"ovv. Mm|..i'titel'y d*-stroying tidmen that Canadian: butter [*,x l'.<'i'?i-;s lLf'"- cuttci-s. The xs carried oil to a consideratrle t ill our country and in'our l>orboad, I. venture to throw , j . tome suggestions which may laable to'manv.^ ;T1k! produc- p-,buUer in Canada isigAidual iV-.ising and we as C- medians look. to;a foi-eign ni;uket every wjiere we can disposio of pur us"' p'lXHluction, wluc'.l cannot'.' |t:wlieil to Marslmll'sjiveiy ' It1 is there- |-|^lilton, was crushiid _m i >1 have a good reputation and iaahd u high price in .foreign lets. But'I regret to| say that id not the caje, and-jmttirh of Canadian-"-butter."that| is. 'iship- loss is at least $">00.- The ne'>t-t..meeting' of the Fruit Growers'_As.sociatioii ot" -(.'aiiada, is tixed for some, tinm in July, to be ijfld in Ilamilton. The lnoetin.? to Fnglaiut is s-.ilJ, -not for j \vill \jq ^jn- importaiit one, as the la^tLr and thei use-for which but- l merchants mid shippers know the-c3 facte they are slbwtb venture the i.izaitlous expcriuient bf |>ayiiig ;h price for aii inferioir ;irtic V ,"' for the proper cany-'in^lout of the. And- should .ahything bv\t a first m"i i%m ~,X is:?! '-. 1;ii-"fi-;-t m^nm-:: = -11 - It: It.' iW - Y}?-'. -law ia .all ita details. -_The.Coun- -r cilsi have already; in most cises - passed-by laws Itmltinglhe number ; o?:licenses to be issued, and it will ;. - . " l devolve upon: the -_' select sucb housts as are-deemed' most worthv of receiving a license. . Thf law provides that ,i'll applica-. tions for shop -licenses must, be, handed to the. Inspector on or, be fore the 1st of ApriL There is no - si>ecffic mention of the time when applications- for tavern licenses .should b sent in, but they should be transmitted as early as"jKssible, {"'and" we suppose also to the Inspec-- '- tOt!. m wmm d?:v.- ^mm-^ if: i-:. '.3:r'"'-4.'.'-:^ , 'i.jrJ-fJ}^',*;'.-;.-' ' J i yS!!:S ::i~4 iv'^lsiii' f.t--- --' - .;_EASTEB.- . ..-, It seems thai- there is some doubt this year as_to: whether the proflerday Las. been selected for Eater Sunday. St^voral cortmumi- cations have appenred in the GMm and other p;iFters on the subjex;:, and-^me. doubt evidently exists. AlFthe.idrmfhacs we haveexamined agree in fixing the 16th- of April as "Eastef7 Sunday,, aiid for that reason, if for no other, we think they muFt"be correct. The" doubt has evidently arisen from the _foct ..that it is.esdbrally understood that Ei^ter if? the firet? Sunday after, the firtit full- moon after the'21st of March. -Tbe first full moon after occurs this year on- the jiight of; the 7th and. 8th of, April; consequently some "think that Easter - SiUfday should be -otc tbe &tH: On :-lookitig. in Qharnbgr's Encyclopedfa, we find, howes-CP, thai it is .not the Usual calend;ir nioen tliiitfisN, meant by those who seMlul thi.4 asnual religious observ- " ancfit biit :an," imaginary moon " which may come to its full two or three davs latertlian the real one. We tlieccfore incline go the opin ion, althoii^lj the subject is not at all in our line, that tlfia " irnagin- -srry moon," was a 'littlfi later than ths " other 6ne"!thisyear, and con . t^-quently the almanac rineil are riidit However, those who are interested needn't take- our word for it, but may study it out foi{ 'Jttfin& 1 vrf. . ,Froim\i\y- they is i 1Y arrive nt th^ sa'Tiie conclnsion. re J the s-jlectioiijbrfruit for the Centennial will tbo'Ditbe-made, i - is iutci:ded, but for low price.; Now this; niuitl. , ,_,,., . s ; and 'who "are thp losers ( . l '"?' I1>wn and the students of . it. is ths merchant who ships the Olitanb Schcl-of Agriculture -ill lose, if he bus. paid more 1 at Cuelph havejust..completed ccr- the price!-of grease 'for i"t, and j tain , levelling^, which show that w- -- ' ' the building otvthis institiilioh' stands on'Ian elevation of 1,122 ft. above the sea level. It is suggested that a grain! move should bo -made throisighbuf Hie eastern townships to grow willows accordingly -offer a-. n:dt^tt'd ' along, H}io,.brooks and river's, be andil benevB-tbere'is as m'u.cb'[ cause ofs their, beauty, their protec cla-4 article b^iotTered to them, they will ))'.JC libg^aTid expense, iueurrekl in ,pror] tion of the, bank's, ami the co'iiimcr- dilcjiig the inferior article as there j ciul value of'tbe"-twig. imthe. good. Who- then m ist ] x|,c ^ of ^Vvld--& Da.linjr y be tlie loser? the produced , farmer.' < AVould it not be well, thei t for the husbandmen in oiir m d it to give this matter duo cArr- side -atio'n, and therejby devise sonie: Jiias ,wihereby a- batter article iVbivd be prod^tced, whicbr-in itsj tun would- yield a profit: to the pilot ucer." There are "many^ways by ' rhich the quality can be deteri- orated and the value lessened, bilt ttieie I think it uni^ccessiiry to na.n e at present^ as many are^ now tqo rahiilbir .with-^ to their owtf loss. But) -- i- .- to (,ixty dcgi-e<-3 a? po4jul^. a.n^ {^fora.ed for tho purpose of bdying Out the whole Indian Reserve on :The other-nighfc, in tho^ House; in renly to an aUusion made by Mr. M^;uiua ia life (^/ote.J'lr. Mackenzie de&iedlh.-it it wag either ids o-gan or that <if thfc Reform party, or, go f far as he knew of aiiybo<ly. - A notorious tavern keeper in Montreal h;is announced his inden tion in {he morning.paperspf incur ring "the expenses bf one of^bis patrons who died recently in'tlie Hoosg of Refngp. Tliia i ono way ho bus of advertising his business, j.~This\will be a busy year.- Just, '^r^thiiik of^t^-3G6 ditys. 53 Sundays, l'-'ftp year, centennial celebration, ; -arid the' Fr-sidental election, and pei-han^ the inilfouium. ) the Liverpool, London & (.Jlohe In surance Company, was once more decided in favor"of the plaintiffs on .Wednesday in the Court of Error and Appeal. '- '.:', A man luimed.IIendei-son, of the Township of'Elniii, committed sui cide last weck^- He was sued for seduction, and breach of |iro:niii>o, and compromised i the matted by hanging himsslf. i Smith, the blacksmith, charged with manslaughter at' the Middle sex Assizes; fbr subbing a boy .with a. red iiot iron and,inflicting a fatal rwound, was tried to-day, the jury returning a verdict of '-' -^ot (inilty." "..- ,- '; The Hamilton Spectator reports that a Company, composed' of A curaoiiH caso of doubtful icloii; tity luiKjjiiHt -biieri fie tt led in Ireland by death. Lady -Longford, in 1B(M:?; guv-o lifrth to twin (ions. As the- elder must inherit the title and es tates of Longford, euro Was tiiken to -mark (he.lirHt-ci)iner by tying u blue ribbon about his little arm. Tho jxvir, howeveru having beeli care.JoHsIy laid by tho nurso in otio cradle some:diiya nfter, tho ribbon cauio ofT.nnd had to bo- again rnit on by guess work. r\Vj]liuni! tire elder tints selected, died the other day, and Thomas has* now become,: without .n disturbing, doubt, Lord Pukenham by ^ourtesy, and if- ho lives will becomotho Karl of Lang-, ford. . j r 7F0II Tlti: CES*f-ESNlUL.?'H. Uaggart liros. of .Brampton, linVo- iiianufabture.-l a Threshing Machmu' for exhibition at Fliiladelphia, which tho Jlmuirr dpNcrilies as ii splendid specimen of Canadian1 skill. The machine cost llio manufacturers -over $l,o00. , ! ' -Eighteen car-loads of articles for tho Centennial Exhibition left Montreal last week for Philadel phia. Another train of; eight or ten cars will leave in a few days, anil these will tuke the whole of Quebec's quota. An inquesti was held in the town- ship^of :East Wawanosh, county of llurbn, about' seven miles from Wingham on Frid.iv, by coroner C. T. Scott, on the laxly of James Mo- Court.. Deceased was a respectable well off citizen, but bad been for sonic time past'wrong, in his mind, lie, on several occasions threatened to jtntfm end to his existence, Ijijt his jfamily paid noattention to liiru. On {Thursday morning last, he rose? early in the "morning and ran dbwn i.o the river Maitlaiul, -and deliber ately jumped in.' lie was .tracked to the water's edge, and his remains were found a short distance- from whe'ro lrts lait.'tracks were seen. Tl.o juryji^tyrned a verdict of sui cide committed while under temporary insanity. laboring CilK.-U'KK. THAN" EvKR ! Im mense stock (" r>o"Ls and Sliops, of all kinds, just Ui liaml' to arrive at t-'Iiriftie, Hendt-rfon &'Co.'s el;erip.ea.!i store. Their stock ii'i-.quantity, (junli-' ty 'and ciiea]>;u.-.t3 is ^surpassed I'V Uu.l'i-iiviiiue. 'J ia-.-i|.ly tinisliei! d prunellas marvel oj eh'capucss. bouejlit direct fr>im the inaiiu Theffl the .i'j-nviiioe. 'J'iicir beautiful tinisht oj etic : boiiCht ________ lacturcrs, ami wilLbu fold froni into '2 [)er cent, lower than any other house/ <tive tliem a call. The secret ift they sell for cash. - &OU: hi.i;li eut Toe. ,-i.s a goods ar 'Act. -Christie! Henderson it Co., ,. on'and I after 31tt iu-it., will ad here slrieily to tho c:i--!i systtin. They are mueh pleased to hear from their numerous customers that this change is very generally approved of, and can as sure them that! no effort will be spared to supply the.choicest goods at tlie very lowest prices. I All goods marked down to bottonr prices. >iew good3 arriving (taily, ptircha.'ojd direct from inamifac- tnrers and Jlrect importers. These t; lacing pnrcha-sed on .the -best I terms, cannot be undersold. Tlieir.fa- | mous 50c tea still ahead. . - -;-------------! ---------i---' there are some golden rules, width, if complied with, Will-tend to zood results. The 1st |s, keep | on!f good- cows, feed them plentyt of good wholesome food, and pure' watk-r to drink. 2nd^-use a churn that biiugs-- thej butter dn thirty. miTkites, 3rd-i-Kec-p the t-empei-.i-!. i ,., . . . . . ._, . 1 r .i -; -ii i -j - wealthy Americans, with some Can- tuxi of the milk and creain as near'-.,,; ' , Y " ' adians too, has been or m to be clns-n the cream'when oily slight ly'sour. 4tli; Work.the butter wit i the ladle and net] with the hands; if waier is used it should be purs and cold. The butter, should be gashed or cut in working, not phi; tered, or flattened outj; and be suro that all- the buttermilk- is exi- tracted or it wiil sour thej butter in <i few"days.- .oth^Not more thjiii one oujice of Ji'jie- dairy salt .should be i :sc4;: for each pound ' of butter, and forjpresenr use less is prefer able to miany. Work twice,'with an interval' of .twelve' hours be tween; then, take to market at pne*, or- pack ii firkin p'r crock; and rat all times k.eep-the butter- from being long exposed to the air. I lirnily believe that'if-i thescJ:o.r FlliES,-^-A| disastrous fire broke out in tho village of Blenheim at about'half ' past seven on jSunday evening. Eight buildings were de stroyed, and >>ome stores were pull- ^ ed down to s ay tho progress of the. flames. Mo^o of the wer1? saved, although greatly dKlnaged by moving. A iire broke out in the rear of Mr. Raper's hotel, Port land, Ont., en Thursday last, de stroying the luilding and contents including a fpan of hbraeii. The fl,imes : spread to the mljoining buildings, dejtroying'iin unoccupied store belonging to Mr. John Iluni- J. Gallaolier's "roce'rv store. simijuar rules were observed, that, ship at which will be pJUced at a Jtiw fee ; they hope by this means to defeat the object of the License bin. , ' - buttjer-makiiig would not; only be com j mote ])rofitatde ta tjhje produc ers; and more desirable, for the mer ;bants, but more rpalutable to the ionsumers. ' iy. X. Act^ii, MaVcb 20th-/1876j/ ' . Aj SiiAiiP REiiKbY. Iowa pi-oca.ssof diminishing the evils of the iqnor traffic is.aiLeffectual one. Lisl winter. a'Norwfigian got drunk it .l'ecors+i, in that State, ind-while una ;r the effects pf the liquor he had imbibed trad his?-haiids and feet so badly frozen that ithej- bad ito I; a amputated." His wife broijglit an < ctiou agaipst.tho' th-u.ggist whoj had sold her husband'iibuor," and obti ined judgement against him' last week for -$9y^00, I To make the liquor dealers responsible far the results of overdoing their trade, appears to be "a sound method'of ind " ...... limil thei th& Grand River, aiid settling the IbdiaDs no^y living tliero in Mani toba. . ,."'.-. A new-born child was discovered in an outhouse of the North Amer ican Hotel", Collingwood, on Satur day n^orning. Tlio child was brought into the h'ouee, und is still alive, although it must have been in the closet nearly"an hour. The mother has- only been in Colling wood a few days, and was engaged as servant at the hotel.- ' Several saloon keepers in Toron to, in anticipation of not getting their licenses renewed, are complet ing - arrangements .for -converting their premites into blubs, Micuibcr son,- R. Brown's carriage shop al other buildings. Bownjanvijje had \Vhich Btr.iick ho'r with tho {ovco cannon balls. One of the pjiiRson g'ura rohites that lib wuh lying in his berth, looking out of the cabin window, when tin) vessel' suddenly shipped an' i'mmenso. sea, which caused her to iquivKr"; and rcimnncl lis if slio had 'strufk'a rock.:' Tho sailors wero_: tluoWn iiavrvi i. -with' such force that (ioine of thein had their ribs brokereond wero render ed insensible.' This wave struck tho VesBol forward," smashing- the. bell, sweeping- aWay the signal gtin, and breaking tho'do'nkey engine. Fortunately, however, the i-Jires wero not put out, nor wns tJio liia- chinery seriouuly injured. Shortly l.nfterwardH niiother lieavy sea: came over tlio vessel, breaking. i\\- tho sky-light and frame-work ov<|r tlio1 engine-liko so m.uch . ]mpei-;, dis abling tho steering nppuratuji and wheislv carrying of! thu; head ktays, fore-t'ip-gidlaiit mast, anfl live boats, and stavipg in the hri< go, | The sudden shocks caused considerable alarm on i board, especially njiiuiig the Btcernge passengea-s, which, is cc'tiiinly not wondered at when otlicei-s aiid veteran sailors expressed ; the uunnimous ojiinioii thrtt they bad nover before experi enced such a sea. The captain however, who never lost' his own prcsepco of mind or his confi dence in his vessel, soon restored .comparative culm among the fear stricken.j two young ladies! who- were lying on a sofi in the cabin were pitched- over a table at home distance from them; scarcely touch ing it in their flight, and werejthen. unceremoniously projected ..thrjongh an ^idjohiing door, luckily without susta.iiuiigany seiious damage;! The helm was closely lushed to, in order to -preserve.-for future Vise the con- trolir.g power of the vessel, as mean while she bad, of course to the sea's trough, which she- contin ued to do for two days- and two nights. The steering'.apparatus was repaired as spf-edily us.pof-sible und got to work with the h.<ilp..of the donkey engine, the- water was pumped out (which occupied riearly a day), and things in genejnl on board ship were put as nearly as possible into their normal condi tion. About eight o'clock on the Sat unlay morning following the accident, the sturdy vessel' was again'under proper control, und the remainder of the voyage was passed with tolerably fair weatl er, and without further mishap. Portland was reached at 7 a.m., on the :20th. "' ' i ": 'I Kl'i'.s'. Cocoa. Git.VfErt'L and Com- loi.i'iN-fi. '.' By a thorough knowledges of the natural laws which govern itlni .peratious . of digestion and nutfit|on, aud by a careful application of the 'lino properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Kpps lias provided 'our breakfast tables ;ii-nh a delic/itcly flavored beverage rt-hich mayisave us many lieavy d.>cti-ors' >ills. It is by,the judieiouK use of such irticle.s of diet.tljat a constitution may built Up until strongeboUgh to resist every tendency to .Urease. Hundreds of subtle lndla.liea are (lhatiug around. .113 reii'ly to attack wherever there is a weak point. We mav esdape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves Well fortilied with pure blood andia bro- perly nouriilied iramu." Chil. Sefriee \}avtte,-r Sold only in packets labelcjd f'jAMES Kits .& Co.,! Homajopathic Chcinist, 48, Tlu<eadneddle Street, and 170, Piccadilly, London." oP I NEW '-ADVEtlTiyEMEiNTS.' I BIVA And otheir luiixuries ' A STODDARD'S BAIAAR Buy Cheap Now Is the Time to A Frosli OyBtcin, Co"e Oi-jstcrs, Canned .Fruits, I^obsters, Sardines, <tc, - . ' "' At^StrODDAKD'S. Frcah Fruit in grew; abundnnco . ! At STODDARD'S. Best A. 1 Finnan ITad.lies at only 12 ; cents per lb., or 10 lbs. for a dollar . ' ' At STODDARD'S, t i In order to accom modate my numer- I bus customers and riy increasing trade, 1 I have considerably enlarged my pre mises. _" "' -i . -.: , GEO tlOF, STODDARD. UNDERTAKING CALL AUD SEE bl<DKsfc>N & Mc SfB^STG- STOGE. - Large, Lot bf PRINTS of tlieMost Select Patterlig ;',:. v -at the'"'-, ' '. -' ": E^.^E' E3ST3D. 'N-- Also'(:iie Celebrated VVXVAS COTTONS' at ex? ceedingly low fates; I !< Vre have now an Immense Stock of Of tho Bei t I'uptterna that can be had. in the market, . j . a"W|c'are detcrmlnctl not to be undersold. ; J Acton, March 29, I876. DICKSOH' & ifcKAB The undersigned begs leave to inform the people of Acton and vicinity that he will furnish all Requisites in Undertaking I . > -. on short notice and f-casonable terms is can hi had IIcarte Also that) Pit up Stores & Offices in the be* Mxt>yt^ Casnif Book made toj FUJiXITUllE ' Shop on Willow street, !" .-.. P. Acton, starch 20, jrocery dwelling-house a tin and hop and sover- a disastrous cing them to restrain jit within \m, safe themselves and customers. Black Dress Goods in Lustres, Colxjures, Cashmeres, Persian Cords, Craj e Cloths,. &e Sple nlid values, at Christie, Hendeison &.~ (. n.'e cheap etteli store^ Lively frio.S; fresh and ncxr, from 7c. up, Uyci jfborly wants lliein. I . . . The.cheapest stock of Prints, Grey and- Wliite Cottons, Cottonades, Sec., ever offered in",Acton,.on exhibi tion at .Christie, Henderson & Co.'s cheap cash store. Beautiful Prints, latent styles, from 7. cents up. C., H. & Co. are bound to be ahead of all coin- petition in selling goods 'cheap,' to meet the hard times.- Don't fail to examine their stock, just arriving fresh audnew, rock, bottom pricea.; Their fa mous 50c tea still ahead- The secret is they do business o#strictly cash'terms. Tiie Whitby Divokcit Case. On-Friday the examination of Mrs. GimpbelLl;was: concluded. Mr. Gibson, ex-Mayor of Whitby, and Dr; Adams", of that town, were ex amined. .They gave evidence ^flatly contradicting . Campbell's brother and Anderson, in the most.essential points, and eventually convicting them of wilful pierjury. '. If their testimony is true, the case 'is set tled, and tho Bill-will in all proba bility be refused. - Boots and Shoes for the mil lion at Christie, Henderson & Co. 's cheap cash store. Gents' neatly cut fine ifinished gaiters, at S1.75 to.?2.00. The ca<.h cy.;tem iu the secret. . .' fire on Sund iy morning bust. J. T. Anderson it Co., boot and shoe store, stock, ifcc, entirely destrpyed ; Mrs. Anderson, who occupied the duelling house aliove, lost every- filing ;. Thomjis Batting and Tho.i. Pptterson, dry goods, saved most of tlieir stock. The stores of Batting & Anderson were both levelled to the ground. Tlie wall, of Patter- sun's store-are still standing. The- " Circassian's" Trip. A LIVELY VOYAGE. Flour White Wheat...... Tread well.... .....: Spring Wheat. Barley............. Oats..........____. Peas....... ..,-. ...... Potatoes, per bush... Dried Apples, per 1) Onion", per'b'ashtl.. Butter____'.......-.'. Eggs......,........ Dressed Hogs..... Hay! per t<m....... Lambskins...-...... Pelt-i............. Lard............ Tallow.............. Bacon ..!.. ,...... Ham............,! Shoulder........... ,i<TOV 3I.4KUETS. ...... $2 /K)tp0 00 - 0 95 to 0 i>8 0.95to0 t)G 0 9'0:to0 94 0 Go-'tjo 6 78 0 35 to 6 00 0 60 to 0 62 "ft>3"> toO 00 0 07 toOlOS 1 00 to oioo 0 20 to 0:21 0 lfl to(f\od S 00 tbO 00 12 00 to 14 00 0 50 to 0 80 0 50 toO .60 0 12 to 0 lo 0 07 to 0 08 0 10 toO 00 0 12 to 0 14 0 10 toO 12 WALKER LODGE No.3Sl, a. p. .t a. n. The Regular Meeting of the. above Loilge will 1)Q held in the Masonic Hall, Acton, on Monday, April 3rd, at 7.30 p.m. J. ROSS, Sec. JXILSAM SHADE TREEs7~ Any quantity of young Balsams can bo had from the' undersigned, on lot No. 32, 7th con.- Nassagaweya, or will be delivered at A-cton or elsewhere, from ten to fifty cents each, according to size. Orders may be left at tho Puke Pkkss pffice. . " JOHN BENNETT. Mirch 27, 1876. The GJohe'givca the story^of the last trip;of the Allan steamer "Cir-> cassian,," as told by a passenger -We.glean the! following : She left Liverpool on Thursday, 2nd March ; on ordinary^times she should have lift Moyille on Friday night on.her Outward trip, but tho stormy weather which prevailed at the very outset, delayed, bor until 'Saturday morning at eight o'clock. Some idea of the unpropitious state of the weather may" be gathered from the'fact (that she did not sight Tory Island Lightho.use until eight o'clock thaf;: m'gbt, thus requiring twelve hours-for-a portion of the trip which is jusuaUy accomplished! jn four and'^ne-half hours. Tlie1 mail side-paddle steamer from Lon-r donderry was unable-tQ board her owing to thei heavy sea, and the' mail matter lud, on that account to be; sent down afterwards by a screw steamer. . On Wednesday the steer ing apparatus became useless. On Thursday th 5 " grand smash,'!' as the passengers describe it> tobk place about ^oven o'clock in the morning.' Tie wind was blowing a perfect liuirricane, iind . the sea |QENu fee to . P. howki.l &\ cb , came upon the vessel apparently in-I'O. Now York, for Pamphlet or lWparfes | 1 ,. r ii. r J. 'oon+ntnlne Ithts of SWK)]iiewjipar'(?rs, ahd I immense dissevered globes ot water,-1 eHtlHimes stwAine ost crfa<,erusliJ6- T_ "^"OTIGE. . Tho Public Examination of the pupils of the Acton Public School Will take place on Tuesday, April 11th,; com mencing iii the 2nd and 3rd Departments at 9 o'clock a. rri.; and in the 1st at 1 p. m; Tho parents and guardians of (the pupils and all others interested in edu cation are cordially invited to attend. - . 40-2t J. ROSS, Master. rjhElVDERS FOR PlfRCJffASE Of the . ' METHODIST CHURCH, 1 jAdTQlsr.; Tenders for tho purchaso of th!o Old Methodist Church pro])erty, Acton, 'tyilL (be received until WEDNESDAY, the 12th day of APRIL, inclusive. Terms and'particulars made known on applica tion to the undersigned, ,to* whoip ten. ders may be addressed. Tiie'highestfor any tender yvill not necessarily be Cepted unless satisfactory. . ' - ' j .. W. H. STOREY, ., 1 H_. Sec: Building Com Acton, March 28, 187C. 4Q-2J "P TROLLOP|E CJH^VPMAX, Practical ^PP^^^^' AH Descriptioiis of Binding: Xcatly Executed. Account Book* of < inlten he will M. 11876 Desired. X styl Cain and Deiiks order,. REPAIRED near Main st. McCANN. 39-Cm II Kinds itcule to Orilir. Rqlinc Promptly A.^tended to Bin'deiit St. Georgt's.S^ Orders left at the! Frei; Press Office where price listcan be teen, will re 'live prompt attention. lUarc, Gi|elph. F W.0THIH G TltKT,'": ; k When ijou have tic T'n to huy it. MICA LAMP ilork McBeari fe G<i'a They will not breJk fron, any cause, produce a good light anp! tt3i bkt. 1 last a score of O lass Chimneys. ~ " j BBASS WlRJEvBIRt) fiAGE^ And a godd variety of. !CHE^J?i O^A. <3hOS S. :!>.j^_G0 ! -for half 1 si ..' - wire . mjnione| >^lod';"of I " teit, j winding! L AMER10Af GO6DSL '"' JPloorHats In Gpcoa,,- ..-'-' ".' k " T - -.^ ^Floor ^ats in! Oil Clotli^ .,', ! ^ " ; FloorlSatsia'R^io?J';-. : Floor katsia-^Tfol. March ?0. .KS76. A. McBEAN & COD'S, AbJlA BLOckf GITELPE. UK Ei. PIS HER Begs to announce that having pur chased an entirely new stock' of tools of the ,most improved charac ter, he is now in a- position to turn out all kinds of ' ' TIN AND SHEET-IRON "WO4R4BZ in the VERY. BEST STYLE. Being in a position to -' -! " " ' "'. - Buy all his! Stcck Thereby. gaining the advantage of the trade discountsfne is deterniin- \ ed to sell goods of first-class make ' and material at : } A"iL ; - r... -' '. . Decidedly lo-wer Prices Than obtained from other house in the Prdvioce. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MEAT SHOP. ,1 ' * Tho UDdersi^hecJ has commenced the -: - 1 Butchering Business Opposite Allan'* Livery Stable,] . ' ' :' " ndnill keep constantly oir-hand Fresh and Salt Meats, Fish, ifowls and Vegetables, t t.ull se.uons of the year. The support of.the public is most respectfully^solicited. . T '"; osbap fop., .'. , the best plan so say you all. .. . EDWARD. MATTHEWS Acton^ March 15, 1876 3S.3m S10 n (hiv at home. Agents wanted <P<2 Outtitanj teriris free. TKOE i CO, Augusta, Maine. ft CLATTER AMONGST TINWARE!; NEW TIN AND STOVE DEPOT. any facts, trial. EAVETROUGHING 'J . {pO TjO Jp^jV-/,feHnipIes worth |Sl free. StjnsoiJ 4 Co., Portland, Maine). The; undersigned announce to the people- of Acton and surrounding country that tib.ey have opened a . ' : . I ; ' -."-.' Tin^ Sheet-Iron and Stove Business, In the premises formerly occupied by Mr. Chas. Djeah, nearly opposite the post, office. ; ' ! ' Being practical workmen of large ti,,o ;. t'-i i;L 'k.,t 'experience, we can assure all who J,*"-T? nn &t*rite!"V fivor'us wfthtneir patronage ots. If you doubt it, g^ve h.m a| th/t ^ eiA.iay uppn aving U work executed promptly and in the very best manner. JA SJP!ECIALty.| j-4 large stock of _' ' _; Tin,' Sheet-Iron and Japan- i nedfWare ' always on hand, of the best quality. of various patterns always in stpckl .Eav^tro^ughin^l Jobbing promptly j attended to.' -.'.,- Bags, Iron, Brass and Copper taken T Sale. ' !""--TB'o patronage of the publi* is f.respiectfuUy solicited, v r1"-. WII^ON & JOHNSON. - Aoiony=Malrch8, I8T6.' ' . I y ] Butcher Jsiipp, Would inform the pe*>pl* of" Aeti* and Vicinity, that be has gin abo<: '-'ni.eiiee'd lbe< ', 3atc3ie|ring Bu^inf* In kh/31 Ti](lnge. and frojit h} Htng exppri^Bce^in thia line lie will b- table to Jiirninh 'tre*h tarats of |JL kinds of.tho^bftst quality, uic*ly NHt i cleanly Areg-od. / Meat riflliversd at - the bona**" Tue-davs nrtjd Satunilayg, and a'waya- on hand at the Shop. i " The -patronage <,f the public 11 raw'. r spectfully Soticiled -^ -:. 'j'-- i *y= S. ZIM>tBBMAK. i - ^ Acton.jSfnfch I5th 187. - "..' *" ri .. Fj QJIEAp BREAD FQ^ JTHE MIXTION Bet Having just procured the most 4m-l proved appliances for i doing the Work, he feels satisfied that he cannot be outdone in this branch. The shop will shortly be qonsiderT ably enlarged, and I intihd to keep always on hand a large stock of STO V fe S '. 1 Of. oil kinds, whioh[will beaold" at very low prices Qoal Oil for to announce that they have awwatl I the services of a "'.'." 0 First-Class - Baker, . and that their Baking' bniin'aaa^ia bow in full operation, in the pramia** ann*! by Mrs, Hanna. i' : "-:',- -- Bread will be delivered daily * ^"* - houses' in ,tb,e" village sqd vicinity.) Wedding Uakee.iTia Cake*, I^aVtry. Buna, &C., made in tihe very best manner,'and kapi always op hand, good and freah. Alio allr kinds oL Confectipne^f-,. Biacuita. Cheese,'fec.-; -[1- "J -.-* The patronage of the public ia' *aK pectfnlly solicited.:' l!" ~^;- "' -B,;*'^!Nt<3B3^f.'!: Acton; Feb. 29,"' 1S7C - | '"' ' ">--' : SPEX, - -.'v^ x; bTrtns,I /f: "Ofallf. , j Wlifeh, / ^>aitb V- ' Som;J : liabilit '.-count < '}_ ble fe ':. '*r Mol ^'the^asj missed! -. :cohvicJ - cantioij a.depu .. tlie coJ /."-'. ieftioj case. '. -legallj- .'. for tke f himsel liponi " .Christ: ---V chic Pf.^thel >on th| munic -ayes ; as -foJ :&bit{ tie. ..-Tlie that'l hand^l K. Acton; Feb. 22, 1875. jFISHEft. i , -35-3m j Anew lot of! ji.; 5 .,'"' '. ... i' . i' --'\-' .." - of the best qu&^tyi at .">>.! SO Cents, ,-'-- ".'. fc - ----- ' : :- - : 15 - [Cents,1 ' ? : l.'Received :at |; i. -i PRIN CUE'S GhT^EXiJE^Ea:. Guolph, Feij. 27, ft76. .!, -i yarid ! dural ilea/ *-ti M^J

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