Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 9, 1876, p. 4

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fe-MMffi; ; .&..- ^ise* to mt o> in- JOHN BI.A <CHAKIV_ j H<**rsoftjand sweet tly slumbers aTv, ity, hope, iiil pride amiJoy ; 1 Fft grief j nor.rain, nor sin," uor ckro, . Bvo Cached: thi*.yjet, my boy] 5V)Ut.pwefuJ piiUa'- Evrreatfc tbk- lipa < TKy seat. Wow calm utvl deep',' [~ IVfcile tJv youruj soul lies in o>jlip,Kr 14oM*tb tho svu\gs of Bleep, f ^ finulcVkt fry.bey-! I'yji heard it iatdTj That when: young children smild '-I * . ila drewiw : bright angels watch their ^Aiui talk with thorn ,t!io white. ! Audit issttch aboarni kius thought, That aiigcU watch thee! now; ' And. tha^ from the^k She. smilo was . CaUgbt, L =V ,->-. " _.- That turtles on tfcyj brW." . Cod .grant that as tho i'ears go by, - And glHturins: siiw ottluro, i \Thou stills jaay at hkVje such guardians From tri:to keep thtfe- pure,: .__;.' _ For I have trwl the bt^ad, fair way - Of sin and eluune,_-\Vi> know '| . Thd snirsa tha%%m,bqset our \s>,y. Wherever thou wat g* ; . Anft on'l TUaie^a thy trtut is in - ., Thy3aviour, nijjhffchd day, ' . ! iS'hoallurements 6i the Prince of Sin,. . >Vifl Jtead thy feet astray. ' .And'lUiftr'thaa;tby pure young heart' Should groWaa foul is mi lie j -Orthy yoanc fact as fsx'depar^ jt^n&u eliildluHxl's sinless shrine ; Bather" than thy young motherjveep, ' : , (Or over thee such .\igij s keop, . ; As xz'atu e'er tat tatlutcin ; ~ **"'--"' ' " -J" - V-l ' - Jtaiher than that uy haarraiiould bow, V- ;' t Vl'ith agnoy for thee ; / ; -jS I havemadc ou/fatber's Iww ; , ! VVith"abme and gricf for m?;! I'd pray .that G oil nugl t take thoe now, 5 ' \\ ithout oee blot or stain, That death Slight Hiss that smilkisbrow,. And thou wake not again. .-. Hero i is gooAl: : are" the* in and ilftit art we . care ;_ - rust, and He i-':-rl ! i i.i i ?kit3rU- ife" -to-'^iftp^:l But;God - _ We leare" the* in his Oh.! lean-on. Hint'.witi^ti Will keep thee everywhere. ' And^if, in, after j-fars, my son, r" ^Vb r,an}"pa:isel a^\ay ; f These faltering luuSa yjfa fead, my aou, Come-to my grave and pray. Come frcro. the uo^sy .bisnts.of .men 'Cookifnjm the toilinjj martr From. foret, oceam,! city, chii - Trom wheresoe'er thw art, .,-- . Sinful or pure, evil or good Christiab, or Sata6"s"]sla've % - ' "Come kneel beside thy jfather'g aod Come to thy father's gravis. And be it in tie depth jof night, ~ Or in the midday glare; . -.__ . At morning dawh^or awet twilight - My spirit will be there. And I will cheer thy heart, if sad, Ani soothe away thy fears,. Until thine eyes fall with the glad AniLstrange delight <j>f tears. God keep thee, Clarence^ true to HsaVn And to thyself, my son, That witen the summona shall be givrn, And ||hy life, race ris run, Thon may'rt pa*sVUfro' ihe- valley dim,, On t<Tthfe " Oftei;ShW;n * - 'And chanang glad .tenmphahtliymns, 5 ' Kest-to-go out no more ! Bl :-L--.|fi'6i.fir- lb?-/ ?;~&\3i.'M p-.t - > i.lii . mmm p|i 'i^lifijiir; ' Ah Idea fcjr Teamsters. _ A.grea^ deal of labor and hard " P%3&11& raay-b^ savgdi if erery wag- _goa oe truok is provided wjth 100 feet of stout rope and a single pnl-. .. "ley^ Aisnatehblpek is theLbesI, ar ranged with "a-' strong hobfc", ^and the. usual construction for slipping the'bight of the rope, under the strap to the sheave,' insfead/>f waiting tQ, reeve thejino throiigh one iend.r If a wiiggottgets stucfc in hesiyy mud or in the ;snow, the"airiveP"bas only to fasten his block to the -tonguBr reeve. tbe;)pe.tbroneh it, and *afc^ -ttkeb. one end to ^-tree or post and Jet "bia." tJekm pnll /op .the - other. __^.Their'work is of course just halved, _' rcr rather ihey brinjg twice as much power to bear in dfagging the wag- gon clearj There are plenty ether ? .applications of the simple derice, , - wbich .will readily- soggest them selves^ With a toqple of skids for an incline plane, h^avy 4ogs coulit be easily dnur^i au\ a slei-jh' \ by the unhitched team, .'Another iase where it islikelj useful in when loaded sleighs.attempt to cross-a wooden bridge,- "Although the horsfcs,draw the load verjr-easy pver' the sndw, the^- are-often un- rible to start- Or over jthe generally deriuded wooden- flooring of^the Viridge, anS henoB waind' be msteri- - -"ally aided:by the taekle Kitche4 on Scientific JS.iiierican, \ -.' : -.: ! The high price 'of meat in Eng-" land i has' broughtj to light the fact that there is at prese'pt. Jess-live stoek in that - country1 than: any och'er in Europe. A man has been sentenced to a I month's imprisumenlLj.fcrhard' labor, j in\Enniskillen; Ireland, far stealing '*r,xtjck5 -valned at one penny from Iord Belmpre's estateu '.;..[. -Mrs. SIsirtin, of Bearertown, afc- \ templed-.tq,commit suicide by *ak> ia^ stpfchnine, and-was sayeSo'^ly by a great eftbrt.\ Th^ cause of the jtct is'saidto be doniestic-gri^fs-, ; liuaband and son Spending their . time and earnings inLdrinking. ' Jn fact, at the; time of 't'he act they were'both carousing ia the village hotels.- - c^".' . _, .Yod-may[ Bigh/jasrBJiuch as you pjeaseoter your .hard jfortnne, and if'iib^yoa^ere rich r million times over, but not all the wishes of your life time, unaided byJ action^ will Infing- one tb a happier condition,: Tfiere-mustlbe work,'|tteJjeef per- \sevwaiice and fatigue, i Discoiira^*- menta and sjtambling are tofbe"sur- /eyed with ifldaaated spirit. One'B . otxthosisBm and beliefiin ultimate r-rucopss must be of a: temperature -iitti quality jto endure.TO&ny A cold, ixith from j unrnterestJBd " parties,. trhcae indifference is scarcely" less MjletaWe than tbeii) officious, cbpaghtleas'advice, against the,jab- aocompiish ELPII iiU.UOKY, Ggjld, Silver & j Nickel Elating "Works, ibtrsiso STSSEX, awsLPB Sol m B^rkhaa,:T rop , Mannlncturoraiul iraiK>r!cro Brc ech and 91 urate. LoadiriK Rifles, Shot Guns, Ac. per.i of a!! ih-trcii'tions <; Ini^/.* on si "I. AMMtTNTTION FOIt BltEECH LOABING ARMS Ely <t Kynoclv'sCartrUI^o riseK nnrt Caps for re-Kuidini; .s;imo. Ko-jIo:Ait>r^, Ke-cjipoerSi C.ip lijm'tors, Curlljrsi ami Cro:is rs, vMciiiiliiR Uojs, lutil aliliirMclCH Ufcos icfy for :i Sptiri^ii.iin'.s.oiitllt. ;1- : All [sorts tif Ki'pairini; lirul Jobbing .exuc '.....'.....1 .........*'......* :- uiei.1 on ibe sbnricst notu-o ut z US Quqdc'c Strcpt. . JOHN K1RKH-AM. ..S-yjRiae Kallcry on the proinlses open from lOo'cloeii ii.m. to lirp."". Tpl FREE PRESS/ ACTOK, HALTONjCOTJ^ ___^__ 'JL'.Ei-tU: POST OFFICE CASk STORE, Oil beginning the business of 18,70,1 would return sincere tlinnks'iVo' my nunierous cuitouiers 1'ortho very lihpm! support ihey have given m6 during thepast i!2 yei^rs,- and agnin i uipst respectfully ask-a continuance of Uieir respective support. j3uring my exporiiueo! in business 1 liaro pretty thoroughly fouiid out the " TZfps ahd Downs ia Trade, "' "I- ..And nm fully convinced .that a 'Credit Business is a Dangerous Business to '"both Seller and Buyer. .. . I am Uicreloro.determined to uo a iii!A-DYVpAY Bt Aud give my customers tho bo tie tit by- giving them Eijg-ht per cent; off for Cash pnall General Groceries doing business ns abovo, "buy-my goodB andeffect a (excepting Sugar). By SAVIISTGOF AT LEAST 6 SXJSTESS 1 will have the cash to PER CENT ' '. THE BENEFIT, I . " ." nnd ' MY CUSTOMERS WILL CET j ' '-..'". i- .And in reality get 14 per cent for their Money. Pletase consideir the matter over, and give mo yoiir support to carry out i the only right way of doing business, that is . - j ^ iB'iifti ni>i^r v.^JauTsiv -j and Hioes AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. -t ' * ! \R- .OXTIR- WWTER STOCK OF B00TS1 SHOES Ard now oilered at VBKY LOW PR To mako ICEr, room for Spring Stock No"W is,th|e.'time to get Bargains: Call Early, (i -CRAIlirE & PON. Acton, Feb. 15, 1876. CC BIG- SIA.LE 33 COMMENCED AT THE Wagon .and Carnage );FACTaKY. ' JAHfeS CYDER, Propflctor. ' "Wagdas, t Sleighs, ;bts,8:s. Keptlj^stocfe and mafle^o'Order on tne SnoHesti. Notice. Sorso r>- ~~A Strict! Attention ralU. to Sh^piag & G'cicral Jobbing aad ^Ul<actlon i;uaranted.. Acton V^u|^ 1st,. 1ST5. - DR.; ROBERTS' Celebrated Ointment PC OR ran is conn (U life us' every VI years* Bruises -and Pi TJamed Hies, " .- **nd 1 tlons Sold 'Icerat?d Pis i i tlifr "ill J CALLED THE MAJV'S FRIEND, ntly recomroemied to tire Pub- "uBtiiling'l-uir.tdy lor wiiunds of lew.rtptiou;^ a certain core for ' a certain core feore. Lop;, cvf-n of twenty standing; Cuts, Burnu, SniliN, chilblains, aeorimuc p;ruiiii(in., : aples on the F'ice,.-S.orc iiml .in- t'?*!iF>ef<r Hot<T?, fV.n- hreacts, tsiul^-and ;C:u,CT-rou.Hjiihm ours, SpvflTtlrlbr tiuV'-Wilrpting-Ermv tsnme;imVs follow vaeiiuiation. Pols at Ik; lUttiiid-l*, ltd. each. Or. B^j'irts' Pilulid 'AatiscroplwlcB (r AbTKK.NATIVI? tP.ILI.S, ronllnntd by_s|xi# j'ears' expt'r|i-iico to bo one of tuG'*i'sLjnedici nes evgrcpiiiiKiiiiHli-ii.for pnrlfj'i] Niitnre in hei (. p?raJi*^ns. H^n'e tlu.y arc us'-fu' InHcrtilala, Scorbutic CurrrplninU', Glan dular SwelM'nirs, particularly those of the Xpck, t x. Tney form a iuli<l and superior Karcfilyj Apenont, wiiicb may betaken at all tuns ^ ithout CoDliiifmentor chance of diet, Sold liti^jjees nijjj. lid.,^, 4. d', lis. and JSii, ^acU. f. SY THE PROPufkrons'. BBAQH AND BAENICOTT AT TJIEIB DISPENSAEY, BUIDroilT, EVfiL.lXI*, OJidrby all respvcuible iiedicine Vendors Beware of Counterfeits. urafej <* Mp^s ; * Port ie protection of the public of3rit- ish No ch Auiericir;i(lem It mytitity to 'slate tiiat my -?ih.s'anp Oi.vtmext are neithei matiu'actiu-'eU nnr sold in any part of thfi U .viteo si ATf, : Each Foi.-and Box b-.urs tho "British Ooven merit S,tnnjp, with the words "JfW/IOWAV'S PILLS AXD (JINTSIENT, I/5Nl>j <-," enj;niv>-d thf-reon.- On the label i6 the editress, 5S3 ttXKOTtD Sticeet, LOSDON. -"-t..'. Tw>?noUce hasbijcomo necessary, In conseq4/?nce- 6r-vileiii!"l spuriousUnlta- tionso "Hollowa3?sPIlUand01htmeot,'" o*ln^rhbricat Jf'Tftf "ol1 a*'8Maid- enLanb, >ew Mgt 'fi!^ York, by par. Lies jtyjini^^r^n Ra'ticraseives <'Hollfwiy-itgS||^aiHCo-" with an .' a iinnied-C pH's,iB*Mi.rade mam, thus My stock Will always be foundicomplete in Groceries^ ProyisionSj^Crookeryi d-lasskare] Statioiifry, ^TajU Papery, 4..; Windp-vT Blinds Windo/w" Rollers, &o. SpccialUes.-SAtSACli;, OLYSTEKS7YXK3IJOITII BLOATERS, FIXXAX MIDDIES, &c, &c. Mammoth House, etcwh, On Friday, Jan. "Jth, 18T6. Tbb "balancie of our Winter S will !be cleared out at (. etc, Ertorinbusly Low Prices. PKOfiUCte TAKEN; AS'. CASH. it has proved very sotU- factory,.l will, continue" to, give the discount as follows: On 25 cts, S cents discount; on 50 cts, 4 cents; on 75 ct, 6 cents,; on 81, ^ cents, , C|.onyeyanccr, Issuer of llarHago J^ccnses, lu^arancc Agent Agent Money to Loan, Acrent'Montreal Tel. Co.,*X'icrk Fourth Biv. Cour t, om. flu .'41 B.', &c. -in: \\f "a-J i V:IS-8 JAMES- MATTHEWS. . Atton, January If. IS70. .. - . f "' ' Wm..rStewaxt'&.Oo.; c. t; HILL. f. W^'DilAM STREET. (JUBLPE Are ihptring now - TJjpilnclpled vendors can obtarn this trashata.very low-ptlce, and sodeceiy-e you hi selJlnirabe same for my genuine Moilov ay's PlU's and-Ointment, which are mlanufactured :only at 533, Oxford street, London. i ," Persuns who my be so deceived will be plei Bed l^> communicate with me. Man respectable firms In the British Provinces, whotobtaln my meUiclnes di rect frjm here, iiave Very properly sue- jrested that' I should,1 lor the benefit of -themnfelvcjf ami the'public; insert their hamW ItTtho papers, that itTJiaybe ttoOwrj. that my -medicines can bo nad eenoine from tnc!m. -The following 1b a list, of the firms allnd- ed ,toj andi.I partienlar1y recommend those; who desire to get fay medicines to apply-to some of the Mouses namodj Evkyi', Mercer <& Co., Montreal, AvKitT, Ubow -i A Co., Ilahfax, N 8 . Powafrn & Co.L HUIHax, N. B' T. B.tfAnKEU i Sons, St. John, N.B. . Apotj :e -auies' Hai.l Co., Charlotte town E.AXO ,EV.*COi,vrctoria* BCt * :. noob:4!Co.. Victoria, H,C. Ut. J< nit Pallen, Chatham, N B. i Mtrs-soACol Montreal'. } I-. WlEK<fcf,'d., Hamilton, Ont. ' -St H.J. losjB,Toronto.. ' ; A. Ch tFif an SaiTn,St. John, N, B. iJ Jonw Bow, (inaerlch, Ont . Klmc r A Co., Toronto < . Jt. CH ILOWeb. St, John, N-, B. HAni TOitfs BbotBer. St. John. IT. B H., 'ratswr, Wlndsor/OnV Mri (i*p^s, Monlen, N. 8 L , Qbob ik Ui.HoXT, Jun,!. Fredertcton, N. B W. H.'ThIRps6n.Harbor Orace, N.E. L J. *L. iVlLBV, Fred^rlotnn. >. ft W. 4 1). Yuile, Montreal CnAS J. DAVt88,Fredcrlctpn,,NB' : ' Xht medicines are sold at iho lowest who], gale net prices, lta quactlties or not legs than ^20 worth viz.. 8si (kl., KJs., apd Stu. ifer dozen boses or BUIs orpotft-'of OIntr ie.nti for which remittances must, "bete it In advance. . I j THOMAS-UOLLOVVAY. 1633* C ttora Rtrpfit, W. C. ' -. :r , London, June 1st, SSI't. . . ": li'-f-"1 SpcieaL Lines in Cheap Jackets. Special Ii|ies:of Cheap Dress Goods Special Lines of Cheap Cottbhs, Special Lines of Cheap Silks. Speciai'tines of Cheap flannels. Special Linea of Cheap, Blankets; A Special Lot of Canton Flannesl A Special Lot of CEeap Tweeds; A Special Lot of Winceys, Cheap. Black Lustres, Special Value, Mill Street, ACTON,: Big Eeduction. THE CC0DS MUST BE SOLD. Prepare for Bargains. Note th6 jSiicrg of a few gf our lead ing lines : r Extlra heavy Full Clothj 40c per yd.; Extra heavy Wool Tweed, 00c pr yd. Extra heavy BlariKets,-6:3 00j - "KplenUid Shawls, 1.50. Splendid .'jackets, $1.50. . AlSfOIJIBR, -LQT OF V-t-*f?' OPENING AT ;eaii up-fown hardwaIeWM "!- L Designed. for iho. . ." .. :t . Cnristmas' Season, Hi; BE^UTJFIJL LAIVITO At alma-Block, -A IJINE OF,' ,iA/ ;i"'- f'H Volt AT Prices TJnpa>ralledL: in Guelpbi r 'X'^: 'r- ;; ; |A. McBEAN^ GO^5 Guelph,;^ec. 18,; 1875 :,; " :,' "1 .'.'"_ Collei? and Sq !*>%*. >j . CoiU-s p.m. - ACTOxi Postn ^ Voney ~ araph Com. Il kf Fur 800 200 100 DEALER. IN ;l-f G-eneral Groceries, Boots and Shoes, \. :i' Wall Paper; .. "Windo-w Elindjs, ': ' . ! 1 Crockery, Q-la^swars, Nails, Gl; 89, r Iiinseed Oil, a^ & 201104 '^ainis, jr" ' V ' ; Turpentined, ,. ' . ' 1 - . s 1 Machine, Oil* Coal Oil,: ; [ Saiti-eto." o! '"-'\- r'i'^ The subscriber logs toreturnhistbanks toi,he inhabitant Ing coup try; for heretofore extend sot Acton and surround* the liberal pateorjage cdto him, and at tho WM. STEWART & C6. J Acton, July igi, N.B. Cash rjaliji for Hides delivered.. C T. ilihL. ' i ' ) same time solicit, their farther stipport 875. Sets, 2 00. Extra heavy Flannels, 25c per y.trd. Extra hotivy Factory Cotton, 7c j v yd Ladies' Wincey Skirts, made] up, 50c each. . M '. pieces Plain anj Fancy Dress Goods, I2Jc per yard. pieces Beautiful New- Serges,. liOc per yard. The above is only a few lintB of goods which wo shall offer at this our [Big Sale, - Hemember this is to be tlibgrandest 'we liavei ever contemplargcll Call ahd seie us il you want to buy o|oDS AT PANfC'PRICES. _.\Ve shall; be pleased to see our customers, jand show our stock' whether they ivanl to buy or.not. JBIi* ^No trouble to show Gvcxlit. Ga i ' ! I MoLJ3qD, ANDERSON-& CO.,; !" ..'. . ; Mammoth House,! - Oeorgetown. N. B.--RemembeT our Ordered J ; ' Clothipg arid Millinery Departments,. Mc"L., A. & Co.'r . Georeotowni Jaii. 11, 1S76. - j AT PAN ICV PR IGSS KENNEDY y BROTHER^; Have just received theij ' ',- V: i .--- '/!". Fall S^ock of Boots- and jghbe^; And are deterttmined to continue to sell cheaner than-.,the cfaeapetit.'i(i better value for your money than can be haj elsewhere,^, ' jj .'* Oall and See for Y*ourseWes and bring yb.iLU?; ; ..J-'riends'-jrotth ypu..".-_ ' . .; ;?:; Examine our stock which comprises evervtKinjr in the "trade of thehvUtt" of English, Canadian and and good'fits guaranteed/ .'Ai <Sc.,JprtJ and o OiocaoJ T. AC. Ofl SVeeisJ C'rtioioeij JCnjj^sif MiilOtt" law Will j on Frilif AseriL fj -Alt bUiiiJ soilctli -tor j-.fin; Mecri*iJ ".t**n.B;antf w %,-iiacr 31J ; 'Bjaie tjfSe "at | Cduayj i .H .Teaekcr i u - Acti . ji tin jjua.f Al on and rriost elegnjht styles and jiatterns matiufactuie, 5 Ord Jrs promptly executed Acton Nov. N.B.^-rA;ll acxiunU must be settled this, month,. 4. 1875 EENNEDY--BHdi>; ;..:"vB,!* j ' Floar" utim - aula and w INION lEiVIFOfliate r* f-i . .... I Ciol "UAu^Ilen^I UqS'pJhlif fi~--.*.-joUj| sry! wittf ' itu'J cm nil llilii pii'.J tI.!<Jll;)tVRl| .'ntUnt.iveI Steam CarriageiWaflpn Works MAIN STREET, ACTON. l:i:H, <2enernl Blacfefemlth, Carriage and Ti'agon Maker. Best Hors^Slioers in tjie County Perfect satisfaction guaranteed FIRSTf-CILiBS '"' ' AND ;.; COLLARD'S REPAIR] Acton, .J uW U.1670-, or no price charged. ! PLOWS ATENT.,IEONl HARRO WS - jMw*^s On hand. ^ j Mr Carriages:vind Wagons; n&pfly iihd pronerly attended to. ~~- ,i AND DRTJ&CHST, [-,_,] ; Has; removed to the Brick rirug Store on Mill Street ; ' n'a. Formerly occupied bF ihe late DR, 3ARTER, wbioh Qiaa been enlarged and refitted, r-' 1 A large 'stock always on hand. of Drugs, Medroincs, Kanoy Goods, Toilet Articlbi, &6. Acton, Nov. 3, 1875, | -^K TUB* mbrtf 'attractive- tm% * %:] which is now complete, is larger,'belter assorted clieapetjthan ever before, comprising in paijt Xwoods, Orer-Joatingrs, Dress Gco^s, ia Frencji Kerincs, Cofcowg*,^ Plaids,' Blacfc ;aaa;bbioro'i"' Lustres, ia Pleia/^ui" Pisntejl'.naaa.cls.-^iasqys;.Shirts, E-hirtiaps, Vn&c^-j'] -' Bhipt's aad DraTors/r 'Eak- feiu'rts, Saa'wlar,....... Blaakcts,-AU Vobi Tablo Covers, (very ' pretty imtternsj'j-"OibUa'S,.: Mafiera,--' '....- ' -\^ " ' -: -^^ Toweliogs,'. Factory aad Sloasaed Cottoas, Ladies" Liaes.'.-,Srt Ladies' -aad opaia' Tics, :.ftc.,-.&c., \j'-- and a" very good stock of/ ": . ifir-thKCo tcui", -tJriiil Qjncp, -Jtq Kocic\rod Tofms rea '.Sales a'4e, GrTiinty, at | "i- 60K; -AND MEN'S ;p[AIGS; AM) ^^ L together witn . v - J ' r-- \ . ;.' jj^ Calfearly iandsecure bargainEi.: Acton, "Oct. 2ti, 1875. - ,* ': '. ' '.. -li. iSearJ fill iT'iSAl;^ t'iSi*" ,rt.p 1 "!.,: ng Sate- x>f JReady^Made^ (bloiliirt^yccp^^l L ifti^nced to-day-at the. } i r r \V.. >'*"M ELERHAHT GLOiTlilRC HftOSf Rare Cl^oe^;Call5and^bee:Onr^Pr^ f WM January 4, 1S76. ".!*' ruth)e;rfprp i ;-:,VlM 'C-Ul :-;B3 A"ow "ls-;.i 1- Best ,BJe| I*bott>gragf dozenrat tb Ontario i>)gheap pioti ptylei befof wanced 1 ;.nret-p rites j Relate Cod 1.3th andM 4efcn, Nij 1. -lOne nana f R-.*he 3nl cL *f-Esquesingi| Erinj B?AR5g f?08e .^an hd fK :ii'i#'-'-'-'-: ^K-V---

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