Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 9, 1876, p. 1

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*.=&' IRE arsix IV II. I.-OWRY anvf /.'/XS.' B *I.!. H II uriiir.Ui". i>l IV.mliv ._ ., lVM.'-rorTbh>*:ci.iIuh .*-,-.r\fi*oi.s. > * -,- \ri\>>'. j.-i R./ 4t. OtOliKOW. IMivsit :-,!!. Slfr )>S*. Ni'vv \'.tu. :u^itt\:.-{ lYwti ^ifv l'::Wv'M. iVi-'v; !:ivs.', .' ATV>S. RS ILPI1 :/ CO.'S. J.UIES vcj aiu-. lv*-:m:i'tor, I r.Mir;i;u'!' JUoiU'V to I..1:;'.:, Asri.t XTAyli C"a, r c:K l-'o.;; ;ji Cora, in ^. U-, vti-,^A-rM.s MiTTHpffS. Um:.. ,.: M5,tu I.:. Asi-m, M.".;!r,:.i n. ii, at.' o: Yi.-ii.irli hil'iTll it:l\s-4- , m >j :i.- ni. nil i ' liiiffir .-irot-t,. -ii jymsxio.v [HARNESS S H OP. B. foil' A Si'111 1 l-.Il'i ri'iuti ni:xi>i:Ks>,v. &n<.t on ivu^h^M*"* it-raw. Glasgow llor.-v-.v Acliin. JD. Mi.TIIF.SOX %' ;l!-l^:i\v. S,t::v*i'. AC. 4-V:fsior.iif .V Streets, Ueori;*.;rt\vn. .Coiivevj. ni I'uiinCl.l M,.':iUv to .-. -E'flk-e-K AttoriU'v The: subseribpr bogs to announeo 6" thi<>ts of Ac ton,' iijul yi[e?init[y that he has. commenced [the liSi-iiOhs biuiuos in the i .-: i- i ~ Did Post OUjcc Building; i ! 31 tit 'STKEET, ICTON; , i- - . ': ..':' where ho i* prepare! to-tir'rn out Work second to nono in the;' PomitU ion. us cheap as the. cho.ipest, sujd on tho shortiost posiiblo notice;. "I M.ivoaU haud'a large akd well select-' vh! stock-ot' . -V>' : " .; BOo Blan&cts. ISTliips. Sruslios- Coato, Tr&nEs, otfi.. .Ili^pairiug promptly attended, to. { ii .::'..f CiiuicU ' (iivoiiuo .1 call aiid bo convinced [\V\3I. iaiDI.VW,!iUTi.stori >> Att.>riu->-.>:-l.-.w| s. i>. , .:- : W Ctinnwrv, Ac. il:'l.--:>: -~ 11."inu;:o:'., Yit K nj stivoU Miiii-ii. .-At;..-. >::v,-.:.- n> .itiUon Ufllcc lTi;:-t.,-cn.ibr :n.:':: R<- -m^htW l, AW-C.ilirr"--!!. ]^ll_^^tr L:;:.!-. 1\>> vrA! alt. i.l. :. >-|jli!:i h ClIhv "' 0!lKjtlMyo.';,:'riiVoi'fL; j"" ! TnLE.XK XKV L. iJIMiii;, - . INSIKAM K AVi!\r. <;r_f 1.1*21/ :J I c^lii i*>r lilt, Mt-rr^ttili, ui*1- ) iiV-^flKV1:/ ' i-.y i-Le.^n ': II. .-i a ir!..;.,-.!.:.^,!..!/^:..:!!-- AH b-^iiliv^s hlih.'ti.'y ^t'.t':ia. ;ajL.;t'UAKt: T3ATEXTS (of IXVEXTKisXS- JL :.->-: ! j r,'>*<r:> -t .-.:r. .1. liiC*:i^i -. :;i.- V. -t-. r:e-i jr-..,r.-.;.:i-U ....": ! for pria.^-i ::i>lr^t'i.;^ci-. A;^-"^^ :.. v>r> r- Ua3;^:i ipiU*.. lir.Ni A vii.I-T. . 1 T^ - -.. :i: ti.w.i, _*.i:ia 1 ', VMT.n.rvtl -Kn^if.ti. r, > 'iiciu1: t.-l'l'k Un-tani ii^r.i:.^:. .*-r::,ui. -- : Acton, Xov.i2;">. 1875. IT. !>"1-EMrSEY /Jf^^X IJVEHY $Al STABLE , wink's :vs (JI'IIIS .1 SOD. -j Margin, thu niclil.i :iro ojuilil jiml oliill, Aih1~i'im\viil'i1 \\'i| sn.iw is ilkn liiH"-; Tlio frost-llnwi'M cm tlio-wiiiilnw j.).uiu I "'oils u.s that ivinti'i-'s Ihth aj;aiii. - ! Tlii.' nk'hts urn liuii;.nj|il slmrt tliii ilaya, |Aivl -l.'U'.k. Frnst nips our hii;rt ami taea ; It's i-atililrilV lyin' a': my ltinu : A wink's jus guid'.s^nod, yo ken ! llouso nhts tliomio aro nnku high, Wi' taxi* i-lapiiit mi forhyo :. j The Coals s;u.' iti'.ir I never saw I Anil Aim's as ill to warm ;is twa ; I 'l\i.'i.iy-,1 ivnt a ftjlo l'.l ho, ; It nnv \v;iiljji'u mi hiilfjin's froo ; ; Tin-re's iio\\ th ', room at my tiro-en : i A willk'f as^iiiil'a u noil, yo ken ! r A trig hit lassoi'k iiiuch I nocil, . - j To uso a iiioillo anil a thread, j To wash asai'k, and aibliiiM h:,ko ;, A soda soono or haimart oako, ': To sew a hutton on my brocks Orgiuiuy waistooat twa-tlireu sjlecks, lletidl's roJd-uii a hut ami hen ; A wiisk's as guul'-ii a noil, yo kon ! My virtues hero I needua puff: Ye ken I neither smoke nor snuff; A. Tomphir stauneh and true am I ; A lunip <i,' siller I've laid by. I'll gi'e ye .-hare o' a' 1 hao ; I \\ hat say s:<i, then, on Hogmanay This sillglij blessedness to ell'? A wink's as guid's a nod, ye ken !. M JUST CHARGE IT." A Lesson in Economy. it "did this poiicli *' Charles, \vt jjresi'rvt' cost 1" feces, lbespt, %ai tre'. - ig your I of tb'e latMt i- ,!.Bierjao AV "ILt'I\U tfATltLVS, T-,1; l4er.*arriai.' ttrrnnri-.V t crliUrsfr* Bjiinej r\:iv:.:o :i: ti-e\fi.;...iv;i:'al i*Ca ;--.! .,' )'j>: u.-aoo. li.-uu-il.'iiim, C -- jwubSi, ll>Y' BKO*. SUM. Teatkar rXHilc,"Br'jlrJs aiii! S'renri /^LIVMK LOZiiliii i*la>tiTer,;, t L U ilii & the m^>s*. r ^O' i'. i^ ,ui>l..c-. X .1 B- -i Tlur an -l*:i"'. C tTox run n n: n: ipo-isis iiOi'ni:' '. iV .-.Ox-w.;: - ... r. H;-.i :f : - D OH I.Via:.' cin' OiBK* ttractire and Ixirca 8ta CAPS, ;ware ^OTT. T.-aT? :-r v.* clc ::ifn-j.; tlaj i>tr I.e. t;taLivc i?< .t.'III ^ iit.Ci "' ROYAL EXftlAX'X.E HOT.:;,; I Ac "".Ij Coni>-rcU! J'r i..;l; rs. I '<>-' B>ia"or.!!.rT..iV' i ' bjaaiLiii.'i - .:.l :.- --.t qOdHu-i .ift.j :it!iCi^.'li,'l-.:. ii" i;. .-( H. II Xdcense - i- -I- T* 3. i Vf' I2..H a u^l/ t 9 imo:ioneer Fofth* Cou too OfSr*;. >i>oc#- TcrJJU ri- J. P. AtLAX ir3t- >'o .--::re hi aii.:io\ineliic to the y lint .i e_J' iTopareJ to Uirui^h' ; iliss Hprsja aal Oarriagos At tUMSOll;l!)ld.i:U.-; HIviKii. .-.. ;..f ii., >, i:r|'a-s- Ac:..n Ji ll.irs. s:ir.* tiie tipst thai .1 In' is w^tefTiiiiieil not'io' nnv City Muble. lsi..I>Ti. nali th. I'm sure I don't know, Iljin- 1 But you bought it Hits inc ' 1 know I dill; but. I didn't :i. price of it." 't_You_j):vv for it V .-.kJ hu, CTQPJ ^i 'f Imts ihelmtter? by any p.< i'-iti Slll'J ch w lists n good eiip T. 01? -HAS'S-TESS libuhicall on ^obt; 'Creech,' .hill srajjET, acto; '.ih*.Coui.i- u-'- ::n--j.i: i-riii ii^i- j i Onlers ! > .'.-.:: Pi:i:v| lU-fio is : rgi Acto. <,r . i-Jli.r --i-'^V", .V,' -U'lCi.-r= V SBrvJ.-iriil'ii-;';.,;..! .) .i..t..!-.'^". -i ,. t- ^ic62.5d. Aucticxiear- f". J I For (lie fouity o*>-;ln!lon. /tJoiinty, ill r?av>:.:.i'o '. !' Ad-Ji-ci^; 1 A. D "V -'a i:l'-: p.". s always rf-.-uiy -to.sup7>?y.[cus- yi:li everything Usually- kept a 'irsUcIa-s Ilariioo,SliO{,. Ilirnr-Ss made to order "on the .uitest pos=ihie noLice; COLLARS A SPECIALT"?. 11. CKEECij, Acton.' voy. 7, l^To. HHHWl It'il.' Ty^EXXi.DX'! j Marbls-^-drks; Oppo-:it -(JiKid-f Mil! .lid Xear Eramosa Bridge,( , <iu<4pli. | " all s.i.':rj3 or ._ [MONUMENTS __ -.. -j________ fomp Stents, itautlt Pitcts, j tc., 'nxa-Ie to^u./ gizeir desigii, and ipui up' To aii'y -$art of the country. '" . - 1 - " ei~_ .Scotch Crauita Moau-| menta*imported to-oider. - P.S. A. Kennedy is a prac-j tical rnarhle ciittijr. -^ J. Ac'4o,v PLANING MILL'S u- cd'oa-.- USE, -1; >-- # LC63. COi u. % T5U1ZE j . PHOTOGRAIPHS. Sow -Is the Time for C'neaii ' - ' Pictures*", AND! , P inip, Sasli, Door and Blind Factory. THOMAS. EBSAOSt ... ilanufacturer of ' "'. . . Y :. { ' j, yffrL&Qvr Sash, .Doors, :; ji ;.; -:; Venetian Blind? \'.\" Moulding '.." Add other Building Requisites / - - . / Alco Makers of f -if -B*st, Eetou"ched and Burnished ?botogragbs reduced ^tb $1.00 per <on-t the . ' !- Ontario Pltctpgraph Gallery, Acton.' Call t once nd obtain a good and * *? picture, -finished |in. the .best ^le, before prices are again a4 *nce<l, ? N. B.~We-, were awarded aU the Jjt prizes orer air "competitors at "e.late County Fair at ililton, Oct. "thandU4th, 1875. 1. ' | "" : ." - c: W.iiihh, Photo. Acton, Noy.SG, .3875.. J 22-Zrti;1) pARM FCtE SA.EE. I' -r ' ^One-hundred a?res" of j!aEd/"v'e'U i^i ' l*lu th,J Wt liaHl^f Lot-Si, te dtd Concession, in ihfe Township lisqae,mg. For particulars -a.jdred ' " ' Eriir^.D., 0<it.' KovJ :, ^75. Lutaber PlaneS and Dressed tobrde; in trhejibest. manner.- JS" Ail worMgaaran teed. Acton, Jpn^lS"!,, ; UBEMIL1L ;ihe aoolerfiizned.bega to thank his cui tomers jjor the liberal patronage re- cei-ed during the paEt summer, and wo ilil fc->.y t-luit he is new prepared to suj ply an additional nitmbero? customj ers w>ih good^-puie, fieili milk deliver; ed ivery-morning, n' ice a day oh Sat iir.'ays. X'arL'es wlw keep cor/a will fiiu.-it iijucli cheaper and less trouble to Z(d niUk delivered at their doors, and they: would, do well to sell their cowa am bay their milk. TwenLy-one quarit tidets for 1, if paid in. advance, o^. biv< nty-one pint tickotsfor 50 -cents.' P. S. AIlMSTKONfii j ctoir, Sov. 10th, 1875, :'_ Didii No.1' Why not?" , Oh, licc.iu-ir! I couldn't in: i chjinge. I liav<j opened an account with A[r.: XVahlron, and shall here after .settle: once every three. Ullllltll.S." : f Tliis -conversation wns carried ion at the tea table between Charles Mathews mid- bis wife. : MutlieWa was5 a :younj nieclninic who had ju.^t f'j:h:iie:nvd honsekfi-piri^', aim! as he was making excellent wages he could jttlonl to live .pretty wij-11. Aft-r lie had made known his .;le- t'.Tijimed airtvements to Lis wife i.}ie| remained, souie time in silent tJK.jijjht. '-..:,-'. *' irl'.-s," siii? atrleiijjtli.paiil, a mild p<-rs;ia.-iv<. tone-! ' I tjiink "would be better to pay for. thil ^ us'-you f,'<'t them. ion ikiiow ypu get vein- pay fur work every Satur day nif,'ht, and you could- pay ias you go very easily, \ "I kno'W I could," replied Ajr. Mathews, with tlie air of a mini vvlio had- unaiLSwerabh: aiyumen^s at 'his command^; "but then it would not be near so handy. Yoti see, I shall save the trouliie oi iiijiki'n^ change,"and sluill not only save time, but a^so avoid, making liiistakes." ",' ' .Mistakesi" repeated Hannah. " How. cm inistaices occur when you pay for tilings ils you get them-!" ' V "I will tell you. Sometimes it may not be convenient to pay. for ft tiling when 1 get it I may. i'otget my money, or I tijay "only tiike it on .trial tlien' -if I pay for aj 'part and not for all,some things may get charged thatTpay for"; no, Hannah, a settlement onceU quarter will be the best and most convenient all. jouhd, I am satisfied of it." " \Vell, perhaps it may," said the wife, with an earnest tone andljook and yet with a smile, "But I can not think: as you do," ' . I .." But whyj.not?" ... j -" Why, onjall nccounla. In the first place yoil wijl buy' more "than if you paid cash. .Now, you need nat shake yoiir head, for I know ii- There are many little luxuries, lit^ tie extras, which we do not neetl," but which 3'0U-.will bo apt to buy if yon do not have to pay tho money down. I know something of this credit system;- and I know that it is not fair or good. . In the second pla'ee, if you pay cash for everything'^oif will "get your goods; cheaper, .'A traded will sell cheap~er when he can have the money in-hi,s hands'than when he has, to carry out the Jimount o>a' his ledger." >' ') " But let me- tell "ydu, HannaL tllat. Mr. Waldrbn would not chfeatr. He is not thet mail to- (take ad van tage in that way." " - -" YotiJ'"" misutiderst^rno0 "CtSe:, CharIes_;-4oi y^H-npt-^noj*; thafc^all traders ;(Ja'ji-.anVrd t<</ sell oi vriienthey have'the money in hands and do.-nott h*ve,to carry the amount to their ledger. They can afford to -4o so-i j- /Tasdexf >'HlfQvt> secure cash customers." I think you ;will find it;tg! yowc advantage to try the cash system',. Now I do jiof believe ~that' yon would have bought this peach'preserve if you had to pay cash forit." . .'; "JJut'-'L bought"thii to'pIeaBe yon.inndl thought, vpu -woulii be pleased." ".." :-, "I know you did," she replied, as slie laid her hand, affectionately bn.liis shbuhlcr. " I know you wofild do anything to" please mel; but for the salce of helping ypu I afior a few years perhaps wo might own n littleijcottngo of our own.' .For several days Charles only sent up from fho store {what t ioy really needed. At length, as ho Wont to tho stpro ono morning,-on his way to his work, ho saw soino' splendid pickles in fancy, jars, lie had ordered tho articles ho needjd, "'0;i)hov-tho^' got-n'oug- Mvl\ On.tho hoxt,:Monday morning Wilkinson takes his basket twice tho yo.uhg nian >ent into tho meat a week, and getH his mont and vogeji-1 store to send .hclimo a pieco of beef tables, and trades for cash, and sp /for din'fjor. gets overy thing to tho best adyan-.| ' " HoW nich' will leavo when If J'r. and was about to Vv'ahlron spoko : "Mr! MutliowR," said j ho, "don't you want ii jar of pickles? I car ried my wifo a jar last evening, apd nhe thinks them superior to any she ever saw." ' ". Now Charles know that his wifo had plenty of plain pitkled cucuni- biirrij some that hor mother hud put dow'u for Iior, but Mr. 'Waldron's- wife'.luid some of these fancy ones, and why shouldn't Hannah 1 And so ho ordered tlie jar, and, as ifw'as inconvenient i to pay for ft, he ordered it charged. 11 Mr, Mathows, any ; thing you may want you can order at. any time, und you may rest assured we shall be, very happy to accomodate you." , Now this was flattcrin to j'oung Mathews' feelings, to think that tie trader had such-confidence,in hiin,< and he went away with nn- exceed-' ing good opinion of himself aJul credit,.ami of thei storekeeper in particular. Only ono dollar ! lYejsi only one dollar on tho trader's lijdger^ that's of, no account. But a dolliir tight out of, one's pocket-i -that was dill'eientl. .Charh'sjwould nbt have putehased them had ho been oldiged _to pay- -the cash at the time. , " "Ah, Matthews,. look hero,; I have souiething nice to show yoii|.r Tliis was said by the trader to the young man the very next morning after the purchase of the pick'.es. And so Sir. Waldron led our hero to,the back shop and ojmned a box. " There now, Mathews, ain't those nice oranges ?' ( j "They are nice," replied Charles. And So 'they reallyVw-ere-'j l ."I know your wifo'[would' likje sonio of - .these. I ' carried , some houLe to my wife, and slje wujit'ejd me to save three or, four dozen." |; " The&vare nice. . How high are they." ' ' . ] " Let nie'see; I cjn send you.up three dozen, for. one" dolliir. I got these very cheap. You: know ihey are retailed at five cents apiece." "Yes. \Vell, you may send me up three dojeia. Just charge it/ if yim please." I " CerUiiuly. Anything else thts inoniiiigP' ;-' -!'. Ami so Mathews went bn. TJ)is morning it wojild bo a jdollar to morrow perhaps five Cents and then gaiu, pe'rhapa .ohly. a' quar(ei% It didn't.seeiii much. [The young nian>had just as much [money in bis-.pocket as though be hadn't bought thcui. ' Only aidollar/ he said to hiinself. That, isn't much- out of twelve dollars a wbek". And it' might not be, but that t^;next dollar was also one dollar, and lie, would forget to add it to. the fprmi- er and call it^ two dollars; , and with tlie: next dollar ajnd call it thi"e dolhits, ;md so on. homo with ;i now gold chain attached to his watch. " Where did asked his wife. "Ah," returned, the husband with an imjuessive shake of the head, " I; made a bnigain on, tliis chain. Now guess how much I paid:for it." "?I am sure that I could- not guess." . - " '. [ " Oh but try guess somethjng.f " Well perhaps, ten dollars." ~..... " ' "" Charles "Why* thinking j of ? Jack^ Cuimnins botight this chain two1 months ago, and jiaid tiyienty dol-j lars for,it. Why, just heft it and: see how heavy it is. Eighteen] carats-fine. Jack-was hjird up for money, and let me have it for thir;: te'en dollars.' ' '"[- -", It is cheap, to be sure," returned Hannah, but yet with ':not such pleasurable surprise as her husband had expected. -" But}" she added, "y(>u did not need it, and j fear that ypu wilj feel the loBs of the money," 7' j?ooh,\. I hayo money' enough; Youjk^ow that'.I have spent but very" little lately. I jh'^ye.' been ,,,'! , | ; " you forget'[.tpur things, Charles'. The mqn'ejy,, w[Jj';eh' ypu have on hand is noh ^ours,', [ "," Hot mifie V he exciaimed. "N[o, it'belp^' storekeep er, and to the butcher, ,and to" the landlord, You know tliey must b'e.pftid.".' j- "Don'fc you fret about them. 1 know it don't' cost anywhere near; twelve, dollars to" live,' for 1 made an estimate. There is Wilkinson,! who works beside me in the'shop, be has four children, and only'.gets the;sanio Wagesatj I do>an 1,' jet he lays up two or three 1-" - week?' " " Yes." said Hannah/ '? I know lie. does -r I was in to $eo[ his ..wife tjige: So ho. dops at the stiwri. Ho lays "in a good quantity of thosi) f|ftieles which will keep, and buys butter, eggs, apples and such things by the quantity when "the market i full, and they are cheap, and ho always buys enough 'to last his family you hove V over tlio season of scarcity when such things aro dear. His j then ho remembered butter, for instance, ho bought for / was-,usually IwaUted. asked the batcher. " O, fehrei.or jfoiir ' Charles got "tiius far, and then he stopped. ; He had always been in the habit of ordering an indefi nite quantity, and leaving the butch- er'to cut it .off ujt the highest figure, andcharge the highest price;, and bow much you {[et that!" Ten dollars j" echotd with si dissapointed Iooki, wl>jiit| [are you twenty two cents a pound,,a firkin J.of it. and it is"fur sweeter than that for which yoii paid thirty cents yesterday." '! Tliiitty cents !" repeated Charles in,surprise. . . - i "Yes. I askeiLMr. Waldron's man when ho brought it up, and he said it had risen to thirty cents]- Mr. Wilkinson got twenty dozen of eggs sonio timo ago for fifteen cents a dozen, and his wifo packed them dow:[and' they keep well,' You will, have to pay Mr ^^'Illld:ron thirty cents for.those ho sent up yestei-- day> : Charles Mathows was somewhat nstoiHshed at this view of thecal butat could not be helped how, ajnd .the subject was dropped. .His.gbld chain had lost its charm. It did hot look-so well; even to his own eyes, as the old black cord which ho'had worn before/. .At length.the erfd of the qua-rter, Citme ararnnd. The first bill wias1 the: rent, wlrich aujonnted to twen ty-six dollars. The next was the: butcher's bill of thirty-six dpilars.l Oliarles was .astonished to see low' his morft bill footed up. But when: he saw how many steaks he had at] fifty" cents a pound/the cause bfj wonder disappeared. Next he paid the baker's bill, which was thirteen-' dollars. When ho. cath^ homo in the eveniDg he had jiaid ultbutcthe grocery hill,.' ' . ,'.'1,. "Mr, Waldron sent in his bill t:day;" said his w-'fo fifter snppeW " Ah, did he? let mb see it/' :l-'-'. - Hannah brought it, and Charles looked.- "He:wiis.astonished at its; length;<nnd'.1when he came to look! al'i the bottom Of the column hisj face turned a shade paler. It foot ed up just sixty-five dollars ^ art average of five dollai's a week.' " This is impossible!" be exclaim ed as he gazed upon it, bu,t he, ex amined the different articles, ad he could remember when. he. had ordered them. These things which cost him only.a doll'ar looked,iyery innocent when viewed alone, but in tho agregate theyj.had adifferent look. - " How mucl-r aluill wo, lay up this quarter, Ch^r'.es ?"; kindly nsk- ed his wifo, us she came1 and leaned over his shoulder, and sinbbthdd tho hair from his:broW.' " HbW intich hlAill ' we'lay up !',' he'repeated. " Get the slate and let us reckon up;", ' He resolved to be frank, and let hig-'Wife know alb .- ' ; ';; The slate was brought. First she jiut dpwn one hundred- and fifty-six dollars as the-guarter's sal ary. Then came thq rent und the butcher and the baker. . ' ,- "Now put dowfi tfiirteen dollars for tho chain, and twelve dollars for sundries that means cigars, concerts, and"[*such, things. NoW tako all that from my quarter's sal ary and see what remains." She did -,so and gave fifty-two dollars as_the,result. ."Fifty-twp I dollars!" uttered Charles, sitting back! in his chair,: "and we' have not bought one arti-' cle of clothing or of furniture. Fifty-; two dollars with which to pay six ty-five. ; Therfl is thirteen; dollavs short this quarter, and I meant to save at least.thirty'." " Well, it's mi use to mourn over it," said the wifel in ti cheerful tone, for she saw that [ her husband felt badly.' " " Let us commenrte again. There is nothing like trying, you know-." . -T ; . ' For some mpnents Charles re "Let mo lave two pounds," ho said. Ilo stopped iind sawit weigh- and-: thenfpaidfor, it! :.). Wheft li,e! went homo atiiobh,, lie found tljat ifiis two pounds of beef was enaugli, for a good dinner. The next'roifrnihg ho went to the store.. Mr., VValdron had somo nice figs just comte in which he shpwed. They wereojily twenty-five cents a pound. FJiro moment Charles hesitated," bit as he remembered that lie had to pay for all he bought ho concludett not to take thorn. He found that things were not so-en ticing when) if requited cash to get them as when the payment could be poi,fcp6ne|l. Ho paid for. what ho bought and w*ent his way; and thus things]Aveut,on ;thrbngh' the week. ' .Wlien it came to Saturday night ho kriAw that 'all the ropne'y in , his pockbt was his own, after deducting the rent. That, evening Ijf^ went over to the market with'Wilkinson , and bought as much vegetables and meat as'fli'el'thbugrrt 'would last through the week. Tie found; ho had made, a Saving of at least twen ty per cent., and wheu theopper- tnnity. offered; he made the .same saving in btber matters. -At, the: end of; .'that quarteir' Charles Matthews did not have to. get'.a 'slato.r He.; raid hLs house rent, ahd: then" h'e round'he had tliirty-five !dcifUr^':i i'; his pocket, "Riat^woS his-^-ne.tiid" not owe a penny pi it. -, ," Ah} ,THaqnahj"| asfhe held thetnonev,."n, bis/hjind, and looked it oyer, "now. I know-haw forfa man o bo ..wppng and; his wife right. This money all comes of paying ns. I- go lalong. It is very eajiy'anii simple to'-say "Just chargo it," and^a man can easilv buy[ ti ings nnaer- such qir- canistances, but when tlie day ibf reckoning cbmea thpse three little words that sound so innocent when spoken,: :aro' found to be costly things^ ,. It did . not believe it until I tried': it."'-. I could Hot.have believed that a man would.purdhase many,^article s simply because/he could ha'votbem cliurged. 'But I See it | now, ^iiid if I refused to"folr ' , Bo;ya Out. After.1 Jtfisht, Among the habits, 'which tend most surely to ruin, we know of none moroproniinenfe tlisn that .of paven^spernrittihg their sons,to bo in the streets after nightfall! : It is ruinous to.-the moralii. They acquire under cover.of night- an ..unheal thf ill Slate of mind; bad,, vnfgar, iirrmo -al., and profane' lun- guuge, unholj practices, and a. Jaw- lesfi and riotous, bearing. Indeed it is in the' street affer-iiightrfall that tho boys principally acquire .the Education of the bad; arid capacity for ; becoming dissolute criminal men.- ',--'. " Parent-should in. this; particular have" a rigid and inflexible rule, that will npt permit a son. under any1 circumstances to go out into the street after.nig&tffaH with a view of ... engaging J$y. any outof-door sports,' oi- to meet oilier boys in soci'il' or chance occupation; , A rigid; rule of -this kind strictly ad hered to will Kodifrdeaden the des!rd| for ' such dangerous practices.-' iBoys should be taught - to' pleasure around the family table in conversation", and; in" q^iiet amuse: uiftnts. . ." Fathers'ttnd motbers, keep youiv: children athbrno at;nigh't, and' see that yoVtake'-^iiins to' niako your homes pleaseht,""at'tra biiivfe,1 pipfi- 'tablu to them, and abo'^e'all' with a .view to their future secu'rity":'fiJoiu destruction'; let1 them!'-: ib't become*; while they are fbrniihg t&'e're' fchar- acters for HfejSO^ccujs'tiimed to difc regard'the moralvsenses of shanfe advice ioiV your gaineft" expor euco^enpugl mo now. Charles'- -MUtbews bythe;credi* ah jfi'rs't I have." to le^d to follow ft. more' explicitly never -again. allowed himself'to be'jeamed a-wa'y systein, bnt- has ft b lowed-the:ci^h rule,and thecon. sequence ia , tliat.hq can buy1 pro duce, coal, ets.; at the (cheap-price, for ho qwns-i sifug Ijtttle cottage, and it is" all [paid; for. . Egr>|rs As Would it tute -more daily dief?'; weight of ahj This is'; moria meat.! There pieces that L A good egg ii 5 'pod, not be wise/ to substi- <3 jgs for.- ineat in our mained silent, the bill he-held He gazed first - o'nj in bis hand andi iloliara a would forego all jilcaenrca.. Then ' tho other "day, and she was^ telling ^io; next^quartor, then on. the flopr." "At last he sj.)pke.-: . <f Hannali', I s^e where the iron-1 ble is, and I mu^t freely admit I have been wrong. v-If I'had paid for everything |a3 I. bought it, I should'have hit it. ' You: were right! I see it 1.11'now.-, I hovo not estimated thb .value of mbney as I.bught. Lett mo, pnca.jget up again where I beaaii, and I will do different. I muslsstepdqwn to the store this evening, and pay the res : as soon as I can." , '^That matter is easily settled," she^eplied, "for I have money by me that I had when I was mar ried." . . , ' " ; ;-,- ;.";/ " He. protested most earnestly against' taking his, wife's monoyj, butf she insisted on'giying him the money. It was her will, and he hiupt"submit. So he werit down and "paid the bill, and en his way heme he sold the gold chain for i thirteen dollars. ' now, anij was ready to'commence /' ' Gl^MS.OP THOtfGH'I1; - '"A litile.will wifiice"ib:Hve"'well, -' and less to die happy,': .?<>..* -. 7- Ho that would be welh spoken ' of must not speak bad of bth^jft..- -' ?." Tlio things ypii can safely put : off until tomorrow are idleilesSAnd V vice," . :'-. ._'.-.-: : Did men govern tbemsteiVyes ns" they ought", the .world ;' would toe well disciplined. .! . Young: people . when -onee dyed -i into pleasure atfd vanity^ will scaiice- " ly take anybtlier. color.; " J ;.-. -.'" Don't ongage^in any undertaking -' - if your opnseisnce s'aj-s hot" to do;it. '" If- ybu, ijq ypja.willjbg'jjiijie' to have ;_. bad luck; '.' .--. v : ," - - Foppery, is" rarely cured f it & the bad stamina of the "mind, which 'like the bad constitution"of a- man*, is hardly, ever rectjfied. ~ ; O -" - 'Frequent disappointments 'teai$i us to mistrust our own inclinatitinSj and shrink; even from. "--: ,!-J---' rU., beiirts[ may prompt. " -'" Pride istnot: a bnd thing wliepJit urges us to; hide our-bwn hurts and not hurt others. '. ' ."',.. {[ '. Yuigarity1 is never so'; conspicn=, " bus as' in fine apparel, bn"or'off thb~ stagey ajid ne'y^ras self conscious.--; - - w.Geniiis is the prpducfTiif a brain.-T power and character of heart-power and in,a.; Jong run,it is the,' heart that rules the life. ,..,,,,: . ft- as to openly tl day in Street pastimes day or evening hours. e' Sabbath during its The Pbesekt . Wi>TEa^ The marvellous mildness of tbe winter recalls to-our raemory-the delightful winter of 1646. |We iieglected to' take netes'.pf it in '.p>r',d{ary^ b'ii't. the other apbstle/Eliot, wrote the follbwipg quaint ataternlent in the thurch record of Roxbury'; " This winter was one of o m'fiihst y ever ,we 'had, 'rio sribw 'all"winter long rto'r ?iHa1ffl leather, b'trt th'ey h'ad' ,ibng floods at Connecfa6at{^-ch'Wi|s [muck spbylb ib';y6 &orn^;jin: "y ti;Sai dbws/we nevel- had'a [bd'-day. to goel p'rch to 'the' rri'diarts;'all 'this winter, praised bblthe^'LorcI.,": ' r i "' ' ' New Te^'i'erakcje Pjtcjuy^Ti^k A new Temperapce ^pcig|y. .hiis been organised jn ;Lond'pn,f-Oat.', and has adopted as its":CmVstitut ion th^ of thelftvited Kingdom 'Alli ance^ which' requires no pleilge, and persons in ;|he hnbi^ of! taking ii glass can beeoirio .meltiobersi' as well^ as tho'se whoare tj^ptptaters, Tliis .'.action^isyor^ 'tjie ^Js.suinp^qri -^iio'd.piibi'cprrcct^tiiat'jttie|i-_o are many persons who;w,pujd'i>re/er\'to see the liquorlrramc' abQiLsliea[ jyjbp pceasionaljy, 'take, a"7" drink ^themr selves, No relrgibns[ forms are,, to oe introduced into tlio' new'.oraeiy and; all classes can 'join .'heartily, without, haying "their: principles of faith,^listiu-bed.j -; ',tii uu-.:}&-' < Hero . is a, ca >e at, jfiterest.^to ^.bout onp-tiiird of the' egg is solid nutriment than Can be said of s no bones and tough ave to be laid aside, made up: of ten parts shell, sixty pi/irts wl}ite,'-ttnd thirty, parts yolk. IThe" white, of an egg contains 8S I per cent' water, the yolk 152 pe4 cent. The"' average Weight' -'.of a|n egg is about two ounces. Practically an egg is ani mal food, ifncl yet there is none of the disagreeable, work of the butch er ne'eepsary Eggs are best when qopked four minutes.: This takes away the animal tast. that is offensty^, to some, but" does not so havdeik the white, or yolk as to make therji hard to [digest. An egg it cooked] very hard is diflicult of digestion, except by those with stoutjStomachs ; 'such.; [eggs ' should bebeaten with bread a^d.masticated7 very1 tinely::| [A.n esjcellenfT sand wich can bdl made with eggs and U-owti.-brisadL ; An bgjg spread.Jon toast is-food jptj for a. kpig, i kings deserve any. je|;ter- f pod -. than -any-: 'Dody:els^t:.wiiehls-doubtful.. Fried eggu are-less!wholesome than boiled oaei'if .lAnifegg i-dropped ifito hot water is not bnlya xltanan'd hand- some biit-a ^^?i9uSf??Prse!v Most people spou the tii8teJof their eggs by adding . pepper add! salt.', A little sweet butter is thk best dress ing. -Eggs contain.muth phosphor us, which is Supposed to be useful to those who iise their; qrains much, Poultry Ilapkui. . Woman prpposes Md- njan gBts up and gits, this year.' Adown Easj; farmer lajtely pleugh ed uplan pl|l [apple b-churd, and sold fpur or| five tons to a New .York manufiictiirer att. good price [to moke V bjfiikr wood pipes oi. teamsters .and fa -iners. *] IjfiCr. '1%. Denrborn was' driving homewards from. Oshawa, with a secpji'd .teain following, in clutl'ge of aTiJir.d man. The end board of; the lasi waggon dropped out, arid the mari stopped his hprsos, leaving' themj'on the road while he ran 'backj for -the board, Tim' team van away, tear ing down a. shade tree and- damag ing ]two others. " - 'Mr. Dearborn was brought "before Mr, Gi'ierson anij: fined, ten dollars and-cbsts-Jbr ;the damage. :Th*e ground^ taken- w^as that proper carohad not been exercised to prevent the team from running,away. - . . .' A pretty' steep dogi, story is told by the Portland, Me'.,. Press: Eecently; as ithe train over.:the Rochesteri road was nekring Alfred, the engineer disceverect large Newfoundland dog on the -track.? Ele blew the whistle, but. tbe- dog stood bis'l .'groupd, niid,' thinking something.'waa wirpng, the engineer whistled down brakes, and thel lof comotivo, stopped within: a-fesv feet Of t he dog, A four ,os>load'. of logs had" attempted to cross the. track-- but the sled oaugh'b .o4 th!^ rails.. The, bVriyer. jliefuali jthe| strain, ap proaching round a\ curve, aud.KU.slt-: ed down the; traelf^o stopAtr, His dog i.fdpk, -i j;:' ,-tihe f sitjiiitioa, jiid daaht^l ai^un^ tl^j pufye -pad- ^opji: pei.t|oi*nv ,n.---- ^ ::M^:!::. \-'\ ',S ; .' Wm;! Br^nseoniboJana family,bad a.riarr^Jw'escape"ft-bWbeing poison ed, by taking' ^atjeV front ji.yell- that had not been used [for eleven years. It -appears; that the > iJirell- hdd ^eehtiiorbughly renovated,-but this old jogs, were uot- cleansed of. the pbisbnouS" matter -whioh . had aocutnplatedf ;d'ui-ingi7itiioda televen -yekrsi' -Airiew-rpiimp' was attaclipd: to':tlid did logs, andi!the!faini!y[-s-< ing thp water were 'all takobjwitli s^rnptirns of having- been pbisotied.' Mrk-Bi'ailsccJnbe -is Beri<?UBly!iill, more or less feyer bpihg apparent. The other members; of the family have-recovered.. [i .- _; : ". - \ vP^NISBAPH^. "_ '.-' The'first person who "ever" went loundT.ihe World' was thb^maUiri; the moon; i , When a sailor marries a. Vixen, t 'whydjs. bis. wife twice" as* miich' as^:[<- he is j .feecauserbe is only a tar, ;; . while she is a, ^Tartar. w ..'" , -.}' '-' What is; the-interior of 4f<ae* ^, .- principally used fori" asked,a teach- ;; or of pupil. " Fpr purposes of ! - exploration," was then reply. . ' ; [ .','. Doctor,- bow is. a niaff to' tell a : musin'obm ir'om a toadstool F^'^E^ ': Satrng1 it'."-If,ybtfli*f ;'it i-Ja'mtisM. [ rxwmi^i6yapdievi1r^.a4o^fiRW>J;?; . ? ' ' lirib ig^very curions,"'Baid an old gentlepfan to.-a,'ifriend;." th;aC! 9 - watch/shVul'd be kept perfe(5tlj[: drjj , '* wien thexe,ia.a running, ipripg uit ~ . fK&'iT'? jnao-j ^ vpi.'i . How many^ypunginen scattered all over the 'country, are Trying' toj get a,: word tp^'rhyme with/1^ cen'l - terinialr" isa -prpblem "thatj' --sriilj never bo fiolvfld.hrli -tU : ".'5:ii ."" l'- " < : " ' "' . Professor (looking flthisi-WTitch)^ -h-," As.'; we . ha-vje !&.. feyiWinuteS, I shoyld. like to.^Iiay9: , anr. o'nei ask,. questions, if so disposedlj.' Stu4cnt.:- "'^'*! '.'Was the' crowd tuinultuousi"; inq'iiice'd one mafi Of/\*&ottierwwnt>>;. had just coriifr.frpm* ^l ' ""Too multuou^,?'-replied-t&j otheiv. ' "$.1*1 ^%^tr^,mjiU^o^ai . - enough to couifortably fill the hall. v -Tll-i-yj -.^JliiiKltiTat-i. A; man .down in. [Nprt}iamptb|rf| ifjis sa^d, niado so liianyVpaii's^Qfi shoes on ono 'day "that ii toolc'tvyol ;day's' tifT'crJunt! "tf.eni I'-.lIo'fwas- it,'1 smartkyne; but sistiequal't6-otie ' ia! Cbun ty TippenHryj-'who". built *e o'j - r miiny miles of stphe ieiice.; day thaiS it took him all pight and. the next day target home." : - " ' T;' - .;.-.- .' ']-.f0'- - :-. i:.-..---i-^. -..^. ,- Aininister tvho had'be^a.'^ricuf'r '.. sed of preaching aseraion.tliak-was;- not his own went tb'a parishiopeu-; who-had.made the charge; and.kgk-[ ed him to reti-actitJ;: "Well," i&i4 the pirishioner, '-'I thoughX^iwheBf S; I heard -that sermon, that -dt was " takenMrbjn a book, " home.; but, to'[make su,re,:i-wenfe home and looked in the-book;;a'ntt. [ '.' ^ J * : ^ "How is1 it, Brown, you,'always' j- hav.-e such splepdid:fruit from yoiir ;-' gitrdeni*- I .exhibit-and.carry'pit cups and^rizes(at-lgasi; my; gai.-deii-'"- ' ner does^. fo^ I only Beo it ii: print| ],[ ';' but I never have .such fruitjaa' this ' son'my tablp."/J " '";' J '.'; ' ,.|7;j ,.\' [ ^'.Simplest thing -in thpVWrld,'- blcffeilow. -I keep a gardeiiferjfor' my garden;' you ke rp a gar>ipri' fojp your gardeaerp-i'l/"' if tiVj^ A' tpvTh ;ik- -Illinois boasts-' of"| gitl '^itfr'three' arms. .' "'M When" wei wisli [to disise'!Qf Ii. a ! ' ' -\r -'r:' "-Tif. /> Or.'iTi .good' thing, .as.inilk, swa hayevt* 'oajry it ^.menjs^doors-; im!t wEiei-; we furnish "an evil lliirigT&s'rjipip"- we have pnly? to open a^ob^ 'apif ?nieh[ fcp^.%;,^ us.-|l; Thjs.ljjis;'4ih|' . Jr^int^'ninsM-atipn^bf^ proving the depravity of itlie. i-aceT': land"uiat:.we will rather makje'&icri' .fipes^tb [destroy^ ourselves tEa'n'tii"'-. iho^bnrServeS. ' ' Thelumbej-out in Michigan, fbji 1876 will be about S.lOOi^QW ; .feefc'i :;Taking this as a.basiafer pal, Iculatipn,;anii , stknajjng ].3$|efiCveE --. age/yield per; acre,pit;-SiOOptfeflt j 250,000 - acres, of pine: thnipr.j annualiy.cui .-, If the fvorkjoiS [stciuition should, gp;on sitfttjiknits, fpr- fiftben ;yeaji,Si only..;stuJtu^ ap|' seattering ^ifpups of pine wll. ri nmin bf the' vast foists, thajt ipttq |, 'cbvorod thisSutt^i-, .,;... ; ...[* -- 1 m rt

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