Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 17, 1876, p. 3

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*W1 '?*?*&*. wgmm XSfr h M WJ> lp r*~Jg 1* *# M >es ""-* '-? '.- i; ji: 1 :" f-- :i :. ' J ' lit* II ;'"' / IOES F. i LOCAL MATTEFS. ;' f% >NH iSH! 'EMi CO, rience is the filed in lage of :t - ' 'i' fj /- A"- ' -l > y; ;ly to price IteriaJ; fcneral \l be larket If our pay * iisate' illOYT jepjii-' .. . r idBil M n M i The best job printing in .he County titheF*W> tfRiw OtHcoJ tfivll and ex. tain* onr speclinen s. Messrs. B. & Rj Nicklin an. jwtim tbt they trill wr imenco- the taking business in Mrs;'sf prom- V law, next week. ^ -^-We.noticb tliat Mosrs^ocotxl T'Bwt i making considers ,hlo altera. tioo in the internal arrangen cut of their rtor*, preparatory to rvcoivi ig their ox- toaifv* stock of spring, good i. ~_ ; - . who is ifcoat retiring, ftvSiii tho hotel Imsineja ia Acton, lirinounees an! auc ion ;sale of his -fdHlituro,: implements, live stock, 4ei, at the Koyal.--Kxeh.ingQ llotelj on yrivUVvtboioih-inst. . . ; ' . Messrs. Christie, He iderson fc Co. their new axl -ertisement ' : this week, they have determined upon adopting the-strictly-cash system t doing" business. Kcvl what they have to sav about it, in anotier column. '. - -- " '.; - - ;.-! "- Mr. JD. Gftlloway-hKs built a new oven in the prtjnuses inljijriiung Morrow'^, drag store, iuid Ike reijnesta Bi to.announce that heAx-jll.iTen'oYc his baking establishment therii, i>u-Monday' or Tuesday licit- Hi3 suwerior bread will be delivered daily at tlje-. houses in the village and vicinity./ | The committee -whjo h:td the j Hanagcmcnlp"bf the suj>j>cr,!iast Thurs- dav evening, rind that itfterjilisjHislngof th hrokcii packages and ]>axing the net eoat of the provisions, the rLv^ii't^lvire- ly meet the actual batlay. | There wai I therefore;i surplusmojtey to distribute i amaiu^t the {HifW. A few loaves :ind broken provisions were' all that was - dutribaUvL i !. ' CMfbSi trelcrrs. ." ' John B. IrOugU, the colejirated'."Tem- : pemnce Lee surer, will appejir in tiiie'ipl^ this ^Thursday i evening, did in.lirafu'jl- :'" tonon'Mouday c>"tiiiyj lWxt. _Sj>oci.-jl - . tiekete will l<c issi:ed a; Jtil'er. stacioq, cn..MK2aa;%-to Braruptoa - j&d .rcturil, for 90 cents, X>eii:g one-thitjl more thpn the tingle iair.. .j; SWtU'tSt *WmrJi. 1V-. -. A gocialiect-ertainnicat itiili be h-_-Iii i ~ Pine Grove Sehv?!' Il-iu p,' S. ^No7 7 2sassagaweya, on Fri-.iay \ivc:ung. l^tt! . ioit. Fiogracinie .W-on.-S-t'o: mr, .- ^eidincs, rt-c:taiions, dUiloJ'iK's Several eseell-.-at ania-eu^ verfora are expect&l to be present-;. The C'uiiJ- .' minsville string i:.--ud 'w^U lie in atttfu'.lj- ance.' .Dvmrs op-jh at J p. mi ;:tia serve*! _' at 7X1. A'iniisi:--n"2'j ev;j:*'; e-hil-Vf"-. ii rlOccnts.'- The eominiitee-*iU spate no -psin/te make this tic eutefxiianniat tff . -tfce' season. the, t*X ajid ?*, 'whi- jo of way Jf thHr nrgttmont* K-ar -daylight, let us lravo them, icly ; mid it they nro worth any- S\ tlioywdl Ih! duly-appreciated; not go around but tonholeing people have not given tho sehemo the least conwderation wid trying to frighten ncr Will |il thiiJc aiid MJlu tho liortsightd pcoplo \\in opposo vill. hvo to l>o .gmtvfui'to: tlioso jo better : judgment, carried Ht.+ tlm mjh. Inany vaso. it-Bhall uot want ivarty support of your*, ?' FllKKHOLDEIi. tho to Bad Roads" Aj?airj. hnri T^*" the we .the tion: toge voi:i As toh. (th- thj'j cai: 0 ly s ii n: 'IV THE! FREE kind 1 ! buKb*a'"' <>f: incri-ascd tiow. The- Imnun is 'Imuud. to carry, PBESS, ACTON, HALTON" COUNTY, ONT., ; DsUn SJJ(;I-I hope yon will Iwnr wri^l me iu replying to " Katcp.iyur,'-' wlrti has made a. few rtjmsirks oii a small ortirle that 1 forwarded to you." ;l_will atte hpt to classify themi Ibji'naTk No. It He admit*: that the ronfl I -sjicak'of is-in a disgraceful state. .-^JeinarlrKo. H A :tou should not V>0 -called to assist. -Hen ark Nix 3 That jiiemorablo event of . U-ton Separating itself fron\ the mot ier. township, (how thoughtArl1 of- lvim tviremiiul me).: Remark >io. 4 vvemeuts . inerediblo sineu the aK^e date ; niiid U>ats of Hto further i^so in Acton. (Tenders out for a lock up). Kemark Xo. .1 Acton has spent her share, of huinicipal loan fnui; K&- ijtieiing Een' .'!>?" seas* 11 up I; t.: No. 6- hare still on hand, ark as to eloquence kindly noticed. nv, >tr. Editor, as the sugar-making n is close at hand I will sugar off by lilting " Katepayer "kno\v that the intoi ests of the town of Acton amlf tlic surr >unding townships are indissoluble, and in the position of the Siamese; \Vliat kills the one is death tpL ithor. I'nitcd we stand; divideV : all' He must know that unity is ieystouc of the arch that holds nric ?, churches, townships, and families her. .Pull out that keystone, and structure will cjr.nublo iutw jucees. Ratepayer" suggests, 1 Jiavc ex- e.i . nearly all my ctoquence" in itiug. thejissistane; of .son:e of our i.esing^Vuucil, and tl'.ey inform me truth of .which. Icauns.-crt) that are always re.idy to assist any c Wortliy o'f assistance. ' . le Worvl to " KaU-piyer, in a tricn'd- irit, a:nl I am doniy. l>on't let the .luUerateti scliishuess of nature crop :.< ^txoac. J^Iake a 1'i^: ainl deter- . d push to study "the, gohlen rule, 1 will l>e one v>ho will ass^t y<;u.' things I wish you to remciiiber : ojui without gov>d r.Ki'ls.-is like a. put: i'p' ii\ itiiiji',;' a lvainUe : g'oc-.l tea "at See >rdis but can't.get at it.~ t':i.l-r-T)ie -:i,Ki!,le I.ove your neighbor .is e!x. . i^aery rllave the to\nis anyi rest in our ruads;-- S'uFiKi:i:::i " i mti T .1- ;T*II-Clr Krmovrd nt Lz>>t. ' Tbe.toB-gate on the 7th' line of Esj . qnesiag-^-the only one that'has lEnrin elisSecce. in Halioir-for rciany '. ha* it last.te.n renjO'ved.. JPer'ple. inay nowl faavel on the only- few' miles- cjf ffavil road in the conntyiwtthouf being ,. compelled to stop. End fork over half ,a * thmeC.. This gate has leen a source fa - ^jsanoyance anil .contention.' for a g*o<b : Biany years, and it i* pleasing to . ; that tie stockholders' ^la^-e tinally coa^ ested to its removal wjtboitt resorting. . ' to litigation. We presume Ithe Conuty ,. ConaciX will hereafter see that the riiad is kept in a proper state of repair. tin tii vil wh mi on: th to r- K>ii!<'>r or* .'?:> Fry. vn- Sil: : I must 'V Clothing AT THE "JDIEL T FEBBHAKY} IT, 1876, H-^ J-J JfciJ ZB!r _fci' 5^EIC!n ^Co'i Tiazs Ei^. s t E^ra Aclotf, Fet).., 1876. DIQESON & McNAB. SEGORD BROS. eal House, AGTOlTJi rrcti:' .~.y with your lent, " liRisiniity," trom what su:ve-l- within our corporation.-on hvst j;"air day, "Th.?t ,-there is si'fcrarTie of ..thfr b.-trKiri|i:i aliiut ,' e _of onr iirhaljiants," and I must ' a'.H>ut .u--lue i'ii o::"r co::n r/ jicple On that1'day. hor.-c-tnuicr.-i and .rs might have Ixjeji seen racing horses tpn tilie public streit- pT:niir re, LudaCg'eriirg the l:ve* f'those v.:erc on the strLe.'.s, ::11 to ^I^lW the uing (pia'.ities of. their horse.,-", in if j>o.-sib!e t etr-.-ct a Jrroie. ' Jf :tf is n-.' liw'iu Caii-la to put r.f.stop <:ici) h'-rse treatment, I thiiik;-o::r : '.i.vU-'jMincil ouurht-^to take in haiol to' i ia"kc- a ia -- o'iioit the torcratij u of si-.-c'i coniluet vyitiiiu the Corporation. HVonld. u <t this come under the Act "Cruelty fo animals J" -If-so, I would iikej to see our town authorities put it in fyrce-, I expected to haveseen an ar- ticloin cluuins f;f your valuable pap r, (last week) relating to this sub ject mmi-lhe able .pen.of Mr. " H." but as nothing had'l>een Said about" it, I t'h night that ix should not be passed over un<>liserVed. Pardon me for occu- p;.ir g so much of your valuable space. Yours &c.,- A Rateiwyek. ; Ai;ton, Feb. 1S7G.(. ' . . - 'j - The; missionary association-in conned tion irith'tije Pxeabyteriad Church their annualvmeesing in Krios t'hu'rchl,- Acton, on Mpiidiv'evening. I The cjiurch ..- Tas well tilted with-'an audience appar- sntly deeply interested in_the miaaion- ^ ry ranse. ; f{ef, >Ir.-. Caimeron, /who oecopiBd the chair, opened the prpeeetb .i." n^ by reading a chapter troin the - Jlibk. ^prayer 1> Eev. Mr.' ,McPhej|- " , of"2fassagatreya,. and] singing by tie "choir. Mr. Boss, Secretary=Trea3 - -- . la, S-ead a lirief Hnancial statement, . ^shccKing^the receipta from jvarioijis col lections during, the past year to $146.87, Tritii pavments as collows : 4T; Foreign Missions, $30; Kn(>x Collego, .- * %i*^0; Assembly Fund, $18.75 ; T\%d. owi? Fnndj '2^49 ; Frencll Canadian _Missionf 44; Home _Missipn," SlGji f\fe A./Canipbell, in moving the adop- Mi of thereport^ took occasjon to make j "fervent appeal in l^ehalf J of the mis - *onary fnnd ;; hoped the people in cou - nectioiij -with tiiisj^chtrrch wonld not again allow the treasurer to report i -' \ f*ffing ^off in the receipts < jf previou s J6"*. Rev. Mr. McPhersoj i deliverc 1 n1 interesting address, giving a suii- -JDary of the miaaonary work, anp rt- / Uting facts ind incidents in j cohndctio:i '/ thereusta. The chairman - then called -_' _ open Mr. A. JMcNab, who made" a' fei v -JTery sensiWe I remarks. He s'as follow - ' irf^'"ty ReV. Mr. Btamiield, 61 VScarbord, ' tt a lengthy ^address appropr iate to .tha The choir did good sen-ice ^Belec^irjhs ol mtifcic. . toouhtedto; 12. " a nctaV.r of The 1.1 cry choice collection ,- .^^:- ih^ "'fV^tJ' is-! The Bomis-Question, : ToOttEdiZoroftl^. Free Pre^. Sie : Thekhoiins questioh is- being . fTeefy ventilated in certain qnarters, and * argnmentstseem'to b* very one- nded, Itake the-opiortanity| of offering fe remarks on the other. .._Ati the we meeting/Mr. Baker, as jrepresentsi. !. ' !?"? ^"* company, employ !. ^.thirty-five to fifty hinds.,. Th^ ;': oimt paid-wieekly in wages -canndt 'iUbelessihan two hundrea dolkrs,"*a frhich ifl. Jess ihan three weeks will "'Wut,le y^^y increase of taxes caused . "J * boansjj -then there is k large ex- ; * and the increase - ' "j^erty .will, with machinery, pe --2*-: ove'r twenty thousand dollars, 2Ll*^e**m^n* <)a which kt-present 22LS^^y nearly- one-third of the Wt- leannot see how the benefit 2g:"" * be greatly above the cos^. W_*e find there'are cirtainlparties- in i . ,^L*1.a?,0PpPBing'it, although very - _ :^w,*Or,;-m-aai uiiderliand jioJc-aud-c<ir- jMlhi--'- ' For the Kreo Press." TOE K'E 0\ THE TREES. UV ADDIE C11EWSOX*' "': Oh ! Ih6w beauttfid the forest, WiLli iti; of ice the purest ; Every tree teems clothed in muslin, Or in] frescoed robes of satin. But there 13 a deathlike stillness, Ami a inouriiful sound of'illness ; And ahe heads are bent with weeping, With tthe dftath-chill o'er them creep:ug. Then he icy teardrops fall, I. 'And tie drapery seems a pall : ' While the evening chises round, And-w e scarcely hear .a sound..1' * 1 But th 2 silvery wreaths are scattered, And ti :e jewelled bands are shattered ; By thi morning breezes taken, And t! le crystal tresses shaken. Tinkle, tinkle, in the Vfee^e,' " Tinkle tinkle, on the trtx\, Tinkle, tinkle, far aiid near, _ Tinkle, tinkle, everywhere. But a ;hange is brought about, And tl io morning ssin shifles opt ; And tlie crystal gems ajre'Ehining Qn the branches lntgrtwiioing..;- r Sparkling, sparkling; in the breeze, I- . Sparkling, sparkling, onthe-trjeesy'-'1 ; Sparkiing," sjiarkliiig, near ancl far. Sjiart iug, here and everywhere. ' _- ; And;v-hen the sun has run bis race, . c And tbe night comes dowu apace, _jThey ire sparkling all the night . ': ' . In the! mobnbeanis clear and bright. ' Eril, FebT 14, 17C.: . "" " V The Acknowledged Cheapest House* Is Cheaper thau Ever. Prices Kediiced. .A^QtsT E>TJ&T,TO. 103 PIECES GRdgBY'Si TAPESfW ' 'j j AT THE EXTKBS1ELY CHEAP P*ICB:(j)7 fl -' r . V'SqentsI Per Yard, Worth $L2ja 78 Piec^ j Assorted,- 2 j and) 3 ply . . ;; ; j BEAUTIFUL GOtoDS, AT A LAKGH EEDUOTION ON USUAL.:p|HIQEfe, The above goods have been bought by meatless than! thjo makers' oost; and I 6Ser for \he next two months the th*. Dominion. Call early'and aeleoi, ; '! ! Oct. 27, 1875 POST OFFICE -A-G^roisr: STORE, On beginning the business of 1:576,1 would return sinbere thanks to my numerous customers far the ver? liberal support they have_giveni me during "thopast 22 years, and again I most respectfully asia continua^ico of their respective support. During my experience in'business I hare pretty thoroughly found out the Trade, CARPETS Kidderminster Carpets cheapest carpet*'ito be mrt^ith in ;'-' Alma Kocki, Upper Wyndham^tre^t, Gnelpli, always on hanq. Acton, Ko^. QABBATH GEO. E. Has removed to thei" , I Brick Drug Store oil Mift;$t$etji' Formerly oxjcujiled by tbJb rateCK. ^ABTESy fthicb. has ibeeo enlarged and refitted, T - ^ . -.< I. .= -...- * v A large sto :fe o^ Prngs, Mdicines. *"aocj Goods/Toilet Articles, Ac ETftvR on hanr ,' ' ! . v . .' :'-'-.' v ' 5. 1875^ . ; - Money Saved. READ THIS, Basis of Three: Moiith's Credit, . - - " ' . " _"' ' We feel assured jt will result to the advantage of our customers as well as pbnrselvea, and we propose, showing our customers a few of the advantages i .--'--. I""'-'-.'*.' ' '< I ; they will gnin by it. If we can get a settlement of all accounts every three months, it will be as. good to us as cash, and as we intend to carry this out, and whether the account is one dollar or a hundred, insist on cash or note, and interest every three months, we have made a ~ GfefiAT AND GRAND REpUGTIO N IIM PR 1C BS TJpsand Do^s- im .' . i And am fully convinced that a ' , Credit Business is a Dangezioks Business to "both. ;Seller and: Buyer. Y ;.;-; I am therefore determined to cto a: '.y- . .' '< .-. READY PAJY BT|SIJSTESS And give my customers the, berieCt by feiving them Eigkt per cent off ior Cash on all General _"!' Groceries (excepting Sugar). By doing business as above, 1 will have the [cash to .-. buy my goipds and efiect a-. 1 ' SAVING OF AT lJEAST 6 PER CpNOP ' :| ' ; "" "' " MY CUSTOMERS WILL GET THE : _ J And in reality get :. l4 (p[er cent ftkr "(iheir Money-. Pliasa consider the matter 6v*r,.ind give me your support to carry oat i the only right way o f doing businesB, that is iEEAd^ .'.iiEv.A.-rz'- SCUOOLS. 'Presbyterian:at Work. ! T-.V ' :' .: -' Sabbath Sclicol World. Sunday School .Tinies. -" " Sunday School Superintendent's -.. " ^ . - j Westminster Question Book, Berean- Question-Booh. '.'"'! '.-v Internationafcl'Lesson^Leaves., . -.', Westminster Lesson Leaves. I '! \- Berean Lcxson Leaves. ' Select Notes <rn the' Pnternaticmal .. Lesions for 1876. -'}' BENEFIT, Giiatwul aki> Cost. K(V. " By ja j thorough knowledge Ep FOJ'.Tl of th 2. natural lliwa which govern the oparstiojis'-of i digestion and nutrition, and 1 y a careful application of the fine prop! tties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epp ,iia3 pro\-ided'our breakfMt tables with a delicately, flavgred beverage' whie i may save n.f many heavy doctors' bills. It is by JJirf jiidicioiis use of such artic eji^f-diet th(dL d constitution may begr. idually buQt cp intil strongenough to rl sist every tendency to' disease. Hun- Ireds of subtle malathes are floating around ns. ready to attack wherever then is a welak rioint. . We may es< apj man; a fatal! Bhafi' by keeping oureclvjs well" iorjified; with pure blood and a pro- perlj jiourished frame.'" Civil .Service Oav le. Sold only ihpackets labeled^. "Jaies El-Ps '& Co.', Hoiirlceopathic Cher list, 48, Threadneedle-^treet, aiid 170, Piccadilly, London," "Wanted at Chnst|e, Hender{ son I ' Co.'s, a large njumbejr of gemjrne first- !lass purchasers who !" will c$me dowi handsomely'^and assist in making a " 'Puihr": as goods must lie sold WEIGH KO, STOP! What's tlje Matter? Tbe'iiftrgest and Cheapest Stock of Sabbath School Papers. Samples forwarded, prepaid, ']*- ORDER AT ONCE., 'S- Why.any person who wants b good ' i : - -.' and cheap . ' F '!i-V;"'! : \f-'"' st of habhess '.!"" "-i-;"' - \[ ' \ Should call on '. '-"- :l-. . ". - Y- l klLli STREET, jLCrbNi My stock will .hlways be found complete in .;j i ; 'j :' Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, 'Glasffware; Stiticiaery,; Wbll Papers, Window ilindsj^iad^-w-Rqllers, &o. SBJecialtils.-SAUSAGE, OYSTERS; YArWoT11 BLOATERS, FINNAN UAI>DIES,l&c.,;&c -. ','." PRODUCE TAKEN AS CASH. I believe in the DISCOUNT S' factory, 1 Will continue to give cents discount; on 60 cts, 4 cents ; Of all goods capable of reduction,; a few instances of which we give below ' "--.' -i ." ' " - . ' - i liOOKi : $ Tea reduced to 85 cents. j s : I; 80 cent Tea reduced to 70 cents. I . . i - j 73 cent Tea reduced to 50 cents. ;"] 40 cent Coal Oil 30 cents. 25 Silver Watch reduced to $18. ;- S18 Silver Watch reduced to $12. --. - ' 815 Silver Watch reduced to $10. .! ; 6.50 China Tea Set reduced to $5.50. 6.00 China Tea Set Reduced to 5. 1.50 Chopping Axe reduced to 1.35. ' : _ $1.25 Chopping Axe reduced to 1. i ' . I \ : $1.50. Granite Cups and Saucers reduced to 1,25. !:: 7J cent Toronto Bisouits, by box, reduced to 7 cents. s' 20 pounds of Bicelfbrgl. -'-pA fuj-tber reduction of 5o per lb. on all Teas except onr 50c Tea, when, sold in'5 or TO lb. lots, . fSTEM, and as- it has proved very satis- ;he discount as follows: on 75 cts,. 6 cents; on !,- 8 cents On 25 bU, 2 C'^nv.eyanccr, Issuer of Mar riage Xiccusies, Insurance Agent Agent Money to Loan, Agent Sljbntr^al Tel.j'Co., Clerk Fourth Div. Court, Com. in <J. B., |&c. Aetpn, Jan|uary,18, 1876. J AM ES MATTH E W S, /^LEARIXtl SALE OF WINTER GOODS AT MoN AIR'S Greatly deduced Pric< is. befor)e "stock t&kingT " Will you be one S< e tfiat famous yard-wide cotton first quality, "only, 10 cents ji" yard, at : Chri: tie, Henderson fc'Co.V It U a great and-glorious thing to sell good goods oheap, and the man who baa accomplished this has alwkya been regarded as ;8^ publio benefac \tor. If this be so, we think, we-can justly lay some claim to the title lor ottr ^ibuse bai always been acknowledged one of the oheapest anywhere;: atd We are now making another efiort to throw cheap goods and money into the pockets of our customers, and we are already convinced that the pubEohail it wlthpleasure. SECORD ' f.i A lai'ge qpmtity of J EWE To bp rushed off at 'taa? |i-o-v E RY PAZ OES. npaOJIE wlio always haro , - READY MONEY, .:.'!.! ' -:.::i.-; .', are the most particular in their ef forts tO mak e their, purchases at the Lo^esit Casi Price. CHEAIf BOOKSTORE On'EaBt Side of Windham Street, QUELPa/ . ;; .'/ ' OYSTfiRS, P^STEks, OYSTERS. BesfrBrands of.' i( . '" ' FRESH OYSTERS, .. ,> ;.- ^at-: :.|. j: :.' - STQDDARD'S; ,; Fruit and Oyster Bazar;' Who is always ure^dy to supply cas;. tcmierswith eseryihing usually kept in ^ iir8tela8s Harness Shop. -; ' ?. ' . Barhess mafljej to order on tbie shorijestfpossibl4iletice. ( '"\ ;". OLLAES A SPBCLAXTT. - 18,1876. B. CfiEECH, ActoB. All kiads iof Temperatrce 'IDrinks and Cigars constantly on hand. Acton', Jan. ia, 3876. - j Q.tEtPH ARttORT, ^VCTOST;'-;-. LI\^RY^^.E STABLE '-" 'J.'P..ALLAN ;.'{'..;.v Takes pleasure in atmonnclne .to in* public generally that ne Is prepared to, First-class Worses aai Oarriage^ At Reasonable .Rates.. ' it ' . . : : . r t_ His jRIgs and Horses-are the oest that can b< had, and tie la determined not V3 be surpassed by any nity Stable". Acton July 1st, rare. WitL Cash in Hand No jLosises Arc Made !: and you can afford to sell lower than your neighbors, who-must miike up their losses bV greater prices to those i. .whb pay and thus MpBT I UNJUSJTLY make those Who alwayB have money^ pay tt.e bills of those;' who never ;; have^niyj '.- t, ,: does bisipesson the Cash Principle, - - - mpnty doWn. He- possesses paying . . ^ . _ advantages jin his line; excelled by none.' Clpsfe Cash Buyers go to Bookstore, fior their Goods hfe aatish'eid with Small Profits. DAV'Sf his is Gold; Silver & Nickel Elating Works! C 143 QUEBEO STREET, &T7BLPH Jo^n /Sirkltam^ Pi op;, -., T; Manufacturer-and Importerpt Breech and Muzzle Loading Rifles, Shot Caps,'-"&. Revolvers of all descriptions ahtays on ': BOOKSTORE, AMMUNITION; FO^ ALL IbKIBEOH . '-.'.' -" tOABING ABMS. -^[i Ely & Kynoep's Cartridge -Cafies and- Gaps for :ro-l<Mij3ing juimei ;Herloaders, Re-rappers. Cap fyoctiors, (Jurlets, and' Greasors, Cleaning Hods, :ahd> all ariioles necessary for a Snor.tsnianrsoutatL All sorts of Efepairlng and- Jobbing executed oia the shortest notlce.aV 113 Quebec Street. .'.-JOHN K1KKHA1*, : ^FRinciOuilprjr.on the pre,nihTes- opouTruni lOo'eloclta.m. tolop.ti. -._.. >ArCTONf .YAGON AND CARRIAGE JAMES RYDER DTORY.;'V.j i . "' n i JEB, Proprietor. Wagroaa, . jind sattsftetl' j^&et^al^; OarriagoJ, Keptjl'n^slock and ^ *w(e'to OrdJ-x pii ins '.} ]]'- ': -' I:,-.'.!-':, . _""' 'i- "^-r..... Strict .attention paid *o i: Vj ' '"- pgree-Sltoe on euaranleed.i 1875j~ '"' :-.i1-;t; !/ V: i-'rtr*5m:-;--

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