Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 6, 1876, p. 4

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m^ mmwm THE ACTON Whilethmifcjiug their numerous customers for C|ENEi?AL DRY GOODS, their, very liberal patronage during the past o| the largest LUNERY, *flANTLE 'rfv?: iVK>i .vu goods and prices. Their stock of BOO1 , ever impprtecl into this county]by any one housk and at< prices'belovvanythin invite the fullest; inspection of tf ' ' - -1 oftered Ibefbrje in this or adjoinin bysaHn^r the wholesale-dett*~ ^*" pes-, durability amic^iflJgB- nt ope per pduiul,~\vortli 80c. *J m\n ' 7 x Trfij'. :.r- ' " L'\) ACTON IFBEEIRESS _ TERMSi Odo violJtir n y>'ar, *tric:ly Ir, .edvaiKv.; If n.<s.i>a;<ft>vforo three months 4>m>.collar'and 11. nail 111 he churstd; or : iwoUoHiTSlf not paj J till the etut of the \enr. No v^ror wlft I e so.ot Ip:Lny pur- .feoii aioris ll.aii olio >'r:ir "if j>iita. UATKS f.F .VUVKKtl^INlSl-tKJght COUtS jV>r Itaefftir flrsi liusertiuu," uti4 <wo cents W>r <inc> tar ufteh.MibsiVliicnt Insertion. iShiTt .*i.!\^ri!s-uuuis i.iC eljilil Hues mid under, g! for ttirvc l4sTtt<Sii. Busliu'&s Ok|\!s 01' elgnl liuei and under, $4 per' jmuum. . . A liberalfi.scocrt H<jWe(ton avlvertHe- iiU'nu iijsortivl; for! cit.'iuled- thj-UkIs. !' Aawrtisii-meritsiwitliout special lnstruc- fcionis ttisi rud 4111 - lbi-bid, and charged .neooritasli". ; Any sipccjal Notice, the object of whlc.b 's 10 protouK ihe juv-miliuy RCRPiH ornny jtt.aivicHuU or.comTmuy, lobo consluered -un .utT^Ttis^xnout.' -Traosleu; iuiverslseuieuts to be paid for wnenpntertxi. All ntfvertlslhg accounts reotierwliqu ,rter!yv J KoVic-es o! MiVrrioswyBlrths anil Deaths Inserted frae .;. J :< fV-\i Sin -J::-i 1> !' ' > . h v ^ /TV T - -/' i -: -i-H r : -M- . ^ ... .>.>-lJ'i3 ip-'-. . K;l^ IrVi,.; J~L:' Eirjii v COMMIMOX, . - . -, : . . ^ .._A TOth Jc^as, "" i . -How it amo^tiths^tiie Hss^eft road How it; secmi \i> Kelp mtronward, Wlaoji I faint bci^.ath niy'.load-! " : JVh^n my ha-jt is tfpshed "tv-jtli sorrow; And iiiy ayes Wtfe tears art| diiii, Tlierc.'i5 rii>aght bqm vield rue Opnifort Xikq B:lirtle tjalk >-itb Hipi.' ->;' -' \:':1 .":". "'- . J tell Hint t ani -ydiry, \' - ~ AjqJ-I faia w<injd;be at rc^ .' . That iWdaily,'iontly livngiug .' For'-a tome .upon -His breast ^ And He Juisvers ma so sweetly!,-. Is ttiaes joi t<inderes#-k>ve ' "Iini crsmihg oon|to take thi^ " . To^y hippy Jadnj-e above,". Ah, this is what I'm -raiting, HGalovily faoe.toisee, . -. v , Aod I'mnat afraid to sy it, I knoir He's granting me J Behave HisJife-a fipaom. To juako n}9 ill His (Own, And H# oaaH forgetlHSa promi^o ; -To bus, m* pnpjWe<J jaijte, ; - . J, know, the 'way 13 dreatj": To yonder far off eliine, got a'ljttjle t^Ik. with Jesus ' WillTwile away the time." And yet the more I inow"Hirn, Arid ail His lexplore,. . ' Jt Oaly Eets-me longing, . ! I caciot Kte^withpn^.H&a, :. Xer would I- if I ctiiililj'- ,'[ He is sty daily7 -p-.>rtu:>n| , - [_ 1. My medrcine and itiy'food,' ^ ' : He's altogether Ibvel^, [ --'- . . ' ~_!sone; can with.Hi i cWparej ] i Thejehief amongiten til Jasind, j Tne jairest of the fair. .-'. . j'^ J oftea fael impatisat " , : ' And fconm His long delay, ] ' I never'p-nn.hi settletl r .-_-. Wiile Jie'retoaiiis iw&y, _P=t we shall not 'Ibng.l>e parted, : - For I know HeTl (Jnieldy come, . And we shall dwell itcgith'er- Jjx thitic_upy, happy hoiCLt,' So 111 wait a little longer "TxlIKis appointed 'time, *! Anil ghiry in tha kho)-Ie<lga -: -That scch a hc-pe is mine. Then in-my Fath'er*s">Jw'eifirig | X ^Vhe^e tf man^ mansions 'r be.,: 4 v 111'swcstlv. talklwi'tH Jesns,- An4 fie"shall talk jwith me.'. :. eounties. Tjhis:. advaiitige over other dealers is obtained in one lot five In fact to "ret A liberal discount to families buying a neat and stylish suit at a reasonable price edly the best varue ever offered. EDO ol^r -A. a ;bbos Our fall stock is now to hand, opened up/ and disphiycd to viotv; This sto ik istbeUargest and choicest! wo havo ever imported, nud io' it will bo found in addition to our large stock of stable goods, every luxury and deli- cacf to be fouud in auy first-class city establishment, euch as ;'Canned Salmon, Sardines, Oct an Trout, ' . Finnan Uaddies Shell Lobsters. Er^gh Oysters, Cove Oysters, Clams, Fresh Oyster, JS on Jelly, Pear Jelly, Grapo Jelly, W&J6 in Stock. Black Ctirraiit Jelly, Crab Apple Jelly, Ked Currant Jelly, . Strawberry Jolly, .-.fino Apple Jelly "., " Raspberry Jolly. to Fish, Cod, Salmon Trout, Eenings. Peach PreSerre, _- Bed Currant do ~ Black Currant do Our Stook of Teas is Lar^e, FTesh, Clioioe, "j^V and G3ieap^ ? t-: :*An'-:%- ? '" -r-.:.Ii *J:- mfir :.;:"%:p^fii|-. -ri.--.-f"- ^1 Ife^.J.."*""* Hrfl":::'lT".: d * gArVfriiYJMATTERS, To; Prevent. L;np Cbinuieys- from Oracking. Pjtit the chimneys in a ketiSe of cold;VHter and. heat gradually until the fwater boils, and Jet it ccjol aa graduallyr. 'A$ heat from the,l|imp il;irrio becoT-ae3L more or,less intense ^ the chimaeys will expand ftnd contrast without caus- -ing theii to break or crack, ^ A.- -. df the EnigliitHi Me- ' chanic says :-j'f Turn, the flame up to full powjer, then blow a" sharp puff . '-JisPizoritatty aorosa the "top of jthe funnelpwhentheUghfc'will not only be extinguished, bxrt there willi be ". po afterT?tnoke formerly ! ig- pited wick will be extinguishedj by - its own carbonic acid gas/ On leav ing my qfiice at nigbtl-thus jtttrn up jthe flaming witk; aad wit^jh.a . grateful gladnessthatthetjest labors of the day (and night) are oyerf' ' gyre a siae Witve of! the hat' jpasf the chimney, w-hjcji draws apitbij ~dme- from cdntactj-with the wick, J and -the light is gone, "and witlj no jifter- smell. .This cannot be j too "" widely c^rcnlated,-^aji I sea4 in ithe 'firruii tbie' other day that a lady lost ]ier -Jifo by blowing! down the chim- :," By/andjthn8 cansing an. explosion." ^ Blue Plum P^eserre), Lombard do do ; Golden Drop: do do Raspberry PreBerro, Pear . J do Cherry do - Canpjed Cherries, Gooseberries, Strawberries," Conned Black Currants, Canned Tomatoes, :.; r Peaches,': Green Beans, if Green Corn, " Corn.. E3 FBIeE PRESS!, .-|.4NITA^Y;.e, 1876 i^easoitt beg to intiinatethat th^y.dre' again fully ecjuipejd (pr Jthe FaH andT Winter; campaign, having laid iii clieape^t, nu^mosl chjoice 'stacks of EtS, ;-i TWEEDS, F-LAWWEflS, jtfQSlERY, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, HATS, CAPS, ETC., ; ever known in the history of the Dry Good^ trade.! Their object is to suit every,one in quantity, futility and price, and cow" S AND SH01i)8 ini Men's, Women's and Children's wear, for quantity, quality anc? price epmbiried^far exceeds anythitiff by their Ipurchasing diiject frbin thje manufacturers, instead of rt| is necessary to ea or uiore!pairs. Their JORDEKED CLOTHING DEFAKTMENT still maintains its reputation for JMyle, 3i'b:d.Si CO M SLET E ENIJ). In ovory I>opartmont"at tire FA-SniOUABBE WES T -A./OJ- BTJCiiC ^liGVC, lliv* to lntlimito tlmt tlH Stock Is now cotriiilf to tii ovory <: GticlpU ami Fiirrouuuiii^ oountry tii llifurin ll.c- Itvtli'S <>r l**u5hionut>!e,0<*xI.-vlK it. uttciiUou Ik ltivitoil 10 f>ur . i ^ iluost ho tiuh aver >ubmitu-tl tor Silk aiidj Dress Departnkeiit hawl aijLd Mantle Departfraent. Millmery Department. Furs, Fancy iBlan Woolen Goods, Hosiery,'Kid Gloved ! . - I " .' cets, Flannels, T^veethsj, ffce.^ 1 at the Glasgow House. Full lines of tpartlmonl, rm-J il'-Blron to itlal.N llpt <>' of Now Rml ftutjilo jip]>rovitl, tji>eclnl- All of whl Jh wo are prepared to cut at tho yor r lowlpBt rrlco* A. O. BUCHAM, Faslilontiblo West End Dregs, Millinery an 1 Mantlo Kftabllstotnent. Qalph,Oc4,12. 1870 NEW FALL G DIGS ARRIVING DAILY AT 0 0 DS G. t. HILL, Mill Street, ACTON, GfiOCBBlESj TEAS, &c, always on OHRIgTIE, HENDERsdy OEALEBIN General Grocerie's,: Boots and Shoes, ! . "Wall Papeiy ! ' - Wiadb-w Blinds, Orookery, Glassware, Glass, SON & McLTAB'S. Do not fail to visit' the Co:ifectionery, Biscuits, Eaisins, Currants, Sec ;Co2 Jocoa, "Chocolate, Spices, Pickles, Flavors,. Castor and Olive. Oils. Mustard; Soap, HairiOil; By^ Zcopin^ Good Goods, and Srlling1 Cnoap, T; We Benefit Oiur Customers. HARDWARE; Hardware we have every article necessary to complete the building or furnishing of-any House or;Brn,'also every implement necessary about a Fani or Garden,- suiih asi Nails/Locks, Hinges, Spades, Shovels,.Fqrks, Saws.r Carpenters' Too;ls, Bolts, Chains, Ropes, Blasting JD der, Axe 1, Fusi i, Sna nel.Pots, &c, Gunsj" Pistols, Revolvers," Ammunition,- Cartridges, Brass^n-i-, jes. 1 Bj' Benefitting Our Customers Ourselves. xlu "We Benefit Tab] e Cuttlery;^ Pocket Cuttlery, Mirrors) Sppons,. Hazors, Canes, Cijuits, Scissors, ' Brushes.- Our Stock of Hardware is L^rgo, "Well Se lected and Cheap, j PAINTS, OILS, ETd. Wuiiold a large etook of all kinds of Paints, Oils, yltxss, Putty, Varnishes, Japan's, Brushes, Pencils, Graining Combs, Points, Gold Leaf Bronze, Smalls, Ac,.,. :;J- CROCKERY, GHINA, ETC, In his-branch'we; have a very line stock of beautiful goods, comprwing every hjng in tiiQ line, including glassware of all descriptions^,'; AST- And examine those piles of WINCEYS, ranging fiom 10 eeiks :upwards, COTTONS, all best Canadian makes, < Also j hose ranging froui :: flanne: And othei proportion. Acton, Sept. 23, 1875. 8 cents upwards." iS, from 25(cents upwards Staple and , Fancy DICKSON & Dry Goods in McNAB. aim at pleasing.lour Customers, and keep ing "what tney^ "wint. iff*-* : Hamilitation of Patohes,4=4. ^eindly woman declares itha't she - fully ajhreeSTHth kny thoughtful womaxi who Bparea her-by4 itbo humilitatipn of wearing great round , at trisguhM:; patches,r^heri "ber w'wn skill and a gsneroas supply of nieces tqake the reseated panta look 'jtlmost ajs well as new 'ones, |Stay . they h'olSd her; in- grateful remem* . hrance Ibng after thsy have "outfi^- ed tlje 1 r of: torn trousers, j She '{suggests tl+at when- the-pants ni repairing arvet the knee,jit U a wtty tojrip'ite spame each sidej of the worn part, cui iiiQut and insert it new piece, pressing it nicely (bo-- iiforesclosing^'t.hejpidd seams as v Jfeiilior ~^y; nbr knan need (be r.' t- - j juending - ^omajtic r. . biimei to .Wjear gainnenta ni pjttbhed, if;Hif be liecessary every#gir^ "ribould be tanght economy. weliis aa e ssenfial pa rt of White Granite Tea Sets, '; - ! <f Cups-atid Saucers,-| if'.' - Plates, ' -"! -i f> -'. ' f 1 ft Toilette Sets, Jugs and Pitchers, Cbina Tea Seta, (10 kinds).[ '" Vases, 1 ' Pitchers, Tuster Jugs, . Fancy jugs and Pitchers, Comnaon Dunes of alt kinds, Sick Bed' Cups and Pans." 3Iagnifloent Deep Blue and Bronze Toilet Sets. Lamps |of aH-kinds, Glass I reserve Dishes, Fiiif Dishes, O ike Disbes,. -ni- Glass Table Sets, a. Tuxablers, H Goblets,. Celery Glasses, Glass Nappies,' ."" '/"' Picfele Bottles,; r f "Pitchers; f:l Syrup Pitchers., We d >n|t give discounts, for we don't believe in them. ;V7e prefer Bell ing ohesp and at net prices, so that our customers know oxactly what they ai) doing, jUur Teas ore twenty-five percent, and Other goods fif" teen pe r cent lower than they can be bought else where, and every pojson savwinoney by dealingjit !. gBCOBD BROS -.:" - - /'MA MJCH KENISlpDY BROf HERS, 1:; ' A . '- Have just received their , '! Pall St(ick of Boots and Shoes, And are do ternm-rjsd to continue to sell cheaper thin the cheapest, and ?~ better"value^^for your money than can be ha 1 elsewhere. Call and Soe for Yourselves and bring your - -1 Friends with you. ' '. I .< JSxamine our sto- k whioh comprises everything in t le trade of- the latest, and most elegant s yles and patterns of English, Canadian and.'- American manufacture.' . : -.; -: 1 i (tj- Orders promptly executed and good fits guaranteed N.B. All acooutjts mast bo settled'this month. Acton Novj!4;J! 75. ' arnagei N ilENNEDY BROS. REPAIKINf; Action, July I, l!!]?. SPE ACTON. M#%- General ElacIumitn^Cnrr^agcand Wajon Haken Bes|t Hoi'sie^Sliaers in the County Perfec;I aitiefaotion guaranteedpr no price charged. . mrs;]t-clas& Pilows ^ .- OOLLARDI3 PATEOT IRON :iAI&0WS .".: ! ', =.- A Good jSilpok e^ 1 CarriageskanJLd- "#a^ons. promptly ana properly,ttcuded to] Zinseed Oil, s*^ * soiiei I Paints, Iffaonine Oil, Coal Oil, Salt, etc. The subscriber bogs toreturn bis tbanks to the (nbnbitantsol Acton and surround ing country for the liberal patroimgo heretofore extended to him, and at the same time solicit their farther support . N.B.-Canh Paid-forv Hides delivered. . O T. HILL. A.cton, Joly-lst 1875. buying through jobbers as most houseis do, t w tLEPHANT C10TIHN& . " . -I '; : AH Ready For W%ter: The Leading Clothing House of the County, m* _... ."' " Just received . . -:". <"' '. .- - . Men's pverpafc*,.-jranging ih'price from ^|5.00 nj .7 Boys'-Overcoats, ranging in price from- $2.00 up A tremendoas stock of Men'Heavy Suits in Soo^h, aj*1^'**&' C'""^ Tweeds,' ranging in price from $7.00 up beautiful stock of iTliiidren'a Suits, ranging in price f^omi #2.60 up. gBtock of \yoolen tonderclotbing. to be sold very loir Jardigan Jackets, ranging in.price from\81.00 np. ^ Magnificent lot of new Shirts, Collars, Scarfs, Bows, and flats and Capsf^-just Paftl-^B vi.itl received 4 cases to very lo Cn^li p, by'mnBln'er It a-point to fblng elsowuerd, wlilttiTo ' - - - WM .. ____________r____ call 'Vhe. at Icuslitoao >ercautou every do Octotwr.13, BMMMBfi^ ELEPHAfirr. iar fhnj saeML ROtHliFbR^a& 0C^ ' No. 31, Lorrer W'yatoMaJStrert,' I : -if-Jftittbe^J t Len,_ j"oarfh ^{Aeton,Ol VfmW be > HiilCiMnpb ^(rtthe-1 Glo#^jiittokk A CTON LIVERY & SALE STABLE J. P. ALLAN i icl ._ prepared to Oarriaees Take' plcnsare in announcing to tho pubttc,generally that tie Is ~~ "* '~ . -furnish First-olas'3 Horses and At Reasonable Bates. His Rigs and Horses nre the best that can b had, and lie 1b determined not to lo surpassed bv any City Stable. Adton July. 1st, 1875. JOB PRINTING Qf every description In the best and most sttr ractive styles, promptly executed at the FREE PpESS ' '[.- : " v ? (In Mattliew's New 3iuildingf)0 A^TONf '- >'. -i ' ,.-',- ":'1r'-: T. H. HACKING, proprietor. Having, adoptee^ the \.. ?f *| CUlSfallyl . - ^ joUdtad. f Mci^x -y\. IJCIIT CENTS ON And discount for cash .of br;|thr;e months past,wourd take this opportunityq' stiafjbg thattt< [ "' S; [stem Has Proved &ost Sati 3factory; To niy numerous customers and also to myself, I -S ill!e<iatinn41 ij I- I - ' ' . S(ell (|roods as Lpw^ as any 'House: i^"t^ie-!lH^d(|; Doing a Credit business, and will give PEJB CENT DISCOUNT FOlR 8 me rs will no doubt ayail theinselvea of the di of succesa^and satisfaction to all conoerned,in saiisfied coiattByktem. b6ok r&; ."i-.^:Btteati<i| -,r_. hei 3i ;MhiIi: Pijom] )t paying monthly customers consicleTed Jas. ssh, and will thj discount. . - -' -'.-" CJ^sIi ibr all ^anda of C( niTe j aneert issuer of Marriage Licenses, Ii ^m ta* j|# Pjl*". \ Age at Money to Lean, Asrent Montreal Fourth Dir. Cenrt, Com. in ft. B., &c :;|AEt|S llTATf A.<koo,, Atptomber 1, 18T&75 ' AiL KINDS OP AND MB m i%^:&m tf: KortH too. ufflc*. KoclcwL tirofl " 81 a*ea* 'KB At J tf^i.^! /:)-;

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