Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 23, 1875, p. 4

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vggiy mm ^: fl"1 THE'vJACTGBr: IP i'-'tt-:-- J >?:' - - - ? *iif77- ' :>KP! <3-Xli^-S O-O^T" f\3iilc tiimvkiiirg ^j[ipir-)iiihverbu8 citst.onicivs.for ikcir very liberal patronage during the past season bog to intimn c tl CENERAL DRY ... . . oj the largest -----;.t. ............-. COODS, MILLINERY, ^JANTLES, TWEED^ f^NN-jEIL ^vcr iliiported iiiio this county by any oho house, and a< priced boloAvnuylhin'^cvor known In the history of ill mvite the fuHest inspection of thekr goott^ antpHocs, ; Their stock of BOOTS | AND SHQjIIS "in Men's j-Woiii THE- ACTON FREE PRESS TERXs.-~One dcilW a.yvnr, -smelly In ^dvaiic*. If nut jii,l bWoro throe mouths one >ioltiir nud nnaii will b chrtrj^J f of xwodollnns if no; pa u till Uio cn.i of" the Sear- No payor will bosebl toitnj- vWr- on more 4n:in<in< year unpaid.- RATES nr ASVKiiTi&XNa. EljrM crnti. pr lino (or first 'iiisertion^ nnd two cents tior *iuo fir each sufe-queni insertion. SMioti-jmIveri lsi>mpct-s o( -eUl*t lines nud -^Aiuaer, 1 for-threr insertions; Umitit-ss -<~Sinls oj'cishl lilies aad- nailer, $1 per - "annum; : :: ' A liberal tilseonrt nUowieiioh RtiyfrUse- monts knsecuxl fvr *-it<'iidcU" in'rH*!*. XavprUspmonlvwtO'.i-nn spcctuliresirue- iidns !nst>irt^d flll, ami chtirged accordingly. , - /-. ' Any-Special Notice, the otyectnfKhieh ts to pionioJMtae jpeVutilary ocMOflrofniiy ; Individual orco-upaiiy, to bo con^-Jtiercd an ndverttseUwnt. I Transient ndvci Useriionts to be jald for i Truce anlrft-d. AH n.lvertlsliv atcooiite jTMuiejvd: <;u rto.rly. ."- - ' NoUcvsol MarrUcouS' Births and -Deaths inserted free-.. _ .... ^n^ed,lHjfure in this or adjoining-counties. This ad|antago over other dealers; is obtained Jjy savins* the -ivlipi-csaie d^iler^ profit. A libera! discount tofamilies buying in one lot- five pes* durability and cheapit-qs:^ in tact to^get a neat and stylish suit at a reasonable price 0t 4Qc per pound, worth 80c.-|4decidedly tlie bestvalue ever o flu red. EOS 9 >A-OT O 3STa THE GREAT TEA Ou faU-stock j,s now to hand, opened up and displayed to view. This fe .-* --- !.Mr-y$"--: RV--"'-- >'-rs>- liV-!t'<- K^" i- sT's %- FAMILY MA^TEES. -,..-. - Preserving Colors. When eoror on a ;fiiliie has been accidentally or- i.othetlvrjaa destroytxlty spu, aui- juonia is apjMted to neutralize the >cld,'sifter - which ^ffn application, of chloroforin_\vill>.in almost idl cases, 'restore;the origiual <lor. The ap plication- of diutnonid is commor., Lut that of ehjor&form is but littlo kno^n. ;.'.-.'"" - -' fThe'foilowict; wacer-prpof har ness blacking", which", also serves as a j^U^'is'indorsix]. by^the Bostoa 'Jmritaiof Ctxrr.ikn/: lTuttoni'Sueti '2 ounces; beeswax 6 ounceo ; inels anii add': sugar eaiiily, (in fina pow der,) 6 purj<>"8 J Bait soap, 2x>uQces j ' jndigor (in (fine powder) .^ dunce ; Iftnrpblaak,: '5J ipnnces. r; "Wheri thbrbughly incorporated add turpeti- tine^ \ pint,j "and ; pour into |>ote and tins. '. ' '. :': ; " - -*_' titocl- is the laigest and Choicest j\\'o^havo over imported, aud in it will bo fouwt in or largo stock of-stable goodj, evpry luirhry and doli- caey to be found in any first-class city establishment, such, as Fro^h Oysters, Cove Oystere, Clams, Canned Salmon, pci-an Trout, Sjrdints, Lobsters, Finnan lladdios *Shcll Lobster?. Fresh Oysters always in ;J5tocls. Lepion J Tear Jolly, Grjtpo jelly, i-f. - Pdach rre^rve,. Bi sd Currant do ' Bl ack Currant do, ' Cur Stocl; of 'n;& .^VS'.'plsl;-^ "' '- A i" f-J'S-h't-- s-- -r .u-.-.i %& *. -ma "firfe fl( ii- .y J*- ^ ^"" 'Pwll^f ! 5- if. W& tp --':\'js? mm it; ~* ^;^:i Sfe"-= &Si - 1: I^t- '- .' '. e _' Tlie Innocent Old Lady. " She lives ^town on Bakeritreet, and she has ji dau^hw;r about Eigh teen j-ears-:ofjl. The old lady re- j 'tains all her simplicity-jiind ibnb- cence, and she doesn't go two^cents' pn style. - { - -J"*" j The; .other -evening -wheji" a /'"splendid catch" calicd to e&cb^i the dangbter to itha ropVira the .mother \epuldn't take the hint to7 keepilstill arid wouldn't help ."carry' onii the daughter's idea that they had -wealth.-. -While, helping her daugh ter get ready she asked : -1" -," ilary, are you going to wear the ahoes' with one heel' oil/on ithe jmir .With holes in 'em." -' Mary didn-'t seejn to heartland - {.he "mothir inqitifed : '. i' ;" Are S'ou S0^11^" t- wear Ithat dollar gold chain: and that washed- tock'et, or will yok' wear the r dia mond fatier bonghtafe the hardware7 atcre/f' '" ' ' [."] , .: ']- '.Mary winked at ,.her^-and] tho young man rblushed, but the old woman went on :-; ' _^' ""Are"you going to- hbrraw SMrt. Brown's;_; shawl, or will you wear {nine?' -' y= : . i M^try bustled around the room, and the-mother said,r' . f 11 Be careful of your-'dress Miiry ; you know its_the only one you'Vfe ;/gO,-and .you can't hayb" aiipthe'r' "until the mortgage on this plaieo is - lifted:"' ' '-:'"-- r viLiry remarked to her escort- tiiaf ifj-proinised-jto be- a beautiful esenirig, and as she buttoned her jgloves her mother'asked : i . "* Those are Mrs. Hardy's gfeveS ain't : they ? She's- been a ' faocd. iielghbor to xis, and I don't Know jioW you'd manage to.go any where if she didri't Hve.near us.1,' K ! ' ' ~~ Mary was hurrying to get out of ~ the room, when'the smother .raised her voice once mora "and asked: " Did you run in to Mis. Txjw- itt's and?-borrow her bracelet and . IranX rees* I pefe you did.. "Well jiuow ijou look real stylish,.at4 ^iope jy'ou'll have a good time." 7 ' M^ysita by her wiudow ir. the vala inoonlight and sighs for the .'-Splendid youiig man to come and peaa her around; sqii^e more, but he_hasn't bfeen eeen np.rtbat^ way Kince tiiab. nightl The-'old lady,' \*x>, says that he seemed like a nice young manyiimd she hopes thrf he hasn't -been 'killed by' the.etreet "/carsr . ' " ':.' ' '" " -" 7 , y xpri;/ '.- .!-' . IHie printing-onice of\ ^ss'rs. :Jiun, Wiman &Cb.,;'in New I'prki yas b^rat' ;^own en Tbursd^f . 'pjornipg. '_, ^JY*--lIpe presse," i?i*y tooj^of type, and the euliveiedition : yfihfiirJanuafy^>ouk, almost riady t> be issuo^' iyt;e' 'destroyed aud heavy lqs| tnu^iirusd by 'the tirm , . The ifetjt^j^iaj '^ommiasitinera ba^e j^urned"'f^Bi. ^hjilade pbrn where they'Sirere niapngLan~inge- juuntB for., the. Canadian exhibits. Jb$f have .rented ^Kovlscs i'n ihat "" ie frt^tQmkry arn ;'nge- Blackcurrant Jelly,' Crab Apple Jolly, : K(jd ( Currant Jelly, iue Apple Jelly istrawborry. Jolly, IJaapboiry Jelly. White. Fish, Cod,: Salmon Trout* Herrings. Cjmned Cherrifes, f jGooseborries, Strawberries, " ' / -ti ^~ a-vety -: it"' jT'.;, -S-'.- .-1 <-; --A t ffoQ'ee,j, Cocoa, Chocblatp, i ly. Seeping Q ood Goods, and Selling Cheap, We* Senefit Onr! Onstomers. ; Blue Plum Preservo, Lombalrd do do- Golden Drop io da Ksspberry Prescrve,- Pedr ' do Cherry da I own cheapest,! and most <fhoi tliop nien'u an by tlieir i)iu'.chnshiir-"ii fr'eq or more, pairs. The HOSIER^ ^HlfcT i-y,(^dod^trade, liheir object istti Id 1-hiJdreii's wear, fcn r. t is necessary to-call @ei o6m? In ovciy .Department: at tho I^SUIONABEK WEST ^_. o. (loirs (o inllm|iU> tliat lilt li.form tl i- -Iii'IUb of m r;ish'U>ii:ittlo-(! tlu :iltO!*tUin is lnvllcni to on btjch: S'todJe Is now coniplctti In fxofy *tc.p.'.rtin Ipli aiul'diiiw country that tat they are again fn ::e stocks of 0 at t ie (jlasgow iibujie.1: i^ull liries Lj fcpa tan EiB IIJND. J^^K. lllhdi^ lliitsl. iio iiua uv>.'r hiibiullU-d lor j u )lip il Sfilk and Dress.Department Shawl arid Mantle Depar Millinery Furs, Fancy Blank ,r()olcn Goods,- Hdsierv ( j t s,' Fi a 11 n e 1 s, T vv e e (h^, All of \vh!u!i Teas is Large, Freshf Choice, : and Ckeap* 5 ' . - J r Canned Black Currants^ Canned Tomatoes, " Peaches, . ~ " Green Beans, " Green Cofn, < " Corn. onfectionery, Biscuits, Haisins, Currants, Sic. FiiKltionii Gnoipli, t'cU li 1S73. '_ 'A. 0. BUOH Julo Wctt iJfld IircJ?, Milllni:ry and >i. NEW FALL GO ARUliVING DAILY AT Spices. Pickle?. Mustard,. ; . ,Soap, Flavors, Castor and Olive, Oils. llair. Oil, HARDWARE. In Hardware we have sviery article necessary to completo the building or Turnisbing'of any tlouse or-Bwn. also et:ery implement necessary iabdut a .:'drni_/3r Garden^ such' ; Snamel Pots, -&6. as Naili-.iiocks, Hinges, Spades, Shovels, Forksy ixes, BaWa, Carpenters'lTdols, /.Bolts, Chains, Ropes, Blasting Powder, . ruse. Guns, Pistols, KevolversJ Ammunition,. Cartridges, Brass Kettles, 7; Benefitting QnV Customers W$ - Benefit rOftrselves. .-' :~'- ^abJeXJuttlery] ' -- PocketrCuttlery, Mirrors, : ' A Our Stock of Spoons, - ^ [JRasors, , l_\ '-.. Canes, CruiU, . Scissors, Brushes. WINCEYS, Al.sp'-1 hose ( ranging from Aud other proportion. Aoton.Scot. Z.I, 1.S7A.. : . !0all GENTRAL MX Department.' if, :ind dcHlrcH to pi -iyofNoVrnnd lijiro'v"!. lirt'Clnl tment. ,K &(. ,, v,-e are prcicin-d to cm :.t Uio very, li vvc-.-.t I i-i-Hc- l 6 Do not fail to tho . SI "EM And examine those -piles of ranging fioin 1G> cents OTTOXS, all besi Cai 3 cents up.ivar.rls. ' FLANNEIB, from 25 ceiits upwa-ds Staple and Fancy Ury IDICKSON & M-rMAJB. at'J.-W..-lfe 21. ilia tS ID ^Et UIS FALL ai'0Cl OF ' 15T. :<3r'<D,\(D Hjard'W'aris'is^ Large, "Well Se- ,eoied and C3iap, PAINTS, OILS, ETC. iWe hold a largo stock r lap: Jabans, Brushes, Pencils, qf all kinds of Papits,,0ils, Glass, Putty, Varnishes, "juiults. &c. GrainiDg Cornbs, ^Points, Gold Iiinrl Bronzo, 1 CRQCKEjRY, CHINA, ETC, ih this brancbrwe have a very fine stock of beautiful gbode, compiicinj everything in thSline, incliid|ug'glasgwaraorall descriptiods. '. " """. WW aim a$ rleasing our Customei's, and, 3^eep: ingwh&% tiey want.; jv > Whitp "Granite Tea Sets,. '.'. Oupsand ^ulc^re, J? 'PlateB, '-& Pitchersi, -*'.. r -Toilette Pariaitt Ifugs and pitchers, .:" yagea,-. '< Magnificent DsepBine an^ ErpnzeToilet Sets. Lamp.3 o f al 1 kiiids, " Glass Preserve Diahcs, " Fruit jDisbea, <':; Cafep Dishea, ' |ng cheep and at pet {.hey iare- doing. ".Onr'Be^ are twenty-live per cent, andother goods fif* ^^r^racc^niodlSon^Tol*^11 br cent Tower thaii they can b;e bought elsewhere, and pvery pbrgoji , ^ :t :-'"' -V, "" . ^-JjoixUa^i l^^^^n^d^^liBxhibitioii ( _'-\_ ".'. ^QTCl/^/^TJTV "OTD/Kc* AND-'RElADYrMAbE-CLOl'KINiC Is much larger and very low prices. setter than ever. A splendid ,&to In G-roceries, Crockery and Will bo fot; nd a completo assortment of tho b(: GRE [AT IB A RG A Aro offered for cash or produce* Tbo subscriber tit gs to return bis sijicore thanks Acton and surrounc ing country, for their liberal patronage I in future t^boy ivill i ontinue the same liberal appreciati )n | A3 a large portioi !ELL (Than those who giva lorig Credit Sets, -u China Tea Seta, (10 kinds) - M: sVasesI ;: <*; iPitcberBj .--.". Taster, Jags, yanoy Jugs and-PiteherB, Common Dishes of all kinds,: Sick Bed CiiDB^nd Pans. Glass Table Sets. ' '} Tumblers, " Goblets, i- **.- Celery Glasses, Glass-Nappies, .; " Pickio Bottles,-.- " Pitchers, _ - ;'- <'isyrupPi tellers, W0 don't jave discou:ift, fci we 4on'fc believe in ^hem. We prefer Bell- ^CB8,>aoJ: that our cufitorners know exactly wnat Acton, Sept. 29;: '&?-. 4cU>n, July 1,18 L STREfiT, ACTOML of his business is ready-pay, ho can affc rd to 875.. CHEAPEN I and have a great many ba I debts. ad' Iy equipei t./rom the iiianufactijirers,.jnsteed ^f buyin^Jirou^h johbers as most houses IDEMUTMBNT' stili liminlafn^-^^ id i Gloves iritis. A-R& Ka-tl(llshmeii't. EiS CIT1 iJE. General Groceries, loots a: >1" siiit*every one in rfinin:tity, cpiulity and quaritity, mifility and price combined, lar cP^Pd.**iiy^l;f^^ ers. insteed4f buvinJusihrbWh jobbers as houses-1^j|feiii#Mt ^i^-^i..'* ^ HIL mm Str&qt, AV?Oii, ..LEXt JN1 $:vr* for the Fall and. Ty-ihtc^- cainiMiig^,:-liavtil.^liiiid':!!| DRAWERS, HAT^^CiAPSi price of GfiO^fUES,-^EAS, ^, jalvyaysi on CHRISTIE, HEND^RSGIS^^ t, Boots a:id Siioes, jWall Paj>e?f j WiLdow^irlds, Crockory, Glassm ^Tails, Glac *P, a. Pi.tuy, Linseed C Paints, i Sa-w & j>w.i>rds,' ian makes, rGooils in ib'iei ;k tc^'splect from, at G-lasswarq X <j' lality. I o th j inhabitants of and trusts that n Works MAI|N STREET, AC[TON. :on Maker* ICJ-IAELEPE CJcncralUlaclusmith, Carriage and Wa Best Hoi se-Slioers in the; pounty . ' 'Perfect: iatiefaction guardntodd of no price FIR^T-CI^ASS PL(G)cS COLLABDB $ATENT IftOM Always .on A' Good Stjok of Cai?riages%ia:id KfcPAinixi; prauu>ay aud 5. band. char Sod. propertyi ittci idea' t. Ba.XR0ws ns. .SCaobine, uj iCoal Oil .'Halt, etp. Xlte suljs?rihior 1) to tho Inhabitants Iii(; country for Jioretonjre extench .suhio time solicit .'^N.U.j-Caslii'ui.-l A et-'ji; July lut lis t oie turn 1 lRtlinnkb of A -------: ---------' ho Of evdiy In the best j ttaqti'^e s 1, cum and (inwouiitl- ibenvl! ptrtroniiBo- loUod LIELYl LIVEXuY r. \;: 7" hm& 0Ci ST "THE Q vS'f a-TxaBiii^EL: ; The best Fall Tra le vye ;Jiaive-.Alev cash that does it."^For fcash- we buy choa'p..' The leading .. Ijuying largely and underselling everything.! I'ile^ of- n sir goods. ;a, pwtfi {ji'; ririhg, to be rushed off at pjiilc prices. '/:' : v^: j i ': .."'.'-in er Mt|on , ai&lp housp all f % jBiajj^y;j" V 2^ew fresh stock of Furs on Lahtli-jn'^jre^efaaij ^ cheaper" than any hitherto shown. : ' .' -., !-7 ~: f,: C A .... . ., - - <I cases New 3ry Goods, jxrniendouis worthy the at tex.tion-pf "buyers., Three cases New M.unklea. Nevy Flowers; New Feathers, in eiidle^a ynr?tjf^ in, the Millinery-llfepsrtmpi'it, up stairsi' Thousiliad'i ~" Shan Is, all being sold decidedly choap^ V. \. Ai bankrupt stock bjf Tweed* wi JOB PRINTING descr rip} ion- aud mofetat promptly e^eeuterlitt the tylfes, (iii Matthew A$ J-^%-- HACKING, fRBB s j Ne'v r Bui! dinge) Of Clouds^ Scafll^. 1 he s<ihl at onoo, torrifjc brgain in every pieoa: 100^ piece* of Scjdrlei Flaaa: jf* fa* quality, at'20o pep yard, ' l!n the[Up- Stairs Department I, am fidl/bf Biiffkri lo Robcsf mu3h chejiportban'dpvtiiing in Guo)pb.v Wsdo th*ie T#j>ei ; try Carpetat 70cwith SO-different pattcrns'to icljOose -from. ! MW^MWM-^?;' dark gray home-rr.nde ICulied-.Tweeii, extra."he(ivy,'at 57ic per jarl, ^rOJtfc^Jl 75c. Como right ialpng where.the bargains arifij and g it a fu}l choice of *B classes of goods. -- - J. D. WILLIAfftSON, :-:->VB Au V-f v3s r J barg^i^ : i:73"J '4,: M '*, vif-:; -. ;' - IL- -4- : iO.- 1 ' Act -M--.i.'.-.; : 4 ' jh; :(. \ L ' .** '.'ii'-.t: GENTS 0N|; t#t for three months past, wpuld take this'opportiftitj System Has ^roTred Most! Sal^s^|tbr^^| To; ni'y numorpuf:custp!iiers":and also ta mys jlf, j; wilj < Sell GroQcis as. Low a,s,any Ho- 3se Doing a Gredit Business; arid w: t giV^tno 8 BEB CJEN^T^ISCip^*iSi^ Customers will no doubt'iaVail tfiemsetves of t ie d sootrnt; satiHfied;of 8uccesS,"ar^;s^f^fcionv to all cbace ^ied in^the' count svatena. ; ; " ' "count syatew. ! ^ : Pre prietor. Prori^pt-paying m.ontEJy:cnetomera ^rwid^red^ ho:discount. :.'_:j all Of InsaranM. Conveyancer, Isauer of MarrldtgcL!ceirses(_,________, Asent Money to.JLoan, Agent fflmri] real"^e|.-Spo^ IS Fourth Div, Court, Com. jn Q. P4 &cj. 'ij'X-5-' - ^i^.' I - -l^lffl ::-'^"i;'A'\:W^ ActpntiJci>teniborl', im. of stat ing-1fiat w;fa wtoA^i -i - :i--'" 1 -tii -Tf'oois :^M*-i ' 7":: > .^ ^*"1 j^.i' ":s3 -.01 V"V-3 In'^e-l^anM r oeih ail as oaah, andl^ 1* v^-"*r 4 iS-"li 3 >-'.;TV- '. jw--isv.-.f

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