Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 26, 1875, p. 4

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Tfgsj?- m&'isFM fi- iHBI THE ACTON ERE mm :* ^hlte4hai,king Uu ir munerous custoiicVs fti their very liberal patronage during the past reason, beg to intimate that they a;re again|idly <:quiped ibi: the Fall and Winter campaign, having (aid in one t .'Ji : r . . . j | CENil?ii DRY CO<DS, MILLINERY, MANTLES, TWEEDS, FLANNELS, HOSIERY. [SHIRTS. DRAWERS, HATS, ^APS, ETC,, wtwsnHi. um v-. w wt^w, .^ - , r .J. . _,_ TheiW olyect is to siiil every one in quantity, quiihtyjand price, and cordii : s* ' - '? --- -"' ii :-!.;-a . S'->- ire: m^r :*M --/ b ~$ .- ".-' -,TKiS'. _ '.. ACTOR (FREE FITESS One dollar a year, strlpslvtjv ,iidvuiice. : If noi jiiid t>ef.>rcthrvo monies, -..4>ne dollar hivI a rwitr will bo clvin*g"'J * '*'""< - |ro dollars it' not; r>-v U UU Hie <<h.i <->T :h* ->o*r. No paper tvlll i;;1 sent soaiiy j>utJ' -tiun mare tuiirioiw year utipatrii'v RATtsiiy AA\vkkt15-ini5. KiRWt cnits., . J>rnbefor fir.*i InsorUon. and iwo cents per'me Tor'e:\Vh Kut<s<'o,njant insertion. Short advertisements tif-eji-hv line* .Uml __^ mter, :?1 for IhSer insertions, Unstness Cards of elgut lUic.c uiul uu icr; i^t i>er annum. ' * ". j j -A. liberal dlscotsrt Q^loVc.lon advertise-! meets inserted r>r' extended" iu-riods.r :. Advertisements Wiii' special livsmic-' charged ^accordingly. . Auy Special rXolire, the object of which /isiUi promote tlic'ive'sutinry vctien: of :i'ny . Individual or poini<aBy, to 'oe'eonsiuered an mlTerilsemsai. ' . ; Transient mLveryson^uts <c"bo_pa.ulior. . '-.when order<\K -Ail ^ulvertisin^-Heeounts . rendered c.o-.rterly..' - ' KoUeesptMarria^es, Kirths and Deaths - (n^eued iree .- -. '. =*= m >'iHi; feoifiu. | ;-The marhte vras pure ahJ whiter' - -Though *nly ; Week at best, ;; I &if the artist, SriQijiiTCrvI sight, \lxke^fnrxher thah'all th'ii"rest, ..-: _^^id ssV m'thc hard, rouira stone,.. ~ - The lofel:st stitute."lhatKati shi>ae^6n. SoAe set-to work wntii eiix AndjchiiJeil a form pi grf.oc . ,V Sgnre divimjly fcirj ,"-'" ' \\ ithfa; tei(U:rj; ' .: BotthJ hlows"-ere>.-inl mm! f.-vst . } ' : That!Lbroi|gijt irociithe njarblij that '". " ' V _ So I jthink that human Inv^, ' Must bear tb,God's chisel, keec, ; if the spirit yearns aiil_stnvtk, -. '. "? For the better life iiosefcrL V I J- ' i Par men are'pnly bloiks-at best,' -?1B .the chiseling; brings .out .all,the ..." t \rest ". , :l: 'i t-ii"i - >f rr= ;.':>- r iMb :i.M--<ft ' *J-l-,'-rt- 'i ^ l-i f m % Fill'.;; ^tTnexipeijted Happiness. 7 , _ ,' There are pebplsr-wbo may - be " Jfiit and sober i.z their life's end, v Jaiij6' tk^T may. know happiness, .'! , ihefagh" il "cbfties slowly and they ! receive jif (SstrustfuUy._ It is so r i hard, so very j hard, to' believe in ^ . faitli and hpoqr, and to rest your self upon l^hein, wkeh: yoa have suffered >ielly and i long ^>from' falsehood end unfaith. -;Yau':ue: Blow about; -trusting to ^loyq that asfefi nothiaf* but lovo in retarn-^ _ -io y hst seiqs 4ite -an angel's gen- ; ^loaess, a^id, the inost exo_uisite tcn- . derciess and--forbeai-ance; yo,;i iiro ^lo-w, because" for years your Jove Imz beEd1" used for another^ gaiir, ' ". andnrour devotion hu-V beerf made .-- -into a:convenient tool to shape your own Borie>w.,1 It is so strange to find /your .Trieaknesses |and| your , tsmajl tult3 given ^ay to and in- '~~dujged? when yon are acc^btoriied - ^3 have them- mocked at and! tre4t-_ *. - ejj unmeiciftilly; so strange-\that at " .^irst you Kre-ulghtened, and'tbtnfi: { ^p^jtiingilurks.behind (as.Hsjaaij, V.'rnttde on ptirgose. to give you -;pain. >j.3Soa cannot believe.that it i^ love -SfPX you, _deligut-:in pleasing y,6v^ . that-jjas worked this" change in J- jronr gfa. i^Is it, can it be" that? ," ._ If it J>e, let me. give niy whole mind-and soul'to the keeping of it; -..';'- -but ifMf be. npt, oh, may I never ". know "the trutbJ- - ".' . ' ' '. : . . TV heti does a daugbt^p appear o attractive as when' showing/ller - j?o to iiither or mother-as fiien ^ .' laiiployed in lightening .their, cares fiq - relieving , -their ; ba rdens., 11 jvould'-not bo far fxorri VtTong tg Biy to a young raati Vhp is looking . . "jvitlt some degree t>f> interest for a' lifeompaHioa; Would you know. what kind of' a wifej she will make UJ>on whota: you ud\? have your .eye ?-' Aikwhat kind of a dahghiej, ;_... she is' now; If sheT'isVindoIehtiy L selfish, leaving c&t-e and. work to " -"her mather^especiaftty if slier is ;un- 't .. loving orundntif'di-beware of her . :/ ithe is notlikeTy to make you nappy. If;-she is, an affectionate and self- tiSnyiag daughter, if she is intimate" urxl'Jsopfidentiai with her-parents, PRESS; NOVEMBER 26^ Ex E offered before in tliis bi adjotniitg couikties. This advantage over other dealers i obtained by their purchasing di,rec| froniah-e^anugbture &y saving the wholesale dealers profk,( A liboral djscgunt ,t<?^ families bu)iug iu one lot five or more pairs. Their OLtDEltED .CLQTHf^G; jQess^diirat)ility and cheapness. Infect ito get, a neat and stylish su|t at si reasonable price it is necessary to call at the Glasgow House, at50c per^ pound,.worth 80c RD BRO S. o id o 3sr3 THE iCREflTyTEA HOUSE. Our faU stoc'kj |.si nbw to handr opened 6p find Jisplj^.ed toisiew. Ihis stock ia the laigosk.and choicest wo hUve ever imported, ntjd in it will be fouoa io iidditioki to our large cacy to be! found iu any urst^class city establishment, such as Fresh Oysters, j Cove; Oyster^ - .CJlanvs,! Can) ted Salmon, T Sai-dinec, Jcean Trout, lobsters,1 Finnan ll:iddio3 Bliell Lobster's, : Lemon Jelly, j ' Pearv'ellyJ .,Grapo. Jejlly, Fresh Qy;t|ars i^li^ays in Stock. Crab Apple Jelly, TOpt? rFflsb^ Cod,: J'eaoh- Pa-eserva, Red Currant dp Black Currant do Our Stock ( Blaec Currant J't-lly, iped Currarit ^etly, . 1'ine Apple .Telly Blue Plum Pre'sorv*, Lombard .!*do. do .Golden Drop do do j Canned Cjherrick, ." " Gooseberries,; " StrSwbeirnesV - of To is is Large, Fresh, Choice, sad Qfceafc. ; Cani bd Black Currants, Canned Tomatoes, Peaches, , " Green Beana, Green Corn,1 " : Corn Confectionery, Bis suits, Eaisins, Currants, Sec. von have in:J,jjat the best promise uf happiness in the future. " The ,-,?JEe.,<B mother or .'father b'eamin" Coflee, :i ": Coccra, : Chocolate, Spicks, , ' bustard, Pickles, / ".. Soap, j- Flavorp, i'llait Oil, Castor and Olive Oils. .' By Keeping Good vTe BeaeatrOur Customers. 4 '-HA RfiWARE. -' In Hardivare-iveihave every furnishing Farm Or jrs, Ammunition, Cartridges, Brass Kett' Table Cuttlery, ;. 1 Pocket Cuttlery;, " '. Mirrorsj- [ i We-hoV Jn-_9<:';, "'i - imalts. &C. - ,-$cl-op'*.'oi'&\.. ,'es, t....... everything in thp iiney includ with delight as it rests upon a' jdaughter's fc?rmf Tapvuig lightly in-^hito Granite1 "Tea Sets,* ^heir presence, is ap; unspoken re- comniendation of uniold -value. ' : SJ'-J i^ . J7hat is the proper length for -ike "IroDt; of a " pu|l-back" dreasT^-' ;-. A-ilittle oyer two feet.j At the Ne.w York* Post .'Office, jn one dayjthe itinpunt of jnail ^natter weighed was^ibt less "than fttusi hondred'|^)hsi'j f J'"'j '..-'- i/\i- L)iXgpod to ycfurufiiend. (tbat:l.e' Tiuay become wholly,; yours';.'lo your "'/jnetny.tliiit: he may beeome your -" ' -t' ' - ..The Easiest and-^loriest vvay-^br^ ii. man to arrive a|;,fcru0 glory is- '-=:;' ja^ b^.wljat he desires to ap- .'1- iHsarto.BeJi ' ' ' .. ; . '<". ': Mr. iTupklestone,' (after, missing " twentieth jtime) J -J.'. Vt '; gay> Giuikivef.I |do believe the birds ' ^'^fifefiigbbene&ai me! Old Keeper , ^bliffldly); ^They didn't ought tq be, h^-SM: i : . . : jsr- ii it ii Gups and Saucers, ]?la^.ep|- Pitchers, Parian ;j[ugs and " : Va'sep, Pjtchers, e Sets, Lamps' ofall kin 3s, j. GlasB Preserve Dishes,! --" -Fruit Dishes; p . jCake Dishes, j Glasi ii ii ./ ^ver imported 4nto this county by nny one hoifse, and at prices 4>elovy anything ever known in^he histoi'y of the DryGoodn trade.: Theij invit^the fullest inspection of their [goods an i prices. Their stock of BQOTS AND SHOES in ^cn^, i^omen's and Chddren s wear; stock of stable goods, every luxury and drfi Strawberry Jolly, , Jiaspberry Jelly. Salmon Trout, Herrings. Raspberry Preserve, Pear _ do Cherry , do Goods, and Selling Cheap, irticle necessary to complete the building or ;"of any House or-Bsrn. dlso ejrery implement, .necessary about a Garde!^, jsuch assails, Locks, Hinges, Spades, Shqvels, Folks, Axes, Saws,. Carpenters' To>'ls, Bolts, Chains, Ropes, Blasting.'Powder, Fuse, Guhs," Pistols, Reyolv Enamel Pots, &c, ' - '- -- By\ Beaejittin^ % iur Customers' Vf& Ourselves.' . :, Beae:it Spoc ns, Xazors, Canes, Cruits, '; Scissors,' Brushes. -II Our Stock q Hardware is Large, ^ell Se lected -and: Cheap, j STOQK J3 0MPL In every L&L.-0. IB Department at the m 'i iptquantity, quality and price combined, lar exceeds anything ever E T E FASHIONABLE WEST IJND. / CJOHAM BeB to lntlainto Hint lili Ktoctc \ now complfto In every /lepartmoi Inform tie hidli:s'of QMtdph- and KiiritimxIliiK country that liln ids] Filthlonublo floods l tho fltieBt ho U|m over ><ubmttl<u Jor i tiblic uj attention Is lnx-Jifil to our " Silk and Difess Department Shawl and Mantle Departnjient. Millmeryi Departnienjt. ijirovitl. Hiicclal Furs, Fancy *vVoo|cn Goods^Hosiery, Kid Gloves( Blankets, ificnhels, Tweeds, &c, All of which we are prepared to cut at tho very lowest price*. A. O. BUCHAM. Fashionable West End Dress, Millinery and Mantle JKOnbliitoment. Guelph, OcU 12. 1875. >'..' | ' ; NEWi FALL GOD ARRIVING DAILY AT DICKSON & McNAB'S DS Do not fail to visit the EAS T E kinds of Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Varnishes, (training Combs, Points, ; Gold Liaf Bronze; CROpKEILY, eHIISlA,- lETC. In this branch1 we have a ve ry fine stock of beautiful goods, j comprising ng glass ware of all descriptions. tTjB.'aim-ajt" sieasi:ig our Customers, aadkeep i lig "w hat -they f^aati China Tea Sets, (10 kinds) ; **., ' ,v' " Pitchers/ ii Tqster Juts," ' | " ' j F4i>cy Jngs and Pitchereji Common Dishes, of all kinds, Sick Bed Cups and Pans. Also ihose COTTO ranging from .8 cents And other Staple proportion, D 'And examine those piles of "WINCEYSv ranging fiom 10 cents upwards,- an makes, STS^ all best Canadi upwards. FLANNELS, froni 25 cents upwards!. Goods in ACton, Be'pt. 23, 1875. and Fancy Dry DIQKSON & MbNAB. Call at J,' W. Manx's OENTRAL, EMPORipi^, jv'.' i":.10LL STREET, ACTON, \, - HIS FA-LL SU-OCK OF .' jd'-i-;r!sr.1 G- C> c> AND READY-MADE CLOTIHING select frotniat Isjmuch larporcad better than eye*r/j very lo"sf prices. " A splendid stock to Iii G-roceries, Crockery aiidG-kss^arp Will be1 found a complete assortment of the best qu GREAT BARGAINS! Are offered for cash or produce. The subscriber begs tpj return his sincere thanks' to the (Acton and surrounding country, for their liberal patronage, in future they will.continue the same liberal appreciation "As a Jarge portion of his business is ready-pay, he can atfod to " v SElliL. J?HEADER j Than those who give long credit and have a great many bad M ality. inhabitants of and trusts thi t debtaf." Magnificent Deep Blue and Bronze Toilet Sets. Table Sets. - Tumblers, Goblets, Celery Glasses, Glass Nappies; : *' Pickle Bottles, .>-.*' Pitcherij ( ." iiyrup. Pitchers, Wedoij't give discounts, forsre don't bejieyfe isi them. Vfe prefer selll ing cheap and'f.t neti^ prices so that ouricuatamere ^kriov e^cacUy wliat they are dojng. 'OuF|*reas a re twSnty-ttyje per cent, and othejr goods fit*, teen per cent' than they saves Tnon.ey by dealing, at' can be bought elsewhere, and, evjery p.erf on ^0(DBDBSO3. Aeton, Set>t. 29.18?5. j. wr. m;awai. Steam CarriageiWagon Works MAIN STREET, ACTdN. Mf, MICHAEL SPE General IJlacksinitli, Carriage and Wagon Maker* B^sl Hpifse-Shoe^ ^n the (^ount^' ', v' P/Brfecjt Satisfaction guaranteed Or no price oharged. ) FIRST-CLASS FJLO^S ! - '"' AND j. COLLAED'S FATE^T IRO|^ HAUBOW$ A Good Stock of Carriage^ and Wagons BlbPAIRINe promptly and -properly attended to* Aeton; July 1,1875. , c. rs, instead of buying through jobbers as most housed do4 there- D^PART^ENT still maintains its.reputation for Wtyle, neat- ;tull lines of GilOCEUIES, TEAS, &c, always on h^nd. TEA. Blill DEALER IN <fe op, HliL Strecjt,A|CTOBr,. CHRISTIE,,, HENDERSON It (JO. jh Q-enen J. Groceries, ' : Boots and Shoes, / Plinde, "WdllPap '. "" ^ia^ !:. II/-.- ' Crocke|i?yj' Glassware, REMOVAL. CEO. E. MORROW, CEEICI^T AND DETJGGIST, Has remored U> the Brick Drug Store on Mill Street, Formerly occupied by the late DR WARIER, which has been enlarged and rentted. ' N A large stock of Drugs, Medicines. Fancy Goods, Tori< t Article*, Ac, always on hand. ; Acton, Nov. 3 1875. j Bools and Shoes A large Btock of Boots and Shoes, of the very best manufacture, has j*t been received it / CRAINE & SON'S NEW BOOT & SHOE STORE, MILL STREET, ACTON. x Thosubgeirlber begs toieturn his Uiai 11. i ' - I to the InbahiUintKOl Aclon ADdBurrouDll- Ing CQUMiJ" <or .tho ribpril ipatronsge extended to hlra, and at the solicit their farither snppotrt heretofore 8n rile tune 4Y ii.Bi-fCcitx Fnidfor Hides delivered, GIT. HILL. A cton, (flify 1st IR75, LIVERY & SALE STABLE !:' - :|Sf.,B^&liiiAN Takn* - iite'astire In/ announcing tp t) publlo generally-that no Is prepared.1 o 11 furnish ^T Pirat-o^aAs Horses and O&rrletgos At Reasonable Rates HlBRIgs can bfl hful sml norses.-rre the best that nnd lie Is determined not to JOB sJ( bo Rnrpasstd by anv.Cltfe Ktabler., Acton Jdly.IsL, 1875 Of every description . *-. In the PRINTING j est an d most at tractive ^tyles, promptly executed at thij KBBB PRlBBSi t)&jFtdim (In Miitihew's; New. I iu ildings j ACTON, J. H. II ACKING, ProprietO' . I Acton, Septevber l, 18H. A lull line of all sizes for 1 MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN, WiR be found to select,from, at prices as low as can be bad anywhere. sr Call and See Us. -as Special attention is called to our | - CUSTOM WORK, which at all times receives our careful per30md supervision. Perfect satis faction guaranteed. t Repairing neatly and promptly attended to. , chains & s;n. Actoil, Sept. 28, 1875. _________ THE POST 0FFI6E STORE ^.oroosr Having adopted the PAY SYSTEM^ And disco^int for cash of EICHT CENTS ON THE DOLLAR, for three months past, would take this opportunity of stiting that^he ' System Has Proved Most Satisfactory j To my numerous customers aud also to mysetf, I wHIjcontinae to Sell Gog Is as Low as any House in [the Trade Doing a Ciedit Bu&ii\ess, and will give the - * i g ^EF CENT DISCOUNT FOE[ CASH. * , i Customers will no doubt avail themselves Of the discoun b. I am luflj ' satisfied of success, and satisfaction to all concerned, in th<i caab. and dis count system, ' Prompt paying monthly customers considered as eas i, and will ge* . the discount, N | ' i Cash for allEands of!Produce.. 5 , ^ iilrmj W.'b Memt^cr fcurgaon- New- i or C6Ue?s, ( 4 p.m. .Acton. TAME? Issue Master, : toioaa, Fourth Dl Acton, Oq D.BE ancc C pared reason -Mortgage - Bque,;A<j >-*/ all *t Offieif fcireeu Ci4 He\^ <te-. -OSio ililton. Ml * ill be h'i{ CirapbellJ nb tho " it| .' rcelt" tt EST] Aeem fori All buslnej Talthfullj -Solicited, -DATEi JL espoJ ib Can^d i, ^utent g IbrprinteJ aliim p-ji ,;l Mecbinil tejnisand ; im^ nu (B- Baainfe Office aa Go.m'y Hi Teacher | Auro4 Piiaterin,! theTitast i t-oi. giaral B-& ~^Floiir -holesalt Chopping J Grnm.1 XV the I celleoi oca public . Roe new Hotd| with new 1 lers will 1 commodidij attention travelling j best IjgncL ani} attentl T>OY4. JLt Actpl Samelf Jt| torConimel modstion - Best bran<j Bar.i <Jc f Hostlers Kof the Col ton. orue. Offlee, Ael Kockwo-Tdl Term* rea| aTw UGENI J *or f -r Sales at County, -,. Conveyapcer, ^ssner of Marriage Licenses, Insrrance^ee^t^^l Agent Money to )Lx>an, Agent Montreal Te|> o Cle^i; / Fourth DIv. Court, Co*niri Q. B. &e< i^Ett< JAMBS MATTSBWB. Ml ttweafry-< Aeton,

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