Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 19, 1875, p. 3

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DS --> r* M MJUOD, He b*iHj*_ of . - - ft I 1$ M V Lv ***, TUl'Vii tihk rtm.i; "7 Train* leave .Ajetori as- folllovj's : GOlStf WXST. ';,. '.-; _ Mail-^. K D*j-Kxpress i'. . -- . -" y" ' j "Mixed . .\ ^_ Xight Express - - ; i ootjsa r.Ast, Kight'Eipwss,. r Mixca^, -'.;, :: .-' .1 - S.-S.'ia.m. Day-Eipress L,- m Ifail'-- ."tli t i-.- :" fi-SOinjiiv. Mixed -__ .* '* ' 8:40 ptrn. : OjTO a,-m. IWp^n. 7:15 p.n\1 *-:4o a.iu.J hrery loW.. *t figures*" w, *;-_" --'. . r ; t. 'i- ' ' '- ">;. |-U . V ,-*^- :v-:lr-'.' ' \T~. - KU-T i:^- ; ' w -s"\-<i--- r~P-:-r." \~- >Jreet, ?nl*rg?d and = iriicles, ic^ ED. F- r >iioes, IcEp-apest. and ;_ peie. ... ' ',. pig y otir It df.4.he.>t*t; Aai<*rtnv :dy bugs/ i'nterfeIts-! j; ' i ^poblic oJ( Brit- si frmy duty w I Odstieit are l>t>oM;in. any iUietaBritt* ilh ill'*' wtfrOm free*. On -'the l'ina> Steisi, . i?e<5es* ;; sjMiriea* imitA- .. K i od OJntm-nt." ....~ Yortt 6y par- ... Vitxnjiseives^ ..-ade mar*,' | "'.^;!Jr'^ '.r~ 'i 4^ I can obtain-tht* 1 aod to deoeiTa I for nay *ena>n -jjtaopnt, jtfiietx" I at S3?, OyfonI / deeeiTed will |te wJitjt-Bi*. in the British iriedifcSne*-ttt- operiy n- -MiieUt or, |<fs. Insert their IbM it ay 05 f tbe finlisillJ*l Ijfi/ reeonien4/ 'ay. m'diclnes to sesnaniali kofitrpa!. i ' ; _ klrti(ti,"N. a. ' - n<..S. : i ' ~ .john,NiB.'. j:, eEfarioUeUrtrtt ,2.t\ : |aj^ Oat.- (i-Opact, H.F.l*. d. >_...... j -.-: . Jtcitm. K.B. ' IdL^t-'tto we** caDtitle* <rf o*. I HOtiOSirAT; fo- rent; cp- 1ft C ; ,3.1 tjuecinfe ed of which.J u<* * ."" ... Goo4 '**5?':- plenty <tf J5*?t J^iy on. *' " - v. .. / f ."^ "' ItCAl^ MATTERS. 4- _- r'- ; J The song of Hhe 'Beautiful :' * .... . ' . * ' -M .I Snoir"lis no,w m omer. .'-.. : r Sjiow- and mnd combiuciV. ar ' neither beautifel n^r dcsinvblo, . Roruemb3r^tb&irKEfi.PSEss i^ only one Dollar a TWU", free of postage.,! : Iri future the Frke .Prkss will ;te, pnWUhed tin Thursdays,. lustead of ;,lridys. . i U >. The Autm Com^iy Tfmipo "8jK>anc<!ariiantcrtainiuent in Mattioirs' MV'lii* fYiyiing.-" -- '."'_". ^Payvoiirt.-LS<!S.before theTSIith inrt, ind recei\fo_the kiuil'Tsmilo of the Collector.'_-"_'_ " -1:' '* 'X '""...'.. Now sbadl wb soo the industri- -. ous pei^le of our yitlagc shoveling snow from Tthe side wait s, each morning bright and'airly ? _:, " . ' The Fiikk Pre.-^.offices is now tlw l\ist' Orfi<ro/inr2J[at- ~. thews" bl.ocii. : No njorw'svuiijj uif-stsurs, to rind iis. ^~ . \ . ' - ill and see'"bur, new oibce1, and bring n dollar with you. There i3 plenty of rt*otn ia oar subscrij'tiouilivoU for more narue^:.. '- ' " ' duck^ ^n>t seven hen^ jras a pretty good fU'itfi':!! .th<! -prera"- 'ises'cf. Mr. Thos,; ,^\lwrc, thi- other night; ; i , _ ' "; >. '-4" " . ^-rJProf. Sha^r gave aa pnteitarn- nent las:.Sarurdav owning:: the Te:a- GEORGETOVVIM. . ^Mo>pu.Y r.vtR.-^ijc'faron fiiday \\=rs_ ono-of thodorKost*nd i ioat suoctas- .ful Faifa ever held inUiHirj; itovvh Thti ' day >v;is ihw, and alkmt 10( head.if cat- ;tie appeared on the gto'nd, be.siUea ai largv -miluber v-f Sheep *aid >omo Jiriraes.' ,-..,. - ' ifvor-'y . *mU-. ehan'aed .' iand3. Mr. ,i:40 <uiW.' .Thos. 'lIuwo,".xirSl>(<yside, s unviM a due, large lironso Turkey, oii'ti y >ar old, aud weighing U7 pounds, : ;.':,- Vimt' 'wi Novkmwcr. Ooonjotown' -3 illuminated by a 1 tor< h-Ught pr&- c?*sion on d-Viday evening in hjmor of the OucoTery of the. Gu}ipo' y;dor Plot _= ;);- /',' $&& AGfOisr ? JFKEEi ROCKWQOC Tlie. Methcxlist clmreti RookwooJ has recently! itn s:derablo ijnprot-emcnt.% an last re-tj>cnrni serv Sennotjs -vre!preaehml!iu ^lie morninsr by Jlev. % It Howat^I, AVtstoriv preniisoi, wg^ up for - spring, in I biive-t.wb bard ware, inwifre t itable in_a The opening Ohmvh in I'EBSS, HI.137 ' "y:\\- '. QUELPN. Ivr..\f.; Estate TjJASsJAOTioSa; Mr. J. i|>.r\Vil{i|im8o, cf the Gold en tioJijGuelpli.hasjpu-cliaBed tbo^ Btoreioccupied by MY. Jobii.'Hors- nirtn. ,fof $11,00$-, iuid . lie id so store Lpj iioW occupies for ?i;ro0(b Mr. Iljorsmati lveent- ly purchust-d tbo GJrca i IIiTtoi find . ndjoiinng which' be purposes .fitt his business parly next first class style. Ho wi stores, one tor general and another for stoves, Wo hope both the- ab>vo; uuiiied gentleniea will firidi thi sir speeula- tions to bo highly jjirb pecuniary ^ioint of yrew Church Opening) of the now Slethodist Guelpb is expected do tjjke pliice at about (J'hristmasj SECORD BROS., j :'u:m:::.-: > HOUSE ^7 SEE3GXA-3L. !TO Thier Our fail stock i'b now to hand, opened up and displayed to view, stock is the largest aii^lioicest *io bavo over imported, aud in it Xill bo fouiirt in addition to o"iir liirge stock of stable goods, every luxury and de'li- c&py to b found lo any;firet-claea city establishment, such Fresh Oysters, , Cove Oysters, ! Clams, i|;Canned Salmonn ;' .'Sardines, - ^". , Ocean Troutr . _. ,;Lobsters, /'- Finnan Haddies Shell Lobsters . Pr|5li Oysters alwayatin ipto((k. biiililing in erwent eou- on Sunday Were held. >'j pej3E\K 'liaiL' e^a^si rejatitions and so-caiZt- festationi.-' i ^Buirding operations.' have "re <eiveJ~adacia;'r't!na week. "Tiis walll .Wi-re; all.abjei ann-rUie LVuqro- tiotL-s large, i ..... t.ij.4^M<>ul.r.y eventiig- a toa-Tncs.'ting' w.*.s; iirkt-in tlh>-twn hlvll, :vhieh w.w, U'c-.tWi nuvt.s.-. The' pc^ .vcds. of the nnday, j;u;d' il'.d eoiree tU.T a'."^init.t-d to. (dou r SJtKi. Thi i'llo-.ving giiv:-icuH'!i ientirtained 'the " . Ke of the Mt,ih'.-.i:s; i'htirvh r -fe* days more of line "ready to receive thi'T<kif. - -tfeeyinter. " AWlieiite; Uevl I. rl lb Mr. -MeAliTter, Ir.ev/j M jUivVr^etoWu, Sjidillt!^' Ml weathiT" ta 1M j l)rL~>!r H.ctorv, bt!t Jieor^etowu, RjidUce' Mi. i Err.n.-.o.sC The Chpryii iiov i:i>p-.ife;:iig r.ppo.-.ranje.;' :'Th< jture Mit a ; ,1^,1 :r,rita neKr oruatf frt tj-.rekgft '.T-.vkvil^Vv 1 deb: hai'i'K-t-u" ii^&idtjted-^itli the" us- .husihfo=gh j.--^P-oU^f *i3-. - . - -. i '"'Death'osvAx C>Lt. r.'- i_g5od-!' .'Doip'd fresh eggs.-. Also ain-1 quantity j>; "j.-oi'd j diexl !K the residcBCO.' ~'freah .Btos. butter. Hi^hoBt price.- J -We mtcst re>pej:full on i-Ur1c:iif:'.>':i:': X'<.'eiaf.ra:l-.l ?*)c j-i I'vb. to dr-.rv .at' >'"jci ire. to ea^ti ta'mncb > Tea-: hi.lie pj^vea: iceMi.-i.ts' be user'. iri\"j-.T^A".S:g thio-tL-aJ ovv;:i i .; .great strength as well a.^ ^:i- il;-.vt>r. craiai ars^warrsiitt-i, "_ > l,-ur^:, pi: any teapot.-^-Si;oor.v K::,i--. i?pe\>iu< iJohn tvfcMillen.'ldd . IS .-'> .'] Eri-n. on t!:e "3ilth nit! i yea'r of L<;r nge'. j-1 The d a native: or Argylship and eiiiim'uted to .!,' :=.!a:i>.] l.t !iiii:tl, in tbt .-:e::K-d-.iu Erin. oi Mills,: of Lyu'ch-; of i^ pKiseiiti an re b:vs been m Jackson's The-whole Lemon .felly, r Tear'Jelly, Grapo Jelly, Black Currant Jelly"; Crab Apple,Jelly, K^id Currant .Jelly, Strawberry Jolly, I i'iop Applfl Jelly Raspberry Jelly. WHtej.-Pisii,; Cod,! Salmon Trout, Horrings; reach. Preserve, '. Kexl Currant da. Black; Currant da Blue Plum Preserve, Lombard.; do do '. Golden Drop do <%o : 1 1 1. I1 ' ' Knspberry_ Preserve Pear _ do. Cherry do Oct. 27, 1875 ! 'i.lll , ', 7S Pi()pg; Assortocl 2 and The above OOi la have been bought by me 4vt tbe'Domlulou. (|/'alt early, and soloct. 3-) OROSBY jit ^HE^EShrias 75dents JE^f "I k BEAUTIFCfL GOODS, AT A L^lEG'i EEDLtCTlON- ON USUAL PKlcis less than- tho makars' c >st, Ari. AN & CO ! / , i . . - '.- H^rdymr^ Merchant^ -A.LlLn^^L. ttEjGCXBZ, Our Stock off Teaa' is Largo,iPres3i, Clidice, , and ^3ieat). Erin Villa : :ier htisbtiiid, liij where ' sue breathed 1: 1 >st | join_Li:g . fSiie -;i:Vi ! - ! r--?r>3..iiid b:c!-dsi.ijS| and'^'Tfia .vras :W-y^-nz ^'.siieracioh k e of ' P:?i f; ...the .vbofej co P-1SS 1. ; Railway Ssmiuj. . \ Onejiay- Iait^av^wk. "when tb Trunk: eipre^s.rVaia frv>ra Tore be^reen iiiSehosae -'an'i: Acton," one of |T"^ ' .-the "the"o;.Sgiigs bru'M leavia^ 'the three'!_being aicahipiet fdrypt . passenger cara.Whin'li wjiil.e iue.uijgne 'b-.-njg-vjhLiu".liiih-j; ;] MO 'and baggage eiir nui -on about a mile. ;JBeyond: o^naiderable fright, fortunate ly nobody was hart. ' . .. -TTLER IK :.Ici5Iilk-iv at" iibr -son', Lull -xjorj.'; pcvitscd^'was , '.Jtollartd, :ntiy, witli "yeiii-;fSi'<J,; tlie' pbAje i*}r hist, nd- in: 1821.' vliio died in ingh j'inaiiy whicli the fo'.vs noth- iv uro'imj t jo Tery HaBghry. Tie following cohversctioh wns over heard "by one-of thofe haughty people -- called eavee'irT>ppir3, not over'twenty, miles from Acton : " My dsaresi Ange- liria, ..when, O when, can I have ihe happiness to 'call you- my own dearest ^ Angelina." '"O^ pshaw J Henry, I am i wearied,-tire-l of this incassaai "bi]li-dg . a|id".cooin.g,--^hrst. go right straight,off to Matthew i- office, .Acton, tender hiin uiarV^t-S. and" ndne-of cojiyfaierKSJs whjih wo Th'eijS hkd kix son* arid ters, laii of whom] are- withi th% eiceptSott-,o Don.-ty," wh^J diet r t.weri ty-six years ago and ia the aqknowlh/dgcil foun der cf-Erin tVil :is;e,",l the two-grist, mil s and inys ; lie was a rery .; getic and ing>nittLs rnc- rfcui?.iiiiug:fi.v-e sofiiS are in the iuuuediati A'ieii affluent circuhpst.-iiici: era no E(-1 [ roads ; no the many now enjpy- bur daugh- nmv living.' one' son, known and highly r,:si |2,Tand: ask,:him.ior the worth of th&4'Mc-Mplen w^s a kind-fa nMmey-p Lieut.-G^v. Macdonald'sooth- j loved : and fresjjected ing papers. He. jrill__Jcn-ow what yon meaaH "BrrEAORDiSAr Esplpsiok. - A lady calfed at Messrs;' Seeordi Bros.'store the other "day, find stated that she had heard '* inany.<si her neighbors extolling the virfoes of- their celebrated -50c 'MeteorJ aving 'built other biiild- fctive, exier- ihanie.' '.The', all' located, ity, ai-e :inT j, .widely cted..- Mrs. (Dthferi niuch by all who vigorous jn her facul- Cannc-d Cherries, <v Gooseberries^ - " ^ hned Blaik Currants, Peaches, | Green Corn, Canned Tomatoes, Greets Beans, '.' Corn. 'Castfebtiotfery,- Siscuita,- Eai^ins, Cuyrantsi &c. Coflee, Coeoa, Chocolate," rpice?, i ....-. Pickl c.=, Flavors, Castifir and'Olivo Oils JIustaid, Soa m" Hair Oil, By Keeping Good Goods, and Selling Chestp, /5 i; We Benefit 0b? Customers. ' ; HARDWARE. knew her,' active.; and life, and she retiinedj.a tie^mehtaliy and physical ly, until tbe last:'. She' ^t-ft helind "her 70 gnand-cUildnen did 30 ~l.;i.]"_-. . M.t.n'.J -r. .: children: in'anyj of \i with a'Uarge nuinbfir of Tea, that.ihe deterinined to testliit for i"acijuaintahces, WillQwctl - herself. She -purchased a caddili, and v yesterday morning" put some of rt in a teaipot on the stove to'draw for i.break- f*t- Sn/idenlyj a terrific ^xjdosion ac- : conipanjed rJ^.Kma=hiiigof.crockery,:aiid spilling of boiling w=iteT, jand great con - failongeneraHy? was heard. Upon.look- ingffor the -cause it was i^gscovered that the goodjlaay had quite^nistaken thesfrength and quaiity of-tbdtea. and Epat the ganje quantityjof Meteor in pat that ahe- had_beea accustomed rtinof the stag usually sold thrtnugh. ine: country1 as! 50c tea, with the above, results. -Fortunately nobody was fiurt - ;. - [We. do not intend; the above to be ,ri in its. litteral sense. We merely .publish,in shove form to .at- - tractive-.-^SEcoia) Beos.] . ^_ -f-10 ton? of Geese, Ducks and . Tarkeys wanted at Chpfifie, Hender son- 4 Co.'s, Acton, as soon a3 steady frost sets- in. j Must'be nicely picked,' not--scalde<l or draivo,' with tSl and. mitt not "be |ed. frithin ten'hcrarj-oJ- ,kHhng, as theriihe meat wia^.be1 mtich more tender-anil white. They use feist - ?%V?% ^P 'anpther lot of -fthat famous WcTea.- - J . - V' ' " - -Millinery', s LLantle&j etc., in U stoak or made up and triminod jcr'order, '. on ehort notice, at Christie, Hender- T Bon^.Co-'s, Mcton. Theyl'stiUmain> tain, their reputation far the most styt ** mfllinery, etc., sold by any house i tte Erorinee. vilsq fir the finest:- "Al50cIea. ) ! tphei'-^ast restipg j)lac :. .: We learn tMtSXr.'J has sold his farm" near ;lh Uardn-nre we have every:artiblb necessary to complete the building or furnishing of any House or Barn. ,tilso every implement {necessary about a Farm or Garden, such as Mails, Locks, Hinges, Spades, Shovels, Fprks, Axes, Saws, Carpenters' Tools, Bolts,' Chains, R6pes,' Blasting Poivder,. Fusei jGuns, Pistols, Revolvers, Ammunition, Cartridges, BraBS Kettles, [lEiiamel Pots, ic. . , ;. .' ',".: BRONZ Our Stock of LAMPS iu GLASS AND MARBL la the heaviest and best value in' Towii. Fire Gratis and Irons, Coal Just ireceivesd: and going rajpidly Vases, &c, &c, ARTHUR McB^Aisi-&i.GO,;, .Alma Block, duelph, Oct. 25,.]$75. : ! '.,.;' ' : 1875. Fall and; "Winter, 1876, Beg leave _ to McLEOD, A1TDEES0U & Co Maihmoth Hbuse, d-eorg^towr., c|it., say that ^H^RSBc^svi lirmzsi1- dptjjBX.ic?^ 3';; ply; i.nd I otter for the next, two month3 the; cheiapept E, 1-- gleat-grand- hbui, alony friends uhd her remains Mr, James Wilkeiv f(T 16,500 It is a splendic judged from th ins has this falj Chisholm & pe4s yet to set. Air. waiKer, tno pufchaser: of tie aboi e farm, lias *t.jflY- .'. -i ' . , . driyes.'-. in Bhiiiketa, :*efy Skirts and Shaw] at Christie, Hen- ;aenion.<*l Co.'s, ^Icton. - Menfe-Shu-tn 'Md;draw*re at bottom prices, "fee tbei* celebrated 'tride WidrfJ2J cent Win- -cey; Qouds, Wool Jackets aiid<Hosiery "Mftdlesa variety and at prices ihat can- **- taiaeniold. Try oge pound-of , 'fWfamOnaJXkf Tea, and- next time you el: you will-take 10 Iba. ! Everybody pwrnoane* it. the test v*lue in-4h 1. - vupwio,-. Henae'tEGD. & . Co,,' ' ' timS*^-1?- ?6 *!|ibest^t<ihg and :. ' Sy-'tyiMiSusiuts aud ^overcoats of ^ny - !i.*Jw>'ui3\^fcprT. Ca|da. 'They, guar- iaimjeeU at bottom "^^X*1*?0* fitianftjeell at bottom ;VUiObf. farm, fact tl sold'to 3,000 as niay be at Mr. Aik- Messrs. K. bushels of barley,;and' has his'wheat, oats, and sold the one he was Mr. Tiobert Crawfcrd whjch.a little-over two $2,000 besides yeai'a' crop. land in "P.efel i n g .U-^Brampiin^Time, M Walker, the' bought' for ^.i,000; itius making $2,000 besides the piofit of JtWo Who w )uldil't-<)wn- at\ tliis riite oT Bell-' ohn Aikins Maltoh, to By Benbfltting Our Customers; TWe: Blenefit \-^r-'y- TaCle Cuttle-ry, ket Cut Mirrorp, Pocket Cutilery; Spoons, ; Kazors, -Canes, Cruite bcissors,-. Brushes. i-ving:Ton to or ^,05a, wars a"o he ,AOTO ( .tIAKE ITS, fcllite %Mieat,. TrcadwcH.>.j.. Spring Wheat. I'aricy-.....;'.. Date '..,.: ....-.. Peas.....{...... i..'... Potatoes, per bush.... Dried Apples, per lb,._. Onion*/per bushdi.^-., .: Butter;."____.... ' : * Eggs..%....... Hay, per ton..'. pr'^aed Hogs, .. Lambskins..___, Pelts...... ..J,: CjfdekcnSj per-ni Ducks, -.;., Turkeys " Geese ' ". [ ;~,V Xtk<*y T^r>'-'**4$<F**, etc, in great: VtEVPH I MAKriETM. 7 ; ^readwe-11, flSe to?t05; stirlni wheat, (Glasgow), S1.02; sprini wh at (Ted chaff), go to if2c;.. oataT.^ac to 38c; poas, ycrto70c; barley, |i0cto 65c; ggs, per, dpafen, l^ci to,18c; butter, dairy packed, 17e:to 20c"; potatoes, per b ig, 50c to 70c." TOKO.yrO. KAU] lEtS, Sliring ,vwbdatuj:SI.03.; wheat, S1.04 to Si'. Sf; ,6:; ley,' 60c to 88c,' ? 0 95 to 1 00J 0" 90 to 0 05 0 85 to 0 -90 Q GOtoO tis 0 35 toO do 0.55*0-0-60; 0 40 toO 00' 0 08 to 0 ,00 0.75 to: 1 50 0:23toOOO ;0:15to0'00, 14 06fol5,00j 6 50=toY'Oft' 0>50to0 80 0J5a'to0'60 .0 05 to'Or.06 0 05 toO Q6 0 06 to 0" 07 0 05 to 0 0G new. White ,ts, 38c; bar-' Qur Stock ^.of Hardware- is Large; Well Se- '.'>' I'.-. : " We hold a lairge stock of all kinds of Paints, Oils,,Glas3, Putty, Varnishes, Japans, Brushes, Pencils;- Graiqing Combs, PoiEts,' Gold L> af JBronzo, Smarts, 4c. - T - > N gr<D(g:k:ery, ghina, etc. In this braneh We'have a very fine stock of beautifuLgoods, comprising everything in the line; inpruding glassvyare Of aU descriptiohs'i .. ; We aini !'at .rleasing our Customers, and keep- ""J : -l.^k'ing'what they?wantl. /.., White; Granite Tea Sets,' f': ' " ., Cups and Saucers, Plates,' i;; "T - Pitchers, , Toilette'-Se^pj Parian Jugs and Pitchers, ' ' -Vases, - . . ,', if it Magnificent Deop Blue and Bronae Toilet Sets, Larpps of aHjkrijds, Glass Preserve Bishes, -" Frjait Pishes, " CakeDuftes, V Gla?s Table Sets, " Tunableiify " Gopleti, - saves money rby; dealing at W' China TejaTSets, (10 kinds) ,r Vases,, >" Pitcher-B,!^ ' " *: ' : Tuster Jugs, -j . . , Fancv -Jugs andJpitchers, ',' .Common Dishes; bf all, kinds, .Sick Bed Cups and Pans. Celery Glasses} ( y Glasf.Nappies, ' i|PickIe! Bottles, ' ' Pitchers,' "'. Ifcyrup Pitchers,- We4,on't giV discounts', for wedon'.t belieVe:in tbeni. We.prefer;8all.- ing ohep and;at net prises, so j,hat our customers, know exactly wha tbey are abiDgj. Our Teai' are twenty-Hve per bent, aqd other jgoods fit teen pef cent Icfwerthab tley can be bongbt else where) aucf. eyery- pereon BROS. they have received^ large importations in DRESS GO(()DS, DEEB& S|Lfcjs, Black and Colored Lustres, ii ! 8, PRINTS, TABU LIHEN, DRILLS, SHEETINGS. &C. '-, -. Fincy Gobdii and Small Wares of jail kinds Millinery,";Mantlea |& Sha^tlfe Carpots, Broadiilcths.BonsSiiis,' EaglislJ| aal Scotsli'Tweoda, Ovorcoajtia?, ] |. :Ready-ffl ado Overcoats and OlofrhIng, - -.. j BoyV Eoady-aisAo Overcoats and' j -. OlotU&er, iJoats' PurnisKlngSj ^c hhve been Imported dfrect from the -> The above Goods-----________,, tfie'roby saying a t irge perceuuge> of wnlph the public O- OUR Is large, varied ai are of cmsldRrabli' imjortanee. Bavo laU In large lines ofthe lplloWIng: BOOTS AND SHOES; CANADIAN DEPARTMENT d at tractive, Tweeds, Full Cloths, OvercpatingB, lending morkei;8 oLEnrOpe, .jball get Uie acjvaatage' ' 7 ami as thfe mnnufaeturtnK'interests oftnl's Bomlp ai<l as webeileye lu patlonlzlng Knitted Shirts and Drawers, Mufflers, j faros} Checks, Fine and Fancy Flannels, p Grey and Scarlet Flannels, tDruggetay ;<C LADIES' JSEJR SETTS, J -...... CLOT^H CAPS AND HATS. ttmirTT::Mi: ' ^^i&3&- w '-ii V. si Alroa'Slocki-Upper Wy^idhami Street, Guelpn.- '-< ......I*. WW carpets tio be; metwi'ih.ifl- which isVnow complete, is iarg'er.j bef'fer- assorted, m'orja-' attractivl:*aSF! cheaper than ever before, cdmprijing in pairt' Tweeds,1!' OroTooatinsTB,-Dress. GelodSi in,'ffrej toll' iCeriacis, -ijo&k^; ,'i AU IWool Plai4s,.SlacS. and Colored Lustres, la-Plain-aad" -' .' -..; shirts- and .Dratrerf. Pelt sifclrts,.' Shswls,-'" '?.i - ; . ^'.BlaniD't's", All ^oi-7abl2 Covslrs/^very. ' " 1 -i." pret'ty;p'a^ernsjJ-:Q3iii'as,.-KTlffierS, '-..:' -.,-- ' Eos'ior?. GioVosk:Holl^a,fis, . v ' TaT3ie|2-fceiis,..: 'T .' 'ffps7els>".:v -.i Tb^olingfs,. .factory and ^ieaptoa OottoasJ^ Ladifls' Liaen Sete^ '. i...... i; ( ' -. - 1 V ' .-.j", ! and a jvery good stock ol : r- :f - BOYS' home. industry \7e Jill-Wool land tJniork Blankets, Factory Cottons,-Benin is,-Drills, Cotton Yarri,--Cbl,ton;Bag8^ j Tickings, Shirtings, ' ! Men'B Wiute Snirts, BUFFALO ROBES, . i" t ' MEN'S FUR CAPS, . ' The above Good i have been purchased 5fforn the -best andctteapest manuthoturps Inthe Dominion i.nd will be sold at a smaJfadvan diseostt,,. .u.i i Tns Pulsli o ^iay r^ly onj fifettin^GteaiBargalnb. bRDBfe Aneadofnll competition. Our pfock Is iralmepse.' Tne^dlflererit11jis have btVoh se lected wlih great Mire. iAny genllem-an;sniped In taste, quality and prlc4 bna"tilul line of I ho newest ththg in Overcoatings-, pdr facililleB for cutting making our garments are unsurttasBdd. \ re hnveall 1he:tate4itth(j.t experience money can procui e, andicari tnoreforo gua antee s^UsfajcHcn In every instance, lWLLI|l!TEip! Our Show Rooii is complete with all theilatefet-styles from'Loncfonj, Pajis ai}d New York. ' ' Ou: Thi i spasan wft shall House baa beta fumed tor lufetyilshar d nnlqnfl mlUlhery. ----------.....-----,T sur|pass all ourforjmei'Hnorls, because > e b wo Uiejlalentand goodsltoao It. All, iriiik new colors In Rlbl ibnt, b euthers. phases ot its immense variety, c w'e.were-nev'er Lf-tter"prMPared t< lri a lnrger Stock t >tin heretofore t no doubt, with refurnlnglprosperjl Georgetown, Oct. 7 1873. THE FBMM D CLOTHlkGr DEPABiTMBNT LADIES ANb QENTUE,,.------- . rneiise Bt'ck, as It would tutee oljlttie pages o goods at'wft shalll surpass iallourjjbrmer a iv ihcesjl G )ods Soli for jOasn, i x 4 no; Second ^rioe.: i$l meet tb ' and tb < rorquotee Orauamenis, <io. a Newspajierrto describje-the dilleren _ ___1' genjerat ittrafctlons. Suffl'oe it to ri S'-rvo tbje bub!ieiWt!l(eir saUsla'ctton, as we huv,, 11 rants four ever i a creasing trade. ah< xjcoedlagly low prices w? are toselj;oc piJL-lf-ji^J ^ CTTEB- 'Alt ann L- EN. Tb 3 foregejing Isja'mere'^nmriiaryof ourjtm of a Newspaiierrtodescribje-the dilleren eapnesa and'genjeral ittrafctlons. Suffl'oe it to r: MoLEOD, ANDERSlpa Jc &. c>F]^c!b ".!-. . '"'-.*. t : \ ' . v ' *. L pall early and secure bargains. :'Ii; ai a-i~rE3LdPBL: jS.11 Eeady I For ^M^eir a-' ^A. T]& Leading Plotning"House' ol/tae tffJnz^i, Just ^eceivedi & If i-i' -A 500 Men'slOvexcoa'ts, ranging in; pfice from' $5.00 187.Boys' Overcoats, rangirjg in price-'from 2.00 U] A t'eraendjjus stock of-Men{ Heavy^Sults in Scotch, Ingilsh and Cana&to* Tweeds, ranging n^priee-frSrri^.OOlUp.:! -' '. '4- | ,f. : . :-..y\~rr~A beautifuj stock of Chilfen's Suits,; ranRiDg ir^ictflrom^lSolflp Big stock gf Woolen Underc&thi^ ' Cardigan Jacket?,-ranging ^ Maj rnificenj -lot of new; Shirts, Collar^ Scarfs, Bowi^rJd SloyeVjust to*ai**,.: Hath andiCpps just received 4 cases io be ^off^-jflowy M:i \- --5'V: - V:! ^1 w 1-: t j-t - Pa rtles viniting Guplpl >o^e^^^^^^^S^^^^^^^^< OckobRr 13.'l cRUTHEl^ _; ;"; Ko.'Sii Lowler1 . .. ....., f i . A large stock of Boots and Shoes, 6f thV'vfery bestrjtaBuactcrei.^ been received at '.. ; ,-" CRAINE .,' <A full line; of aH sises fcfr Wilbbi found;t6;selecc from.'-at pricea-as low T Call aiid See l-Speeiat at jffntton. iscalled io our .' which at all times receiyes- our careful! personal enpe faction gaaranteed/; '-\.,v~ ' l^p^iring neatly apd promptly, attendeditp; j Adtoii, S>pi28,'l875':; -f'\' mz i . '--I- i i fT!-i Orders for all kinds of,-,if ob" Pf iht5.5ugijjrpntptfy ":'^a- '*&* 1 I}} m j> -i -.J-rJ It'. : :>'* ^ :- f.--^- ;t-.:-.-l JI.L It.r #'7 "f-r' rx^fciffn1'.-'-^ fill

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