Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 15, 1875, p. 2

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?- 1 K %.;. t:-;: j.'jf'iii- fee ^V-.-Mj.-'-.N M.if J5." tf*^rf!!ZTZZ$*gf! y^pKE ACTON'FREE PRESS | E;ALTbN! COJNT'Y^ SHOW. V pi'jj& Ev*ry Pnday'-Mormiig. , The annual exhibition of the .-#r:v-S*e^ uLrinuin in' Ad^anco. IJ -dton 'County J gncuttui-al^Sooie, " > ""' '. ' 11; . "i _ their |'K|leiivtid ^CTUT4^ J-^l^^l^^- jjvaupsjluy! of thia week; '.The .TJSR v--.'. -; ' \V!i*athei\,^oth iiUy?, ^|'ociaU^:)nHK ~^' [np*l;iy,.;Ws]bf Ui- highly dt|iirable jos tt.;Mc*tna;*ot' _ FRIDAY MORNTXG, OCT. IP, JS75.' order, nj theru n-as, consequently, /- He' ' K ^?. ^ JU- '-..- J s--- .i^ m -u- Z; 1'r? :."& . - f y?i K ;/ :T- < m- rt'A * ' ' ' ^ 3r-- ^;' }EAUTOK l-a^BOTTON. '"Hero-, wo aro-"again," in. .the midst 'of. an etettion excitement?! ;WwM are issoed, ami Quieter? out announcing the glad tidings to the: .Free and Independent. : Wo .arje called xipon to-nominate fit and " proper; person to represent this .Cottnty iu the Chvtiivio legislature, and thus begins the fray.?a ^Tw0 in- dtviduals have {.lubliuh- iinoiime(l their ;iilirigness to Hacritibe them- themterlves,nd\now we jsee them dodging and j there,; ;; with luuiling.countehaitcep. and re markable suavity of manners^ Hand-shaking has suddenly beqbnie a popular; amusementy One hails. :fron> the '? hub "" of the county'and Vthe other ftom the rimi He of the ; jhnb_cUiims to Iwjithe Lyon, arid he ' of thev felloes but sit mere Lilian of C-lav. Whether thft hub citn beat 1 tbo felloes, or the "felloes lunit' the* hu> is ' th". in<?meiitous ques tion which 'will agitate the.- minds of- this peaceful ktud kmgrSuflering, : eoinotauitr'jfor'the next eiditeeu ' dUvs. jLvon-CLiy - or Clav-Lvon, -iT ' ' ;. which &hsd\ it be ? Both^goeid men ] ^^tsitepsnt Grit and raropnni 1'oiy. t A square party contest is expected, ;thpigh heiof Norvnl, mu^t ; not ^coqttton carrying oft' nil' ililtoh's V'iclay, fst)f he oT3Tiiton.on^Ix|ou!ziiig i vesif N.orval's Granvpiah Tfiils7~~T "W!b haTe said both are good meti, so apparently their are'; but our nc-^ qonintance .with either is too brief for ns to. insinuate An opinion as to their respective merits. Public tastings wilt be held in various .Sections of ihe eounty, end^every elector will doubtless have in oj>- portunity of LecTin'5 the household :affaijs of each of; the candidates 'tjiproriglj- 8nd eIoquehtly_diseus*d. -CIav.'s Torv ricord and Lvonk Gut but : all this will not be a circumstance '; to the ocean? !of.'Tile 'nastintis, ; githered. fronijthei spittoons and. caaoc couchefcof the caiiitol,': which " trill be dterfd down upon us in - tqrrenfe. ^Wjiu't'.we bav-fe-niissioii- teie^s foam T^rjontOjfroci Hamilton, , from-Ottawa, charged to\ oVei-aow- ; ijigxwith nectar /rom the outrage TOilfe 1; Won't oir jtars be tickled -iritE^the delightful things tha^ will happen if we, will only vote for ." oilp--: candidata " 1 ,Yetv but we . iniKtt bo ttore l^ok fof.:,rso!aething; z fcicej^ to ibe "dime -foV usLt-J'.at's "played out" ^o.'such Barberoua tricts can avail flow ^auil well that it is so. All "the jl^s that. Canada ia hear to,-Wft-will be" told'may' be . ^ ! thft Hlfeerie* tbar now enthral Ker*w'fl be redoubled if that" other aeilliwas succeeds, throOghi dastard; i chicanery, in securing the seat to t^hich be has the audacity to' aspire. S^iis'iis; the sort of literature we may expect to revel in, the ensuing 'oightesn days. ; Tis well the rising gtjneratiori can see the holJownesK of tliese political; missionary speeches "4else yould not the polution feink sal in despair. . 'But s&rionsly for this is aWri- Otfs maiter^-we .all of us bsrve a duty to perform, and no one should shrink' -froa> it; . Bfrery ; eleetor .sjbkiithl be^^r^patreil. to exercise his /rancalsey 'iis, fe,vor of one or .the other^ ofjhe candidates; Tiy and attend their fUecihtga and decide as the rtepectiTff ioerits of each. 1 of people there', tWinewi imiiri .an jcrpw tbt sK! ;the tigbts ciutn'ts,: nicbllanict and; other ui;ti- w'ives; sons and z*t<s, with, -thvir daughtei-s, jostlet day' long, steinin hold in thoj com All ^.Itisfiett that! the each other all gly "every house- ] ty -be.uijj-+.trgcly - apjioat'csl io sbe exhibition was a ~t THE &CTON FR gootl WO)- in jcverj j respect, v :-3Ltgnidceiit horses, fitMj looking c,;rttlo and sheep. nim-nse porkers, and well-bred pbu try-were exhibit ed in large inuuiliei's. The ample sjrbuntls'jrers larg.dy occupied with; beautiful enniagtt and fanning:im3 plemt'tits of everr imaginable de* srt|n artd nsefUlhi 'SS. -The Vcrystlil jnilace, =for Euch t) may justly be solue "ruthless lave taken pains called", althougli- Lipetls uppesu* to td smash -nearly all tho panes was well filled with ;i ijiagnificent dis play ofustfiil and ornamental, arti cles, whieh ^e will not atteuip't to .jdtjscwife - TFe will be^eontent to saly that the: exl iljitioh was in mimy respeffls sup. :rior toanycouftr ty. iliow we have tVer visited. .IPe were not able to t Vtain thoVwhole Pair Leicester two shearling. e'ws, two'owe lambs mid ono ram b' C. S. Smith, 2. David Lucas- iir Cotswolil two .Bheiivliiig nmiB, o ewe lambs and ono ram lamb jJL W. Bowes, : Pair fatted ewes -jji,. FoRtliertton, 2 J. II. aiedoalf. rias . [ijoar 2 -Jas. ^6\^ii.. Jas. jMU^u^.2 Jos. Featberttonj. Sow 3*n.\ Main,. 2 L. Brti-baree., .^avr njuler onto'yenr Jas. Main, 2 J"no.= E%lbn. ' ;; ' . i j 8MAU. nnKKDi .'; Boar .Ton. Featherstoh, .- Jiuu Mutjrt; Bpufbiidei* dne ybar-^Jas. "Mtirii; 3 Jos. FttithcretoiK. Sov^---' Jm,"Mam.. Sow undeb ono yoat' Jat-iMaiii; 2 J. it T. xVldersbn. j IMVROVED BKftK?il!!llE. -~. [fear 4^f: F. .McNaiigJiton.* Roir und('f Irypnr^-Geb. Bell, 2 J. li\ i|t. : Sown-M-,. F. .MvJNiUighton,' i iiamuel Miisoilr Sow under olio yeiir Nij ugh ton. 3est brood-ow (prize by W. V. ;Lyi>a,) Jas. Main. | >V;- MipCranoy's prize of'SlO fdr be! t [Durham bull, John Fotliergill; Itej t jpair ewes, 0.. S.' Smith j best E.p; n;carriage horses, J. Tasker.:-[!-.' I" -' '. Pair light Bhihmas M. F.' Mc- I 5E: SreSs, oot^ber 15, of the prize list in sue.' The balance HsKed next *eek. PRIZE DRAUGHT^ ___ Brood niUre -V TJi"o5T|Bain^r,-4j Gt'Klihij or itilt; death' of their inother,. Rnd tho dangerous illness of their father, i j .Tu about hulfun-hoW!1 ixftor tho Inccident Mii Hondei-sJii was .re- pnovedito tho Guelph GBj.wral Hos> i>itl(' where, ho received ererjy caro find. Mittention.j Wo are glad -to onriv' that lip is steadily improving^ Jn Tj'cdnosdtty he was taoro cttn- icious than at any tmvr since tho locident-occured^jand Dr, Clai;k^ Is low hopeful of his 1MJC0' ery. ;/ ^' mm -m. A Fatal fiunaway Acdident* .About noqh on"Ssturdu r a terrible. I 8.75- Oti Ttlesdiiy a rdhniniWVofc; fcAdh. The CikblT VaLviSt. We see plattdatGutelphbetwafe^t^oKnlghiB it stfttd~ that the Credit Valley ofSt Oriapin, Mr. TnohlAB M'n6h} Rtiilway is in difficulties; and it is 233 lbi-and Mr. Edward Jotie> a from the municipalities along tho 150 (founder. TyniSh Was Wo inufth lino-. | Wtrk has benn nearly stb^ for hii opponent and reaone: ,lumped and t! lq laborer 1 paid off, the. W!nn|ng feqst first iu spleMdid Co n intimatior being thi t before more dttioh. ( . can bo do: 10 there tr ust be a rocon- A youh^ man named booth, fhile gtriiction of the fin incial arrapge- aBsiHtlng in loying stretches of a ments of wio compar y. bridge on a oonoossion. line-lei ding.;'- K to Lowville.ran toooloie to one c f the -jj;^.:^. a- received a kick full in tho 'face causing serious wot nda. l>r. Bonnet b.elnJfcWnt forj sewei up lCc1dont 'owurod^on'tljo firVt'sfd'e SlLii^SSv/"- ho" is now MoIn* oiid west of tho township of NoIbOih " ~ nt'a point-Where it .rtScjlines down timg f<Jr this is- will;.ho.hiJ pub- ' i- ' ' iibnsES. ' ' 1 ", :iliiam- Conta, 2- Joseph Bowes, 4^ yuays John Geo. Matthews, '2 Jarkl Geljfegro;-lfillv,'2Tears-^ Jokn Wriggles- wty-th. Geliiing o rl'filly, 1 year. H^inry Browfiii Eiiltire colt, 2 years ^Thrimas iknik) a Wrti.~ Wauvoi). Spi-ing c61c = oihll- i'hos. lidlin- ger, 2 Geo. Mattbt. ' 'GENERAL rt-T.ioSK JlOriSESV viBrooy nii^ro W Jcjsej.h Cunhinqliu'ia, 3 Pi. 8. Hall,'. : McClelland, 2 N4 ugh ton.".".' Chickens S. JUiw reiiOfi >fe Sons. Dark Erakmas Jiii. Main,: Chickelis Jas. Main, Cochins en.!. -W. A. Lawrence. Dorkings --jus. Main, Black Spanish T: Bi:akj Chickens T. Boak. Leg- iip-nsf : CI: as. Foster. Ilambtirgs-^H. S: -B> ker. Chickens f-t^has, Foster. Pc lands ii. W. Biissel. Chickens R. IT.- Lewis. Chickens William James Maiii. CIicVerts ft. Alton. Fancy Pijcons'.-V-M'". Cobban". Guinea Fc wlWS. " W. B.isijel. Common gei'ser-r-William -Newell. tChinese gei-sei Wm. IrV-jiii , Emileh fctfid:' -^- Jas. Main. - Aylesbury ducks Tlios,; Bell. . Rowen dheks iTamec Mithi^' Brbhzb ?Tnrkeys^-S. -W. Bi ssel. - i Common turkevs Tliofe: Bc:ik. : " .':"' " ' J .GRAIS- AMD SKEDS.: Red fall whi!at4 Wilson Jewell, 2 '.'i. Hetristreet. Tiieadwell Owen MiCatran, ,2 J. B^ Bessor. ' tV'hite fall w-heat-^K. Tuck, 2 Hm.Tuck.- Spring wheat RJTuck. 2 B. Tuck '1} ivears A Gilding- or:j fill/,' O'jD.ean, .2 ijTohn JTIaikV- Gelding or]'filly, 2 years John Cuiining- ha'ni, 2 Wui. Watson. Gelding or filly; 1 year]- Ge6. Gooderhatn, 2 Jolhn Forsyth. En ire coljt-,. 3 years -^ Sp in^ colt or fillv R\ S.j.H=*lVe J. * 'i- Hardy. ]: t-i ...Ttiii ^fc uses.' . Span" bea/.iy draught borseBT 1-BiliHlei'i, 2.'r!hofe. A ton, 3 Samuel, jjasoh. Spun for eneral purposes Jqs. Browjiridge, 2 Geo. Brojivn- ridge, 3 J. & W. L ume. Span of carriage horses Jonathan: Tasker, 2 Geo. Coyhk, 3 E W. Dfeveraux. Hack horse -under saddle W. P. Mceiure,"2 John I). Grr, 3 John MtKeachriiei .-^Eajc l hott,e in har- nefia-rJohn Ross. 2 ,\V.. Freeman', 3 A.J OrDeln. Carriage horse, 20 entries ] 2 . T. C. Wright. * I ' ' "| . i - CATTLE.(DUBH>>lj) ulJ, ngetli H. Rjbinson. :Bull, 2 Janies Fail v.- Biilh l' yea Thos, Boak, 2 DJ Morrison, 3 W. .'.Baittv. Bull caljfWJ. Fptbergill, :! C. S. Smith- Cow<mlveJ or in calf ThaS. Bux- ler|.'2 A. Waldie, I A, Campbei;. Cotr, 3 rears Tho nas Biixtei',-2 Tlfbs. Alton," '3 J. Fothergill. Hijifer,2 years J.' M.. Busseli,'2 Johiison Hafrisoh, 2 H.;Pioliinspn. Htjifer, 1 year Tho nasijia^ter, % C 3JSmith,;3 W. \\[ "" cal '-1-J. Wt B'uasell, !^..^CimpoiSll; 'i j\ brr\'ONs W?'S. Bcwbeer. to i W -m ..;. ' , " "mm., W*1-'- '-'"^^ral- ps*:M" If^i ' ^^5^' felifllL Bs? -;^[Aiim^k fe#l#i- b"f !-5 ; f3!a? ^i'-'L^^ll fell:- fa^f^M- $be writs for ibti, Korth Went- *prlh election -has been received..: Tfce"'iiomin*tion win-take place, at Ihuidas onFi-id^y^ the 22nd iast.y . and jhe election 6ft the 29th. .1, , " jllie epnse^-atives haySf^elieeted :'Yl7fi-jS Edward Goehra'ne, 6$ Gramahe. :. to jtxmtest^be Siding of 'fiSigt Uo^h- uip.berlanfd, a the forthsfliuing.eiec- :tion, in their'iftterest^.' < -'- and Cohseryativip ^Conventions, for ?Tort& <JX-ey;' luet 'jatJGweh Sound on Monday, a Urge :.number of delegates on borth sides /hs^ng .preseiit. Mr. R. McKnigbt, .-waa chosen as candidate. by ;the' . Eejfor.rteri^and-Mr: David1 Creigh-; too, ".the-'tTImanac nian," by the : -^The ;Ottya Frcr. Br'css says Ho^:Jfe.^ol^is mentioned as Mr. ;Fuamier's;Buccessor in the Cabinet. ; Aldeptfian Hayes announceshim- e^' as an. independent candidate .forjthe representation of IKest (To- Kttjto'in the Houaenof GJemmons, j T j{&. yfxsi: Clay, -of Jtfor *&, has _ j..Meeptad the Opposition candidacy l'r)|P. Jittitonr j against fSfr Di Eyon; i dwfebotee of tlw lfcjfor.ineru hb tnountilii, And about two reilos nast of the villago of 1Vflterd6wnk t nppears that'Mr.Petei Black, hin iiis mother (.* venerable aid lady of i >8), and Mm. Blacklooi^ 1 n'd dauuh- er w. re paying a visit, from Uam "Jbellsville^'l'uwnBhip of JSapsagaweya (where thoy all rasided>,liiMr. ./utties Cooper, i whose dwelling ia located immediately below the :reach%rbuB" mountain side where tho accident occured'. When the team" . bad raolied]a ba<l spot of thordal, about twenty yards trota the t'op, thb in side horse became uiunarirtgeable and forced the other ove'tlle'edge. The Hbrtes waggon" and passengers, with tub exception bl sirs. Blaok* lock, Uvlio fepranfi Tor lln frbhl the waggon, were precipitfttaji down the slope amidst ji heap of stinrp stonei. Mrs. Rlack. was pluhgek) headlong distance of about thirty leot, strick- ing her bead oh thb 'cbrber of a large' rock, and . dashing-hr brains out npftinat its Biiifscti. Miss lilacklock was^>rceipitatbd nearlj at greata dis tance, but being young ai d igbt. nas ,uot fatally injured, recei fing, bow- ever, very severe ointiisions pbout the heiid and lace,, frbrri %hich she remftineil unconscibiis for about two hours afterwards, Mr. 11 lack, who wos driving, struck against a small tree, and was. thereby sav :d from fa tal injuries...- He, however, received many severe bruises ubuiit the body; and after cnrrylngvthe I ttle girl a Bhora (H<tance-'up thej rocks, t;turn ed for his aged mother, o ily to find that she was beyond all human aid. nioeiy.-^-Milton News, Doomatio.-^As a farmer was thj-esh rag lb Nelson, a large Newfoundland dog' was following i> Iad: up in the moiy and when jumping from the band-table to the toow'he .slipped back and went through the mnol ine> hiaking him Into very fine sau age beat at a cost of tw,entyfire doflars Tto the mabhlne.-rMiltttti heWs. Peak -Pockets.- OH Mottdajr ia old, blind, veteran of 1812, acepm. panted by his daughter, wtio is also blind,! went to HUmlhcHi.tO Hiefelre his pension. On thiJll? retUrtl, Bftef they hod taken their seats in (the cars, tho daughter discovered that her pocket book had been stolen, with $23,-50, ^2* of-which was lthe pension.-' It Ln supposed that their pocket was picked while she] Was purchasing the ticketc. "She 'show* ed treat 'fl?treB, and Mr McUr^Hey) M.' P.j who,was On ] board the. train, on discororing the cause: of lier-'lis- tress, very kindly undertook to raise a. subscription from the pvaseng* rs. contributing handsohieiy himsL'il.tiiii very soon, realized (the lull amount of her loss. Mil tori Champion JTFJW ADVERT ISEMiBNTdi mmoM, Parties indebted to D. Oalloway are roqucstod to .coll and settle tb?ir ac counts at tho Aotoa Bikery, befdrethe 22nd Oct. and rjsccivo ny thanks.; "i pavij)8Al5way. f, Ufa io,-wa-' .- 16rlt Afctoii; -pFbTit E W t>Bf OK8! ; Parties indebted to th4 subscribers Are requested to. pay t bei? accounts on or before tho .lt: of Jiv^mber, a we want to havb our booki closed" by that date.'.-..' .1 ' !: i MOiREtSMgTH. Acton, Oct. 14r 1875. I lfe:t ' f , , ___ ' SEPARATOR ANIV HORSE pdWEat, Injtobd condltloD, for aale> Apply to JAMfcB BELt ,"Lo| o. 26,2ntt concesalon of EjquoklJg PARENTS for IlfVENTlONS cSpeJIlloiiKly anU properly secured Ift Canada, tb'o UuiloJ 8ultes andKurope. Patent g-iiinmuril or no otiarge. Hend for prtnied lnalruCtlohn. LSMncylniopfrr C tUwn, Canada, ELEPHANT CLOTHING H0U8 @--rxEHii=iaci " '" C '.- ' " .> '". 1 Thi -i W^nte^t, Ciotiiittar^oige of tits 0^feS| iust received fiOO peri's Orercoa^a..ranging in price from $5.00np. .-\'r.'-1 : -' 187 Boys' -Overcoats; rapging in pries from'.'gg;0d up. .. ; ' i :',.A tremendous stock of Men' Reavy S^dits in icojich, English' and'] Canaiiiai*i , Tireedsj ranging in price from ^TiOO up ] ;J]. '" A beantifnl stockof Childreh'f Suits, [rarixingjiriprice from^Wiup/ - ^ Big stock of Woolin Dnderclothirig,tb besold very low, " /" I' .'_' ? eartfigaa Jacketf, ranging in price from'Mp. .; L. - \] - , /.i- "B v Magnificent lot of jnfew^hirts, Cbilars, Scarfe, I ows and Gloves jusi toJjB^vUj||, ilats and Caps /' ' S-" *^ra Mo aiion tdn years Mcpbin teniH and D^atictifsman Mepbinlnsii. Engineer, hollcjibr "of F-*' Si rtwed barley^IFl- Tuck 2 It. I >"^ m i. seconded and car- iUBk.; Large white oats 1. Kir- ? ried lhilt Tjr, Hobertson bo chairman. l\v|-- |T..Shuiiks. Black oals 3Ir. Barberj who wits pieirot, Was Sbunka, 2 C. ' Foster. Common . Invited to toko a seat bn| the plat- Biill- ail R0f6rtri Qonvenjtion. . /from ttih 'Chnmpii n, The convention, for thg purposn of choosing a candidate "for the Local House, in place of Sir. hi rber, Urbk plac^ on Monday last JJecides -the fdelegnie-, there .^tere^innny otUer prominent Keformefi present from all parlB of tho county, and every one _bf them sceiried cc nlidfent oT -victory, but determined^ - (o make every exertion 'to secUrjon larger m.v. jority than ever for their' feprescnta Hive. outs R. Heiustreet,r2 J. Kitchen. Bljie I peas^ Owen 'iMcCarran,- 2 Jo. in j----------i-.- ^Small peHS John Ramsay, 2 JI H'oods. Indian corn injcot^ It. Fallace, 2 John. Easton:' Flax sMd-4-Thomas Taylor, 2 J. H'oods H'iiite beans R. Hemstreet, 2 R CaWP'-.'. Buckwheat R. Carey, 2 Georgo-Denuiis. Hungarian _eniss setd Jatnes Campbell, 2 R.Hem- str?et. Bag pf hops hot less than 11 2 lbs. M. A,', - MeNaughton. Bajrrel of flour A. G. Richardson. t (Conclusion next wetk.) . ASS,tc.iWEYA. -^Tht'-;followui<rj>rizeii awi trded at the NarfMjfaweya Sl^f, We weennable to obtain in time for!la*t w& k's paper : Hack horao amler'^addle' -J. Hri>on:n-an, 2 llohnes & Bn>;, 3 Wn. Hutc'heon. . Haclf "horse in liar: nei 1 ^olin Campbell, 2 Bonj. Wallace, 3 W; i J; Kidney.- Sbixl horse C. Itenshaw, 2^ J./Elliott. Fastest walk. form, and did so amid hearty aji phiuse. He made a UJw appropriate remarks, thanking tlio convention lorihe honor; and syi^pa^by. ih.-it he. met with, and b:iid that he had not 2 -W. Waldie, ; e.ow red or in | calf .W. S. Bowbeer. Hei'far, 2 Tears- W.. S. (Bowbeer. Heifer, Yfciir W^ S'. -Bowboer. . j GRADE. f ., <j}ow calved or irrciilf-^|W. Liicas, 2 B.. 'Tuck, 3i Robt.1 TMlnsottr Cow, . b Thos. Altcn, 2 R. Wii- mot>, ;3 A. Campbell". Heifer, 2 yre, W.| Lacas, 2 JDuvid ] /ucas, 3 John 1 jear--T. , 3 W. Lnciis. Lucas,- 2-W.. Yoke. work-, nson, W John 2 John H. I Medcalf.l Heifer) Alton, 2 A. Campbei Hejfef cfelf David Thos. -Alton ingioxen -Xf~. 0. Rob Sprpat/3 John Agnaiy jun. i 6'llBEP^ hEMp STE-ft Rani -i'hbs. yCarwron, Fothergill, 3 Jos. Bla jdon; Year-; ling ram Joseph Witson, 2] Geo, MuKerlie, 3 Ttobt. Ii alasd. j Ham lamb B. B. Ireland, 2 0. & Smith 3 JpSi, Alton. Two a jearling.ewes: 3 W. Waldie. Two < we lambs - C. S.' Smith,.. 2* W;' Waldie, 3 A; iWaidie.^ .;. -. .-. i ;""i v eoTs^votr.- Rairi " Abraham... 5tarls," 2 Jtis. iBiispelJ Shearling -am-^-Josepb > Watson, 2-J. W. Rjwesv Ram Jamb ^Wm.-\yat8on, '. I Jas. Bigger-,]: 3 J-l [W.- Bo toes.] T wo '.shearling' ewes 2^.^^. Bowes,. 3 Jas.iBiggei'. :7sv6 eve lambs -J. W. Bowes, 2 Jas.iBigjer,! 3/ Wm:. Wilson. ' .' ] . ' " jRam Joseph ifeit] lerston, 12 C.Foster.] Shearliufjl re m -r-. Joseph --L'Vathersfqfi 2 J: W. I yearling eVes J". W, Buasel,. 2 J. .Peatherstoni';Two e;jai Limbs G Postier;;2j Jas.: Featfiei ston.; Ram : lamb Foathersto: 1,. 2 Charles Foster ! usseL Two 'AW th6]8.irao right to speak-'pn a plat foi-m that He once had; not being ,nn elector, and solemnly denred having commued tho act for whi:h he Was disqualified. , . Mr.-Lyon wa?.nominated by S. R; Lister, -seconded by ;Mr Riiiiisey. Mr. Ksmsey spoke for a gliort time He said it wa say much regardmg.Mr, Lyon as every one know him to be a gokxl, Sound- Befprmer, -a man of sterling charac ter; clearheaded and shrewd, uiid just the man to represent the coun ty. He said that Mr. Barter had the sympathies of not lonly the Keformeii of Halton, but of Ontario, and that ho believed thai the Con servatives-were heartily! ashamed of. what they had done in ithut- matter. He exhorted Hoformers: 10 be up and . -, _. --------- .___________ doing; and shovf. tliat- Halton was a gjhoric, (prize given by T; McTavish) /strojiger Kefornl constitulepcy than -Wm.-lRiitcbcbrC- , - fever, and said"that he beloved that the'Keformers pf.Ualtpji couhl roil up a larger mHJority ht^tbfs than at any pre'vious election.] i : ' I)r. Itobertson was nominated by P. Ciinipbtl!, seconded by J, L. Wit liani3-- . : W. H. Young;was nominated by If. E- Hagnrmn, seconded by J. S. Speight. Dr. Hobertson respectfully declin ed any nomination,: and Mr. Youn^ tlid likeWis'e. Dr. Wiifihtthe'ri moved that-Mr. .Lyori bo tbt) standing vote of th's'. convention. :-Cai'rie-d iuntlntmoutiy and enthusiastically.. j ; Mr. White moved1 that no'Berorm 'er.should nppraohany doubtful char acter during the campaign, and that the convention shall remain a con vention and act legally us" the agents of Mr. Lyon. - " Mr. ]Lyoti was invited tV"the piat^ .form and tendered the boBiiaHonr by the eharr'man. He thanked the'c'ori- ventipa for the ' honor,' and epolee briefly, but to. the ptfint. . He said thr.t it Would., be riecessary for the' Keformers jto Wffrk, that the Conijer- fatives would be 'united no matter 1 who their "man, should be, and'tiat they'would hurl every available mis- aile againstjtbe KeKp'rm candidate1 to lessen' himiin tlie opinion of the peo ple'. T&ey Wmjld make a" grievance out of" the slightest pretence, and rake up the scurv'bt society^ and get them (6 swear: nlo a grand offence If was. not necdiary to- speak st length, explahiijig his ppliticai rrvi6*J9, as th'ere Was no particular question agitating] the pubiio' mfnof- at present. He showed many oftnte' advantages that the country had gained by the- present Government, and anklthat he Would have ample opportunity forshowing his figures and positon during the campaign. ^He'diJn'ot believje that the Opposi tion had; a 'Sitrgje. serious] charge against the Mowatt Hovernmeryt. He was in-favor of temperance/ and would be one of the strongest sup;* porters of the prohibition law when ever the country should be ready for it.] ""' .-'. " . - "- ;.Mr. Young rnnde' ah eloquent speech, treating jrrihbpal'lv on] the trial of Mr. Barbfr; and-.ion': temper ance, after which Mr. Barber spoke for a short time in his usual able and effectivef manner, jand was greeted with enthusiastic applause. It rntigt be gratifying to Mr. Barber to meet with Bu'cli universal and hearty good will, and tn-find that no one belfefes bim guilty of any cor. up^t act during. : nAKBIF.rt. ' On tho 6th instj, by tho Rev. II. Ketd, at tho. residence of Charles McMilli .n, Esq., Hillsburg, tlie brides father* Mr. Geo. Smith,' of Erin, to Miss Catherile McMillan, of the same place. Jiii:if: . In Guelph, < at theresidenc'o of his brotber,]MrrGcorgo iSandilands, on tge 13th iuitt-.'i Thomas banttilaudB, aged years, j . In Guclpiii on tho 12th] ipst., afterla. firoVftiiitect'illness, Susau Whatliiig, bje- ovod wife of Mr. W'illiajoY Wilson agiil 02 ^ears. - In Acton, on the Oth-iust., acciiierit- ally killed, Mr, Mathias Zimnienna 1, aged 23 yeare niid 11 months. In Acton, ort the. 10th inBt., of Di]!- theria, .Edward, son of the lato 'Johu ;HugheS, aged 7. years and 5 mt>atl(. ; In Acton, on the Ifth inst'., of. din- .thoria, Adeline, daughter of Mr. Henry iDapiper, aged 2 years and fi months. | William ^jlayI Cundid'itc to? thi Locril liousi, Will' be present and address the jJBlectors of llajton, at Actonj on Tuesday: 6t;ober 19, at 7'.jf--m. -i - . ..* *"' i Kasterbjook, Wednesday/ 2flth, at 2 p.m.j- and Oampbellville,- the same : j evening) at 7pni- ^ ^af'tiejVlilUhgOu'eiph^bymaklhgitiiprA^tto call fit-ilio 1 EPHAt^T beiW Kv rplDselBOWbere, Will save at leasts lb a;>erceut onjiTery dollar tniy"so!8w T > *'Xg' A UCTION SALE OF Valuable Heal Sfltate ."'- , ! anil' - . FARMING STOCK .Mr.Oed. (Jrnm has rfcPlvbrliniiructions from JOHN CL'Jim.N'tift. taq., to s-11 by Pnhllo Auction, on. MATUTKLaY) 30th--of OtTOBKU. the Blost^.valuable Kuriria In ibofownatiip of EsquestDtr, Co. ilalton, being tne east! Half m TxitSt, ^lU Con.. r.otnvrlBlnir 125 icres, 100 oertB of which are In a "lsh state oT cutilva^ tl< n, the tialano^ gooj hartlwood; sltua. tml about oiipmllofrom the b/autlfu'ond pro/resfiivo Village.of ACTOf<. Ooo<'l iramo hotiEoanii barn; stoho ftableaariU othpr CouvcnleuCos; lieslleai, drcbard *od seven adr<;.b'f./iop[yrd. The kitll is unequalled In'Ontario jlor truln gmvt'irg, rind the fnrrrt Is tindoubledly one" of t' e beat uyer otjpred toe sale t\y nubile; auction. Tlie place will posHlvely- be sold^H the hlgbest bidder, an the oWne ianpinSon iv-cbunt df p'd \ag< title Ruurantcctl, Terms enny. Also, at tlie Sam-! time anJ plnco,-wili be sola a lafge quantity of ' Farm Stopit: and Iruffiilements, conHhrlsIrii; 4 borses,-8 coIif,-15 ben*, of catf-'i-K a number fif n et- anu pffrs; obe combln--d reaperi and mow e1, 2 wngins, s.BlelxiiH, bug^.-, cutter, t-lowa, haripws, iltrviior.-s..ed rlilll, f.innln : mill, <ifc ae. Sou Catalogue fori Particular i. ; : e4 GIRbs. ] mctidneef. . Esqiteslnp, Septic), 187,5. Octobbf i3>ii>75. No. 31, Lowor ^i.^rtic! J^Olic Tf D^BI'ORS. : Parties ihdebkjjl to Crair e & Son are. 'requested ,to calQ and settle theif a<;- ' counts as early, as' possible. Try and make it convenii at to pay] before the* 15tlj. October, anj receive onr thanks: | ' CRAl$fi * SOX. Acton, Sept. 2t, 1875, " :' ; '.-j In every Dpparlmeht ii the -> " A e .'."' i .' '.S. - .F^Hio^BLfi::'%|sT. mm m afOaibd :>. Geing] Betstointtmnte thiithl* Stock Is ttowcomplftd In r-ve] y "epartmnnr.and (__ Lr.forro tr,e lttUle*, 0T <Jn<>Ipb and Riirruandirg countr.- tliat his ciispi-ivof fiew^i "^/}Wonab]tt>ods Istbe finest fi&has ever submitted lor i-u'blJc&rrovar..: Sije tUntioBi8ih?lie<i to bur -. - . U >-. ' Silk and >r^ss Departm^t SitaWjl Mik Mantle Dediarfeieiit;l MiHiiiieri:, Deipartxrient ':: \Fatal RtuiaTv-ay Accident in j; Guelph; I+ist Saftii'day afternoon, Mr. John Henderson, (itingon loti 24, 1st' con. K"assagawcja', with Lis "wife.arid daughter, a tdfinfj soh.jbf Mr. Pfobeit Lamb, jibbrit efght 'aldff.': Hei'fe-r yeijrs jold, (and Mr, ^olm Lamb, -... |br(|ther to Mrs.. Henderson, ,were [illjin it light wagon,,whic!rwas; ap proach ingi tho Griind^Trunk cross ing at tho head " of Gordon-st. .IJ'penpear the. rails, MA\ Hendcr- 8oi, tonche'd one of tho horses with the whip, arid it being yoning and fill! ofjlife began tp. rear iipd kick. This r<5iifced|the other horsej which; >vaj alioij-oung, -an-d; both started Off an[ "the!.'" run. They dashed tluough the open, space between the lamp pbsi rfnd the telegraph pols, and crossed obliquely to>v'af;ds the Marfcei%qiiare fertce, when the hind asje Broke, and the whole five we-e precipitated into the street. Mr; "ELJarn-b.^i^fss HetfJerson and the boy'escaped unhurt, btit we re-; - Hen- der jon|in. their" fll met With seri-: 6us injuries.j Drs, OhttUo" "and Ho vy-itt were early in attendance, ^in'q did all that medical skill could Bugjeltt. It was found] on exami'n- 'iiticn that both had received seri ous injuries, especially in the brain.1 Mr. Hpndei'son; *as from .she- first ihserpble, and Mrs: HeWderson, tjictiigh! she came to herself- Blight- ly after a littfe^ and ] was: able to put some questions about tbo'state of h =r husband, had all the appear-' a]nc< of having received a Hreadful ;shock-J which with the'C'ohcussion , oif1.11 i-er| bfaih,'spoh &ega.t( jto shevw thei efftiCts. She'very s<j>6n "losi aill 8^hHibility,J,fihd' cbhtinn'ed to die on the[ lounge ifi a- state; of coma 'till. 2 o'clock on Stmday irhrrrning, whei she passted' jjfeacefujly away. She Was buried on Tu6sdajy, froni jhjer i)Wn-residence, the body having been! removed- from GueJph ]on Siin- I. or' more of the folio Wine gen tlemen I will address leach meeting: The Hofi. M. C. Cameron, Hon. Wm. JticDoiigall; Messrs. Lauden Boult ;bee, James Beaty, QjO.., ajld James, ffuhey. : \: .J, :-' ' i- 1 Mr, Lyoh and bis friends are In fired to attend and discuss the issue's before tho people,] - - :; Gob SAVETnE QuEfsw. | ' To the ijlecliors OF TIIK ] Having bpene^ business Mr. Matthews' st )re, is pre* -pair Watches, C ocks and the- best' mannejs. and at chnrges. re. \ E. COOLER, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, itl! Je' i part of ed t in red" to, re. ewelery in. resousble Paftieji leaving their orders * ' ran Actori, Oct. 1,1875. may rbly upon thb work prdmptly land satisfactorily'attended to, ' JTiAfrM TO ffENT. . Tfio" subscriber offers to rer t, or let 4ia shares, ;his farni, being Lot the 5th Concession of EscjU':aing, com prising iOO acres, 80,acresof under cultivation, the.balanci COUNTY OF HALTON. | Gentle:jek : ]. ;: j; ).In del'erence to the': wishes of a large nu:iubef of my friends,T have the honor to offer myself a candi- your siitTrngcs, which I; I She leaves fotri". daughters and one-, sen r-all grpWn iip-^-who with the other fiSends of the famT ily have the heartfelt sympathy "p.f the1 .whole cpiiimtihity'in this? t3ieii hour-of triul in: the sudden- l'is campaign dato for hope -Will meet thb approbation of tho Iiid(;pehdent Electors of this county* ' .'. :' : !My political, opinions, are well known, still 1 hope to' have the pleasure'! of meeting nrany. of you before the polling Jay|. To prevent misconception,'T may say here tbe.t I will give the pres ent Government np factious opposi tion, but twill support them in all m'eas'trtes^calculated to increase the general prosperity of the people, and will vagance in every form whether in grants to,'Railways, the disposal oi j ' I j. ' , tbtj timbel?'fiynits of this Province, or in any 'I other way, ccihtraiy to well understood, wishes' 'of. the peciple;] -j' ] f elec:kl, my rtime'j will fe uh- apax-ingly devoted to yckir interests irrfspective of bfeecf,- pterfy pit ha- tipr^alitj'i-'!' J - J.'""'] :' ' I haye'tho Honor to 'be," ' '.{;' Qentlem^n/. Your obedient servant,. ' ' cedar. and hard wootb: Giiod frame house and barns, with plen iy of water, and other cbnvenienct s. ABpufh 2J miles froinj. Acton. Aptly on the premises to ! . i SIMON MCLEAN. Esquesing,"0ct. 1, 1875. No. 31, on which,are k' excellent The timber oppoBite Lots IS, 29 and 30, on the Town-line between Esquesing and Nassagaweya, consisting (of a large lot of valuable Cedar and otht r timber, will be offered for sale at the': wrners of Lots 28 and 29, -. On Saturday, ttie 16tli day. of' October next, it2 o'clock, p.m.' ]'"'.' BY ORD^R OF COUNJCILS] Of Esquesing and Nas lagaw'eya; J^^Tl^i? strenuously opppse extr'a- Any pcrsonjor persons tresi assing on Lt 28, Concession-3, of the Township )f Esquesing^(adjdining the Village of icton), or injuring! trees of an r .kind, or eaving gatesMmproperly shut, or feices >artly down, will be subject to prosecn- ion after thia dateJ". . ",""" ' ! Pi S.: ARMSTRONG. Acton, Augiist 20, 1875, AIL Furs, irsjhey Woolen Goods ..Hosiery, Kid Giioyds J > (Blankets, If annuls; *T\vgeds, &c, bt wh't'b ?j-aro pre'rarrd to-rnt at the ;v"ry ib'^est'jr'&s., A, O: BUCHAJVI ; Fashionable, West. Eri:l.Drcs-?,' Mtilinery :.rwl Man:IeFfti>bllsliTtt}4r'--- - Ouolph,"Oct,12; i875: ; : .. : 1 ii---:',= ff anci * Winter! 187,' "N -- i : II- P M6LE0D, AJ^iDEIicOH & Co, 1 '- .' ?~l I MaJa^motb - H<yu3e Georg-eliow'n; 0#t.^ - Beg* "Jea'i \ 16 say that. t.bejr Iiive receive 1 1c rg'e im'port&ticns! iri f'; ;.. ."^Black and: Colore^ Ltis^s, . ^ ~T--J- '; :':: WHITE 0OTT0MS. PRINTS, TABL5 L1J1EN, DRl ,L3, SHEETINGS, &C' -j _,' . i- - Fancy. Goodsfana] Small Wares of all Jcfhdsr ' ir" iVi'/r^.V I'-f : MilUn^y^ MgoMes Citrpsts, BroadcljthB, DoesMaB, " f ' . ] >STigUnh 'aad'Eootch T-woeils, Overebati:^,; ']. A . ] ': , ^ai7-2S^d6~&7?rcpat3!and ClttWsivH " BpVV':Re&d7-ma49 Cvercoats'aad. Cl0t2iing, Gsitg'gdTOffi1n|Wfj*P-?J-;' The above Goods KaVe been lmpc>rtd'd!rpct -ron> the loild'ng maSltets oV Btrhie," j I t He re by suvWfcaMjlrga percentage; of w.hi^h the public .ihi til get the advantai- t ,! ; : -. X OtTB^GiirADiAH depa:rtmen^ l_iiod jt :_driv JT, hieresls of this I3omininn! eiajzlji? home lntinstrjt-j*j :f jt/TILK! MILK f The' stfbserlbe* has comtnantjed the' (lairy business, and.will dewrer milk jvery( . morning arid evening ' at i the houses in the yillsge.- - Milk Warrantecl- puro. Twenty-one quart tit keis ; for' 51,. if paid] in [advance, of t\ renty-o&e' int tickets fof 50 cents; VP-S; ARMST^iONGV Acton, July.]8thi\l*7fir . "i ' V l^ X.:. W. QL&Y. trhjh&fiE PBoi^iER'fy IF03& ^LliOE.' Tlie' ttnefersibped offers for],sale the ' I ark lot- iinmecuately east of the^Rail- t^ay track, known as Young's i tirvey, in t he Acton, oompr sing six a ores, more,or less. It has bee a surVey- t d into village totsy but would prefer to .s ill |ih block.^' Actpn is one of the mosfe I rbsjgferpus and thriving. plabe, u this Fs jptioffbf c'ouhtry, audits ^prot pec for -r ipid growth "are second, to hoae.-F The a lye is r.a most desirable pro; ierty ifor i'P riy^tq residence of inanufacta ing pur- 'josas.- _ Kor jtetma and particulars ea- qaire'of Mr. V. Hendeori,"Ac'njior't6 t is owner, Ashgrpve P. 0., E[tteBirlg, -- -.!-, ' JOHN McC4LL; - E^quclng,.;Sept; 4, 1875. Ia; large,- vjnjlBd aid attractive, andas the mnr,i]facturins are or oonstaerfbielmi ortnuce. ard ris.wo beite,ve fb poti- ( bave laid in large lines of the following; .; Tweeds,'?uU Cloths, QveroctftiigFj' ' , j ,|, . ] j - ,.'"jfarn3l Checks. Fine And Fancy Flan niley] -'. *- : ' ';",: -. . : .;' -- ' :.|",";' Factory Cottons,, Dfinin^A.fDrills, '..j. i Cotton Yan;CPJton Bags, "' ! Tic- tin'ga,j SbirjLing?, " f- "' - "\ -' .Menls WnitftSmrtsV - - BOOTS AND SHOES, H- BUFFALO, HO JSS,i, : 'V: . ".. ..V -MENjiS F'JRCAVS, 'ys. ' :.i > The Rbo-ve'Gobas ha*e beenprn-chiised frbm tpe. blst.aid cheapfest finujtffeitanjg" ih the Dominion and will be sold at ashiaU advance dncost. -, . ' :' -J.':.'-.. \. - .' e ' ' .'- ' --. i ,-, ' ,- Tile Pablio Bay re^r tin -'flfet^ing- C!*eat .Baj?gaj%^ PLCXTHfNGr IDEr^ABTMEN Ahead of ailV eompetltlch. Our rtoffc fs immense. "The ktjfterent Uii!s-.havebecn -' lected with great care. . Any penileinnn can bei snf.ed inf fa Hte, qilsllty andpriee- * - beaotitul Une'of'the hrwest thing (in Overcoatings.' our facilities for^utuns.iJUt maKlntf out garments aT-e tinsuipnsSfid.'.WeihRveal! tHet ilejittbat!eperienff aa* nftjn'4'y eWU'proeurtf.and ca^ therefore guarantee saitsfahll ;n>n:everj Instanee',- : .-!.- '.... . Our Shqw.Room is eompletfe ntith' all t;he latest styles ,from.,LcmdBn,':,i > ], JParia. ind iNew "52o'r pur i^fobae,baa been famedior lbsstytlsh and nnlqne inl 'Ji*.,***, .. , freshlegga " frejhT Sntj no doub r-L!],JMcLE0D, Jj-lfrR..' Hnlinr.;. Thtssfasbb we *Mm surpass: all our former eftort s,bVcause i'pIuVc the^t'nlen't n ic I eobtis tb dtfJI.- AU_lh new-color*in Blbbonii Feathers, TornriolBe'.(3rauanieai:i, **;. 't. : -j i'l ( ' - ;UAPIE&ANrXOE|rTl.ErYIEN. Tbe 'roregcintj 1 ia irire'sainiSafyof our5^?U mense tJU'cSi a* txwould tuKe oil tne pages-of a Kewsp tpei to desoribawiedlflerens^viJ phases ol>t tmnlSnsB variety, cbeapntss ond pbneriil att;; actions.- SWBce ittoaj,-'.l W were never tf tier'pr^paTed to -rvo thepubsfcto-t ieir satisfactipni *s;.wafaavje^^j in a lanrer Btook ,tbkn heretniore lo^n-ot the wimi^-of-bur e rer indr^aslpg; trade, ajJJ-f'-^il Wftb retnrptnR'prtwperlty aud,th<> exoeedlo*) y lo y pricesiwe are tcjsell oqr-'. d ire (hall surpass allourformerattvances.-^: , t - ;- . i.^tfj '-floods Sold lorpasSy,aa.d ao Seponft 'Prfca. ?":aiife H&af NDERSON ji Q0ix'M 1 ..- I"-- -J;' "-. ' ' "m a_E "' :'

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