Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 24, 1875, p. 2

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vr*>*j / rpttK Publit l*d livery Friday Morniixs^ SI Pel* ...SI |v>-.". :4: "rliiVi" r |%: fi llip Is^Hr" wt3?fe33#5 s*^;sfe? ^r EftJKe! ACT0> FREE PRESS m & tmum ito Advance. * JOS H H tCKlNO, .EtMTOR" KKtDAW JilORSIXG, SETT., aV 1875. ' Ohiv Sn-bt r l>c)-, .who havtv taken tie FanePkkss since, thetlst. ?pf July, ami have not yet ]id, ure - re*poctf dly reminded ! that the limited :ime for-receiving payment ; at,thc rate of-Due Dollar ,'w ill ex-. ^pire s&T week: ^gT After the 1st of October,/all tvujmid siibserip- Uons will be the t ate of ouasdol! 3r-wi<a-ialf.i. Now is the ' f^^n *">'f*g(?'SlffS(!?S-? ACte^EREE JPIIESS, $BPTIMBER ; 24;;', 187^ our mm.-- m ;, COUNTY" POOR HOUSE. > At lheTJjine meetings of the County. Councils ^pf Haltoii and, Pve?. d dogates weie ppoii)ted to visit certain Houses of Refuge with the. vie'v ^f: gathering information; or lakb on the w< stside, ,.co> ering an area of about 100 acres. This t it_ . ht up into the vij- couceinSng their w-orkmsr, to enable ) i, JL * \Zi -_ = - - =' ! lag*", .abounds in s]>eeKlea troutana them t<j form an intelligent opinion wild 'ducks, and j aflords - spl endid I- H.-i -> ^ j' .*?-- itf :isi ~W*r"hivc ple*shr< > iu cbpyin following handsottjis notice bi ! town, from last wet k's issue of tiro I Milton C/uiDij.itvn :>., .! . " A.croN\-U.This; live little lihiee at tluf top of. tho Sronnty is'ii \ in- ' corpofiitpil village,-Had a station on j the Oj T.: R., and includes among its one thousand inhabitants ni'uny niei) of. the right stump td- nuke any place! in which they live, *ake up. and| go ' ahead. Inileed., Acton : has becV>(io fatuous for th spi it of enterpriso nd pusl lunnireattd by her tuerchantti an 1 busiuess men gi'iiemlly, uid ;as it possesses these inost sMiitia.LoVeni nils of pulx ess it would li4 stouigo indeed if i; was not. tjiArroal live, go: nlkrail little tos-n- tjltat.rtt is. i\l?e:suiea theie, Aciojv-tessvssps oil ier jiiini rai o nt trft'^t i9U*;vJ. I't-is Rj unfed sin o le of thjfr.healjhiest jirt< 'of the cm fltry, Mid isj.jnevijr >-isilBd by fevers or ppide.miiis~ of- -"guy-! kmU, except in exceedingly rare ai<l isolated :nses Its -natftraY attractions cons st in part, of; good water, beavU^fi 1 tin dnlatiiig slopes arid hiljs, an! tho general appearance of the surr 5imd ing country, and a so, in the pond 16i-dc>H'd, as tho 'cv<ddcp given bo- tho fom thoCiiief Justicojat Briuniitbn, of their advantages, and to rep'ort ? ^o the resi)ective Councils. ;- Tfic C< nimissioners after Laying f.^ccoraplished'their niissiori7'iu*t in . i'Branilpl an on the 1 Itli inst., wbei-e v, they ceasuH^d and prepared thcit ,< .reports /We gather! from' the .Braniplon Banner, that Messts. " "Ifolton, Parker arid'H.uttoi",.pf Pee1 facilities for boating, iathing, &c." That is ill true, obieFve that whilt we have lfeason. to be proud of out to\yn and >f the spirit of enterprii e manifest h! In most of her busin?ss nten, there is. just one'thing; ii.-whith we woe fully lack and tliiii is.^good lead- ,,.- . .rig, roads. It-miybe said with Count}, witb CoL Clay anc> ilr. J. uti-u'th tiat there in riot a road lead K.. Baibef, of the County of Hal- ton,-" visited-togetlir !the Berlin Housed f'7ndvistry. *d Kefuge ; Hiey th ?n sepctated, Messrs: Paricei and Hii;tton procetdingi to iisit the Countr,Hoiise" x>i the-Co-.tritv of ing country: G'Kjd roads <re as /f?*P Michigan, .-and. Messrs. necessapy to the prosperity of "a oltoii. Biiiber.anirCo;, Clay to foWn ^ Veins aid arteries visit t^B -KorfoJ|: Industrial Farm%\^ ssteriance of aniroaljlife. W and Pojr.House, near the town of] ar^ both pained i.nd hnmilia:6<.rat Sialcoe: ;;rh6 genei-ui report .of, the apathy exhibited'by th'ovM-.iOus Wfri good road in thje witu regard' to ^ie;object' theyyhad j w-^al th^v ; BaU<fu^;ory "to.^be ComniissiooeiB, : ijalton is old, 4nd comparatively i ^:- kiw arid leacced in con- ' neptiom with' tfie -JKerlin visit is prfetty-1 exhaustive, antl the .visit i would ! ^'P^r ^> have been very j ing intoiActori Imt would be ^dis grace io any back' roods settle settt--; andw'hile this is. the case, Wi; can not very well es pect to fost :r th^ "rowth of trade !v ith the sun ound- was ccniilicting. Tlio nomination, of candidates for tho representation" of tho- West Riding of A\relliriton, ip the Legits. latui-BJ of) Ontario, took "plrtco'at IlaiTlatOii- oil Monday. A . great many nominations wero made, but nil ietircd except \ Mr. Tlioinns Garbntt and ^Ir. John McGowan, who will eontest the election, Soutli Essex has rC-elected- Mi\Viglo by: n corisiderablo hicrejised majority ; and East Kent has sent Mr,-McCninry to take MK McKol- lut'a placo/in tho Loca,l Legislature,- Polititallyiboth parties Rtand whore they "were before Mr. Wijule's seat was protested arid Mr. McKellar exchanged his- portfolio for a shrievalty. Neither side rimy boast ot'victory or regret defeat^ -. -; Mr. Tlios. \Vorkman hiis nccept-. ed the cand^latuiv of j tho \Reform ers in Wjst Montreal forjthe Comuions," wiic vacated by tfe unseating of Mr. Fred. Mac- keimo,; who: 'has retired froni politics.' .j.;-." ' fit' is ruriioured in Ottawa that Chief Justice Dorioii, of Quebec, has been offei"ed and declined the Chief Justiceship of; the Supreme Court, j. The Act establishinn'the Court as far as the Judges, Chiiks, tc, copies into foree' on the IStli^ ^- Our friends should begin new. to. ^.niuke up clubs fdr the Aston j/Wc, jP*v'j. Any one send ing jiis a club of. eight subscribers, with eight'dollars,] will be entitled to anotlier copy free. " _*rh? Hon." Mr. Cartwright nd.- di-e^ed his consii.tuebts in Napanee, on Tuesday, on the questions of the. ( day, principally dwelling on the fi nancial policy of the iGovernment. municipalities in .this"county in. re- He; pointed out' that the present spect think ; to thej t'mvteled ; i of . it! not a Just, J^J^e^p : or s^7 "' It frill, be observed;iri the, pr<^,j ^^ not bnrdeired with an/ rail; ceediap of the-Haltoii County LVB_y bonus or other nHinicipal debt. Counci:: >st we^k, jmbiisUed-ia | Even riow,;witb. the Credit Talley anotha colam'n, thatjM'r. -Barber.: bonus to pay,- tbf' townships>.:of Es- p^eat ^ ^e report "of > the Coin-- rKteionfers. We learn ;. that the. re^pocBl'vas favorable to "tbe estab- lishmeii gfa Hoase fi JSefuge, and that tia? question was discussed at Bomcredgtb, the fetling--.-being-al- loads. jre^'"^^ whole cc unty ' most nianpnoR^in favqr of cstabv ' borne b^- the ell afford to hear shore of the sxpe-ese of putfiig the leading roads in a decent-state of repair.' W"e.fc^el sure, that t be ad ditional jtax wdijld he chetfrfully farmers wl o are mt :-"-'V' - , r- i m n * J J %*?' ??*r* 4 :iir ;l dishing ;ucfelioose, eitbior independ n4y on in conjonctiih iwith tlfe+after'-VeaY, - as toci extra weir: and .; CojJnty of Peel. ^'Surthertcbnsider ' - . . ' i""l:>-V:-.-V St. ' ' ation-'o ' the SuKjcct was postponed' nntil- tie December session?Swheri the mesti preferable plaB-wiil pro*- bably b 3.decided nponj Our opin ion wcald-:. be: most |?eciledly in iliV.or.o1-"a separate'and distirict es tablish] tfeni for each countv. To ^ft a building adequate forjthe , . , aciomplation of the" two countiesV ^~^w ao" exceU^nt time to wo-dd |cp3.t- nearly as ;riiuch as ./two ] subscribe for ^ Acton Fre* Pres*- acnaller y ESflSU ii'V jfJSf-:- r:~~l\ M.St -' f obliged .to travel the road; year ones, -asd the'expense of be sufiicient- jaainte: .'ance -wonld not ly less I o compansate fdr-fcl>e e'ndh'ss dtsadvantages which, wbrild Inevit ably iar \se frons the,, constant I war ring -of interests. Byatl.mI"ns, if tk I are to~bave, p.ublic JI>aildings~ let?f-us have, them jindependent __ ,..., --of any o.ther mnnicipalitv. This never 1 norm to-work-, well;-. Con tention as to'the internal economy ;, - * ^f the t stablislinient would almost inev-ita 3jr fee a constant-sdnrce of annoys >ce and unseemly, ivhing- lin. The iirestion"of the desirability or nece-(sity: of a House of Refuge in th is iijConnty.". will ["admit of a douot frictbear tbouglitful cousid eratiin u~ The ciperieiice, however, of other .cdiuntiesiwhere etich places hive b^en -in existence a nainrner of P;bstage. tearnpoji the tarns, and costrof repairs^ \o say: nothing of disepmfort,is assuredly mud great er tbaa .the adcitional tax would amount to.' Oar municipalities re quire Stirling up, and we intend to do our share tov ards\stirripj them up. More: anon The.iVeir Dominion Monthly for October is received from -the pub- lishersj Messrs. Dougall fc\ Sou, Montreal. ; Its contents are un- usuallygcpd'this month. j . r. i nTJi Finaiici&l Policy. . GENERAL NE^S. !. The*no\v Tilton-BetRcher. {trial has ^been fTirtliferadjournpd. '--."" ..' > pominion Parlianieiit. \Vill nieetj on tho twenty-second of October. ", Mr. McKellur hits beeri Bwcjrri in; as Sheriff of Wentworth by tho County Judgo. ' . J: X). Allen, Gait, has-lately shipped a largo number "' 'of,Wls. toMaiii' toba.".-.' . . - . j -.-The Into Sir Logaii has loft -SI,000 in his wi)l to tlio Mont real General IlbspCtah 0i dit thilt Professor Goldwin Smith will shortly load a daughter pi Canada to tho;hymenial hltar. ; Tho London^ Times says that England will hiivo to.import eleven million quarters of wheat this year.. the depth of more than a foot iH' stated to havii falleii at Rivere du Loup, on _ Friday and i Saturday. . - Five thousand .of Guibord's photographs have been ordered by one establisment in New York from a photogntipher in Montreal. Mr, Peter. Miinnf'.of. tho'Tliird Concession of ,- Hay, ' . has grown n tcmato in in this season whiphsweighs.four poundB. The investigation at Sarnia into the collision on Lake .Superior," be tween the Manitoba mid the Comet, in which the latter Was lost, has dosed, and tho fivst boat has been exonerated from all blame. "" -} 'Tire failure is re.ported from ton don; Eug., of John Entwistle, riier- chaut, with liabilities of half n miljibn chillars. Tlie suspension of Messrs. Healy'it Co., loathe^- mer chants, Boston, is also" announced. ,- On Wednesday spine parties un known, robbed-the safe of Sargent & Co., Boston, of $17,000 worth of npteR (j&id other valuables. Yester; day, Ijp.weVer, the "w_hokr of the properfeyl, minus 73, was returned -to'the owners hv niail. THE ^ KAXCE ..UISISTERS ADDRESS. Ministry could-not be held resjKJn- =sible for.the engagements eiitered into by.the late Government,with British' Columbia, baying always protested against tlteffl' as rash and reckless, thongh they/ were quite jail^ing to avmme riieft>sponsibili'-.y of the means-"they had adopted to carry out these engagements.' A Government was bound as far as possibleto fulfil the obligations in curred; by their precect -s, rs, but the Government has foiled it tnor- quesin-i and Isasjuigaw erica i verv t - t . .. . I ~*. ' ,,*'(allv and phjwcajly ltnpossilde to a: reasonable ' - - It is 0;nly oce dc Ua> a yearl free^f HAL/TON Et,teCTIO^b|E^4L i -On Motiday, in " Tdronf oy Vtwo more eleetion a ses were d sposed of. Chief Justise Riehard; i"'gaye judgement in-thii appeal against the decision of ChiefljusbibeJJri per, in ,.,.,.:, . h the Haltott ' caae,", by wbic h Mr. invimciiial partnership Easiness was ", ' 1 ~ [William Barber! the respi^ident, w;8 unseated and disqualifies j. The judgtnent was sustained. '- The point ,on which the .case hinged was the protnis<! alleged io have been made by tbe responilent to Mrs. Robins, to h lduce h t h usband to rebjain at homi;, which Btatemellt was "denied in tote by Mr.' :3arber-.: His Lordship contended -t'l'aV the evil which tho legislature sought to prevent was present--in -'.his ^al leged promise~Ite referred to the cori'structiolli put by Eriglisl courts jeai-8,'is erirtitled.-to.grea/t weight, it was not deemed necessa|-y that and .ie believe .in nP bounty has their establishment bejenj regretted, font re^ aj'rded-as a prudent and eco- "n omicaa way*of> profiding- succor io tbei;:|Joor.Larid destitbtfe. on the language-dt,the statute, cit ing a number of cases to she w. that "" X '.-.. M : ! '. ! .- ' - ' Th*? paragraph" jcopied iiito ithe TaZP Pbess two jvetka ago, "-and which ias been goingjthe roundsof ithe Be^sj-apcrH^ about a conjEidehce operat<if giving-;hks name as Ed ward Kappie^ <an^ f representing binueli-j to- be a^oii of Rev. S. Kapplj tj of Preston, >tas ~beeri dc^ in^ Jtgreat iiyustiee'to the' Re-ver- end jjei iMenia-ii. He'Uias written to: the- driatfiian rto say tjljat, the indi vidual described iijjiot'bjs Bon, andi that he knowis" nothing Of him." i.:. , lF'See the third fegefef the Fbee I'eess for Loc ill jaritters i and other j nteresting readiris. ;. a. definite' reward![should b? men tioned in order to render ^be ,pro- niise a corrupt ;one witliin. the meaning of the Act.-, Hii; Esord' ship beldthat the rulings of'the English courts sustained tl e view that a prc-mise miglit he fai-^froin^ explicit "^n its language, and still be considered ~tf corrupt orie; /'He. held, tod", that the, .promise to re munerate & voter Spy. Uoss of time was a corrupt one pelting cises in; suppoi-t of tha^ View.; H< there fore adjudged that the iirom'ise made T>y the appellant did; 1 lave ari innuenepbn the-mind of thtpersbd to whorii-it, was made; that itiwas one of the. kind the Legislature-in tended to; /prevent, and tl at th\e finding of the lower Court shou}d be susfaibed. . .. \. Inrtheicastf. of appeal frdia Chief Justice Drajxer's decision, jd isqnali- fying and unseating Mr. I Kenneth Chisho'lin^foirPeet, a jiew tiial was ^," an accbmpjisl)ed fact, all firianbiui diflioulties jlmying boon oveircotne. The pubiio ipij-it,both of indiyiditals and municipalities,'along- tlio Imp of country, tfaVorsed' by the road has, we bid !ovo provided ?tll or near ly all tho cupful required, oxclusivo bf tho aid 'xpuotod from the Local Goycrnineiit. .; -j i After'.a rocorit engagement bo-" tween Turkisli Bolcliers"and^insur-, gonts, on l3io ijattlofieldi wero found |uissports an'd]other papers th>it left no doubt in tho mind'of the Porte that Servii in'tended to decline ivnr. ftgaitiBt'Tu :-kejy. Tho foreign' con suls arc still jj'ndeavoting to niuko peace betveun/fche:iii6urgonts and the Turks. i ' . A despitcli from _ Ixindpn nn- nounces.tho jdeatii of -tho Eall of Huntingdon: Tho deceased'.peer! was tho 1 ith!Earl. , Ho. was boi'ii" July 31st, 18(18, and succefided liis father, in 1827. In 1835 he mar ried the pi ly Kurviving.daughteriof Mr, Rielnud Power, of ClaahmorO;, Waterford, Ljady Hnntiiigdpri died in 1857. Tlio deceased is succeed od by his f on, Francis P.ower X>lan Uigenet, Lord Hastings' born in 18+1. . ' '" London S in its finakicieararticle this inon r' -j-- Great Britain The Caledonian Rahids at Luck- the decrejise has been nearly eight per ,^ cent." j Ho estiiiStes the amount Af 'wheat required from abroad; at ll'pOO.OOO quarters, j can-y the letter the construc tion ofjflie Pacific railway on-the terms, priglnally agreed uj>on. Of two evi's they had chosen the'less, and instead of entirely repudiating the obligations, as they might have done, bad consented to carry out the greater portion of the work in an extended time, provided 'tbey could do so without materially in creasing the-burdens of the people l cf Canada, He expiained.the mode jwhich bad been adopted to -meet the necessary expenditure on this and other great works, and showed i______7:..<.-* -r .L- .< . *':' non| on Wednesday lafct, were very sucdeasful.' It\ is eitimatcd that '3,00|0 people werejiresent, and the daylwaa most plehsantly .spent,-as, as far as can be known, by alljof theiri. ' ' V ~~^ Dr. Gbwan, the recently appoint ed Medical Superintendent of the Toronto Lunatic Asylum, has been compelled to resign his [position. Ill health is assigned !asr the cause. A colored man iinnicd James Stewart escaped-;.froin the Eloiii lock|-up on Thursday night last He bad been committed for trial, on a charge of stealing a Watch. He jsiabout six. feet four inches 'in height and very black. : J The fast mail trains between New; York and CbieagO'are nowin run-/ "ning order. So f;(r they have nil ran iihead of.time. The train from New York last Friday made part of the distance to Chicago at tho rate, of ievemy miles ah hour. The residence of Col. Wonhatn, Ingersoll, jvas entered last Thurs day ilnight by 'some parties evident ly intent on.robbery. Tlio house keeper, a }*oung woman, fired three shots from a revolver, and the ras cals! decamped without securing, anything. - . The Town Council of Orange- ville has decided to .have' the Waterbiis system of waterworks; as that his estimate of the revenue of Waterows system of waterworks; as the e,orrerit year, wliich; ne had il H ^,ea' atH cost of S7900- j " was reckoned that $9,000- would; be required, but the thing is to be Mr. in jde- benture* at 85 cents on the .dollar. Mr. Vice-chancellor Blake deliyf ered "judgment last week, in the csurt 6f chancery, in the celebrated pt. 18.- Tlie Timcsi Mowing : " af an end. The har Tho;re- ; quiJity of the' new erally S'cjud. Tl 'ie mar tMiacingyL-'ino . continue is dejiressed, and tlie buyer:"' ; Jaiues the Timca -considers , ing. has tl e ft vest is ne;rly ports asic thj; quiJity whc'atl are gent ke.ts in-.' quiet. Stjgail prices favjeir Curd,'whom good authjaitl-, writes that journal as follows .*' Tlie publication of the returns o{ acreage exhibits the smallest breadth bf wheat-wo have had siHce i-eturnjs have been taken, and half a mjllion: acres less than the aven ge | extent jirevious to 18G0, when. we. had. fo^rr" millions fewer. peptile., Tlie1 decreiise in Ire land has , been four^en per cent from 1874, abd in SECORD Wc\ are; T<bceivi tbis The Btitish Wheat ci-cp. stocks in all ilie choicest (J v '|cbni|iri^iiijf iii ipart the foil based pii the value of our tiade hnd imports for the ordinary year 1871, had been gerierally borne out by re- df,ne if P03S'bl for;87,000. suits, and gave his reasons for : se- Waterous will take the half lecting that year as the basis of his' calculations.1 ; He.'went on to boit-" sider-'the criticisiu of his policy" lratn jtwo .stand-points, .which, though -mutually destructive;-' were: both incorrect. On the one hand he was accused by the regular Op- positioij,' with Dr.: Tuppier at its head, Ibf -l>eing an nnnecessary alarmist;, and on other by some whose opinions.' were entitled ,to more weight, of, having consented to undertake Stoo| much instead of re-^ pudiatShg the. obligations entered iipon by the late Governinent. He stowed that the abnormal expan sion'oi the revenue for some years past was such as to lead to the, ex pectation that there: would be a corresponding depression, 'against wfiitjli it was "necessary to provide iri tini'ef wKile^ orr the other hand the'i-epadiation of out engagements, if they could becatTied^out without sacrificing -our.. interests tb any -greatektenf,; ruufit re siilt?.ini injury to our credit^ . He deprecated un-:- due alarm-foi-"the future-as he had deprecated excessive confidence, in; the-past,;but said;that if a crisis like that iwhieh existed' from, 1858 to', 1806 should again arise it.might then )becoriie necessary to declar^ that the construction of such" works as the Pacific railway must be post poned, but that:failing.any s'nch ex traordinary series of reverees, there was rip gaod reason for doubting the ability of Canada to discharge her engagements, if not with per- . . feet ease, at any rite, without serK , ' Op Tuesday 71b. ioBt., Christina 1 ' _ BIKTOS. In Aon|;orv thej CUt inst., the wife of Mr. I5ob;rt Anderson, oi- a daughter. ' t On the 8th-'finst, bv'the Rev. jVVi "&' Mortia, Mil. Fred F. Bradford, agfent G. T. K., Nor:-al station, to .Miss Donna I.. Jnckbon, .cUughter of Mr., \V. Jackson, Xorval. . i --. ' ' ', DIED,' . "jj .' On the |13th inst, at Kansas City, Missouri; p:"S., suddenly of quinsy, Kolicrt Frederick, third, son of Mr. Arthur Wells, of Guelph,' aged 23 yeiirs. ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ^ALITABIJE TIMBER : " ' ' -'iPCjfjEi 'SAiis.:"-' ',:i 1 ' i' - ^Tho timber ^npositc Lots 2S, 29 and 30, on the [Town-line between Esquesilig and Nassagaweya, consisting of a l.-ir^o lot of valuable Cedar and other timber, will be offered for sale at the corners of Lota 28 anil 29,: ' On Saturday, tlie' 16th 'da.y Of pctbber next, ! at 2 o'clbcle p. in. -:'-j--.-.' ; | BY OltD^R- OF COUNCILS J Of iKsquesing and-Kassagaweya. T AYlKd OF CORNER ST(ME -' I' '. , [ ' AXD GRAND ! 'Te.a!l-::i4'""' Oysters, OceanTrout, Canned Ganned Fruit and *Vag:etable^. Peaches, ;' i .-' .' S.trawbenies, - Quince, Pears, f '. Gooseberri|c i - .' ! ' Cherries, itoiulitoes, Lemon Jelly, Raspbe ' I Pear Green Bea;i3, etc. liPotiedj Jellies. ry Jelly, Jelly!, Puispberi-j :Black Gu'rian : l.-- -.a 1 Red Gun OWII1JJ' gi . "'.r,: " \'. ^NCLisii ja kHS%i$i SEPTEMBEB wnekrar|e' ariff cjiioice el icaciei v6f tlie seasoA, QOrls.: . , Pine Apples,. , Blackberries, G "een Corn: Pine Apple Jelly, Strawberry Jelly, Jelly, ant Jelly,. Jrape Jeily; . Pe;ie'-i Jelly, etc. feives, eta > Cherr', Peikch^ Black Cncrantj etc Picklbs of lU Kinds Na city estiiblishtrient presents any / !' ";:' 'M! ! i ! ,-. '! T' ' ' * ionabie'catalogneiof delicacies;'and stables than Hre^ire importing '-.' ' ' Th^Comlrfeiono'ofthcXpwj Fall. Parties, jwho^ want a really phpid > artiele in' METHODIST CHURCH r n i iii' A - L ii r In the Vllla^o if, Ac,toii, wtII be laid on case of,Campbell vs. Campbell, of' , [. ' . - Whitbyi He decided'.that adulteiiy had been committed byitho plaintiff (Mrs. Campbell,) ariiT therefore she was not entitled to alitribny. L On : Friday^ at Tavistobk, 'i two men named "John-Pi-aul and Henry Eckstein quarrelled while under the influence of ^liquor. Eckstein struck Praul on the head with' a brick-, splitting his skull. -Praul died on Tuesday. Eckstein has been" arrested and sent to Wood-; fitock gaol; : ,, Mr. Joseph Keriyon. of Colorado, visited Guelph Central .'Fair,, and was sq well ^pleased with what he saw that (he made quite extensive purchases of .prize-animals in the sheep i class, amongst them being two shearling rams and, four lyun lambs'. froria James Russell,' Rich mond Hill, and some Lincolns and Cotswolds from R.ichard Gibson arid George Douglas^, London. i* -The foot apd nibtitb disease, al though very prevalent in many counties in England, has .not been ;vei-y filial, there. having been only a small proportion1 of deaths to the number of cattle affected. The scourge is. still spreading with great rapidity in same parts, but is abat ing, in others. -;.;. -' > Wednesday,: 29th September, at 2:3P~p.m., by bavid Plewes^ Esq., of Brantford; : Immediately! after tlio Stone is laid, Addresses, will be delivered by several ministers |ond| .other gentlemen, and donations will be received in aid- of the. Building Fundi ' | .'"; ' . ': In iIhSe Evening ous nvjury to The P^apal Nuncio haa sent a circular to -the Spanish"Bishops Lclaimin ? the fulfilmeptof-the terms of the Concordat,; by a which' the.ex ercise of any non-O^tbolic crbed. is forbidde^,' and -yhich requires the iclergy tb Btiperintend education, land pledges the co-operation of the -secular power 'in suppression hereti cal teaching and literature, 'the circulars JcausirigL much commb- tion in Spain, v \tA 'grand (Tea ] Meeting - will -!be held, under" -tn'oi auspices of the Ladies'- Aid Society. |Tea [eetved *t 6^0 p. in., in tho Temperance Hall. | j . . , After Tea, addresses will be giyen, and choice music disedtirsed by; a select choir,-, in the Methodist ClmrchJ . : Thd Rev; l\ S. Hoivard, of Guelph^' chairman, of the District, will preside over the assemblies , both-afternoon and evening. I A^ cordial Invitation .is fix-- tended to] all bar frienHs. Ticket*, 40 Cent*. Children, 23 Cents. , Tickets; may lie hijd at the Btpres of Messrs. t Matthews, aecord, Scott, and Storey. -' .- !.i-: .-, ol W. CALVERT, Sup't, W. H.ST0EEY,'Secretary. , Acton; jSep^. 22, 1875: . NSOIiVEK'T ACT OF^lfeVs. , .I'-'i: " Tho Canadian Bank of Commqrie, :' ' . I '- : ' ' IPIai' j [, and Charles.l)ean,,: -. , chmhGEl RI At our well-kpowii low prjceg' come and see lis." Our Fall^ocfc of Teas NEW FA Taylor, ,a girl thirteen years old was "decoyed from the school-house on the protest that her pirents bad- sent for her, by a middle,aged' tiiari named ,"Joseph Burns. He drove with h^r in a buggy to. a! swampr 'and there': forcibly outraged her person; "He' wass arrested arid lodged in JGuelph gaol. This hap pened in Garafraxaj where the par ties reside. '* !-' (iThe'constructiOnJof the proposed' rkilwby" fro^i- ^rantfords td. Port- Bh'rwell i npw likely sooo tb be -:- A'writ of Jtttachmciiit has this cauBO. Dated at -Acton, in the County: of Halton, tiiis' 14th\ day September, A. D. 1875. "'!" /. D. W. CAMPjELLr, 12-2ti ". ]l - Official ABsigne^ Plaintiffs, Defendant. issued in n-oT^ Any'personlof persons trespassing on Liot 28, Conce-ssiori ;3, of the Township of Esqueamg,](adjpining the Village of A.cton), of injuring treses of ar ykind, or leaving: gntes improperly shut or fences partly do wa, will be subject to-prosecu tion after tms^date., i ' I iV; P. a ARMSTRONG. Aetan^Angust 20, I873. :-}-i- ARRIVlUtf D MLY AT 3DI0ES0N & M^^AB'S* DP not,'fail to visit thev more rich, J- _.Jt_ . JL. bookStqee ^! Salmon,. . Lobsters, ic. - Raspberries, Green Peas. ' '-.:>.-*!-7-'. Youlig Latlies' Jdurnal for Sept. - Bow Bellsjfor Septembe , ' ' - 1 ' t-'. ].'-- Eveiy Week .frit S^piflmher. London Journal for A'tjgtist. SimdayjMaga'ziie fpr-Ai^ust fCioad Woj-ds for August,! Chambers' Journal _fek- Atrigust. Young Men of G'i^Bjita n for'Augi Kjnd Words for.Auj ust Sunday School-.Papers for August.;', Mws BoipfestroRE. '- ..'"iCi ' Day; Sells Cheajjp.i Wholesale' 3Iai MM; Mi facturer \ 6t p$tiukft$ 1 Saddles, :~ -:~~-l:'PfW$ss9 Travelling_B .:, : HorseClotliliigi v-'v _ Qba"bs;] .^'?K :Uaii^JBHslies; '* All ordorsg'tven Into bnrf ttnds-jrill bd ,js:rlci]y aU.enoed- to, afctt iairanttdia give s:itisTac< ion. as we eroptiT none twt' lal. .'-' fcotit.AES warranted to give sajisfae ticiu, as Xhey a.r& Ql.ojir oviun lanutapturc. Rluta,' f-,. RrpAfRIMG Of h.!l liintls.iine:witlj neaJtiiftss and on- . ' the snorX^tiji j typj'-i. - ]" ..-' '. AU: who require go,hIs in nor line T^lH to n-clT'o give ns a cuft befc ib purcnts- 'log' ftLsewlv-re. it-rinelii- er the S^ah1 j .r -. . -' .' .R.JCRftE'(ta 4-1. LdcAZNA a* . .-:" ikg't of .-.-; .; aptifcntSf \-\' inteftftinQ >' tieeoun . ' . Gopy{" Hit LOC ^! -SUS Stores^ ^barley pre i ad-^rti^eikenl - -^-FfiLrpieJ itheif biiiyi e*t L' ' '. 'v". ,"^es the .tory; iUTie 4t resp^ctfulW tise^snt of j anmKuice 1 seasonable, j -Nine^j] were : tSier Thisli trao yjitiajry.!,; j Mr. Jdhaf -The; eteatlily gou >and iprie doll., 'figure \pajcU-! who refna*5 pori^they- to sefl,^ Mr. HTX&Klia TREET rixe; choice' and fcsK-* this % *r Recsi^efl. X*ast "Wesk." WJNQEYiSJ And-'examine'.tlpsevpiles of :?-." i^v ;",-.; " ranging fi p m 10 ce ritf? I upS^ard^v I ;Alsb ih<Tse 0QTTOXS, Mkbest Oanadiari makes, ranging lfotia 8 eebti3 upWH-ds. ^ r ;' ; pLANJfllLJS, fironi 25 < ents up^ardsi}': . [>}< ::< And their proportion, f ... i ,- Aetoo.Sept: ^3,'t875, .4iie now selling tbeir Splen5id'Stock of '-DRJt GOODS at" " !1AT1# " -**V7 .: 4fe -11 Preparatory to! reriioyipg'- to .V;;: '.'-':':: : "'""'" f - . . . estensiveand comniodiotHhireuiises. ^ -:: i / -Their old' frjftnds in" |Actqn and t yicjriity are s^eoially^ iriyited to' call ^';"':"--v-/'^' :>,'i:: ' and.'p^rticipste intherbiirgajri.iiLOW - pffefed.-: ....'!-:-. i -,: : V-V. '^i ;"%'M* S*EWiiiir'&; Co; .: ' Staple and Fancy; i.'-r-! Goods, il J:'Mi Mbe h"^(., contraipt-i: ;:Hings^on, ^lias itar- Bt Michael's Cathedra li.Tbrbnto, ;' WaS.on.Thui8da!y the sceii^ of'ttfosh- '= iphable -we^dipi^tbe h"^ r -- -*-'-* "*-' ing -parjtiiis.. 'being: Dr. , ^ayor. of-iionttiea],1 and irret Bfecdpri^liAeecbn'd laughter o'C Sis Exc^Henc^the Libut sbant'.Gpv-' bnidr oi'^-:On.tarib. -Th'e IcereinbriJ'~'. was tfn inaposing c^ne^an twas atten ded by a large number !af the blite.. pftbeQueen City^ and_ ^r:3thb Dot minioii P)-epjier^ud:MrsiMaekn.z:pi-: : *.-' |j:^h>borr, &i\< !|:- ^ water, 'anaiiy "' teakt' feiip: aflairMaj* Jhy this tuner H .W#e:LHj .&"yf*yi* ^' iniialon. ol *idebsSdentsI| {tha4e|e*b if i j^.'lf } ReVi|j || ^PPoae&ts iia| fl three |/ontsi^ :'>x^Pt^a"^l t&B^ig ,wisl:] ij^Jub :of,MUfc "e<>naty|:.;Af^.| however, $Eejf { ji^heba(and^ I toe of aie'^. * mVefi f?S "^.H^dae>|l l.---'il'f Ii;

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