Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 20, 1875, p. 4

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s-i &3 I yi-i- it*?*3-* lV ^^J^rWS*-"*** Tin: ACTON FfiEE PRESo > j TBKMS. line fallitr jrnf ylrlijlv Til hi t* tV oliRr-KUtl will - jrf _ . advauop trotj|l(wrorctliiviii|tiiUii> BM oliRr-KUtl w. 1 il l ohuiv it, r two dollars ir u H |vt I nil Ih minf Un year r p.> er w 111 be 'cm t nnv jm.i h>d more llin one Man npviil Tcmblo Suidido r - w 1 1 -1 V itATU. HP \mVRT*MMI-l k.llt roWsyl tUho fr Ilr*t in* rtion, m d somlvl TtfE ACTO^ST FREE PBjESS,- AUGUST 20, STear Guelph I Painful Thaw i>\ iv Toronto I Mr Junies A Hobs, a broker on =f= MAN THItOWS im*Mt IN FPOhT OF AN TVOINE i.ND IS IN8TANT- X\ hiitpn . J' -** - per i e tor tneli NtiJit-tHiun 1 In hi Miort HtT\< nlf tncmfii < it! t Hiuk i il <iu irr, >1 pirlir < Him m I *. Du-iiii ss CiMn of elglil I lips u nl an Jt if M Txp \ luidrul Iti-oWi t * lowed<m b |,irtl*fr nieiiit, i-*in-t f i t \t sUsI uruls Aa\trii"om >i iith in j ii u > ice Hon* iOMTivJ till ; it id, in i Uubi I nerorJutvii \l>\ Spc< 111 Nollets tho l !]; > toftrlilci { u> i rom e U e-n tm *r% * * \ a in iidtvl ft il or * *M-i * I > l> * nil n.11 1 all M-li*<ir if-t inn 1 I Trautttml n|i itWrm su b i i"*ii *i i JThi nraplcnsl, \ti It imiIim ii. iftt pis ** dnrtfil o.u Him Notice* ot Mftrrl w ?neiled ill . "^ iV li IIVOMSO .n<i I tV clock I Ici'Ml Of Rilll |llt> Vinnd 11 link Jim tallies fnst ol dm rmiiMit r iThe KeeleW* Motor > < H 1 "U. i J \ - * i The jSwc/f^n--.} ( i toi Jiilv J"th sutus ^i an xiIk'i >n this-m vcntion \A foilov * I i _K<.tkIjerlorni iikV .o > ft!] >\ -. Iviiltl>io\\b Ills II 1 ' - t 1 I \ O 1 Of >0 M-oiiiitK, 1 i " ^.u upon tin" ,*t!>ll1l 11 11 vOl t'll > 1110 jii'ji h ' f ill ul ! ! Sal a-j i "t11 li l i' iiui lut-* It \o ^ ms II IV ltt.1 llHdt i i J \WII* 1 _'f| I 1- ill tilt ill '] J l s il t i tut \t Ml ]J| 0] .1 - fit v i'vp it i h|<e if 1 lOlt ii |i cb Ik>i> , lJ.witii tn? iihm jmd n <ju njiv or jirt^uio n >.ii i"ti i find li) tin jut, ij i i s ii (J u jtlS. O tbl MjlLtrt UK-1! S 'l ,111 bum H.iii Mil - 4ii .e -1-. t'li KtuipitKor, Jii. m' f ith bv the It m td ooujf-ej ol thi' Oliiijjji v, iri 4 et i o teriltCt} l\ ~lal Kills Qlrt Ij t>i crl ijierti!, m 0x6 suite mom1, tint li im Bfl*1 fro->bh_ jiixi i itl-t >r liV t [o cud bimtit .ind tiili "truii'iuiu if the read*rs ot the i ui i / .1 ftj, oorro'iudtod i'^o lv moio hi olher jnt-eih^tut jn.j>-on-, m^i ilt _jCdl]ier-8f&ure&uv Ihi m y i-n\ < t our readers -niil donbtli -^ etfi.1 i io with ns>hit, on tbo ivhowiil^ t! r,it. jiarUee tjiemsehes, the wlioli thing must be -"classed as n Pt-ion i i u<? juggler sr mechanical K ttn Kin^ wraagBHient, too conttrujitiUe ioi , aenons ccraMd-^ratio'i- -^ Jn our prtiolo of June 23 we ac- Euiued that fie clntf purjjcst? ct de- ,o?ptioa vtas to iv-Hpg.e moni\ out of sillv j>eple It appearb-iriisn the oonfe-sbion \.idi which Mr CoSlitr has-fiToi-ed u, thst the ^l^v Cr-.' practical use he ruace of tlie j n tendfd iriTentioii i< to obt.t-n pJQCer from Ntiw York ea[> u lists , the &ecoad n3e tvas to j>u mx money frqni tl^e b?ui-j so ir<.o il i third the same, an! so on intil tin. treasury "L. ccn- l*n.-J full eat.a=li for tLe time being "" Th.& Prophetic Spiders The cloie obaer\ er ot thi Puoii dance Jvxrrnl pats tie followme on record; i'i the. lsbue ct tbu paper M x\k 5th init un Tl i i tipidertj w ere w i->e jiroj Iwtb y<t i da^ mpinuis fur tLe l On Thurs lny nftcrnoon between 3 |b>h1 I tV clock il i,i<t niilqncho]y t ot curi^ tl on tlie iiilnn\ timk about 3 ,,..... .,........uelpli At tint ttino ft "-pqcial / Hullo was procpetlilijj to* <.,ji\imlHii!el{>h it Hie itf of nhouL 20 [tnilott )u?r b u i on iy pro tolling tin) li n s-nij; on t!> York Kiiitd iho en unetrb'tw the ivlitsile ns unilnl on ii'l n>iit Junt! cwstuig Jutt titlor h Alii'ttoti I ohotntvl i mini vriilkiiiK th nt tow irj< ImelpU ubont S or 10 feet trtiin the tiict the whistle Qjnicito btiirtle th i\ ilker, ixh it on tumid round fuirg thoj en iml when it. bad pot-T'ithin al'Uiit SO >i 10 \iiiils from bun lio delibflMte V r m totv irdt the tr i ^k in I- kneel ng doivn j 1 iced ins t ir on tbo mil, its face doing turneil (ouftrds the < npine but its neirne>s tottbo no tnrtunate iniii pievtited its T>emg ti pped in viiue imil i it< c> * c ttcliei 'titiih. him on tbe j >v tidd cht st, 1 in ling him II tbe. trik bieiking loth ins )iw>j itiui oon-idii blv t-m ishitic in tow i best J | lit> eugino i>oon ib st ippe 1 w. ,i jbickel up I Mr Junies A Hobs, ft broker on TorontosUtit, Toronto, hnd been undorUho liiliitno of dVtrttin*.-fro wn n* or tho luit ten drtys, and Sittunhif nftotnoon hint, t fom o'clock he nuked Ins ifo to got him nunio htoi in poitor, obBoiviug 1 You hud htittw do no, loi I havo) got n piHtdit J' Mi-h Ross wont to tbo top of the. stuns uul called to tl j ft it nd, Mis ibte\Mird, to hung tip aomu lupioi Just then alio iioiutl ii i-epovt, tiiul iiiihiii^ into tho l-oom of iiei husband, found tlutt ho hud uhot Inmseli in tbi Kft tmln, fioiu \vlni.h tint hloui) ih llowmj: fuih Di Jnlinson vt is si nt Im lmnitd I III 1\ but w"1!! n lu i livid, hull ' oni Ut i v> 1 Mi I ss WHS WM. i' STEWART .A 9 h t I) i On Mind is. n md Ktn i j ) i i s. unit i un It1 I tl < I nil ll id \\ mi) 1 lit ill JiuSi ot I) i \r d \Ntis littMoon 11 the b t who e the nui mtis lying ji i i the eiygnnnv r itici tiretnm i mil tetf. finding tint le viis- tjuite <iil uul Hteling piil>uiry rtt tlie tifo ill Ihey ptuHii ibo botlv 'lie en^uip intt ennujed it aueipii stition \ heije it was cr" ui til tie tollon ntg1 nioruing tvti hi int)ilfi->i w is 'heltj bj JDr no] \ ioue h s I ( en diicoveiotj Mtwho knew tlrt-t tseli, In hm tike;s tin re were fou ml ^1^.0 in niV k-ii*< pipe qn > h me 10 k j: ii i u LiitAi nnJ i U \\ li I iV Herat went to the ii ii twjh thi. bigwig louml th it i ifunk b 11 n ung vbe^k hi I irri 11 ;e etemn.; trim horn I Mond iv tiie/ Ab Un u nk it h u, found to co iggtg. cheek .i. v\ K Btlls cketk i d ing iicorrts- itd ihere l>> tho Houth on opening the it-tin a qnan tijj t>t clothing biWoi.nd unumber of lettert, iddrea-ed I let-u ' h ill vviSj leiaon to doubt, de> II e letters, which tv 1 Aii^u s relitnis m Et to Lawnrd Ukere 'is little ; ted d itue ire iH ironi kind, vxere it"" njoinni mitnict Uiu^t I thitu th it "ll- '......- ' -hJ ** i-'l "t i s I >\ on lii f tl ie d i would 'be tine an ' that) the sin.. *-ou'd sniiie on \h ii go in er 'houses. -Therefore ihev >pie-id there prettv lad> marulr-. ui the I dreuched grisi, ind p-aiently wtit fid for Uie torm tu'j iss j,v.n\ 'Xiif 1 morning bitlvt, with t tin trt on it JooL, but vi iietn v\ e s, > tl t e i i i v Structures spivaJ tbitkiv over i11 ^ava atid hanging with dim'v , gmc& upon tbe p=nd tnt btancl i ! of a. fiiabia in full uloom, we fell ,pure th?t thp lut'o v^orkr t?r kn^vi what they wn. doiii^ NeiUifei were rjr luimbli iieu mistil-'Ti ill of the most nflecu mate nature ani mdiicet e belief thu he imtni itrjtted to CtnjJa in tlie winter of istJ Uu the inside of Inr bible wus written by Mr flanon with be tho cover pf 1 ^prceniijd t wishes to i.J Treen tor gen ral ^r >od oondifct dulmg tbe.r actjumntin :e of two or ihaee years ' -i There was olso a it<jmoniiidum paper 1:1 the trunk frcjn whim it would appeir Uiat lr|iii hired himself on tho -5>th o< jJttember 1874 to one . hos bibbs, lor making bricks Ht Jl per dy tJi -re is little doubt, tt at deceased vtms of unsound mind. I r Herod in tend- to communicate vith the reta- tiv^o n> England int ruling them of tlnxsau occurence llerdd of 100 000 \V K luiB principal llW OODBlUt HaWlton & North Western Railway The ftmonded bv la? which hs been submitted to the electors of iiiiipilton providing for (he granting of in add ti ual bonus " -">->.". to ttie H imi1*ou and IS bee i pubtisbed Ihf Lha iges from the old bv in niuktng timpertt^ve >n theCjm pany to proeure-tihe pi sage pf an let le^iiti -C among ot iers the fol lowing conditions, viz amalsama tion vMh the H tmtl i>r and Lake 'j!C K ilvvy , the layor shall be ii tlirecior for all timt r that the bei<l oflice siiall be permanently lo catc J m H tinilton thii. j i tun nrljnd c<jnstruction Ini ithn in )i in nt dv ui i li ion i i I petit tl itt I tlio hunt thntv five anil hut \ Mils oi uge and but fot his tiitul iovt uf dunk would no doubt li it t built up an t vti hsIto tiiul lucmtivi* btihiuesa in tlio CltV lit It ivis ft -wilt, two tluuj[litt}i-s, ami jt little son, who havo tin BMiipathy t)^!!!! Kl,NM-DY, TUI blOTlISn VOCAIi- isi i Mi li Kcniuity, bou of Ml Ken.]itsl>, tho unowuid Scottish vov-uliiit, ii> ut Jiicstiit in -Toionlo, lnikmi; niraiij,'! iiitntsj-for tbo up pt n.inio ot his, hillm in n soilus of! tnurtuinnii.iits; Ml Ki nii-dy ia it pretUit- nivuij,' iniitiits in Sail ,I,i uicisio, b mu ' littilv arrived m tlmt ntj lioin im txttnded tour -through \ustralii, Xcvvk JJeahmd, uud-otbir pints at tbo antipodes. Mi Kninedv vvill be lu loionto m about bix wttk.a A new stiver coin bits just made its npptar-ince whiih is likely to ciube some iucon\emunco owing to its npproNiiu ition in sizo to t*a Cimiidiau coins, viz tho twenty} nveiunl tMttv Cttit piece* ft ia an Amenc-in twenty tint piece not quite iw hrgo ns our twenty1 cent com and not is huiv,> Another diilerence between it and oui twenty cent piece m giniral appearance is that it is nafc milled U> tho cxei- ciso of ubouk tho same amount of v igilaneo that is now lieoesbarj. to distinguish between our twenty five and tpventv cent tonis an> ojio may easily avoid takinj it for the latter Of coure like all other Aruea-ican silver coins it is subject to discount in this counti v !WYXDnAM 8TBEET. I Q XJ J3 LPS J^JBW WA^AZIWES. BOW BELLS j\vn You n^ Ladie' Journal ir AroflbvVfSclhng their Splendid Stock ot * t 1>HV GOODS at CREATLY i i REDUCED SKPIBMBBB nt AND'rRSrN'S PRICES Preparatory to remov ing to more exteiiSjivoand commodious premises GHEAP BOOKSTORE. On East'^nU "Wjiulham Street, GUKLPII 1375. Enron i ^ii > - ^ -J- GfilArVp 0LEA6ING sAkl i hi MU11 aery, JH antics, Ureas, and I Fancy Goods, Jewelry*. Toys, &c, Ac Uon'tUlttoijO to Tlio EraporJttrp , ubo a linen you will And compUito, At KE1T2TEDY SBOS. Vol -I MIL! Call am The andersfgned haTJOgdupoied of their Grocery busJnessV and having purchased the immense Btook pi* Boots and Shoes of Mr /AMES MAT. 1HEIVH, are now rireoared to offer to the inhabitants of Acton and Tianiiy' GREAT BARCAINS FOR CASH i / y Jn M>n's English aud American-Styles of Shoes and Qaiters, and in ladies' Tfiei and Childrens'Host, Kidjand frunelias, which for ,tj!e and Dta^htlftr oannot be equalled in %hei county. 11 , 1 LHER R. CREECH, Wholesale Ifatiufactnrcr i COLLARS, of DEAI>FR IN C P s, College, Mdinlier of College of Plijsicians and Jsurgeons. Mill s,TitErT, Aitos- WH IQV BY, M B , M Graduate of Tnmt> a ____.. in Ujfctr cdciixi. v-i, d i-nug'v ' r f-tl nt tents j ttis mshine t jt pi nc, J 11 ' _ , tl to tin f i- l^s In in st j i t^nin V\ i Lie \~a't 1 A ior ri 1113 v 11 -, puffer-, pi ^ sbeltefed un incy <io it "V ilOsf culi c t. 11 manurao- lops shall ci L c r u 1 1 1 jhr s --t'es lo ii have e propii ts ' icd A vounj mdiufacti i-e,r ot oui c q lamtai ee 13 miLinj ruouev fust Kicnard co rise, .advertise " tiiLs nrptto paroaiedtiom Pool ,iu,vl Jiarlv to bt lantleailv eier- 5 t ti0'bt, in 1 be tiedted and maintained pernia^ nejnily in H imilton, the cost tUereot not i.le less thau SIOllOOO, that ith rolling stock to th< extent 01 J U XI per mile be purt based, no> ieas< d , that tbe road stwll be work ex aid .maintained is an indenens dent line, that ill freight c irrief5 b, ti ie COihpsny sliall be torwarded by i"aj ol Lake Untahi > shall be t-at 1 hippt d at the citv o ' Hamilton, (n I the Company^ shali not use, boil,, or mike forj the purpose ol tri IS 3 any wharf, sforeshi use eleva- lor, or timber-boom up"n or near ha e Oi tai 10 or Buruglon Kay, within the JimiU of the city of Ham ilton], tii it the said Jebei tines shill not he tied or dejiveied by th t-11 1 Miimcip ilitv to the said Cora j iu\ cntil thit of theHmi! necessary loi .trieciioi connectioa between ii e u imilton and Like ?e Baiiwaj t H 11 ilion, and tbe Gr^nd trunk "SroEii in GR.r \_\A *he Btonn ou Fudiv the b'h, tin ilghtmng struck the Lou e occupiel l>y Sitnuel Htniunll, S-, Jot JO con. 6, Oarafraia, lipping the stove l<ailMay at or near Georgetown, e,hall hive been budt and placed in rui nitv order, so as rot cply to aff foi-d the required facilities for the unning of trams, but al^i to atftmt the trafhc over the said railway freely; and imiestriciedly into tbe ^city of Dining \ r?tajJton, ani until tbe riad is com pi tiled and approved oi ly the Gov ernn.ent Engineer^ Jind tijeXaovem- meat grant paitj__j ^* 9 ,4 (V pipes, tearing tip t,he ooi ami seU ithat^ llllge u^been litenlly infest- t if ting a web of-flanuil oil hie in the loom Tbitunatelv the oil man wsa8 in his" son's Louse at btc*kfast .at the time house there 11 httle -gb&H but ht would have Io5t hia f: The fire wan extinguished be^^miieh dam age bad been done, imt l^b..hopBe and its contents v,<|re badly-wrecked bjr the sbock. BB. B. MOllROW, Physician, Sur gcon, &c , of Uellevnc College, New N.jrk., also G'lduate of \ letorta College, Ciaoda. (.t-c-tultatiou -dajs Kmsdaja and Inda>^ from 9 a. m. till 4 pm, Bos-dcnce \\ est Botv er street, Acfon. JAMBS M VTTHLW S X^omejancer, Issuer of Marnigc Licenses IPost- Master, In3urance \j,ent Money to Loan, Agent Montreal Ttl Co , Clerk Fourth Dit Court, Com 111 Q B , &c, \cton, Ont. DHEN DEBsOjf, Con\ ev mcer, ^c , also A(,iat ^anvla Life A*)ur ance Co Decis^AlortgaL.cs, Ac , pr- pared neatly, porfraji lj ei>rrt.cil> ind on rcisonable tenjis Monev to Jjia 1 ou Mortgage <e nrta vSic GL. g flou= \ot< n The: r old friends in Action and vicinity are specially invited to call and participate in tbe bargains now offered, WM. STEWART & 0. ------_1jl_________________________ TgOMTS to .Manufacturer*. THE VILLACE OF ACTON Ij prepared to grant a bonuit to parti* n esuudigjhlng anj Kind of manufacturing btutoesn empio) ing ten skilled ha- its and upwards, and where said business does i<o, conflict with any buelnem already estab utied within tbe for orntli n Ac- W>n poesessps good railway fncllitl s, bolng op tho itr-ind Trunk Raltwji_ tblitj- Ave miles weRi of Toronto, i in n boauUful and Healthy location, u (rno iron) municipal debt, and proi-erty can be obtained on reasonable terms. JAMES <J HILU Village Cierk Acton, July 1,1875. C. T\ HILL, Mill Street, ACTOJV, PKALER IN &c U I s -Jf Mdton, M s will be under th 1 Campbell ind Mr at the .Mdton Oiiu. week. T ii- 11 \t or j- 11 < ue rj l'l K 1 rect. it's 1 Olhce 1 nut ot 1> W 1^11 il liv will attend , on 1* riday of ea^h rilMS'IXCHAM & DKtKE, INSrHlNTE AGENTS. OfficCi over the Bank of Commerce, I ^ sj-. <iuelph, , ^ u are agents for set cral farst class' ttoek andmutuil conipimes. Orders left at the Fi lb Pres3 Office wdl receive prompt attention Root GtrNNisoHVti Henbi L. DJeableu ^ D4TJIDSOV, ~1 LICENSED AUCTIONEER For tbe tounlj- or llalton. Sales attended tj) m any part 1 if the County, at The edda Niagara FjtHs "Ga" ing the past few ette^ says- lays large number of gamblers7 and*' thievi s, drawn to this section -of tbe Had he. beenii his owni stafe '^ ^e annual meeting of the Buftdo- Driving Park Association We tr 1st it may be a long time be fori Niagara gives Bbojlter to another sueh t croud ot rascals arfc scalawags us ha e made theiri beidquarters tiero c unng the past week, >9t vithstanding the frquent Ie- ft +, * jsent womeit? to %Jd{>ejgtgLjij)on;, jjnd sums of mdnevp ?ec^ivffip The record wotiftl fjpedr to poitjFto the ^Stfimofbrke^intfltn^f. The name x)fk Hamilton ?nirc]ha&i is said to be dovvn for UrSsiHRs J fbe ti ml fit JU via and hi^&CP ^<}Jhike place fit the fall asi>~ ^ man, father of tE jig m Toronto. { well connected ' VBT He i I defend b, i* < i jtre married1 j having seen 1 i-js thereforej Tff& ToBOgtTQ AbortkJst t?ASE &l d* ;,slOD8 thaJ a ra,lws v passes ___A brok has fallen fhto tfteJiandf. er tlCkBt ,sSd0C< utltu 8 ^ . rre- _A D00K nas >SagW 'ffWg: pfiotiv > of anything to the < of the lorontojDd^jfept-bjr tile e^pret ,ed on the lace tfaoreor, the #bortiomst D^jt-3(Mch produces sGreat Vestern people hate contin {^-record of caaes^glwng;tte names Me4 t( refuse to recogni; tickets of the gentlemen%fio brought or ffifter tjie lapse of the date or which C'uiip jjrisoner, to be Jrespect- imscl to they wpre issued Mr SI enff Ho Ew in oljects to such apolicv, and has ei tered an action against the ( ompariv for refusing to receive from lnm a ticket of tbe kind decribed, and co npelhng him to paj bis fare over a ;am it wi'l delicht many tiavell ire if the Sheriff obtains a fa- rourab ejudgment Meat rs Moody and Si ikev the great jevnalists, arrived Voik oin featurdiy They the gijjebts of Edwaid in New are to be Kalb fleisch.lof Ouyler's Cuurcli, Brook /"burn ljn So particulai ndtice IDavis en of ttjem on their annul aj he stite tliat they will not p two months yet vva tnk Both each for Address O1 reasiinible rates A DAMDSON, Ciinpbellvdlo iPO LrVTE LOZLLR, PLA&TE51ER, Acton Ont Lvery desenpt ion of Plastering and Bough casting do iff on tbe most reasonable- terms, end sa isfac tion guaranteed. t. S. CARTEIC. iez ofHnslc, Drawing and French, Church street, Act in. General Groceries, JBoots and Shoes, Saddles, Harness, Tr&ni:sf /"Valise^, Travelliiiff,Bags, Horse Clothiiifr, , W2x:^s, , ComT:^ ^ And Brushes \U ortlerxc'von li loom UnndK will br ..,,rlc b aitiiiudl to atitl wniriu'cd 10 Kiiesiitlsfici 1 ti its w emp o\ nont nut Hie best workman nil miiicrial COI>l R-S wnrniitftl to give R-i'lsfic- tlou, lu* tlio iieutourowi n unufacturo R PAIRING Of all klnd<t dnnc with neitnc-g and on I (tie siiorte'-t no Ire, AH who nt|iilri goodR in our 1lno wilt ltj -ell incite as ii tall before purcbi - injf elsowh re I It memicr tbe Stand / E NG ;rv a speciality, osamlno our stoskibefore pur- [oliuning olsowt er^ 1 D. MbNAIfe. Acton, Jtu'y 1st, 1S75 Cm LI&H MAGA2JI1VES FOB ID AT 1 particular ArrENnoN'.PAibl to Custom V^yrR and IRepairing' j. Having seouredUhe verjr\vtSroable services of llfr THOS E|>QAB, yfho *- as a Cutter, a unexoelled^ a fit will be guaranteed, ot ho sale. ^ew $d Work a Specialty. tap Bemember tbe Staqd Iftin SE, opposite Dominion Hotel. I"" KENNEDY BEOS. N B All B05Kaccounts must be settled at once. | Acton, July 1,*1813 of. AC leav ** . tion I Otfn noht J^~2~'S ' BOOKSTORE. for !5e]t J Jul} 1, I8" B CRKECII, AejBfi, JOB PRINTING 1 |0f e\ey description 1 , 1 Iii the best aud most at- tracti\e styles, promptly executed at the FBBB PRESS Young '.jaclu-r, Jouin BowiBt Is foi S ptiiuifii Ew 1 \ Y'k fot "5ej)(ieit.bor London 'Journal foe 4u;ust Suu-lij Vlugatmo Tor \jgust Good W ii ds for AuguU 1 Chambet sl Jouru il for J iiigust Young Men of G t Biit4ni foi Aiy Kind W irdb for Aligns: Sunday School Pajiei-s for Augt at DAY'S BOOKSTORE. 1 Day Sel Is Cheap. CTopr PLAINING st Hxl TT v AI straj on ' jnfor -, -wdl I THE CESTBAI/ STOKE Stres^ Acton, Is the !Plac<3 ifor Cheap ,&oadb*, j-. em: o taer J fnnc wr. tMr^.j^'isr^s Dry (jjoods, STOCK or MILLS AND i-qptje Crookery, RO^SIN HOUSE, 4.6ton, Cldse to the G P Railway Station Ex cellent accommodation for the travelling public JHOi C^MfBi,LL,Prdpr DOMINION* HOTEL, Acton, Boot AgnPW, Proprietor NT new Hotel is fitted tip in first-class atylo, with new furniture Commercial Travel lers will find good accommodation, and commodious Sample Rooms Special attention paid to the wants oil the travellingteblic Bar supplied with the best LiqncpSSand Cigars Good Stabling and atf entree" Hostlers OYAL .EXCHANGE, HOTEL, Acton, Ont Kobt Dickie, I rop ' Rooms' large and commod ous ramercuflTravellerss Goodac pin- [tion for Travellers and Gu ssfs brands of Liquors and Cigars at the r Good Stabhng and attentive A CTON FtOlIE MILLS. B & E NK7KU2T, Prepnptors. Flour noL Veea always on hi nd wholesale-_ajid retail Gristing jnd Cash for aU kinds of Grain ,#*? TING of all kfr ds roipptly executed at thp iEJ5S OFFICE, fflce, Mill (ree(. 33 Glass-ware. Nails, CHasa, r Linseed Cil, sa-w % souoi Paints, ! Turpentine, Machine Oil, { Coal Oil, Salt, etc ALbO PARIS CREEN & HELLEBORE Vox the "DetructlOB of Folate Bug? CaterpJJIars and olberlnec|*. The subscriber begs to return blsthanks to the Inb&hJ tapis ol Aoton and surround, ing country for tbe liberal patcdnage beretolbreextended to him, and at the same time solteU tbeir further support W.B -Oath Paid tor Hides delivered Acton, Jnjy lit 1(06. C. T. HILL UOTOGKAPIIS! PHOTOGRAPHS ! J". 1 C3-. ^EHIIXiXi ACTON, ] Would respectfully inform the publlo thatwltnln tlip pist few weeks be has had great Improvements made In tr - arrangement of light, and that be Is prepared to Turn Out First-class 'Wor! During any part of tfte day, in all kim of woaiher nojvv/ rk I have secured tbe services ol Mr W H KAHRS, a flrbC-cl ibS artist, late of. New[\orkOit},dnJ as his time Is limit ed, all would dq well to call at onoe who are qesirous of obtalnlngjinttures, which for afllfctlcllglttint. and brlilliiney of flnlsli are Dnequolle-d outsine of the Urst o ty JTavl' glat'ly nurcbased anotber very valuable Instr merit <st cond to none In tbe jountryj 1 ara enabled to produce work any size, from the ordinary card pletujre to 11x14 P In I Copying and Enlar^tn^.j Anj ilzo can be obtained and finished tn Ink, Oil, Water Color, Crayon or Plain, and in the bigbesLstyle of tbe art ' Xwjanld again remind tbe public ttiat I baye constantly In Btook a large assort* mentj of aa.a Square rictaro Fuaef wnl<|b will he sold at tbe lowest prices. Parties anxious to secure a realryj artlsllo picture w 11 please bear in mind, that ft will 00 to the!rlinterest'toioall' early as Mr Kahrs will be unable to re-1 main In Aoton longer than a few weeks JAMES G. HILI/, I - July 1,1S75 Photo, f Pump, if ash, Door aifd Blind Factory. EBBAGE & CAMPBELL, Uanu'acturers of Windn-wSash, 1 Dcors, Venetian fclinds Idouldings, And othfjrBuildinsBeJQUisites lAlso Makers of IMPSSVI- ST70TI01T Ready-Made Clothing, Groceries, ' t ? Crockery an4 1 * \ r Glassware Is Large, Well Selected and CHEAP. Groceries , always fresh and of the best 1 quality. Great Bargains may be always had far Cash or t Produce. -*? I wish to do strictly a Cash business, as our goods are -selling at the LOWEST Market Prices | - . Highest price paid for all kinds of Produce t^ie adon Anton, July 1, 1875. Call and Examine our Stock. CLEARING SALE at| Acl S^rtiUng', ' ^"wee^iag1 , and P"rt- . |[ PX72SSS Lumbar PI ined and Presses i to order tbe best maunei. 1 All wirk guaranteed^ Acton, J ui j" Jk 18"3. , A CT0N WAGON heard of J Barg^iiis J -P TO.BE GIVEN AT THE pEMI-AiSENtfAL SALE' OJ> McLEOD, ANDEIISOIT & Co a-asosc^aiiaro \yTsr. . In order-to make rpora for our Fall Importations, and to Aafee Our biturea of lo^ds of Dry-Goods, andon acoount|of| tbe scirc^y of money, we haret determined on a more sweeping, energetic and. 1 1 SALE j Vs IC^EAPEK CLEjARING f gooda into Cashi. 1'ittJTOEY. AND CARFIAGE t JAMES K^BEK, Propiieto dosiiaeest / SlplgTas* ' Outtsri, 8n, Kept Id stook 1 n,d made to Order m the Sh litest Kotioev BUtet 1 .ttebtion paid to Bptsa-shoel is fie Se^el-al Ofc fl&ng and. satis ttotlon guaranteed Acton, Jjily 1 t, 1S78, [Than hitherto- attempted, as wa must convert tile |B5?~ JRemembir the l^ales are FOR CASH, ind in j no case will ct second I L price b* made j 1 We ennnmerate our^cad-uis Departments s ^ DBESS GOOlPS from five <ants u'llwards (* ]-. PRINTS, from five cents up ,vatds V. ' MDSLJNS from five cents upwards ___ ^ "t^ COTTONS, "W lite and GToy, fiom Sj -ets upTvaida 1 MILLINiERY, MANTLfiS, SHAWLS AND PAHAlsOL^JUrga lots, for ijtalf price j _ \t _ _ Special lines of SIlJSl MA1?TLES for' 2 00, -wjortb 6"50 17 Special Bargains in CREC^ SHIRTINGS, DENIMS; DRILLS, an^ ALX STAPLE GOOtoS , ' \ - , A Spoolal line of LADIES* *(?OJLIARS- ANI> CUFFJJ-wholesala price 1 63 and?2.17 forflOa anH^o. j ] , ^ ^ * Special linos m LINES' DBESS GOODS] for 15c arid ^Oc, worth 37 Jc and r 50operyard. - { j \ > |r It is impossible for us to ebnptterate all tbe GREAT BARGAINS ~w hav* ^ to offer, lint we especially- want to taeet the fejard times, so conae alt and, bi "' convinced. f ' ,, 1 1 \r"e again jemind tils public th*t our (Millinery and pwiered (Slotkitig Departments^ _. .. .^ .^^ Dominion, and iutstrfp auythfng-iof the kind "West Of Toronto, * 1 1 1 \l J V H Aire stcocd to none In tb The Sale will commence on tl , I tinue for six JFlrsfe week?. JuU-1, 1875. of July 4 and" cori- 1 1 OD, ANDERSON,^ Co., Mapixnptb House, Csorgio.wt 6LK' T~ - f

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