Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 30, 1875, p. 3

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S*U tHrif 111 1 BM \c Jls i tn*.ii mil Juh lb .fbuid In wVrtdi^iT~ t V talfsjay j I t 'j< uir \ ai oks ted ji im 11 Unt'll krtr ith sAid ly 1t> tt id< rly iVwccm l>\ tho i otFrt- JHW} Ijs tk<*i inU 3Tc^roWlu>g [fcit sitJt voor nr diptuongp 1 il giW\cti \\r bad wd tiic Do through tK Lvibe $tr<tt, l^jMtod btm m wi\c mcbt-s [ wi tid kick WtU-TcO, but |i glusLu \kn, Iwct to the |>nts ill t:<-nn^ frs. Thortidike } 5VU ilj W31 \t \tr inr lioil 1 JrTm. i>. - \n pin l)\ B'av+Uli * - / .A V ~(A s'lili farther reduction \vp |>e giVi Acton,-July 30, 1S75. v tf *Sfht So I fi.jx it c^ad Juffht lad- N IL Eidtr d iuvt_r- \Mi5 pJ.101Et la' "UttAltl - en to ft t i ** . i l>-> i f -L*. sam e It rg tl rojyU- dooi a\,l , bi ' /I K II r -! I or |l ttl < riallk I i i [fia j, Y> 4i tiV< i t < tt 1 it ::tr <.i.x^a>til! \. l <- -e- r>i_i.ti II .h W tU '-]> it til t<- J IwUll si' ii \\ >{ i *TIS IlKAVE TO E\E A SHILIXU .. .. ~ TTis tta>"c to'.woAr a niling"fiAx<, |, Ami own a cheerful UVirt,^ <f*H'hi storms SliaU-eatber ill the sky Anil sunshine sli.-ul depart j.'. Tia bravo to tirtaly taiut,by tj&th. So matter where thou tirt. . | The hero true is one- who 'mid - - Tlio hottest of thlight ' y Battles roost strongly 'gainst the wrong J ' Ihat would,usffrp the right; !r Theatars upon'hisAiMiner shiho - :' ' , 'Brighter tliita stars af night. Fvrfwotory is in their jjfearas, 'And glorv ifl their rays ' :" . ' A glorj' whieh shall 'lume the world In many beauteous wavs, f" j And hrigfiter mak with "happiness : .!.. Life's qtaickly -fleeting days. . jLife; hsth ltasoiroirs audits' joys, Its dark; and bright for all ; . , ' " li. |wisi is he when round his way' - Tit heavy shadows fall. . >_:\Vhip, guided by the star of hope,: ': ;F^r aid on Heaven shall call.. . i\iid OjLeepinn ever on his way, Xo xibiwoles shall tear, , I - Swre that li^yond the? shadow* fleop :'; ?-.,The sun shall shi^iemost clear, ; And until in all her h.ii>iiihu*s " - ^Sujireme oiice liiore appear,". ." l,,; .__^ ^ ' * , ^Sotrsvvller long the vfe.Txy rbad, ' . ~ -Xo' mnttr. who thou iirt, -~>. The eloijd^Uiat lower o'er thee .-to^4aTo-iuom-w'shall depart, " "!.; ' 'd: thou-lnit w^ar a'smiling fae& . - Allitowli a Cheerful heai-L : ; ing oiirsolves in for a-jdriy..or two Jack _ Diinlaw, jdiiitu of whiske |irodiiceil _ thi^ ;be| RvUo' w'tts already lay, the. jiotjitiou^ yh'ich ho had hw eh to clear out GOODS at price* to siiit^e u|me^"To^ive visitor? to next l|iontl!y FJiirihe pri several liuifs. Jf y^iij\viit gciixls lit bin ijrices call early. B'$^:"T^B3~E?, ^'^LA^LCDTTm i-npor,.>ii'nd longing [. ' It waa given aaj proinptly ixa the of rest, in strode] iirst, and to the sufj)rise of every ind demanded a ; The Imrkeeppr er.ige, and, Juck, |moro than excited of , vilo liquor, |allo\ved, turned ;it tlown! with a^'gujrgle.' Just as he |owen?d the tin oup which' served instead =of a iuiuWer, Gora Russal| entered- the room, looking for her father. "Here,, gal, givo us . a : kiss'! -Liack" exclaimed, lis he caught sight 'dflier- "':.::.: ' AWmed .$t his brutal inanner, thb girl turned tA leave this room, bnt before shecould do so the bully r^r liad caiiglit tind kissed her' repeat-i I P!**> and; his hand a triilo less edlv wttJi ii'ia Iirumr--fnm' . .>r,^i! steady as ho rammed homo the bul .1,.*. .mt.-i. - ! BBAVING; A;1 BtfLLY, A I ic-P i* ll K K^_ uil :i L. ;ur r. u. <. bfic 11.1 e o-f iber \i' trd, folding 'ila M?d ^fttr a.} K iJ.e Brotbo [i^tjt EaaUna'i fi e Lt"fd In tuni^nv i*p to tell U-? ert t^ie ^"orda |xt; to fetch I ]) jLfc aidu.. an I igM> li_Li. y assvOi- lj-v-l\td- J L^i ir<V Lfeii |t-it^io: alutic -lared^that it it he deenied a', a,ad h.tA in i-Brotlier >-d need not lit re re fciru, vin ki | Sev^rai years since '] quick 'a young nwn- wben il .waa taml gray- is' now, silvering my Ji-tlr I hiul oc- /l?Sii>ii toVisit tho.tfar west in CIov- ;' ernit-i'iitrreiiiploy, ;wuli a parfV 'of s.iirvyyo/s. -Thtt nature of-Our er- ra'iid, o^ir riumbers, and the eJ.ibor- :it*= ^pinjctruiio'jis ' : \ve hijd .made aiprliist itjiy..hostile ilenioiistrations, iusun.Ti.Uh froiu any molestation, '.-Mve i:i"ti few,r5cre,ini>tances; yet-'in .that wild eo.tntrv it was impossible' . 'that we bbould remain^.Jong".with out witnessing miiny_Jcenl'S itot l.iiiiijiiir hi law-a!idifig uijd Jtiiti- vutcil.iiis riots. Be stilt; we Nvt-re -n"ir. Ixyuiid tb<J jde" of the law- t;^i"t'i^--, thett: were 'certaiff o.ilicc(r?,J w;.dtiv. s-cittiertyl, who occasionally tik-t ifiiwitsoBse drunken dt-sj>eftclo,- 'if-hi's fiieijds v.ere not too. miniyr* .' oils., Gttt l*ey<Jind_ such lifroie a^ts ~itiVy- stddyiu- exercised, the jjiowers u^they "were-^supjiost'd lo ..-jxissksi-. ^-^^nenillv eiiiih-separate uo'iniiniiiity bad a~ lcognizHlt leiuler^ some iuau more, inuscuUr and. recfe'ess tban %l:o by virtue of ,thfe q'ltttli'f'ii'a had a Cfittain nnm l^E?' of iolJowers. wLo wc-re raidw'.'to fiee--.tTni't. his will was-/the 'ruling ,-^>o.w-er in that vicinit}-.- <^f;.course ! such men were the real law-mukera. . ;-und;they were very seldom opposed j !| or molested.- " . -. .'_.'- Dunlaw. '.?i'jjqic?3 iieadquartei'S wjero at itbe r'OverJititl"itiil route >vhere rft'e caijp-d to be located for p. few wii-fc=,- while surveying iii thii,t left the place. n . ' As the scene p rogressed 1 tpnitijg fi-om uiy seataud took a'step'towatll the luitfian, but i. surveyor p'ulleil !-me back- and wit Ira! diffidence and Icpwiu-iltce of whichi I' have ever since been asham yd> I did not make a s<? -T saw the-fat iet-. turn .slightly pafe, bnt liJe iijadi: no protect, only" following hLs d uighte'r from the room, [unit returqiiig several niiti- one, it struck almost'exactly in tbo centro'-of thu buH's-Oytei But with out waiting to heal1 the result, Stephen turned to! re-load his piece. With k, strido li|ke,that of an.o.n- ifiged elephunt.Juck Dunliiw^u'ovod up to tlio 8ido'of his successful coni- petitor. ' Don't yo dar' dp- tli.a't ag'ih he hisseiji betweurj shut jaw's.'. " If jper do, 't-wfil ho.a'bard day foryor. Naw mark what "ij toll ye! I ain t goiii' to' fool roinid no ujistiirtlik^. you. VTe'vo made k, lucky hit 'twice, now lot that end it'! " . j The young man nmde-no answer; ir"T"'Rni !"'= Ul. ,.*- i----------'-------- ,! iattiio hard,ear|h ugaiu becanio bis ; bed.; .- r . i This' :tiui; ho did not rise: im mediately. It Kjis patent to, every- ono betoro this stage of tlio en counter ^that ho (was overmatched for once, juid-nt last that fact Bee'rri- ed to havb becoriie clear to bis own' li-inuid.' iDrawii'igitho'flask from bis pocket, bo cast it up'on the -ground, tiiutt^iu'n savagely: ,.,- j , "Th'ir'j yer did flask ! ' Take it (if yor wait it so. bad." Stephen stiepped.' to tbo spot whoro tho coveted prize lay and picked it up, placing it -beside tho rifle. . Tlion turning aijain? to the Thd M^n WitM It Wasn't riglA, ana but I saw his cheek become a shad % <klly : with his iquor-fumed. - and tobacco-sUiinwl li -is. | As ishe broke from his grispivnd escapot.! at length he turiietri to the bUr -again, and v ith some beastly remark?, thrvw dawn coin and,, sauntered oiJt;}tli6se;of bia udmir-| ers- present laugh Jig heartily as lie ute.-i afiei , "No j one seeinc ft uifuk insult; w where |uh>L' in the would jhiive been mil's a|$ calm us ev<jr. i 1 to= l-es'tnti tTi'L' |hich,p!.'iha[>s, no cisilized world permitted to go u-iipu'n|sljed, and in a kiy. or two we alliiost jce:tsed i4iheribrutal actij l^unlay.*, ciime ua'qer our liotice. (to think of it," as on the part. o'j The'third jday ij ijijle'nt^ t<x>k'place| It h-^d : threattpei iHorning, and the and cloudy. , Hh iii^ of . oi r jT.trty, some >pecirnc-ns o! itig of 'the'We<% took from hL> ba^- tii/ely-iiiyiiijiteu jioNydf^llask, T ;te-p,and'the. details1 were sp^edlly"'isPefl^' -, . ^. arrarig^d. ' [Three shots each : -were !.' " The"'- flask ; liefongs to Mr. Kan- to- Ik- allowed,'.lit <ine hundred'and ("ey," he suicl. "JRlease let him J-Jiftypaces'^and tht man whose three h*ve It. i r. ,. l" shotsJjmada;':the shortest' string,) ."Thejhtsk belongs to. me," l-o- meisuring fiwn-' tlie centre of thertortofi Jai;k. .' 'HW shooting war bull's eye, was to iceeivc'the flaskk;/"U accidentjili ; He only .hai^eiie.d Jack Dunlfl.w 'a id. Stephen Ran- to hit wharj he did. ; lint then,; he ikin beV tho ilajik if he ktn get it; or jyou eitheii" V il. .-'}"' ' r'ficinity, and we bad a goodojibor- i tilJULV U) i=illLT t"Sicid<-llt >.b CCXTcvy fsif America it ,o scarce that rk,was? fixed bj 14,.'in 1351, at jd lAli xhe al |n t tbebcotch ji Etj^htndJ i pax day -\t |ur cpgs wero of tboestfor for twb and a [;-pennyj wheat. 3, and a, tat oi [a day woi k two dezf-n 6C WuUid uu) a | whole homn/i fQriyje-8l>5i2t iap on*. Iq^clotJiiDB uh >encopKiing Fak^c ] in bitid and J Iluj moi. ct U(t\e np jd be cter |uy mtan caws, oxen, and ^oor bay u. cl frrfu^itely, in >tck tame, f*tiiy hard on [eljI whenever iRgtb it i* teki ind keeps o ^lotrnds out which fe offt-i best shut, ] :. Tbeiii wort; let discomfited, bully, |whb| had now M.UvvUiuuu, vlVJ > [**o| iiau risen to his feet, bo continued;: '.'Jack iDunlaw," I have Hot done _________________n , with you yet; | A few days kgo you Thei, with lips tightly com!--| brutally insultsd Cora. IRhkiel.; I pressed, ahd cyea fixed pli\tbe dUij-f coiddi havo' shot y.ou dea(i,!ari|d 1- gbfc, he dropped, up au ouQkiie'e, aiid should have hud'Iribt piti- le\-(;le<l hik rifle. - ; | ed you. Noiv you'.ti^ko" your choice u Now,]don't ye: raake "<tinbthe:.* (; -r-go,I aud oa your-knees iisk her mistake!" was Jack's last aduiou|- | p*ari.loii and' thensQJuit this^djico for- ......i " - itiOU, occiimpanifdl by "a" shako" oif the tist so close up to the young, inanls faco that I began to feel like gmsping tho bully ifroiu behuid an ' dragging him from]tbe.sceKC. The,thiiiTshot Sfied as thoothera hud dianj.*, and the i young man sprang t^> hw feet, ,,dro]q>ing the '.rifle-to the ground; in.I a" -iuuintet| jWhicli :showtd tJAt patience hud nearly ceaspd , his ruling virj t.tue.. Still I. coulij nyt atiticipatej the scones which' weiie to follow. The last bullet had struck just outsido the bull's-eye, and after' carefully measuring the three, Tom Tarbox, he who hiid offored the Ifter the above iui we were olF dutyrain' during tho day. proved dark Joi-tly alter noon anxious to Su-e the faiue<l shoot- ever or die where you stand ! This quarrel i3~uot my soeking, biit now that you liave' 'beguii it: tak|) your choice. I give you three liiinutcs to decide." ,_ :. "* A half d(i?cri wutohes were pro duced, and tlio attention of our party was divided between "their fsJowly-moving hands and the excifc-. 1 ed grotip befoi-b ui .,At ..first it seemetl j3*tliotigh Jtuck wanted to renew Ithe^ight. tic looked around ujion those" who hii.d boon.bis coi - federates, but tlibir^sympathy -wu's gone, andrit was'.'apparent that ;Stopi'en Raimoy'hadli'n a uioiiierii ' ' ' I' cratioila will'say (that at wasn't.___ camo' U'atnping up sti|ii'8, tossed his; hat on ' down , ._ markea : '"'d lfl^{e "Yes,; of cpiirsej lone reporter. ! J .' ' I iiaven'tl been J o paper- yilth. it," Uo coi. jeanedj forward; "1! tho JFrec Press fori years, arid- I've Walkel 1 to givej you this itonii' %. . "Will, I'm' Very ioticli bbliged indeed. What is the!": " W< :I1,; you ilknow) Trunk; Jiinction;T"_ .'.\ Yes, out hei-o aboljit'tjiree miles rrpnutle City.Hall.".' 'Wdlj it wks ab^uta inile be yond tl at.: -. Me* an' a; iothef fellow was|. co ning in oh ,tb s track.' He was a s ;rarigeri &p.d se med dofrri- bearted afld glodiny;:; .nd he'didn't care tw of cents whethi) to .stable, and-lis lie saR in a chfiir hej carelessly, rp, a bigjtem?" replied^ 'the any fether tinued^as.lie hayo, takeb twenlty-nine four miles [item??' the." Grand Can r he lived-or you describe J,jl liecomol.tho hero of |the" occasion! jack's eyes, topi, werei nearly closed ___ -.....-......- wiwii-u . IKCl: T prize, an-llkept the n.easurements, {jmm thJ energetic blows tbat bo steppedj up .among the crowd now! ,l!Wj received.uha bis, if lie gathered,: andjiiid:. | ^iad ever possessed any, seemed to "Gentlemen. ,MK '..Rfinnny lias J bave gone! entirely. '. .< - ..': " made the best reoonl, his three, i" . ,! -;,i- i 1 i'i ^ 1 ' ' A nod, a watch returned to the of the owner,, announced pirution tif'tluj time.',. Not a , i ' i i cbaiigo of muscular -expression . !, r-^. i-it"' x : passed over Steiiheu's features as could take it, Jack imltclied it from ' dipd .:; ' j?ocr:fellowi him?." -j _'. i, ."Yes, ho wasrabout| had ; rid hair,I 'big clothes, and no whisku^s, " Wtll,,go on." : ." U'e'd -got \l:i'thin.fl junclior iwhtm tht f from. tho East 1 along." " Ycsi'l " An^l jof cotiilse the track - ^Yf4' I'" 1 '.' pectjng liny suchj,thinJ,-vou kriow, :the i camu made the best record, his three i r shots meisuriiig b.ui two inche's, so I ^ .' l t-o him I give tho jfllisk iioprdiui> toi-[,,< ' . - . r the ex nil' agiveiru^lt. j , ! , . .- /nieinent. Mb reached forth for thq biari didriit let i qs a prize to (he; liillf-a-dvH'D volnn- the surveyors hand! and thrust iU into hi* pocket. . N, o , one antici pated tuch a iiiovenent,;un>!l i( was some moments befpre fTarbox re covered bis;'Splf-pos3e.ssiou so as to inoref, a most mte^est- ___ experience, whick -ti-atis] ud v whilej wcj were there. In apprtirunee he vwai for midable enough, asi we saw him on trhi morning- affier our arrival., Kiilly'six feet six inches,in height, rwith .long arms] Tiiid legs, slightly "stoopjng, wifcli- a_.ponderoii8 frauie, iimmease tnasses of hair and beard, "clolJiing1 in keeping "with his- gen-* ;eral appearance, "nd neither "over-l ' icleanly.ior attmctive, a bowie knife' ~iJnd revolverrthrust into hisjbelt as] .be.-waJkedjiblout-tbe station, Jack- .. was c^rtainljltbe nian to intimidate ^%fly ^person of moderate nerres. ,j. For inany| yeais he- had been re- : cognized as! the "leading spirit in: that vicinity,; and frptn that posi tion- be had .grown independent of all rjestraiht save bis own. will, i lie had a. chosen bin^i of followers who Were ready foKtipjiortJiim in every ney -were among the contesbmts. I had been .quite, ouiious to see how these two persons would nieet, but I noticed no ehauge in'the young man's dejiortment, He spoke but little,, and when- :bp list was ar ranged ]for the precedence, volmi: JtaHly took the list'^j.Ju'ce.'.- Then folding bis arms ^i :d lean in <: against tb'e doorway, he c liefully watched the"trsa3.':. . "- .-.Jack'was one o:: the first, to try his skilly and whei three shots had ,4been firttl it was loundl that-one ol ' firs bullets bad- s;ruclc Within an. int-hl of the centre,, while the other twpwefenoti mo-e than half an incb farjtlier remo\ ed. .'-^Fo^rancheii!': the suin-eyor an- niiuncejif after cJrefully measuring the distances of iths several sliots. | :" Yas," growled Jack, throwing himself upon a: beich; " I'll-wait! here till!you beat that, some on yer, J ind when yer dew it ye. kin take that thek' little powder-Upx.' Tho others fired in^tbeir several turns.arid oilr1 parly wag quite sur prised to'find the i hooting aomore accurate. "Indeed wcJbegan to look with distrust upon'the wonderful stories of romantic writers! Tarbox bit his lip; and looked: to the other ir.eiuberia of the party, un decided how to act., "f Seeing his ir- re.sblutipn/pi'Uinney stopped forward, aud.saiil : ,:l yourself, Mr. miny<^tud I villianous undertaking; 'We were,' -AH hadrSr-c-d tbe last save Ste-- X-1 cne kn6e fo a |dou on liotb, e&cape quale Inj j t arar-ce c/ -not long kept in -waiting befbfi ""..V-tiome of hisj; peculiarities were ;brooght'to "'our [notice. '; ; " : ,- TJie keeper of the station, Frank Biiskebj vfas-l! a niedium.-sized man " somb fprty ^ea+s of age, Who had recently comette the jdace, bring- inc;;,wi|n bimja family consisting of 6aej'daughter, bis wife, and j a" younjg-jm4n 'Mpf> ' had Inien in[ liis ' einplOTjsoveiTiryeaiis; iind w'boiwas ' -said to'be the accej)ted lover of Ube . daughter Cord, - &>6ephen llantiey \ was biiiuime^tt very quiet, gentle- ibanly tippearing y<l"ung man; some ;-^ive feet nine inches high, and < weighing at ^moderate./estimate ju. _buHdred and fifty "pounds. He sel dom speW-e unless" addressed, when -; His ,^ords were, brief and to the .jwinfe ' \ .< Cj.n tbeircolinijg foi owing "\Qai I arrival^ while thfi chief engineer of A the corps waa preparing the ,woflc for the ^iay, tlie remainder, ol! tie : party, ifter examining tfceir irifetni- liients JaiSl putting e^erythirtg^ in readini^ss-fpr sor.vice,'disposed pur jel,ti< about fhe station. ' anil wait for orders, ^ix: pbpn Ranney, and: J^ekbadnuide much -tbe shortest string.- The young n.iiii: took Ink place and Raised :ht8.rifle, which Was co'u- l^derabiy shorter than any of the others. ';'..-,! ' . " > t : '^Xiook here, Vot hgster," gj-owled Jadfc, with a wuik- to his adinirerg', " ypu'd better jiavr a JKip-gun; that wouldn't: biirt. any body land you'll be-giat as lifeely-to' v {hit the walk* as verwill with that boy's play thing.:".! ;'._ / - .- Stephen made n > ,re|>Iy, but plac ing his weapon in r^st,' bowed! his cheek to.tbe breeiii , and moment 'the Kbrp lejiort rang.out. :^!*'.'In' tJh'e: edgift of^tjje jull'iwey*', half an' jhcb frqm -the ' centre ! " shouted ithe niarkjer. '/ The' best |ot miide .yet^ . | " It's ^;HCident !^ ;He;caV^ .. tlie board nex>.tim3,! ",crit^d Jack, I savtr from his |manner (bathe moat able untoncerned :"fv. :/": r "'Don't |: trouble Tarbox. "Tho.flask ;will see to'getting it ."Yuu ..will, eh i " Knarled the bully. ' ^fout jiif;arm's reach or 111 muslj )re like i >-oast ta'teri "' "- ; - i.'- ." Thus speaking the giailt- swunjj his great fists about, but the young man did,not move: Instead ha re ceived a'blow upon the head which knocked away his hat, and seemed tochange his .whole nature itito th{it of] a young lion. With a strength^ and agility wholly.unlook- \.<d for hedeulfc .the" pant a fearful blow on.the; nose, vhich J knocked him to: the'ground, a id deluged the uncomely face witli torrents of blood.". Tbere was a momentary Htrugglelupoa the gipuud after the Ibully.felL, and then. Steiihen step1 Iped back apace), or t% f b, ' /.' In U moment the raflian was up oik bis feet again, and!with a fearful curse ,Le placed bis ] fand 'where he expectedto Snd a revolver. .But it was, gone/! -Then lie sought for his knife, bufc'thati too, was missing. The young rijou had tiken the! pre- he i was pas getting excited ami arjgry, but, - Stephen! jrelQadedll his rifls \n the knocked: to th^ grbundjwi(;h'a single Nine inches in height the bully to'w^ ered.above his 'antagonist,.while in actual weight he was more!- than twice his ~fcqifAl. ' ' ; i Thdre was no parley or!besita: tion. - '.Finding himsel f wea^oajess, Jack llitshed for tho yodsc man, and wpnld'bflyij.crusl ed haji in Jus deadly grasp; but^-h< > young Mian Jdid hot wait-for the process. Aj quickj fierce blow fall .ng just where! the other .hail fallen staggereld, the rascal, arid beforejieitiould spe-wbat' had become Of the niii i h&supp'osed already in bis grasp* i. tremendous crack in the. |ear brought bim ugain- |-tb thp-grcluncl. Again he scrambled to. his, feet,! triid. again "llidtiiuo is hpj Jack Duula will you live or' die ? " Jack looked 'around once and plaintively ask*<.d : - " What do-yqu isay, .boys ? " ( "Do as.jho tells yer," replied one who bad'been. Jack's "pbiof support er in times piistJ, ' , '. I The last hopo teeemed to leave the contemptible giant. -In a voice weak and wavering be said.: . " I'll leave, and that orter satisfy "-. "You will dp' what Isaid.or^ " The sentence remained unspoken.. Jack Dunlaw bowed bis bead, and walked meekly a.way to make. }.he !required _ apology.. . I - did not follow! liiiii, though many did. Five iniinutes later. 1. saw: bim, the..- blood- washed from bis facei "jwalking \slowly .away iutoj the'fujrest.. Wp did nOt meet .hiui again; nor did, be that [statioii' ty my knowledge. j.' The| favor. which -Jack lost Was ^transferred | to Stephen, arid a. fins |villag<f, which has "si?jce grown up tlierejjbejirs to-du"y the stamp of his. quiet jenergy and cbutage. ' t, himself* by wjoi-dlhor liok. If I'd only; si|'8 lecteil it,[ why L could havo grabbtjtl him." -Yes ) I see We 1, wo stood j facing the t'raiv.: '.'. was a little aliead of him, and what did he do as thatraihgot within 3 00 feet of us,"j "Rusjied on the-trac|: ?" 'No sprliigingaip. ' "No.TAsI not; th'at Me.made jump IfJr the mil, kn^e'ed dotfn, and " Gfcf t blades, but itj was awful," internijx ed tho repprl ". Aivf ul ? T guess ititvas! Iwjiu i""""*" weiikin my Kf j. He de . i..Vj i.-tLI-- -.- tir -.. oh'the rail, neverio , . Jiberateli' laid his| neck) shut hisleyes, arid- -' "And tueJlocQiuotijp- took his" bead.clen|n' off," shpu'ted'"---------U"i;- Thelgirls always lovea;man who is pretty> i . .. _ wissajj beijitely jbtcedbiineck held it tl ere And was- mashed No,' iiv hold-it i\ier& for a mouient, and theq: ... ., And was thob struck'-by tlie pilot!"1 ' : 'I No, ^ir-^ and then took jt oflT again,.and is saloon ar jund the cor for a job. ' ' . ] reporter leaned .lookedj ut him for a loha time, Tbei sgranger leanedliback' looked lit the reporter: Nothing; disturbed lene'e but the ticking By and by the- mari item loojted up at down at Jthe floor, out into the hall and Detroit Free Prest v Thejittle Hartfprd girl' who gave utternnde to thefpllowinj; idea was puzzling her.mind .with a problem that has bothered the worLI forages., She was reproved for some cbildieh act, and seating bjerBelf on the floor at her mother's fe^et, reflected fora-i long time,; and then looking up, said "ila I Why U it naughty things are, so nice?" ."'_ ! A curidus instanee of the cheap ness of whpat and' the dearndss oi pi-oyendev! at; the same time is given by^an Englisli farmer iu jthe Mark ... ,, :-.-:r-- L,Me E*l>rest, as liaVihg come-iin- cautio'n of removing them, so that der h^s o-Wn-'iiotigb. . A-farniar sold now .ihe two stood upon equal tbe wheat growh. on. bndi'fieldifor. ground. But wbat) a conti-asti | ^5Q stg>f but for the straw which .produced this 00. or It Wll: teat he obtained , Wben yiou sjee a jiig wiih a straw i in his mou|th it's a sign tn it it ,is go ing to be wft. \V,ben :'pu sed a man with a straw in iUs'motftu, it i a sign that he is dry^^-'-fhe niinVBl generally has a pintof one end of it. ' \Hegbof6htaiiurijr an It'emT) future gen- flspireAaro.1 W ON IJS TH^ILaplOFApfON not., ecu cstublli ton ik use'ss's! being jttlihty.'B beau tii a lrom li beobuIiuqU on reaioimb nterdi Aetoh, July I, |e. hIorrow,1 Chemist and Draggist ACTON, b'RUGS, c HElIteALS, five feet six; feet, coarse! mile of the ^(xpresji; tmin thundering. Stepped'off . . UIEFUMEItY, PATENT AND PKDPRIETARY, Always [on lianjlaliirgf inj wkll- eU btWLlC ot r nor ex- bn or betray herepbrter ng ho deli-'1 an the mil, Acton CANA jjeliberately no v: in. a u4^ inqiiirjug ;' babk SUa kfl[fld ahd t ie tfeep si- pi th clock, an , with- the , tl 3 skylihgt - and softly slid wits.JMuje.; . ' BWr woot Acton JGrreat Ba ili'^y.'^.aJKJj coheIude<i^io contiaii^ tiieFr-^-; iii6l -^iih uuy bctlri&s'JiIri ilietl within the enr;'i)ruU< n.' . . Xftdnraiid Trunk Railway ive mlleB west tor Toronto; Is in a il rindl healthy locailojj), is frfto lunlclijil debt, anil prp|Jtrty can IPEALLK IN grant \n "V lllace C-'ierk. t'r ! ;MEDICtNES POST select- pyo-S' .tuffs, JLiduid Dyo; Fancy and Toiiok ioaps, Brashes, &3^&ees, Trusses for CU1- , dtps, and Adults; I chottli or Bj;,cos for Moa.l'Woiaon aud i ihildisa-, Paints, dry and in. oil, B00K3, Stationery and Fancy Goodsl PUREj WlATES AND LIQUOBS J'or Mjjdjclhal Purpose^. -'^EQ P hyftVlhns PrcFerlpUom- and IM- miHiic itecelpts, nnd Hot an aid C11U0 OFFICE STORE1 : Medicines, careXuHy compound'a /" Q. E. MOJtriOWi I-. , ;L."-JUaica' Hall, Acton Uulj-,.l^i7o. . |u. STrOREY & do., t OVE WORKS AQtOX, CiTT.' ' WhpU'sa p Man ifocturers or every des- '":,; c'rljiUoa'.aud].style or] ' ^oat; isr 3; Cloth Gloves !^ MIT TS AIIO CAU NTLETS. Is thcVlAcc to SECURE VALUE far tout Soney Tn CHOICE 'TEAS, GE0C2EIES ! Provisions, Crockery, Glassware/ , Stationer), School Boobs, Wall Papers, raucj GOt^s, Ifindow Blitids and Rollers, lixtuits, etc I embrace this opport-i nity pf tendering Uvmkg to je\ nt.n'ernna friends foi the lutral pat onage bestowed by tli<jn for th|s l.ut twti> years, and as the expeneice of that time has hud its,'lessons, and has enabled me tdpiofit thereby. So that I am now acquainted w nil <bebei inarkete to j/urcliaae in, *ud also the cheapest my^-custoni^ls ntsy jcly upon gettuig'tlie benefit of satd' expern nee j In foumr jeai^g it has be^hnv matter impossible to'do businebs on a SUlctly cish basis But oui countryshay mg prospered/to an uuprtcLdenjed dgi.e "Wltlim the Jast few \ eHre, I thins oui pcqjile are now in a pdsition to Abandon a System so Pernicious create marfrins for That it: has to _ . cash customer fyts'uof right do-.-! o~ 1 - - 7 ^ ' And by adof>tiri Ari-so Dressers of jPlain and- |Farj,cy { Klid Leathers. llshsbt biarkei T'rlco skins..-. , : r^jy\iBt.]S7i i -, paid for LlVEfW&I^LE STABLE 'J- if Take" p'ensuro-1 pulillc-geueiully 7 ALLAN (uinoaiiclntr"1o the .but-he b) jrepared to Jurnljib. \., j * ' - ffirat-olias Horses atii Carriages , .' j. ; fVt ftea^oriable KHtcs.'l - Ig 1 and BDorse's jtre the w>st' that . fp ?. bad and doubtful debts, wbub tl to bear and whiUi hitherto lie 1 as 1 ail 0_. uuu >rjin-n jjmi^rco}i las had o do-r-t am deteimined, the foie, on and\iW~tlie FIEST DAY C yX SEPTEMBER NIJXT to do business for M j CASH &$ TRADE GNLY^ . ^--gUj^SJstonlwdlbe enabltjd to ' ' REDUCE PR!GE$ FROM 5|X to EHSHT PER fiEKT, Until tho above tin4 ar ives, customers pavjng Casbwdl receive\ha tho ^ish System, which, indeed is th& ONLY TIGHT 'aV^TF^ 1 wbi^lJselures adyaritagesj Ji^ ipJbe.losi iig^?- ^ ^ \~^I fori & f : : 1 > -. ii^>m.;-tBi'<Qi.JEff',:'.&cs ES^lfA l8.<letrniineit not-to yfuty (Stable,] ' . .. ---------- The third I spoaea pur-iaoie. AS be.wflfi about to -firejy jtime he arose, but before be could] ^ smoke Jack w4edtowar 1 the - target tojl^ip6 ^ ^bod from;: Ijiia \,yek su'f' silewreatL-' iuiark';the|eflWtqCie shot; ;.;'ficiently to distrnjguisli bis antagou- "gentb. ..The NE.wsPArB.!-^I>aniel Web stei; aid:-Small i^thesujpi tbat ikrequired to patrojiiie a newspaper,' nnd amply rewarded is its p'atrofi, J i-.I eare not h'ovr bunible and untre- ^ tending jthe gazette which ihe takes!! It is next to impossible! to fill ,a sheot wi^i printed matter! without putting'ihtb-it sbniething that is wortlithe subserijJtip'npripe. Every parent, whoseson iB^way from hou)e at school, should supply him with;a hewspaiijer. I Welll'reniember what a m^rkeil differetijee. there was -be tween those <f? fBV.&ohaol'iaatea who had not access.tb naWspapers.^Othdr things being equ4l, the-first weife ; .always decidedjy superior to tlie last il debate, cbnipositibn aod mt-clli- " "' - Geiieral Klacfcsbiitli, Best tlBSTi 1- Horse- Snoersjiii Perfect satis'faaiioi gtiaranteed <Jr hj> price^ Good Stock RhfAIRiyG i>r A'cton, J 4ly. 11 1875- jCarriag;cj ^ d Walgon lllalticr liW Aiways oh liahdi M.:0arna^p, ra fyi tir and:.nro^rjly Attended j to\: '-ehiii^ Sta^L^^al -- '!. " . . ...... - : , - ' Al1 "il.\i: Oiijr PHnti* fl^est:*}oodsf--artd'. ftress' TriiniitinsAL - - -.1 AreaUJijfUe|l3n^e^Bu*u*wai:rm:t<iri4 '-: '!\-.: i ^the CduMy charged. PLOWS MM; rWlgfeii.

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