Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 23, 1875, p. 3

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\ ;,"3"-- ho lier- as. iie" lw therfcear?- l-.*'-veK, it>was 14$ r~- N ioye, ,w hick 'V |yoj*" cannot |w"n?ng trwv. - ' j;R're. - Sfee - inoyed;.li C--'. - ihehi ttiroei ":/ I riot" "bcedjn/sf" listened,./.ii-li * - *"-' ."'v - ray," fcotn/ bearmy ~ laps' it" KiU .'." pn" ncjt. w.iih / IT^1- /~'v . tted, tt-.ty'ir:;., :dden alarm. tot jgo away. [ d. Bvi-ftot" |ih.'t 0 'awky ,',_ -vr- . Iad -betrayed. :" a passionate -.;" iiot pr&r iango'is her. i lyarst of - be dej*tlis of, ; years ^'ieea;' l:V own weak- -. fait/at ibe-- Imast Tiesiicai with; a lcioli "s-wbjU. Lave> |/r yHps^- o [j Sot cry so. -heart. For ' 5f:on of cio-Ks Cifr*b.i^ i-.t Vt> ixssioii- i jrVii^elietk, P^r . i i s, alme-st eru. 1< t- .' -"lih-1;/".ooked ; r'.ii^'-^i'.VriKsl : ^.i^rl-ri'^iii,-' j,- (*:fr.. . S:s>.d. f f /^ In order tojr&duee there * ept~l *> w:-;:;-,r:-icr. dr-l. ns she 'advanced ." How kave'.ysti dared to write such words to; te e 1 Do I riot do- |bave hot.Seenl :Eveh asyon'.havo cold tone gbe'said] gone Jen yoir jniserable "way with\ towards him ,tbis man, did you not dream/that axy._ eye \rsjs. Upon you f O you rr\|>04>r<B>ol! You simpleton l^-^ : * -The. agony o?;her hear| burst- ant : into:a smothered wail, as he held liar Ijalf faulting in his cruel grasp. " "' 4nd'bad -jE ,not/' lie snouted, was not? what I have* seen just now .. . enough I Was nojk his arni.around y you, ihis" kisses on youR cheek 1 Do jo* deriy~Hbat? And do- you thjnk that t am to stand quietly by aad^jce'J&iQfe things,-and yet make no sigri, yon deril 1";"-: >. -" O ' help me \"-_ siie; cried. " Wiat can. I sav I O Henry, have pity On me ! ' Vijve me:time, for I cannot-think !" "i,i, ': , - " Indfeed";! " he said, derisively. ~ ~' ^'"Th*t ;is nnforUmate, is? .lit not ? listen, to,me ' ;If tbat man comes to \xoa again, from -that hour you serve better "*t that?*^ :^ .'-,". Yes," hesiul best at my hands Uardlv: knowi ,w - . - wanted tp see leaast oneey ~more that I am going| \ lovo for you. E|i konr bands than falling: wpon bis and seizinjj her j^be tried | to: away her hand, would not leC lier go "^To,nd,"; hear me out. he It Lcease tp-be Jniylwife, Before the t. She cast hirii Tier strjengtb, anjd stood upi before Ibim, ;her >yes fl' ' " : " ":" '""; 1. 'sYou grown to Iter full jas.ty of outraged .-,;" Ami, hare I slie said, "that fou dare sav.tliese' u x~: /, <:-{ " " vi .* lit ii- >tir5 "holdii^ji --.i>j|:r>: | L.-ir.>l |r F4vt-r.d, *:iof., Ti'.e cslor.f-l- ie zUL.1 calm- tt>e calmness turTic-aiie": fere '"alone." tjut^could. not... er' lij'S" t4 i'rd. At last-" "yoa er' ' her Ttere "w,reatlied: burning coiop ^atare?, and she < a^ntarily/^Iben i-.s'i-V ;"" -- :i ojoked irqjn tb^ ": in"nionrentarj: Le,; d'rop'ped El- fud, and silentbj^, " . door. 7~.He did , ,-tbe;' look of- Iti^hfeTead :n^o^. fras Ja saon^entary iBold," and' then pd, saftly^ closed , Ms arms and5. ; [who still sft>od ;: s> like a^marble ' . Isrony.and terrorj pi oftenj'seen. vf]" /Wiib "p. low] - . husband's feet. ^ it lon'ei" Bhejciied, s': linibknd.! i .tbe, wris.ts and w her from -him. ij3 W;:V ::- jie^ la^^ed, bit- . ^ fi V ber-'/WplesJf. T 'yoif" done ! Is -- J to" sayt; Have |v;fce .than'l -- you. . m]sfble , eyed an.d. cowed . dumfe^ with" ter: firiiisb. -' - - was ber cry. |screamea,' in her ; "BiS mercy; for lnk:t"bafe: I have, jyou tiiijaJk-^jM- f eltoar fnii^il^HsIjall,be.dishonored! by your - b*re-faced sbnmc, I will you out :.I will crush you, disow^i' .^a^-a^dd cast you off from .*11 claim Viipon me. Remember " that, miserable woman, antWteed it? ;-weii."-/i;^{' '. ^ .. ^ Xie\ droppel her wrists, and yowl; "havel turned away, but she c*lung-4*'hira still, scarce cqnscious "^frwnat'sL'ejykl. ; ,*' ^i5; iio, !no." sbeso!>bed ,-wiH tk>C hkr'ffij. You'..did| Tiot-) tb':it jiou Jra^'-p rel i knowj ; Henry, cive me ;tmvc '. u< j tl*=TSt]ll|I- t:~d ;ir. il:t Utliirrk: .. Yoja . slia^ 0'w ^o,i| cothe to iiir.fcnL B:Lve ^liHrcy on iiie." " . suit nic. to li&;ip At- tr.ivrjr''di; lier t'bat sliglit .:ress tipen inK ifmil" thing4-'a7id'.rtun^ her JieaviU" j'iove ii Oed .to t%.-- S->ir.ilro\i-ired:t:er pi'auil crv ' out. tliis'is mure with ail ^itb,.. )is*.lj:'" .riijbhil. fr-'ni the room and jffpia;-r there Shf did not'try to riatr. She lay upon perhaps, that I shall e-ver.speak Do-not 1 you with from love, and ' let; ui the old happiness] nor, ibajVe ;j;'ty ori you deserve the hat I can ofl"r.: I. mt I wrote. I j ou, to see you at ^nnd to t^I you 3 tnad through niy !eaS5r;!'""hej'eried, |:nee^ atvlijr^Ceet band, "my own my wife! [God Icanaot live, witbontvou rise iand snatcli but beheld it and Jjriedjil' vbu .shall s the last'-time, to wive now:' Stay' mo iftlway !. Fly twith : me this ' man^>vham you do not . once jubro know together. Elea- n^-/' " ^ froin/her:wi|h idl ihhiiig tire: height in the ma- Womanhood, become go low." things to ,ine ? I .2he sank "'doT *igat!i and cnVi,'re< Inoids. - T!i<-re ' fthe c-rpe, j-witlj. her' baHH-in which Ctt tster i^ssed ip ;wi!4 confusion all about-1 bprjili^rdicd =*i-nd ishatned. - It Was ier.'^nrf lier slender^fri'me torn l>y;|^lie who finally .( smovb'6red sobs:| "Forgive nie. .wh5jrfirCi:eifrQCi hsr^-opr ;Urep.t-^l',l am cruel. I do lay Itbere; sobbing' and moaning, i/(Jod knows 1 dp until Barbette found/ heir in'.the dim( .^be^ aPose ^nd .twilight, arid?,beiit .ienderly.' over^.vipon his^ sbouldfir her, saying :' -. '-i.:' ' } li^nd and,covered r- * Am -i ' ' Poor m:idame * 8h.a 13 become I -" 5 The night passed and nio'rhing; ,canfe- jcam.ej* to Tbe.'Beeds as,, it'j ^^tee^^to happier homes ; came withi " ja ; burst -of tirigb.t ^u^ahine ott the; " JVre, crisp snow, and with a flush] of iglistenining light on the di*-^ tnpnd-crested ' sea. To -a woman' -witli a breaking ;heart it mattered ,-ful or?not/ Sunshine and cloud : ,,were all one to Eleanor. Thejfirnti ; (cbuld not brighten her life much, ^ ,and the lactl .rOnld net" darken it - ;moi|e.. "Witft eyes that had not :closied throughall the terrible liight, /she safe a,tlidr window until nine, ,-wheri-Babette .broughtr ^rord 'that ilr. Chester (was in tbesparlor. . x -." Tell biin I,|cannot' see him,-? K8aid Eleanprr |. : *' " Slais, m^dikieT^I^eed .Sfij $& ,to^hl2fD'Sfhe-.dp refose to go. ^e s Jjiye media for: you." * ' ,'i - - ..'-.' She handed Mrs. Delmar a hote^i ljastily w^fen on the fly-leaf of a ".. "book, "arid sealed with a wafer. As jEIeanor perused' itJ cbnteatp she .=clat<jli^d jfer" 6o8om jwith her band I ,eon vtilgivrf^ and her hreath came ; ihard and qiiiefc. Then, after a mo- ... ^msn.t's . hesitat4onv,^|ie .tore the pa- per^intbcji, hundred' frp.g"njen.te arid .'->3t theiri 9n the floor... .1 . "X >iU|8ee him;l'";'she8iiid, :.; "jOnahing; .past' Bab^tte/ with ierj :-- white lipsufirmly set ^ge^er. . . f -~ Slower ^fhe descended the stf irs' and entered the, drawing-room. : Cl^e Mr was; tbere,^ pacing restlessly ;. .tip.and dowk t.he"flooTL -" . . "-Why have you co.pae h^rei!" she1-1 masked,; inr a;"Kllow- ,voicer" '.' Are^l yori madi."i Her face, was oolorless, and like jthe face of a.eorpse|'.' ^e stood be ifare her, Wildly, looking, into her" eyes. :': N--, 'x ' i ' M ." Eleanor^' he cried. ',' what have J done ? -^hat riaisery iav-e , I . -fcronght npcpri^ou?'" -i"" i .She scarcely heeded hip agitation or his pleading -yoicev in astrangeil V.J;^4;'" " 0, who wi s it notenough bed nie of the lit- e world ? And shame me/to in- kdd'itionaV bitter. J)o you call this.. ine_'<"i ^ho cried h;in lean boar!" |r. intor lier chair her face with lier !<Ji..!g i-.ik'iice, Urge ^d^n-^ssorte^ock:,have cfeci^edioof^^hG^^ unprecedented Bargains inHGrenerajl Dry^oodSi Boots' and Shoes, Clothing, &c., JFc^r ,pne mpntjj 'o^y. As this is a ge|nu4ii4 Oleaime ^ ^all earl^f, secure bargains, arid-saye rnpne^ Theja: .Ordeijed eiothing, for cj^eapE[es4.^xle and qilality,* is second tofnoS in'thelPra Acton, June, fl&T^. Histoe'th wore clenched hard to getbqr. Ho sto >d. still before her and said, alowly, while, bis mouth worked norvousl y with the inten sity of his passio i : / 1 And you dar ad to seS'him after Svbatil hare told you ? :Yon hare !\)ra,v d n>ej after all that passed yes- terdaly}-" She burst into was r otbis wordi fcbftt ^e^riiied her; it was-bis inann ?r; the ^.iwasB^pn' of'hU.set features.'. . "r^e has be<!n- here," sheened.: '.' He 'talked, wi h roe; He said sbmeLhing I forget what it waa I car not remen beT-1-!- cannot;tell. 0 save me! I believe I am-going mad)"- ' -:. She placed lerhands uppn her temples and\san <.forward upon the arm of flie 'sofiB He 'laughed Iscorrfully at her as she lay there. j "You are improving," /he said^ that pf-.sii nqw hear a 4ptid-shriek. It mockingly. apt scholar of, 5tr. Che*ster. ou. have been in This ./ is infinitely better; acting th^an on yesterday." -. 1; . SLe made hira, no answer, but only moiined soft ly tojhq'rseif. ' . " "^ ^t^/ i acting/ ho said, sefzirig hei- violenjtly by both abDuil- ders and raising icr up.before biin. Yo have bad f|ull( warning, and yon J: ,1am. ' ' f. ha1 :iaVe chosen jjou'r course, foibl y& teen fond even ch'ii thing as you. I .cast y1 me ? J ou off. youik, and,alt you renounce kith I tell you Del you youj ; ittnd and kin. I ^rjir.'d .you. benjeuth my heel! And)he. 'stamped! ijpon the flodii |.-rliyid. .."^b'lo wliilj; his. fa<;e gife; youtt lover^ yo_u find consolation in "cam i. have had -enough of insolent humble himself i^fore her now j her mistre'ss in the early mormrig ho could ncit forget ..the disgrace eho bad brought uppniivm. , r" ' : Up arid down up m& down, ^he colonel p.iceil hisufoom; and- nover lef^it throughout that terrible day. What ti*ins of tl'Pright passed through his wretched coiisciousnetia, or what niiugled etnot|pn8 ofcrage and fear, or pity and reljnorse swept oyer him, thereis no need to say. j the beach, a man, His lips repeated constantly one never-ceasing, phrase, \", 1 ' should have known. I am old .enough to be ; her* father. And he-r^-curse him ! is^young. ( After all she is not so much to blame. Ho knew that his wife had been ^taken 4o her ehariiber, for ho heard the aeryanta talking in the. halls.. $ince then tljo Ijouse Lad become very still. It was .^lent, aimost, as the] grave. Was i Elear.<ir dead ? and finding her ndtj suns scream,. , ang ,tb?P^Ih the tails in wildj alarm.. ' l!joe } other ^ei-yants join^ her in her frightened search, but! neither the colonel nor wife are in their rpoms. At last, .Babette,t looking over, .^the -marshes with strairiiag eyes, sees, far out npqn |i Jonel; r rook beyond ;azmg motion- T>0Nl!S\jtQ Hanafapturers. Ti^VILLAQE OF ACTON I pr< pared to grant -a bonun ito vnty^i }.: J catfl.1/ 'sWiir any kind of manufacturlD -"'-_,'baisln?8]eraptoytpg lenskiHeiiljaiKikt upwailij and whert jiald business d, not s;aiMlct wlth.'jinj' buf.taesj!sl ne'4^V> li/Sfa WltHtu wfe coVorrtll'n I] ton' ]os^esfw-s Buod JrailVay | fftclliil s, "on- tlio iiron'd: Trunk KaiiWay, flyemiles weBtofToronto. 1b in a te Oj. feiCPfuJ the tbought^Shipie had killfffiher J- -He unlocked [lis dqor, whf}n it ba(i. 4>eepie ,(tti>e .datjk, and crojit;noiselessly down stairs. lese across tLje. ,>vatelr8.. Babette's eyes are. .dear and 'sharp; she UnoW8:the'figure well,and goes'to it>in expectation; that ,the colonel can quiet her fears fflr,her mistress, "j, Why he shorild. be there^ in' so strange a pjlace, at tb it hour of the morning,.never for i, moment en ters her head. She . is not the colonel's keepter, but she loves'" ^te.'inor ahdv is trigli tened | at' her absence She reaches the roik at list, and afcOl her jmastsr'sits motioi leas .in tte freezing wfnd, looki ag. out across the;, sea. The , w ild waves Out intd the while "moonlight and :re surgwrg round h|m, but not sol ;the crisp white snowlte went, and ' fiercely"^ibw but that Babette eaii 'to ia little distance .froni^the house,;: make her pay rwy dlostly to the wjiej;e4ie could look ud athis.w'fe's-' 8{>9t- ' The'eo.lohel'*lbo:w'riests up- winddw. A licht was burnui"|,pn hislknee and his ehin lipoid his there, but whether it.was a beacon , hand. Is helpstl 4? of hope ;-pr of deat^i ,the eqlone.1 | be ;dpes\^iot see. ^Vett^} ;Sbe; could .not telL ; The sad sea'| speaks to bjm,'but hi seems tobear moaned 'along the shore, and aiokl | ber not She touched him :;espect-{ wind came^ighing across; the frpzerij fiHy to r^odl him ]U> himEelf, but marahes., "Tp, Delmar their wailing' lie- heeds her not., Terrhjed, she. sounded like a requiem. He bared 'j jooks' .searehingly ji^tpj hta eyes/ indiirerence. i cowered before cans oka^ the.stillness, she -said,." if. 1, tibt mean to be. not mean-to be." .placed, her hand He seize'! her .it with kisst>a. liviri g-in constant di.sgi-ace; fyipt I go vyjitli y^u ! ' Her frantic f^rielb rej?ound(|d through the rootp lis she listened io his v|,or"ds*)Ut"tbe sound was almost .lost-] rin. the dreadful oath wi h , [;l whidh he.tbrew her fcom him wi.h help, me ? " shej all his strength. '; She drepped 1-" -Ii___r'l'.i.'_^_ 1_- a-___i-1 t-_L t.L" crie.d, as she anjafcehed it away.nsetekess'Whjefe he dropj^d hep'np- -" You have no pit y for me I " I could riot iirlp. it, Eleanor, he replje^j, *'-My heai;t is lyreak- j ^Jj/ ing. Forgive me !, O. f^giyefme ! " f She fell upon tl z floor "at and clasped | his ljiands in mute en 1 treaty.; ' O Edward, fdr Heaven's sake, It is all I asjc.-and it is ,tbe las't thing I shall ever' you". 0b, and never coneio;me again." i -. - ' He took her h md arid wrung it in ib^tjb his own. C"l wilj go," he saj<l, hoarsely. ." We shall meet again in-a "better place, I hope, above. God bless you. Farewell." '.And so be left'lier. It was Well, perhaps, that he d id" not know that .through the miser r-whicb he had so j^fishly and (crue liy brought upori her1, hisr old love for him had been chilled'. and " froze i, ' never again tp be revived. |It was; well, perhaps, thai he- did' not 1 new htfw utterly^, alone:and hopelesrth& woriian had become when he.hid closed thepar- jlor dopr and 'jibfrtf iigi put from her sight forever. "\ ."' j/j She staggered to" the sofa and, dropped into it hslplessly/'There were u no t^rs in ber-blue eves, no agitation - visible! ;n her beautifiil.j fape. | iSvitJike a<; ead thing she sat there,-iwith her hands .clasped.' list leasly(in h^rlap,;sit there: until the door once mpre^p med and' her hus-. band entered/ She raised hej-ify.estpijhisiaceas-l ke came ^towards h 3r,-and, ^roke in-'J -to'a low cry as.sbo caiight the look "upbnhis..cpn1vracteii features. . ' "3>lr.'Che|ter wshferejuSjtnow," ij hesaid; icily. \ : "V - She tre.rtbled.liti.eyery limb, and'] tried- to speak,, bpt couldnpt. A mute} gasp r was: t^l _her ashen lips l^ad'power to dp: i ' . "Has 5ie been bene or not?,J' he asked, fiercely. . ' j --.:. ' '/;Ye^^,8hehifpered:-: ^ \-, "Has lie been vith von ?'.'! "Yes, ;I Hid I not bore with it be know that I was j on tie' flopr.'j.andthen, sp frenzied 'with passion ^hat ^ie knew not wbkt he^did, he set, his heel upon ) ^rt hen Colonel Delma,r [had. jggie ttfh.s room and locked himself dx he began for the first time tothirk pf yrhat he had'been doing. Intox icated" by the firs/t burst of blind n a reasoning passion, ^9 had not rec oned uppn, the coriaequDces of his terrible rage, either $d' hfttn^ebf or x> tbe'lorn and -bleeding heart'which'] l^'o ,h i$ le/t to flutter itself to deal i, tf it wouldl, in the room below, "if jt new, as he ^ati before the epeia ,wj[ 1- dew, with th^,coPl nightaii-bip.wirig:] in fiom. over ^the frosty fields upch his ie^t?d fprebead,-^jhefe'. ca^ne 10^ idBi a reVulsipn of feeliiig as strong arid lricontrollajble as the_tide of au gervhich had just 8wepti,oyer hii:i. J The poor white" face of his;wife can 0 befine him' tp fill hi^ mind with self- reproach; the helpless iwail .of hor,] unut terible agony raag in his ear 3, to tcarihis heart j with tiie/'shatp' pangj of remorse, ' He-had n<tt1 meaa t to be cruel; / Throughout the who!) be had.been mad, he thought. His t r^i^i had^iee/i on. fire; he kne s* not ;vhat he did. Perhaps, 'Gcd knpWs, he had: wronged her. he had rot given-h6r a chance for .e:c- plana'tloji. f Heayen help ihim ! he loTed|%er, Bvea/npw, better than his lifej antike had cursed her likje adenjori! "'..> . 1 ] And there did Sot need tpl/be in Colonel 9elfflV:^nyiri^19?;'.^naDSe of,.na ;iire to= .n^jvke/this reyulsioii poSsille. A'maj^^f'^inconqriei-abJlei ptide, a creature of fet^fid'and un bridle j-passions j. he."had ibeen. fran tic an 4 drunk with (the in^nsity if hisVraje/ It is i^iti>rai. to'>'such ^pharaf t^ra to find ] the torture of !acp.te i|emo;-set following ,cjlpse npop!; thef 9" *tbrek-;!if thpir wi^tb. 'flrii delpni^ ,/pelroar, solstrpngly ^did this rin* tide, of feeling sweep evir his jfcpjered 'l\pspt', that rheTriere tban'cnce resolved to return to his- wife a id .to ask her' forgiveness f<|r; his brutality.jj/ {-L- . iBut no, he ,cpnJld pfft do th'at.| Had siie not dishonored, the house4 of Del nar j Had she riotj wounded his piide more deeply I than tlie -pride cf a Peiraar.bad, yer ' beeta wounded.. before ?: Hi- could not J They are [ fixed -and. giasiy, 'and] ;{Babette shrieks' alppdl pHe is dead ! " 1 -^iix E^ri. Beaiiddit and healihy location, in -fr<}<x Iromllmiliilclpil debt, and proiierty <;an be obtaiiieU on reasonable terms. JAMES O.-HILts* ,: :. -i- ' ":-i VJilageCierk,' Actkj, July. 1, lST6.i! ;\ ' :_ -', Chemist and Druggist : acston, thought, thut his head to : the frosty- air, and j>walked for hpin-s;;up and down the tortuous "paths off the' garden/re turning at the eri 1 of every round to look fejir/iUJy ,\w at. that iighted window^ -and stra ning his eyes to catchu glimpse of some moving shadow on the wi.ll/ He/heard the jjreat cl.ocklbn th I .stairs1 strike nine; walked-,tvp and , low'n .his ceasless round 1 until it I _ , . , . lN .- . , -., lk . . -i - fri or as low osmost partSX)f the-dullof rang out the stroke of ten. lib I St La^^fak. and^ht^ttOinof watched, other lig|h_ts -. moving .about ^Lakes ^lui-on. M.ichi^n\ahd Su., : The Lak&s* There is a.niy,stiry a-bout,tbb &mer> ican lakes. Jvake ri,> is only sixty or seventy teet deep j .but-Lake On tario, which is 590 fee; deep is 230 leet telow the tide le^elof tiiercean; Pi'.rainour] arid 1 themanpiqh, iCJindles carried in tbe'periqr, aithougli the s^rfaoeV is much Lis societv if'vou !'hand's of servants Wlio were ascend-, a'reairtrom thliir vastdei>tbs r *" ' "'ing'the sUiii^t) ped-; heard" the'j on * the Bottom Lof On- -j-t_*.i _'i . 1 . -.-. tario. Now, as tbed. sdhkrge through by , . -., j . -. the River Lftetroit, after a lowing a yl-liUe the house- aepame stdl^s its , tbe p^obab^ po>tion larrifed on inmates retired fc) rest_ And yet evaporation, does.not atinear by any ..... ... -___.___ . 0____ ,.- ,-tbat ope solitary light gleamed out |fmeana >,<junl to theguaritityofAviter let rie.tfcll-yp'u' that the degradation ^utp the night, while the. colonel's which ttiojthree uj/pefi iaU.esreceive, ill beyonVs akwiij. I have dorie ] distorted funcv liade.,it ,seem the Ati has been conjecturel.ithat a sub- With vo'u, and mv everlasting curie j red eye of a" manster a fearful ! terrattean river may tun from Lake fl- s' - o .7 1 j .. I Superior, by the Hiron, to Lake , . _, .i, . Ontario. 'Ihis conjecture is not im very brain pn fire with it? stern1' .... .-* i- . . . and ;ten-ible que|stioning. Eleven o'clock came, and still he trembled with the thought of entering the lipase and going . tb that room. Twelve struck, and the light wtjnt suddenly,qut. I iWliatno.w? He stood irresolute a momert and waited beneath jtbe trees. 1 he great door o tlie ;main hall wai ( softly unbolted, and a slight figture the figure of a-wo man glided .oul. upon the snow, and Colonel Delmar knew it for "bis ^vife. (Where can she .be going} Straight'out across the marshes she speeds, floating swiftly away like.ii white-sbroiided ghost" in the moon light. No, rioj not- therq L not ithere.! -jNot intjo'the sea, for the loye'ef^od-! f. . ".. : Ontario, possible, 'and accounts for the s^ngu lar lact trpat salmon and .h.^rr<\nj; a^e caught in all the lakes conimuicat\ng w.iljh.t^eSt. Lawrenqe^hiut no ethers ASfthe fa^sof Niagara itrantlipve al nays existed, il would puzzle .the naturalist to say how hese fish got into the upper lakes, without son^e kub'erranean river :-; any periodical obs^ruct,ipii ^t.-t^e river would furfedafa anot upprphable so- lption.ot ,tho iny^teriojs flux"and re flux of the lakes. *L eanor! my wife ! Ihirn poti': or if1 she ing-the thiririesa of the house atone pf his .pieces said:- "I suppose it is owing to the war!"s rNd " was the *....." ' "v thepiece."- ' Eleanor! Coriie'back' !"' But she hears does, his voice adds new energy to iher swift footsteps. Stijl; he calls 'and follows. Along the shore great jmsisses of gjit^ering ice Me piled iri rugged heaps, ank'.^p^g tnem toe [black sea roaraind thunders Upon jthe beach. 'From jaggeji-block to [block ahe le^s, ttf(jen ^^, a^id |pnce falling cruifjr upon their ter rible pbinfe,; yet pressing on with'|r6rjiy"iti8;owing^0 the speed pf a f;igl\tened. bird, or " " one gone ^adj tc.waijd a ^oqky cape; jutting iont into '. the sea, and upon 1 which .Che'surf bisats high in fur^p\is fpam'.' . !. J " Eleanor ! my Svife | Have pity en am and come back !" "' But she presses 'en 1,11(0 t^e very J vortex ef tbie 'seething, mi'lkwhite-] ^urf, stands for cine ibinenc- uppn the rock, and.turns1 her poor inad face towards him. ' An instant nsore and^she is gone,; and the sea and the!'night have swallowed . htr up forever.' '" ^ j I ' And yould not uhe proudest^' even of the Delmar family, pity this man now;" could they see clijnging wildly to the rock which the wom an's feet have se lately/pi^essed- clinging to it am id'. the /oam and fiirious'.beating of the surf, and the awfUjL thunders (9f the waters all about) himrrimadlIy.and despali-ingly calling upori the .'I lack ^nd dreadful, sea to give~<. ,hijn back-';his yvife?| Wpuid^tney not; b^lieyeAthat the haughty prlcle of 1 his one Delmar^ at'leaSt,'hapl ip'd^d. ^een 'broken^] could; they iopk ugon him while he! beateihishead ujppp..the etpnes andl cries yWingly.^rcjas, tti0 ^geething" tvaters '/or th^e' /woman, j who ;has gone" from- his top, cruel .keeping for evermore?; ./ . j Babetter searchint .the; house for QOd l^;will:ptisitj||jiy bie soljd re^ardles^^cbsS; Hr DEALER IN pltTJr-Gk,; DfjrEMIQA^S,1 I /; '/ PERFUSIERY, : pATjE^T AND / -" - ' : 1 PROPRIETARY, I ,V , aiEDiciNEs. , Xlwai-<Jin band a Jarg" and weiJ-sslect- 1 T ed block or .- |[ ",". ; !..' y<j-jstuffs-, liliuifl. Dyo, raacr ;&nl Toilot : oas, Bruelies, j qs&iages, Trusses for Chil- . drsa wad Adalttf, -: '^. tffaliST Sr'acos for Mca^ "W"a?a a-ni L C hiiorca, rainti^, dr7 aai jil, Spe&a. Statloacry and FS^cy aseds. ^ %W$d WIIfES.. AND LIQUORS Jr"nr Wedlcinal Purflosq^.,; IsthiPlafce'to rihr-KlclansPrescrlptronsabrt T)o-% Receipts, and Horse '.aud Cattle MedldiheB, carefully compouridod., Jnly, 1873). J! ModVe^! Ball, Acton. CANADA CLOVE WORKS \yholpsipe Manuihcturers of every des-^j erlp^ton'j and style -of , '. Leitlior 5c Cloth Q-lo v&s i". 1 . ' n. - - jthat it has to 'ci-eafce | nargins 'for bad;a.ral ddnhltfipr dabtSjTwniVIt til* cash eusiomer has no rijht to bpai- do^I amdeterminedV^fiiier^fbre, on and (after. thfe'FlirTB-T5 DAY -iXP, BEP'T^E^IEIEB.l^EXT^,dp business for.'; , ]// ' ~^tZ Also preis^rs of Plain and Kid Leathers. t _, IgbeBt Market J^rice paid for VfOC)L 6K1N8. ' ".' ' - ' I ActbqJXuiyrist.iSrs. ' \ I '. ','./ ' "Mr D.-rr , if jou'il get niyi] coat dene by Saturday, I shall be forever indebted to yoa.J' "If that's your game itHwon't tie done," skifl the tailor. ' "Minnie I'm in Sftcli a quandary} {for if I turn my hack piGharleyho becomes offended at price, and-if'III don't he .can1t see Iny new buckle. What shall I do. Artists have .adopted ^aany' em blems of' chari,ty. We wonder if none of them' ever thought of a piece of India rubber, which gives .more than any other.j substance. - Reynolds/the dramatist obser,-! I4t*. '*& * fi^Vfid LJVER Y & SALE ST ABLE pflhU $' Stpam Caitiageiw|gon: MAIN STRESll. MlOWmL General '111 i^erieqt isatisfactipn guarariti se^. \tj&>pr\iie tihargecl '-'- Cpllajdls i'.ANIf. hai Fateixt ... ~; I "3. " ' '-' -'"always on A Good Stock of Carri SESPAIJRING promptly an^ pi| Acton, July 1, 1875: ./ .: ' .'.-Yv,'> Fancy ' ' ate lablic^engtfiiiy; ,feE. |7feE TALFE for your ilioaey in frovfeiofe,; Crocfefy, l^p|re, ^ j Stationery, Sctto 1 Booiks, Wall .PSipere,' fancy^ttocies,/ WiBio.^ blinds aqd Kpll,eTS/*}xtn.^es^'eitc. /1 ; I embrace this, o^prjtjiriityj'of tendering thanks to .fricnds.for the liber*! ---------~" L ' [years pirid asr j to; imv numerous But 0!|r cduntry hivjog' prospered^ to ar| xinpr^edented^degiee withirj the las,t fe|? years, I thii^k our^.people"ar^lipw inia'i^q^itionitp - Abandon iI-1 ia^Sjrgtsm m Pwpeiou^ brrsres, eiiBtorners ^paying Dash will ireceive fta-- ooveyanc^r, Issn^ef-j : Pourili iv. Cojnir ;. " ' .-r^':\P". ied U GASm ; REDUQE PRICES t ,. ,* ~. Until- the above time .________.......__^..v v.- - above diseo'uut-j CilstPniers'wilijie doubt see thti ^dvahtjge'of adopting '-?; the Cash ;Sfrstem,'pbich ind^ed^is ^e-'OlSTLYRiitGHT Y^TJrai,'-aMd/- .which secures afiyantag'erVo all rio.fc loss-sight of. ' :. ! .1^ ' -; *>'..... j/f.3Iarr|ae -LJce^ge^'^si^gnce-i-gfTrt.-1/-' Manj. Ageiit Hioi!tre.i'-':-je^ Co., "Cltrfe / t, Oun; iii 4. B., &ci ! ; U ^&m&^imwi -V--- fitepT;ivN| ensure In announcing to-the b generally tbat tie Is pieparedrto f?rl4* '/ -; v'i J. PjALL^N iAt-R Reasonable1 Ratesi Hlri Bljs and Horses are tl.e best that n bell id, and lie Ik determined not ito , sb -pa ised bv any City Stable Acton, July lst,iI8T6, ksmith, Carr^ag^a^d W^agjpn SPllGWT, Maker* pLffiW? '( : ilk'lte^fe1 and attended fo> The und >rjlened toileavB. to call.the att<"*I"ttor Mje3iih*Mtan,t,; of -AJ-t-jri an 1 ^j..- . s< e a; :Our ;Prints('r Di ess tioodky and Dre^sf _;";.; Are all 6'best"ni.(i^ei1ihj:and newc-3i jialtkrns.' Op ^O^DF WEEDS IS UiRCp! itiotriprlslug full lines of. /~7] ,, Schick, Ijrtgli&Ii^ and ^l^jikp Acd( beiii'g,pra^tl'caj.'warieri4n,.lf/;e?-.sot)pnedj : clieapiiesBj n'eaU !/: J": ' ~*lt.J !' ;i' Acton, July -1st,'. 1875, ^Jj-TK. .-:iS- : r.* wm '?-- ' - T i Hi H x.-r i'.-f.'r PI .1- k,m Si iiqJBngs, ,>/// I U-" "|.-r;-': .il. 'T;j&; m ;-\bu h a^ttduniUilty dijr vrc &jia.u'ui& b iifciEs^if; o>;li#^;i AXL/K:iXp3JJF> T1V .ESKCtJTED|AT: m rCl: h lri 4n8stiTlrg ' > - ^: -.?' >^r 0' ". ~^:\:--' 1: ;i: v.:.

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