Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 9, 1875, p. 2

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is m nh 1-4*: -ft m i:i^'>rfV FTKKE'.rKjES.*',,- C^^G.B^Q&r.Mjiadlev dis- rvt iu-.Adranc;?J:*^^ fl'dlAi'in^ol rf biu-)ulisc.harged. Aiiykjmihhvinaii' '"-:'" l"'"r "!' 'j 'jjtsioHuou^llciigiti. cifnfiot bo suiv i iircM<s-Wt':(hfr prepoiuU-nitJug eredi- j hility bt Hlie'pvid/'nce, _whi'ch in many ejyu-s wns given! by .iho.-Viiri- & J33 HiWKSSft-.'-tBt.TC-ll ^-.Owi'xij to Uio irtjaiqvul'i'of our ' jjrtntlng ifcterjU tjris ,wi?efe jhto-l pus NviUyssea' in direct, contru'djo- / the; lai-geHicV hall,, ovrr-.tht- post- outa,- Vphave hr-eft c-owpolh'd to "'....! i ' delay the publication, of this issm- / j., . ' k few hours.: Wo hope fa ftitnrcrto ! -. - i" "' - -ihavp it1 dtdivc-r-ed ami mailejd punc-: jfetj-.xlly cypf y i-ri lay inbrmn!" , Mli Al.Ui.RT. mm--) b|-.. rf,; V-4 '-. I|f>!***:-I' ' 13" " :(S-' J ' ' ' SLPP.'forJiisex, p-isVojx^pe<jl_iii . the\riw?in:frout ol his rpsititmct- *,' -Oil '" ^isi-sday morning, j. !- ' 1 . ^HRGuelph Generjd IT ' a riioayfif f-hlisnts. . j tion-.of'pack other. In this View of.the cp tho jury deserves credit tWsiiccujnlung.'toj what np.peiirr-d, i both! to t.Hcmst.'ly.esjjnnl tljc'worlci at. iargr","si-s n Iiuro inifrosMliilit-.y. -Wi' (lii in'it.J ^o , tJjivt llttitiHtely nuicU will Im> lbsf. rIioi>sf:i>iiiw-""0'ri.rnt,U ligi-nt ^iiiblip: luiv<H ioVW'il ' the.vr lat<> opinion.-f>f tUo wn^i'.fttiil -iivitliijt. 'jjpinioii tpori s|i(>^^ iliviiU-iKtlu^t (lii> yrfnlicts' 6t. all f.hoj juries iii Anier.- lc.1 VRuUV-bui Vcrvj'slijiJitly ultet i*;' As tin? niiittor-shiiiils it is mi incx- jdainiodi"'i tnoaWa jliitiyrintl >fj coiifnsion, "j ^vliich evj'n tlio tf-nlitional Phihi- of liis op} is a Vftlar^Vil. ft |tV^v Mavy sujo, anl in ^'jii'irv .|-iiiVptI jn Rii-.tiylitpncf Forai. fyip'-"I.&ifkr) i-cviiloi!tly wnkinp Tlxt. Ahiarlo:Ti'".'i-i:lu t^rm atul :?l?ef"fnpnJ3.Hmive Itr^n oij'flrtaineil pit GlanilflK>y>, ilio Iriisli ri>ul;-nce .' * wns J ili'lplliiv liiyyfr null ;\ [jury own calil>ro iHvijuj I s!iO"-' rlaj-lij;bt-' <' ' ! bflongs to thi pjte ;! \vifi soor. ciinic-iol si\fc' the n?>ct t.'jrns. lip. It'b:*s- to'1 fclprfrvinen, bo^ oj>c,tfiey will protit by^ , , .--JjjiE^aEiJ"'"-'aJ3'ry.,'"is to!- b^ln -V%rie*iscff. ^ivtii twenty ,(>Ji{?.' bfvH' <lo!l;-r.< ? . y^tTr,'_ '" Tl'.Ali ilo vo stebb^v virtue -j ,is its ois-h rfirani ; ' ' \i . . -... , -" tion tnftl.i's l^ptl _ DriuSn th<> jpresrr.t ilml. iiTrrs ! r{imjH.^ " "' * | (lie .'tebabita'iifs off'iMilton tinti ! : 1 "aiin Qs.tE'CSC v potific-AiL /rffip; Tn<? E i5.t iv<irtb|iirobeKbinil 1 bo puzzled to. niuli. It iiow t, ami' no jloubt lO.JMIsbwt t-O BTTP pxc'UjS'in'qn*. that tnrglit'a lpf.s*ni" ^ y.'iint tlioiigll t'l l^.ijVj for iti'Ci ^[A tmm Miioil^Iijjb'ft^1boVcri|i|,i||Th'e:.|5i i\ ittliofor ofi-tlin 0i^UW\Jlov riu|"v yrji|'; wus iIi-ovVih^I'o'h Moiufa^'^ tcji'jioo'n n'; tlu>. jmi 1 p&ntl vb ,fi>VKKoF tUinuvi'j", .(I'almlofeV' ; fHvi'S'+.l^tbfi yinp ilutidU! ofi-JETte.-1-*'* kUl-wiiH S.-l 71, it'll-: iii' IBTll; .%-!. Ml'|,;i77.. In tlni [ait ooiiKiis flic wi-fo 7i!4 pi'i-sons-rotvinifilo.v y$\)i p(. n^e, :/V- ; ,r . Arnrnvi.i>'^oi>,V"l,i.v!t-. IjHH'ket; kniftt in_ Knw. Yorkat^ VJ fcir'fj'fiy pouts." ATt'r fiiFtjig '(.( ^okl it flv iOiW colb.litii^n tq Iris I'iilust son }ir*i Ci^go'i^-.: ' ""': ^i" , , J IVkrcii^u is six;ty-t\vo y,t>ar njtr,.uiul says lifi- is 'obi ir.p'tvijll :bi X^is. l|ilton's jft'tind.utlicr.' i-'Mij. Oro. II<h!>, nonr,, bas 'fjjbl his Kj.k'iiiikl bvi.m liu lVii.'-U'V Ulo;" no; r ,Cui:|ih, to Mr.. OMtipn llo fori?|;\,()!). 'jl'.ijvti.'iu-o over';' nci*5i in t|u.'fiihp.;'"' v ' j iijlont; of Uio, ioecler TimW- je ctt^Bis; [i itiltt :(lidn: rOHuli.;-', .It '.mtiy it ..iu. wi eudeuvoii,'! liiUly-:bu|4iuiil;.Ul. r..ji::.. ..:... i....-l /..v..i^...... t'Oimtrw' (uiitl one Nt>V Tj VrhK'n -WO T'lront'oj on Wuiljipsiluv |il'- l.t of 0' in :il HI - A coa'i'fsjwnij A/(|('/ says tliaj U>l[)OQn >y:: t.|jv,lii"il U'lUIik froiy tratn wn ilft-.ipoil onif) niil west lyockwoinl | half mi hojir ijrasshoppar?. fl'liey vf'eio'.ov'ur iiiosi thi(Ji iin-tl:o \iiits, iilltl f.!H|K tUaAYlipols to sli|i njjii' running . groaRpj. '.Tlio'ckjlivissi a short tiijno !Vfthr\yarcls,->vai> Jfbjyed- for. lialf |ii koijif ffoiii. the Kiune'ii'ausp.j IT. ch: 11: .lan. ftK)iiiig ! Tlie\ following ' oihV wclo- i-lfcfod for-'tl nisd -niutil, Sep- pl^nty oF.prpiUabiii. fcllmg potatp bugs. Jirmisonif-Tit i!) potatp bugs. 5sa the C^/in. . j;Avi -siys:.- '- : " . Tun cxteiision of f!i? Gucijb ;. Market iibnse is rapiillyiiilvniiciiig. ikt nxs. The Quebec lbftil. rlec- W hiCMlay. i\rv> as iinconiplttp. Trie- (_{J<i!>r tp.R roKiilt. ;is Wr ns' ns- Cfftatnetl. it* tiiatieightppri; ;Opposi- i"etnrns of th; lions bfj^j on yet \yr.y ; Jbbi F.ain^in A Co.;-> j L-indor, | t on ami, soventrfiji alin.ibtjerialists England, iiaT,4iVUsd.'A-*iub:lities.j y-ix-e beinClpctedJ ': li9_3il.0QfJ; i ; - . i ^e(.Iol1> ^rXt M.^?.. for. >:. ^Rf^itff .>P.-tIiP- Proncb pr.!~'rors L'hf-oln, has withdrawn the t-o;itf>r l.y tho !ato"|numlation. .isJ; pouring in. Tha^Ioss Un TouIousp and A^fiTienr alone is S,21.f!00,(!00> -t^mniajl Jonoft'fc Co., ivifct 'i n.dVl Liabilitic: petition against'"^Jr. t'ykort,- and j offt>red '"to confess llriliory by agnnfe [-' thoro is-;, dirpot ] bribery r.aainst tp^titioa^r v.-ill. go en with the; per sonal clinrgj\.T. ' : . . ..- [" |;-- Mri.Montcith.'Ojnj^rYiitivri'. s^^s j eri AVednosday el^ctc^ijto represent 'North Perth in tlu; ^ ' ~ V ,\ 1 ', rhp-rchaatF.jiia-ve failed. estirimtitut $750,00;?. -V CCf;Jlpnnonifes Ritit^d. u-on L:v- .^rroal for , "-.inn<ia on Ifji'i^y last.-. Or0'*!, f nod=j accoirip:>jiied by loss of 3nV ard | Top^rtv Lave occtirrpd-! . in tr-> i -ol ts i|Vf-ll .as ijn i,iohe:' J- a ma Gc^ive- a i I'Corintliia.. . j(.Tlii i, nn I "tlio floods is ~>W -: tip iwil nt fia vi.^l-iioOOiOOO to' \1 f "") !>nO Tkp deaths' &rf' tmifj -t 2 HO. JTiiP : 7'i.i/ Pir- &orre"=^on lent appeu a n fo" t-e' ff oof of personal ie: Cajitaiii thrt5! S0I^ liis-Grit {.pppiient, ' ","MK'XltOvalv Gi-^ cc'^d in C-lpnga.rry; .of 2S6, to fill'th," R' of. Coniinoiis^' yac;if 77-/>^< ' ofC^niiiioliv vacated :by . Usf ftp-;,] smiie to B'-it ' J^Jntir.ont of t-'ho Hon.' D/A. 'Mabr'-lj.duys. - -. " J-y^ .joiialjl' to th'a pbbitioTiiof Litiut.^ ij.i^s.' i u 04WKa. . 'Atunissioni- by ^-t-lie late Hr; ir t c'eilji-.- ;" " Cama hia rpfti^cd to p.IlbTr f'ir- j. * tbpr emigration of JcooliestbiCnba aHd tl ere is diiScnlty' jit (jonspr qnenca l!"twee-> Sj> apd lidtself.l Air \ t> r*tpr liTia.--rnisptl t]vr- n^ans rrfk,~!sr,rT *r> procfrf with b't; section sf ther'OAiiada Pacific Railroad It ^s estima Pine Jijn'rior jl cb g-m wdl in^oust to 100,000 000 feet < -' A vl .Ie Milage has; brnn'de- ^r^yed b, i toniado in Jnfierson county, ".> nsl i. ; " Tlie ^'es. c, p mid tronble'iTf ns- p^in^ sf very srions. complPxiort,. All busjie s t^ s :sppi)(}ej^ itj Mata- nora-, ind -\ conflict betv-pfeii the ^I^^ican v'd e > -^jnd citizens is immicent . - -;* . . The American rifle teamhfiR'won tae grand mte1 n Ltiorial match l>y a ! Governor. N.e'ws" It_eins[ -' H] C',-iiifi>nia complains of- too much ini- nugrr.cion "0:i /Wednesday. List]-strawberries l>e- cjme,i drugfln the BtUavirie rriilrkefc, and sold fornhie centra jquart. Chf-nj. luxury., : ate Insht^qcblD , in i-generally fiftfen lies'name o rltiiieAKsc pi" \]\q. County Iton'ItUta Asjiouiatiim has lie nged to that of tho I' County l'to: Kiib' Club." aiul under jl regime, volunteers and ci\j will ly. ,placid o.U^un eq T! '" " "" ' it. tVi suiler. htdii of en s ill' i ill ors eiisiuivf; vear: . 0' lawyers jsf'thiH oi^.l$Pi'<,f^ueM{|HU!V'-'|M,|,!i^,p no Ueut'livii'ig legal iVnfeiiriet') hiivo l-.v.vH uniible' to jury of twobi coinifion- pliiee nitiri tlmt tpo ^ly i outli- piis tor | irifnocent jof tlip jfreueo. .f'c>r Vdiieh'li^ 1ms bet^i on tiiul. Out of all.thfi dust, tlie (liirpv, utid con flict j of, iilim'-tvUil tbiife is tho one pluiii i-ciiidt.. UnJhuibt^itl f it would lib mo.r agrewibhi iiv tlie i^ii-clii id' the'-'niHTiy.>vhb tip niiti<'ra ty iidniiie ttioido^Ut'iit. jin^icb-er+fi barb th<j fact iiti'jijjld 'Uie'otjihrxYaj1 ; iiudM iifj .co'mVms, uViff~t^"""'poiht 1 view it. is trub f|iat,.dii.s|]fti> tliqin nunHj" je*' tended ellbrtH i-iilnwyeire ;0)ily;Jcrh cnpublo ItlJun- tjjoirj! ejp ifoyeif -by^ Mr.ljlleefdim-, tliti i'uaiijtji {" hud fail ed ,\io "satisfy flio j:iny! t mt the of-fonqe chiirgi'd hall |een! lomiliitteil. Bull wobflioye, (,|iat tp reason ^iii acctinitiijce witjl rihti. \"csiiiwptioi'ih btdijiid the reliiiioiviif i <:cs\is(4' Vd m-b^st'd :in rt ca^e'.Of tlii^ .nature, thbint<ij.ilmi'iit of; (lib re|B lit us we 1 M iintitl'j li|is li<V Illlil if ie \\i rp]thV iujloV-entfi^'Uie opin ion of the jury.-iju'y jv, ould hu-Vjk pro<iouuced ;-hiuj jiot p liltv j 'but. ^j-'tliev wiio u^iaiJe Ao gS'e such a ,i Had j'tlie casto reiirclind t, hayj.'gi\ji'ii is'thy fiiirf'.r|df"tlic tw.b: Mr.j Bec^lif.r is i|mocei){Tin tile^pi-o- ' sumption only if tlio JI .'failed tb tn'iike oj;t his W i i _ ': . t T v_siden(.!; < Adj Kj:Kt.- Ti+ai bo Johnson, |. P.iv ii ns^\*ic'-Pi--y'dt1it Secretary ; Lieut. Tip annual matchiis to 1 in Milton-iu SeptcuiK-r. HXse BAi.t..- Afc*the tourmmu Watertown, X. \"., this wei j the Guelph:M<i]>le Leafs won .tluxe Jj.gjitiits, and Jt'ie second prize of ?3-"t>t). T'iip tii^t"prize of, $450 v as j w'brvby ti-u-Live Oaks7 of Masiii- I clplsetts, and '.the..third, ?2.r);i, the, Flyasvays/of K^v York. S.iD AcchnEXT..^-!W! 'pnicle that }Mr. Tlips." Rolse. | i,ns'the pal-ties ch rii|sniith, rhr'ti.yfitli a fenrful ctd Ha cap [ his -fill regret ut wus eng.igcil.; in re]iairing ll flo'|ra at Mr. G. ;H';. Kets'neily's. pj ' nii|l,! whenj h'e fell a.' id-;twentv "feet, smashing 0 - . *.iii - of bilo of hisjkneds,/ind cutt face severely.! i Under tlie skj kv t pirtQ. rearc. a-j -coftcLusjioh. Mr. ik^ must haye stood as ho i lull, the trial, beforit the charge \vas'| ihude, befori thb world, was tak;eii. ijito the: eonfidi n'ci^ of 'l ,ip coyte^ tluits: All that1;bad been writte^ii Tx"] anjl sfeiiil against | hiin on thlp Tilto^i y* ' tcere would have been e ;tfceinetT lis rejected; fas jiot meroH ^duiibted, but pronounced fiifeio' ai relegated to tho limbo' ofjslaiiduj-i tl|Vit Jib ways arise' figaijist the g'odj ftame of ilistinguishctll Jiien., . Bint the ! nioi'al rtjhiibilitatlioiVcoul I only (low froni flip distinct verdict not from the failnreto iin'll a! vekdict: On the other liand, plr. BicHiit'k were ] Hit ceil, u.g idl- I answer. fp,t$o ibargo , ii ade fijom lastl.WV-dnqsihiy afcerncoivJ thejotlicrsijtle, ijiid thp'lesttlt is in thbdndiedtijondhfit the iiiry esteeni IW r^l th:)ti|ns\vei-lis siilliciaiit'to throw of tloubt onr the charges; B ifiicient to n> j diKcri'dia them ; ijiiffirfent'toi require that they slipuldj bee,sajt ini'd again aSid agajn {before e.ccl'h alitie'. j/ut ,iiot sudlcient tp dispoij.! of them altogether. igain, tho mind'of-the jury won't.' fccim' to have acted in haruiony witli; (he ; common mind, for iu' the report \xd give el.iewliero'j of an enprnious I numlierpf opinjbns On tlis isisub it t'J-j will be j^een that! while ninny be- 'PV-~ri lieve tbb jihiirtLifr lias fa -leh nhoiH in liis_ende.avoi.--to:prove liis ciisc, aUend:\ce of 1): s. Standish iJr.d ifrccruan,' bk/i;, doing as v/ell as it be | oxpectwl niider the circiijni s t'u h,oes.. cn- III rah]: Kpw ' ' iUit- the grp.:_t. Til/t Jieechei' trijd is endt#l,.i jtiteresting jtp; leirn tliq pn- be "Dbmimon Ihir- irv'bf ten -over ifr; 'fisher. ; ;, h:v~v been el-jt jl^eeciier tri(i) is enaeil,.-it mail by a. 'Tnaj'iritylititeresting jtp; leirn; tliq follow at'in'tlfe-Hqfsb| tV-t.^. Regarding j" it'.' ,'ItJiasj crp^ pd ib.y. th? i\p-;lj smiieit 122 dayEjl inclusive ;ofi;i>pne days adjonrjihieiits, and; three' hpli The plaintiff's has ,kep 5,0, ar.t^.'the defendants days. Thnt3-.Sip.ve11 and a, } daj^a'Twerp ; jtiikt?ii in .hparing tcisti- riicynj fpr the plaintiff^, unvl frti-ty mfi~;Vhalf 1 for ihu deieiidant. "flit score of &C7 pr ^ts to- 929., points. IfeiTb.Tt T ie ercit^'atnt rrin -yery high. , A Irirg* numbef. o dist^ngdisheil ppf- pons T\pre r-t ^dtjiiiic.liidlng tbW' Tjonl Miivpr. of' X.pmio.n. the ILbrd flavor of XAublui, and the 3Iayor of Yprk..^' - ; ' . '1 j Tlie list of myior 4tb of Jnly'i iccidents-m 2s^,w..York -and !vicjn-j 5tv nil's i -covirnri witJi_/bnr line .jf"1- j.aragi ip'i, ard despatches from all t5,it f)r jiarts of the United States, tell of btiru'irjs ml explo;>ion?r. tliroirgh tTe uurks3 use of are-crackers. ^WSliv cannot 8ome_,less barbarous ~*iode of celebrating" uatioMal -holi- fta_ < be jntroln:eid ? (gunpowder L is bid 1 j, d-v ": Tl|eKin!Ston liAtWSi JKJij -infmhinn'ciindiJSit ^6 i)[_Qson dogs'witli ' . . fit Thomas is pnttirigw' gas ix-fiks. v.-ii:uli-arje to;be ^n opjratir'in '.tibst Siup; t^rmi>er: ' \ ' . ', , I -. TI;eyFergns peop'e. have, liKd several bar^lar'ea to cdtnplaiii rvf lately, -.and womlfer \t4i5itheceprt: can be. " Gsnrrine: Par-s Orien^Vis cxteniiive- ly a^lverti.-ed jast iiow .-ill hn accqn-jit of that wretcheVl insect, the roiato hag. .If you wnntjmjr paint to.s,tand the.'weather and hoti|i the color,! pet the bf=t jqaa'It.y of^ppinU aod oils at Seoord Bros'. Acton ' Dominion Day pnder. the misjpces il of jMonntain Grangp No 149, jiear-: Qrieeriiljvrot-in the Township, of U-ale,- don. j (The gtoiiridssiirioundingl the Oafctle- of. Alei^ M^cLareu,, Tlie.BnfiepJviii Uonxhi'ator -lishes a/'Orangers'^livrl-tittiny.'.' . ,ITfifi'-.Order appears' K. be. rapiilly extending- in. tliis proiunce. 1 ' ' I'ar|T!g the. diaphiy! of'. fireworks j m "Gfirjerieh on Thnr^ilr.v f strnck Mr. - Charles "M- breast, inQictii^ a aeri<|n Jch'est.,-.' .' - 1 ' ' ' iii r>, fr.ct, e^-er; I)rv Condii, Orric I fiflioe?^ *ftc,,-are fold cheaper I than'in any other pn,rt of the (evening, a rocket e.ijulle|i. -tin- ^the 'ua'wouiid. on the wljerfe adiniijteil, ries,L:Bbo{3 atirl in Acton e province; but to get G'TOfla at rrjck-bottom prices OUim'ust call on Chrjsijie, Benderson. & JTiin B_v3GFf n Trial:^ -Tpe.Eitew y>_.! 'iieit 30 ce'i^tsjrek is a3jead of ap_y thiiig. in, the marliet I .'.'/ J . In Oatiavnihere isf open war..between, the tavern-keepers aiVfjtbe ap'thojritiea. ;Tlie former offer ttr-cltjs? on "!3atur(iay nfghts ai ten o'clock, bait the ternpfcr- ' " determined jfco enfori r aw -.-. 1 _. o i <i-ii j 1 ance "men are rtetermmea to entorce.. . , , ., , . . -^ - . -.., \ar* pnpeju of featnrday are Ailed; | seven, 'as the lawBar^f ^i^'qupt'. pitching quoits,; pji^ing. W i'i"} account., of the"'hist sceiies of- t^rn-keepe'rs" talk, of closin'g..| tkbir'" "" ' ' " " " ' * "I the Beec'l^r tird Every onbeou- Aected "vlth the' trial,.from_ dje Jwlgp down to the door-keeper of the Court, spti td Tjave been. I11- ttsr?levied^ and everytbing . they said carefully noted', down, and printed Mi Beecber at bis ~Fvi day ni__;lfjb an addjes[. - *fn Tcbich Le showed-ho-^ the phurchi } ad fcfn tried, and hgd1 beeti puri- 2 1 t^nd strengjihenetf -by wbf);t had 1 n undergone./- He expifesRed *?i\ gratitnde (at bis peoples ^cpnfi- d nee hi b m, and said that b_e had li irl greatly strengthened by this J, id thfe support <jf his family. He 1 bharjty and &(*3i*enei5s|to nil m m bid Rtwailedjlhe church or htm <?p]f, antTpredicted a nobjer, wider, .tighef future fop PlyEant]i Church Tm jieople, throng 3Ir. Shear ^n&a, pledged anew __ho fidelity of] dawfiJi faHthpir. pai<J:o'r. :eeTiers 4 sMb: sheds aad st^ble[s attain^t the public. The coarts taj-e raeen tly deeitled thai a wife!.>-cannot "draw, riopfey. from the bank, deposited in It^rliuBb^nii'snarae, without fes consent, andj-rh^ld that banks are liable to hifsba h.ds.if\.tltey pay money to wives under such circn'inatai|. ces. . .SxiRyro. to -Dkath. Abonfe a.^weok a^o an old resident ofKrin <_iii^tly dis- 'appeareji,1andi is suiijposed b have dfed of starvation.! iTIiB naroe was' "Hard' -Times.'j;. TJiej recent riins^ 'ebmbined with tJhrjstie,; nenderemt k_ Pp.'s cheap, cash sale of liry Goods', Boots and Shoes, &c.,. tip'dipbt .rute<l".^wijooen'mtlbn. ffare yton (tried th!eir fambiia 50 cent W Kv y ." -|-i"-V!-"".-' " Tlie pttpwa :.CUkrn hjis i^ onltjie aft- Hioxity bf Attoriiey-GebeKd. pirbrcji alid Mr. "Walton 'Smith that ;gold;hak been- discovered in the County of Porntiac, about fiV tnitefifrom tbftlvtUagfe'of Bry- son. It waafoand on the ffrjn of ifr, MorrelL ahont three years! ago, but the matter was kept very rjilet for fotr of gettiner^rp an'eicftemenfej The gold, as de'scTibed by MesBrr Cluitcli,and^mi'h, v hp saw 4t lost i*aek, is k ilat ndife >tl tint looks something hkeja clumay rcoin It wa taken to an expert, -who valued , it at map dull-vrs, and oflcreil tlfa^ sum j for A ,J MM ta- ")3 If and. a half ifciys iu tho flrgunii-nt and defendant'* '. eighteen ' and. a half. Morffi ptc.npicd ,2A,: Tr;;cy 4,'Evaris 8_|'i,;Porter p,',B.eaclil 10 PiiUiitifT's \> -occujiied! 3." and d^feridabt'sjP.S days . Ttfjlcn's exiiroiuntibii 12,' Moulton's 12, Beeolier's 1Q_V,: Mrs. Moiiltb:r^3 BetSte Tunier'ii' 3A, und (!en. j-Tmcy's 2^.: [' : "_ \ " . ,,'.", '_' the lii'gbr ripmber of these used to tha examination of evide ice.clearly .believe phU't he: imp prove i fat* iiioi'v than tan be in iriy. way egrecsrtile tp, tho friends of! tlie deft ndant. .1. ,.~. > - Npw V'orklNeivknipe.rshrB.r.'eling l'!:^ .fi.^!^.^?,UiI^\_'u'<ii7l A>5 effblsef lb?] l4rdr|tin.i<-s and tWsll redncingtlipir prtaeSj. A ? siibicrip tionsiverp p.itui> loa'jrer.1 high rate dtirinjg'ti'e wr peiioil of inflation they |Mp prol.abiy nil'anl |to P iwitliout,;any Teal- log? >fr A fcw.'ilays ago Mtl.C. Blytbe of 'Gupfph Tow.rsiiip, iit corppapy with"^Messrs. Job" """" ' Johu".I'*;tprs1 si ot within .thvpfl foui/tlii) olfj a Oi-chardviilc [ poor .condition, bht-in Graage Pjc-Nic";in Calociciu. ^Would haye weighed ai|pi\t ; jtb'nua A'!.silpni]^ Jfeq'., the \yere given fori the oceauon. p^ogranime; was e^Lejisivb and ibif,' which sfeerninglv gave ]ilea- sure to all pi'esent. Some enjoyed themselves by ' going ppon ^1P- To"\ven of the iCastlc,.'frbm vjiicb '.Cheva ; is a splendid viekv. \Fi thpi'e c|in be seeni p^rt of fourteen Townships, the finest, in Canpda, iind by the aid of ithe telesdi tlipjrevcould be seen at a great tancP8\the:;steSjn from the1 locp|mo lives'of the 'Grand: .-'Trunk, Great t\J ^.tew, Ivbrillern, njnd Toronto, Gfcy^arid Bi^ree -flailroads, tpgeLher wi;h yill:igesj[ farru:hpu,ses, orchirds .ahd'otiT mifivp forests spread over liill ape, dale, making |i truly b?au- tifpl >: picture. Others eiijtyed themselves pn swings, playing cr0 The-. v.vif, forithe, e).epticn. in Corn wall" fqr^thei'Oivtiiri p Legisla furewjas JecUiYetj hv ,thp SherifT on Wvflnesduy, [Jpnp yfith '.- nnd the nquiinatioii |is tiftfi fpr the. 10th,- and the jiolling fcr thc)^ ^*^" |yar-:;iiist.' Mr. JtljbLniyre, rccentiy^up- [ seated,, pi again ii canti idate,Y?rRl is opposed by, Mr. Spet iipger^ ^he bite nieijiber, ^r | : j . . ;ed, the tfij* iallfllio glad ut rvl^iilmeft tp rp '""<i3tiy<| itg^isiof'toeal nilp^rp ;) >ort4 of I ;t ri nity incidftni pf j vtei;ent' pi- : -Iher'; iii.tlilB- lpcality Wjliflru1 it ...tcpviVB -pv .to.- tlnpj bpuinty-H.1 , ] Afgp. Sj.ic!i edjiy 'tn.|y' lib>tjt\< .fj;t;"-tiio .rntb oiybno Icient'pej !-%i\inop: if, Binrlted jPi.'in.tbr'i ." i?qry-iilht>;nob' fL-aleiv t;Tt>'bri :--iii!i't'|>iibIii;atioH In A'p-y iptir v:;j icjirlfir iiisue iy[:'imo ilil! l'biiftli ' ii' 1 lib bflSco' nobhitpr iiiifegWedj ..' jfewday liiprnin^.' r'::i' tte!FiiEK J -ri on i'liif" k ;Augi .'---A tli tlie bcsit;gr;alc!i .of HcVthdB fron 7/>B:t > s|JU2J;nt rJc^.iir.l,!litrt)H. . - 4-A liolo'iii.t^io sidc\yal!jc opposite tin Wild { (lice, ia ntit a gt>t|d tiling to I have. j ~-N ^vtfawcift Va\\ ijihow wilN.b hchj (ill (I'll -iitl, Iirch" jif. i ojily paralhO. t'liriiltie] Jlciith mt)\i & tp<j>.' fifluiius 50 cetA-tea. ---T .e-ufcxt inueljug (if'tho l^ weya'.'ouiioil wll he held oii^the 'JGtlj M^t.' 'j /' . ."/ " C islt custoiiiepj get 8: cents in th^ dollar ilJBcpuuti.t the IVst-pili^a~' titorc Anton i i_-' i - / ,-,.!' T it npxt hitfetrng of Wnlktr Tvodgc A.F,.1:1 A\ .U.', jviU be held hn ^oiulii^ vrcnit g next. T >wu Kailitr.->1 Iprik to| !oju\ shriiU trttei. Tlipy". arci being torn up at thi r*H(ti ^i rr.'imenm'te.' Ayeimel Tl i ^ i. ' - V cnsalit fly. ie fuir wasluiig ibaKus 111 if water ^ftOpa-stfawborry fostivalj. . -j-H,vre,iraiiug \;^ .'the mi nivtit -in; MJJHpn km".Lluiiiinioii orldii bf^fe, biifc death: to ih4 T ic villrgp assessment shll.WB Agrat; | that;b| last year. prtis?y~- - $4Vcn:E<.o^jL strayo'd froni' the Fair f, apt to AM Ulyth 'ami ftpge" beiir a mile of e anijrjnl ,wae in ;ood" bitler ol(oice .Secorcl. jTibair, driving throygh nature's b tifpl i!at"e'nue3 a.nd yi-alkiiig cQppIbs through those "grupd old woods, while sbrrip pf-the older and m|dra s.blid,, 'enjoyed a social crack. A large pprtion' d.'g cussed matters pertaining ; tP; the LCriyingb system. ,.;i'-".:.l 1 ; There was a ippuntifuL repast ftjvnis.heirl by tlip Uadjes, tb wiiie^ ;pbbu't Bve'lnjndred sat.ilbwn.' jAf- tet* the tdblei liajd beenj cleared rthe Cb:kir^ was fcakeri -^y,jhe wo^thyj] jjlister, 'liichard -ipfpl^: ; when, the intellectual ' entertain- maht! was goppi get>s Fee'fcied. d,4tpi;itiin.ed. tpi'Carry out .thei* mottb alvay with rniadle rn,enl pr. paid, agentls tb clo'thpir ypeakiiig, ^pd went ipJ.for dpitig the talkin; tbenjselve^, tljcre by getting it a,t : irst post :aU- : ApCIDPKT ;Mx| EBAilOSA.j On Monday whilp Mr.'Jaints Auid, of Erunioaa, J was driving 'from. Uis; farm ;to' Eden 3Iills,"7iic compsnied by onp-of his em^loyejes, Mr. Win. Andersc)n,~'th^ latter iii getting out of the buggy accidental y fejl,jdis IdJeattng bis left ankle, 1 fed break-] \ ipgdiis leg a,.Iittle| abp.vtl t|i.e aiikl,e;|| Di\ ilcCwllocli, of Eoel \yood, rwasfi sdon in -attendance,.and set the in jiir^d limb. Mr.! Ande:son ifl,' we arp glad,tb. ;ei?y, jdoing ^s well asj can be expected, SuiCiDE^A'nian by the namel , of John "Wil'son,J-aged. 85 years, in. iwhoi has had bid hbmj w'ith Mr. [Fraiik Jjirdstall,' j of Mt ado\j(ville^| for the last seventeen, -yuais, com- ood 1'ted Biiicide on y line EStb'. He] wii^' found hanging in tie barri by^ Mr. Birdstall about ten o'clock laetjl night: The coronsf JJr, Douglas inquest to'-dajj^ "when a verdict in accords ice . \vitk'the. cir- Gumstftricesj Was ^n.der$bl--Ltjf$<)r')re- top-n IjeMd. I .' '" ' iEtjo.^ '-.The': QMtv,Li - L^tf yen ^ant toSiiild^hbap,,buy' The cheap cash s Ue at Christie, deraon fcLo.'s still consumes Tho'way in whiclt goods lisappear astopiehea e\erybodi' f'Xhey ha\,e just received another'l9t of that fatnoutj 50 cent rtea, worth 0 centsJ G v e them a cnll land ea-^emonty 1 1 S ^All, kindB of -irnlliner^ .tgi.d. Btriw gpods at i uuprebedbutly lot 7' prices[at ytestie, j Hende^o^ &~ C i.'s, Acton. y^pr hardware at' Secbrd ] Iroji. ] iihei apnrJoaching s^p *erfesj;.' pfj -tlie Germans, atlBerli;nris tp/bea [givyid ^.fiair. a . , | Paris Green, Dead bhotj and Elee- tno tptfito Bug Deetroyert at Secord H^os ' ' 1'.! I- tt meetih ritKSHJ'offioe lis riovvl in tht;|NpU'ndld| Ii\r-gp,rooiri|" abovtj tho p^htSfiflieo.j L it on iJvluiKtay 11 g of JKi-aiilo'i'v C' s- eiojj Co|mjt on jMuiiday 'next. bnneil iytiytrxi\t-.- ftp*, tlio'younj jivasldng discus in edit an incre.-ise of lilxiut 01 !y amiiEe! Bay fu: htir^es. . tins 2,000 ycr. ovf !" * raises >f Mr. I'. ,S. AniiVstrfriigjalmiit to;i lays p jo, for tli 1 recovery of jwhich li ; .' " ft celebrated (['Sierc.ii.a'loyal rnd becopiing;!lnanuer-l- \-ery one. r^a'ling the:-'fiwt iiu'ndicr if the' Ai ton r"l:Ei: I'niiss. ".: & O ir printing oflitSc h nov Hi entii jilctc i rjirking oplcf, ccntniUy aw\ con}- Voiiicnlly 'situntlid,' 'in a tiix'o ferj^t rpou^ Willi abundance of light J, 0 ir Editorial Table Avaa, to-dhyodor ciiratejl with aj'iiiagniJiceiitj boqkict if Hf nW or Tm^ei yVrnro'A(3toii ...........|-A<^(^ "iM^THliT F^E, [ hiiuiti.iiathh'ori^ufc l^'iaM'^ ! '/f^:' ,. .>,': o(IiOun) fuV tb srjunrter \yoohmtallj'd oil TbomUy oyei ilug, (ith itt'st., as fid <>w : Cy'linrluu Deati : JV.P.j '-Jcuepli. pixoii, W. A; j irpnry al?oro( lt.8. j M.W'iSVi tubn,- A.ltS. jidohi 'Cttiiioroa. EiiSijBen, aniih iNickiin/T.'j l-X Cook, Chjip^lilirnht f'ijytlqr, C.j k fam MjiSIahon, AiCJl-MiVB "\Vnrrev7vJ.4 \\Ym. Hjdir!o,S.;;'- AlriiwlK'^ryltfnttlTal. A Strjaw Mtry. Festival, undi|/"the, niiBw'cealif tlio|Scnis of.'i'elnpcraiici}, wa belt! fp io brill ^'1^ jasfc: 'Iliii'-sila^ evening.' jliut four liutidred woplP weto':pfd8cn|:! ;"FJid Half was beautifully lUcqptei1 yfi m ov^cgrcens li-iiA surcftin. crii ,1(yiil!|tlijo' bibles were loaded! with delibiuns: .sir i-fborrl'ea, i^200 diaskCTS. of whiifi qiiick y. di^iivnearcfl fronrBight, The (.'hair w then ctocuiiied Ira'.Mr Chan. DcianJ' ivhb. oncucd .tho ijntellub' tuil part if |tho- programme wjth : ii fcW.r.piiropji tti> ieinnrks. "AJive|y alir next iy: atftioeahful-^tukwig into consider- atibjii tliatShw ia the dulleat Bbapii- in llibfyt>u.r-r--nd .the Cfeinnj.itipej h^Ypl P>;pJ;y ifcaspn"to feel! jgfajijged at thp; i)esujt.-pf^.-.[t^eii' effort.- ThYro:' wcroj;aboijt |0iiP bjiiMlred cattle >on .tbpl'gfpitntl, besidesj teveV- I'ai:IdadR.^bfj fche'en ,aiui :pigi|apidji a nnwlgcr'" of. if/himy chan^^ ba^jds oi gobtlipripea.: 'Jfliis!"is'tliPliiiut ^jr.l^eldjh^lc'e,:apd . liy ,-jtiio .'AC^'N' I?"1815 Band came iii order; the i;a songi by tlie 1)e nper. arico, (^hpir, tjiss Kicklinc n^sidi ia lit the organ. 'I Ijbb E.- Cainert>n gave Vldii it if) iipw. ii ct-tleCft-;^tIhit Acfpn. Liis eBtablislied a,!Mpiit^^dfii;%t whlcb, wo -Wf?9 j^iii W v\ J7 X* iBpe^cowparieiifa-^TObly,,l'wUh;-tb.afe of older wii niticl* kirgey; N]6 'ek>8o "6bH(JrYei; Ipaicj ' fd^ 1m] step .tlip' yerj'-lg^ea.t ^attitagij. (leii^ by-both; selltlr-. ahij; bpyer ijl^kHk J having a tan.tifnieiitjilape fi>i* jtjtetvl ing togetlibtjSj a titrhiiig : livet.| ^pekj-.- iiitto inbn _ Mannfnct.dre|s of;'i^i:icuitpral^i- <irey " and TJrfis'E. .Si.Hill "Toii<lh;np^ i njenlenlsfinil it'liays ItHetjj,. 1'^ ^' the ^up.. wl, it .Siwrkles," )lx, .li 'of hil)^-their' wjrres,- aii'd farWefaia^p wtiich were t elfvreiiddrpj:an^ heirtily [-,< i ll .. > -"iz'Jt " received. It :v. T; .Wilki.'^ ofjfass! tlius^un oHilprtun^^ speu^tl^ sgawuya, gir. 0; a short WdrcBTl&giii/il prym stylifeH,: and. :tes*tna tlibir tho clajiniB > : jtemporrjice, 1 in .a (liientl ienciits.4 . 'J^ftP grbuvA &^&-fa>r~ manneV. r. Bej advised the huUea not'to. i^ pui'rjpNe'pjf bur fairs. cjbpgQt'.j&o} U' Ui -Jf y{: Tbablv lie ence|l^ iinVwliei;** ^-baijig, ' ^"^"^^^UJ'fencci'.^|rfll|btmdvx!oe^ the Imslne'f-'s ^i.irt of Ike villa gc, and easy, of acet-HS; ' ,i'VP|j ;"werb,[pn|fbr: allow tlieinfie vies to be led Hieniid Altai- by n man who drhiij.-ip' toxicutlng lit u'nrs.. Air by the-Hand ;;j song )iy.ihe:<li<iir; a duet Fat!ier i a j^inlpliard iiitj11 Mother i.V ba.l'Miy. Misses ^Tatsi nKnd Storey 'wan wcJEdoiie; Bong, "Apiiit iii the Banlm o'De;;" by Mias F j.lausit^ ilov kindly sent in .by M: She has our h-jarty ilji(tlici-s. rhbiild see tliat t'wo-yest - olds ojrp. licit allpwcd <>n the Btrpiitji o 1 thanks. yti. . Tl e crowds of (people! arL tjr.unp 011 them. -" .e are prt^jiared to do alt. kl>nls ip putable trick ii \ieoroeti by Etealiii g thfc hlrge pa <_ M'iL:i.t.....v 1.__:i...-_ night, by stealu^ g thfc liiige padlock ( from J Ir. Whitpker hardware, store priutiii; fiimi the finest ami' Hasth card-a id cireulrir to the mamrWth 'pai tor, in |ie l^eat Sfyle tif tlie art^-prompt con-ec janll cheap. ' ' y \Vo.rk on tie Credit Ar4dlty JJai- way ii reviving in the neigbbrlrhiWl < "Campl ifcllville. iThere.iiaa prospect b f thp' c: p. rnuning to -tliat' place Iby ^h 2 ,end of the1 J'ear. . ' Si me cr.e rt'it haying the fear'of tlis lr.w bijiore his eyes, committed a ilisr^ town the bthi :i. T Je growing crop.* ih laiii vicinity are nr w. looking splendid.' '-- Hay Will proba' dy be a gt oil avcragp crfijv,;) win iaLs, ] ieas, and t pring wheat have! r. pr t'pect pfjit big ' much better' thaiJu sne 1. T lie public ilioold licar in min 1 tl ie necei" ity' iif ih$ registi-atlon of -15 rtli -, JMaori igss and Dea^lis,vas rerpurcd.l Statu' e. Is egleet or rc^vral inffi cts penalty of twenty dollars1 and costi, A^nnmber ^if Miltonians cek u amounted tii| tjatistit'd tha' and jir>F.t^*>Ijj Vlwhyij I oteuio^t in the army of progre.tS pull] Miterj^rise, Messrs.: .Sseoril liiiii.'i Iiavdl 1 jitbt u'fmHivted the largest stock of -lgr<?<j ;nea, ie.iB, iiigsrs, sjrilps, eotTees, tobiij;op,'fruits, etel,-ctoL, the 1 ., j 1 r - on" :.; t -.".' r^diictpf^^iid- ^t cruv4%Vur|'"#b /ow^fpr ^3;^ps. Alto, .a shown iirAd fr>*. Pvy [ y* it': bbpts. and shoes frotn Cbrissr?,: )Hb derson fcC'o.j Actdn, anid save, .25 Jie: bentl fhiQ I>air. latliep pnuvttilas ail I tivo tiair3Etoekings.'f<ira-i . ' II,, . . , ; .-_ i -t^You' cob! hes goods, at th.ii l!"bst- & : fide Store as uu'sap. as nily i>lace rh town, n." iu X ana rivaie. the .8 per cent, 1 " ' ' IfbnieliBfc riiductmn, oj^ >,i:ntff, drcss^J gooilo, etc.'; "ii t :C'hri'St% Kynilerson' & f. C-o;'3. FriaU f.i'r 10c worth l4ey-fojr-12'ic worfh .15c'J . Decided barg.-uup iu, all lines to rcdrii e stock. --^ '^ -^ Actbq.; Scjhool j .'..'" , Tjie Ap^<|ii' School.Board'niet ^n pot.- jjowl Ktopli^ | -s| i-iwicliasell f'j?$j&f!i>U %l<fm'l WW! f lW**M Wk^p East,; Guiajfru^f ^| ^, Jiolmson,_".3r.\l^'^'^!!l*" |"?Mi: .^ yi^f^"**^'!^63^*?:cf .: 7 \v !J| reiipiiig liSicKipp, The Graugl-^' Tea'dIouie^Sc^:.:^.'.u|lj Foil the 'Srl?undV .-^fe^m^^l^^^^'- . '"'" -i;'": -' -l^l-'iJqL the school bjouse^n; Mond.iTeven-v 1iave|a -j ^tiitibni^riu farmprfi- ^IjiTaliking of gra^bpppbrsrtlie Ckl^ M nig. July^llu .Trustpes priisenl ,n/J%f.i.rini,Si m. WWrt^' $m Edwaid. Mapre,. chairman ;!"C. S. Siiiitb;., Bifci eiary-treasurer"; Alex. Keniiedyj! [:iqh'ard ^Hatnilt^n, Eli ynider ant'Joseph Lasby.1'!; _ i Moved b'- Eli Snider, seionded by Alex. [ Kehnedy: "That Miss Moore, of I iriamptbiip-ibe epgag'ed as'teachoi; for the third class de partment, Ingersoll,; |ibd Miss_Mcl>.elii'.r,' pf :i i-jte'acbeT'foi the second tijd tq thd i[ regularly helil at| the usual hours frcjm j ki^a a JToivjela ? He ' .this date the F mrth of Ally -angling in tlTej JErln rivers Judgiui from appearances, is they ' lasscd . ilji-ough Acton, on t] iipme\ ,'anl tril, iono \yould think j tin bad bufcn.diving for the little,; Mr. : Arjn^ti o*g, who hijs rccmtly ccimni meed deliyering milk ip tlie -vil lage, introduced a novelty, in ;ilji hape of a tin float, "which he, placi is i side tlie can to ksoep the: nulk from|j ring a id churninjg while ridingv'ipi ^ agon. It has plsp the effect of the niilk kjeep a Itkiger timii from ^o: ing. JThe' floats are made % lt^[ Fis! er, tin smith, in this village. [ v. ~-JJ r. Itiint, Pjrand Trunk agent.ierej gave a social party last Monday ; eye i- iug, oi i thei occasittmof the; seventh1 an) j- ilay."TSlrs.rHtl it was e urprised with "the preaent of a hands ime gold watcli 'and chain, tile gift- f f per huflband, .- For the^ shi time tiat Mr. Hifpthas been in Atto| he-hai won n 1'Partie i mho have Ibuaittess with him: lit Itho stl tion always 'fipd ;him I attentiye 'jand oiliging. : 'I! I". : ' _J" ' " Bujif i^all. '." , -h ' [ .-.. A (amel'of ,has o ball wijl.-btj. pliyAd here o i Saturday tie; 10th, between t ie; tlnitm Station Base BaU. Clubpl Tarop." to and the \NiI Di isperandum Base Gjamj aUed'kt; Clubjc Apton. Eo'clocl tshiirp. i:: ]^ , S i^he iLordKBJ8h|.p of Niagara hasj indtunbem pe to be oi mi p6inte|l the Rev. 11 | Eus;;ejl Lee, M. J iy o^ Acton, vacait .. i___ it- I T* -, through the resignation Of the' Eev. Denro^ne i Duvrnpservicixwas resumfed 8. jfhe London! Timet draws a J last Siadoy in the vanpus Jchurtti gloomy; pictuie of1. King Alfonso's.(throudnout the ipismop, and will jaj j "Why cajnbot a, TempersinjEa clui4 to defeat1 the^Oarhata m" 'T ' '* ^ "--' & l-i-- r^L* rv ,,i':-?^ f*>- Jto tasto.jefivHip8 i i I I i C'n n^ron, received dpml r.\tr ____lie -. ] Mr. C'tuvurt,'("if Acto: ave-a briefj.; nil appropriate.adi'r'jsa. A j duet, "Sliail ii78 pfii the \Vull,!' wps ex. lcejleptly rui lered by! Mi^s- Hill and Mr. _ Aifdeip ut; another -duet, !"The Larboard. \V itih,"-Vy jMisces Cinieron /ind Hill,: rot efved rounds of cpplause. The Chainn ii tlicn surig.y"Takc my" "dear Locks 1 ut give nie brcadjftjin- his] ifjhiirtafJe s1 yde. The playing .^f the] ig rafe^if ("iKiiiilaifohle I liii good opportuuify 'for promenading wlriuli all. appeared'jtp oii- joy. Tliepi'l ceeds of the enterta'ifiincut .^^80. Kverybotly'Beemeil they-had speiit a pleasant evening. ;' .[. ! t....: Lmilckcpw for-31;. These are bat a.^t?yc qi tl.ip, sales that w^|elfect> fed, s thci^p-Nxht^rwere jirtjsetit wbll class, -d^P,^1 tjbieiit of . the - Aetpn schbpj^pvfl> ided they seu^nec\s-' sary rejip-o: ices: and certificates' of chavactcr,' '.. Carried MovedMy Ilichnril Hapiiltqn,_: seconded L\ ^Tosepli|l.'L;isby: "That;! Ell Snider,! Edward Moore, and the mover bbij, cp.mrp.ittob to seejafiel- the rpujr i g "of tliQ"; teacl;eij'p re-r' sidence'j'i^nc al^o- the, repairiing, of tlhle-cthird.jcjliss denartp.bUfc '4f. tbe Acton, sclipi ill" \' "MovfidJ.liy.JG. S. Suaitb,, secpJicJe^. by RiolraTO Hamilton-, ^liat Alex. Kennedy, J oseph Lasby, ppd thp njibyer. be a committee to, sep' after theltie^tinG! of the third -elhssde-. pjartmojit.' Moved, [by_ Alex, Jtermedy, s^coinded ij Joseph Ljasby :j"That 0. ^,' pjnitb be. jnithprized tb. ten der, tiie'tbi i kspf the pc)ioo| (Board to Messrs:j i .littlga^.d ^obn Seeoi^i J for their Saliiable 'jii-esenfc ~\6' the clpcd?."/ ;|. ,; " -i .. j: Moved, b/Alex. ];eripedy, seer' onded by Kichard Hamilton: "^at tlie treasiui r. bb authorised, to!pa* Mr.' Rosa, IMiss IB-ill, and iRli^ Sjbeiglrt ljor: Ittie time they taught ij-frprn^ the. firAt da^ of Januaxyy tb he sr^pi^fei'vftp^tipn,." , . ' j '.. ;| Maye4- W. &}a&9pAe& *Kil^ . tbis rpeetip^ ap jpu|rri ; .until1 ithe first Mondiyr pw pipgin, August.;' H is aWell kiibwh facli that the largest sjjppjt ot Cpoice Tea^ held wpst of Tprcn, a[ny retail Iioii,se are held bjj 3tjpo^p\Bros.,! Acton. 11* !i l-^hat ikiid of robbery^ip. ;Qc|t djingetojjEi? ; Astyij. ^pbbei:^ of taj;re di i tb j mjrtiittes, and inakj^ Tjrp the day T I - .'." !.^r.-:M' :>.?' bf,:the: hour-Lto^talicjr, It is a | sjtrange fact that people ind'u: ge' in lugh ^ford^ ue low 1^!q! [tiage .Hjben.. tiitr.itelv, uiiitble tp.:lget "a 'Mil"- re-: port of all the; trpi.wetious, but wp give bclyvv those tliat; c-upip' witbiin pur knuw:lttlgbt^nvlSi?Jt.^.iiins, of jlNjiKsitgiiiR'ej'a^spldf^e Htefe^>aiid" heifer for' 521;; John. Cai-pirliul,. ia; eojw foi-l .$50; Wni. Sniyth; of 1-Ej^-' pow, forv;i>2i); iihjJ two jstpera~tox 32.50;' A-l.iwh^ Stocker,;ai rhileli cp'w fpl-;5o3.:^Ir.;:Lii.wtio.n' as|.heifei: for 28 ; Mr, Kiidiolj,. a heifer" for 29 j Jas.' An.dbi's'pn^pf^Erihj tl cpw for jj[3S;; P. S.; Armstrong,.a milch cow for 35; jGeorgje irjlliottja cow^ pricp pbtvknowji ;;D- Moore; a cow S30,iund two steers ,850 ;' Audrey Elliott .eojil a horse ;1 Geo. ^Wpltpi^. t\vo ;pow8 for $53.;' Mii'rjeslie, ,a coW ;- ISr. John . it i p^iir stetirB fbr\G7; Jjinies-Aikpiisj a \m i c|M ^'dy|y^ ife-; icKidjtptuep^ :>:-.'< \^ ^". 1 i'.QueiUbipiw:-:rebtingl:to tWi>&- 1jprouj|j ,^pvl|injj of wl^rJ&wS X^Si^mmi iiscnsBedv' TLe^jtie^ tt?s Vf [Unicn .iodka jlro.ijilnent pbipe m *be programme,, v"*'" ' :n - "!U- bx-r; prt ^atbt r 0ii in one of airiculirtre^ j. ^bpoy- * frb ^ -8^bordinatp'|Tern- ijjea Mmi e& t j^tl ;i'l)^re .Wre': tliir-; t|palfcMlg tfjf tira iperolljereliip: .of iiiff. liji ip)(SWly ^d - iiecess-. fil%:;.- f.IWbfl ;'I^^;^SS :J*9^ ion i spjite ' ani aiccounl pt bis! tour- .' x-r it--- tpdgpMi Bs i*doing"4 good -Worjc.. j, Atboiit^ fortT|; dn-ilgatesjapd im^y,. , tke .0n"4c|r 'f|erdIpre-[' iBenti. . ^W'^rJ4,Mnj., Freeman jyerjf kindly, opened .ibeiif ^lonss): a&$,} JbHr^ ;fof - the Ji^piBbdatitin.',j>fi/ ithe fViendi| and tbj^r yssfuisj^ "f* i .' ' J' -Tlffe-evening-lpieetibg "was i lin. tie jietkbifist ^mreh^jind\*..- -^ la t^'nijvilstpA'iiccess,; Tie Gommitieei^; |p JJanagSlcpent bad Jtlie^Iesisrirei fof seeing tb ijfliuiees all igght.. 'liL/U-^^v^I^^n^ed^'Kpfc; (Mr.. H,:y wood, fi^Mp ^e^EastcrBf. ', 6Ut^ri,'-ftuji;rijps. PynnVEsq.i'i-er*_; jtbe *Ifiefwi4.iif.JP. The Ternkjerk "tyje^-iClhoai^L assisted Iby^MfvE,. ;^eptfc,l' fciouJjfel swept-jatisiijfiiol tibp yilpasutfeT^WJ'aJl (present, j'j-tn*^ we(ipg;:r.s.tstsfed-.: by'"','tV-1 ?W^".' Ab-^ew iS^.iMil'<>ki.l*Bd beiiedicJ'.;' tion by ^v^K^y^tfod^Cb^: -*.'l" -if 4iraasersv _^ ' ': A new k p :oSv v^anger^ ;waijf.:5 rOSV"- f^now. We objipyved on thp gijoundij Ij ^ a hdidsbme pair of sU-pjs*;;beIoiigj|i ^. , , . . .A.... " to;Mr, 1J614.Maekpisl^foy] ^^t^S^"i:^^^j&f?- winch yT(;> wis pn^red. undj veAu^1 ed ; 'j,fep,:a tboj-bngb-bred. ciilf iit Jier feet; lielong^ni Titoturts ^Easttn: .well -worth tlie' Ficli-y.;,- Jtfr*. ^EjAraJ^a- A^t.'-yteward. iri^'TlMooi^Tiidv 0P1S with 5 : :< _. ' ,ff to'ajtn, L >AjfoTHE* jG.B^:iiE.i-Oi|i:. ^Io| p\ " -'. 1*?' da v iif hist-wtk-k ii-bpinlieg of di-le-. -- 'ff\t*ai-- fl>"i ^ii.bprsbiiaCe O-jl-ul-ig+at ... u^.gevilte Vi*k would; do well to gi^j tbrplsi.R, trial.v'paso Mr. YYittson, pijAyr, kjwl;^:.b^i| RiWpV vvideb wa^j^-ciijisfea- l>y": S^iv IjesVie, of Erin'< i|^.: <3ptiy*niiJXj a. Potato Bugs Dcs'trpjeii^ iu^eutcid'by jli\i Ehy, of. Eeiih.^ ^i^i- sold, for i$;ll-lj Messrs. Paivtbir;! .^ip & Co.,,of Poi;t Peiry, a. ga^g-.p.lW;; Mr. Gqp. NoriLs/a tiiHiip. seugl.ei'. .Mr.'James Hyder, pfActon^ shp.w-, etl pwir. verjr handsome bViggies.i.i4 hi8.mauuTactpre, Avliich were gPeafc"I ly iidmiviitt foi* lieir supeiibr:ynoik- :nianship'pp,d:l bbpiitifulj finish yfpne was sold to:;Mr.!"JB.. Swackhajniper, 1 "of Enh, fcji- 140. ly"';-^^Cr"." '^f ." ^Hpjsetrjiding'was bprried^1 on j a tMrisfderalllB; "iexte'iiit:;duping ihe" day^ ! 1;-;;. - i' ' - ^V i 'IIS* 7"k' m x:^ :mj d-jj .C ffiv * prga nize'd bf T^Bsdjsyi, 1 st j Jnly||j ra^he-sebtionikflBwi^Wthe'^kiOtsl^ Block tligj" fpilbwiug pfiitert,'.for ihe epkning; tpi'iw^r^plftn % Eirttitt','-Miist^v Sanipet 'MciSanghto.iC: '* 0*eeer: j JoLn': Hidrlpsliire, Srtewardjjtfi^iriTtjrnerj' "As=t;'"Stewrtl ; "VVtn;, Moore, -fflilipV huii,:Jpbn MSchie, Siicre'tiiry ;"Jifbi^ l{;obei46bni." ijtjatp, : i^i-s^^ "Tin. 3^pou"e,:j.Ceres'i^j^tiss t} ;/;.*" w kk A- ,H;. m m. _ Triiiund mentions-: blip swaiiif ;-_^ &$ in jiatticular svhicijn; njQviiig^fc-yid"i7}^J ^i,ittP,of djfteen ' milps a^ripnr;^oqC^~^|^.ty-b )iifs i% jjotski^Oyer ^,$-:i^ ito\yji in' ^issjiyi, pnd was estimai *'J|f teft, io b^ Jroi& tl5ty;to';Mevenly-|j:l;^f Tfjve |jftles^l*^!^aHd '-fcii^/la- inilpij ^ deetv. .O^ltilis-.^rher band, *e"lieap ^j, pf.tremendpiijfl.- .wnsiall,; over the. -A0 West. Thb gjjt^pjipW~7^'civ r|^ r coine./rpm'"\d -dry >-^f4B, ' cannot, fj p-^ /enduren^i^ wpatlier,~:an.d; tBeajfe -i riW"5' ;}&?.$ ,, xindpnblteiil^^^' WH^I .4h'e^j|3..]^)r. tl|e 'wilkptes;L,:"Mbreoypr^ '^Bhoiii: bp i^ujj5Siei<jdt tluat;,-tbejf-- ;S^ j^iJifFpfciS tda, jf^i^ai^rari5d "Co?jl>fe[ j ; ;lji seripusly: > iijai^d:;;%" iitbe iaKaBfe,! " s ---'--.___l-'A -.ti.iij."'iC__* .l._^~!i ;' 1. mW":. and' he^cejl ">kh"ppgh'-^e^ ;laye;-| ? t3 appearijd in: enormous s\rarnjsf 'wpTi.:: <^ J nVnyi.hope that ttjey ;*ill itofc" anyvtjry gijeat.destrtiction. Qur mprehanis^'-were i, and we presi|pie;lar^b qiianti- |/ti,e3i pf goo^s. yere>olci ?n- the Fv^.t > ^hMday when.: there, ^ill.'[qoul).tle3S.. b'b- a rpucb;rlarger.>mid. betier i fair tfiis one, tis'tiy tb^tiarne^ biiyers ~wllr;tei, mor0inuniPvb*t5.r' ^tl-^ouljd be jwell:. fpr farmers tp.l^v-hijWJjuci tba.t;itj drnsy as! ^^yei^ve^ltfiVliuMs'11111 this "ucwi \yeekly,;;pupllshJi;l>yJ-', school in tub shupia of afl eisttt'Qay^ is'[(greatly to', theiri ad vantage fe v.l^.-.l- yr" ' . 'l *r*^AA \Ar**tAli-ir\T\ no. hkve stock-ih asj good j cbnditipri as; 'possible,, as ^bippe'rs;'don't' CBa'e' .to! handle Jean animals altj ailiy plmce. | V':HMv'f;;|.!': \i..p} WNails! S3V25 .per JKieg at; Sebord fBros^jActouv'! r; ' '.--!^|"".- : - -I -'- :.- -i -menta give Chnstie,!; Henderson J^ Go. your order ; for* srrit of clpthes./ The neatest, phe^apsit,;Mimips.ti'atylisp* clot)hiiig et tablishment in'&e Dominion.) A fit j^art|ntetxl r:npjsale. 1 iiSJi^o' f VvV . :-ci' - ' i- m' --:'! itie-SPKB Fn ess'-does ntpt tack sup6prfeV^ , - C^jah 'jonstonj.i jrarchasing ^w>m t3o.,-Acf M pj pur CjotcngHiraril* Sar or Tm.]: -!'. '5r> o- i _._......#_, fe^::+ H.: Hipkirfc- It" w" g<KQ- sized s^aet^'-f coniaini ja/Er je-tmiSim^^rei(dingiinit-.' ter,]aPdlis ver& neatly gbtf-uj-"-!' 3%ie. FkE Pr^si rpiaisea1 to hjal*1 verjsm-.."ij! teresiing. and ^erapeable^aa^paperto. that Section,- b: theiCpuntryi. iiiWb .^wish^.! it all--succesi.-pGFufjA iferijjftjr."?'. 1?" pen tines,': -'Varnishear,. 'i|anansi &c ^c.; ai Jiboord Bitot!., lActo'fe! 5' , _ J. -ilemember the 8 per", ceiit discount atthe Post OffidejStore.; 1 :; Cv'. ' ' ' T^"^-'- ' :" -J I . .ers.-vfiUsave mpPeyh* Christie, Hende rsofaW .Rem,einber tti?50'c> atitea.: 1 ttjis!^f>ci tfiat peoplp Whoyaei^ 1 a.t. faecprddiros bay tlieir gpoils/fioto' J 0, to >MVito.: oeat-lesg tbaa tbpafp^hg don t.j Jl'bey sei^a.gbirf3^oaaeIpli.i 0,^^#fiM^^mtl&ti&a, audi When ;y<m "Kant:% hadsio4sa Ghiny tm* ^;:T**lY>/d^^<rkinaVr ^ ^M^^^^fWj^ P^ces, f*Wl$3;i3t); f China; sj^-^ofaf 5.00-1 jPfiE^,pul ;canie out oh J iny. Spicey shfeet, s nd:" *apd; we hope" tj^" rc^siwhichSt ttl Ij>fAi' ' -;'. ^^^"^rtli^l |t |;-^!! W We have:re ceived the 'ffip^Acr& Take}.. got up in all j espects.:. It st^K o^J'iEl^: independent i iciet^hich, fjaou^t! ex- * jjenflnee poui a- ontj'-to its eifcor' && safest ancl' b^t'cotdBe.:/ \ wishiiour' cptemporaryi eyery succe*__rJ,ro^ JJaUyAdvertiser.':. . -'] - ;rT>-.. ; :"""-" :-J-^"',-;,"jl ^-i :. :i{+Uujk:M, , T^e FidBI bIess is^he-titi^ of-atiadlEta ^bmp; slieejt adenendi^Tk-lfll.pohtiqs-rSfi printeil ip/Ac 4a, by Mr. J. jf4 Hackfme-1J who ha^aad sufficient eS^r . . ,.w Inewspa^erdon to know kow ib.^uS t3^ gppd paiper.". tha_ aenizens Id^tha* dti S trict; >f they |1 blow ha^p, to>'isypreeite'ii -f* good thing: x^nfhey eee; jt^riria'alfi Canadians do that shauM see toitthat3 *iJ~ !77v. r>-----...'^^ _li-i^^i___r^xA-i*.'.~<x l-J" * jmz pronto Ifdi^/.^i. f < i/A i ;, - ' ll -. .'iFw'f^fe1.'-;:^^^ The . first 4<u^ter'<)f the Ao]toi ?*13# It isayjaeat-MT Ce u? -8 . ..'e haverJopived"the-ijjjtial: ntani"^^^ pfj the:.vAc*pi -JFreS-:"iP-B-isp; ai ' printed little iheet^Sndepeftdept in ^ , tidsfand devpl ed -to the interest* irf .41 toii.f -Mr.-^ I. HaeWngJis:,Jta*{^l# mjm! rprCpri^b ,. afia - Bis e^pwiejioejfi "-p^hlUshih'gTlt ie- Listowel Sarnt^' 'juelph-' Aflve -tUer lassures: as! tht^ hit venturj ', ^rxU.-.'^a Qfa&SjSigtifc^: ,'r:\L .-**_, . '-r\ . ."J'}' ; ' "- '-p .VljWe'biaye re jeived'.'Siflfirjrtaraial Jthe Aotln Eb iBPjaiss.r Xii^weU..-' pi*" 11)^^19 tp^-I if [3" i. -J - h* mm- ' %H"U Vr-' -1M^'- m f%

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