BeaverToo (Oakville), 6 Sep 1907, p. 3

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Re Mer ue of ihe nogrdes | : s ‘are to be “crowded ; , = ot aa rela by >whatever - race | ee ae ifSelf est able ta survive under |t sie ical... conditions, a one of the roblems.. of The future upon whieh Hittle | ai Ait has-as yeb been cast. ei: Wilt. depend as mitch upon aictaet bat “Pied Friifi—Put fr ‘iit unt penniite pais | negroes settle dowa to“work and exploi B=* \ their resources an egy lines as the vest OT aye 5 ao) aj fie, workd finds “they are idle amd: refuse: to exerl enc “ZEPINES, -Inethe laltersevent the ne glecled ; | én portunities. wil! inevilably coniinue to = ; aot to oulsiders wilh ever-ine reasing Leseega race ‘SELECTED RECIPES, ELeorer with water: in the Ai Se ie oF ening wasirthoroughiy! énd. Caver prin with’ rssh a ok In the morn. und ie Island over lat. you sees = 3 fifteen to-daventy Fe fri tender. Invalids.—-Far . } “ : het Are “alls eet to at 4. - alte ee it ayia wily 4 tofpral 7 rs are people who Uvink the tthe fH thing Ne ae oe one by Siete ; —_ DO "PO whe. Pea hee works “exept under =| Houp four berands> gah ey ie oh “Betis, exalanes, Sind administrator taste-and nix thor + Of their mind. In an article in “the aioe Forlnishily “8S Ais opinion tha : ie ch see ci ‘okie es Ly 47 pence SUCK ‘and heat ti 2 labor’ fs batters SI Sethe ~< wi fe: to pret eater. Returns from tam Biseuits —Pul- tite - 2 “Eh al fed Over” two. id ees wm ate Maar sghieh (he a ee hare found hy ; i hay ; ih i a eit they can i a is reform for their ing fin ish wil i quently settled -< chevn to steady: suOUnb of sali, a eae Meililerraneen ing y | spoonhik of butter. half capt ec white man’s country. Sahara bo re Desin ot ihe Zanibesi rilt ine ih ayers with. HT ise ving 1)" oy bile ne metas 7o Ti sonra oe i. wo ee rs i rl t hy . OW) rid tes Industrial system is te bance on or, han, sliced ib out one-q Wit Cut this up in Squares rinch wid pub-in a stew Kel- lL, pepper, and enough waler preper -profits on their They. will do the rest the interesting te find w man of experience - as great-as this writer's setting forth a humianilarien be economically | & The truth’ he sets-forth isa doubtless capable of an, even wider - one devcup-sweel milk; tablespoontul of sugar; one piece ol but- lhe size of a walnul; s all in a baking dish tnd bake in a moderate oven Ice brown on lop. be used with equally good results. Cup Custlard.—Break into a large Gized cup one egg, lwo teaspoonluls of sugar, a pinch of salt, and grated nutmeg. Beat Fill up the ¢up with sweet milk, most successful. = Canned corn The resurrection from achieved by twentieth century machines. Pro!, George Poe has invented an appar- atus whereby persons killed by asphyxi- alion, poison, or drowning can be re- By this miraculous device the death of persons under the influence being operated as also ean in- A drunken per- it-in a pan. of water boiling» hot and reaching nearly to the top, of -anaesthelics oyen and when the custard erat if upon Can be prevented ; fant asphyxia at birth. bon can be sobered in a few minutes: persons hanged or electrocuted can be amd the freezing to death of ~arlic explorers can be obviated. machine whieh Prof. Tea,—Cul in small have been removed. Boil the pieces ‘or iwenty minutes in one quarl of walter salt has been addeil, poured irom chicken before the meat String Bean Pickles.—Prepare Beil in salt. water then drain, pack in jars, and heal. ° thirds cup sugar, which a Jillle Poe has modelled and has two ft deuble | rine eubés. or two tubes to! connect with the nostrils, one an inlet , life-giving oxygen, the oiher as an outlet for water or poisonous gases, is in line with the construction of the ‘t, and, therefore, has two cylinders, each having an inlet and an outlet valve. A demonstration was made with a rab- bit. whieh gaveveyery and no sign of being alive. Within three minutes after the mag '! Da rabbit was running, as lively and well w« : is A dog also was expery with great success, breathing apparatu: on a human subjec fhat the resulls would ‘ shown on the animals, lwo teaspoons each while mustard and celery seed to euch Heat, pour over beans; | pint of vinegar. eaver. top with horseradis! Bride's Cake.—One and u quariler cups . cup butter, cream tegether; then beat in eight eggs, whites one-half cup sweet | one-half cups sifted flour, | «ne teaspoon cream tartar in eggs when - one-hall teaspoon soda in sign of being dead milk, two and grease or paper Invert when taken from oven and of a veal real into sinall cubes, ‘an onion finely grated, » is imparted. Add one green pepper C, in tiny pieces; cubes of celery. grapes With skin and séeds. re- y. letluce leaves with the pulp removed. refer “this to chicken salad, THE HAPPIEST MARRIAG: > There Must be a puffed pie crust. The very happiest marriages are made | by young people who are first sure thal they love and respect each other. Circumstances of a pecuniary nalure very frequently change alter marriage through: various causes, and if a young woman has married a man because his j her respec! rather lhan himself, she will be rendered most unhappy if thal salary is lessened, « Many prefer the butter t known to do, and only the man remains, <i Appa Girls often lose sight of the fact that. while money matters the question of matrimony, \ by no means be used as the determining cloths are washed, them Wok new. Discolored cups and dishes ose.” & miking Cé 2 mide as new by rubbm¢ The character of a man or girl, their ee beste Bera sia sa Baty ot Trutnal love the obligations each, enter inta stringently than the sum of money up- on which they are to live, Queenship and Slaveship are noe more Mmpalible with married happiness than tyranthood and serfship on the part of When vegetabli&&b cook dry and sea ar burn, sel the vessel at once in ¢ wil taste very , : ' [lie scarching. Fish that is to be fried should be or- dered ta be sent early, as ib cooks much beer if previously rolled some time in i clean cloth to ensure! perfect dryness, Constant blacking is likely es leather of boats before very long, _ Respect depends largely on the s ~ itr details—habits, manner of and behaviour; so much so that the tact- ful and forbearing girl, and careful in dress, may be a far more successful wife than the one whe scorns : ¥ a bing ff. a] ‘11 tine bla Kine 7 a i that make for wrdinary see : mehing oil inte For disposing the little wavs cemfork and happiness. a | Brides should of wood the the gas shave, tibout three ‘helen: wide and one inch Nall this at the side of the wall fasten iv it either Position, Smbonye . sen Of their own station ‘in ’- Bub the girl-wife's i > not drift in this direction, 6 is sellish and a lillle bit Gow ae _ She feels that she should be all-sufftei- ent, and her-somely should make up for length of the too ution I thick. - Loa rl > | imear the gas blave, idles or serew eves, om you have excellent strip on tinware; il is oul of sight and space ear “wy i = 4 Lo ae | ‘ i LP “Wy a” ae 4 a e Lie “r on \ _ Every woman’ s heart, Brain, and mind be-alive and warm-with human _ sympa a ‘and ernie itigin, ; ual i = on i Se. sw UAT t HEY LACK, pee peered the tear irl, fou a-T0t believe in lave ; ‘Lido rejoined the old bache- “Pen “were -giffed with second sro: Le a sail. in ts " + La a7 i i _ al pw which to rub the irons is a fairly. large of folded brown paper. serve ota tok this a cloth should he ‘kept. at Said on which | a wipe off any flakes of soot ar A. small piece of wax is excellént. Ver producing a gloss when clean on ue iron, and paraffin has the s at* 4 CORRECT SAUCES FOR MEATS. " Here are the rules for serving correct, sauces for meat as laid down by an) rrated horseradish. mato or horserad- ast f milion, eurrant itl. wal rest veal, ast Segnvas bac net Roast = A00l. & ae % ee’ ‘eve ~ Roast ‘go jelly fh eee | sauce, iets, Roast dick. ar anges y ald boiled longue, ‘pti sate Jeiives stuffed w ith _peppers- CGomed beef,’ : “Lobster cuttet, Sweet bread cutlet, Gold Daifed Tish, sauce piquante: Broiled steak, mai ire a’ hotel butte per mushrooms, Tripe, {ried bacon and apple rings, Broiled fresh mackerel, piqued, BOOSe berries ‘Fedsh salt ron, ere 11 Sete and: apoen peas. = “pris ONER'S “Great Power Over An’ ins: ‘That Taunt A -curiius and pathetic ‘Very UncoyWnoON Teature wns touched Bpon 18 ciiler day. ae ‘fn Tee conploined ta A that he had becn -prevented S brin ging ots rats 4 Tho pis irae by the warders orism with Ia F lame. Pris ™ the danbit uf hikes pels. a ee | 5 Te ei eae e ets. SONS. ee n~ THOM * ALS kitr vey Th itt fh in Pe she seul, ille ‘then: so-¢heverly, wis ahloa io ing then, sullicient business, = Parris. r even flues, have ly Conve (6: 4 tai Story rosie i, how i Portland . Scns was driven conliscittion eauely) and Warherant 3 er. mod frients. with ‘anal: interrupted. the aL tions at the quire concerning Lhe dé rubie dt} him in Glasgow viller fears al parting wild ik Few criminals, pie with | Se mmr AS cd Slice hy ‘the Spaniard cuted: some the brital Hainpstesd Heath. ec. hve Pals, ‘at his call, where. ~ The prison tome running eut. of their holes al 1h sound of his voice. raws, allracted strange .personalily of the. man, flew 1 “Ylocks to his cell window. a eS“ S SENTENCE SERMONS. Every doctrine must prove itself by} oing, Conscience is a coneeit, He is lifted in blessing wther’s burden, Only a feol ‘road instead of a guide. The surest heart is to sel The striking sermen its the other sinner herd. Few things than cherishe " sorrows. All the eogure ho uses é) to the master Only those w no Ing DOT really The man The Lord giver; He loves a giver of quod. “cheer. will make much headway going al. things with the head alone, | This world only becomes beautiful as ; unpleasant problems. You never we lackle its iH you cannot find the street vou will golden streets. 6 omumanaments trouble to people gel around them. The sins we ways get up inte the have compauny. Ii may be belter = The ten sland still, -etther when nate or Religion is a plant Wf you try week. THEN When the new hoardeér and sat dewn, : diming-room lanly one other person al the lable. The new nd thought § be buppose you ve 1 time? Tew Hah, But. neg. Ee That's | pnever baa nve AT vel dl2 ‘em. _f{a sctt, sweel, 4 thats fe way can }ive here without being asked me “nudge her wi fore this Mme 1o-nMiri ling me her fa she looks as H she Probably wot hed amp | who was aboul mas chickens, and that’s all names Hudson. - ; aint, Pies, Jolin. Hepry. li shoo heard vours, {alo na, nraller, band! MUSICAL-BOX IN A FINGER-RING. The most charming lithe ring in the work isthe property of Mr. Temple, of ‘This ‘gentleman is-a nephew : “of Sir Richard Temple, and the ring in| | question is-a highly- -prized old family heirloom. Inside of this tiny circle of gold are the works of a perfect little} usical-box.. Just touch a minule spring ring quite close to the ear, and you will Hear the sweetest, weird- tiniest lille tune that could | sibly be devised, which seems to. pir “forth like a voice frem eine land. eae i Tater a fot wing a prize for speaking -jin school she ¢ glee t lo talk for € aonden. he a €si, et SS Roast chickens bres sl sauce. - ‘Fried chicken, 6033.1 EFaVys cota | tits saice tartare. stuer bechantel.- pene Lt = 2 pee ra pExAmuHe » tat | | Who Was €xX2@- He caucht und tam- = ae they would come Bun about any And even, the spar- aod eure fer truth open ithe evens UP | 4, on nh shees ire at a thee ena. Peaple who have sympathy for human- sly are nal sighing for heaven. not find him on hide in the basement. 2 parlor when wel mark time than to greal sin to dor work awaits us. that soan perishes to sustain it by. gol it intc a- pious BAND PLAYED. wernt inter the would be affable. boarded here I 1 fe is “tk? tty fair. I have no complaint { t you decenh aps Lought to—™ 3 ever tried chueks we in a while ie Feat: fhe cpandiiidys Suumnwined nd hold the joseesewsurey Tune | Eletet ‘ yeyolution geese. one 3 it was now an cabot si ma . ~ Shushten- gues i] y was 3 small place ‘put a happy one. ‘fags were Wipkeov dream, and eS ae were aeapase: IL was only a Htise, EO. 6 speak, “pre Fl Lh ~ cabs were bubei ea ATG - | ij " duadL. no trams, streeh, With, sts siding the actear | and its back Jymg “Het upon a- clit, 4 W Hew. one Eberieezer Breivens 5 4 Tr bho “Shishi len-on-Slep he diced the lock i I J q iby some strange, uccilent ar other, fell | at ak li ite Tie) q UF nee, pac art: mae aM. i, TRS ere. Raine wes. prey wood: pearly werked came of ay ect as sno ps of "TFatte Besides, 2 discovered liv = The might aati Pinighib: sae aay pubic we anti ao; ol; “wide F ik cht m: te) Pass thi alter the “pilives Loud io their ast! ied you. paid any ~Consc- Browns lice | ¢, Here “if pias -| the place’ fib a few weeks ad | iv hs } ehubent iba shop. trad e559 lopendi- in 8 nfdst! —_ Bearing 4 han iis. trant the - tame” of Bhenserer i Prownh. Jt Was.a -wtonleriit shop, Tatty } ceuld got everything yo waited pr: 4 The pr sverbial Ii " pneedle wis to be-Had inj the“new eni- )porinn, siic-by side a wen riders tand ug Ft 4 4 ie] al fey {1 ae it = Wilh the Lit hia 1 aor + i Slishit Me at a fe nnd US mind and} L by thas” venture: r re! » things 1S Well: fir “hl Contained prove (rings (han i was acc ustomed la wart, an sh ses for is that Mro- fates alt ef Fd de fot bk kl fs, encugh for it. | passed aver it were a trusty Psees a shop himself into aver it. had done mathine fa economic Side, Behdghh there rane kiah Jones, hy aceident, liiuibted bower. PF ifuratively aver: it,” said. Mr. phew. shop wide open opposite Mr. Brown, Jones” glaring down at everybody from s had been thinking, and such was the product of his thought.’ The appearance of a tival upon the scene was viewed by Mr. Brown in no uncertain fashion. scarcely ‘fhelieve his eyes, though they the decor! Mr... sooner or later, as a fact. Mr. Mr. Janes, however. } care fully studied | er: 5 and began to find out their particu- lar wants. His stock was as similar to Mr. Browns as il Little by litth he felt that he was mak- People came to him sce what himself ing an impression. Gut of curiosify—to and his shop were lke. before Mr; Brom ever arrived.It found “pital, The-resiy}t ee oo te i i Brown dstoyered’ that he tsh in WOOL ge rs a dav when ze- inother . é¢xtraerdinary info: dhal peaceful speaking, ~ Mr: SOK limsely, rubhe i his eves. and stared, place.” “excluinved one shop i it and asl iy annex pected Jones, “Only trade enough far iwoa, soltoquized Mr. Janes. “Pll think Janes, And he did. Slustiton-on-Slop. was nol used to sur- prises.: One-every few years was quile The opening up of Mr ‘ : L * a 4 st | f = - Brown had daken a. lot iwas only slowly Pshuck. But what aut of it, aricl tt recovering from. the a: thrill and aw tremor lt beheld a brand- for’ business jusl the name “Ezékiah At first tbe could jut when & man staring at him from over -the way, and containing the selfsame goods as he has in his own, he is bound, to look upon the thing Brown quickly worked and perspiration kept Gel. ey Brown's #0sin- could possibly he, Then they saw Fthat he was giving as good value as | far patron. Such wints of shopkeepers. other, Afr. Leustomer who "} meant loss to him. levery new cli Brown saw thal every enlered Mr. Jones's Jones saw that might possibly De- me, with care and altention, a regu- are the varied stand- i! E Now. Slushton-m-Slop was under no particular obligation anv Social or io 6either. Both comnrercial connection t | were absdlute strangers. Neither had 1 side of fifiv. With the neighrorhood. a bachelor, put Mr. Brown was was on the shady . Jones was a bache- lor. too. a year or eo removed from the | half-century. innoeent of hair. fer man would be the winner in the long | Furl. Ebenezer Brown also, Ezekiah Jones. forward ensued commercial warfare t 4 pares hitter FHitherta they a i | _} Stushton-o2-Stop was fickle . The bet- i q a Felf that, Felt i And from. that ie and prolonged Hitt belween the rivals had been neadding ac- ;quaintanees, When they slood al their rrespective decrs. for the first time every paver ning they were farmally to each accustomed "to bow ether. Once, when i leaving church, they raised their hats po- spoke to each Mr. Brown se* themselves eagerly and forgot that they liely to cach other in the sight. of all | But new all such little diplomatic ac- knowledgments were given up. They spoke fd «ach either no fore. They ha more. They i their business were human. the. first to draw i blood. "Fhat is to say, frank considerably he got his: shop entarged and had % tfine plate-glass window filted in. This certainly looked. like making the pace. ; When the joh was bo: TSlop walleed in to cangritulale diintr. The wags in the village foresaw a greal deal of fit out of the nivalry, — They | teld Mr. Brown pEnocking fits out olf lone S with his ne wind. Mr. Brown-fell highly delight: | slrake. In the even- mg, prior to shulting up, he would po out intf the street and guxe proudly at lhe glory of his new shop front. He Jonés was watching and. that) Brought A. Jones ow “was. Vasil ei? at lis master knew well tret him «ver the way; hint unspeakable consolation. thunderstruck at Brown's innovation, enough “la -enlier finished, Slushtar- he was simpiv His rival's wir and hands nie one to enter und -buy. “Po nitke matters sumeliing waurse; he owas flocked Prowl, was ¢rowing V ) Cpa With Ane we ited a I hs shitl Md, Jan : , ere seh tis Mod consisi@u of a] peunced upan recesses, leaned « Scraped, -and nailed, a whole month, thy wad ts Bat daw “leit his Fo ‘ 5 ; -§ “Ter him that Koudly over his Pipocent- réenuirtke= Fa desperate (own lante- } rmined thetbcall | a) licree hee kiwh She wails pace, aece ej is tht: case wi ib Slushion-on-Slop. e gborey. See Jones n tyom the tity, who rept into its’ fils ¥ peages nd mered for. Gee Hie with} excilement. The curiosy ©! Slus! ‘ton-_ gu-Slop was never in its Hy! a dizzy. height. The workmew 4 be “bribed - Into disclosing Wl were about. ne Said nothing. ‘frequent intervals, just because by = swt that Brown was’ eyeing him oh ' pe window, he etrelled up. Ne of his disinantied horribly irtitavn; enn ne, ime he Workmep «°l0nsed Phos te . oo a ee jas. fine, as Brown's, abe nae was. St ed-in vbuge imposin La at was ofa striking ¥ | caught the eye forcibly at ihe very’ end. ave all, the one-slorey-| Jed. dwelling ‘had disappeared, andin' its {place was a building af which eormpletely- towered ree ‘Brow ny a3 MCHOSS- Mes way.! ese = Slusho on-Slep uaz sime sree deelur |’ ef that Janes had won with a vengeante |. Poor pare felt awful when-| Tee tae Weil bre’ ius. color. that foul: —— ‘i eran ns Hod c aleee MAG a first-rate: usiniess girl, vely” andquick to ) a degree, a “Slushton-on-S an Brown's Stock sof: lwo storey sage rhe a emg Daa up. ieee bai econ fa Daisy. = < Jones's stile. at. Thind “was. far fr m4 lis receitls were fat toste his: pens customers. afler a ten 5, porary: ‘diskoyally hi nought BESO ARE P tg See" Daisy, \eoaih to hin, Pat he Rapes Ww vel acs ae Where ae Wi (ite in such. a. case Stet a min -wottld 2 1at slop at “a, Day hy diy The could. not |! that ster lr piece Was y a} ever” his -eyes splendid- odifice was“drendially ater that jones: alts aay ~ ass brewing aH — As TOIViTig: trade, up BS bent cf mnits- dines “y oS Sibi Eradaea cine ' ie nit ut i! 4 ae «_infended 6 da int (he"near Take Sowers help ae INSwwMa dee re th osyele ps enlis, ced slits Re ie doh doRS i pereater™ Nii, | during [hese days ls Whea he—partialy: iriends debate and fanciful atl dd: with ning ts 6 vthat he Waster Fos im fr Ce oS: Jk pies" Ss specess, Tio. singuiar pak ait the» was thal-Ehsiriie Robinsan-<did nat and i. Lee ee, mouinbe on ae i rN Mindnemer, (he fit eo met have: beth 0 “Ts briltianese al , its stars ot: the piss qa Saly < ‘anit secingr Chat EL “hal paliyaliy ce pects Th acc ce unee wath nis slate ae ne VOT RTE: iii. - ro aud they SOON be ‘tan to Wansfor n he wet hene| He hardy ‘ever saw hee TUE ‘Ther averred. came Inka JOnES* cr casi ais thé Ente | the oe ‘since 18 ve “eule (han 5 As wes 5 few woauths: wh aiways. taiking “about Re hagadceds lo “Chari AWWERE so that 4n_ Jones's. as'| ay 1 as in “B: awn's Heneals) “ey ee ee ae Kept ons fae =o. t8, Very fnuch inthe dark, , a 3 isto at 2. 000, erie ka oa ‘that iS. nea ] ieisenas ew: ‘diameter wae FSG i ih a ‘ie splash: of light vin - the eueey in appeuranee | e thirty. lines BE tl oy 1is strange deep mcs nt Jones pee eer. oa cub. be much ashined:- ‘Hilere aes Sone eurioat sity” awakenedby: extensive olleratidas going on in a house righ! in the cenipey BLS Braw teand Jones } stot tly denied, all viata ad of it, the uiners wi 0 ud co ge as TC)! One @ Savini Bre watt stroll led if fo Bee Len inte heigh t of goadshumoer. Bb sees Dicongh | | enipty. cba me foult ‘of wind, oft anti threme tenulty, >) space ak the r ‘meters a ests Sse! fahout 17. aoe aiiles’ ee li LETS: MIR. ARS NOT se . “rhaygh if travels “bh = and str Se tie eae de selinse them, mM Oe eee ra 6 OE 7 . Brown said vile Bath eee new (Similar iinibér of storeys. second one was Sy high that bis’ was fully-three foe! Jones was bealen again. eS to nie, my said Brown, with his a s, Sir; I wish ean te ak a— =r ase “Give me. whal, my dear | gallantly seas SE a ‘allay = Gea? spac ee this twaveller, OCS, “ephus, SEL a wanderer, this vagabond lo travel. pownd the sun on $ 4, amd then-to escape eee ene An the deserts of infinity.” +. Mile. Renaudot bara Hoe esting surmi ‘ happen sheuld a’ “great nee gl with the earth, ~~ tie cate “The eventuality is not impdss “Without ‘doubt. this: = plant be plunged- oe pb vapors, “Cor ger and carbon. ~Nebody ittitely what ‘the physiok quences might be. : wa IF EARTH MET € CON net y -on-Slop was So keen on the : her heed as Brown shook at the knees. in i “CLA aLY. ‘ ae F tb BOT SE GoT ina “W-what. Miss Dale?” he gasped, wilh- Brown's house was. finished it sealed is triumph hy turning in asbodyv Jonés: was practically de- that everything de- Sserted. He soon saw pended on his next move, When ane morning Ib was: discover- shut his shop. and cone up to Dbonden the excitement in’ the village became awful, the struggle? ite, ay you era bces, te kind and good to me, but—I—l am going to-be “Married?” ae Brown, perspiring: Was Jones giv- Brown walked (orth in the presence of a growme crowd of the natives and Brown was. hardly able to ROSEN Robinson, sir, who works: mayne be a uate ‘amount of oxygen in the ot oe would — ‘Sring abeut extremely law sy) iri 7 fveneral depression. and a state o! Yethargy would fall on. the comet passed away. with the diminution . of pn gen and the increase of o ine air, a great reachon would be p “At first it would take the happy. satisfaction, an i ale Quickly following this wos os ‘a nervous excitement, caused by @ me vapid combustion of - tungs, and ils more rapid c “Then would follow a wild on - whole of humanity would palpi ‘the beating of the same heart, accelerated until, in the end, ‘the. hi aL Mitself would be attacked by this 6 super- — combustion of oxygen. The whole work jiransported into a wild madness, would ‘purl itself info a mad dance, and 7 the wildest extray | ending in final exhaustion. SHROUD OF HUMANITY, — Bist | “The flamboyant mantle of the br pwould have heconie the ‘shroud To Rebinson at Jones's?” s, ar Pilveat my hat!” ' replied Daisy. Brown ran inté the street, to cool him- He walked along a bit. across, he saw Jones excitedly be i Forgetling the past, Brown his braim in a whirl. “Have you heard the news, Brown ” cried Jones, whe was evidently feeling pretty bad himself. y Jones was al busi- -the sei ness as usual. lered his shop came back with a remrark- ‘able slorv, which impelled others to go went. forward, real, dive as- | ot wark tend- rers, while Jones stoed ‘n his thutubs deep in lis arm- Bits, and that aggravating smile again playing about his unlovely mouth, Charlie Robinson was brought back with him He was already asked Brown, knowing iy inslinet. what was coming. Aiki hese young people of ours are get- tive assistant’s : Ye know that house where Lhe estab rn were Cron se with brow n is. amd a sweet moustuche that well-shaped lwad, against us two in that very house! genial and so coaxing and so bustling thal everyone was etharmed with him. twentw-four hours ic oie . + —_ * _ = was scarcely Why didn’t we leave t Slushton-or-Sigp when every radius of a mile suddenly found that she wanted something. very badly ’ Brown, why didn’t v Stushton-on-Slop To-day Slushton-on-Slop knows not Brown nor Jones. Charlie and Mrs, whinser. are deing all the trade.—Lone- }, agreed with Brown did not fulfil his | eating his hat, ‘gan to wilness a strange quickly became ceon- | fined ta the male sex. raving about Charlie. that any of them: wauld admit but in a very short time e 3 “Ph isk grievous prophecy, - The A l- See it is extreme, and do neal hesita add that. in all nision might net bring such terribl robability, the col — OPIUM HABIT CURED. p ity, | Remarkable Discovery by Young China- j man Reported. In a_report the American consul-gen- ral at Singapore gives interesting Up whieh they ok formation on the new Malay apium cure. | He states that the plant from which the combretum sundaicum, is a climber of no hitherto known use. It was discovered by a young China- . who had been told by ose of «is friends to boil the plant growing in the jungle and drink “Calculations go to prove that Jargest comets, such as the co 4211, weigh almost nothing, See “density, and could not even aa be uear our atrousphere, — “If the callision were not fatal weuld probably prove quile i in But there 3 no cau are a thousand millions to one such a collision ever occurring.” rig Fae _dones "haugetied : In scedres the | When they had | ¢ i wanted ‘ict: girls wenl inte #9 ge hrs went. looking for) | something - else cure is brewed, have expended any ame aa of money Ke able to stay in the shop to ehat with Day by day the smile on Jones's face a gave oe Charlie was such : that Jones found it desirable to leave aff work allegether. was expanding ; WITH. TH E OL OUCE ESTER FISHERM The rouline life on a mackerel eo; is nol strenuous. The crew co of fourteen men, a skipper and Twa men constitule a watel, one— . {he olher at the. . that each man has two hours: on ditty, and then twelve hours off. turn comes around again. — ay sf his” perind he may be called on fo : sail wash the deck or lo perfar Half” of the -erew hi Sunk forward with the Cook, g of the forecastte, and the r rast aie an with the caplain, - a to a double bunk wit, net troubled by galley sills, bul iia be’on our good: rélies and revels were. forwards crew are in two ‘Shifts, the o with the Ficiate —The Travel and did not wish to intrude himself be- The landlord was. told and set his coolies to collect The Chinese preachers and | ‘ enthusiastically the matter, and the medicine was pres pared at the mission hat, came every day for, the marvelous re- yaya de the om Furthermore, it was so delicious to tell about tie street with your - better fae your absence! In course of time, better Known, | santer la go ty Jones's. | ke pt away from the place. ‘vy Brows versus Charlie. | was unquesitonably Ww inning aba canter! In mission hall aa street Sulaide hecameé Bul Bro whe was not yet commuened, | iraltiing good idea seized held « 2 | and Ie determined lay eet on it he would pay hi own ‘ouinl pa Up to Landon went Brown one day. ‘The cause of his,@oing betame the Pug. the men thought it plea- ssl lindings eee caused | Ulseked with peeple, The demand was “hinore than the supply, and two Coolies were engaged to help to prepare che nn which the poor vie dims pleaded for help, children begging at iz Phe eager wa CATE HING. RUSSES IN et ome ‘Busses and trams do 1 nat, but only al certains indicated by signs. “There it ¥ 13 sy 5 ceive only us many passengers as t vacanl seats, ar in the ore the ‘unber regs checks Laue hing, “the report states. ' eee Soe eae it ment he © pened his daar “J Wis besreges! ig cust i hid Low , ou chests per L ‘lik ing pref C lak Gd Ob 44 4 11S rival's example, es all Jaber in Malacca are de- Wwils wot a Vin Ug (BH i he ae Dieter irre A ha) ew af adit | siting tid healthy. anid Weve is afterw eae he -eraving for draw from: a Lox int the adjveent w bre ent wae a pee Us kK) Lessehier “AGAINST THE ee ea ibis always ul ee fa se fhe tracks * nts 1 |. Europe, or to 6 ja ticket, For the vatler ol pe is Pid Lard. Joseptt | : peace ea Bs ote 5 a eat ) Have, a laok oat her. prople Wie haa n|al beeyy mm Rivirwhes weeks suddenly We is Hie ae to rribte repliapl lib Ome of the grim Wiig is: BUPe: Ly: Wat ota Stone Which was few years ago in the cemetery “ol We- - Bastern Hungary, “Here reskin the ‘Marita, senior, who died in bis. anol He was shol by his son. joseph Morilz. who died in Aer y “ih | She was shot by her dai ghler. Pusat meee who di es Vth, year, after. shooting | (ie ad shot That meant Uiat jhaariteacosty “voted lo be, pretty, and so gentle, and so earoate mannered. that she won all hearts with- Jones was dreadfully curi- | ous to sce her. lo Charlie Robinson $0 often hat the ‘young man looked decidedly hored. “Mller the first week Daisy establish: | 3 veer a8 favorite of ‘the first order, wh ol to. sec that} ae a his atte ce ‘a +] ae sel

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