BeaverToo (Oakville), 6 Sep 1907, p. 8

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Rd, } nt. AP Monkton, Ont. Gradnate of Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, Toronto, Treats all diseases of do- mésticated animals, Calls by telephone or otherwise promptly attended to, W. H. BARNHARDT Monkton, ‘eQuotations given on applica- tion to —_—— Ontario DR. R. LEDERMAN DENTIST Antiseptic Licentiate of Dental Surgery and Member of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, honor graduate of Toronto University, Crown and Bridge work a specialty. Hours 9 a. m. and5 p.m, Office above the Sov- ereign Bank, Milverton, A. CHALMERS MONKTON, ONT, Notary Public, Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, J. P, for the County of Perth, Real Estate bought and sold, Barber Shop Pool Room Everything up-to-date. Sterilized towels. Anti- septic brushes & sooth- ing lotions used. A few choice farms for immediate sale. MONKTON LIVERY! First-class horses and rigs, Commercial and local business catered for. <2 Prompt attention given to al! orders by telephone or otherwise, J. WHITE, Proprietor in connection. :: Prices right. Games. strictly for amusement, MONKTON JOHN BUCHAN, Proprietor JUN T. GILL > a BAAS SRE (EEE sey HARNESS (iroeer and Confectioner, Hestuarant and lee Cream Paplop Fruit and When purchasing harness It pays you to buy a good article, We have had a wide ex- perience in the business and understand it in all its \| Price 25c per box at all dealers, When Women Suffer. Look out for weakness and: disease. See if there isnota sideache, headache restiessness and the.“blues.” These symptons indicate that you need the gentle assistance of Dr. Hamilton’s | Pills. They are women’s greatest re- lief, prevent functional derangements, renew the life of the blood, purify and clean the system throughout. No ton- Ic SO potent, no results so marked as follow the use of Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. ROSTOCK, Mrs Allen and daughter, of Detroit, returned home on Friday after spend- ing several weeks with the former's trother, C Rasman. Mrand Mrs Chas Ritter, of milver- ton, spent Sunday with mr and mrs Joe Malchow. Mrs M Knechtel and son, Wesley, have returned to Berlin. They spent a week visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity. Little Eddie Knechtel, who was seriously kicked by a horse about a week ago, is improving. Mrs J Kreuter has been unable to go about for several weeks as the re- sult of a soreleg, It is proving a rather serious trouble, as she has been confined similarly before this, We certainly wish her a speedy recov- ery. Mrand Mrs J Knechtel and mr and Mrs D Schlotzhauer visited with mr and Mrs G Kalbileisch on Sunday. MrC Talmage has been renewing old acquaintances in the village, Mrand Mrs Rose, of Milverton, eall- ed on Mr and Mrs E Huchthausen on Sunday. Miss Lydia Debus, of Milverton, spent Sunday with her parents, —— Steamer Greyhound at Goderich Se In connection with the official open- Ingot the Guelph & Goderich Rail- way and the demonstration to be held at Goderich on Thursday, September 12th, the musical societies of G uelph and Goderich have arranged with the White Star Line of Detroit to send their magnificent new steel steamer, Greyhound, to Goderich, to run excursions on Lake Huron during the day.. This splendid steamer, with acapacity for 3,000 people, will ron details, Prices are close. Call and see us. We guarantee our goods. three trips on the lake on the 12th. the first starting shortly after the ar- rival of the trains from (suelph, There will be a trip in the afternoon, with music by the Guelph musical Society’s Band, and one in the even- ing, when the 38rd regiment band, of Goderich, wlll play. The Greyhound is one of the finest excursion boats on tue continent, and will make a big| attraction for the Goderich celebra- | tion, The Greyhound is bringing an Oysters in Season Woy JOHN Monkton, GERTH, Ontario excursion from Detroit to Goderich, | leaving Detroit Wednesday morning, |} September llth, and on the return ) trip will leave Goderich on Saturday, Stationery and Sehool Books Lax-ets 5 C Sweet to Eat A Candy Bowel Laxative, | September llth, after arrival of the |morning trains from Guelph and Stratford, | a ee a Law Should Be No Preserve for Rich Men’s Son's (Toronto Telegram) Ontario does well to raise the stan- dard of legal education so as to penal- ize poyerty of intellect, Ontario is not so well justified in heightening the fees for a legal educa- tion so as to penalize poverty of pocket. Lhe Law Society should be free to raise its educational standards in or- der to make it difficult for students to pass its examinatious. The Law Society should not be free to raise its financial standards in or- der to make it diflicnit for students to pay the fees, Ontario ought to maintain stand- ards of legal education that will make it difficult for mediocrities to enter the profession, Ontario ought not to maintain fees for a legal education that will make the profession of law a preserve for rich men’s sons, | SE Good Roads (Simcoe Reformer) Fifty years ago there was some er- cuse for bad roads, for our country was poor. Now it is rich there is no excuse. A good road is always to be desired and is a source of comfort and convenience to every traveller. Good roads attract population, as well as good schools and churches, Good roads improve the value of property, so that itis said a farm lying five inues fromm market connected by a bad road is of less value than an equally good farm connected by a good road. A larger load can be easier drawn by one horse over a good road than by two over a bad one. Good roads en- courage the greater exchange of prod- ucts and commodities between one sec tion and another. Good roads are of great value to railroads as feeders. SS Swapping Population (Washington Post) Every Canadian who makes a home with us adds a friend of Canada to our citizenship, and every American who makes a home in Canada gives us an additional friend in the Dominion. We cannot easily have too much of that sort of thing. It is one of the beneficent eyolutions~of manifest des- tiny. Some day we will come to our senses and enter upon a trade recipro- city with our neighbors to the north! that will make us closer friends than we are, and that will be to the mutu- al advantage of both. We are nearly 100,000,000 men, women and_ chil. dren. Basically we are Anglo-Saxon German School Association er | At a meeting of the German School | |} Association of Waterloo, held on a a - c | Duffield, “The Makes Suits That Fit Like a Glove Tailor” E. HAS just placed in stock a very fine line of Fall Suitings, consisting of Tweeds and Serges Cheviots and Worsteds of the latest pattern. See some of his Overcoat- ings. :: No trouble to show goods whether you want to buy or not.-:-:- 0. DUFFIELD, The Tailor, Monkton | | Tuesday evening. the books for the| use of the German classes at the school were decided upon, and 150 | will be ordered at once for present4 juse, and additional ones as required, | as the classes advance from grade to| | grade. lt might be stated that the parents | of the pupils taking the course of /German at the school will only be | obliged to pay half the costs of the books purchased, the German School | Association paying the other half, All who enter upon a German course are entitled to this reduction whether | the parents of the children belong to the Society or not, and this commen-| | dable action on the part of the Asso- /ciation will -be much appreciated by | all interested, | Citizens generally can assist in the good work by becoming members of the Association and paying the mem- bership fee of $1. The German classes will commence upon the opening of the fall term, with Miss Bornhold in charge. ! _ _— ~~ = —— “Toney” goes Free. Antonio Beltram, an Italian who was Chalmers & Golightly Everybody knows, or should know, that the proper place to buy is at a shoe store, Our stock is complete and up-to-date in every particular. In fine footwear, we handle George A. Slater's “Invictus” Shoe for Men, and “Empress” Shoe for Women (Made by the Walker Parker Co.) The above names are a guarantee of style and quality. | Now is the time to buy Long Boots. We handle the| best in the market. All sizes, ranging in price from $3.50 to $5. | In Boy's, Youth’s and Misses’ Staple Lines, we have a large assortment, suitable for fall and winter wear and at prices that defy competition. If you are travelling, see our line of TRUNKS, TELE- SCOPES and VALISES. * fz Repairing neatly and promptly done, Chalmers & Golightly Opposite Post Office Monkton, Ont, eu . t + al ial. 3 a ; 8 sa om, i ee a Ae. ~~ : thy a _ oa : <" a 2 bas am aL»! ons iC = a = ax a See = ey a oS Sale a — , 7 oil = i ¥ “Footwear | doorway of the car was also working on the railway construction work in Colborne and who was charged | : ; With insatiate gluttony for dominion over the soil, and we only follow the nature in us when an American sells 100 acres in Iowa to acquire 200 acres across the border. Let the nasural law of habitation have its way It cannot be repealed, Strayed HERE strayed from the premises of the undersigned, lot 31, con, 13, Elma, three calves, one red, one with a few white spots on it and one grey. -Finder please communi- hope in the practical usefulness of the commission. Canada did not create the Railway Commission in order to add one more to an army of courts that are already numerous enough to cumber the ground. Canada created the Railway Com- mission in order to fill a long-felt want for a quick-acting business orga- nization, simple in methods, direct in its usefulness, free alike from the laws geantly of the conventional legal tri bunal, That want is stil! unfilled. —_—— — ous Japanese The Ambiti .(Goldwin Smith) The dispute with -the Japanese, we nay be pretty sure, the relations be- tween Great Britain and Japan being what they are, will be amicably settled on this occasion. That Japanese will be excluded is. not likely, but a limit will probably be put to their adimis- sion. So much for the present, but there can be no doubt that there is serious reason for alarm as to the fu- ture, Japan really commands the Pacific Coast; at least the only naval power which could confront her on those seas, Russia having succumbed, is the far distant. one of Great Brit- ain. The Americans could not strike round Cape Horn; on the Pacific they would have no coaling station or basis of any kind, and the Panama canal, if it ever succeeds, will not be open for years. The Japanese are crowded, restless, ambitious, and there have even. been some symptoms of excitable sentiment such as might impel! to vio lent counsel, Satie te FOF PS May Yet Be a Natio es (Goldwin Smith) ‘“Aionism,” the recovery of Palestine for the jew, is reported to be making a new and more hopeful departure. It is surely must desirable that the jews should have a ‘country of their own, Their present condition as a wander- ing nationality, sojourning among other nations with which they do not blend, and to whose habits they do not conform, practically from agriculture, and consigned to other, and too often unpopular trades, has been a great misfortune to them- selves and to mankind, It has inevi- tably produced a general feeling against them. To ascribe that feeling to mere hatred of religion ur race, or to a perfectly unreasoning prejudice is absurd. A feeling which has perva- ded all nations for many ages can hardly be unnatural and groundless, On this continent, at all eyents, relig- lous prejudice hardly exists, and ail white races mingle with perfect free- dom. The Lombards and the Armen- ians, when they took to wanderin:§ and to the practice of unpopular trades, encountered a. measure of the sane antipathy as the sew. The ac. counts of the jews in Poland, thair state and relations to the Polish peo. ple, called forth by recent events, are hideous and deplorable. A large re- flux of Jews to Palestine is, of course, may be partially arrested for the fu- ture, and at all events the recognition ofa separate nationality will some- cate with ALEX. WILSON. what clear the situation. =" —— 1 — =m. i = —————S= 2 delays and from the pomp and pa*| debarred not to be expected, but the wandering } 24 URES SG ay) SUC eS & EN) © oes Gee Oe 7 Re om - THURSDAY, SEPT. 12th, 1907 OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE GUELPH AND GODERICH RAILWAY THREE SPECIAL TRAINS FROM GUELPH TRIPS UPON LAKE HURON on the BIG NEW STEEL STEAMER GREYHOUND of the White Star Line Capacity 3,000 People. This magnificent Steamer comes to Goderich by arrangement of che Guelph and Goderich Musical Societies, to help make the day a pleasant one, and will give three trips on the lake during the day. On the first trip the Greyhound will leave the dock shortly after the arrival of the trains from Guelph. The Guelph Band will furnish music for the afternoon trip and the ment Band, of Goderich, for the evening trip. For time of trains leaving see railway advertising, and don't forget the last train will leave Goderich 11 p. m., upon return of the steamer from THE MOONLIGHT TRIP ° ca The Greyhound will run an excursion from Detroit to Go? leaving Detroit Wednesday morning, September 11th, = at noon, after the _ Sord Regi- il -_ aa hand return, eturning, leav- val of morning ing Goderich Saturday, September 14th, trains from Guelph and Stratford. Se eae a OF — Sake Oe ee rod ee ee: a: ee ee — : —=— — ae — > Eres = a , - a ite = ‘on w) a = — “ee a : _ = “7 F tee i a +". z ma + =I — = c = i aa , =. a a sit sa = ae SS E,W ae aa PE nes IEE RIE Re gt ee = iy col Re en ae - i= 2 ed et See te ee Pin ee Me, ge ng mn pt. oo TST Se oo eee a? at YS sea lag ee mt. = te oo ses oat ie ie . Pi = = ; > <M wet Basil ert ee SS = Ser: We ae Sane ge ns ea iF eit t > ee > ee 2% te 7 aa ee re ee eR : | ag eae a f See a eee a " | ee | a, ae . , = ba : >. = : — - : j i ’ = : — * Re: A. F McKENZIE I A Rural Opinion. Admiral Dan’s Rapier Thrust. Canada’s Long-Felt Want 3 pie a n 7 | tS a 4 a, <a 73 * = * * . H B : : —— : : : => : ™ ; . “2 + Ere —- Physician and Surgeon , (Brant ord Courier. ) , (Calgary News.) Canada’s —_ Railway Commission 3 sts aes By : y “eWe make the brick that he Sag ee cee has opened; The Daily News does not publish should never have played at being a | = on os ms famous and the people of the province will | } latest news—it all : qd | court. . Lees. =F aoa = fine made Monkton ; : - . | the latest news—it allows its esteeme ea _~, Office hours: So far as possible, fro have a great chance to improve their contemporaries todothat, This great| he minute that lawyers began call- | 3 ra - Lto3p, m, and in evenings. ‘eNo building material shows ricultural knowledce b hi ie : hbo d ATs ; rn — am = ae . | Gainey Wks ear rectonrat agricultural knowledge by watching family journal publishes the earliest | ing Chairman Killam “My Lord” that 1 = : f ome Serbs Tks a8 girls in tights from the grandstand, news—not the latest minute the country had reason to lose ‘ ee HINE, Veterinary Surgeon, _ ed Terra Cotta brick. ax ee 3 ost. s = ; SS —To accommodate our ever-increasing busi- ness, we have found it necessary to enlarge. The enlargement has led to the remodeling of the whole store and fix- tures. The alterations involve expense, but we will be now in a position - to increase our stock - and show it to better ad- vantage. Among the improvemedts which we are making, is the placing of a plate glass window in the front of our store. Hoping that the increased accommo- dation will be appreciat- ed by our customers, we beg leave to make an- nhouncement regarding business later. C. WILSON MONKTON, ONT. - FT = € I - a mn - * “Laas ® Fr a 7. = a a *s Hardware | = q fa This space has been re- served by me during the coming year to announ- ce to my patrons. and customers intelligence that will be interesting . to them. We are now prepared to give quota- tions on , . Furnace Work G with stabbing a railway conduetor nam- | }ed Bagnall was tried on Tuesday by: His | Honor Judge Doyle and discharged, His Honor holding that there was not suftic- | cient evidence to prove beyond reasonable |} doubt that the wound was inflicted by | the prisoner,- The Crown Attorney | prosecuted and W. C, Proudfoot, K C:, acted for thedefence, The trouble took | place on the 6th of Augnst, and it ap- | pears beer had been pretty freely indul- ed in, “Toney” himself owning up to several glasses, Toney and a young | Mitchell, who was also emploved on the work had been having a tussle. Toney | sald Mitchell blackened his face with | his greasy gloves (denied by Mitchell) and Mitchell said Toney got him by the | throat and choked him till he was black |in the face. Bagnall coming up told Toney to stop and he did so, <A little while later Toney went to Bagnall's car and showed him his shoulders which were scratched, accusing Mitchell of it, Bagnall told Toney he had done it him- | self on the barbwire fence and ordered ‘him off the car, Words and fisticutfs fol- | lowed and Bagnall put Toney off the car by foree, and at the doorway of the car received a stab in the hip, according to one version of the story, A cut on the oOinted to as evidence of the use of a knife or other sharp instrument, Toney, however, says he had no knife but had a ring on. his hand which disappeared during the tussle, and His Honor thought there was just a possibility that the ring might have been broken and in some way inflic- ted the injury complained of, / Other waysin which the injury might-\have|™ been caused were suggested and the pris- oner got the benelit of the doubt and was let go with a warning.—Coderich Sentinel. / the road. Arrangements are being made for short trips out on the lake. R, and will leave Goderich after the band concert. XCURSION » GODERICH wmIiA Go PR: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th, 1907 There wifl be a grand demonstration at Goderich celebrating the opening of An‘open air meeting will be held in the Park which will be addressed by C. P. officals and other prominent men. A banquet will be tendered by the town of oderich at night, A united band concert will be held in Agricultural Park in the evening. Ad- ission 15 cents, Three special trains of forty first-class cars have been chartered for the occasion and Eavetroughing Paints and Oils Eftc., Etc. Call and see us. etn “*. : This case in the interests of society +, dant : : - . i 4; co i rich and return from the following stations will be : 4 shoukl be appealed. There 18. a tendency he fare to Go eo a. among foreigners altogether too preva- spa Adults Children od lent to use the knife in a row and_ if WALLENSTEIN .0.ceyssyee esoese ieytaecSi:15 .60 PE. judges and magistrates are going to let LINWOOD POE, Fane eas 1.10 55 A - them off with a warning it is quite possi- 3 o> hae he Fone 1.05 55 a ay ble that men attacked will resort ~ to MI ences: feta ne ee nes ences wen e ee am nes ea "20 - ITE Zoe means of defence that are not in aceur-. MILVERTON vis ose coves Sa eo ides cite ee : +. AT LY Ls ee dance with the law of the land, MONKTON: pa96ss, eae 45 Hardware Merchant MONKTON, ONT. - ae coat? ; 1 a + —< TSF, ane fe ee ae a a =~ a ee a ee os ware’ No Se larege f 3 7 5 een oe A ae ee Se ae ee a ee ee Re ee oo ee Ee ee oF “" r ba 5 - a a aevine. = es _ ist inh, aT —— : MO im s ai ee ee a ‘ae { <a ss (te aS j or Ps Fae f= say ie ee eee gee ey See iy a iid ea i 2 aj) eee oe er y, ibs 5 as) a aie aa ie rie ee is ee ee ee eee Eh 1 F =a = 5 hae SS. My Era Ea — . rae Ne por Fee er ate Fy =: caee Som = ry rei ee oar ‘a ie se a, * SS SR ae 4, hail P Res = : =. a - *. - ‘a “4 ek oe ee ee rE Br ek ee ee a, ee ee Fd = = ca fy Sai — =_— os a ee a = ie ‘ee r es .

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