BeaverToo (Oakville), 9 Aug 2024, p. 7

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‘A LESEON IN. ECONOMY AUNT LUCINDA GIVES A FEW HINTS TO MER NIECES, Her Mother Was a Careful Manager, and Adhered Unfailingly to Her Aunt Siecle happy: “With a lot young 1 silling around her, had turned from them for a moment. to un: 0a little pargel that had» just pees sent in to her; and when she had ae string off she stopped to ti that round her fingers and tie it in a fvim-tilue., bye hy 1 she Tai down ‘ene corner of the table, re you going to save the string? sked one of the T always do said. Lu- fe “That ‘is sometiting that Tee 0 do when I was a “aiel and th Rabit has always clung to me, iténsehe est. iol anid, (alked e.-Uttie, tuking this ‘Sppartuntty’ "lo igive ner lilile lesson. in economy. ag Why,” she said, “I don't believe any you could comprehend the meaning of the word economy as we understood se young thing fo 3 in our famil though it would Thank to economy we w to live comfortably, in a pleasant i very comfortable home ma pay’ all this sbeinig due. to. the untatl- Ing watentul cate of « , whose niatlo "Never*waste? Il agems 10 } m. siaalaths was tee tnt “everybay S é nee day. Cin, porwembey when my fath ° pe shin: toes ond oiten te came ie fo earn 7 WE THOUGHT WE W RICH, a and we certainly were ‘better off than a some of our neighbors, nice people t they were, but still what we had ana j we were enabled to have on " lice of the most rigid ; nomy, which my" mother never ; failed. (‘She was a:proud woman, who wan have her children look well and isa vied Ree he least Wellsfurnished!-and well looking as [that of anybody she, Knew; and. it was were nevel or an hour ie you couldn't. go, through it trom and on ch ‘ou, my 2 a. “anply fo./just-as cae ‘advan: sed a Bei dn dre p cae ud co) ang ee ma ave “two Tag na one for y scrap "We got pupae nd THAT WAS, SO MUCH GAIN. And if we had any old iron, old heaps broken flat-irons or thing, me- nna these things all brought in thing. “I never knew my fal a cut and stash the sting on bundles and then ow the string away a bun i dk. came in she would untie t d ‘ 1 « er had to buy es sheeeaved ah: Bp 3 that. we always had swrapping Ake e in the house. ‘ these litile simple things of . paper anid: twitie alone cents and dimes r two in’ the y : Nok amniet?No, bnf-enough to: buy-s a pair of es that We might not other- wise have had, ve economized in galing, ot course, We alway) had ally simple fool, and i any Out’ molher knew ust. what potind Go: cart we woore going to get tong a8 we wanted lo, und she had the courage to AND SHE: y VER WASTED. “With that not close but still strict and wakeful economy uiways had mone: gh thing we needed and our Giweys. fuenlshed: and tn on OWS somel in our car he best, and we all n felt 1 this was made possi en's hy b : 10 ‘ we hid things s andl we always.bad a litte r We re not pinched in ci eal em ere Se vdldn't have to. borr Sreadtul thiog—we Were Feally y inas pen dent, “And you know that we girls all mar. s ried) well. Our family's thrift cia t deter young ren 4 us. And T tell a meny a young man us t from prope r of ex ravagance. und on the : part at the ‘girl he: would lke to mat : 1 tell girls, that no man eve <3 1 vas bee 1 but you mi qualities fe » her wu nd Luelr added fe finish unwrapping ‘parcels There was candy in the 16s, but still she hoped that her hints on the svb- orn Cure It from. ae ma ot hat S th: Hollow; ved ten Sg old mon, net haven't seen you "suid a man ta, - Se wlio nme & Benedi lek > you find matrimony. suit ws exe Upenstve: thing,” Ww reply. “If Fag only Known hot y: thea ek pain iiHiners' ou would have ined single “No=1 would Pniarried a sailing Infan ar all an “to t sntery cre specif tor spoken ints. tind yy those: Ni ae be it a 1a ny case MILLIONAIRE =TOREADOR | HAS ADOPTED THE PROFESSION OF A BUEL FIGHTER. \ Mexican Named Vincente Segura, a, Mere Youth, Owner of a Big Ranch. here some Bisadits who become iL oTRires in pesos if not in ea . But in. the Dull-rin there valy one mm eador. TI 's history ionaire wig has ieee a years’ The ae distinction © in the very ghiers of the or. After work he has to-day hailed i as first flight of Meson bull fi wid... Segura achieved this distinc this city. whe was publi ly = Madeia: aperia the alher y the celebrated Fuentes. hls" fglive healt in. Mex asa boy, equi = lier reg his father g for him, soon’ graduated: to bulls. nth ae palate young to, iui Wis first full -grown cas aria bull. Amid woud ac aim villagers, “Seg his eine Shortly Segura engaged & cuadritia or troupe of tighters ands arted 01 of Me and South America, uc nd all the “lnc visited gave pier applause to*the young millionaire Ins splendid prowess, But there was no one on the nN to giv Segura the of 1 alte native whi oe a. young matador must re bli¢ exhibition from - coming. an a cd th is allernativa is the sort of given in the days of old to cle hd eritered the charmed circles y as knights on having won egura set off for Spain. He was ret heralded in aivate in, Madrid. “ie arrived a few r shunning 1 rd hs sk youn, Frc iin Pot stan ‘aspirant for. {4 SEGURA WAS GIVEN HARD WORK He) had qualifi th exclusive race tte enter tale wealthy Ba sii no real r 1 career, yel would rather ¢ ot the ullfigh! ler than dawd) ife on his Mexican millions, Th ule of the arnt ious papers took up the tal ©. Bria so when g the 4 id-y stahbed both drew the nas Segura was The ne i” pueee of the ring then made the rena. will bis sword, red with x rs and his ct ape in his hand 9 but bowed right Sate ‘et The exploit ‘of the mil- lienaire aroused extraordinary enthu asni. The, crowed applauded sal Frenzy. jew Si vers af flowers: the woman sae ic over him. ing millionaire is si ag modest Jespile his honors. — He he foun¢ ony evening ew fimous ed Us nd that at oe is at home, fine snnster “pullighter. § SS a ON THE SAFE SIDE. oun sell (addressing the magistrate, er he has got his client, a thief, ac oes in the face of strong adverse evidence}—“Your honor, I would be obliged if you would that this nan be nof released from custody until Ww, Bul what is ye Counsel--“Well, you see, the r ther lonely, and as Ws ate. well that I shall on me, he might possibly k millionaire is young, but it Sth 2. He is a Me sci “born in Pachuel nthe Fema © mid named , Vir Segura, writes a | ports of ie county itis Mad?id, Spain, cori erful force as it was In-the t Sinee a hoy in his teens, Segura’s one ondon Answers. Hon was lo become a famous torea- h place has its distine- ive continual a AREYOU ASUNDAY BABY ? KIDNEY TROUBLE Suffered Two Years—Relieved In Three. Months. THE WHY AND WHEREFORE OF STRANGE. SUPERSTITIONS. Lucky to be Born on Sunday—t and Kittens Cannot Thrive in bies 3 Same House, ai sine! ae rstition There Bs Cie corner: ‘ace of supel Most playfully. uit iis regard- “Thursday's. shite should tur out a thief. i to be the ‘rouble. Ontario, idney Ki dislike for cats mser, Grant, about four and, in were accust: nok béensicll tor 1 ott es were had kidney trouble, ponies, thoes torn. On: inierolher hand: dopetwers I Soa, hp fanhous ri 2 ad's the guardians ‘of mankind | {acl felt badly nearly, al the { ‘ Ave’ ext ¢ | against supernatu vils. any in- | summer 1 rng Saha neat te ie Zee gel or is stanc Sithern farm-| thought 1 would try Peruna, wrote ce et Foun Segura ars of walehd nave shown |-to you and began al once to-lake Peruat Masdiget idan: Pulvabtiieascha us| ns of distress in growling and and Manalin. Matte Thee mak stor 6) ain L the whimper imedisely before thei only two bottles of Paty Rae SenaonaaS frites ae r’s- death det some | and aie of- Manalin, sand ee : J . po OoRe “ »resence ja pettor ! e for so im: ofthe nearby fights, and in presence that was, RP TONER CIT and Monalneds ani Renarnras:inovtocataced et INVISIBLE TO HUMAN EYE sa picid shsdlnenmt waite or a 1 x before pa J become a} alt gether. 1 bless the day I picked pect iwace, old wome " believed th RiINGeabook Vasids. Bena -ak Ye chil wu the ‘hands and, by ite nile, future could be told by ae spe is on} It with ten-| remove business of the kidneys to | the Mood te spake puss | the from Peruna is exactly this sort of rocket, Even now many mothers shrink] edy. It has saved many pec from eutting: thein child's nai t] disaster by rendering: the kidneys skould bring t en were not There are few that they ean by in ORNS, 3S BY DAYLIGHT. WIREL . Fessenden Announces the of a New Impulse. In a_ recent. commun: E r setrician ol Poni n sup- € Spel nts su erst ns that HER FUTURE HUSBAND. their use and the they a n generally cunning T { noon impulse under the si an. effect at 1 ‘The ne ill produce moles, One ¢ ‘and on the lett ‘oreh nd | receiving station about eighty th and tween 10 and 12-21 night and of seventy eal wealth {Six between 12 and 12.30 at noor The fact that the newe 4 to red ait weaker in. daytime than e kK thought to be of no consequ i flowers in profu- | Seems | io ave Seca ing = eh importent that. there | aatueat staff sat | Re SEP rough t Sern weaeedes Shas es cul ean “d hetween | ea enTeSGa £6. BY RE aden tonceM ng ips during t time and | i x PUIeS ey “Never trust a red | at might Rough me seperate) eemendous - appl greeted the i long distances scem to show that the ious veleran: tes, Bombita ety pt fraltesorne: fachaquito as they followed the ceed 500 miles oF ession of matadors into the ring. i mare rate of falling off does haere pal tee ah the peor Wed tere oe "the English coast. | not compare with that of the old {ype gate opposil S impulse, so thal the signals received are SUDDEN PANFARE OF gat ait sironger eee PRESENCE OF MIND, Th is another pressing wireless le opened..and: Vincento Seg nson had a terrible temper,| problem awailing solution, says — the wing into the arena. He was dazzling is much in awe of| Electrical Review, and that is the deve Beer n<. splendid/appie-grcenand ne day, iit his own den, he-wos| opment of commercially — practicable geld costume and wore huge diamond coursing To Mckay SROs ctrlopiae ent selectivity jaunt a a umber of stations carvings. some of her peculiarities. can Wo ° by side without affecting Ne hed in‘procession: atc nave thought foi ne anc hr he peri oe Whervioke ay stein ring amid wit applause and in- S 15 erin shmited. : ‘ i © King and the ul i b, Ine cahle across the Atlantic will not ve three tiny lous old fighters. - Segura ie ain to pendent ‘he messages which are then divested himself of some of "his nd ansinilted daily, -and< until Ui iis, and stood alone. in the. cer a of the - now io stem can_fandle, somothing Fuerites. slowly nave 1o nd— iks the sane number: of messages » ity the muleta rubia (red | “Ay 1h isomer hls: Wileeh ntered ‘gud: cable ‘system has nothing to fear, tiven sword. ‘This was the Aaclenmm | dem) a scl lettive transniission, an equally Fuentes saluted S funniest part of the} géod ‘tr i become -practie- Mombita and on ae with- both of these problems ats sap need and: followed st “was that they | ha ily solved, the wire- fest, The ring w days after on the |e m must be content with a very ainglellanded Sejrura lad: to-* iffel 1 munontinaterpasiion: wild’ and vicious He y s, Smithson never understood si Seaver aie 1 tothe task and in a very few there was in this ement to Many of the uke them all laugh A mon, returned Jate to his to on-holel, and kicked < fc flew with a clatter th th. rah Then, re geet He chee presen birt th nian in the next 1 eae eae fcllow and a very pevion ee paeaes ee ee ‘ deni tboupte goslie tstetiee epaiiiie 3 posse ane bg att Hay aa tneambat delicate chisniacanen Thre houts later. Wits aw akened vy OLD AIRS. Miss ay ‘agner—I just dote on nnusic, of his | don't Miss $ Shia <ul a bit o! Miss Wagher—Don't you Tike the old Miss Shrude—Old millionaires, y: id_the voice, that au See wh “thier at AS s 1 ta e-for {hres hours wait. en lyl tn tor ik” z POSH OOO OOOOOIOOSOSOOODEG d ‘ The effect of ets Emulsion on thin, ne Hay in "wwalt for me. @ pale children is magi : & It makes them plump, rosy, active, happy. & it contains Cod Liver Oil, Po pepbashhies @ and Glycerine, to make fat, bl lood and bone, @& and so put together that it is easily digested & by little folk. & ALL DRUGGISTS; 50c. AND $1.00. __ ‘ PPOOLSOIOOOE LOIN GOOOE: | Discoy- < Nurses’ and eae 8 Treasure regulator f Prevents Sinan vomiting—gives healthful ret —cures diarrhoea withont the harm piectirot tnedietaey ieoutainihee oom or other injurious drugs. %c.—at drug-stores. CUPES tesa prea chee Diarrhoea: ical Co., aces IT’S ELECTRIC SLEEP NOW SCIENCE'S LATEST CONTRIBUTION TO MEDICIN) Much Less Dangerous Than Morphine or Ether, and to Have no Un- pleasant Effects. Stephane Leduc, sor of the es, F tic einlnent photes: School of Medicine at. Nan- dis method ch. 4 als are supp hei suffered with Elune lary enemies < Some pea-| other | trou Sor ton geark pas' sant women believe that they inhale the gomnmenced ae breath of jcuilren and Perna and “continued-for tres months eeded. from 4 ers that the have not used it since, a have 1 felt | nittent cur- v evil a pain. know that the places than Ire “Tbelieve that 1 atm well and I ther byt-liltle: resist: Ls. of No: ce een shes fore Bly iv oe nigh st comme! cues ce te a human be- is put down to ils} tne ulities of T vive eee is ap: plied intermiltently in ils ‘un strength > fra for cond. Two ee D ite stan! in @ ints of appli: cane being fi rete MADE MANY nd, even r hours. when It ing is wat inful. D th ¢ patient is Perfectly quiet, and when the electro- ATIONS. on are rs 10 e mind net ears andy make Yaplity, inereased phy- clearly a sense of work more }and Me is r ie natanee ted Professor i MYSTERIOUS OKAPI. ROYAL DOCTORS REWARDED. Heral Lion Granted by King Edward to Two of His Physicians, Edward of England, the “fou ranted {to S\ Sir Frencis 1 e laiter his physician reg ee thecary ‘and, the former, his: sergeant- surgeon, én. honor uigmentation to. their skill and. attention: duting “his “danger: | caus iliness in morable aug- aries at the lions Nothing you can wear corts you to litle in real ‘ end real comfort, real service satisfaction as tation consists Gay autained tho cual: ries’ Society. the puasdeui ofthe royal shield, a feur de lys o} sien ate: upon it as well AN F — which was N ne ATIC. AILMENT. then id the school eae glanc. tne round the small ‘le S of more oF gece ss brig Jooking boys easing a reads pt tener tae -lesson, “ean a you tell me BABY’S DANGER, what is the meaning of ‘divers. dis- More. lillle lives are, lost during the | tot weather months than at. any otlier en silence reigned for a few min- | time In fies while the teacher scanned the ar jrvenths lillie or hi s, in the vain hope | ciarrhoea, che y a = dawatny ‘fete - | ind s 1 © of th ! denly and without wwarnin iy?" he sti eagerly, toa hes little chap holding ind. “ow ae %5 be shy. You gen fake an answe de ath. Bani ‘the “hol we; nthe woutts fer everything, me, now, speak upl" Pon's Jets should bo kept in| “Pleas said Tommy, wilh su- b cob fidence, “divers' diseases water on the brain!” a iets ronply feline ee y mail at 2 ees SS NOT AT ALL CURIOUS, “Sho always reminds me of a public Side-Walls for Modern Homes « Hal's curious.” “Nol s the man, . She's you know, linually Seek- ON THE SIDEWALK. is your favorite amusement?” “What | Ht you are out of | the best tonic, peach kernel. amusement,” answe el, “is tripping the tight aan asanapenEREIRIDRIRI The PEDLAR People i Ba sked the ¥ Oshawa Montreal Ottawa Toronto Lani fy favorite banana } FOR SALE, DYNAMO 300 lights, first-class order, Will be told cheap and must he gatten out of the way years old,” anneune- bowing to 600: alah machine taking its fty- “sik A a tea last] place, S. on, 73> Adellide quickly that bottles. Lieut. Alexander Tells Mow One of the Shyest o Alexand, ety i 1 an oki am ui Afric ve seen it ae no ie bunt hi nd hear. 1 aa it ap, to the time spe by Sir Harry 5 ag ne okapi taken by Lieu not be taken alive to Europe, timid | ae shrinking that it| ot in the presence cf and then the difficulties of travel tra ion. Ils skin is in, mounte d for the Netra! 1 M ond t. Alexar at Angu, Welle neard. of Kopi. in thd rhe party spel hres weeks inathes elicat, Wo 6b: tain © specimen. they found that its haunts are small streams running through swam grows a plant some r ots, bunch ential part of Here it roams-about, and said three to- the nativ a aS ‘eometies found 2 nglives added | sete ni -seen the Sal | dily b ment was readily be Gosling though he had dence occasions id not catch a glimpse 1G it was perte sealed among the leaves, Bul thfee weeks. study reve ealed ils habits well In’ the night the okapi wanders along in the raid and Sitatsin eabaiictalie ing found it feeding as but after this hour the fo the seclusion of the rel unlil night- on three re sual a animal forest, elires f where it “Owing ‘to its restless naluré and keen hearing, the thie foliage of the plant on whicl and ‘the perfect. se- clusion ofits forest retreats the nolives say they are never able to kill the ee with thelr weapons; it is almost pessible to track it and the few spec mens they have killed were trapped in pits. collec! tor in fo pes Jase Lopea, a, Portuguese e employ of Lieut. Aleand a solitary anne runes sive mornings in the neighborhood of He observed that on leay the okapi. al took : = wner the same course between. two large trees about 100 yards from. the stream. » help of the ne dug id a halffeet deep. bel tween nd carefully ~ cone it hes and leaves, ban the fest morning be again approached th a nidlse of the oke- ea nsiant te veoh “and the little x gling in. the pit. Siream and tee a it rush secure ‘The natives say animal so. mys their opinion and ne’ they know no other the pkaple i ‘on the move downs to sleep: Loper's ‘observations stem {o shear out this assertion, ev y oc when he heard’ it ing. it sin, tae, feed paused to take a leaf here and there and then moved on @, "Ray. Lankester is now examining e skins and skulls of the okapi that far been brought to Europe— about twenty. Nearly. every specimen differs greatly from every other. speci- iu It is one of the most variable animals that have _ come Lankester's observati Fe en, NEEDED’ FRESH AIRS Jones—That young man who plays A Coen a ill. jou think “he will ape rer? Be te afraid not, The cit Ww He Caught als, | suveseasistanls; lying in wait, at ie he ed it, = is diending him lives pate a an ty suid the | Street West, turning to ete ey nd near by, eae ts: AN BLOWER a g to. pre-| Buffalo make, number four, inch! ver- Tm nob born yeu" tical discharge, 2b inches: i condition. Superintendent, 2B Adelaide . West, wacectest S Bad ont ouTINa suiTs it ‘Toronto, his justly- ae ey t aia med | CLEANIN 5 LADIES’. . Mar wineal nause Apariss 1 that would purge met 1 uiremen MONTREAI, TORONTO, OTTAWA & QUEBEE and —_—_—— STINTS ause of 4 : Pitts known | fe Womaa and deme eee ty “place 1 if ( front rank of medicines She (sternly) What was that noise. I heard in the hall early this morning s when you come in?” (hastily)—“It iene must have been the day breaking, my eee EL tie i 4. It gives & i; Sees rata aH rar ec Tne “Udy (i ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches ang WinDso SETS a Ont. every form of contagious Itch in. hui i ada. rani ured. {n_-30 sla by Wal: unitary Lotion, It never fails, “You say she married for love; but 1 happen to know that the man she! marric worlh a million!” “0 e; the million: n is what she loves!” sant as syrup; nothing equals it WILSON’S as a worm medi the name is Moth Graves’ Worm Exterminator. very packet ‘i fest. worm destroyer of the tent: it’s easy to a arte the tact are a fool you have y Mk your wisd And that you do is boast publie more files than 800 sheots of sticky paper peste ih ena AND sera, ee or 3 pack: pies a {taste Nereis 2 1 Pain and montal anguish affiict the vice tsk diseases. rid'of both by rub orvor's Cerate on the heated, itehing, dis. | among the figteed face,” Tho root given 1S wouders of medicine Doctor ti patient “Your heart. is jer anything is en “Oh, particu ‘Only that just now en you ae your hand: intyour.pock- eh 1 thought you were. going to give me your bill.” In Pie Far Off.—Dr. ‘Tham s° ectrie Oil is Kpown Aue and Centr m s in Canada and tne. ‘United st tes 3, and its | year. Tt ccns! sumptic m increas: ils own “way ane a that} e is to} ep ils name | publie: Everyone knows | store, for that-it is to be had. at- any all merchants: keep it the solemn mi aught to make: ine rou e the : friend,” said” you ever done ly in a ich peptic the othe QUEBECSTEAMSHIP COMPANY uri: the homes. ot rn elie ngs.” "Ah," contin . with a pleased nels?” “No; ¥ clean ahah River and Gulf of St Lawrence Summer Cruises in Ovol Latitudes ‘win Serew Tron S$, “Campana,” with electri fighty biebirle bolts ned Sa Seine soto ee , SAILS FROM MONTH, seer at SRA. as ty Boteatae hau, 8, Ss Fe eiside Bek ah "enariort Gad BERMUDA ae sean faa stanee tor fete AHERN, Secrotary, 1 OUTERPROGE & 00, aaa ork, By wi Bronaway, New Yi nglaud as Lorne on dhe K n-A ng arms—a lion passant guardar Pe le i, on a field gules ret The shield Guaranteed Frederick ‘TreVves with the aug- Und entation is shown here, w ‘The caly ater Inslaneé in which the ndaer ear s of the royal shield were per- i Tae es borne on the shield ot NS Een Ra fr fend oh member of the medical rege se eae te au red in in n 16h une toon sad ideas SUedacnetel etvoti sore dec «

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