BeaverToo (Oakville), 9 Aug 2024, p. 6

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Drivers the Most Superstitious of all Glasses. ieee is to-day as much a of the Italian Reps as it was In Se egrs perstition and people literally y is the evil eye. It is fi iy believed. that the go ver of fascinat man or beast is , recognized by all as x weg te resperity and pedse o in ‘one small town the evalane, was t of the e for mh a “re that ile he y fall = Yuat the con- feared when ‘the ple are suppose lo be inte 8 ca; @yil eye, as he one hag always ‘and unhappy ¢ about casting = repel on those he en- viene druggist who was boring town, train stopped ing to fac route, a small eighi- ‘hen We station, be d to deliver a package of wafers FOR A FELLOW DRUGGIS Being a stranger to the pli sees 4d the station he ask- hand it tc it to town, a es enter, Dewitehed ‘ile beast. must be thi: Tying, and now Tan who gave expression.” So saying, he Anrew the field. The, horse real bits of white, made a oe into the air, throwing the cart to side, upse ting the occupants, ne. render senselesg, w! woken leg hat it to me vat wh lered with a be lo a ap help. arrive he was 60 badly injured that he had te de 5! ge was picked up by ‘of. tha field, who fotind reac i the. tent ty nov atore, ther calamity. added to his Jong list.” But jettatori are not only found ‘iMlages, but also in Jarge towns Fone among all the profesgions. eri ldwyer: riests or whe- liter- an, and even archholgisis, one more ef whom are universally ganized posses: this 5 entre ‘Of hasty pres certain y isolated, unknown, for on the known oo well, and therefore ama a. TO AVERT ALL THIS ILL LUCK which seems to be continually hang- n pa Gnd the cages ot the ng the offen “making horns,” charm consisti and, with two fingers quite ich a habit ol that instinctively one's n attention art of a cross-grained stran- To, ‘emplinent one in Italy on fils’ healthy Woks not considered good form. unless: tho, well known, ex- pression nedica,” may’ God ese you, w AnhSugh teeta classes of peo- aly ar \ore a eidaly dab horse without a charm against a lems hung together ona cig Bilverring.‘Theee are‘a Dench of Tuer talis: een consists entirely of pagan Ther 2 red ther emblems of secondary people, as iy of eee still extant and much r by collectors are of Bay feorknatanti unlike area ture, which ‘ure roughly ces mas Lie on AMULET a spall bell attached to fellow on st hat power is n at iB a ye ression who wanders story ek Sone of ao Bsa i crt The no on Telurning 2 in ike the Siren. charm is not much in use fe 2 small extent among the Neapolt- it m y e if pagan times, suingua sill supersiiions adopt an Gensano exceedingly Feat oo Re they failed to tens. on their a half me bs is s oxpeced to guarantee ‘som e 2) en route. Ve iiioce are suppressed al- wagether ahd a picture of St. Anthony | ¥! 43 carried om their ae in their stead. A ‘of the out cat Nuk fered ego to spend the night in one of these villages. tel was en unknown ene but nel ed rooms were to Mai arietia’e, a street urchin in- we ‘and clean, the willing t strange inhabilante ake ie roe vil- 1a; aving heard of wise women, we osked her if there was one about. She ssured us that there was Sora Maria, wh wonderful knowledge therds and-swho could: hrew \e potion sirange w ‘ords’ and 4he poss of whith not only heal aed Marietta, but contributed to the ery of the cause of her malady. Ree Which in some inysterus wdy sudae cer and re s tho woman is still you to do ict p wondertale y eutys With An gemy a e he order te bring about his death, All thal is necessary is for her to see him and cast the ieitatura,” she has only to eee GENERAL INFORMATION. Bits of Knowledge About Most Everything. sting ted that to put the entire Ys om underground ab 900,000. is calculated that the amoun in advertising in Great Britain $450,000 every day e am spent it cost $16,- punt as <t in building. The German Emi wns jewels werth $550,000, and has the sight to wear the Crown jewels, valued ab $800,- 00 Coffins cally sealed, a they any other ind. The largest > of heavy p! are apy being h more Australia has the highest pe 2 Sam i any part 2 cattle ‘led ig Fence 110,183 18 were situ et re pe this occasion the i c coy Yeadl pencils eve: They are shipped to foreign c the ra nee 10,000,000 a in; Brebably, “the geese ever seen 4 town at Lewiston, inline 8 ir number: Was estimated at be- he 14,000 and 15,000, and for n ly half an hour the sky was quite with them, Saturn, which s| of the first magnitude, s arth, ond. will be et his Jeast dis this month, some 760,060 ,000. miles, nearly twenty {imes as far off as Mars DF ach quite: Te pent th, lass wi show’ the plonev's countries day, count 2 yello ne hines as nee » tropical plants can ly | seen to grow. An eminent scientist, mude measurements in some bo gare in Java, recorded a gscen in a bamboo of 17in. in. a single sane bamboo pserved ie aad nghes, 10 ils Theight aully fo e two : ere. grew steadily ma day ty he mos cnet bird it noted n the migratory’ achieve the Vir 4 neh S Allaailicg rekches: ihe cbua’ one Manan fight of fifleen ig a Reiot pve three je of four miles down the Br work on ently: heen Lelpaig press to. the order a the, Brezillan Gov ot forty: volumes, 20, had beet on built up by sixty-five authors. PITH, POINT AND PATHOS. Many men have many miey ‘of us are mind 1 miads, but not padere, all Ihe “Hardship is one ship that can ga eral- iy be depended ‘upon to make the vo; of life all ri oman df man in that she can generally oat her heart without los- ing her head. Men who drink to forget their sor- rows forget pet they are simply sew- grown in the Garden those who do, The eet life bg Se aseany long to feel t in. “tin ‘ing Edward now wears braid on his igus or whicch nobody can oe of St Few men know iia own minds—and wis) |WAS A BOGUS NOBLEMAN | SECURED ‘AN EARLY START IN CA- REER OF CRIME. } {Seymour Barton, Who Posed as a Nobleman, Imprisoned for Life for Murder. Barlon, known from HeGann four years ago, bul wil: ner lifelong imprisonment. the pee oa man in ecuted without his cron apparently still thinks, ne ent “ivi Thus di trom Geypibiic slage anoiher ‘Of ite tribe of bo ogus noblemd neclves upon | ihe gull Beople, many of whom, perhaps Ane majority, still dear! Barton's chief "stock ue ee, mere particularly in is meteoric yale: Dew parently. welcomed TED rani IN GRIME, Shee Pescitea at career of crime, Then aiguies ecame a more dcoomplshed erin, Gee Bent 000, was arr y' SperaRe ae pers and again es- sited ce, Germany, end nase, ane served terms of inp - sonment in all four eountr Alter- arlon was an ae and then a his’ crime metimes his Pernseises WaMGAT Ibs ace Pe aitiied iiller, of New te saab and dese he married a young Canadian woman three days later. 1 as Lord Barr iful | Miss Ws shina . Lo Many other mar- to hin s lord supp nurdered and the intent wn own home McCann disappear a a days und in a qu Erte a wv was vas arrested victed. BE 5 ae CAUSE OF CONVENTION) « WRITER TELLS OF ORGANIZED STU- PIDITY IN ENGLAND, Are No Department There Original Ideas in Any Medical Profes- sion Scored. _“Conventionalism is the main cause d tape em E depart: of ty formal fe. pronounceme every I ways been dc = helds. his fi n the. convent that the children 3 our ess among con anion De gether and read Tearned nd these are ara whlch, ho laye use ONY i achers, are incompetent. Grane eciute o physical degen tion is not strong enough to swing a development Sree is foot man, with a fiat, chest and the diet spe- wh a good square enivalion OF git convention, our pote nd us all ewe eine to cas?” rica ttn brow over along the tin ot rid of antiquated} —s THOUGHT WAVE: Men learn to talk; slinet. Many a girl supports her ge family by marrying. The man who Waits for just the right] time to’start, never gets anywher <3 poor man chest much wyers, but s women talk by, in- sand a Ie girl is very, very aeons it she hie sou wish stnother what you eople who boast they never did any- thing to be reba of, are lacking in a nse-o! “the man mh can’t afford a motor-car eae with the thought that a bora does 0 much an almost as Sahai xy to wade 2 a Sarees f but Pi will atop without K, dismounted men, wounded horses, ae “only ARAB’S SUPERB COURAGE CBAVALRY CHARGE OF THE BATTLE OF CASABLANCA. P ‘The Red Kaid, Heroic Leader, Steadily Defies the French — Brave Arab Cavalry. le Red Kaid. a heroic figure, stood veidly Ghidiie skyline. sensi: were: tire,” Left alone, “he fired! from ‘horse- back against the French infantry, who blazed away at Great shells tore up the ground all round, shrapnel burst in little white puffs overhead, but bé was unhurt, Finely, seeing ‘that his he rode slowly out ef] heers of admiration for French. wriles a n Express correspondent at the wi and, the ‘ing disappeared, © the French infantry: lay down to await de: nts. The ground over which The attack Sees over, Ye arabe ‘charg ed was covered with and dead HAD CHARMED LIFE. Suddenly, one white-ch vanced alone to within five hundred yards of the French infant pu Te Frene! é ni all three retired safely perfect hail of Dullete, cemmon. she! seer that so many "hols shotd: fail to Kill me man, ‘The horsemen having gone, the fight peents over, see suddenly tremend- ar ed few tds the infan their he “ UNIQUE SIGHT. Here was and supposed 6 be ii le agai sioternaeapenes Hegesdiala at ( me fire, everyone in-cainp sicod up in the trenches ‘to watch the In al the Arabs yode 1 French. Here was a pray in war. a for, but pes of alry close eaten over © nm hundred yards n ground only i away ry gun on land and sea opened rhe ground around the charging Iry resembled olcar Bul come on, ‘hardly welg| a man or WAVERED AT 7 shell from the the mire of Some ered away the major- ag ay 2 Sul came At last ihe infant ry pad thi Red Kald lead was avered. The "The hail of could bear, ae e on alone, than his men sc p. Spma le back down othrs wnt night up the hi ill, cover re the Aga Raid sumed, slowly riding for ¢ [ ht retiring ¢av- ind, he in- prevent a ed forward attack frort the south wa cigpereee DID HONOR. is Gamin oa Promise, Came Back jo Death. has, deep The street of is a se eaten ir honor. aly down in ae heart, ut he a ton can arou: bu there. We hive: an ‘sini e of it in an incident ng the siege of 2 being wer of from the r the mnt of death? thing for himse In possession: in fack thers was He wished to take mother, who Nas 1 at i Par and lea vith. fore the long parting. He ha parentse 7 Spt abe it startled ie officer out of his habitual his a psbelones i i er wate long will you be gone?” he The oflieer meditate od, ke give your word of honor to re- ar. en go. hour Tater 0 a gamii his death. the b nd he was | An 0y—al came back and met NTIAL, xperience shows more and every day that the man who most is he who is most in demand inthe professional and in 4 cuit swe, anda Momestis 1" The utter and the simpleton ita nG chance now,'and” in thelr place enters tie shrewd, well-manner rea el formed business man, in. the and the agreeable, polished t end ah companion in the kit wal: bes can be cultivate d in { the: han’ who pute his | aie: io ihatiee), teeth gets on in this wor ——* SLF-HELP E er. man A man can do mn wrong—after the aie gels him ver SO “itoroughly zealizes that airmen i ie sinful getting licked. in “Give us ‘man one sings at his worl” says Carlyle. Yes, deliver iim into Our honds and we'll gladly do the rest, Hus! jisband—"Darling, I am. failin, Wife (in ‘alarm)—"Gra us! Flow often gt Ne warn you, ge, against chia Sorte en health believe that 1 iraliorad=On, oof both more THEY WORSHIP THE SUN PECULIAR RITES OF SOUTH Back ay INDIANS. | Women are Not Allowed to See Wea- pons Used to Drive Off Spirits. not Benerally known So while He wild type of American n has almost passed from ‘the North American i exist ericu tribes of savages not i pre rst | vanced in ivilization. hose whi erican soil, T! us ‘upposed now-a-days 40 sihabit a Atsica ond the Far Eeast. O. Cook part! ine Bureau of American Ny in the interest of Ethnology 2 tells of ee strange people mh ° most snlerestin ng y With Saaaie Antonio Candido me Carvalho, a noted Brazil- ian explorer. These two collected many native nenis, ornamen ytie sheets which are in the National Muse sere. EXPERT HEAD DRESSING. “The long, straight, co ze ma hair males au females ina it their ehoaiers, eXx- wehead, i te, ept chopped off to form bangs, Nearly alt the single young plaster with a sort of red putty eine aba the Soa peliowiahs red fruit of the burity il, and the same a Bo; parents also have the foretop arranged this way sind @ few of the Jette with special favor have it pl ted. with a layer of beauti- ed_feath head to with a brilliant plume in their hai young mien and boys, wear suspende from a hole in the lip, bo find of chein called nage: *s long, made ¢f t oval-shaped bits of oy as ing in a a ther e older men have a plug m_ this hole, for if Tell open # causes difficulty in drink ine® itself, ag. str ere thirt led ina very. inreg aieetion, ‘very e and e (by) is: the 0 he. village 2S to Mr. Gok, te: just here ular the unmarz where the men ma ornarments and. instru ments, the dining-room, the town hall where most public fur ur, and eye Says backs ny weapons and Ropeesaren’ damp, gloomy LIVE IN FILTHY HUTS. family huts are n ting on the gr y resemble an old has Role eaten in each ¢ sicinaliy woven Se ut is ais branch | basketlike wall wit se h deris hs pet pare bows oy bs, f corn or fing | tal K he loves to a New place s tance away. WORSHIPS THE SUN. g the spirit orl peans spirit ox disen em 10 have no ide The bope, who are re Not "be olfende, ea A good . spirits, a To a roarer, a p slab of wood a a inch. thick fs methin ish, and of Reh pen the, end of a stick like ‘fishing rod, a ewung round .end pound. thro ai it and rapidly sends “orth sounds 4 ena distance, pitehe ¢hval moan ii ; re- > a sur: wail ale acc sting te the i of in San ‘ope natetl th uring a tropi pley- of, lightning, the ma) ale, is allo eirutaae under Jones ave made \3 and they are | their need bh pa |bachytu as some of t sing made for the re Wis a | word bope was steriously. Ce ahueea the roarers were ral prelude, leep silence, and the whispered "Jow and hese funei lare giv ome ho | the time for teinging and, a ing the: r their ht, nd tide thei re © manipuisted ouside: Uh D > ind pee through the bush, ‘We dificu in see curing examples of Se sate ‘were! brougtit ; nights “securely Snare out amid, gre ecre prec tien pis poihale etoanat we would ee them where there would be no possibility of a female seeing them.” —_———_.- If a woman ages trim a work basket and wear a hat he would altract no particular ‘tient si doing a Teoibe: nce one dislikes expects him to do it. in run a store, eto AG vertising and he can. wink in the dark—but what's the see at t fre. printer is a man of the high. ape. Tie a nds to his own ct @ rule never to be ont | fumily were purchased iy | Ke he hi 4d men, > falling ce NEWS BY MATL ABOUT JON BULL AND UIS PEOPLE. Occurrences in the Land ‘That Réigns Supreme in the Commercial World. phen edit on a rusty neil seme weel Mrs. E, Faweas, of Ss mieriand, hap” just died from lock- rdeen was at Bow Street fined Abe Police ie urt, for exceeding the ten mile limit on his Bad 3 not wots a Fart of the United Ringdom until 1829, when the sovereign rights of the een for ,000,, nee British Government has aec ‘ided mate $730,000 for the rebuilding ot Kings gs ae Jamaica, and the peo Engen have further Subseriked. Pane Ne, ‘Thomas Lister, postman, who hi of ye “Keep quiet,” ine teresa ndon, Police Court ete lo @ old “is. a esti | ‘hich the British, Board have reached to sto} he ‘upieation of names by the owners vise one and aims to les- gregational minister in preaching eigueenenis untry. occurred at being knod! and her leg rare peeeter y inaugurated and pre- lage of Cheddington, Saepie water system, which 000, as a gramoniath fo the ry. the eas irate ah 8 10 the [ithe Wi ht bee ais ei eae ommends thet red upon stores anh of beef e cant as the Ci Geo rdliff working man’s onker Ma had Matthews, ‘inansial rel ve frauds. plished. by Re jlway Company the annual report standing. to sitors, giv i employes, All were thrown out, se sure ted Oaertaae Is- st was ot Manning held recently John Lum rom his bi s smoking was the , and lodged in. the ict of “accidental death” reed had a remarkable es- c ne car dashed and dropped into a the Royal Neto NEW AND STRANGE. Something About the Latest Ideas on the Market. clocks is that which ¢ instead of announcing half-hour by many ie phonogaph clock tells the time in a we modulated voice, Barbers are adopting an idea which this in| |, leaving an for the next on untage of this pap va fresh und. cl pant. ‘The ad oby ked fc wi in 5 time prior to thi 5 cll y opt boile a oil therm fr a short ing. he eithout being me skill, sp lale m ing t een invented. the jj lif is pushed. mder the. fa then. uti ed, when and theigar 13 lited clear ot are prevented algia froma rubbed oe the he: ie shed; ao 4nd is dtowed 40 remain n the morning the hair is und the result is equal t ordit Be a nampe for window n ly which fag: as als. are {i in to prev: at ‘hen ~The’ hb ¥ sae or jacke wilh i Ts. smatler: th i slipped thi nh the noose in {he tape. The nose ned round the end of the sleeve antl the arm, while he free ring is held by the thumb. The short sleeve is tbus kept from being pushed up, and wee trouble and annoyance is pre- t ta for is tight DARK SECRET. Does anyone know where the Gea oa night is buried? ‘There are times w en. every small boy pene: ‘what care are good for. n get as much satisfaction at ar aa litical campaign as some women gel out of a church vorival’ IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND! Some of the World's Great Men Bi In Lucky and Unlucky Days. “All people have bea blind | ther superstitions Ibsen ion, Of cours ef wi aed such an i ens, site Sir Wi Sir Frank Lptkwood once noct but at the im, an¢ Geory yitation on a Te OCOEKOH: last mot as received a “ca i 7 A day bef article | apparel ae bound to detract — speeches, says x PREJUDICE AGAINST FRIDAY. superstitious beliefs diff | ron, ae nsianoe, held Fri the ised dread, Dickens ee day. Most e feeling against comtnencing jay is so strong thal Oe Fr sine is the lighlest day Pie. we for s une 0) ir Sea. port aor while in Sepals spate requently hesitate about eu! an operation on that day. = a circles it a becca’ most, nat oe produce a all sorts of mis! hen Mr. Aug dition. But cl peat it a lay. se wero predicted uted this tra- aiacn plays is ‘And while ming superstitions, one might entiod that a actors is to the © theatre you change ces of codoe theatres whicl bear this oul The Adelphi was for : short time known as lury Theatre, during which pero ‘it per, enced nothing but bad Now i back to its name aga shings are different. The enormous success of “The P: Secretary” according to Sheclsioar superstition, DUE TO A BLACK CAT. That play was a failure He the Ries of Wales’ Theatre, but wh it was transfefred to the matenouals une Globe Theatre a black cat walked a i ne slags, and ATES, happy and py after. Amongst other stag Riper stitions the Jollowing are nol, per: haps, without ote It is lucky to mee a hunehbsc re thes a0 to him on i ae aight ¢ ‘of the piece, It is also “aly 40 find ‘cobwebs behind the scenos, lucky for an actor to whistle in ‘a fete or open an ume people ‘are there who de that tll-tuck and not believe ie Supper, great 1 ragedy. peat out a in the-dlsh, upsel salt, a ‘ihe ancioat painters: — of that ‘sacred Sie often depict an — aces nara We evil influence of number — thir try number seven or three. ae fet abet Mia enya day of the week was spt ROY q that waven aca ee rt hee oe 7 fore the throne, and that a se candlestick was ceneeine wb: be wed in the Temple caus ‘THE MYSTIC NUMBER SI 19 be aneee as one which will er good lu ree is regarded a: aaibes rane sete al the tempt succe won more no! otlenc han have a reverence for od nd none. more sa than the Monte: eane. os entering — ven & hat and oe ers numb hal pitues of the famous ticket al the dosh rach WOE ei stick. This tic stam} number, ou! ia, the figures on it even, the old gambler returns it with Palite msieu! Tick slot retur out, rane nu ie weve’ ix, the Seana number een oth of the rovetaol ret rangest part of it this. ney that %, the nate invar aby botie ups: (ae se ae for fair wonthes for, 2 rays for fng it as an omen that all her shed. before marriage, and that there ul after. The comes with every raind 0. universal bel set-in a main pleted. If she so far forgots. hers to do this cad wishes to a fates, she 1 drawing tiny ibbdn, ee or Jewel fastened 10. her gown. os oe LIPE'S ELIXIR. laugh a like sunshine,’ Crasher the It tips the ane of iife wiih oe And drives the clots aways ‘The soul grows ‘glad re any eat ready its courag is just ike pear ue, “Ter theeriagfolce Micheal iy. A laugh - just Hes a “It lingers in the z pere ils. mel iy ‘The ills of life ACERT \ And nape Shoughts come crowdtn ts joyful not greet— + A laugh . tf tke acne nag For m te ak! ing living sweet —— eer I alt Im ailln - Wite £ ‘What all?” sand

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