tae ae Siebagts See some ings. : whether you want 0. DUFFIE HE HAS just placed 4 in stock a very fine line of Fall Suitinigs, consisting of Tweeds and Serges Cheviot. and Worsteds of the Lice No trouble to show Hoods of his Overcoat- to buy or no’ Tailor, Th LD, : Monkton Bargains! 1 lb. of Baking Powder sold regular 25¢, this week for... Good Ceylon Green Tea re- gular price 25c, this week... 20 Cents Good Fresh Fruit, all kinds, every Thursday of each week Fresh groceries kept in stock and at lowest prices. Suitable rooms to rent for |} dressmaking. is Am adding Guenther's bread daily. Assorted Cakes, Jelly Rolls, Etc,, once a wi We keep no books, but buy and sell for CASH 15 Cents |ae Sugar $5.00 Per-Cwt. E oe A Great Effect. Goldwin Smith In the insrituti of the American Republic there is at least one great It is the consequence of fol- Montesqu th n feos at jatativ ongtitutional Sequence has Doon the tack of; trained esmen, who in England are form= [by holding iA subordinate offices of gether with seats in ited aptates are ndidates now painfully for the Presiden pretty blind hunt. ‘This eonsequence dl sign of the lack of trained scates. one | cannot romov the an pub! full measure of the guidance yoice,whe! with marked respe man is Mr, Cleveland is 1 ically excluded fiom Rake Tite. Simply becaus>? he has held, and se own 2s cana olding, the 0 What would 1 ES ge Bh The Canadian Newspaper Di- ect ° its We have just received from ihe } publishers, A, McKim, Limited, of | Montreal & ‘Toronto, a copy of the BRUNNER 1907 edition of the Canadian News- paper Directory. September the, pastor,| ‘This is the fourth edition of this teachers and all the: childven of the | valuable work, which is filling a v utheran Sunday School of Poole and| real need in Canada, and deserves aie a cnumiber of the congregation | place on the desk of every business anthered at tho bome 9 man. It is the onl yaper Dir- intendent, Mr. Henr:; eetory published in x hat has and surprised him by presenting him | gone beyond a first edition and it has with a beauiiful Morris ro which | now retorae tthe Sesndied ore at leis ery {reference for all information about iT) lengthy | newspapers sked M not only lists and describes fully the chair every riodical in the country » high est ing: full particulars but it ie congre-|as well a comprehensive Gaz The Sun-| of the, Dominion. a soles sang areal sui Catteni this edition with former a ns ghey which te: we note large inerease in the eighty five ci number of paper, which have it parted for their re: ed detailed statments ell d with the supported by affidavit fettatnment: Star of Hono: 2a and helps (to put Quality in Population Should ST alEn: ashe’ Fania ame Osh me growth of the new western provin- In this young country we should aim for quality as well a8 quantity in, population, In this coanestion listen to the voice of America perience speaking through the W ington Star—Our cities love to gro big. he: this respect. They watch t centiial ‘sensus figures with eyes, betide the nu or computer blunders in the sufficient SeRves a ent change that has Instead the aspires to re 500, ‘000. a day i jon inhabitants. the United et up standards ot avait ‘athe r Rha; these of quane es ago, there would o ‘Teeord wnd_punish adequate police ts br gi lawa On all evades. and Winder itaseleds appronctt' to deat al This state of affairs e traced to the one great evil, quan- We have been. populition mid for years. We are beginning toreal- ize our folly. point pa ty ces is very apparent, for they are edited with fully twice as many papers as in 1905. The McKim Advvertising Agency publisher of the work has been form- H ed into a limited company, capitali 200,06 A. dg arte n le pu ‘for r payme: itacaha is -undenbtedly: ot th head. .of' the profession in this eoun- try. Pelt i “i MONKTON LIVERY |): First-class horses and rigs. ome rial and local business catered for, #2r Prompt attention given to all orders by telephone or otherwise. Compound: Sytup. Sargeparila, oune Shake well in a botile and On c is as ey practical ex- JOHN BUCHAN, Proprietor! Simple Home Recipe | ‘on, one pate take tesapoqntul dose: after‘each.mealand he shove is considered by amemi- uthority,” who writes New York daily paper, aa the fine preagription ever written “to, Fe shes kidneyet-oxblaicwod x blade der and allsforma of urinary ditfigul- ies. ‘This mixture acis promptly on the eliminative tissues of the kid- neys, enabling them to filter’ and strain the uric acid and other wa matter from the blood which causes rheumatism. Si fs who suffer with the afflictions may not pone ee this whos eve in other organs. md highly recommended ertainly Pat she pre sociag an of an eminent authority, ire reputation, it i ablished by. it. ‘ FOLENS Bere abinene opie aa ed stated that he could either Sere ingredients or mix the preserip- aders, also recommends KEEP YOUR NERVES 5 STRONG. No Surer Road to Hl-Health Than Neglect of the N nervous The ystem { ministers equally to man’s physical as it con- Ree to man’s intellectual pow- “Moaity its we have various I n say th are weak you t affirm w "No tiie ae com © ae n eave @ e with Ferro: docs not effect the pnotics or sedatives which into obedience—it makes be ne foray assures imilation of Ferrozone imparts to the vi whole or- ga ndurance, buoyancy No matte how ue robs re or iow. Jon: this somdition has prevail- ed, use Ferrozone, and in a month you will chave coum instnig: panel of its tonic and restorative pow: Perfee sa children, absolutely sur anyone ner- yous unstrun) 07: stimula- tion, but and feeding the rer h the element lac’ rozone, sold in Be. boxe all draggists. FOR SALE Ihave just received a car of British Columbia Red Cedar XXXX, best brand, that I will sell at $1 per bunch or $3.00 per square of 3 bunche: Brunner Station Lumber Yard. Also other Lumber, Hemlock, Plank at reasonable prices. C. G. ERB, ones three |rounding it. r. cent feel inclined to}® va the Dan 8S sae that to| Melville, who spent ne visit strength. ing friends in Berlin his ae re- makes blood turned gives strength. Rev. Dierlamm, of Lisbon, co: SuinchEs a nyone want- ing shingles, here is your chance at the|a Scantling, Dressed Pine and Cedar Posts W. L. Bradley, C. P. R of eee and the belting of his bride to Elmira, no dou! vd much ings at home and station as. bri and cheerful as possible. his: is an apt déscription of con- stipation It’s an unatural condition oibenin with, and brings about blood deterioration, interferes with digestion, renders you sus ible = seen diseases: and a so much a naturel stimulant vels is what you s¢t it in Dr. Hamilton's Pills whieh rease liver activit the anrels to perfect | action and postiv- earby stations East and West as fol- to do with his making hi aheronn eats ae - SS ees te A Cordial invigation to Disease. Eis Asicd ess 11 Express 3.30 p.m, Express 1 C. P. R. Time Table. - ‘Trains will leave West Monkton and F. all Goo - OPENING uP Going West - TLO0., 3 Going East Milverton, 8.24 09 W Monkton8, 23 1. McNanght 7.59 Walton 7.49 G. T. R. Time Table ‘Traine leave Atwood, Station, North and South as follow Going South Going North 4.99 a. m. Express. 9.35 a. m. 3.a.m. Express 8.26 p.m. ress ely ev d its atiel dant having onl Dr Mandrake and Butternut, rt box at all dealers. s Oats he fact cannot be questioned that me oat crop is the safest grain crop nimals than any othe gr is ean tova number of us other grain, and tures. For young swine a good food prov iding the hulls mreaitts ed out. the hulls are too course’ to’ enit their digestion. make a splendid food for brood sows when pregnant, given and mado into slop alone, or along with bran. Fo: s in milk the same mixture fine and is further improved by a ding Bxpandl corn. The two form fim ag milk! production. Th is ad- r ids maintaining flesh ne avring ae growing per- ‘od peroea oats Iso good, alon or with other grain, aoa ter than oats for swine that are ing fatiened a ROSTOCK. Kue eel has purchased James Cr ah rd nech= his Mr. ull lot whe = vy has the bu idings are dusted quarterly meetings in the angelieal eaurch on Saturday and sunday, Mr, Reit ting, sr., returned oa Fr sit to Berlin and Wat- is spending “Kechte ae had her an ecks ago is not yet “visited Mrs. J. Ohm, 6f Mornington, spent < | Synopsis of Canadian North-West Homestead Regulations try may be made per office for the district | in % a to. Smrinaioes oc theiee ive au uthority for some one to make entry homesteader is required to perform ons agoanected. therewith under th idence upon each year for on of the land in ather (or mother, if the father 1s ih perbou seniding ich the fh fthe settler has his permanent resi- dence upon farming land owned by him in ity homestead, the require- may, bé satisfied by wilting should be he toner of Dominion flande at Ottawa ofintention £0 apply f patent. eputy of the Mintater of tine Interior * z a Pe aturday and Sunday with friends in and’ around Rostock Mr. mR was recently kicke colt. He is still unable o do work Mr. ¢ has choppi compleied The aantnergats ing aod nning order. iding bells will soon be ring- gain. a. shy and daughter, Florence ote Pallaxton, Mr. J v Sch of erton, and Mrs. Henry Schmidt and { Brunner, spent Sunday ai of Mr. Henry Yungblut. COMMERCIAL. Fall wheat per bush, 90 Batley per bush 50 43 te ines BH Apion por bag. 75 Potat« 00 >| Antiseptic = HARNESS ms JOHN GERTH, BRICK! ‘We make the brick that made Monkton famous, eNo building msterial shows off a building like our celebrat- ed Terra Cotta brick. \eQuotations given on saat tion to W. H. BARNHARDT Monkton, * Ontario Barber Shop Everything up-to-date. Anti- septic brushes & sooth- Sterilized towels. ing lotions used. Pool Room in connection. % Prices right. Games strictly for amusement. J. WHITE, Proprietor MONKTON ERAT ES SET When purchasing harness it pays you to buy a good article, We perience e have had a wide ex- in the business and understand it in all its details. We guarantee our goods. Prices are close. Call and see us. Monkton, Ontario %0 4 00 | Lax-ets 5¢c3 Cc seat to Eat Eat, How Are Your Feet ? If you have that “tired «-|try a pair of our easy fitting shoes. Itisno fish story to |say that we have the largest assortment of all kinds of Foot- wear to be found outside of the = high grade goods ask for Invietus and Empress Shoes feeling”, just brace up and town or city shoe stores. For Hanae Maltese Br and of Rubbers _ Write us for catalogue. E. A. REA, puoi It makes new friends aeteally and brings many pleasures. ; PRICES FROM $1.00 TO $25.00 ruggist and Optician, next to the Reval eae! Market. San is a useful article, one WW] that takes its owner out into the open beauties of nature, It developes artistic tastes and teaches a use- ful and most enjoyable art, Stratford Made by the company that di idn't ne to join the eaiabine A Few Spccials 7 pair Women’s Kid Bals., $3.25, now 4 pair Women’s $3.00, NOW. ...c.00- 00s Kid Bals, 4 pair ivontens Tan ‘Calf Bales ae year Als for This Week good year welt, good year welt, regular Uk 90 regular $3.50, now lar $1.60, now...... 11 pair Misses’ Box Calf Bals, sizes If to 2, regu- 1.30 4 see Misses oni Calf, now... button, regular $1,60 2 80 4 Bats Misses Grain Bals, regular $'1,40, now 1.00 4 pair Child's Grain Bals, regular $1, now. 85) Chalmers & G & Golightly T. FULLERTOD meiton, ae Hardware Merchant : K newest and freshest goods, bought with the purpose of sustainiug our reputation of giving — a high quality of goods at a compare vey small price. here means you have saved some money, an to prove this, call and examine our prices. rock, regular 25 cents, next week wh 50 verware, regular 15 cents for,. make, 2 blades, good value at 35 cents, to clear at r = : 3) & g ® a es & 3 3 ‘| 2: Underwear, Biankote, Wrappers, Sweaters, Flannel Every department is stocked with the Every dollars worth you buy Some Specials for this week ee ‘ $3.00 2 Ladies’ Cravenette Coats, reg. $9, for 7.25 White Quilts, regular 1.25, for... ... 98 cents 8 Ladies’ Raincoats, reg. $3.50, for ... We have adopted a new Profit Sharing System, giving one coupon with every 25Cs purchase, for it you can receive a portion of a Dinner Sett You may as well share in this, as nothing. Beautiful Imported Semi-Porcelain.. . ane it costs you~ Our aim is to please. Your trade solicited. J. C. WILSONS General Merchant MONKTON, one pats aN EFORE the next issue of “The Times”, the 1st of October will be past, and I trust all Binder Twine Accounts will be paid as I am greatly in need of the money, so, if you had any notion of standing me off, please remember the golden rule and act accordingly. Rabbits, Partridge, Bear and Wolves are now free for the shooting, so if you need any of the necessary articles, we can supply you with. ... No. 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 10 and B. B, Shot at 10 cents a pound or. -3 pounds for 25 cents Gun and Rifle Powder,,,.................40¢ to $1 per Ib, Caps per box 10 cents... ...-Musket Caps 13 cents Loaded Shells, any make, with black powder at 24¢ a POUNA Or. wivsvsvsapivacetas shasvetegsye Goscerslevni oc DET) DOK ReCenEE Double Barrel Guns from $6 to $18 If you have no gun and don’t want to buy one, we will lend you a gun for a day’s sport — for 25 cents. Next Week’s Specials 1% dozen Instant nal Mender, mends solid as a Of esisnee ssesesenerg 1g) COMBS 1 dozen Meyer's Metal Polish for brass, glass and sil- oe 146 papers of White Carpet Tackets, reg. 5c...2 for. se 5 5 dozen Joker Mouse Traps, reg. 5c for.........2 for sc 27 Boys’ Knives, the celebrated Fish knife, — ¥% dozen German\Water Hones, reg. $1.25 for 75 P 27 Bailey Razors, extra hollow ground, of best qoy "> teel, regular $1,25, $1.50 and $1.75, next week sale cd cents.