BeaverToo (Oakville), 7 Sep 1927, p. 3

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CURRENT TOPICS. ‘The older leaders of the woman suf- frage zp ement hed to suffer many serio} disappointments, but in New Zealand women have had the full fran- chise since 1893. All the Australian except Victoria have conferred ber of women {han of men have voted. Last year in Tasmania women out there was numbered the men at every polling sta- tion, It is also that they have aro: Tew sense of their political duty.” In the Danish colony of Iceland widows and spinsters who are house- holders or who maintain a family on ite for boards and visitors and are eligible for election to all the offices for which they In Finland women have the and the _office-holding seit in pailiament, Norway women who pay taxes on propygly to the value of $75 in the eountré= and $110 in the cities were ad- mitted “Yq the municipal franchise ‘n 1901 and Yaade eligible to serve in the come, and even domestic servants will haye an income Jarge enough to Cae them to vote.” It is expected that ecneessions already mado will soon result in the abolition of the ssc qualification and the admission of w men to the polls on the same sega with men. in Sweden widows single women and married women who: Péy taxes the municipal ferms as men suffrage is enjoyed in a)l the provinces of Canada, ane ae Great Britain women have the right to participate in local elections, ‘This isa statement of resulls actu- ally accomplished, but it indicate the progress of the movement, since ee campaigning is being carried on ih great vigor in the chief sn: tries x the world and is making eruits rapidly. ps at Electricity’s day is only dawning. Mr, all trains will be run by electricily, 00 longer will coal be transported labori- ‘ously to cities, but there will be great power plants established at the mouths of mines, from which electricity will be sent out over the country by wire. ‘There will be no horses in the streets, no stables, no flies; wagons will be pro- felled by electricity, houses bie entirely by electricity, for it Ships no steam. They will cross the Atlantic in three days with electricity as ae mo- tor power. At the present ti nine- tenths of the power obtained ae coal | o is lost by the use of boilers, wheels. and dynamos. With the direct gen- eration of the sete current, there- fere, the world will have ten times mere energy than now. as THE KING'S GRAPE VINE. His ase Interested Jn. tho. Welfare! jy his ene he Vine at Windsor. pI Although it has been bearing luscious fruit for the Sovereigns of England for airengt of the vine is probabj, hal a new glasshouse, giving more ot and light, erected over it by the King’s peta instrue- lions, “representative e Daily Mail who visited the vitieey yenterday learnt many interesting particulars congeraing if from the royal gardener, whose duty it is to rear grapes for King Ta. ward's. lable. Many improvements have the lighting and healing ar- of a vine &@ much betler chance of throwing * ont shoots. ps house js 138 feet tong and 25 fect contains about 4.500 square . Extra heating pipes no\ run throug the whole length of legrees. Les bunches of eis Hamburg yw hanging ever, con- siders this tod many, and Ah, number has since never ex ‘The vinery, which may iw viewed by to public, is a source of gi to ny Ve King and Griese "Grapes are ics’ favorite fruit, a the “Court is al Windsor they agi fre- quent visits to the hollow ‘between the *bdgo the royal schools where the greaé vine is situated, everywhere apparent i rights of men, including the right to cl “1 ot | face o} on their own property have ah does not fully | gy pe | Sibly connect cted itself in reat interest | so ‘of the prosecuting The dein, ig. Tans iohoae: Robert, 0 while it heart, Ygultivan had. been ‘obliged that he had met his enemy near spol, and that they had a stormy int = : r wot ‘ows as Wilder promised him is_ mone ere was guilt, and éven tbe atto: ey for the fence was privately con fulsity and absw not guilty.” The judge, a large, and ame Here and ¢ a lawyer or thal of a stra) rom {np neighboring uy stoo boldly from ‘the sea of-honest vacu: which surrounded it. e prisoner sat he his face buri in his hands, which hi ten and were him was his wife, In breath! Pere taliutes passed, ten, twenty, «i jury were a where he Giles Conway, the mali w rown jeau ad not t ence of any attempt Pape procla: was somethin, the observ h the free melied sunshine of the cou were alte = Tin firm, squarely-cut at present he seemed in ead, and {ling himself more aiuitertatty in n -chair, he said, slowly doubt, “That's fust it,” replied Conw: Ee an’ maybe by on take me hang @ young f all his life he didn’t do. all kno mud all the. money I could into a ranch an’ cattle. seen since. a while Jim told me hi get married, an’ a fler few you’ bi tn down ov @ eyes, an’ a voice like - rail well, he thought there ke Milly in all the country, med fond of Lut il wasn’t long before I coul rv case of misfit all row mn} for, ings, an’ finery ‘an’ pretty ve mone} jis level best to black day for Jim when he set. foot his threshold, for from the julnite veer ut len anyone to that effect. ing briely ‘gummed familiarly called, Bob Sunlivan, had, tate of intoxication,” quar- | W@S oes K ody was gone, case of the road wath a Seite. sticking to admi this ined that they parted lille of eireunstantial evidenoe wanting to confirm the. appearance. of Sullivan's lity of his i llent’s pies Was, &S 00) readil; ob- gathering of small tradespeople | @ ere the keen ger ule: and ha out d Tos’ their inner pale and iremblin . Near See was the only sound that broke the ess, 1d not come; a murmur “Then sages into a large, light room, where the ho | THE. of she sforeinen Af: Gey. werd yet ain'l!” gruflly responded that eleven of us fer e obstin- causing such unnecessary de- a ‘which marked him a farmer. Evei imed his caste, there ing about Saye which insen- server's of | ins and untram face Eabvaratiarthie wes. ns longer’ young. no ted me the wrathful Impatience felt | he es sich “aralled foolish of the group.| 1o| him for his jac nee “y Feel ini tnah ance dike tnt eres e long want to fellow I've noe nearly for somethin’ that very likely ow how, when 1 wasn’t over twenly, I went away an’ put rake an’ scra ‘Well, the place than a goad many at the redlafticle. Ive later he brought home the prettiest ‘hing see if a day's ride. She had lots “f yellow hair inns was always: jum should ‘hinds aie him, too, at first, see that ma: ind.| The best way t yan By a child At was a hard life, an’ she loved a's though he worked early and late, re Many & make somethin’ ote. that he loved—had left him gone away sath the a Tine he ‘hong wae his. frien went wild® while. It Senet to him like m be thing as black seapoe him, an’ there splotches of bleed before his eves, an’ ld ee voices that cept a-laughin’ me whim an’ callin’ him a’ fool, to] an’ the only cone he held apy to was at he must follow ‘em to the world’s ena an’ kill the man that had re ‘away: qj ell ae are ae he tracked ‘em, now here/ put they always dou- bled AS aie wa ‘at ih when te money lost ‘em altogether “Then ba ae to niset a ie ae sold his ’ went bas home it} that o at 3 a8y, 00m while he wai made money an’ well off, an’ nobody knew nothin’ Soul nis ever bein" married, $0 he had pone like peace, last, twenty years aflerwerd, wen he was gettin’ on in life, his time as ridin’ along, not thinkin’ anythin’ in. particular, when: h happened to look up, an’ Sogahe im Toun’ 8 bend in the road, er- i ise & g 3 5 ily pulled him downs cur hi und, Then, potas ee your fiendish heart “The fellow glared back at sek rap a rat in a trap, and seein’ death in an’ knowin! Niwas 1 use Loe “She's dead; 6 took il ‘when we got to Ne Non, Nan’ T lett her, an ied i 3 1) “IL orter ei ga. like a gnake, but I've always lived square, ant the Lord helpin’ |me Ill die that way, so Il give you an sien uamnce. Get ‘out your Knife an’ t, an’ Temeniber ‘that ong of us was oe to die right he det ‘him’ up, an’ they went at it. They was pretty evenly matched at ‘em, but Jim thought of Mitty an" fought like a ger, left the man that ad ‘ctitt and stark, his heart, an’ his while jase re grin ci at the cae nd part of the story that I want a ‘al to take for a warnin’ before you'll be so quick to find eny man ’ but circumstantial evi- body was foun in- ar of | eve an’| the who had done the killin. He'd eres. man; an’ he}y vor “1o. kill the jan’ prove no alibi. So they arrested nim, an’ the = t Jim heard of it, he was nm ed on the jury that was to try of ne o g hina, never even givin’ himself up for a murder, n | knowed he'd fought an’ killed his enemy al/ fair and squares an’ he was glad hed done “He ‘didn't see that it was any business betwee ike ho did, when cent. oe when be be summonsed didn’t have any mn but the pri- San sespqdl be cleared when they 100k wise (ed into. things some, an’ he made up his mind not to say nothin’ if he could p it. eet-| “But when he got there everything his mn! if reasons ‘te told "em tte story yped and gaz eyes of his Sine gathered around tim til! they sete him in on every Boe bub seen as much| “An’ what did they ‘ao. with him?” ot ‘the way that thing works as ked the foreman at last. have, you'd think differ ent. ‘T ain't much| “I don't know,” he answered, slowly. falker, but may! 1 Sree “ty alate decided’ yel, for Jack’ Wilder mind listenin” to a ease of this kind 1 man that run a with Milly, an’ il was “ite that killed hi —— SENTENCE SERMONS. 1 Pain is the parent Setconcell is the eine ‘of sell-deceh. rking time leaves no marks on the time. The proof of love is loving the un- next to amine was owned by a young fel-| jovely low—" cal 8, sat never is found by twisting the thavg “iat is 'd come -|out like me to ie Je fortune. We fave poset A knowledge until we took He each other OS n the first, sft impart y soon we were moro like brother: Wings “come not to those who refuse to wal An ideal usually is what we want the other man to ere is no: some self-res| You Sainnce Tead men to the divine by crawling in the dust. righleousness without aah aver -antoiogtaphies: segn snd what i e piel ry antl, the prosperity of fue eterna thin nis fa of | is to, giro bim ascent a eee oti religion anti a have some religion in business. _ man who would make ‘a first- cles Yaar a wasting his life try- ing to be a { all When a saan thinks of nothitig but nis {9 rig e lures he will have day Jim wend to the nearest town to buy ee to tik of eee me farmin’ implements, an’ in ts oe who talk ¢f their there ae @ fellow he used to W | as blue a eae es blind; they atther pack home, an’ nothin’ wed do but he} are green must 0. ces with Jin see how he} Many a man is waiting for an inspira- owas fixed. ell, clare an’ it Bose s Hon who would find st om atjonce if was not afraid of a little persp; me would give him his revenge. He worked | it « ity: © | Sausage, 1 saints have no time to write| ” When a man boils over - quickly you! 5 to the thickened milk after it is aie ly cooled. tered pud éish bventy or thirly minutes, eat whites. eggs stiMy, adding ‘two Rear suger hat Be ue. sifled nul rage over pu feet on the twelve anuts: hafved. Brown deli- ca! Takes.—Take huckle- ene teaspoonful of salt, 3 tablespoan- ful of brown sugar, teaspoontuls of baking powde ies. and one pint or milk. Sift ogee flour, Supse) Fall, and bette powder, cugs, milk, Mix into a. hatter. yi Have the nadie hot aN to form batter touches | W a crust as in order Flo confine the juice of the quickly tn order to form ss crust on ae pide side. im once n side to complete the bak- “Baboraie Dutch Salad.—Wash, sete Cut a Hen ams £00 joked ham and mn equal quantily of the breast of 5 wold roast fowl or veal, Add likewise, always in the aa quantity and cue into dice, beet roots, pid ‘cucum! cold potatoes, Robt in ara ¢:ce, and in quantity according to taste, Tut at leest three times as much pota- iantity a dor ai. the ingredients well togetiets leay- e@ olives and anchovies to orna- White € pepper and pour this over the salad and To Serve Collage Cheese—Lay a tuce leat-on a plate. | in the teal place a round pile of salad dressing. 1 ‘ne salad aves use the 4 of a hard polled e; hen mix chease with peam soft on lo ae the form Re h the teaspoon lay 1 H olor frosting or candy: Laven nder ry juice or jelly: Two teaspoons of blue- juice, Pink—Beets, cherry, or Yellow--Orange, Je mon, or yolk of egg. Brawn—Choso- late, coffee, or tea. Green—Boil spin- en squeers 5 acl through h. All these are harmless, and afler a liltle practice one becomes quite expert and can have ‘many dainty effects. jeans in Sania beans sn ihe winler are easily oblainable. drain them. off in a co! the water has ceased to drip {1 ns, put them into one Tined with clean paper and set s rag the ea ete and ar paper or cloth “pags for furth tier wented sowie thent-t They will assume th and will have lost none of (heir delici- ‘ous flavor. THINGS WORTH KNOWING. Prevent Grease Spatiering—Have per- browning. y an may bet perforated by. punching Boles in it with a nail or ice pick and mut and without the ugly scratches that a knife makes, Qui ek Way fo Peel Tomatoes.—Have stoye a vessel three-fourths full Put the tomatoes in x wire baskel; immerse them in the toiling aes and let them remain three minutes, Take out and they will skin quickly and easily, and leave the to- matoes whole. ‘fo Enlarge Holes of Salt. Shaker.— When the holes of a-salt shaker aro Yoo small take a sharp pointed file and enlarge them, This can be done quickty. t Invite Mice to Uns empty each article into can. In this way everything is kept freé from dust and relains ils flavor, ‘and there is nothing to draw mice into ate cupboards or oe fuis, pop- ; and cornmeal always. should be ent in tin boxes, as those things draw fice, Avoid allowing papers 19. 0 mutate i your basement and at ce ards, don't build a Gh muci “for Wish Potatoes wilh aa Broom: Ful the i » potatoes in a large pan, c¢ pxaler; Ane Meus IRERY whish Lroom. All dirt a ite for Goffe mand thea ie cca nah ae oon de Mb ; ‘eS unlit the. suger 38: dis- e, and keep Bunring unl tbis way taste sour. Make Cover for Irons.—Haye the tin- iece of sheetiron four inches inches 10 soft, is way. are cut right eo and irons ¢an be on 1 have ieee 0 any hospital * ihe coffee will not curdle or $tttt+tttttt+tt+ saw Milly he hadn't eyes for nothin’) +44. 4+4+44444 |'en to burn, as they often do. just |of the famous Londen pawnbroker, died ¢ |elce, an’ she bein’ a women was might-| + ; add vanilla.” At dinn i} not i fund Ales $ t 4o think a elty man n would set | + ; |near,” "You bumned. these, didn't your” | ell Mg! enue WHY CONWAY HELD PJ such ee tet bq | tsut ‘mstesa, you will hear, “My, but , previo + aK made himsei so pleasant an’ so} > ere ay ee en tuna, Z| much at home thal t him to} + 8 Ouse Polatoes for Each Day in the Week.—| In. his will he left to the hospital fw OUT % t sia an nas nas sie vase twelve | Sunday—Peel, steam, i @ lerge sum A hich. be Hee tee ae took | milk, itier and sail’ then beat till |Joaned the Salvation Army ay Ae * Sef “They niypeteg. 0 i teiohe be . }| they are light, Monday—Baked pola-|his splendid in Pary Lane, + [got Peller, and! wouldny hear ol * his |iee- ett + ++tet et tke poles Aetna tactgels ee DONATIONS BI $4444444444 t+++t+4 tryin’ to go. away. next mom pate A Jrand bake with roast ot beef, | Wednes |. 5, 10 pa ees anes ‘ li est) ed aay ‘on, settin’ on rockin’ ‘TOOTHSOME DISHES. lay—Crea laloes. | ‘Thursday — tonieg ‘as a heavy. subscri? a peanononacastaniennted ele with a pillow Behind him aN) a cy ponsted eel, steam, and serve whole, Friday |e" to the King Edward fund te consid. verdict of “guilty” whicb was expecte falkin’ to Muly, while Jim. was off ‘at| Peanut Pudding. nonsted pea- ut ‘in thin slices len; i great Aonor, jn -EOwREa a Retiring at all seemed little rk, "tb no particular eek {ill you haye one teacupful. Lay | sprinkle with pepper and salt, and fry fund lndergoes { he personal supervi r|moré than a farce, for, from beginning | DUTY in’, dims never.| Cle ons cee 808 Pee ratte alpina Seclet Lee ine an of alt donors to end of the case, the evidence had gone} SPitioned for a minute that anything | through a d aay ol heir, jackets, an ames; Of Tell” done 50 steadily against the prisones thal, by s wrong, for he Med the fellow first-| Sift three heaping lablespoonfuls ir the persons not sending more ime the fost witness had vied | Fate, an” wouldn’t no have thought sre gue de ope as t eects Wikia Seale tunleg: the. eet no manner of doubt in the pub- |! doubtin’ Milly than ‘he would the Lon ° ¥ Nic mind that Robert, Sullivan had de: oe de him ata a sol et eea Hee ane, whole oe GREAT PALACES OF PAIN hire reg Nevetbles Rested be iberately, and in cold blood, murde: ne evenin’ he came in s i y. - ieeWilder: and. it>needed. “not. the ungry.-an’ found’ that his wilehis thonaiisoes ea fs rene ener by Spee in ieee Hag LONDON PUBLIC MUST CONTRIBUTE $5,000,000 EVERY YEAR. Plan Strange to Foreign Observers. i is owing to the fact that "the f Je” run the London~ hospitals that the latter are an what must be regarded a5 rather salonishing e first place no one but a Poe ahent is supposed to tal in the me- polis. Of course, this rule is not nahered to igidly, but exoeptions. to it are comparatively rare. made nly, after elaborate. explanations, “THe ry t pra actition: medical and surgical—in the world, DISTINGUISHED PHYSICIANS FREE. Any poor man, woi solutely free <f arg pauinnat ‘which in privata prectcy would involve thousands cf dollars are performed Loidan the and acne for nothing that the Poor haye to. be safeguarded, is most of the hospitals have to areas dis psa eol requiring Tellers any treat ded. by ies to tie pebitan Tunas besos thie can “teeetve treataien As ral rule. outside of every Lgndon hospital al is posted a conspicuous en announcing the fact ‘that treat- he “poor only,” and advis See CAne he atfond dod privately, some ‘such regulation tke rich wauvld flock to the hospitals in order {o obtain assistance from the famous doctors who sive their service Sigely in the cause of charity, A man appendicitis, for instance, w taht not have overmuch con! family. doctor would nat ob; west into the in the Whitechapel district treated: by Sir Frederick Tre would in private practice cast him per- haps $2,000 or more could be done in andon hospital for nothing. INDUCEMENTS TO DONORS. encourage the general pune to take an interest i various “sums ep g s2 a 25 cere 3 Bers & paymel ter the. giver is, heve a ward named after. him; while a himself, he'd have thought sure he was icnation: of entities “one guilty. E do" dazed at last, an'| Easy Way to Clean Pans. ow a cot, Even payment of $25 al- ape-| didn’t seem to know nothin’ Uill he foun’| nite or enameled pan fa ie a, BFP err te knelt Pe tn himself in a room. with the rest of the} scrape it. covering the blackened | patients for treatment at the partea jury, an’ al n of “em wantin’ to| spots with, concentrated lye and damp-|4ar hospital to the n hag the man that he knowed was inno-| ning with water, lel it remain over | been contrily The sum of $100 in, ent. Then h eg to = senses and| ‘night. Then Ap scorches easily can) ¢iudes the privilege of being a life gov man) voted against 'e 3 nt ked be wiped off, leaving the pan like new | ernor to a hospital, to attend annual muectings, and to recommend twenty jour out-patients and one in-patient a tho London hospi Ti Hosp ital Satu n the first ferlions of their collections to the hos pilals; and on Hospital feelions afe- mat the pennies of the multitude are eager- ty accepted." OA Hospital Sunday and in day. Sat inion’ the public gives |® nec 1 he fund that te Help the suffering, poor. Upwards of $2 is been in this nia AIDED BY ROYAL FUND. great * of income to and which also soure: the London hospitals, es Edwar itis to fund Cot Carnegie ad usta r telat laborhe King Ea- ts one ‘at his creditable ‘ember of the Royal family is supose ta oteibuie= Seineting is en down to the Hittle Brine it alg saree ban ering that the royal Brit. tay ‘ol cigs Sev prot the it $2,500, 500,000, Tribes the Kise and the mee of Wales rsonal service yy of the ed gees it ioned. freer Ihe generosil soli should aac perhaps One of the Tabane Won't Seald —when you cooking peas or beans and they hap- largest scuuets of weath tals are beques! Lewis Hill wit of ee London by will, Recently Mrs. Century Old Hospitals Conducted on a | 60 is Andrew Carnegie’s recent gift of has {4 pa charitable city” on ear ho postcitior oa “Smithfield ae fo | a aa every e| ordinary income is r}kind have attained to a high iS aflerwi ot By. this elaborate system of donation | XG itals are ‘kept going |i too rat ke world has oe seen, i “land of the higher ara and Rome, for collecled in one year |; p- | tovian age, sage ages pI edged 1 Ouy aa nunegatiaa not to allow ae mentioned. : ee to na mnected with the ‘sdministeation ‘at ihe subscriptions. Considering the extraordinary man- in which these funds are 5 es Ha iy in- abould be able to keep going is from this. ase hat eae the mos has eas Livi pitals do on th svaluntary contributions” a the aly surprising to see great rds, “Supported by | voluntary con- tributions,” and each hospital has en borate system of appealing, whic! ‘ge of a committee of publi- al- Sexbing io fun rpetual drain ‘on its po kets, Oe- casionally ‘one sees atiees on the puke that wards dengih’ off time. foes not come to vate individual is by single check, manages to ees up be muuch needed ward. GIANT “PALACES OF PAIN.” It is difficult’ for the reader to con: aa a the extent of some of these homes ot suffering. St. Se atmndes hospi for instance, farms almost a saa ‘wittge itself. It situated in one o! densest r- ens of London. between the general as far-back as A. D. 1123 Pie a fat refounded by Henry | gj Ae Be. ve than c| pluce going it re a year. The London's ficns for the sick, known peers is y's,” the greal Ee the poor, founded in 1724 by ‘Tho- pi upkeep of Guy's requires - as Foard 2 hospttal treats great instilo- the world mas Guy 305,000 annually 32,000 Landon hospital in etre | yet atients 15,000. in pauienle, and ats year. To and about vi 3350, uy's, Bartha! London hospita! 1.190,000 fund only suppie $554.77. tis- the L and | going requit ward fi tributed among al —Ht will be seen that the hospitals ira nee thein going’ of ceive the bendllt of the treat- ment they ‘attend, ey eee ‘THE PASSING OF EMPIRES. ya Banker), to lime, in the long and varied history of the word, epochs have riod. more state ee ani . civilization, and oe ards state again comparative sate ing back down the Jong, aim. vista of lime, we f find frst in order the votes a iy the pioneers of ‘civilization, ‘who called all other races down even to the esent day, in the massive grandeur 0 ples, and palatial)? cradie of poetry, mistress of the world, mighty empire ' “wa sods af lee sons slituie the f tho laws, of the pre- ont tine, And ia all Ve at wealthy tales, on alter the other, were brok anarchy and vice, barbar- ig the place of con- we Be eee a ; ky per f the rack. for tinued, sane dead iitera Her contin; oii, the shallow know ledge, gress. faintly forizon, ever gaining augmented vi and lustre, ao, with the glorious V ge, especially of the means. of utilizing the mighty forces sof ati jeans bounds ; few ai deondes ubju; ig tion’ of those, forces, ae wie any to make them sul juire- ts having m ie strides than during the ure Gauss: of all the dong Let us mae that, ee those e bigout empires, we, 190, shall not also be swep! wehy and vice. But if, both s a nation and as ee we honor and obey the Almighty su hese im need “and sickness, and acceplin, ig aie is His all pros- pet on SRY oat reat ee doubi i-} much emp! number of mae treated a year is | fro, ‘a year, and as the King Ea: ES he te Rite with a white tulle veil and’ a are apt to tions are always the woeddil of 1 cote) i days, peclely girl vn as A fale a0 mon maid may married and ai" within the space of a short three Several reasons can be given for these more rompt now to Daa al a quit er rate, makers work at a greater soe, Sopp a aut trousseaux eg sma. ment first announced by the famlly, and her parents usually wd e notice to the tana aeiare ot grange ora “sal bi ives should wril nega g their’ ‘Se rar letter to his: proval, Bia oan alee shou! swered wi hee POSSIBLE DELAY. eis PEN when the two 4 Sie § then, paced fies ranriat with marl itude. sis these times an cere couple allowed much latitude, irl we Sone alone with her tutu walks, rides, and motors ‘with him, byt even now a chaperone appears upan the scenes at balls, races, and other places ‘of public am al very it arrives entails a letter of thanks, ahs bride's time is loyed in cing ‘these brief, hut necessary acknowledgments. If an engl ent is broken off, each=gift must be returned to the donor, and, in-such & le is mére often written by the moth Walang, se everything else, jew of evolution, instead ot Cale the bi Anal custonr that nal t aoe the lin ne, be one Ee they te se on Shae he station. All the expenses connected waite the church and re. ks carede are bridegroom. ‘These clerk, ‘Saeantahs ase bye a Al Soies oh. paid ei shee. i ceremony by ee ber man, and way, should be a bachelor. The parents of the ride bear the entire cost of the wedding reception. WEDDING INVITATIONS seem to cause some lexity, When gas by the parents of ihe bride, they jould run as fol “Me, and st ie Jones request the pleasure of ind Mrs, Arthur Hay’s company: at tho mist Bage of ir dan, bee DoS with Mr. Binix, on Tuesday, at St. Paul's neh, at two telock, and afterwards at — str In the eabe fete a stepmoter a should be wo : “Mr. John _ ery nee fans Ry Mr and yash's company al the marriago of ue Jones’ daughter Joan, etc.” If, on the other sien the be a fo is dead, and her it would mun: matt the neg Ce Janes’ Or, if 5 no mer clive, the invi- ould be issued e fail The ‘bridesmaids should pay for_ their’ g vet of sUicdss. is at a retinue-of bridesmaids should be the same height and of Bi the same Sas ‘ing, and that. their hould be the same dresa prelly Hewat ee m1 dresses of hich adds wreath of Hows much to the charm. 0! gers of a | longed: honeymoon ? Sees CHARACTER. We ave bushing every day"in a good And the: strucive as jl gras will our jose, se! Tau line all our Nts and Tailings, shine. castle grand or a wreck a upon t igor | B_Yau as ‘vb Duin Uy tan shor pol pert and ‘That tha eo dark au Sate? its-name * P onemblen lal Build it well wht e’er you do, Build it straight and strong and nie. Build it for the eye ol se ACTIONS VS., WORDS. “actions speak’louder than » words,” quoted the moralizer, “Yes,” rejoined the demoralizer, “hut ies ‘don't speak so often by a whole , No a * more Dlin@ than he who. pronoun world bud after looking te certain and lasting inheritance, Eis own,

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