BeaverToo (Oakville), 7 Sep 1927, p. 2

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Se A despatch from: Ottawa Re The res of the Dominion for the one @ present fiscal yea. WwW show a slight eevee ‘of $127, the other. ga exports of ‘animals “and products decreased nearly seven teat last year, amount- Vhile the ex) ue 637, pape of coin and’ bullion, the total of Sane se, Pihe ser ois, ths wtal duly (DA'S TRADE RBTURNS|™ “= "me REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES. ‘ First Five Prices of Cattle, Graim, Cheese wale Other Dairy Produce at Home aud Abroad. neue Sept. 24. — Flour— ea Sa 10, and strong bakers’, $1.65 to = Whieat_Manjtoba avheat .was quiet Kagirt anew and exsier. “No, 1northera quoted at luring the Saoier spent of the en ‘ike ports, and No. 2°at $1.05, ~ Exports | luke ports. esl i being Geomtien oe Kt aokoan Ontario wheat-No. & $60 snl and Eat ee bs ust | mst ak 2 white quoted at outside r ario’ white onts m- | are quoted Tt AGC outside. ane itoba No. 2 whi ue se ay mer at 5021 DF m oie NEW MILK SRE CREAN They Will Forni 1 Basis ~ for Future we q Regulations. teh from Toronto says : qT eke of drafting a set of hater y for the better: Sensing of milk in On- tario has been en! ed to Dr. Shears framed with view of pro tases Ph Tegislation next the sess! endations that have ee a are proposals that no cow- house shall “) permitted unless proper drainage is provided; no buildin, gu Guecamitney: purposes sisi be wathin f marshy or slagni pan yards 0! end no chicken coop, hog pen, pri’ te or waler closet shall be within, “tuo feet of ‘a building used for the keeping or hand- ling of milk. © cept Ged and eine insisted wy upon, ows mbst be weeded out froin the herd, no feed stuffs that are likely to impart respect lo the utensils used and on part of those engaged in the dairy pune ness is also to be insisted upon. _—_- GREAT FIRES IN RUSSIA. lusendiaries peste the Crown imber Yards, A aes trom St. Pelershurg says During the past week a number of fires have occurred in th “tinber yerds belonging to the Crown, including the great warks In the Busuluk Forest Provin works in Proving Ageatoae ond we rge deposits in the Province of Orel and Olenetzk., ‘The fires repo! ave been of incendiary origin, due fo dissatisfaction with the intended in- Nassilchikoff, general director of lan: OF DUTY. in el Fleyen Persons Killed and Twelve Hurt ci eee Sea be A despatch ca, Mexico, soys: Neglec of duly pune part of an employs esulied in the death of 11 per mortal injury to three, gE Es 5 te the neglect of an employe in Mieweet surplus steam to escape. pepe FROM ST. JOU Grand Trunk Has Longest Stretch of Contin inugus Double Track. A despatch from London, Ont., says: in about ten days’ time the Grand Trunk will have completed the longest |~ eo x 1! They Frighteried a Lad’s Horse but Gave No aan 9 St. John, ee to Chicago and ‘t com: moence running Silare rhe work was slarled about aight pears ago. is. expec! al the {rains will —_——4 STANDARD OIL PROFITS. Nearly eo ey ta in Seven rs is rd, iS assels roy fo Sri ookeal, "This is the est time ‘he company’s earnings have been made pul be in And Was Sentenced | to Six Months In} Prison. A} Beans= B.}§1.%5, and p endent of the |” fron resulted | Pouilr: «Vankleek | per 3b: ot ‘sts months | dressed, 2 to i ducks, aie: 9c; do, for being under (he infuence of liquor | dressed, th t0 Hay ie The regulations are being roviding Pea agg the station, ngent foupa te si iene Ie $i was wes Tried on rhe nei Tew 5 to 2 against vag aia under | af¢ per ees ty fees Lars soi “at 13c, and m py ies 3 are practically in} twins at 13% en- for grein ieenteceie os valdionsene The Dominion sce Was Busy in West. of chat ane in ve Mont results «ty mand front rs for to ng wheat continues to ‘be quiet. ‘The lone to the “local market far oe W ue a ae, hed. to “be selagaed: do aking ae at this > e Full of Men Dropped Down the Sha Michiy while organizaton and agr icullure, that ie in- Negaus ign. é anid Bee in- The ee of San ee DEPULDs Cal., edi, Cal: Hc thal} Gave, 22% the ced and sn re eatin yn nd caused a f aneral | dozen ny on QUE. TO CHICAGO. ih the mountains if whipped by @ mighty pulls ee Rt —\Wheat— Re 1 hard. 1s sulp s boise driven by old boy. rer. mais “ining ‘ne Tad Sciit ‘Jou 20 e aethtia es ss 6 8 “0s fest clears, road behind the 1 galloping horse for over r parly wheeled’ right Awdy-duiihouv'stopping/ta-nelp: the bey. Was Postmaster: of To Toronto for Tweaty-| cattle sald orl ga years. of Ottawa's Request tor Less Emigration Will Be Refused. lespateh from Re says: Ollawa refs of ve Sa Se rls oO} he thorities induce dour fo enter a ly lim! Menaeale t hi nroused greal interest here. Any ese. hol Re wit a YA cee or oni jon 0 are to fg ini ‘sentiment. ernment Rng ity ker ae Japan ha at. Co! enter upon lim- negates sat Cariada.- Mr. conlerence oc Laurier is confined to a ousean, and mixed at 72%. Br aii market a ae m at $21 10 $22 at ae ee etic 3e per » a ae ‘ ine Kens, spring, al r lols. 8 a on track here, A Potatoes—69 to. Ge per bushel, THE DAIBY. MARKE 22 Pound “prints. urge wll 26.10 2c. oe =o 22% to. 23%4e. Hoc PRODUCT dogs. in car ole are nominal. mace, none cl ne x Light. t0 median 15% 150; rolls, d ie i shay, ¥, is 103 ks, 10% to. 17 6 to 160. tubs, 12A¢; pails, ae Re 3s AT MONTREAL. Sept. 24.—Grain eign buyers reilly dertc remains strong, but pric ther change, No. and new ch sto p Quebe ck at pat e bacon, 1134; "sit © Sis: thames do, § puke iar 13 10 Ys Sager Drea Windsor Rabeiciest abals dressed hogs, » $6.50. ORS 1.10%; No. + $l. non D Wheat— Ry (3. ios Spies 70 to 0. 3, cash, GL to 61%e; i-Wiiesl Sept fay $1.09%. to $5.30; to $3.20, To —Few heavy export alte x poughit and most of the higher: ones sold ‘ar ‘he pate Ue butcher ade. quotations Panigod fr medium, and from: $4.00 ‘od to choice, select hule per ¢ aves. Sold tb S480 ser hora atonal vam pricé at ch. “Hes were weak at $6.12 for ce lects, and 35 an for vights “and fals. JAP ee See BUR iD. tiniated ee One. Hundred Persons st Their Liyes. A face cons Shanghai says: The nese sleamer Tafoo Maru_has -been fort eet Wat one hundred lives were. lost, ‘The ‘Tafoo Maru, formerly the Tahung Maru, {sof 1,758 tons bisa Aye ait iu sift aunehed in aoe Kebushit Kaha Paes ror Osaka, Japan. She feet long, has 40 feel beam and draws 1134 feet of water. Se BIG THING FOR ENG ENGLAND. Promising New Varieties ot Wheat and despatch es ee says ‘The | catre ~scientists, after aight vate to have created vartélies of y Which will surpass in Brothers are 9 wate Hunting on N eee Y 2 | Felesraph Briefs From Our Own and) er Cou Ontario |‘ e er cent. patents are - un-| Tard) % é ae $3.55 in buyers’ sacks outside Thtokatvng Day has been fixed for about for-export: Manitoba Test patents, aes tin tines, and each time the, quarrels be. oe ther went up to the latter and | M. F quoted“al. 60e out- the top of the head. “the hullet Aare 3 medical ye is quoted a 3% ‘a. The, ‘Toronto freights, and pears the eguualey here lunihediately. © boys were all about 17-or 18 years are quoted at Cani The, Onlatlo Goverment will exlend lee: provisions’ of, the suenosston. duflgs 1 to provide: fora. Feciproest afrane picked. gulch: OG $1.70 t0 ‘The Engtish Meat Supply Is Far From Darky dressed, 14 to A5e Wholesome. 0 Hes ‘ch froni Toronto says: C assur sh porimes. ana Sain ge Hodge, hel Siege eaimtoally lon wreck, Glin, night con ~ ate a was hardly an’ for as on s the men were m thal they i wanted, they: surrend- hee 4. enseves al the office of oh oe Johnson’ at the-termination of | dit HALT PRECOCIOUS CHILDREN. young are faced by. a grave owen. in the case Ws auase who Presses or ae precoci e guiding 3 racinelty of ‘e a Sete child, wi asses naturally Hae stage to ‘stage of its development, easy matter. — The’ Jan imotliy is quoted at $15 , bee aj Caitek Benehof saniatenewt ond Ni 0 tion ot private sluice houses an Secl to aunory rules at tock saling at 10% to ord 1 Brassey, naive gol Associa: an lie per Jb in psi ort b %, lo AGC; shoul: This celun 3 Regn Avoninn in West sees is no) ck Indianapolis has “an tmatvidual wap he le past ae Se ce years old, was caught 2 white were ans al P 3 S03 C sees "patent ton ‘ait ae nee aang wh she Beek Western, 12%: lor12%c; eating Eastern, 12% to 2%. UNITED S1 S MARI commander of the Impetial palace. a bia antl ton a ‘time ei sea a8 St the| ot th Peni jor Sone vate the feantiee ie os a Gal red of Beyal “North: West Mounted Police, has rel ti provin ‘he sett analy petcuie for the establish: eek STILL ANOTEER 2 DREADNOUGHT. Orders for Vessel ot Sigel ie Re celyed ay Ss ‘Thousand Unmarried We i tn, soys: The plans of the adie : en ee pyre anger fe Maes i aa depart arte ai ye Simi ba hard grain-and qatty fw in due of English grain by. at: ‘rouble 4s Jatgely. shat the sui of recocily is nat understood. Most ents; for example, bail the signs ot it ere are several types of precocious ies em, presenting varying degrees “E they Pa Saute “ana coger brain. pro ‘ldren are hailed with jus- pace he Teuttanate Nowering of their heredity, and then. all concerned, ti eluate, nurse the! BOOH oni stef, hasten to ha proSpect by a vee nant Shortsighted children, being naturally sltong and-swell, con “beak amount. of the aking’ dawn, al they jianien “they “AOUIE awe wise restrain! They should-be kept much with of her , cutidien,” noticed Jitile by. their elders, | es phy mislded into symmetry bya persistent 2] hotding ba ok. here may’ not be miu h wrong wilh the child who the Greek. ‘Testa- fuent at four years of age, hut. there is | purents who tet-him, is another very’ different type tuental faculties. They are cally, strong enough they. exhaust themselves and become commonplace These children should’ bé made to lead physical ives, every effort being tLrected to form a good pee A country life is almost.a necessity in their case, and the mental EA ei shoud be made as gradual as possil Dropsy is not a disease in itself, but is a symplom associated with &@ mum- ber of different diseases, chien e) the into. the gait, 2) he body, or into te ‘deenet paris and tissues ‘at the ot- the term edema ts applied dropsy of the deeper parts of the Die cea hatte that ak The vasiies [ust under the skin. The effusion of fluid Tied; de 8. ‘Tho fluid of dvopsy is usually clear and of a pale amber color, although may be cloudy or even milky, ce it ma ate 4 weddish, tank, “The Swelling st tdema canbe distinguished trom. swel- it in. pit will be caused, which will re- mi ai Jae time after the finger is taken \propsy begins in the dapendent parts ih the body, the fect and: ankles. if the again toward “renin of the following| 9 iy itil n amount may be due fo a aoniber af poisonous. material which affects the| 9 Un ning of the ee arteries, nd br of tis inlne but in ener the: difion an Whe' All those entrusted.with the care of the} £" ere are t, beac ealtay and ine 3S telletal ‘stock, _wvilty fine physiques. in cal pursuits, and Ment certainly something wrong with the] he effort, and after a brilliant ehildhood ja ree-q) stil! conse " eos that almost read hat pas The litle braided ip Jackets nay ve The BAe and calle of Ate Palens. ar ou Ung due to other causes by the fact] oy is al seus depend entirely upon: the . wea ‘anises; i usually is associated with ad Sanced d'seas? of the. heart or kidneys, be very bul it aid also ecur when the hlooil A despatch from Clarke's Harbor, Neva Scotia, says: One of the saddest a accidents in the history of this place occurred after sundown on Wednesday Ny uilding a ish. Reduction Wott here, lett with other hands at 6 o’ck ey bub wet back-afler supper, ® the tie ti ff to ecrerening- was DOs ate took bis lie |p in as ie boy. ‘tn Tora row across Sos ie har |w hy eo ee Other's Arms, ickerson, who | ered pets a wharf for

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