BeaverToo (Oakville), 7 Sep 1927, p. 1

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MONKTON — Vol. I—No. 4 MONKTON, ONT., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1907. ; Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher As DR. A. F. McKENZIE] seobsbobobsbobobobobob hae | 5,2, Byun sommes win BRODHAGEN MILVERTON. A & a ED 6 = Mr. Wm. Moring and family, of asi Miss Barbara. Grosch {sat nt A Grand Physician and Surgeon = LOCAL NEWS e ‘ne ere ae igs AG ee chell' spent Sunday with Mr. visititig: friends; in Serlinics sae pl The 1 Do not fail a fost Onice ures Bo dar ad pod rams| See Ae WR RNR Ne ee sg tne, Enthoran, consregation = oan? ee, fall to hear: Harry: M, Bon soa ako Dp .inhy ead InseraninEt. It is estimated that Huron’s apple openings Sh Water acta: Ore |e pene Gj Serene F all SUH ese eee of Port Colborne, as sucecssor to Rev.| Miss Tara, Goets spent Sunday i in, (The Misses Irwin were “At Home”? sae Thos. MeNauzht has returned Mrs. Jas. Elliott and children vis- - R. J, SHINE, Veterinary Surgeon, |, (Phe Misses Tewin Stee rant We a ay rE ea Mgnon Yor eoupie umes “a sala of Monday and Tues Monkton, Ont with f-iends in this locality. of days this weel 1 | | 1 yY Honor Graduate, Ontario “Veter, sunday mith seer esse Weale, of Ws mass iahio’ ul & much} Absurdity of Party Syst Nene eS 'y . be mm, 1 inepr inary College, ‘treats all diseases of | Lozan, ~ — Jefedit in this world,” said Uncle Buen pect “dp a Ta at nes fy9) Sas Se ery eae ' scopes . Dunean and family leave ‘af y ‘osperous dey’ll mos? like- Hlocse TAnOtiabes, # DeLee ee aie weak “to join her husband at |1¥ say you has mo! lucie dan. sense, ¢ laborious efforts of the leade 1p Ne peas apace eh voved nine ROC ALOU 8 AU eran ee LAMY; ot 0 Oras to construct a platform attended to, Office at residen a: ait bab ‘muoh-of either? 's. W. F. Finkbeiner and daugh: pent Sunday with friends t F in Wa ao Opening nee more reveal the Henry Cleaver and arta roe Aa 3 $18 per 2,000 Ibs. is fondanental absurdity of the party} Mrs. John Pretier and Mia. EJ. ah A. CHALMERS ee -Mciiloo, spent: Monday itl MaRS now pita asked for hay'oa the mar-(system. Why go about to construct jSiegnor "spout Hie: jest wok aa 7 d Saturd * Seb 56) Ket, a price which this season of the [an artificial antagonism: of principles friends in Baden. oe MONKTON, ONT. Mr. and Mrs. John Ullner spent |ycar is the highest price paid in many |when no natural antagonism preser Phe number of ent % Fr iday an aturday Notary Public, Conveyance, Teen of Gualsy at the: rpsldbhice/-of Mrs F: |yeare, “aid would geom: to-indieate|{tselet “What would you. putin thalad we-cone bres is fre ap toh * Mariage 1 Sibensser es for Bia: County Diebold, Logan. famine prices before another crop {place of partyt—the defenders of the Jof any oa Bh 4 i Guelph Mercur; systen as! he imple of Perth, Real Estate bought ai a sold. Mrs. Wm. Bettger is spending a|'* reaped ip) ry. ety Oct. 4th and 5th. St Feconiie tdeens forte mmodiges salen pee eae ee auger, Mrs “Bion A. G. aekKay, MP, [apibing. Let ench conaticunnze eest err = Harkner jirent : ae Ed. Reitzel, of Berl North Grey at a meeting of the liner most, and Iet-every member of Par- | MKE®3, of Mrowbridge. mooie . i 4 e: al members of the Ontario Le; mee rp er eee are a ee Pe ee te R. LEDERMAN mee hag re Sha Bat | eUze held. at ‘Toronto on Friday last (nines plane. “Pet. Partiaiont cest [midi hee net Set aot ie 2 z 2) or ~ s TOWN no Re “485 jer n showing compare with any of the larger places. Space eS dow DR. R. vet Ost. 4th and 5th. ae SE MGKay. avoopted. pentling the executive, as practically it does |freo to vieters of 4 in aes ta e , only not upon party lines. That not permit a description of all the beautiful hats we are show: 4, Weir and son, James, spent the ratification of the riding stool now, on! he, a ae inj oe autumn ee Rican eee ok ee Sage gery and acaday in Seaforth ene. sass ais- | Hon this artitieal care: Sree ctnals hop> o:etipied the pu wot of or the ee s - Larosa ihren Sane peneos Oe Roe ‘The Listowel Cheese Board at their|gling for place and pelf has led, and angelieal esureh on Sunday evenings ‘\ : f nto Universit: Crown aud Mrs, Jas, Erakine and ae wae last meeting eee solution ex-]is more and more leading, one has| Mrs, J, G. Hamilton and adapghter a You are cordially invited to come and Bridge work a specialty, Hou Edythe, anid Mrs. B, Robertson spent tensling’ tel atulations to the| only to take up an organ of either |-Atio», atéended the Weber-MeLaugh= oe see the goods for yourself. maka p,m “Oftce above the Sov- ||Sunday’ with Piendesiit Atwood sa sss Morrison ns ae cheese [party to. Kno lin wedding at Gowanstown on Wed- ; : ereign Bank, Milverton, Miss {Broughton and Gussie a4 ; y RU GORe porcey. ; : a a Trophy given by the Canada peer lee «2 ‘ ‘i ‘ ¥. nl Irwin are eek attending the| National Exhibition, Satoh (pa cin Mr. and Mrs, C. ‘A. Finkbeiner left _ Our quality and prices speak for themselves. ‘ou can- ios worth eran Caden Gos at Lis-|in succcession, thus becoming _ per- Wm. Brown, of Fihel, spent {on amubeday for Gowanstown to at« i not afford to miss this opening, if you are thinking of getting a manent owners, sunday oe tears ee icity setae aint Sn ea 1 Miss Minnie Manton, of Chicago, Careda’s Oldest Nurs fall hat. Muss Ross, milliner, is in charge and will be pleased The Monkton Times is at present _ visiting her grand-| the largest ek ect en Fo hate i ie. Ferg MoNaught, of Goderich, | ~ ytiss Hea the lyric aopranhe kt heth ne cos 18 PUBLISHED Mrs. Henry Manton, of the | berries, Grapes and Raspberries in| SPeDt @ couple of days with their par-/has a delightful voice of great range, to show you the kats whether you buy o . ee Seen aes T7GE onesie Canada, also. a complete’ assortment |°Mts in this vieinity. thove staves, and sweetness. Fair of fruit and ornamental trees Mr, ‘hos. “McNaught, of, Moronto, |Nigh*, Sent, 87¢ CeceMMbs citar ie A considerable quantity of hay has shrubs. “Write us. before placing |i 8pending a few weeks with his bro- jen Pressed “In this vielnity and e e placir There will Monkton, . . ontario ahi peda: the £00, Thr fights were |your order, Agents wanted at ‘once. thers rene other old friends in this ee a be ‘neteen finer os vicinity. ho “Fair Night concert progra ! Sree sent out on Muezday. aarte oie arent & Sen C01" Me. “Harry MeNaught and Mias|™lthout eneo e*. This should afford SUBSCRIPTION RATES _vo of the emplayées of tne Monk: » Ridgev’ nt. Ethel MeNasght left on Monday last ey ono ontestainennae: Ss ; six months, nt a Otel Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Reid, of Gote-]io attend the wedding of th ——$——. One year. $1.00 ; s 50 cen ere summoned to Mitchel iste: Utes Louis Pfotfer Toft on Muceda i cucihags oath, 3 28 cents inadvance. || on Y Rida oie chatded: bateies ean: Hob, while on one} porepinaert Hp | hers Mr “Rossel MeNaught, of To tor *itovetiold- fen: puuiisest het ile = ¢ killed in a bi -|Huron, Mich. After a busy week's buying in the wholesale and unpac s CONTRACT ADVERTISING it mie aan © ene man [on ‘while. cromelng tae *afatrioe fhe’ stean. shovel has returned tofihe mgr tn the copay Ju Judge ~ aa Z @ merchants of Monkton are|crossing” near Hespeler on Kriday.|MoN; > Iso “little Ital. F x ing New Fall Goods, we are now ready with a well assorted |} soc Xuax Mos. 3 Mos. Mo. |[having a carlond of coal oil arrive | The irtauing. ls kevery scabuerdues tome nano Sant Miss Ethel McNaught, the young stock for a big fall trade. lua: $0.00 $20.08 $16.00 $600 ||here early next month. ‘They should [one and it is stated by-an eye wiune.8|been working at Mr. Harrison's for |<lo°utionist is rapidly coming to the Acolumn.. 15:00 9.00 8.00 2.00 |) he able then to shed some light on|that the whistle did not blow until the pant month has returned home. Lt as a delineater of character. inch. 5.00 3.00 2,00 1.00 | ihe subject. the train was almost upon them. ral young people of this vi er on Fair Night, Sept. 27th. Bight centa per Une for first insertion |! (he brick work on Knox church} Lord Russell, a famous jurist ity attended fa dance at Mr. MM. H Miss Ella Smith lett on Tuesda Wi ight to the front with guntdnus cee per linedor eat tubneaint is nearly half completed and. will |went to Seotland to help the Libe = |tison’s, Monerieff, and report aving | for Kincardine where ‘she will rid € are rig: oO the Ir advertisements. re be finished in the course of als in a campaign. He purposely be-|Spent a very “pleasant time. tend t dding of her friend, Miss Kdkectintincstatwitenat specie dies: xt two weeks if the weather en his speech with a few sentences. Lilian “Winterkena on Wednesday. the Hi > ; -d until forbidd d cousnuee favorable. bad Scotch, and then when the BONNOEM Ladies’ Fall and Winter Se Se fae pene aes ae ee ty ign exaied RS Sain apie be Rov, F. Meyer Teaver teay, Mis Fergusson ozceupled the , day, for. Hisbon to attend the fune MALCOLM MacBETH, igi of. the Granto Presbyterian |Subsided he said—vGentlemen I do} | Mr. Chas Dover has iaken a situe]a1 op niagiee sHinteahantar ne Coats Publisher and Proprietor chureh on Sunday While Rey. James {B0E speak Scotch, but I vote Scoted lation with Mr, John Walsh, of Mit- S "eval obUsch tatoo SeenON brey conducted anniversary ser-|#24 1 often drink’ Scotch.” He was |chell, as salesman of pianos, organs, yb ; A . ‘5 a St. Paul’s church, Logan, [steeted with tremenduous applause. |etc, , Spenco asslated by Mr. A big range ready for your inspection. Call in and see them. + Log When Russell was a young man he|” sr. and Mrs. Thos. Hicks speni| Feta pe cali aes ta ace Mr. Wm. Bannerman took a busi- |, Mrs, McIntyre who has been visit-|was sitting in a court listening to|/Sundiy in Palmerston vii une their} ‘The Flower if Empire” at Listowel a Z ness trip to Hamilton last week, jing friends in eae returned. to a tritl for bigamy. A friend leaned daughter tide SOAR eeaes last Thursday and at Monkton on We are sole agents for the Ideal Skirt Supporter. ine Rate aa Lica her home in Stratford on Tuesdiy. oss to him and asked, “Russell,}. Mr. and Mra. ae Newell are vis- | Friday. 2 : bi ne pares ie feeder tee: eid Bie: aH apenas i me ae hat is the extreme penalty for big-}iting at their home here fora few] A special train will run from Strate It is not what you pay, but what you get that is the best Berga Se Lees sper Grate aga hee Ak Spe CRE “Two mothers-in-law,” was anya: eg der | {ort te Milverton on Friday, Sept. r. Peter Healey, o! ilvertor City. ‘ iss Fern Szoins is visiting under/p7th Jeaying Stratford at 12.30 of values. 5 a a p. spent Sunday under the parental| The C. P. R. recently purchased) ye C. P. R. in the last seventeen|The parental roof at m. and ital leaving Milverton 3 : roof. six gores more land at MoNaught’s| ern: have ereried on thelr Ontario]. Mr. Adam Schneider, our enterpris- ‘at 990 ye Bring us your produce, we pay the highest market and Mrs. G. Uliot, of St. Marys,|""4 the shovel has*Ween placed: in division ever 11,000,000 passengers | ing mill man purehase Mr. a4) Mrs. Joh prices, spent last week ‘at the home of Mr.| the pit. Two trains are busily en-jand in that time until the late Jamen-| load of ‘coal ca aba fimmtiy: vemovedts wusentoraeate A. B: air. “| gaged in share the ballasting as|table accident on Caledon Mountain’ bundance of fuel with which to run a ee 0 Toronto on Tues+ it ich. never had a single passenger killed] bis chopper. He has recently put |/4a3- Mr. Xost was a good citizen : cd we wish him suec hi ir. oe Mrs. C. Bains aoe near 4 5 train. This is a re-|it in first class shape/ for the trade bape ess in his new ) Bett er uitsiell spent ‘Tuesday at the home| 9, meng a errr oe amtycord which few roads in the world| ‘his coming fall and ‘winter home in: the Queen: ity. of Mr, A. Bannerman. hi a tae ay evening {ean show, and is highly flattering} Mr. John Wictor retureeieo aes Hear Harry Bennett on ae Ment - : elds : sic. . ha Wm. Dallin ae se the fun- | Sept. to the C. P, R. management. Acci-|sina last week. a dispenser of mirth and m ’ ; Monkton’s : Popular Hi z : ivisi A party took Miss Grave by”sur-|carries with hima trunk full, of his cousin, Mr. + Thompson, |sooiet e dents ‘in, that time on the division] A ma trunk full of fun- Store|: ae = a ot wens: eibed Manan + reat, [have oscurred by the seore, but the {Prise on Friday evening of last week. [ny songs, funy costumes, funny mot= : d ‘ als, | 4 eedingly a Minélsras epee] olozner soa funi dilige nee exercised by the officals, | An excee log ny stories, Mr. Tate Scott has sae a job bed, heavy bridges, and | by all prese ) in the C.P. R. round house, Toronto,| Mx. S. Mines rovenily sold to ar. | te. Good roadbed: heavy, butch ti ee veh ©; Ps atatt of englnenrs havo —_— — Sand intends leaving for thei ort- man Boyne, jr. an “Bikenbrae” colt ‘ d 0 en- re they have. : e bls Neneh Stas thee aim oh ar ele Sede lees erat ine accident, prevented any pagsen: Why Should We Exhibit ? been engaged for sometime and will Ce : ger make verton permanent head- Rey. Mr. Penhall and family are we a ate Cate ae Sec Win. Gonteu, Mitehon, Has bean The, following paper yee esting |* quarters until the line from Linwood Te ee ahs Week with |ing and some fine animals have pass-|a very unfortunate man, as during/o¢ the Women’s Institute and was|‘° Tstowel has been completed, ‘< es nk ely ee ney LOM; 0 ‘ord-jed through his hands, his lifetime he has had his see, brok- | considered so good that Mrs. Parke-| Mr. Danl. Ross has purchased a eS eset era ate ote Mr. John Gerth, our enterprising = s faiabet of a ak eee a aoe ts cuba poauries to allow it to be Bisse ate ee i < Marrs ene ' _is reported that the faugh harness maker, has always shown ng hims: adly ise, a publishe s family there on Wednesday : GENERAL MERCHANT _ |nton i'rronty sw a near’ |ouimue mane, ae oleae shorn] BK yPasernon at fur sick Be | Eh sbjok tor alagoioy ths at THe demutare wt Me Hae fou the vicinity te the fase He is said by aio pting the most up-to-date |ad another hair-breadih es:ape from fepnoon “Why ehould we ex-|will be generally regretted as he was —————$— es . ti methods, Hie latest move bas been |being® Kil Mr.|hibit at the fair?” is one that admits {held in very high esteem as a citizen. Mr, Alex. Stewart and Miss ‘Ade-/to instal a sewing machine capable John Gaffney, of Lozan, to dig away | of very little discussion as Iam of Plan of hall for Fair _Night consort The time has now arrived to prepare for the cold line Stowar t attended the funeral | 2 the [an embankment at Whirl Creek, £0 Jihe opinion thet no one will deny the be seen at post. office. f their uncle, the late Sam fae] Baker’ and Mies work done by|make room for cemer ts, | general good that is done to the com- weather and we are ready for it with a full line o! at Mitchell on Monday last i be superior to hand work |for a bridge when a large quantity |munity from year to year by these|_ Mrs. L. E. Pfeffer visited sina in “ ‘eas i fe oe Mr, Gerth will-now be able to. Keep of the earth caves in and both men Jannual expositions. Tavistock during junday next wi e hildren’s |p to order: we fed in it up to their waists.) Tn answer to the question then, Day in Knox church, “The children eed ,|To make matters worse a large lox|why should we exhibit at the fair? ae eat ot Secon, of the Sunday Schools of Monkton,| , he We ely Aun. pays especial at-| same down with the earth aud roll-|{ would reply, because it is an edu-lin Milverton, lidays at her fi I ily we fr the 46th west and Bt. Paul's will jrention to market sas Obl inst thelr legs, pinning them |’sational inecication. “It 4s an eduens i ) take part, GP Ue ae aint ozs ee upp otnoas | f are took ee wok - | tional institution whieh by its ob- cnr x. ir ‘tending as at erie z é i - men on the job, and it took them fi*-| je-tive teaching dozs good to the com- is week! attending the post grad+ 4 gt Ps Fe Demi bed ot saw 00 s Sete orn Fee AE niles teen minutes to dig Coston and Gaff-|munity the extent of which, Iam a-|'ate conference of Knox college. dist ehureh on Sunday. Mr. Ham-|vents, So much is made abundant-|?°¥ Vt ‘soy tm "b oer, there | fea be tee eat uate, Tee; | jqaliss Bertha May Crawford, [ore Uton’s ‘efforts aro always apreciated iy clear by the apeeal reports, acre | 3 es broken; there }ied by the general public, It is at|to's favorite soprano, has been engage yo cdtankcea fe ada BS on a eoomaWREt. Heavier grorsure | eBt Wore VS ruised, and it | these fairs that. the very best pro-lod for the Fait Night concert, Bepu - on res are th, Naveed ae but af-| Wil be some ‘time before they will be ducts of the field, of the dairy, Bar lo7ih. z i P, Graham, the ae able to return to work. den, orchard, factory, ete., are found all of which ovhibits are the|_ Mr. Louis Wright of outcome of careful study, diligence |Sound P. 0. staff spent we ‘olay and work’ on the part of the Tae last week’ visiting his cousin, \Mrs. pet of 9 er the end of December indications aint ator ob Relies ES new aeits point to ae Bropsrillty of receipts} The ae pe neeeher: Sets Ladies’ Hygeian Vests ister of Public Works were each re-|!0"ing below demand, Joun, | William ‘and Wa 0 es Hyg Glestea: hy vacclsiatiog In. Brockville! A physician Awas: reosntlysoalled to tn PB AL a er and becomes at once Walter Tanner. and St, Johns on Wednesday = his telephone by a colored woman | Aug. admiration, criticism The While in the city we purchased a job line of these. B0)p pee ray ano acres of formerly in the wervice et his" wie, [‘eht months in, the Centra) prea iy yudges and. apeators patter caRALLIG chante Re een Special value at... In great agitation the darkey advi Wen ait the. facts” are. conaored In this way the public are permit | years and ap plendid Faces are expects ed ite physician that ae youngest i ted to sce and pena the very best Jed on the 27th race track has been put in eaeess lente porcine’: 8 popotation Canada Dosseases a forest heritage i SF coeaoie eeuet @ senience sxems a Iitt severe that Sradnood: te ate saTeR Cota 9 ably greater than that of any other Ae opt ike three young men, witli about ; Mr..L. A. Sas of the Morne Gents’ Furnishings nation. According fo the dates and |S. 1a be the troublet asked the orty others, without mu* 5h ‘Bought peace preg Coser aes Biscuit Co, Stratford, spent figures ‘compiled by the Doinion |S73°"ycttie of ake Tal © the seriousness of their action. @ over in |*5 in Milverton visiting bis ‘ater: ai GeESHRMS- tombe Nee aR theme: drawn. possibly. through the spirit from such exhibitions either an in- Our gents’ furnishing department is complete. Statistican, Norway comes next creastd Knowledge of howto. do| Mx; ‘Horry Canada, with a little over 9 acres per ; 4 ; dico. “In the meantime have you| ‘dventure into a Kind of a charivari)inings better in the future than in| Mr, E, Ari ai ¥e tor'siMloatrats ‘ A capite, Sweden with about the samey/dons anything for hert” “I done gib| Performance are now sentenced to] ihe ast or an inereased stimulus to led songs Mabe a Ree Nea nae ew iPLS 168, OiLAPS, als. Paces. the United States with seven acres, |) or ¢} cea 0" Dlotti ner, Vos {serve a term in prison. One of the’r | -atner information whi cnabl *Jand Russia with about Mf acres, bvapetig a av re pa ae Hot dead. in his |@*¢her information wh: enable] views are imported pk “England ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ba) said the negress doubtfully- pee the prost majority go|¥% to excell in our Calling and are the best made. Hear him on ie acks and th : tel he i : ’ az ase tiaras tt ra tittle jg at eadecisss where people rth | cotta id tae acavesty 2 fustlse Wulattans: sg USE, peopl accomplish |Fair Night, Sept. 27th, Gents’ Cravenette Raineoats at boy om the atont and told bilgi aspirations tumble over thems [that thee mon among Wity ar for-(S. He, child Tero by COMET], 3. Grog hah eburned 0m fi ; jail. {Selves trying to be up-to-date, and guilty, ab peti ve atc Ted[ tO pe walks: beos axe: ire |2 business trip to the West. (We un- eae said the ae ys at se 0 jail.’ where the. proudest and happiest hole others walk. He learns to fear fire ti v a dont you.go sked P pp! ads to eles the whol all theineh daretela ti hat he has placed a large . i fi 9 75 i Cee eee ee ao et oma {Woman is the one who has evolved a | tot, Paatinits efor ourscl.| number of orders for goods to be de~ er aineoa s rom . lied the boy. “Dad’s at lodge, ma’s |e Scheme, a shocking thing hap-/in Wiarton with the ‘niet of having that whieh others {livered this fall and winter, uk of ae pened recently. One of the popular ten Mrs, Thom- BSE Wena UP Ener aun ae gone : greater becomes| We hereby desire to state to to the euchre party, Bud’s sue tne xi ir i % Le ie edge. Alllorediiors that owing to the Aeringst 4 ree dr fens tf things’ considered, Japan today, is|oy of the money market that i ri Leva, ee "al tm ga throw ee res not guilty, as s she pe e most progressive nation |want all outstanding ascounts paid New Crockery the t sesreeB1.50 a to j See our line of Table Sets at..........:sseeceseeeee Soe Oris tests duid Napestead juse she at once. ho. Yanks-are pressing us \ Toilet Sets at $2. 50 and $3.50 Game Warden “out /[Wost -was{la great auscass Dat for. the: tolooked PO has seen the wisdom of ssnding em-|and raising the rate. In future & ‘ ms aie abroad the other diy when te development which Bae it up. A Word of Warning ssaries to all progressive countries | por cent. interest will bs charged’ on : foatdetrashuntey With a: pun on@he| Bleven coeaatyer- nineteen worsen eS to absorb the very best Ideas in all all ec that tga longer than ra i it be ban To ihe Editor of the Times,— lepartments of art and ssience an e regret to have to ma’ : G nby Rubbers eaeat eteseated that it dust to bs = ieee thee Saved Dear Sir—I desite. to crave your agriculture they retura with those jihe call but we find it absolutely ned ‘ ; } t ser! ye is well: that young men should |indulgence whilst I tresapass short-|advanecd ideas to the motherland. |cessary to carry on business. Pfefs We handle nothing but the Granby, which always holds sia one at ihe nest bucks yer begin at the beginning and occupy |ly on your valuable space. It has|This is the seeret of their success and | fer Bros. Milverto: 2t ‘and he weighed |the moss subordinate positions, Many |bcen ihe habit of, I am glad to say|this is really what our annual fairs Mornington yore on Monday the trade. vt was the sea-|of the leading business men of the|a very fow, young men or at least {are doing. We are asked to put our s Reto was brought before Reeve Hasenp- . not, he. shot {country had a serious responsibility |thoss who consider themsclves young [best products. on Exhibition for | 108 MoNant before Reeve Hascup, f Highest Prices Paid for Produce e' hunter to a|Thrust upon them at the very thres-|mon {o follow strangers esp*clally jsingle day im each year so that others | toveriy olinstising an, adopted. boy. in “ heavy aes Well hae is a fine one’ |hold of their career. BES were Abe those aecompini:d by ladies and make might see one learn beet ae of : x said the warden. “And do you Rnow | troduced to the broom and spent themselves 0} 3 5 4 8 re lcosts or about 816 in all. We are agents for the Celebrated Xmas Globe. |iry Sou are talking to” Boing as- Tat glean: of thelr business ives gentlemanly ‘remarks and acting in |x commendable, thing ? Should we iat doubt 4 nore g Fo 3 E4 2 c g es es eS 5 ; id {sweeping ont the office. ave {a rather rude manner. These offen-|not in. this. simple but interesting Order now and be sure of a copy. Price 50 cents. reited thet ho didnot, the PRU R eel pea et ae how in offi-|ces are frequently committed on Sun-|way lend a helping hand to our fel-|&%) provozation through his “Why, I am the Chief Game Warden 4 Bedouin habits but that 0 ex= ces, and our young men NMA day evening. We hop? that a hint|low men by Sige ad these -fairs ae the severity of the easti- ly miss that gat alutary bral of will be sufficient to those concerned. |by being an exhibitor 2 ‘ E bus‘ness education, But, if ir by euante Tanking you for your space I re-| By taking an motive interest in the n back for a mi i taling “had ante wa’ yey “aid not |the professinal janitor is absent any Yours truly fairs we are not only doing good to sf Se Hepner she Know. “Well, sir,” anid oe hunter |morning, the boy who has the genius CITIZEN, ; ourselves. par by nolo Led ee es Monday -aftaniioort wikhaa. viewer e 0 apparently much reliev “you're jot the future partner in him will not NES cae ne minence and importance to one of. re ie “rhdnring - i talking to the biegest “ine tne this hesitate to try Bee hand at the broom. Niqsorving educational institutions {having him sent Andrew. Catne; Subseribe for (fhe Times./ | { in the community. Monkton, Ont |seetiont” Andrew. Catnegie, Sf Opposite Sovereign Bank — ; = ? a

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