Pee Mr. groan ite engadget 8 she} describes so in Siberia of the. Bean Politi- “On the 6:h of July, 1882, eight of the | seer al convicts by the vernment for ly da us, Gontary, tt 8 aspects of Tr deceaee: * lcwer the new chines ah ta bered 2 ‘The effect of t this of seven erowd every group cr olf S cchivtato a call that was so nearly | - by the sleeping-platform as to leave no |; i m for locomotion. Wo men could not etand side by side in the narrow passage left, and to add to their mieeries ‘ were se? in their small cells, and the ge ab times became so pollated that in the words of one whé wrote to me; it was simply mad- dening. No other reply was received to — protest than a threat that if oy, did not keep quiet they would bs fi This was the last straw. The wretched State oak, dapeieed of iweles, living under dungeon conditioner, poisoned by air a with the stench of ‘exorement-bucke: finally threatened with the whip when one comp could endure no more, They resolved to makethat last desperate Rawian p "ieee cruelty which is known in as a * golodofka” or * hun- not » mouthful of food passed their lips. As to one another lay in rows upon eeping-platforma like dead men, and the only sounds tobe heard were the steps of the senfries and the ravings of the insane. On the fifth day, convinced that the con- victs were in earnest, the Commandant came to the prieon and asked the convicts to state definitely upon — terms they would discontinue the They replisd that as the “conditions of life were unendurable they would continue = strike until the aap backets were en out of their cells, until they were per- mitted to have books and to exercise daily in the open air, until they were allowed vo direct the cxpaetiture of their own money for food and clothing better than that save dan by the Government, and until he ve them a solemn ce that none of They could, how- actory reply to — and continued the @ and | br tenth day the condition of offalca on . the wives of all had top salah . at the lower diggings t ey t have terview with their husbands if would cick ora to partake of food, They g ted of course to con- dition wey vere odeaiited t0 the At — — time ~ Commandant went around i d assured the —_— his aoeees See that ifthe aay would —— strike do everything in power to catiaty thelr demands. The peel of the wretched heart-broken women and the romises of the Commandant at last broke own the resolution of the foliticals, and on the thirteenth day the first and most obstinate hunger-strike in the Kara politi- cal prison came to an end. Ages of Reigning Sovereigns The new issue of the Almanach de Gotha gives an ro oe table showing the ages of the several reign of Earope and the duration of oatot thetr eel reign. Omitting the mmall German States, we find that the oldest among reigning princes is Leo XiI, who is 793 years old, chant ae twelve yeara, Next comes King of the a 723 yeara mr baving reigned torty ; next Christian 1X., King of Dsnmar 714 ante old, = twenty six years of aeen toria, 7C} years old, with ‘Afty-two yeara at reign ; Karl I, of Wartemberg, oda old, with twenty-five years of relen; Fied- erick, Grand Dake of Baden, 63 years old, f 3; Al King of old, with 16 years of King of Sweden, 603 ro "old, with 12 ;e:rs of reign; Charlee, ing ot R 5°} years Ra with a reign of 233 yesra, eince the be ing of his government ; Nicholas, Prince of Monte- negro, 48 years old. with a reign of 29 yeare; Abdul Hanid, t the Sultan, 47 years old, 13 years of reign ; Humbert L, King of Tealy, 45} years old, with a a reign of nearly twelve years ; Alexander ILL, Rassia, 443 years old, with a reign of 83 years ; George, King of Greece, 44 bsnl a with a of 264 years ; 3: OF tho, K of Bavaria, 414 years old; William ll, German Em r, nearly 31 years o'd, with 14 year of reign ; Carlos i he Portugal, 26 years old, two mcnths of reign; Alexander L, of Servia, 34 years old, nine months of reign ; Alfonso XAIL., of Spain, 34 years old, with 3} years -of reign: Robbie's pine ol “*Mother,” said Robbie as hewatched the k in the kitchen, those ats?” “‘No, Robbie, don’t touch them.” “You ought to name them over when make them,” eaid Robbie in a tone of o ow *” “Call them do nots instead of dough- pute, * An Extended Experience, Writes a well-known chemist, permits me to say that Potoam’s Painless Corn Extractor never fails. I: makes no sore spots in the fish, and cooscquently is painiess. D>n't you forget to get Patnam’s Corn Extracter, now for sale by medicine dealers eve: y- awhere, ving | heeled when he goes out on a business trip. ee 4 mee Se gq on wheels has the authority of Homer; Deialus made mo the sixteenth century pram age made an iron fly which mo through the atmosphere, an automati: meet him a coach crack of che whip; the — ee ow oe ig, trot- tng, an gal inturn, Itranalong un. t in tof the King, when it Then atoy footman descended carriage door bated ont a born grace,” as the records tell The lady made acourtesy, presented a — to = Em r, re-entered her ae we ven rapidly away. ach is a duation or this most won- ertul automaton,” conclad r. Biare, “*I never saw the toy itself, of course, but the descr’ption just given to you tallies — word for word with an authentie, ord. Imemorized the gael at one time, 80 aamreliea did it seem to m A Dish of New P's. Pp — for Padding, for Peach and for And likewise for Poetry and Prose that flies in the air, The Parrot, the Pigeon The Pig with a ring in his Take at once Pierce's Purgative Pellet. Oh, yes, indeed! These are the P's for ean sick man or woman. No like them for keeping the bowels an stomach en in order—tiny, sugar-c , scarcely larger than mustird 7 a They var gently but thoroughly. The game cock is always pretty well $500 Reward for an incurab'e case Pt chronic Nasal A ag oh offered by th man turersof Dr. Sage’s Catarrh how edy. Good looks shculd not be despised. Tnere have few heroes with turn-up noses and bandy legs. Spare our cig oa, cama the pleading That goes arts, But grim death, our plea eS eaten. Piercss with bis fatal Thoee who with Pleading with death ee nothin must do something to ward off the . yin aims at those we love. We must protest them from him. When the hacking cough, the hectio flash, or a pain in the side or chest gives indication of a consumptive tendency, act promptly. > to your et and get a bottle of Dr. ciao 3 Golden edical Discovery. This remedy allays the ir fiammation of the delicate lung-tissues. = heals the irritaved ‘parte. It stren; the blood and tones a the debilita’ sana term, and in this way death can be forded to relirquish his hold upon our ne It is guaranteed vo cure, if taken in time given a fair tria), or money paid for it will be refunded. Ob, yes,” was the I thought it ch charming. who was it wrote it? the names of authors.” The rooster is one of the most tidy of all members of theanimal kingdom, He always carries a comb with him. All Men, young old, or middle-aged, who find them- selves nervous, wea’ exhausted, who But, lét me ser, ‘ never can remember ry, bad imneas of Tight, palpitation of the * cissionn lack of energy, pain in the ii neye headache, pimples on the face = senshi, teen Denny desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes sur- age LEADEN CIRCLE, oily looking skin, © all symptoms cf nervous aebiiy th that aad to ty and death un- The spring or vital force having function wanes in con- be permanent! gel addrem fee Sook on ail diseases Lusox, 50 Front Street F East, Toronto, Ont. Booka sent free sealed. HEART DISEASE, the symptoms of which are faint spells, ‘ple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip te, hot flashes, = rapes ed the head, dul pain in the heart eats strong, and a the second heart beat te a than the firat, pain about the breast bone, etc., can pols ely be cured. No cure, no seed, implemen: to.a reasonable amount ; ea bel are not "incurred —_ for ob An other untries, on Russls, wht thoughtful wotherhoed. Lets no good chances With national Has sent us now the ‘grip.’ Generations Have Proved It. Look back over filty years andoount the thousands of cureal’s that have sassed to oblivion. Not 20 with St, Leo Water. Take Quebec south and Vermont ox to Boston, and there for fitty years back St. Leop comes ont co Leon net all other m the world ;\would not live without it. Neither would anyone who wishes ae stren and happiness, — he St, 420n eral Co. Toron a@ woman — the earth it is with the ver of giviog it to some man Sold 7 all druggists snd con- 5 cents, AP, 487. ta “You ror ioe da, moet wilt ne rete - SCOTT'S fectioners, | Bermuda Bott + Who Can Get Government Land SS) Sake in Dakota? 2 W4&NTED. Sand for Mius- BR‘<8., 87 Cnurarch St., Toronto. oon WHALEY. RO een & CO., 158 Yonge MONEY TO LOAN 48 of paying off or Shadicn te to ONTARIO FARMERS desiro. ing terest - the LONDON & CANADIAN LOAN & AGENCY COY ; BERK, Max 103°BAY st. “TORONTO. ARE YOU ONE OF THEM ? takes 160 free acres in the famous Milk River Valley ot Montana, reached by the Man1- TopBA Raitway, _ the Manrroza to In 1890 THE HOME SEEKER THE HEALTH-SEEKER the Northwest, Helena, = Spriogs and Broad ter Sanitarium. sche! the Mawsiroza to the glorious opportvni- ties of the io new THE FORTUNE SEEKER J LOUONES WOOD a . TORO! 0. c make money. P= noe parr for 1S cents, sent by mail, Ilwet: 1 CASSGREEN MFG 00, 58 Victoria Street, - - Toronta, ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. THE PIONEER CAN WJIAN LINE to ‘ront rd to Provision Sar tee etter cad eens OG en pagricion malt Weekly Sailings Between Liverpee’ gow aed the St. Lawrence & Fortnight- ly Be uring RENRIES eR uLUSTRATED GUIDE RG wil my ee ene all Tokeutiog pare apriication. e ist « of Vegetable, ane Seeds is i eee es as Publisher Toronto. $10.00) 0-2: women. —— oa “Adelaide ! surest West, tates. THE MARUFACTURER takes the Maxrroza to Ce the Great falls of the Missouri. oF aoee i pene THE TOURIST renal gg Wager ni 1 Cp JIVER eall it Be on seater vice rage many c vm "} | THE TRAVELLER takes the | Maxrrons Bronchitis, Cough Minsanete, Heed Da- or Severe Told ota, Sou akota, I have CURED with it; ani the Montana end the Paci- te ont SR =n it. Aubtes ° thing wh ch sme . the THE TEACHER takes the Marron wp gp ye aie Wis conatin. St. Paul to Lake Min- Provident Lilr nd Live Stock Isson You ‘wi ty bx tor wie rapa, MS netonka, tho Park Rs- CHIEF OFFICE, t gen M4 ‘ gion, the jreat Lakes, sure you we & se eniner The Rocktes, the No- ROOM D, ARCADE, = TORONTO, CANADA _ Park, the Paci (INCORPORATED.) remed fic Ocean, ' California! A Mutual Benefit Association. LADIES ©: Kiowa ter al enue Supt Sample ra and Alesks. SOLID IN aying to above free. Richmond St. » Bronto Can, ANYORE will receive mapv.books ON& CENT ean Dats pesen aged and id t th twenty-two, and twocents per y s person and TUMOR Spedilist. Private guides of the re-/;,, -four can secure Five Dollars psr week ANCER Hespinl. No knit Book free iP ute by the ciesed Wroagh scknes or ac 00 for two . MCMICIAEL, M. D.. three cents a8 a can CANGER Note hingart Se Bakes, HCY. = tobe alway, recite forthe Gependent, Five Hendred Dollars ta _ — to F. [K OWNERS ide Mite ig aes handing Whitney, GP &T A, ty death ghroush dear oF 8 accident ae their stock oor Sent Wri St. Faal, Mion., ot to JIM. Hackins. ins, C. P.A, ete, Reliable wanted in unrepresented die- Clementace 36King 8t Toronto, WILLIAM JONES “Mansging Dir ctor. C@ERS make eoreeces| ( TIQW SURELY W. #H. Withrow, D. .» latest aul edition es ONS WP \0' , terme liberal, ‘¥. fer WM. BRIGGS * CURED By its timely 186 West Adelaide St., st, TORONTO, ONTARIO. TO THE EDITOR:—Please inform your readers that I have a Fei remedy for disease. use thousands of hopeless cases have a A. SLOCUM, The Great Ottoman te ‘Remedy Guaranteed to cure all me dl tf the bl whetter brought on by - indise excess or heer can ove and blotchss from the skin hd by its invigorat ood, res: build up the system of thove trom wasting Medicine Oo. Mall Ballding: Tometo” Oo™*e BARKER'S SHORTHAID SCHOOL. a DREE BENGOUGH, Auch tates . Apply for Circular. Mertion Artifical Limbs J. DOAN CO., 37 Nerthcote Ave. Jomate, @nt PLATE GLASS. Delivered h Canad anyw are te in bre McCausland & Son, 72 10 76 KING STREET VEST TORONTO. The Albert Toilet Sap Coy’s Oatmeal Skin Soap MAKES THE MANDS SOFT AND THE COMPLEXION Lu GEAUTFU See thar the foy’s vame ig ta en theSeoap and oa the Wrapper. Beware of mitatiens. Johnston’s Guard Against Cold ad Sick- mess Generaly Fluid By taking rpsocially. moursbing food, pay. k. Address M, V. Lvzox, [50 F Front: Street East, Toronto, Ont, ORGANIZED 1871. POLICIES ARE 2 Profits, which are teens tha teouset Ges poliey. or at} PRO at any future time under any circumstances. ‘olicy Holders are entitled to mot less than 90 ve actuaily received 95 per cent. of the profits se earned Confederation Life HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. REMEMBER, . AFTER THREE YEARS INCONTESTABLE Free from all restrictions as to residence, travel or occupation. Paid-up Policy and Cash Surrender Value Guaranteed in each Policy THE NEW ANNUITY ENDOWMENT POLICY AFFORDS ABSOLUTE PROTECTION AGAINST DEATH »= Provides an Emcomein old age, and is a good Investment Pelicies are non forfeitable after ths payment of two full anoval Premiums. unexcelled ty any company doing longer perioas a as wary to qdlastel ley te innnned.. business ia Canada, are allocated every five years FITS SO ALLOCATED are ABSOLUTE and mot Mable te be reduced or recalled 90 per cent. af enema cummed ty alr a. K. MACDONALD, Mayacixe Dreecror. MILLST ONES FINEST CRINDER INTHE JOSEPH MADDAUCH WRITES FROM MORRISON P.O. Novamerr 26ru, 1889, Now that I have purchased from you one of your Staodard French Burr Chopp'ng Mills, tarning fa on it as part pay my Iron Grinder, I have no objec- tion to tell you that the plates used fn the Irom Grinder cos} $2 (0, and latterly bat $1.00 per pair. I axel over $50.00 worth last winter. a plate would last a week, but sometimes not over ro or three hour. The price of the mill was $35.09, much cheaper than yours, butia the end was a very much dearer mill. Iam satisfied that Iron Grinders are only suit- able for farmera who have a very small amount of chopping todo for their own use. J. COMEAU & C)., MANIWAXI, QUE, WRITES: give the 20-inch Standard Mill a fair trial beforg writing. | Iam most happy to state that I am entirely satig- fied with the mill, itis doing splendid work, FOR SALE. * Two No. 8Iron Grinders at $15.00 each, three No, 2 Iren Grinders, $25.0 each, all in good order and with new plates, Vo | CURE FITS! THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES. GIVEN AWAY YEARLY. a fads tn ton tana ee do not mean Op them for LP Mae nor have them re’ {ras ARADICAL CURE. To yn anadn the dieeegaentibes Epilepsy or Falling arrant my remedy to Cure the worst cases. others have fuea ie " 80 “Featon for not now iving acure. Send at ouce ee : pias dy engage | vt —_ . Cave and Office. Se Tees aap ona tral Sd it en, To iH. ROOT;