Merchant And General Advertiser, 31 Jan 1890, p. 4

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| me THE GEE WEN TO ALL PARTIES, INFLUENCED +, BY NONE. ~ “PRIDAY, JANUARY 81, 1890. | NEWS OF THE DAY. The German Emperor was 31 years -Oid Monday. The provisional government of Brazil ius established civil marriages. A subscription has been sterted in Detroit ior the Dakota sufferers, [t is stated that England ptoposes to buy out France's cgi vewfound- chit It is ramoured in London that a French lean of $200,000,000 will soon be nade. Lent begins - sear on the 19th of Fe marae Good Friday will come on a\pril 4. Mr. Jamieson will not re-introduce his usual Vrohibition resolutiou at this session of Parliament. The Masonie fraternity of yee have just rg eer a site there for pro $5,000,000 temple. John och Lean, of Dungannon, sold a span of horses to a gehtleman Ae hai Q 1ebec for the handsome sum of _ Archbishep Fabre, of Montreal, ‘ak instructed clergy to pray that the iuduenza scourge muy be taken away! Accounts trom California state that it will yet be some days before railway traffic can be fully restored in the Sierra mountain p Ald MoLrride, of Montrem, has asked leave to introduce a by-law imposing a tax 0 where liquor i is “ by the _ James Lowth, of Chi ticago, has. pat- ented the sethotentone * wintel he believes will far surpass. the present telephone system Without any infring- ing on its patents. A special from Huron, 8.D., to the ‘hieago Tribune, says : There are hundreds of ae sitting in the farm :ouses on t snow-covered plains cue wild for want. The Methodist church at Hespeler was re-opened on Sunday after a thor- ough renovation. The _ collections imounted to $1,470. Rev. D. G. Sutherland, D.D., of Toronto, preached. Sir Julian Goldsmid, in writing of his experience in Ameria, 3 that Americans are ill-bred people, ut that oe as os with age the country will ac- quire better manners and more savoir vivre, J, T. Porter; a respected citizen of @rillia, took futluenza Jast Thursday, which develo into pleurisy, and re- sulted in death Monday, -at the.age of 35. Ile leaves a widow and four ¢hild- ren. Hugh J. McCormick the champion “skater of Canada, defeated Alex. Paul- sen the long distance champion of the United: States, at Minneapolis last VW ednesday. MeCormick made the three miles in 27 nvin. 54 see. Count Toistois drama, The Power of Darkness, the production of which in theatres was prohibited, has just been erfurmed privately in St. Petersbu ‘fore an aristocratic audience, i:ade a profound impression. The Spanish minister of foreign affairs said in the Chamber of Deputies Monday: “It is absurd to sup Spi 1in is ready or is inclined to sen army to establish the monarchy in Port- eg if the republic should be proclaim- ec The Walkerton iren bridge has been yeleased by the customs officers on pay- ment of per cent. duty on the iron piles used in its consirnction. The costs and penalties attached to wrong- fully entering the articles were abated by the Minister of Customs. La grippe bad the Walkerton Herald man last week. Read this : “The ne- cessity of a decent toWn hall in Walker- ton becomes more apparent every time a public moelane is held in the dingy old rattletrap that now disgraces the in- teltectual centre ef North Western Ont- TIA Tel ‘ic artangements are steadity| The andersigned offers his valuable exe England, now that the/farm for sale, jot con. 10 thiy. ~% ules haye amalgamated ee a te situated und a. sensible man isin control, Direct | one-hal west of Newry P.O. For working has now. been established be- | further particulars apply to Coa Blank i‘ tween London and Birmingham, Man- JOHN CLARK, ° e 9 : chester, Bradford and The sys- | 24ine Neary. tem is being extended to Glasgow. ae the local Grand Trunk train from ctovale to Montreal was approaching rey Hilaire on Monday morning last «week the vars were blown from the * track. The conductor brakeman, mail elerk and three passengers were serious- Ty wounded, but no one was killed. Some of the cars teok fire and were burned. x few months z was leading a retired life i in Canada and sopneomes 20 oe hear of the # projected seareh for the tialleway estates in Portugal tai — claim to it. The estate, it. is said, is LJ 000,000 to $3,000,000. ssetions i caaad an . EMBROIDERIRS, Aftthe Satva rmy ann aniversary " cele se at Toronto the other da LACES, ETC. these. promotion, were wade "Siei| Is Still in Full Blast. Major; Sta op Philpot to to Major ; STAMPING é utan gade-Captain’ Veal to Adiotant A Specialty. WRC CURRIE is still turning out those Nobby; len ht ieee eee ne Suits aid Overeoats that have made a reputation for him} Montreal, Major Baugh to Kingston |CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS|in Atwod. We Guarantee a Fit or ne sale. sha gg is Colon Mrs. | AND PRICES. ee Hailey to England.’ Major Spooner of | A Call Solicited. Ser Aiser Yomevusrcnall MRG.JOHNGON,| tary. a ih ATWOOD, ONT. JA IRWIN, * ATWOOD. $1,000 oh every establishment t an and too. vailing cold whiel was followed by in- a: Tt Atwood Huron County Notes. La Grippe hokis tha sir fort in Brussels. Carriage and Blacksmith Shop. x hog oka it "read the voters W list. sa Carriagts, Wagons, Sisiah« ain and Cutters, and all kinds of von bap ere pecan Shag nop | epairing done on Shortest Notice. wastrel in eguneetion with ey) yy a gy Hag Sang Horseshoeing a Specialty. Lizzie Buchanan, Vice Pres.; -Miss Hate Jones, Set'y: Joke. 2. Beewales | Prom va Sigh special attention given to “Horseshoeing. day evening m the churchat8p.m. | Satisfacion Guaranteed. Also Agent for Hawkey’s and hos Mectillicuddy, of Toronto, form- ‘ a) ie Wil thal peneiabocsattne Fi gual: | Begg’ s telebrated Road Carts. These are two of the best was last week presented with ane carts that are made. e and be convinced. volumes of Carlyle’s works by the) : Students of the shorthand class in con- = HENRY HOAR. foe with the Y.M.C.A. is — lc which he has taught duri term.,Mr. McGillicuddy, is js acknowiledg ed to be one of most shorthand teachers in Canada, a oni some | | time ago was offered wg hip of one of the leading shorthand ins natita-| tions of America, which, however, ne declined. ‘The TTT Store. The 777 Store is _Headquarters in Listowel : For Dry Goods, Groceriés, Clothing, Dress Goods, &e. Pleae Call and See Us when you Come to Town. JOHN RIGGS. = Atwood Saw & , & Planing Mills. ‘Lumber, Lath, Muskoka Shingles, Cedar Poss, Fence Poles and Stakes, Cheese _ Boxes, also Long an and Short Wood. Dressed Flooring and Siding A SPECLALTY. WM. DUNN. thane i in Business | J. G.: Robertson has rented the, Atwood Bakery and Confectionery ! Business to Charles Zeran st c ‘atharines show in the face of e companion. i] five prizes = |For One Year. Mr. C. Zeran is well known and will Te ae eee ner Pextorss doubtless do a good business in that line. He keeps on and two seconds on Brown Leghorns. ithe present’ baker, A. Clarriage, who has a thorough The wife of Rev. W gh gto ‘knowledge of the business. =ve=2 2) Bit CLEARING SALE and Caren E. Davis, of Pcien — STILL GOING ON AT The annaal meeting of the West Ilurun Agricultural Society was ret | iu the town hall, Goderich, on Wednes- d last week. The presid ent, R| McLean, occupied the chair. he | McLean; Ist vice Pres.. Pi ote 2nd Vice pres., D. 2 S Pur. vis; Directors—for acterich AY “MeD Allan and J. T. Dickson ; Goderich wnship — Jas. Connolly and Wm. Hewdans Colborne—Isaac Fisher and Andrew "A. Young; Ashfield—Itugh Girvin > -Hullet—Jas. Suell ; W. Wa- wanosh—Kobert Medd. JR. ic. oa be Gieo. Sheppard, auditors. A financial | and a committee to revise, the prize list and other business was | the vice presides Coma of the president, | ts an the = a ong gy Dickson, | er, A. ‘MeD. ‘Allan, das Con- solty, Wm. ‘Bawden and Andrew A. Yonng. Perth ¢ County Notes. Thos. G. Hullburt is is assessor of Ilib- bert. Dr. Dingman, Rey. Isaac Campbell, D, D. Campbell and J. L. Darling are oe who have re- grippe. R. G. Roberts and John Stewart have been respectivelg re-appointed eerk and treasurer of Wallace. John Strong | ata salary of $55, and Adam liunt and Geo. Howe are ee: John Trimble = er resident of Listo poke = He was in failing health for some time and his was not unlooked fer. He was a member of Knox church and was | a staunch Conservative. John Pletsch, the Shakespeare wai try fancier, was very successful at od essTs. Mitchell Advocate, died on a * last week at the residence of - RY Davis. She came hae a famil on New Year's W.R. and J. E. Davis, of the the pre- which was too n, being 80 years h be wat] ' James Irwin’s. IT have stil a lot of noe’, oy must be sold. See our Prices for Robes, Fur Caps, Fur flammation of tbe lun _— a versally regretted by all who k as she was highly cxtcemned community she had = Paris is making a bid for the removal of the Stahischmidt Furniture Factory, of Preston, to that place, There is task of offering’ a $20,000 bonus and suitable buildings. F'arzmma for Sale. Mitts, Cloves, &c. Just the foods you want audeat Prices that Can't bis Beat. Fell Linesin Fancy Goods The undersigned wishes to intimate, to| Staple Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots she has a ch and well assorted stook prea ny ne onal and Shoes. BERLIN WOOLS, YARNS, PLUSHES, J. JOHNSON, PRACTICAL Watchmaker JEWELLER, Main St., Atwood. MY SPECIALTY, Watches WEDDING RINGS AND GEM RLINGs. All Repairs Warranted. Over 20 Years Ex- perience. J. JOHNSON. R. M. BALLANTYNE THE PLACE Where the People tan get “SUITED” Withgut any trouble as he catries the ~ Largest & Best sTOCK— ~ IN TOWN ! Our Tailoring Departinelty y sacar ATWOOD.

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