BeaverToo (Oakville), 18 Jul 1879, B

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rs PARTY ARSE LCN The Oakville Express. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE COUNTY OF HALTON. FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1879. Tue ‘“‘scalawag” borrowed $4 from a tev. gentlenian at Orangeville,—not paid yet, while the former pretended to be on his way to Owen Sound to buy another printing office. | sane an RnRRRRET EERE SEEEEemaieenenienTenniENooaol Anmnt the George’s square scandal ;— how much the ‘town barber, Mrs. D., or an éx-Reeve,” or even the present Reeve; haye to do with it, is im all hkelihood more of an outside issue, than the ‘“‘scal- awag’s” escapades at Guelph or Toronto, or even his baby-farming at Oakville: To give such a fellow the safe-keeping of any woman’s virtue, or even the com= munity’s well-being, would be a huge joke. Yea, verily ! Tux ‘“‘scalawag” went to the town treasurer's office a few weeks ago, for the purpose of obtaitiing te figures on the consumption of coal at the publie school building from 1875 up te the past year, and published them in the shape of a communication to himself under the sig- nature of “D, Y.” If Mr. Wm. Robert- son has any money to throw away on such a “dirty yelp,” in having this kind of work thrust upon this community,— we shall quite soon find that ‘a man is known by the company he keeps.” Our readers will now see the moral. ; —————— eee An otherwise respectable man, # mem- ber of the town council, as well as of the Chuxrch,—ordered his paper stopped on Friday last, becanse of the earnest missionary work undertaken by Tse Express, and with which he has no pa- tience, has forgotten that several months ago he was giilty of hawking about the streets of this town a deliberate false- hood, charging a fellow chwrch member with drunkenness, and which he has not yet retracted. This gentleman is a little too over-zealous a partizan;to make a good, peaceable church member, and hence makes but very little use of brotherly love and charity in his every- day life. Pcabasrestneeten is aeempeseneeanbeermeseed THe “high-toned town official’ re- ferred to a fortnight ago in the George's square matter, must have had the read- ing of ‘Falstaff’ in his life-time, and hence is playing with ‘discretion,’ —at feast several councilmen and an under- ling amongst them, have been told they were meant; and hence the “‘scalawag” has’ been set at work to straighten up the thing: Now this is something of a per- sonal impersonality,—we know whereof we have spoken, and the guilty party has shown more cunning than judgment, in his ‘‘view halloo’ ; and if he believes that the matter can be trifled with much longer, we are just abominably mistaken in the character and reputation of the young lady and her friends, if theyll proper redress. That's just all there is to this matter. ‘ eee rot Hit In 1878, it appears from the Accounts of the County of Halton, that $243.05 was paid out for printing and advertising. Out of this amount the Champion office got $169.30,- only $31.50 was paid to the ExXPRESs office ; $9 to the Toronto Globe ; $8 to the Mail ; and $19.24 to the Hamilton Times,—the Champion got all but $73.75 ; and now these intolerably jealous beggars are cross because com- paratively little “stealing” has been se- eured to them for 1879. Tue Express expects to publish the court notices, and other county advertising, according to accepted tender, for the current year, (Gf the proper officers shall see fit te forward them,) and has nothing to do with pub- lishing the ‘‘convictions,” the Champion notice of last week to the contrary not- withstanding,—if it is published in ano- ther ‘‘corner of Trafalgar.” The Ciam- pion will please take this intimatien that ‘Tus Express: will in future assume the privilege of making its own defence, as against the Champion and its scoundrelly confrere of this town. to which it has giv- en a free ear long enongh—and that peo- ple who “‘live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.” Tur Detroit Free Press points out how insignificant is the silence on the part of American protectionists concerning the workings of the new protective tariff which Canada adopted some weeks since.. In theory that tariff was to be the speedy salvation of Canada. Her manufactories were to revive and flourish, her trade to increase, her debt to be diminished, and an era of prosperity entered on the like of which was never before witnessed in the history of nations. Moreoyer, the beauties of the protective system were to be exhibited and its soundness estab- lished to the satisfaction of the most earnest yotaries of free trade. We had expected, therefore, to hear, ere this, from the protectionist organs that this bright dream was realized ; but im place thereof there is melancholy silence. Can it be possible that they recognize already | {hat the experiment is a wretched fail- ure, and that im being such it has help- jessly erippled the pectection theory, with its admirable desigm of making the rich richer without making the poor any poorer—if it can be avoided ? Et~would seem as if this were the case. Certainty, whether the protectionists recognize 1b or not, the Canada experiment has proven a disastrous and costly; failure, and has done more to expose the falla- cies and sophisms of protection than gould haye been effected by cords of breatises. The Twelfth at Milton. On Saturday a large gathering of Orangemen were convened to celebrate the 188th anniversary of their order. The town of Oakville was represented by L. O. L., No. 272, headed by the 20th Battalion Band. At Milton, was formed a large procession of lodges from Hamil- ton; Streetsville, etc., who wended their way to the grove, where the following particulars, which we glean from the Hamilton Pimes, of the 14th, may be noted, and which we publish in this issue by. request : . The chair was occupied by the County Mas- ter of Halton, Bro. David Lindsay; and on the platform were Bros. Major Jas. Bennett, D. G.M. Western Ontario; Rey. T. Roump, St. Catharines, Deputy Grand Chaplain; Dr. Mul= lin, Brampton, County Master of Peel; Rev. J. @. Macearthur. Milton ¢ Wni. Wells, Coun- ty Secretary of Wentworth; W. Hewitt, Orange Sentinel; J. B. Lindsay, Director of Ceremonies for the County of Halton, and others. The Chairman (County Master Lindsay) re~ ferred to the day as being all that couid he desired for the demonstration, and took oc- easion to thank those brethren from the ad- jacent counties for their kindness in assisting the brethren of the County of Halton in the manner they had done, and hoped the County of Halton would at no distant date reciprocate the honer done them to-day. This was a great day for the County of Halton, and would long be remembered. He had a pleasing duty to perform in the introduction of the frst speaker, Bro. Dr. Mullin, who said he was well pleased to see so many ladies present, as it went to prove, to his mind, that loyalty does not bs- long exclusively to the male portion of the community. He believed there were as many as 300,000 Grangemen ceiebrating the day in Canada. Although it was now nearly two hundred years since the Battle of the Boyne was fought Crangemen were still hving and the Orange Society was increasing ten-fold. He believed the brethren in Montrealhad not re- ceived fair play, ani said ifthe brethren there were unable to secure their rights Montreal would be deluged with Orangemen, and those Popish tyrants driven over the mountain. He asked them to become more united and show that they were desirous of living at peace with all classes, colors and creeds, also to cultivate more and ntore that love towards their Roman Catholic feliow citizens, and though they warred against their religion they were not their enemies, but friends. They shoula@ fear God, honor the Queen, honor all men, ever hold fast that which is good, ever held in respeet that glorious Protestant liberty handed down to us by that victory on the eyer memorable {banks ef the Boyne. (Cheers,) The Chairman said ons thing had escaped his memory, aud that was in reference to Rev. Bro. Parkhill, Grand Master of Western On- tario, who had been announced on the pro- gramme. The only reason he could give for that brother’s absence was that that was the first time the brethren of Simcoe had an as- semblage there, and that being his own county he weuld be most likely there. He introduced tse orator of the day, Rey. Bro. J.G. Maccarthur, who, on coming forward. was greeted with luud applause, and, after the applause had subsided, said that it afforded him great pleasure to be in their midst to-day, and congratulated Orangemen and their'friends en the rights and privileges they were to-duy enjeying. The reverend speaker then referred to the crossing of the Boyne, and the liberty they now enjoyed to worship God as their fore-fathers did. He also fervently drew the attention of his hearers to the state of the Ohristian Church before the German Reforma— tion, giviug a detailed historical reminiscence ‘of events down to the period of James Il. and William In; Prince of Orange. The speaker | then referred to the ‘Dutch Camp” as the ‘first foundatren of Orangeisim in Hngiand. There was not a place of refuge tobe found, except Derry, where the gates were closed upon the few surrounded there by those who wished to extinguish Protestantism from the land. What. Was their watchword til the hour of their death? “ No surrender! No surrender to Popery!”? There are men to-day, uct far away from us, endeavoring to stop tht good old cry, <“No surrender.”” “\Whenever you see a fox’s tail peeping out of a hole be sure the fox is within.” He would tell the Roman Catholics the crossing of the Boyne water nad afforded them liberty of conscience they would not obherwise have had. Tfasked, «Whore was your Protestant Church betore Luther,”’ said the speaker, “you can answer it was where the face was before it was washed from the dirt.” He then concluded as follows: Brethren, our time is brief; humanly speaking our time is short. Lask you by way of conclusion to fear your God and honor your Queen. Support the Protestaat religion honestly, carefully and conscientiously. fet your lif, and conduct show there is a consistency between your pro fession and your cenduct. Ifnot, your pro- fession falls to the ground. If you came to listen to me I would get little credit for a ser- mon unless it was the religion of Christ. That religion is not in the heart or hands of one bishop or pope. I say it is in the Word of God, Let it bo the rule of your life and conver— sation. Before the German Reformation the Church was like the sun behind a cloud, which hasnotlost its brightness, butit is said to lose its brightness when excluded from the world. As soon as that cloud has gone you will see the light. When the cloud of Popery was blown away you saW the light of the gospel. You may tell me the dark ages have passed away long ago. Where Popery is there is the dark ages. Brethren, never surrender to any man your interest, your eternal salvation. Allow no man to come between God aud your soul. You cannot confess for another mun nor believe for another man. You know not when the hour of your departure comes. Prepare for the invislble world, to which we are al) hastenin y wich the speed of time. Reme uber your duty one to another. ‘‘Behold how pleas- ant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.”? Weare not united enough. We have amongst us Reformers, Conservatives and In- dependents, if you will have it, and perhaps a host of other divisions. What was the starting of Orangeism? WDisunion. I think the time will come when both names will fall to the ground and we willtake the name of Protes— tants. Asmy friend Dr. Mullin tells you, I need not state the number of Orangemen in Canada, I would not wish any man to think it was to injure a Roman Catholic. God forbid. It is to keep away deceit, and I would wish as a clergyman of the Church of Bngland that we we were more united. It is lamentable. but a fact, that one man will address himself to a Presbyterian or Methodist and say, ‘-I am holier than thou art.’” eee Accorpre to the terms cf the consti- tution of a political club formed at Man- itowaning lately, its object shall be to unite under ene body members of dif- ferent political parties to advance the best interests of the District irrespective of party; to secure the return of home members; to discuss, at its regular meet- ings, improvements needed in election laws relative to Algoma; to see that all voters’ lists are properly and legally made out; the enrolment of new members,.the support of sister clubs, and other mat- ters connected with this Association, and | ‘Those who calculate on raising any dif- know and feel | Algoma politics generally. Mr. Blake and the Refor At Berlin, Mr. Blake met with a re- ception sufficiently Hattering to gratify a very modest man, and io encourage | even @ timid one. It is no disparage- | ment to Mr. Mowat, to say that he was not the entire igure en the whole de- monstration, but that every one turns to Mr. Blake as the coming man who. is going to reconst@act and consolidate the Liberal party and at ne very distant day become the head of one of the strongest and most popular ministries that Canada has ever known. The same thing bas taken place on every vccasion where Mr. Blake has of late shown himself. The young, the hepeful, the progressive, seem to be irressubly attracted to him, and are all sayimg that they are anxious that he should pat himself at their head, and show the werld that the Reform party has something to reform, and that these who speak of progress, actually progress. Ithas been the fashion of some to speak slightimsly of Mr. Blake, to say that he is resolute in his course of action; cold,@yen to haughtiness in his bearing, and fancifiy] and impracti- ble in his schemes and proposals. They sneer at his AU®Gss ideas which they say came to nothing, snd “disturbed” no- body but hims@= Phey protest that he has none of th® saenetic attractiveness indispensable t@ @ sreat popular leader, and.that he 1s sleavs taken up with small fancy hob§Scs which are of no prac: | tical eonsequené=, and can never awaken anything like g6@@s<a] interest. But in the meantime, t2 Seneral feeling of the community pois exactly in the opposite direction. There are many Conserva- | tives who would G2 io9 happy to have Mer. Blake as theif eager, while ninety- nine hundredths Gf <he Reformers have settled in their®™a minds that he is the man of the future. And they do this from no disloyaliy to Mr. Mackenzie. ficulty between Biz. Riackenzie and Mz. Blake, will find Gaemselyes quite mis- taken. There $$ao Reform mmistry or party possible i shich Mr. Mackenzie will not be a pr@@inent member, and in which he will me= exert a very large in fluence. Instead of being rivals, these two men will be foand to be the necessary compl ments of h other. Both. are much too manly ead much toofpatriotic to care very muck who is nominally first and who second. We belive the one con- sideration with both, will always be, how to best subserve the interests of Canada. Ti Mr. Blake can. as Premier, draw the greatest amount E support to the liberal cause, as we béligye he can, then Mr. Mackenzie will B6 the very first to say ‘By all means let him be so when the time comes, and in t¢he meanwhile les him lead the Oppesition, and he will find no more earnest and \oval follower than myself,” here are potwo men in the. Dominien to-day, jn whom the great mass of Canadiaus have nore confidence than Blake and Bisekenzie, and none ~ jaro + Hoe S. yx Nore 2 2 Conservatives= theinsenrema=r orl Guide. — The crep prospects throughout Elgin, Kent, and Essex are fuverable for an average harvest, ee — Mr. James Chambers, an old citizen of Woodstock, died last Sun- Tux two great political parties in the United States are organizing for the next Presidential struggle. The Demo- erats will imall probability select Mr. Tilden as their candidate, while the Re- publicans appear desirous to again se- eure Gen. Grant. There is talk of or- ganizing a ‘‘triumphal reception” for Grant on his arrival at San Francisco, and to escort him to his home in Illinois. Mr. Sherman, however, Secretary of the Preasury, has attracted such favor by his judgment and success in converting | the debt, and by his general financial management, that a large section of the party prefer him to the General. It has indeed been proved at some recent cau- cus meetings that the numbers are pretty equal, and thatif either side is obstinate, 1t may be necessary to start a third candidate. Under those circum— stances, it is quite possible that Presi- dent Hayes, whose immovable firmness about the currency has earned for him ' general respect, may be prevailed on to 2 os zecept a second nomination. His Gov- ernment hitherto has been fairly success- ful, and unusually respectable. No Oabinet Minister under his Presidency has been charged with stealing, forging, or cheatings{ndians out of their blankets. 0 Dy. King’s Talifornia Goidem Compound, Ysa strictly vegetable preparation, and will positively eure Dyspepsia, Sick Head— ache, Acidity of Stomach, Coming up of Food, Pain in pitofStumach, Low Spirits, Bilious- ness, Constiprtion, Jaundice, Liver Complaint or any affection of the Stomach or Liver, in the shortest time possible. You are not asked to buy untilyou know what you are getting. Pheréfore, as you value your existence, do & Co., and get a trial bottle free of charge, which will show what a regular one dollar bot- fle will do. Gotuppn Compounp, and take no other. 27 July asa not fail to go to your druggists, 0. W. Praroz Ask for Dae Kiva’s UALirorNia — Heavy rains haye sé injured the barley in some parts of Manitobajthat it will only be half a crop. ——* Recent accounts from the Ham- ilton®éolonists at Bird§Tail Creek, N. W.., are that they are doing well. — Parties coming*from the Little Saskatchewan report the reads in bet- ter condition between the Portage and that point. Most of the creeks and coulees havvé been, bridged. HURRAH FOR PROTECTION TO FARMERS. UMBER OF ALL KINDS anp SIZES FOR SALH at greatly RE. UGED Prices, with 5 per cent off for cash. 500,000 feet Lumber all lengths and sizes, at from $d to $22 per M. 2.000 bundles ath at 17 cents rer bdle. 30,000 good Pickets, at iths to 1 eont each. 0 good white oak Posts, at § to 12 cents. sqnares Shingles, at from $l lo $1.76. 4 setts Double Trucks. 6 do Single do 4 pairs Eobsleighs. 4 Lamber Wagons. 3 Cutters, 2 Buggies. 4 Pioughs. 2 pairs Double Harrows, 1 Iron Harrow, 1 Suikey Horserake, 1 Gang Plough. 1 Cultivator. 3 Grain Cradles, Forks, Rakes, ete., For sale at a greut sacrifice. Call on WM. McCRANEY. A7tf | SILK UMBRELLAS, ZANILLA UMBRELLAS, Seamless Hosiery, Trish Linens, STRIPED MUSLINS, Swiss EMBROIDERIES, Cheeked Muslin, : Fancy Prints, STYLISH DRESS GOODS EN FLOOR OILCLOTH, Linen & Corron TowELs, Table Damasks, Table Oilcloths, Cloth and Damask Covers, Gents’ Corron Socks, White & Grey Cottons, Canada & Foreign ; Tweeds. Gents and Boys’ Alexis, day evening at the advanced age of 87. — No intelligence has yet been re- | ceived of the lad North, whe mysteri- ously disappeared from Aylmer two or three weeks ago. — The death is announced on Sun- | day morning ef Mr. Jchu Stiles, an old and respected resident of the Jad concession of Lendon tewnship, at the patriarchal age of 81 years. —_ W: A. Allison, ef Hibbert, sends us four stalks of Wheai grewing on summer fallow. “The largest one is six feet and three inehes to the top of the beard. Can any @B& beat it? ed On Saturday morning lasé an 7 54 ‘attempt was made to Garglarize the Queen’s Hotel, Walkertom, Smt the alarm was given before the thieves had taken anything, end they made a has- | ty exit. = A -halfbreet Jndian named Henry Lammond has been arrested for hoise-stealing. The animal be- longed to an Indian, of Qnendaga, and was found on a farm between Guelph and Hlora. — The Indian, “Black Jam,” sus- pected of murdering Poole on Pember- ton Portage, B. €., has Been dis- charged for lack ef evidence against him, = A YOUNG man from the country went to have a tooth plugsed The dentist advised him to’haye the tooth eut, and assured hint thas be would feel no pain if he inbaled laughing gas. “But what is the effect of the gas?’ asked the youth. “It simply makes you totally insensible,” amswered the dentist; “you don’t know anything that takes place.” ‘The rustie assent- ed; but, just previous to the gas ad- ministered, he put his hand into his pocket and pulled out his money. “Oh, don’t trouble about that now,” said the dentist, thinking that he was going'to be paid his fee.” -“Notat all,” remarked the patient ; “I was simply going to see how much | had. before the gas tool: effect.” = ane iN Boorse xD SHOES’ We show Special Lines in ES IN CROCKERY AND GL Ladies’ and Misses Ties, buttoned or laced, laced or buckled, Buttoned or Laced Kid Boots, Cobourgs, Brogans, or Bluehers. ASSWARE, @ur Stocek is very full and splendidly assorted. To which your attention is cordially invited. National Pol COME AT LAST! —AN D—- [ ress Goods, Prints, D THE VERY BO ge Call Acent ror Mur. Demo CV. Linens, Shirtings, Gloves, All imported before THE NEW DUTIES were put dn; and WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT N SPITE of tHe INCREASED D 1Y, 1 é las received AN EXTRAORDINARY LARGE STOCK OF Cottons, T weeds, Parasols, Hosiery, etc., TTOM PRICES! and see our CHEAP TWEEDS, and leavé your order for a NEW SUIT and get 2 good fit. MILLINERY CHEAPER THAN EVER. resrs RELIABLE PATTERNS.

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