"was Le mnréclnl duo a Briana as m . "it habituallemont; at, chm me his tum. da commencer cone migration, i1 dink: " Timoléon do oau, duo do Bria-ac, Dion " flit gentilhommo, lo roi th flit duo; fail-M In barbs pour to fairs quelque chose." Pourmzwoua dire quel est l'0qui valent de Don-mug f-msrttsimsitusht', g'ut 6mm»; pniaque Dommua vnnt I Du temps qua N apoléon n'etsit anwro qn'isMrriy d'nrtilleriu, un of- fhsier prastitrs (limit devant lui arm: benuboup do ofMuseo que nos comm Motel no tsombattaitmt jnmnie qua pour In slain, nudil (in. los angaia m bttttaitntt pour a 'rpgeavg: ave: bien niaon, r6pondit onnpartu. ohmun go bat pour noquérir co qni lu-i Un voyngeurdu 1:0th de Kent on An letrsrmr, qu'un omge unit Iran-i de SI',' arms dun uno huteucrle do 2','ltlfflt at In trunve Ii rempli do man a qu'll ne pout npprocher do In chlnée ..--Quis l'on "one vita a men lava] nno oloytrs d' nitm dit- il a 1 Mte--h vom about! 'iiGiiiiiirl at 0mg): voua qu'il vanilla on man- itoh-- aims as clue i'edoue.--rf when obéit, tons on "than: lo uni vent A l'écnriel not" as',',', " ouuirts--motuiear, dit l' , on re- vonunt, in Vanni: gngé unr In. "to, lo 0|);le n'en "1338" has {lone no a as man n o m nr 'Ill he." 'll2W at unit awn; bonus pllce! U n ware so réjouiulit d'istrs 116 la 29 Gvrier, paroequ'il n'avnit A c616- brer Vanuivanaire de su nuisance qu'nno this tons loo quart-u an; mmque 1 B. Mttt ha." P-it).. m. M . I laundry "Wu":- " P. C. -. " II. Add Amo, 8.0. It. [and " Ptrgtth'dt, be, IN. Malaya. An" A In. Car. ' M " kin-"viii. All. In. Car. i. mu. lot." u a I... new... If Mushy In" " " Hm. P. Writ" " Monubolln. Al'l. Mlle J. It. Julian " Fulani". TN.. Hun- ml 00m DI "atm-- -.u Daily NM noun nppmld qua '. ttNritiu" Kuk. Dian onunn an out. will. comm. Mimur do II Mfume Gum: mi. mu'n, vi-nt d'itrn nomml major. dun. "r. "N "on nmcommiuwn dc outtrms dun lo Msr6gitntutt " Now-Yorl." I pria i port I'pluu-lnm engagemom- m n'n no: "mun. hie-mm Box 8suris.--t)a vioillmd dent In conduits était irréproohable repat un cartel dmn jonnu feriillear an aujot d'une légére alternation. Le vieillard refnsa do no battrts, slur qnoi le jeune fanfarou lo mennqs de pnblier u M ohcté (Inn: los journnux. Soit, répun- dit le buuhomrne, j'uime mieux rem. plir vingt gunman; qn'une Mame bihre. A. N. Denis Ber." I. lean" Bur. " A. 0. Could " J. B. Mmur " J. L.'l'|llhlor " Un brInwur do biéro not In seal we réellement favorioé da beau wxe, an! il peat dire ,i.2it,"'g',"1fi Mes- dames. mi mus van a: da In biéru, je vol" vtultrrussorai (on bram'rai.) it; Aasdrfhvet . l m villa. mo 2l',tf.'t2 te do t.',',',',1'Jt ','Jt"tt fish-l" ot Phil. hrnu In , I M6 Mil We. win-bur. . t.ri.'ilt.' D. "it.. h,.'tlitte " Rl'; $3.555": " --tht unnam- lu men do PHou. M. "I. Furia, numb" I vie a Con-oil k6gir3asif, IMM- 1o96eotttatst I Hamilton M. Forth rtpx'unllil In airman Bot.. llnm dlpuil nmbu than": A unit un 4.- plus oonuum liMr-ux du Cumin. --u Windy" Louder, unwed. new I on" do pal-it". A ll. nut-N6- do. Olin on: do may» at, 'ft,f/'dit'li'lr,irtl ..-u "in." do It vmu "noun I: - sound up dc tttt mthm 1Ree'"i1fef,tt de err, .4. tltht a Wand CAM". 'AV'r'lll'l'f'"' uoau i? on - "aa Tia d'olvinn i'et)'ilglt',i,t.it,'t,'q Jana-nu. tt-drNil . ddte.it pm 1.0mm... Il on 116 aux Etannia nu enfunt pi a train jumbeo. On poms qn'il on son chemin. rdelPeit Intu- gut VI'! "In! if. iiian XI Ann" OAUSERIIIS FAITS mm f," a Indu- NH -i. EM" LAL sub. (fails; do " Inland". IL al Avcllin, Monubollo mm I -.Lmn do mu) an: emioyé, rl terr' I'm- mle tin Potorroi, pnur punir nu 0014..» trou- " ivm but do Peru-net ijqu-'nu ran at depirwer um: éliqucuv- 10rt'e ctulre mecrip- tion. "rd "iroae,lrtccr s (101 (e't 'e mm du with"). qnisw tomhtt ivru mun "0. BNtrop grand nnmluu pour poumh tom In nomml. All" voir CFI qua mu: stBrtm when" pour prints dn Jour d" PAa. w N'oublug pan Rue Sussex 3 T.Turg'eun. libraire, -Uuiourirtl Jul Elms Umu IIII qua l'on I Meouvert dam un v my! i" "in" de New York, un pummivr 13:21.: a fruit In com-nut worm pepin. .' - "ery -r~~"TV: . .Ml . V t tP el dun-aha (i',i5iiiW'i't tttItalia',',,',');,',',.'.':'):'" " u !hle - .orsmtur"r h , "a. mud pun-u In: dau- f . ki L..." I!!- "up! "if." an...» " Canada). tg, "a', 'a",irr, _ . (A All -u. M (I'M. Ate ""m u. "I. "tfar.', "deli'.'.'l'd.','f In min A - it rim n. 36titrt null-n U a W p. tie u a... my), a... u Guam .3. "a mu my» . In Nm-I- 21t22. d M A... u jog-ul pull": it". mum"... n." III-1 QIIO". lent upon" In eolons than "Mon. Pdr suite 'J'une violent; mp." do mine, il étist hope-Ebb d. " pmuuror den (amuse, at log 'butinx moamientdo faint In: cen- ulnu; hombre do peroonm-q uvniem mulbé A l'inunlité du lmid. Phu a 100 convoiu Ion! puma dun- onto "iimestimt, at l'on . do armada in- qty'dtrsdts lurlour aura. It an. tombb iui1nvompouees do noise; ll I'm on omé den Imus (worm-a, et m. tag let rome- son! bloqnées. ttipouon 'nnfonnrit 2,0" It..." Ln a _ Int-pin do It station qomrnl ' Paris an I command 1- "minimal: nil'ilo,' qu'il I (Moon-ml qu-l- lucmu on "m hi u-nninér On: mil no hung-m..." "has well" on Ilinroun In: yuncim'" Villa. do In Flam.» 'tds 1'E.urorw. -rh, m [lion "e, par" 4! n, Git luéi " am- ivutusttfaCluoirwrr, hunt-s duniére, ' OH), 000,000. La Tnbune do Now Yuk d" gun can" unhée I'vNIIU'IIViun den porc- Ion plus co-midénhlv m Inninvlrn um "In" do $20,000,000, -L. comlé do Coloumbil. dun l'Oh-o pl! Part dun count. (hm Emu- nu qmproduit 10 plus do him» In :oinun, mug tun" Ion dc 650,000, line; " mum's do com quunju'a I 516 undue environ " cum I; Irina, an moymlnn mais In Inlamw ' " of one Mes prix pl n élevés 1863." pd" - "£3.23: R233}; 3?; -ir U-worth, vundndi, 18 dé. ":i; unvollu do. plume. hut an MN. tibial: Ga 'itttfrr-. In:- " 0n n'n pu "8 de nulls: id domi- lroiojuun." -trn journnl "Anon g dh "an." may"... 0000 personal us nciont l Purim, chain. an". a: quo y I M, 000 "min- in: in on phi put In". de nlulrua, /,Qa"J,'rd mum damn"- nun-Sea ~Un journal {norm In 0/in . t?i'rtrtd qng _ I. lee de f,?,',',',',',:",',',',,' - On calcule quhl n (My . Mani do; Etats fédémux trt dn ('almnda-, 201mm" cnl o galloo d'huxlu o p6troo, "Hum In bait demivn "will. u __ "to Itmotttiruttit Ila Urgent. 7 Touter pendulum undeué-a, non! unlit "0-,un tidings De ruler" point nun. u: moi. t Gter do odour, leurs comp". "rout trich' gnu» In Elli!!! do no" 'nvonn' pour collwtiorr l J. M. CURRIER a or. PRESENTS! K'I'EtF.NNENt Ni boil ou nun-o ml'briel dun: lam 61a- Iemonl "rrottt vending A orkdit main d.. vmm Mrs put an ABGIN'I.' an "in nu mu» b in nu}...- h an. "an" w: up rwoa.r-,V Moulirm 3 Sole, [ a. xON-Edimg- burst u Noon-bu 1863 ar.' , " q'adt-r t PAS- hi?itriiiiiiiijit WI pom otmrtht. p-ulu do BILL! m w LOCAU'X. gm one-oh do It. "'5'." 1' new" "i" 'Pte".,',,.?'"" 'Pd "Grit'.' BILLS PRIV ES. Le Premier do Javier Puck-in JOUETS D'ENFANT8 u tom-mane: dnmmn In: qua In on I Ipr'es Ch LIBIMIRIE CANADIENNE 3003 DE IRAN. ,3? POW-319.93.: in! do renum- an mm nuarlimenl d'lr'iclol do hut-iii. " de gum. AVIS A uh as: Q 0.4.. mm mupu' um In T. TORO RON 1'aiGirTrr Indi- mi! I' Libraire. Tout homme (Mum-m. so prururer nu hublllemenv. d'amomue on d'mver, A hon unsrir'e on. d'uuu slulldr odour, dm " dmm M. snows: PARENT MpturaNo. Tum". Auuioaux quidésirem an bur: hired" unle- do comm-min soimu casilnir tranquil. drip (In can", tweed (rosin: etc. etc. luiv-ut lea mules modem Frtcog lines, de New-York, et d'npu': t'6hwtate coupe Lin tulle!" P H CGbot, qui pen! "tuiore tuna cell! qui nudruut bien l'encouregeri DUIVENT ALLEB OHEZ Nixon-o Parent. 301' DE PIN. but uh uh um dam! On; envoyu an '%t t2t,'.2t, tme, (huh. ' 0O!- a mu lb "'0. duh-am ho du- h- Imu "our". .'. uwuuk I: who. _ 1uulaiNll PARENT RITE SITSSICX. DEPARTBIW DI! TEIIES DE LA COUIONNE. Qulhct. 4 déo-rnhn. 1863 'VIB u w In Mum donné qu'stet mmformirg dhin Ordn, an Conn", " due du " Nov-whys 180:, mu lea dépmu duo Or/ere publim, puma" u C,".",?,)"; devlunl, la m up!" u, prelim" Invinr 1866,0ttoUio than I. Buqna Je Monuéml. nu h an! nonm- TAILLBUB! TAILLBUR! 1'llmlMl'M0gil ll BONNES NOUVELLES , l Gama-mm A MEILLEUB MAR/nut. Les Prix des Tha, cura, Liqnenrl Beduite chez. Ball de 'U,generie,re en Boutellles a A mas me RAmoxNAnuzn I-IT TREE MODERES. Nun. In and-(nil, ttotttrittrmtrut. a In CM won-n, m View" 'G'Wi'."l'S',',',1,'e " vou- gnov candid-l A In liril lugs».- uhinu Ionian mnnicipulu pour I , " non- nou- amm- do was dunner mm ment n d'munv mm Election. John Fannie Tho: loClny huh I Duke Thoma w ('Ilrnn 1"..- byte John 0 Parke J Guru], Id D W Count The: Pauerson A Fuirbcirn Robt Ann" tt Price Andrew Astro o Union Al" [nebular _ McKinney John A Biol Mani. 2Y .1th Reed T "up": ck he y Goo alum-u W ll from 10.:st Robt and. mum Bdnmn P 1 Column I'm-l Bolwln I; [In-men {1- Pretty _ Qu'bao, 9 D m t66 I. II. I. DICKINSON. MI. B. ooucar, "I In in"! a Euler-"1&1 'l BilU PriUr, Inlay h In"! Pricing 'gE'.tiiiiL Livy-e ans% Ilsa-Villa 81.00 In cord. Quéluw. 7 DU 1963 lloulin-i Sch do Now- Edinbuv', 10 Omaha 1063 BBQUISITION IAMEAND TAILLEUR , l, HURRAY IN' DALIIOl'NIE' Um: pout as procurer le fletws (a pluafmiu. MEILLEURLARD, ET TOUS 5000, CORDES "ob HM"? - it»: CHARMINIAU a tul. fr. uguatt, um :'BTICLES. Thin qua sumac, Emmclmw Ulla pied- do long, inndue gulls {noun-mg". Pris III! In lieu 7 as. WM. Men EJUALL, Coin du- Bum flMb)hstdiatatht8iB-V --o u-- m w "Hr DE J. M, Currterh Cie. Thou lcClny Thoma- W ('urrin John 0 Parke W Count A Flirbnirn I Price o Inner: In." McKinney Rani. DI nix ' "up-uni - Slot-m: Ila-3| Brim-n I'm-l Bolwln Jun- may Imp! "In." loo-sh (In-Ix no Moll! Jal- I" Wu".- Bar Join Lav lum- Wttte Jol- In In. In" mwi. itriik Ecru-buy I». on" 'aa "PIE!- C "mum-ire. nun Tow g. lipid-dart 5mm! {\hiuie s a mum. Chis Dolnu J B Huiu' Luuld Hun-Bald Ilunry "Auburn (mm titury J Hum Jlmrl "rho" Ruben Wilsou, Aulhy Swnlwell Wm Swill: Michal lumen . Ruben um JoLn luau George Gough .elmel Sunken Pumick Rr'un John Rum-n Thom-u Aunt Hum] Inner" Carnal-nu Maison, J ll linker The. Ulhler June: Gnu John Brown Andrew (lie. Thomas J Burk: G Elihu! Jamar Vxlughun Dennis lrNeil Nell Harri-on D McMuIrr Alnxnnder "we; June: Dorle "mee riixtoll Frame Doherty Thur Culnuurs Andrew Douisl Peter Carrillo: Georg: otrord G Culexuu J R O'Connor John Ashtield A bmlum Pratt Wlllnun PHI"! John FollleriI-Khnm George Winn. . Adolphui Gillun'llt M W Linton Curries Heetur Edwlrd (rurdou Willi-m Slewm'l Daniel mm... le R H. Boom "(that "no" Wililnm Wvrrisot, Robinson l-_\un.JI IV was." Fulani! Link Joseph new": Tho: Nimn J JDIIIIIII'M H Wilson J "iiraruie S Wttrbier Jno Row-m N Jno Rv'nn Jr H N Hutu Edwin! Mix 13KBddr u... vw - - - Fq I , t I I" John _ M In I Gill. " "rat A '0:- kn.- JO... L-ui-n John lac-I aus Inm- Willin- In Jaun- Pur} In " Ankh-u Its In J I f In". I m 'le 'h't,',1'tf In. Pai'"" I" 2a l Jah- lhp' A I Join "my MUM In... ru. J J..- 'FIU- kl Joi.. Purdu- _ mm- " that A, «an [hi-l am Thu. 1)"me Inu. Ga lotus] Lam» mu.- Tuure I... Winn- it B a Mm Joh. Ihlne . MW Ely: w.. In Job. lab-rum: lab-n IIIM'I John "A!" John Ida-nu Jul- Urn-nu cu. human Juan. ll-Mnm WI bunt TN: lumen! WI Pnuulou I Wood Mxssrscurs, l Eu upon" , volrI biennium". " linunu " Requi-ilion. me prinm de m paw undi- dat i In Mania 'lt, can cilé,j'ai l'bonn-uv do vou- iairo Inuit qe je lull déoidb dust. (In-cw" h mus dam-rule. Aprer "midni- hon- ptrrstrru"rllrysj'ni nmmi quolqla xi- [mun-no. pour In via publiqu, uni. nprde muru r6fuxiorsjui om qua Ii 6lutae In" concnluyann, " [orni- Inul on non pouvoir "in de nmph'r bl detain qui non! "no": t - "the, All mollleur " ml cap-cut _ " mi- Moo-inr- Vm obbiuun unit": M. K. DICKINSON. Alina Hume WI "Lotirht um»: Bnunun Jan" M Taylor A l'ounmr A Chitin" F H Gudriau Plul Huugh u LID-r. Bill Dandy lull-nu Penal! Joupl: [in-uln- Aluunder Rid Euuuuh- Blunchzm Simon Guinun Lam Duhumel Gnome Willmmunl Paul b'uurrou HOUVEIL ETA: 9-0- lee; " 337-- " Ediiii- LE SOU-SIGNE Innonce triesfraspectuctrrmernent au PUBLIC d'OTTAWA et de ses ENVI- RONS qu'il n ouvert MAGASIN nu lieu ci-dcsaus nommé.-Il n-l'honneur d'attirer particuliéremep I'stttetiotsbles FAMILIES et den HOTELLIERS sur son assortment de cnmx, de Provisions -- _ mam El. 1'httile, " _ . mac-u "etoutes "queues. En trop grand nombre pourtoutel les nommer. noponso. Ftrtitit Jul") [mum-r Juim Robertson Jaw-h Ilnllrnd J an" I :nur l'nmwh Coleman The: Run: Alex Benin In Sinclmn Wm Amiahlo R Eduard: David Moore Thou Story Gauge E Alnl Alexander Bum" Thou Wilson Darid lantha- pr In: Rance" Wm defoni Jul Gloomy mlnvnll I". Jib Gnu D M Mink-l 'uil. In...) I" "and Gill-y A Inn-Ada lube-AU lick-l Dun-{ck Mun-d Ban-net Jul». lur- Willi-I Sloth-l tl.rth, Willa iii-'71.; John Elliot: Allan Grin! Willi-m Birku Willi-urn Jumluan R Donaldwn Henry Mum-we (Hm! Townsend Jul." Buchananjr Anna-w Wilson A C Wilson Anon lit-cl Dunning W S Walker William Mchub, Robert Hindu w Brown W Cannon l'homu Malia; John E Almond Louis bah-ire Win}; in} GG mm.- In: ttGGairia. Filh. Um: [Humid ()'Rnilly Em A uni. Juhu Gannon G P Bum A 6 Woodburn ' 5w" 'lmuuwwncox Tkrrur Ohnrlu In". "e." . Bun-ll . u Ore-by Dunc-u Thoma jr Thu-nu Niel-all Oliver Harlin Juuph Wm! H Cunnqh Jlmu Wmudruw J I Currier Auguun- Ll!!! Willinm Pllan June. Cooke U E Zollikofer Jena Armlruug J C Maul-ow Jnma- lecmcken jr Charla! y Noel Milam It Think Dr IcGIllivr-y tho-nu hue It W Findmmuul Hdwmi Hull Willi-In Conney John Bllioll Juno: Ruin A McConnell, Jamel IcGibam David Conn Jamel luntgomuy C, S Mogul: Kabul unley Robs". Atchuon Allan Gilnnnr N s Blonds" James Cunningham 1' M Blade)! 14" [ml Jum- My?" Jun-I Irvi- John O'Neill Join In!" J Ida-mu " 14:00ka "tttmo Sum will" Duck Fund! Ole-ow mm.- r yum yum Bull i ' knit;- Jol- lac-uh, Willin- [M that. Ian" Hm} EG. um:- ' x .1. J_H "11!: _ MAISONIDU SHERIFsRUE SUSSEXW E ifiitiak. "um fun" 1 RUESU SEEK M»? LI. H T Prudlwmma, W Kipp, J I! Rchu-r, A 8; Pierre; tt Gum-in, Ir. Dinah-l. '0 worn; 1.".er Bu. J Bt Cumin. an", Punch Dunn-d. J Collin, John Col-hon. M Mlle, John Batman. h, Marking-nu, Hugh Barerou P Mum, mam-x a mnbrich A Bunch-mp, hum White. W 0mm. John Murray. X Aubuohon. Mr. lundlrenl Thomu Buttisy, Jun. O'0mmor. Pluick Downy, Jung: Burns. Dmuol Ululdy, B Pane-II". Jam" 0ouey, J aniqueur, Aluxmuler Mac'lotaldJ' own-Mm, lumen lleMnnIu, It Simon. Jr'lm Karl-h], A Ron-mi. Mathew Murray, L lluhlmel, r Uusmllo, turoutuakrrpt Huglmhal. .....A,.., . __ . U' Murat, "in g "gunn- _ , .... P Hm", lClu- my, v', J tr Madman, 'ilii-m Kannudy, llorwuv lulu-n.1, Jean Clancy, hum" Whom, has: lumbala, Andrew r mu), Conulh- Mulphv wink." Cm, Michal mm, mum scum, lieu: linen, Jul": cum", John Bum, J T Prudlunnlne, J a luau-r, ._rtotTlF" mun, J mm Whllly. Mom Noun, B. Gillignn. Thomas Funn. J Arbour, I riunubion, F Blnrienllo, J Landry, u 015mm, r Paquettv, L Uhnmpqguu, Sum, u vnquleul" new, L Champlgue,Junr, I Pumpagms, U R mind. I. Gruull, I Hruulx, N Liberga' J Lumen. P Piclnelw, P Dutfy, Thoma- Talia". kemro M Kym, Panels biannual, P J xylem", J Green, Michael Mmrium Anthony T Hymn I Gum-in, U mom. J Bt Clulin. Bonn J_Comhl_, J FU'vall Mm 6:05, ANNONOE DE NOEL ET DU JOUR DE L'AN Liqueurs, Vina at Han do Vie, 'uil, BHAIILES LEPAEE. in vinim In immense: anew aux vim at nux liqnaun do DE LA PITE " NOEL. C .SPARROW, JB. tWEs N'oublions done pas A Papproehe a >UI§ITIQI LBLISSE-M " T. llihllul "ll B TAIL LEM!!! ler I may? hunk Esatiu. Michal L',',2,t, Edvard Iluloh Juno- God-l- Johu any». Ir. I'm-dug. no..." Maier. John [in]; -r Plhiuk Bemer. Luna." Comm Mimi... a; hem-om If I lump-gm, AMM- M In. B Lag-intro, A Run, D ub.reo, L Chard-r. J ChFer, b Unrlupy, I' "may, J Dona", J Guxon, Putt Green. Patt Wm.- Tonu ' O'Ncil. licking! (Junie. Charla DEE-rug!- Hugh {Vanni}. P. Blikorv'lln George Murphy ge- Browne. [fl-nevi Motel. hunt-in lily, Jame: Bourgella, Autumn: Blurb". Perl, 9mm. J Dubs, C Goodwin. Finn-an Ituohutt, Olivier Bunion. Nlcholls Lame, Joseph Valet", NI! an) Llluudr, us d', AW; Joe-pl- Wrrii, Alexmdre Chm 5 Luis Glgnon, Jan. Baro. "tr Met-mum. Guru! Nash. Thom!" Hulahnn e limkuvllle - "W -..r.__ _... "m -3'--- "ans. 59mm:- Baliln- Sparrow, coin do: Rum Suuu at "my. . H. DOUCET. Pnétré d'un profond sen- timent de retxrnmu%anee pour lu sincérité de votre offre, oomaes je puis en juger par la. Iottgme liste que vous m'avez présenteé je ne puis "sister un instant, de me rendre xi votre généreuse é-e quisition. . En acceptant la candid! ture qur l vous m'offrez, je considére ne iremplir que mon devoir envers i mes concitoyens. nous. Bolton O'Evllly. John O'Boilly. John Quin C-Iisc Llfrlmhozu . John burr-mining. J. R. Edna-mama. Willilm Driseoll. Mlchul O'Rwllly . Thom-l Luau. 11ietseLerr.. Report-o. MESSIIP'II, _ A A F Chute-Inn, H mm. 8 Lynne, o 0 when Ton-Hm TIIVIPIJ, Nichol Boumuw Pun. Biopello, Jum- 030m, Murill- Knoly, Jain. O'Uuuuor. 1mg Kilt, John In". Join Hilliard, Mun! "nu-newl l (in-min, L Dam, J Bolus", I Wtlmeo, P borer, A Luyor, I Dumounn, I Pmdholnmn, E Fri-drown, a! lawn, Chm e, ' 1:de P CHI"; 'f'tit Mm], A ill 5":th lugging", Ottawa ler Dee 1868 Messieurs avec respect Votre obéissanl Serviteur de L. J. B. LAZUR '01-'94. In". ' _ J 'ai'honneur d'itre tau-u- lib-n. Puma! lu- Jnau lu- Jm can: in." llrpIIy Ire-M it isiGr," J Iutum1iiu, F. ree", J an Chilton. , Ch!- I, ll 'flrd'l'lp, N Mani-r; 0W Hull-n! "mar;- John Elli-rd Jo' I Puller M. B. Cinnabar: a. 10mm]! w. Incl-mi" P, Canal J. Ayn-Jinan!" John lullaby R. B. O'Connor Dunn "In!" y lehme, J Own", P '3rrru, unm mu.. 11 Mai. 'llirl.Ss, Dried; out _ - In. ("Phil-light. Am 8