BeaverToo, 2 Jan 1868, p. 3

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«) 0) D tha 55 N ':t, Globe ‘Newspaper, . During (fe fAdrtgad very rsportanisesstona albtod ul A l adlab uied hA J peddisie d Adrir Mh-'fio outlay of this pross about 18,000â€" doilars in gold has been rendefid neces#aty By the large and increnaing cirenlation ot Ahe Oiobe. 1t has been for wn” KIW‘N. hn‘p:l{,'ln time fPot the m § walls Ahe nuinber Insrease oni!: nmt m neeadetm ob acdy on Leagine wl arhigh ht 9P s ready * o rig@@en Slgm of the RKD BLAQGL: ,, ) REMRIRHR puks altQ 1 Bockus® Ol‘d Stand ! d sc n T hike cailied tbd Blicatisn of a fge BuppIe®mT! * twice lmtlhd which will be sontizwed 8 may be founmd needfil ustil the permaneitl u; h odba N C Li ok o Llasss Hhs w o. dhartkiigiet db oant dieiiiins: 4o oi in drri sw at iÂ¥ #3" 1' n the na\% we ;\\,l\‘ _commante the 1‘&““\“‘“\? vsn ;hul; ‘enpmm‘uan l\h: n;fl_ ;f‘thz’ t W:;nnlw‘%'l“il:l } A\) â€" ®ha Parwms, of subssripmnom. will lunr! w h i h P m, and Two Dolars per mni flf{‘ifl Two Dolars per amnutm To ly edition, both pufiblt{:::l\mn\ wabat sent out o the office u he mot satra of Jhe weekly to the n who rtl n&m Thit phes W m to _th r%mr <#ln . _ Pumy taptes r 8 te dullare l':\fl a copy of \I\!Du\il]'()“lo\m the person who geta np tha einb. & Righty !':Mfl one bunidred \in‘:n-nldyl c'v:‘y of the Daily Globe to the persun who gets mp the el & amuye 63. alwals in AU+ mmmf h“ nlffinnd\nyumeey And may be sent to any Post Ofice. â€" When ad« wames are added to any club during hey muet_be sent to the ul:hn Offles dte op the tlub; and \he wl nnnifls\g‘\b ~mrv;d‘;nd for sale cheap ar the Bradte, dipect: frow the mukers; meb aA m"\fii\fim the club"bite # 41 paj of Ni R \[ret d hoiz n Mlamate arncd. c ble Clat Mill Saw o e Sailt rodnd and RED FLAG ykHp08! w0 t 05 t If you wnntfin!f ‘ moacdyâ€"made uiesA Clothing! ‘! AMBays dats® cars. _David Devitt‘s> WAKNTLEY, LADIEY® HAT3, "b4ylb oevirts. Teas, "Btigars, Cof Calants Iagh 8kX VHMNPTE MARE « Ay>\* FOR THR Stipl Gracerits, ‘.?:a{"#fifi‘.?*%:"‘,‘:“ s;:‘.“ Files, mMe"&t 5:\15 e ) a~ s a SOm®M,qUgabL wh ed offer to sell <by privale T "fein thh hellaore RTM, sttghied on Lot i Brd Con., Township of Wuolwich Connty u‘l‘ mm ya ® * vod" Bupply 0 h:il*im!m. Phere are on it a Barn 40 34 70, a frame Mtable RIAT® Thec#s A Rood bupply of tail Timber, Phere are on it a Burn 40 34 70, a frame Atable B4 p4 46, dwelling house ;{\m 32, a good Well ot n ch ,"N.“l t&" m; x%m.“l, at} m.“ 13 slear, with a log Barn: The above is at present one farm, but if purchas@® h! twa partles eoul d T I No mt C CBm W se k1@Y$5E,\, LOT pBidiao i muever hiting: well, ae well as Mwi‘flrl‘\ Trows, * ad ‘&hhn. ems (ifby be tb t et* m A-p(p!p-{-"‘\u'm gh .“A's. eeinietinluts ii;kl. h nmnhr- app * Whalelid s 4) & sale, the by the late milee Nofth Igadi ® TAB uuders} gned offera to meth hy MPGM‘ sale, the House and Lo? Tatdly ddcapied "hm‘h"“j“ Behiachtet: \I&I‘O{:‘ milee Nofth @0 i the I lwu.i m ;n.z ars bpon GQOD:MOUSEE BARN @avt Awa BUY YOUR call busbooght\CNBARPRSat the ty # tMI pay up to the explraticn md ofteer to sell by private able en situated on Lokt l,' Cownship of Wuolwich, Connty of Rerolhe | oo 2o y s n duhwentih hok y lin‘® '::H Winterbourne P. 0. r8ot. < ) € 540 wek # BROJWX, Publishee teot.. and other wo t ult Ar tb$ Dally rr annum for the nik in advanee. No ly, if by lettee [post paid ) W\ ELSLEY, | s anbseription at ;l“éz s Tt‘ 5\i \i‘nfifi‘\ilmcu] of UNBOUNDEP eVOCRSS * mHE POPULAR INSTITUTION AT HAMILTON M T ol unromb. by the‘ Reliabfe, Leading and Thorough Bussiness Men and Edu« oV YOUNG MEN, PARENTS;» Oty nsserted Suprentb. by the Reliabte, Leading and }c':l‘o't.:::f our gonnlr)'. 1t has buomo\hg:n‘o‘r:lly h Model, Leddinig, Reliavle, are your suhjects oF enquir$ i ___ Yab. Which is the most reasonalle In it ei in buitd Om R ‘ mg naccoth None ati a _ Brd. TiAmost nnsn and showing the most im\)r -rm\:\‘ W it amnd the @ ' ins truction in :'.f.%;ii,mmm:..: (uetion, in the Prep in ie n on ns Dh Wny of bpera@tuon®, _ 299 900" 700 rharnn ioh alide The mest sompatel t instructor® Aud\n in tih, The best q;m:. for Farmer. â€" 8th. best Peni panwent : #h. Th beitAuliuctions and |3hmn in L am! ugm A‘lmrmh\‘. Cummnr&hl Law and all brane! ibrastisal ecdhigations * touls (Pho faost \hm;ou!h m:n{na t in coct efi th ATYV House & Bulldéts Hardware, m .hm‘:r."‘lm"mn:::."g::\:\:\.\l{ | B\rcvm'l;‘nfi Hat -:.d diap M..l:\'n'u , | Nn Thoata, Raghs Atd RePe Boot Larcle 10004 Leauiug AC2R20 ®7* l uptoNn PF It frait important that you should know the &HAMPION PENMAN, and Instructor | ‘ Penmayal\ p., of :m-rtcn, is connected with this Oollege. Young Men are guarrin ed thorowygh Penrmlan on leaving this institution, A‘ms is no emply pretension.. The sltngs is fast 3Mng nr witlh -”rue\mm Proum th i@n are au?lg in nti ng ‘sllmations. o se in C o Ponond amCbotm@cial College, The following particulure 820â€" Just Receeived and fort ‘sirle at priove whith '"“jfl?_m‘fi‘flw”fl mroyat. ‘nqqmgizon cCollego, s the beat nn:gngnl inst{tution of its kind andgis what it is claimed to be the as »ems>‘ Roliable, and Oentral Commercial Colloge, Improved t arm for Sale slon 61 ~Ah@ '-‘M wmality of Maryhoro‘, â€" coins miniug Oue Hondred Aeres, A{g of L\ghpl} Juat Received at the Hard ware MAN 6L ~Lh8 > EOy Ed y NOE u\lnl:g PQue ‘Hundred Aores, 49. of 'wh:h‘ are dleared. â€" ‘Phore 'h\"w’bo‘.'flofl ‘ ln;‘l Mn‘lnn‘ MI\(\;I.\ "‘| ‘ ‘Wio m enallun. ;b AN‘ l’ [“ m‘n‘n’{' m“u. pply [postspaid) to WILLIANM BEL* c td o. oC _ Hellen, Nov. A7th, 1887 t â€" Sture, \'N\mjl;.n‘),;;ir;e‘t ;lrr'»m. Bugland, t .».'.fl._..mfiraly * H__ ky Sgnflfllfistfl Coll Traces, Haiter and Chains. Saw Logs w_n\NTKD MMIEDLATHLY .. nuF qfilm’cgl‘gq Hu‘uud .;nl»':‘b';?llwt Pine Maplo Rim,. m‘w(hléh the undersigned will pay lii‘ll{l m""\ C C m'mM y i&t* 0 o lntuald ahel haaw Shi‘ke AWikin Recsived an$ for salte nr*ho \Â¥nierloo Huniiwitd Wromd, & bpiéntthiot of ( Pasticula n;‘nnlinn is Inwited to PARK® BIS PATENT UNYONMILLS, the beat aud Whes peat N iN ever ns de. â€" JOULN MeDOHQAbLt. Ju«t I‘mll;mlnl the Waterioo Hnalwarse Bhove, d ireet Prom tho thanubuc turuiiy Horee Najls, Stopks and . ut which the untiepstene To CARPEPYER! enc s opsdy BRICHH CHURCH ! at Wowlyivillg: ) Platis: hing. Bppeifienti Muay be seen «3\ l‘\' ufl:fl 5‘ n*"”l:m;:;. may be seon at the ofled t Bag...Durtice may Iyuder, ooing Ip uies Oag or Water‘66, NuÂ¥, 19 reot. 0 aiaw pityet ds ww mouts . 1A â€" se a Received and for sale at‘ the {NSOLVENT AbF o9 1604. hok a 4T w "lst Dfiw““ n i ‘ Tllé‘émlt\n?q fimn. M that he hae\made ar lmmuut of his u’(ut\e wand w. : & yl's 16 me, the underaigned Adsiguep,, %" wre required to I‘u‘rnf“u ‘J\:\ "hwo ouths trom _ this datg with their @hiluig [&Jfl\xu &Nurm they hold, I whÂ¥, and the value of it watl itnone statigg_the taet j vou¢ ui"‘ml in 'at'in?"nil\\n\ionu. .” wa ig to k mhhsnm t caitp p‘” NP”’ ‘ F;;: & Dide sopebiud Priun‘tie 8t Lorse_Raxpq flat o balffoun sund and smu:‘fio T7 C * 1. JDMN NepQUVQ For sale: c the Waterion H BU R by the pint or larguat Rof Oifl:fl at _ JOIUN W. PBARION, | ; Hawkevilte, Dec. Oh. 1961. _ QVâ€"100 Just Revet Pn p n 1 1 T q 11 9 Basswood Baw E‘ggl, aiut. the uniferstgved wit hay | Berlin, 1 VW anted! Pn# desYimaw CCC 0C O) Ioamel ebbadict Cumm.r&hl Law MJ all branchus neseesary lor & [BuroU/il ns * toul. Who fiost \Iwrou'h saamination on completing the course it, and ol the thmp uP graa) lA n!. Alth, The best and largest number lettera Rrom graduates ani T\ rona endorsing the tustitution. . 12th . nt.carrigs put to the Letter the Terme of {ta Advertisements, and easi= rhn.;’k',lhing consideryd» aimt the best entitled to thy confidence ho pt 5 hi- not m# conaidered lh!;! In r\% of the aboy, !louh\;‘ uabd ienl W' M ‘ I mehlv a#Action .D 9 I 1 m t .\':i.ill: 1 JOHN MeDOUGALL: }i;;i;r'{u"'{ whals.@t p'fir‘.\ovl"QuLt \ $h= ANb a [ nu’“ll‘”i WTAL râ€"thun ever at Oficial Assiynow» 4P ay hy Bat f ",'qlh. h‘u‘n& nnmbrr’fiflurm \M! kr the tim® beel no‘l\l infuance,. flh \ b! in the Preporatory or Tt\»r{ depa wmbl‘ Attual Business trainin ng, Merchandiaing and: O( that the SNUFri@y HPY CCP T00 D0 Wlsn w lm\flnl-\ml And has the echenpest and beat \ 24. The best corpe of grol':uon( and A:- q oc apadadazcba Pn n dbamils o en ooe mt e o4 m.l‘ Attual Business hnln‘n\({. The beat ng, Merchandiaing and O(Mse busivess. ugh swaents in any und every department. 'lfinbm Penmanahip _ and MathemntiGal dee 1 Inhm‘l in Loewee Wrtites, Business forms 2CX ali heanchos neseesary for a thorough N. HARRIS i Infon Commumifi' &:fi?mthwm God 0i1, Whale Oi1, Pale SealOil Just received and for sale ut tho Waterlows Hardware Store, _ Tgoas Mihito machinerys Just received at the Waterloo Haredwoare Ktore, a large Stock of" Carrlage & Tire Bolts, Borax, y w wtu® ;a::n;lim'ui‘::“afl.rclfl\'fik ;\l;v\ml Da«h Dada Mhait Rooketa, Whiffis Tree Huoks, iihthofnln Tufnea Collnts, plated U: Hode, Shait Rookets . Whittlo Treu Huo Top Props. For aile chenp, JOHUN MeDOUG TL Just received pt‘.tlw Waterloo Hardware Btote, direct from the mines, J i t 1 uler t fi 8 OOKC ery, BLOSBURG COA L. CaABE PAITID RPEERUICEs| Brutan{n, Nichol and Silver plated Tea and Table lpoonn. Geiman Bilver Nivhot and Plated Rorka, Seissors, Butcher Knils, Putty and Pullet Knives, JOIHN MeDOUGALL , hns the best and â€"_ Just Reseived ## t eule cheup. . One hundr_edms. of Sogtoh. Bvyedish Iron 1 &Y iman‘a 8 Btreet, For Ror eale cheap at the Waterino Harawnare, Biore, hult R-wm. full patent, nud hualf putent Improved long and short > Montreal House, Berlin, â€" _ . Ppoprictor of the _ OorrawA CANCER INFIRMARY, Bparks Street and Muria Stroot, ; Ottawa, Canada West, Thofni;l\ Bussiness Men and EBdu« uaderstood | throughout the sountry CANCEBRS C URED, 9+ a Noew, bnt Ourtain, Speedy,and nurely By a ' & ne M hk w/ f to diiet '»’ y in % & * in t hy Cay ons# ~AH ® 3. in the breast, nogk, oye lid or elsowheri oe atall wart or sore: on the lip. may in in few short manths become a hedious, is« guating. destroying mase of disense. Ifre« quived, refurences cun bu given to purtiog who hnve been curad dnmny yc-nlr- since, wnd who are now enund and hi _qll y . fi ll Waterloo, Nov. 20“‘07. cominu rling 1 "hub, ink Desy 180. _ _ (008 INSOLVENT AOT OF 1864. Jn thet flw:fli‘kiw\'hflfih ..‘n"&:m.. of the Insolvent ure noti= he J\H. Wu;fio_o‘lâ€"l;rd ware ‘B!orp.; 16 arssiu aupport of such Qitawa, Doc. IBth, 1867. & New, bnt Curtain, !pwll‘ud U Painloss {?m;ln Witn o0r Â¥nae Uas or rus Karre. Oe wnd the eelebrated BSTAFFVRDSHIRB and ol of the very AMhivst upport of such claime. mmnlki;;.?!?%'.‘.’f?&: ber of students in nttewd> ile DBLURYY M o #0th. 1867, IGHN Mâ€"DOUGALI, AT TMHR JOHN MeDOUGA LI t O N 6 JOHN MoDOUGALI, t qulars i most extensive fa LGkL gi.le_‘r‘;:’;i oE e a C o nramapGrrdsG READâ€"INGIA & CHINA TEA COMPANY | _ B _ (CU4 J.» . diegnenntnenitpetiomsecppiprtamen girenie ... . a npply to |_|| 0 # \3.'"110\‘ Ei Cunosxteus Villse, artment,. 68th. ng. ‘The beat u}y toed. mnud a« A required, unt! 613â€" 1. No e until HO WE Dtl;}-;(â€")TS.. LONDON AND LIVERPOOL. ‘anada Depot, No. 88. Hospital St., Montreal. CoTToN & wooLEN GO0DS ! WILLIAM FISCHER‘S STORE ! Nress Goods with Silk Stripes, \MTaweeds, Satinetts, Factory Cotton, Prints, Bed Checks, Bed 'l‘lck:;‘mvnchct Conon.kGingiléwils. muols. Care | _ w a}o I lankets; Rondyâ€"made,Giothâ€" af * rng. EMM& Huta‘®had Caps,> h A ‘Two Ply Union Cuarpet is how sold at 62%c. which cost a t £. l . year ago at 80c. R tton whicl,i . 2¢,.0C98t 3iX nths ago N he ie se eb gia TpS * 1 t4r .o uths‘ngo 26¢." ‘APs. Fdeâ€": ¢ nc otton .which, is nQW & 2¢,,.¢08t 81X T pe n e taide qE i A {&, ] uths ‘ngo 260. " [A Ps. tory Cotton now_sold _athQS cost 12 imon Great Bargains "w'il'l’%e_" given to Cash Buyer‘s O,nggp cia% bank df11s LAKOI £{ar,m CAUUIGLIgYQ 1VL UVUM OO 2. T * P oi 2. l 3i torfasne ‘£C E&‘RGE ‘s'.l‘o&(“-‘r_ & Hfim’ CARPETS! Just Reccived, a Frosh lot of SUGAR3, TEAS, RAISINS: \‘ z}l)mhs. mvl:;“rtfiftccuéam’ On ty ) "J u2( 0. WeA . alib plplet Wl t W We C 224 NO 119 . 00 c agn 0 EU RNILPU »QOno Beérli# Warehouse ! WradtesALE e RETAL DRALER CHRONICLE AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER old In PAURVIE MIM WRIICRIEDE C6 °C w P 7 in Canadas o g5f foo . . w w o ag utX (CppCObserve We Trade Muark on ‘each Padkage. «[X0) 0) V U THF (U)‘HMis Etock is now ' »â€"Largeâ€"andâ€"Complete..of Every. Thing in kiis Ling, T oce « 10004 .“..h.-:n‘, â€" ) TFRADE. Watetou, Novembur, 27th, 1867 . Â¥ 0P‘ 10. mvarmnnco .. Mardware â€" Store ! W Tan ';.k!;r. _EA W C1 0oN . HK undersignied in returning th?nkp for the lt apipeyion 61 the post n yeare Hfl‘;{ “'Bm;mrqcc; “fi'émghghg?%grfi f?l;_‘,OASH | 2l k@o DS°CHEAPER THANFVER n amasie stes C JOHN MeEDQNGALL.. ;. x1 alarnialas Receiyed his J "ay}~" LArge: EBRLIN, O¢ 10 ammlz veif X A b..{: . thay A .3 ramya dasy . tyA lc ':ux.-"-%w;( 5t + hi N1 girecanniy Â¥ & C ‘see before purchasing: elsewhere. . :!I n,jm-u 1 .lnlmmlmm:m.jkm’“ m pigUifP1 4; ~ WaTesL00, Out. uw 188700 | | e1 * FALL TMPORTATIONS â€" tagidasM ornmryrs pgjac [ cdf S6 GEoRGE, RANDALL‘S ccCc®K®mar srofr®, solnerp I ceat Reduction ! M +. OAVID DE V I T‘LP, l9 y 2 CBNEISL, MBYGHMAY P . 0 (‘Begor bor 4 th, 1887 t{A " :‘q a *Â¥ 5. . Fully 20 per cent Cheaper than $ months ago, y 4 'o‘ i v.'“ 4“ 30 \ ¢ hll ‘\" 10 A ”lflln W bvh .n\l\d. to 0 i\'l\“u ano 'lx" l.l Dib tW1 MJ » 2R O nterloo, Nov,. 20tly 1804. â€" M o "-/wa'n s taken rin exchange for Goods. ci;‘*l\Bhw w7 A%fia * ea --l:fc;: & E. UNUBSUALLY CHEAP ! 1 & Wintor Goods 14 aoter 19nd, 1807. LGENT FOR WATERLOO : and Manufacture: of all kinds of JUs8SIRRCERIYED AFREsII LoT of ~‘ _ OF ALL KINDS CAN BE HAD thw ds WHI%RE aud have bean Fall Importations! apifichâ€"are IN ana Complete ! Is for the patronage De= : years, would beg to inâ€" MARK. months wA. FISCHER & Mdwelg. > g17â€"4mus 012â€" SCM A S ! DISPLAY Montreal w16â€" Dry Goods#, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, X‘mas Presents T O Y S ! CLOTHINC! g10â€" . Bond‘s Column. FHIouse ! B EJ L XI. I CANADA TWEHDS, CANNOT BE BEAT! New Raisons from 7¢. Currants from 4c. Figs, Pruns, ‘ Nuts, HATS 4& CAPS, FUR CAPS, BLANKETS, y SHAWLS, NUBIAS, Canned Meoats AND FRUITS DURINGX‘ MAS At Wholesale Prices. The subscriber has opened ts Store / joining his premisos with a asplendid 000 Stock of" Readyâ€" made GRAND Oysters, Crockery, Glassware, &c. TO BUY GOODS wHICH DEFY COMPETITION. HOLLIDAYS! BERLlN' D.c- Jl.h, 1“7» 619â€" â€" OY8#, . PoOy‘H, Oy !B, X‘Mas Gifts, AT PRICES WKICH Coma and bo convineed. AT THE This is a rare opportunity BUITABLE FOR THE Lobsters, &.c., &0-9 WiLL BE S0OLC AND OF Confectionary, Sardines, AT PRICEE Chinu, 1868. _ BERLIN _ 1868. John Fennell‘s NEWS DEPOT. Now is the Time to Subscribe! Godey‘s Ladies‘ Book ; Ma dam Demorest; Frank Lessâ€" lie; Haraer‘s Bazar ; Har per‘s Monthly ; Atlantic Monthly ; New.York Ledger ; New York Tribune ; German Frank Lesslie, &e.. &e. M A G A Z | N ES > English Woman‘s, Bow Bell, Chamber‘s Jourral, Coru Hill, â€" lempie DAT, Young English W‘:mren, Sporting Life ; Illustrated London News, Peoples Magazint ; 4 Bluckwoods, British Quarterly Review, &e., &c. General Newsdeaters: Buationer. N. B. Dnily and Weekly Globa and Leaâ€" der, Cannda Farmer, Americam Agricalâ€" turst. suplyed ut Publisher‘s prices. Clubs mml."l.i‘:. Dec. 4th, 1867 THE IMPORTANCE GF A THORâ€" OUgGH BUSINESS EDUCATION is pressing iteelf on the attention ol commerâ€" cial cireles more and more every dn{. and its advantages are perhapa more em p natieâ€" ally chow“y nolhm% more than by the vantage ground on which it places the fully trained clerk above the imperfeeily trainâ€" ed one, when looking for a situation.s _ _ U UTTBy C TDD EO COOW \ Oe mscima is 0 TBR BRITISH ANEKICAN COMâ€" MERCIAL COLLEGE has in full opere tion sugh a course ol instruction as to give it practical fitnese to do the weik propowed. An important ehnracteristic of thie Instiâ€" tution ie its mnlml{: organised ACTUAL BUSINESS SYSTEM, whereby the Colâ€" lege is made n type or model not enly of an extensive business house, bus eren of a large tradi ig community. _ __ i L 11 s Ne 0 m n e e n c o PRE UE im mds Canen Wc cusemen c ena L _ The tite required to complete the full course vuries considernbly, according to he nitendance, 'umniou, avud ability of PRSIEY "oiveren.00"Ruitint ts o ufuittone practice of Inmyinq through. the course trom the misiakeu idea that they will thus be gainers b! the saving ‘of mou‘zy in the item of board. © Infinitely more advantageâ€" | ous would it be to the rtudent; since his \ full contrse of tuition is already p-i? for, to vabl. bdlecaddiyâ€" ie hinae m io. / Auother distinetive fenture of this College is that it @itempts n extrancous tesching. {ts work is ox®, and to the nccomplishinent ol that work wvery effort 1e drrected. _ Jast as the Univeraity and Grammar Sehwo! must be sepmrate institutions, so the Comâ€" mercial Cullege und the Elemeniary School must be distinct. Common sensy and exâ€" erience wlike show that such a combination a not compatible with effierency. _ . 8 I L som ol 1 â€"ss VOPDERIRDCCUCIET We were agrain awarded the FIRST PRIZE ut the lute Previncial Exhibition, Kh.g;lon. tot the best spectmen‘ of BUSIâ€" NKSS PEBNMANSHIP, and an EXTRA PRIZE for our SYSTE:I of WRITING. For Peninanelup, Circulars, &oe.. widress MUSGROVE & WRIGHT, [611| vuyin;_i;p;iâ€"eu fv;m'lflm. to siz Dollars. Paper and Glass Shades, Wicks, Burners, Launterns, Chimneys all sizes. Fint, Flint and coa:mqnfl).:l Just reeeived and fur snie cheap at the Waterlop Hardware Store, a: large and beâ€" uutiful nssortment of}o;n;:l-' sté;é‘kh;ber'-' furnished us low as any House in Canuda. JOHN MeDOUGALL. VOTICE is hereby given that Application .L will be made at the next Session of Parâ€" Hament, for an Act to authorize the Waterloo County Mutual Fire Insurance Company to establish a third Branch to be called the Manuâ€" facturer‘s, and for other additional powers. C. M. TA YLOR, Secretary London Review, Christian Reâ€" membrancer, Just White and Red Load, Yeliow Occrre, Veneâ€" tian Red, Spanish Brown, Burned and Raw Umibers, ‘Feern D‘vcinua _ Indian Red, Persean Rod, Vermillian l}od. V.n.d‘yh.e Brown, Chrome_ _ Brunswich _ and Purie GMfll‘, Chrome YÂ¥ellow, in fact all kinds of Painta. _ JOHUN MeDOUGALL ‘N‘OTICE is hereby given that at tbe sitâ€" ‘ting of the Munmicipal Council ol‘ the Village of Weterlvo, to be held on Monday the sixth day of Junuary next, application will be made for Byâ€"Laws for the nitersâ€" tion of Wenver Stroet, affecting the Kounâ€" \dry Lot ot Jacab Bricker, and Lote uumâ€" a s e po n ts c aask bo,n one hundred and seventyâ€"five ; one handred and seventyâ€"six aud i‘lull equbre of John Ho@man‘s survey, and also for well« ing wfliom of the original allowance uf sald Wasver streBtc Waterloo, Oct. 2nd, 1867. Just M.v«l at the Waterion Hardware / Btore, a@ large lot of L A MX P 6. Waterloo, Dee. 3rd, 1867. Enflluh M:Iclmnic. j Tt 0 6 C eisure Hour, | eaa® Ki Loudon Becicty," | W NETGen! prnsners uind :1 oA im ._ Good Words, _ | puet the uboermv. would mvite an egamâ€" Sl.nday M.a- irstion of his gazine ; ‘rvlti Tempe Rar,‘ Stock of â€" Hardware, N OTICE. ~NOTICE. C. R. GEDDES, and Raw eled Muslin, Drel Duch, ies‘ Book ; Maâ€" f k st; Frank Lessâ€" i, j S D.Lacs LLhie | a and for sale Cheap at the rlog Hurdware Store, EDVCATION | N J. BOWMAN. 618â€" el 2Juclni, Patent Dulh‘ + and Hoblers, | _ Be m, Pin Headâ€" ‘\, + 3 aod Tx.nd Lace | hostres) 4 Hardware S Everything the Public Clerk. 618â€" will be found AT HIS STORE. All Goods warranted to giv®. satisfaction. N 0 Second Price AXES, COW CHAIBS, Juet received, a large lot of the VYBRBY Table & Pocket AMeat Cutters and Stuffers, PLATED WAREL The best assortment ever offered fotâ€" saie » in this section. $ A W St of all descriptions. ‘The best makss at the lowest prices. He invites Lightning Cross Cut Sawst ad the ordinary cross cut saws. They now in genetal use in lumbering . distriets ; t assortment on hand. a# Call and see themâ€" 4AÂ¥ Billetwebs of this and other patterms .\ B DEH L English Oakâ€"Tanued j LEATHER BLTOC! NAILS, LOCKS, of guaranteed qualities, at prices not to be CoalOil? Lamps, $1000 worth of IA-r- and 500 Bbis. of Oil, some excellent ‘Fable Lampa, from can as veua!l be supplied gw they require. A very itrge Black.srimithas SLEIGH Hamilton and Toronto Prices. W@» Remember the place for Cheap Hardware of. goed quality, is the " Canadian Block." 46 Sign of the Golder Cross Sawâ€" § NSE QUANT is new arriving at the TWICE A8S FAST W AGGONMAKERS t ever offered in this Part of Canada. It will be sold cheap. Mechanics Supplied AT Guitlexry , (a Glm,mnmho 3 TRON add STEEL which is the warranted to eut Also, all sines of $5.00 iv $10.00 each. 1N JOHN FENNELL : AND

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