BeaverToo, 2 Jan 1868, p. 2

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D 0 "NRBY Bamitton Rou thy, Biq, L : B of Qageode Hall, Burrinterâ€"nt. lhw, on the Péth !I\w appointed _ County a tratmey Clerk of the Punso in Â¥wPfSt the Oounty _ of Waterion, in the moka awd stemi.ol Thomas bhites, Ray , to a Btors. = J 0. Hunscken hm Hellon K. Garnion Bigmtow. ie Newspapeh â€"â€"Gec Browt TW" an Ing Tith â€"Preakee. Ohweeh, binwooh was a grat aucy mmalting aactwbally wipinmg out the hiub was upoy it. They had a good §00; m we were made to atale by the Wtinn Qoverimment. obanged thelr blil i to charge Brao bt Ond chis aud i Obn in shins drewe too first clate sath! . WWMM which lyewers way thanit the Reâ€" NWO by Reov (M. who eve@rresery abie lact\ite on young ie what shail they be in Aure difs" utteatiance was larys, the procaeds con> nblyiover 800 mt serviees generally tloo Chroultle Advertitoments toâ€"day. a *#o Jubon ‘Promas Mirki®.«â€" ig to announgement a dinver was Roat‘ Hubeh Berlth, on the 10th Junlge Thon(ad Millsr of Hualon. 0 ar 40 |£~ tram alt parm of ~ _ Ohedit | Dashison = presided. ing wenk off with great harmgny wmlnm Ad Wu We pablhah this paper @ day alrtwb so na to whve the 48 enpiy the New Ygars i «sA ippormpleal error appaarn Inat trsww whietti ts necesanry to "Wus called to the chair: which he w vary efthiicnt wapy Rew N Ryder RRUKkA nalbwat m:w.m the sermona the Revn ThonmCromp uy NBWAPAPRR Morning, Jan % a soctub Patival â€" was hobi is ‘Afbertfve Alfw! Boow: A mw_" vhe Primitive Me: y Abtis, wore hebd t the Re|â€" Afteroher lean mitorectthuBpeaker m'm‘hbm,mwbl it .4 wR presentor,. afte mopenttis | a \lebate arose on the ques io tive â€" Mes | Aanding Counnitiees, fho Governin wore held l ns dezided ‘to cixpense with U & PS ome on conal d w 08 alom _ Ou Iriday,Jnat n\ oge gtelack /In nm“\"fl'“t hib aBernoon, the muinBits byokâ€"the . oath of aptnions has bet allice, ant at threy cbis Breeitency, iew: | theâ€"date upon tenant Covermae Stisted, artived in atate, | should he celeb meesinpanied by A brilliant atail and ojgned | canluty the 28 ‘rtho proceelings byMllm\u to aâ€" | ud by all.â€"=or0# lwet their spduker aml prontising to letirn «lt navtone it is the filowing day to duliver the spare) from | feaating and the ‘Dheaiey © M thewteolk hiw lMave wher| pan of comnt whivh the Attorney General secomhd by s leas of relgiou the Hon John Cnrtingy proposed MH 4okn | rees had ihel e 1 i2 0P %. N a Eud an <the the Hon, Jain Curtings l\hnmc WR antiD || >&'\"|\m“| "\ Pu‘ P\ M m‘fl; \OM M‘ P of the begislature ‘ of Ontiflo. _ Ater ahorg apeswhes hom bMeasts buKullanBinth, Â¥erason and oys the motionâ€"was carriad OÂ¥ aevhinailan . lithe ue wly sleated Bpenk | Far h’gl, biigbewt thom fe the honor evis | Rrrod ~Khar_pome htils routing bituiness ! the Housaatjowndut all} & pp . im, â€"or uts 11 B enb indnds mss Ahatie: Aitculicistitlt [ 1 he ‘Dbrotey / Mo thamtool hiw lave wher | pan of comminnity IMOOASE * .. ) ) _ ) | _ . vhich the Attorney Generah . secamhd w\\.uomu.giom- vegeabit, â€" @ue Cliristinns | n t te Hon. John Cattingy proposed hk dobn | yeee hnd theie eriigih in Uis: PnieAnt) Ns Stevenson, bh PVP. m'\hm. to be Spie |parte of CEpminiy? sirtend thieke wani and | drs e of the baglshitube ‘ of "Outicle. Aler| still in erebted in the p«v}or. on Clristmas | an ahort apeswhes from Meaats DeKellanBinth, | Bve, abrunch of the Yew lighted with | we Furyuson and Boys, the motlonâ€"was carried | tapers and laden Wwith presents for the chils | m by nevhamablan Uikhe ue wiy clected Bpen > {Urem O|id and young look forwant to | cic uh’gm bhahew? them Ae the honor eorts 'lno other featal secaston with so much «e | th torvod, ~A#uijome htils eutine biainess kn'huno this, The péculinr aaerodnesa | P the Houssadtjowndoc alll #. ps in m*\u1ol the day, and the contjviality of the sei« t turday Snsce |nen conapire_t6 make this anniversary one | 8 Bhtundny was the greoat day of thw im: lduluvn\\-\T enjoyment â€" At this senson nins ]I\N\l m‘fl\ T‘l. W\I\fl wh l“ WAB| ture wm. n0 ||);m ehm‘“ to l“\ll’. h vagy Anptersant on the Aehle amd wOedy‘ nud thits divide | 8 wb mnmarkably fns on Satintay and @nÂ¥9 | our affectiont The trees are atripped of| t \the steauly am!i fushton" of â€" the Ontari® | their benutifu) follage, and have thus lost C l“‘l‘“"‘ an orvullent oppoMubity: to ahow | much of thetr attmotivenoss while fowls | ! | wif to the very beat possible mdyantagn | have been robbed of their lowly plumage | The Military dlaplay and cdemonatrationt | and have thus been rendered tauch more | cutatde of the bulhting were quite: imposs | atractive . ‘The aweet charming notes ot| ‘;ng Jpatde the butlithig: the acone Was |the feathered songalers no longer MQ upon | very jay and shomy,‘ A hi warther of | our eun exceptit be the solimn and rpuftied | ‘Mhl appeagad on brafluar ot tha House |atraina of some fittened fow! an he\Inys | n, soealled ) wtill dreas" ~‘They: were wing â€"}upon the blook his devoted neck to recuive y nifteontly attivec and it t andd Aully equalb|the futal bigw Aom the whutted steal. vd it n it winepaseed, the pigeantry arld show |‘Thus during the past woek; hus imany a | an the lrte opening at . Othim . " Buadea,) sow! sacrificedhis own hfe, for the happls those prHvileged Indion there ere alro 90 | ygss of cthers, and has conferred more bleas the foor ofthe houae, a good rthnber of 18 | ings upon mankind ufter his roath than .| gub edueattonaly and egthustuattenl telobes |he db during all lis lifo time. While y|tten â€" Attis appointed houn the CGovernot | hying others fad Ainy now he faede otherts , | male bie appaatance nid. reml protty die| A fow) is a misee. . Me vormciously Inysâ€" , | tnetly theâ€"apeoch which â€"we give in anoth | hort of every thing within bis seach thut , | on col it ‘â€" \he ean appropriats to his own use, regard» 1| _ When Hig,Evegtieney had . Sutibed ~ hi) tss of the wants and ciaime ofâ€"othere . Juat i'nunl\.h; wia goon , atteritanit |like a misen . He tonactously retaine ull he . | toltawed by. thore yinitore who hast bean. ai * | petr@amennpentitenethimgrarcent it be by d ue L 14 salav akma dn macc o 1}â€" en o Eo e V EeE t 6 _Afi pombine . Aincaiipmemiek .7 E i mhied o the foor afhe howse. ‘| compulaton ‘Ma% tid ~misgry© ‘After his|. Afterohlee \ran Ml-!“h! took the | death lis alsg resembles the jrisen for then ' chain ‘hnd the houre prgceatied to business | evary thing Shat e valuable nbout . im is mm- with presanter),_after which| joysusly shwod by those who cnn dw any | &A ilebate amress on Athe quea ton of the‘) way: socure: a portion:: ‘Tho«e benefited Runnding: Counnitiees, Yha Government hith mulith notto derth of the fow but rejorce Ing | deciaed ‘te ‘ dlapanse with The aaunl| in being parustted to shure that which he Cammittes n Contingenglea, . ‘the motion j it dekdich «:. B agg hn of. Artomey : Oaveral . MeDounht provhled | â€" ~During this seasonâ€" of the year the mor tor the appointment coft Bminiing Comuilt wmmnm "beek tremendotis . reth ‘on ‘Privileged ‘ and ‘Eleetions; on Riil.| Ai a tule they, bave Billen a prey to quick waye â€" Misselinnsons | Private ,, Bills, and | consumption} and n fatal bas it beeny that Mz.m but,. bo, mention. was) within haifan hour afer they wore stered, ‘ mude of a Committesion Contingencies. | every thing! that was internal ns well na lln MeKellur called ~ attention to‘the & | thut \which was exturnal hus been consumed, mhisaton, C and daked whathée !t was the tnâ€"| and nothing bus been left but sslin and tuntion 6f Miniaters to dfapenas with this| bone." And aurd to retite, thts 1 = commiiten .. He curged that it was by | bly ceeurred ainidet the rejoteings ot thoas meana of this committee that the House pre | who witnessed it served the mecsssary control of its expenaer, | _ But to return froin this short ramble, we and eversight ot the appointments of in | remark, as beform, that the song. of birds 0010004100 lt 1 8P 1 ds hat dn iiranlfindrine, Anbbiandifiidhsiniibeonbhat brataciseidiiiiieentihiisfieis ie cb im Altcs ol committem . Me curged that it was by | bly cecurred ainidet the rejoleings ot thoaw | ‘Tire Arraxrto Mowpuuy, forJunuary | mearna of this committee that the House pre| who witneased it. lhns the Rrst {nstalment of Chatlos D\okon‘-{ served the necessary ulplollh expenaes, | _ Butto return froim: this short ramble, we | new Btory, " Guorge Silverman‘s Baplan« | and t the, appointments of lts | remark, as befory, that the soug. of bitds | ation," writton oxpressly to the Atlintic oltiiers, their numberaoduties and salariee. | does not distract our attention at this sea» | Mouthly. It also haswhe following an. The | Attorsay .General dufencded the pros|son ‘ofâ€"the year) (Ohristmas is A~ 68 | tonts : poaition <of the Qovernment, on the ground m.mth time for the paeunton of familtes | _ ‘The Wife, Flotsam amP Jetaan, Ptm] that‘ the whols ‘“PQM'.!M"' be \linilér] that may . haye. bean separated, . Bow .dg¢= | burg, Doctor Molko‘s Friends The Comâ€" the: soutrol . of |the| Govarnment, . which,| hgbthit toâ€"reespreembie around the: bearth | bat of Diomedt und Murs, Our Second Girl, of the strictest edbromy in every flepart‘"| may, torday, be ahodding Aitter teara at the menk of public, afiire, mmier the waleh.| rinembrancerof. fond ones who wore with tu} supervision «of ts Ahmatatetettions ~~] thii alyéar ago, but now are gone; Moore‘s After some > onaiiarable2dtensstor "the| piithblle atinge riny vusphits ‘their Reelings t wmotiin wih catritd and" the "House ‘ wd | . journed till Monduy, CCC¢C0/ d On Mowlay the.:debaty. on the udirass | â€" which was noved by Ma .Copus.. o6 â€"Pualy wne sgenuduc bydiv Greely: of Prings» Bitk |; = wit, toolkjilie# Wc wae fimitty pmoidlt uy‘| ® ‘t c‘clogh na Tuesday mopging, when , the| D % 0 CJOWn PQ A 4 s s | CCC 4P"" Imtw-wm»flim Ahe debate wneâ€"all through coarriellâ€" on with grear tatrnaba mudesation â€" wnil yood hintiour none h thiy meinbuts of the <Oppo: abthon deatring to be "hetious or obstrictive ul amme of the mm\pm would not pealst wi ing nome severe. Alugs. at the Patant Combination and their dboings durteg. the late slectiona _ Mr: Blalte acemed < ly anvere upon tham. "Tho ¢ nhogethen reflected grvat orgddit our lieal wpiMathtatites (ant hus AldAily Ioeal woc tpttews . ndit . his Alrbdily, brought 16 3be, aurféue fue mary talgub dbab it was at Arst aupposad thi nliwldbmhn eontaingds . It hag boan thy sybject of gen» veal en mark that Lo i 4) pbes rauttaen, N""J“' of the whots house wre > hur beponcds arbitt waa expuctail ; > A o o MA !::'l:b.:l\* :lm wre» fur W'* M‘M r"‘w they -:: glg‘it.lhr:uflr:n"‘ "" AiMg S ME 20 puctoil . | u.. ".)| 1 dfferent pleese of stmaig !. wecompan C ouanbmmmoomempanmie h““ spuech ‘:‘:;"" "f“:T ‘F‘m by the most duleatitones fromMn Knysers | .. Loxpow Jocinty .-'Imm- the governmunt in verpo werl" ruseived "Fram Berlin band: master‘s] Viotin. _ Aftor ber of this popular Monthly has been tegievâ€" wombers ot alt Sbhades 6t potioe ~3f the | o dw’“ priges throe, rpusing MM&OH“NC Woronto. | miniatey fairly darey out the retucu phdnnlits; Seaty ware piven . fur the en ths. vish at ds .sullf.tnnkhmd M':fibbw w in it they will reeeive no oppouttiony lor@pniiâ€"t the‘ténehonâ€"â€"Parents and: visitors !l.":" . . The l‘:l“‘"""l' i uy fret mot "hae i1 wat .'.‘h f 4 at memora .on’n.,my rst and Just the . Roformere ,, 11, seons, that, 6 whre binly dlfghted / with thi axaminn: | Bteeplu:Ohine ; Cornore in Oorniealt; Why Muedonald mt w it she dnb . atbpn . B¢ alid; ooniplimunted the toisher ‘fot he clinoged hia romma} lhs Queen of the pmnnised bo mauke goil Retormers 0f Maesare nh‘m;ro'fl' exertions in ‘ povetnihg the hllttl\tPMll" . papera; Vietimne and Carling and Cameroa, Perhaps they WHt M “":'m Mcb 7 n.“‘ their vietinizora ; y our Erdono in soon take the wivide hronn: theâ€"houdd‘ ::.“. in every um: n“c:ik:t‘ o permbly tos bat mnovi Apoiglont 11L » verbe} the list hour} Tho iblis Mn Beaty of Welleudamd "w‘m:g iY ”» he & 30 fut 4 t dhlpl': W‘T}ohdon un:m;‘ tlu‘wuulo:\ orinto the Ruform biiks . "I P\ 30 aibaleiucin Siiihee s embidecicn‘szed table tilk and answdotes of Bocivty; n big ~ AVith an but und out Reform speaher dnd | _ ‘Tmw Covnry Arronmavamrâ€"Want H. | shio at Rughy, . _ n thorough Ruforin poltey t wisuitiars Wiit | M9ttny Bik: Dertinh Pefiny Imeo very tulato complatn <dit" tven ‘the | wie Peice for the Oounty of W 3 O@tobe is vroating "the "inthisléy ‘With groul | pincg ot! ‘Phomaa‘ Mitten Bags," Bluoon Bramiiian . wl'nmd to Qm A new atyle of neoklhee hn ubiniaaiueribed : Rlueen Bragilinn: buge are mounted in yoid bout the nouk, : Butween Sii L e h'nfl' :\Tll\. joy this Pestal news| ‘The followlug aré ertracts trom neo‘{n.;; wBaiita Claua" has ones more cor8« | munitention which was veceived just a x d hila roundy tplighting muny a little | we hnd gone io press two weoks ago. : it by lils presonth, And.again has dawn« | we had no paper Inst wrh they ars .Io-:t‘lr. odâ€"the day kept in commemoration of the | what ol} still sone of theim are very birth of Chrish â€" With P\?pOTflvfog\:anz "‘E’f‘fl mpemwert WPCR WE NE CCC Eneeneeny i who died . 1). 188, origimitted the idea of celebrating this day, A groat variaty of optnions has been expressed in reference to lh4s lz Cuctunasse Mn en ons w theâ€"date upon which . this anaiversary should he celebrated } but since the fourth senlury the 28th of Dec. lias been obsery» ud by all.=orcapt Pugans whd Jews Bf [I‘ mnavighs it is konsidered aljproner M feaating and ~ merdment 'n: ~Fellgious 1j l2 _ u*k imnaro OP ie cadar t * S uie e wny 1 t c i ns in b > ‘ N\‘\'w &g‘h“‘h“. ‘ . o ’ L en o \ n P j 4 , . Pusly “%hfi bieak wofih’ wlone," n |. . bak un apmpathine . with.thom and | also nl&: “‘"hr"flw : Wislug you Mr Editor uV amt ht , reiers ‘and every bod h. "‘m"’ mfi“" T am your‘ y®I 2 wATZRLOO CHRONICLE Bounors ‘Mafl’omâ€"f_hol quarterly vaawnination of Ma J . Metger‘s Schoo! ut Straseburg, which was held on the "24th ult, 'pmul â€"off, with great eclis«="Phe | Bmallohange: Punily,«=illustrated | by W. achoolâ€"rooi Was tartefully "Fecorated with g D_A\‘ln;on{l'l;\hammfl':""“?’l ;h!‘}"l ghy 4 f avittews hae«} The Blackamiths 0 iR T M .D 'Nm,'m“ inouoss dn Thare -'manm\n;d by W, L Smerram } A‘i’.n’;: were 80 ; puplin tund â€" 80. visitors. pres@bt | ;ouy Oonfassiom, Atwa the popllsâ€"had pmsed n thorough ex* | _ ‘Fhese Storles nre not orlginut but are C es 4 ut _ aidtmatow ti ~Both dan e \ WWIHN'" Es es oo drrincfigtinst ce rratach the presout gon M ‘“’lm M g..\'h‘fl’ m '“l.y aro x‘“‘ ‘ Clinatin dtawing,‘andiout, motier . ind | Suambznu on io ie it ce o I in oi they Wnamm heombang ive for ronding lu enrs or on p“ th" prose ml“"‘" "hich rent | a numben‘ Knm“‘l(t Â¥ifty . cents mm “ , wM were | havo thei, P abey on rs anit nowsdonlers Ond L .m they . sang gm direct! ,‘a'vn\’tho“p“ ,m.,“ P Memugnt F'.m; ho":' “‘b\'. ‘h.m " hm' Dew R5th, 1807. Oloth “ mohvtudhwl‘:ay tn‘Now‘:’n:‘k ul-h io in i Jo pun wlow t } pnmtunn a Rertesof smfi.nmf duly; a , togethen | ‘The portion «lrehdy #=‘ rested 4n | rectod hasâ€"been aubjecus 4o ‘sever) , tosts, BDuraud ; | nhd found‘ to bo atmng and durable.:" , ‘The in ‘uvery | ninbufkoturing ofthe pusignger cars has! New York Correspondence | eAulngh t Yesterday Now York was viaited wM'l one of the â€" most fenrful anow atorm®thit lins been known for mnny yoatmâ€" The anow â€" began. to fall abstt 1 o‘vlock yeaterâ€" day nmr:i‘?)-m‘ of that quality known as "opy mGy" and was for several hours L,floompm\hnl liy wind, _ ‘Phe wiml nrose however about‘8 a ni., and seemed : to in ereaso |n severity towands the Iuttar part \ of the day, when about 4 o‘vlock it reached | a perfect huertcalia of auow and *in.l;\ blocking up all the ;atreet . can stage routos | &o,, ao that the atreeta were erowded â€" with ' anxtous pedestrians striving to buttle their | way through the bankr of anow, The| moruing papera dnvote columns to the "ncs ‘ c{dents" and "Wneldents" (that occurred. through the‘dny and night and did spmve permit, 1 might give you a pan plcture of the many lwlicrous ns wall ns heart nancding meenes that I witneased mynelf t 6i.'|[m .Wlmrvn. The Late Presikdent Wiyinnd,"~Byâ€"Wuys ofâ€"Kurope, Aspectr of tJulture, In, the *Twilight, Ars. Johnaon, t yil lina n lurge corps of nccomplished nnd experienced Professorm _ is cuurse of inâ€" atrnetion liâ€"the must thorough anduomplute, Et chas a long eatatblabud mnd cenvinlle reâ€" putygtion At tina a nrlendi\l coursa Of leeâ€" turds‘ I¢ hiw thig MAlust dhrlny of Ponmnan« ship in Aibsriea. ~ "The puition is choaper than any other Collego, ; There is no vaoation for the holicdnge. toop Brontes, =Purt 2 has just beon in mt by ‘Dloknor & Fiekin with the â€" follow: Ing uttractive Contentat ‘Phe Metempsy: choats ‘by Roseint mom'fi.â€"allmtm.d by 3 lqg;u..lm. wfl t who _ill iss t‘lw\.lho inmond Di gu,') The Uninâ€" vited; Tho Bullows:â€" Mender of Lyong==ils luatrited : by Ororos C Wuire; ‘The Bmillohange Pamily,â€"â€"lllustrated by W. H. Davaxront}; The Béotsman‘s ‘Tule, by Hawites hew} The Bluekaniths of Holaby, . â€"mmmntitlp s > + ire a )e 4 ie T bvariand Ideome ve its overburdened ath e e e Seeeeen en a on c seA e n t e * 0A on pogteps that of the Btationary .0 n has its uddor nearly two inib attraction AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER. In accordance with the mvhlonn of a | 1 Rtatute of the lm&flhl Parlinment forthe “ KFedaral Inion of the British North Ameriâ€" | ; cab Provinces, and for the erection of sepaâ€" | rate Local .Governments in the Provinces | |or Ontario &nd Quebeq, I have been deptts | ted, in thename of Her Ijfi(y the Queen lbogu the first session of the Legisiature \ol‘ mtario I I*:‘:‘ at the opportunity | | which haw (thus been affordad ingof wels | | goming the representntives of the 1)00\;]0 in | | this city, so long known ma the Cap tal of | 1 I at | tiee for theit own‘qurmunur g‘u Ein RUU | lt | oxpantion, ‘Phis object we hnve now ob» |. &6 | tnined through the beneficent interposition | \| luf the mother countr{\. | ® \ _ ‘The provision for the future Government | An | of this Protince ia, in one reapect, poculiur? his | and oxcep(lo‘l. 1t confers upon you, ganâ€" | ) | tlemen the \xclusive priviluge of (rnminq\ A. Iaws in relation to mautters within your| * bnvlwdiction,. â€" iaidedt and unchecked by | T more egtendod application than we have . hbitherto enjoyeit of the principat of local: Governinent, _ For years past it has been the aiim. and éffort of Upper Cancdu to seâ€" gure a more direct unlimited control over hor own Inoal alfairethan was attainâ€" uble whilst in Leg‘:hkiv lliance with anâ€" | other Province. nall}e of the muny ad« vantages which have éccrued to both seeâ€" ‘!inn:gu‘mn this Union, ainee its accomplish« tiong from this Union, aince its accomplish \ ment in the yeur 1841, the people of Wesâ€" tern Uanada have, nevertheless deatred a wider and inore elastie governmentul sy8»« tem, i hich, while it should atrengthen and "cnnsoli\lnte British Domin‘on on this conâ€" \ tinent,~ should also afford lurger opportuni« \tiee for their ownq»rlioulhr growth and | expantion, â€" ‘Phis object we hnve now ob» \ tuined through the beneficent interposition | of the mother country. _ York It will devalve ubon you ty consider | the bust and moat nppropriate menne 0‘ | husbanding these resources bd of augmen: | ting, ns far ns possible, the (Public wenlth] I would «arm «stly OFMI upou fou nttention the exthcn y of encouraging immigraâ€" tion anid the oecupation of our pyblic Iands by alfording .to the working chates of Eu: | rope and to the yon:s menBof‘our own . Province additional inducements \ settie: wnd remuin amongat us . ‘Fhe enne:ment of a hiberal Homeatermt Law. with h free raunt <of land to boimn ficte settiurs, would fu'Tnbend. prove of inestemable advant uge in nd ling to the number and quality of vur resident population _ The expenses hitherto attending the osâ€" tablishment of n Loeal Government in this Provinve have been necessurily inourred upon the sole responsibility of the several houds of â€" pubtts â€" depnrtments appointe.l houds of â€" pubtis: dc‘mrfin-nm appointe. l therein, but I bave directed dolnilo«l noâ€" counts of all such expenditure to bo submit« ted to you for your uprmvnl and sunction. I have also enused estimates of the nntici« pated revenue nnd expendituro for the enâ€" nuin{ yeat to be prepared, which 1 comâ€" mand to your eareful attention, relying up. oi yourâ€"reudiness to muke suitable proviâ€" ston for the »x%ouc‘u of the public service within that period. _ ng s 5 w your must serious consnderntion lip« on #ch applicationa nl.m:{ be inade to {0“ the incorporation of compunies ‘ for Provihin} purposes,or for the proinotion of local | Sorks . and nndomun‘pn And | it m“"'\'?x‘nu' endeavory whilst nflording due vhcobi gemunt to individual enterprise to protect \e {nterests of the public ut large from: the cosoquencos of rmmsh or illLadvisoid speoulationss. In carrying out the spacial objects for \\ich you have beun constituted us a Le: kiutive body, you will also be required to In,Aho fullment of ‘theay o icrous and responsiblo dubys, 1 have the utmost con« Adsnce in your sal and Adulity to the truat comtmitted to yOhby the Coustitution, and in )“‘"101:‘1“}‘ t\ altuchment to the per« son aiyb Govurnhtey of Our Gracioun Hoâ€" veraign But 1 Wuld beseech you alâ€" ways to remember, ‘x\ whilst your imme» diute functions are limMy] to matter®s of loâ€" eal concern, you form tr most â€"proininapt and populoue Poruou of mewâ€"horn Domiâ€" won, which, 1 vonture 4 hopsy, will erv long oktenmt from the Atligy to the p,m.‘ fe and be the home of n VAA multitude or‘ | thriving und contented subjes of the Briv tishOrowu. * Yourown pmi:‘\, in this new Confederncy, wi&h!y and iDhential us it now is wil. horenfer becomeâ€" sjntively of noreming magnitude aâ€"conding t\ thy duâ€" groe of prudence, sagnoity and fokpought you may evinee in the nmmomontd the tmkorhmt Intersars entrustod to )0U oure, lay the blmingiof Almighty G0 pg. compauy your delibefntions And lnke theimn conduse to the public welfure, A1Q q liinll.utln. hnppinuss of the peoply of Oin. rio , L ‘, Auy bill of an 0 é| lurd dniportance, wher the flfhu and pNj | n resid l:f in our a . twitte mand * .ni.mlug of ‘| ani ite.dependoncies, !\ 8. Any bill contui served for Hor Mujesty‘s special assent :: 1. Any bill fo:‘é:ho’. di\m â€"ol=persous joined together in holy matrimony, %. Any bilt whereby any grant of land or ‘money, or other donation or gratuity, may be made to yourself _ | _ ‘‘8, Any bill whereby any paper or. othar eurrency immay be mu{o uf:'lp.undur, exâ€" supt the euin of the realin, or other gold or allver oulth f [ 4. Any bill imposing differentinl .duties. ‘6) Any billythe provisions of which shall :spetr ‘Ancotiwlstent with ‘obligations imposâ€" ed us by greaty. 0000 0 0| 0c ; gent sitting ';i-i"&rfi'cii dtuappears that in the insti o given \Lo Iimporial %ovoéhm?:rz‘bs !lonx. the lollo"wiug wre the bills Which are nuthorized to be roâ€" menta, that a bulle, pabsing thlwfb glass at a Very, velovity, shatters 6 ao mm&h awlow :yo'hoity. , Between s P:;:: lwo, there io a point w here the builet makes _ 0. Any bill interforing with the discipâ€" line ot, vontrol of our forces in our said Doâ€" wintou by Inud and : som. _ snil ite.dopendencies, imay be prejuciced. 8. Any bill contuining . provisions to which ‘our mesent lhas been orice refused, or which has been disallowed by us. 4. Auy bill of an extmordivary nature id Iniportance, whereby our prerogntive, the rthu and proporty of our â€" subjacts &.mw t:f in our said Doininion, of the rite mnnd ‘shipping . of the United Ririgdon: Fromb m return maked for during the re It has beon the. shtme~diatnoter us itâ€" .\ by recent. experiâ€" 0/ 49 8 id Wiiciatcar â€" Aubt Arvathat ‘thideflbaduc ofi 16 athinhinbaluninn ind M ac E Lz .fi -0 fc lank 3 D , Y NounciPure. han .10 for plank;, Jaco Iu!A_o Mmfr and M+, \.':‘hl, (‘.‘O.\lnc.ll.:).l"“» ,\T“? for one plow . to “Em_d Ko. 4; Nontr Doatertes. | ‘Thos. Marshall, EM | h Strarer ©2 errer on dog tax ; Philip Reave; Geo, Simpson, Exq., Doputy ‘2eev/ | $h $40 services as Librarian and makâ€" Mesers ‘TFillic, Jr., Andrew Dickson, n‘l ry lists: Michael Meyers $5.92 postâ€" Alex. Burrie, Councillora, Sbert Lighthead #5.60 for gravel; Tow® orâ€" Gait.=«John Fleming and | fich 88, support to the 24th of Januâ€" Aderanderâ€"Mavgeogor . Ropve «adl_lopstyâ€" george Mall $8, support to #ireâ€" 25th Reeve. Michael Meyers $59.50 for aurveyâ€" _ Hespereriâ€"Qeéo. Hespeler, Keove. ichael Meyers $62.50 balance on l Prestox.â€"A. A. Brh, Reove.â€"â€" The Treasurer, $155.20 as per ncâ€" 29 0 encE dn 9 AAr pio dBilsls he RQ.!O ..6 M“g.. n"d .'.n.k‘ng Prmicankirata claims to be not only the | / yrontest manuficturing city on this continâ€" |. ent, but, with the exception of London, the | greatest in the world, _ In 1860, necording | to the Census returna, there were in Philnâ€" | delphin, 6,208 ranufretories hayiog a capi« tal 6f $73,318,885, which employ «d 98,000 hands and produced an annual value of ©196,000,000. _ Recent investigntions det monatrate that, in 1868, the factoriea proâ€" duced over $200,000,000 of staple goods, This is an astounding exhibit; no othercity on the American continent approximates this umount. _ In 1855, the Stats of Masâ€" sitthusetts, including Boston, Lewell, and nll hor fumous munulaeturing towns, did ‘not produce more thin £240,000,000, In 1880, New York hid only sesen small kCollon (Goods Manufagtories, ind no Wooulâ€" len mills; Phikdelphia is now the comâ€" meretul centre of 200 Cotton nnc| Woollen tactories, and kua besides sevoeral thousnnl hand loomsy ol which the annual product is ‘ equal to that & le\'ent.{ wdditional mills of |avernge sizo. _ ‘Tha class ol Ery Goods manufactured in Philadelphia is that of â€"|low priced stup!o goods, wLinh are especiâ€" ally iwdapted ib the wunts of peosle in the | Mid.dle, Wetern and Southen States l Milliona of yirds <of Pautaloone»y, Cotton« |ades, Chacksand Stripes Tickings, Osna ‘ burgs, Kentieky, Jewis nnd narrow Textile \| Fubrics are nade there overy year . Of , |carpatings, the product amounts to nearly |£$10,000,000 | of Ready Mada Clothing, to k \ #18,000,000| of Relined Su;zar, over $20, ©|000,000; of Boots and Shour, over $5,000,â€" , | 000 j of ?umu\, noarly $3,000,000, Phila | | delphia claina to hive the laryast Military p Goods Manubkctory, the lerges Chéemical , | factories, the Inrguat Cordage factory, the j | largent Bookelling houee, and the largent , | Lovomntive Vorks and Machine shops in ‘thc United States. It is quite evident, 5 that berâ€" progmity to tho Coal Mines and "‘lmn Beds, ho. low rents nud facilities af> M fordes mectiynica for comforiable and eco« nomlent living. have given Philadelphina a j | atart in manifacturing. swhich vothing but _ | want of eutemrise chn retarcd. MKUNTCTPAL RLERCTIONS8 Aovenrtsit Parroxaos.«â€"We copy and fully indoras the following sensible remarks from the Janestown, N. Y, Journal of reâ€" cent date: "lt un general serae, the eff rt on the part of an} merchant to get trade withâ€" out ndvertising is a wroug to ot ier business men in the plige, _ Whethor a man believe in advertising o not, he will comeide that the nowspapersnre a groat bulp to the place and that busmes amounts to very little hir places that dort aupport one or more cf them,. Abseng of rewspapers is n bad aign, for w placy in a business point of view us nbseucs of churches is in morals, of achool houses iy education. _ ‘The men who ‘ Wonrur or Itrratiox.â€"=â€"â€" We notice in a ‘ Western paper tte luct that there is a morâ€" .ohant in the town in which the paper is , brinted, who, wipnetor a mar buys a good | I rill af goods from him, mukes the purclinaâ€" g |Ou present of the vilinge paper, in which . | biu}vertisea, fir one year, and thus he y lll'\-\(:dm-vknfl thg gustorths» constantly y | reMed of his lusipess=â€"â€"anc he will nev» er f‘"'a't such a present. . SBhould that man 4 | give l“cunomcf\n{o dollars in greonbacks y | or in gGls, it‘ rhigtt soon he "orgotten ; but when W- ones & wouk, for Afty ¢two ir weeks plved in receipt of his friend‘s boun> \ | by) can doub: its being a good way y P advertis¢ ‘l‘lja is worlhy @timitation by busth@8&nen eÂ¥ aupport the villkze |mrur do more to build up the plaee, ind make it prosperouns. and draw tpule thee, thin all other influences combined. ‘Tlere, the man who tries to comme in and tike the Lanefits of that prom perity without jontributing to sartuin it tries to «lead head‘ on the rest of the Lbusiness men, und doos them Wwrong." Richard Lyel, the youth who murder ed the colort pan Tur:mr, at Gnlt, a anometime sinctwas one of the shorthaired velvetâ€"coated, Mey men peculiar to small towus. . His I"'\,-flml pursvit was gumile ling, diversificd \ seduction and horse trrâ€" ding. o onou igecdad in ruining the roapéets of A VC\ respectuble yourrg lady fl.V inducing her telope ind become his wife. & murderAthe appropriate wind up of his career, Ms it is uo be hoped that he will be capturd md4 brought to the puâ€" nishmenht his criik deervoen. Mr. Boecher Btuped in 3oston on B Mg:‘ldnl’) _nk be w :lu\ la.guto:'udi::z' excepting Dickg, which has f iC Hall this winte w Mn use A yo\mf gfl:hnun «#° Uticn started a few days stnca tovalk into the affectiona of a young lady! b kecomplished the feat in twenty ootuecuza nights. Je remarked when he IMfi hed that ho * felt better than he didPwhd he stared.‘ T TOWNSHTIP coUNOIL. d is 6 db orbid e d ie d td " Je E L k rervices as Councifior 818; J M t R18 do. ; Jucob Beck 818 do.! A,* {8\8 do, ;C. Doering $18 do. Re plom=d. * , T NCE! 1 I oW Ccb d 5i0 at ‘,;:n No.150 to clore up the Mi{innl ahce on let No. 16, first con, Bock B, wil afirst, secoud and third timg m\aed ©RBCC: hotion of Mr. Kauiser, seconderf by Mik, n nomnimons â€" vote of> thauks whulered to the Rogve for the im and _ digniBed _ manver | in wip preavled over the counvil gguring ;!:Qm. yeur. ‘ ‘The .council then adâ€" You \ewapapers ol a town are its life . bloiW itfim& thu, it cannot prosper. ‘Thér they are aupported at home, the moverful will their influence be abroad In y cities itruggling for manicipal mp?, the papers have done more and foing more to aidâ€" in building up the 4 in which they are published,and to inp their businesa, than nll the merâ€" chanyether, ‘Fe the merchants they y list; Robt. C Tye 83 making out i; David Y Shants . $1.50 for do. CUADORENeN PWIORRWO IIRDMIESICE Wls ure feuamble,as those who have made use on as a mediuin through which to teack public, woll know. _ Am|! they Cl)lll'\lm‘gely to the prosperity of oveâ€" ry cilfor their influence is felt in A lhom‘xitfenn& ways and exerted in a thou llfl'«ynt directions, Anpr in Englund oceupios a very differgsition from what he does in thia countihere, ho is neverAsfiown outside n selécle of nequaintances, _ His name in nevéced at the head of the colum1, and hif\'uluulily is rarely or never disâ€" closwl . see an editor of a leading paper you antst have an appointment with him‘bÂ¥r, and unless the business is im« portant, i.i‘\mt’mflyjmfnvd. This |o way n Western aditor records . a nml.uF gvent. ~ What ails him t4 Yes: terday hing, nt: four o‘clock P. M., 8 man \vile&% on the hole of his stocking, commistrsenic by awallowing a dose of Buicide.he inquest of the Yen‘fict returnâ€" ing w j{that the déseased came to the facts in brdance with his death. He leaves id and six smull wives to la iment thnd of his untimely loss. In death we in the midet of | life." Mrs. |ningham, notorious for the conâ€" nection h the Dr. Burdell murder, marâ€" tied a nnamed W. C. Hyde, in San Francisyhore she has lived for some yenrs, ab now trying to get/ a divoree from hi : It is reln ns bei Power it. 1 I ‘The jncipal of an neadainy gave a pupil w was hn aspirint Yor the situation as schitencher a certificate, which said ‘This yg man. is capable of filling a positionr which he is qualified," (i. rain bas netuaily been nominated for the |aidency hy some gushing adniirâ€" ors at Iffonl. _ Free country ! _ No Inw againstnt. ,, Aming of the Shoriffs of Ontario was ut Toronto on Thursday,. t» considefe various imatters affecting their interest, |ncacmmmmntly a o Ay c t ++ mmzA A NéYork paper raises the puerile query wther bakers on a strike can be cousider| loafers. Information kneeded . A pat describing Jeff. Davis‘ prasage F EW1 U lecc ucss nacsuw 4 ha throfighjltimore, takes paing lo say ° NC was dreal in mulo attire.‘ s "Lhe nuber iinmigrants who . have set« tled in Mjouri during the past year is e« viimnated @wo hundred thousand. | Bt. Piyiputishes ~offonders . by makingâ€" {hein sa/ wod! upon an iimmense pile be jonging/o: th¢ city, A j noyurn mason in â€" London killed Intosel@he oher day in despmir, at the discovay, theday after bis wedding, that his wiftbad ncteoth, Caphin C MKiniball, of North Weare, N. H/a.veterat of over twenty batiles, has becorp n preach@r of the Methodist Church. Pjsident Dunn r( the Maine Central Ruilad, gives $5,000 to forin.a professorâ€" shipn the Muine Wesleyan Seminary. Newburyport man of eightyâ€"three hagpentured into matrimony, for the first Un and taken a yourg wife. reat‘ox, known as the Oregon Baby, } .lhiumlv n Nan Weanaiznn. 012}-{. weigh» db :e:;mlvvâ€";n‘s;mli'rn;t;co. He weighâ€" edthree thousaud pounds and was grow> The Y. M. C. A. of Chicrngo > has been Ju\ for having run its magnificent new hilding four juches over the adjacent ownâ€" ts line. m Bostonian asked his partner recently Who is this Dickens they are making 1cha fuss about?‘ An earthquaka at Antigua on The 19th iNm‘mbor onused great loss of life and perty. ;(}. J. L. Morer, of Fond du Lag, lins tlp largest aash, door, and blind manufacâ€" tay in the Uuited States, It covers fifoon A Vermont horseâ€"trainer has sold sevenâ€" horsea this year, srealiting $7,875. rlr. C. H. Mackintosh, has been appoiti(â€" Postmuster ut Strathtoy. unced that the plan of a Euroâ€" rence on the Roman question finitely abandoned, the leading tively réfusing to take part in to say \he At n large dinnerâ€"party, the cool weath. er_had done gensiderable duty in supplyâ€" ingktbo conversation, when a pluuam louking married lady made a rem about * Mrs, â€"«~=, you aroe noft troubled with wold feet?"‘ Amidst an nwfulf‘“ naively answered, " Yes, indeed, I am rerp much troubled ; but then they are not m# owu. â€" Her husband blusho-.{ soa! let. cold f. The Indianapolis Journal relates that three precious coquettes of that city, scbool girls of not more than 12 or 18 years of R o o o oc e nge were poisoned and nearly killed ©&@M»... sive doeses of _ "belladonna,‘ which they had been in the habit of taking with m". view to muking thier eyes " snapp." A married woman, named Sarash Jane; Hafris, recently eloped from | Iowa dty(' lowa, with a man who was blind, bumpe_, backed, and.had a sore leg and no. money. A new }flfirnal in the intercsts‘" f the Church of England in the Diocese of Hurom, is stionly to be started > in Londom ; ';“ A Southern savings bafik, by negroes, collapsed beoause tors withdrew »all the .fuods circus. Itâ€" in ~â€"hard . to live without a, wifeâ€" gentle ~heart to get up cold mordm build the fire. ~% ‘The new knapsack for the British asmay weighs but four pounds and three «unds In [eceland the clergfymnn kisses his couâ€" gregation all round Lbefore preaching. *\ / f EC 6i 71 he telegraph is actually sproading" 18 Spain. es ‘Luther burned the Papal Bull 347 yeare ago, and the breed is not extinet yet. *4 . M ic n & , r‘ THE undersigned beg he 19th ! tention of the public to th life and | have n Foundry in | _â€" Markham .1 ‘DTlie grn;veylnl- within the Lo tropotitan district cover five hund seventy â€"@ga acres. Wakikthurn, of MJinois, grew Jean in J$ ucop4, f 1’honu¢&gy was invented by Tsanc Sitâ€" man, an Engfishiuan, in 1837. C ine A morlest woman must often WQJ not lrar. mt Whe iworld contains seven: millione 1. ® Jews. A 4 Puria is to have a woekly A merioi newspmper, \ There are 210 newapuapers P‘M’H India. Eights cities in Eurone bave stroote uained in honor of Prerident Lincolm <~/ cet " Bdrely," said a lady ite, Los®®*. 0 you ;\ro not tronmhh S“X’(i'hl“‘i‘iw less . than winler. Weaton is heurd from no mofe, is lectures woere ssilures poo w ‘There is a strong apposition ba‘“{ schools in Tennessec. { 4+ Skating is no longer I'Ashi-n?'h‘o in Bos ton. Fall Whent. .... Spring Wheat .. Pess . ... .++ Barler (..... tye 56 Ibw. . ... g:l\l lover Seed. . Timethy See:l.\. Flax Seed....., . Butter uxi nsl +4 ;‘Comcted Weekly for the Cano®i0} #®) waATERLOO MARKEC®: LMPM o. vs k k ka k e en 669 l‘nrk is cis en sn uin en n e Hit106 . 1 x¢a xxurs: Â¥axs 4+# TallgW : rresicersrasane POWMOR® . 2ke en + ++ + Wool per lb.. u... «+0 k> Best Flour, Double Extra Faumily Flour, Exira.... Spring Wheat Flour .. .. lfl-xullflonr........... Bram per Tan. ..... .i lShorln.....'......‘.... OniQA® .l k k k. kx 6k«‘ ++ At Berlin, on the 24th inst., the wile of R N. Kogers, Enaq., Manage«r of the Com» inercial Buutk, of a on. Quite and« 25th ult., A Townahin dava. ALL those indebted to the undersigned, either by Note or Book account, are nothe fied that unless they sette on or before the 18% of March next, their accounts and notes wilt be returned for eollection . ADaM HELLER, Elmira, January 2nd, 1808 622â€"3t BOOK STORE! Office, Toronto Street, Torouto THE undersigned would announce to the . gtneral public, that he has opened a New BODK and FANCY STORE in Berlin, the lpuoo lately occupied by Dr. Yengley, where ha hwm-th-no(publ\cm | His stock contains all kings of English & German School Books, Hibles, Testaments, Histories, Poetical work®, such as Scotts, Humorous, lives of British Poets, Pilgrims Progress and Hoiy Wat, Moores B & Goldsmiths, Thomsous, Longfelâ€" lows, Popes, Burns. Casquet of Gems, Wordsâ€" worth, Cowpers, Shakespeares, and Queer Victoria, &o., &o., with \ LARGK SCUTCHING MILI, with _ E4 one bundred horse power, if required, ‘¥n a ncighborhood where the Farmers g0 im« | to the growth of the fibre with spit!t» fl | quautity can be raised. â€" The above is | adapted for a Wooken Mill: | _ For particulare apply at this Office. en and and assortment of TOYS and FAXCY GOUDS, &c. Tunxs same as before . J. C. HUNSICKER. BDaclia Tan 1 186R. 622« FLAX MILL TO RENT N. Gordon Bigelow, LL.B. TTORXEFâ€"ATâ€"LA W, SOLICITOR ‘q.. ‘_ &o. Orrierâ€"Third door South Jffl BELL FOUNDRY. ‘ Thene (Ec near | Wholexale or R | price of the Bras Amalgam Composition BeHs, Churches, ScWools & Farm Use, where they Berlin, Jan. 1, 1868. All kinds of Stationariey! Dee. 17th, 1867. Â¥lit Aobertisements. T2 A.YC Canadian Block, Berlin. DIED. ddenly, froin apoplexv, on the Alrnm &. Clemens of Waterioo ngod 77 years 0 months and 18 omm eene en o they will yitend to . all orders. ene(rc nearly twice is imnany NewsDA« emaile or â€" Retail oat. ous third the of thy Brass composition . nm HA Wt 4. 61. oxNTARIO for BORN. mto ol‘ the imanufacture of #1.45 180 1.3% 140 46 43 g to call the ®tâ€" the fact that they V illage, , Ont. nue ! oth JONES& Co.

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