avlesGuide.me r a DiL 01. Ji. imujW. n i i jiý~" AàqnanS.se4aee Niu ià -l ci:221 . .c. i -m- - , tfu BD& - 2NO E - ,,s.1. - 3...- hud,,o boua intar:XÉrmàiect e ota = b e n je Iàîfs bslf i W--' f - 6a5t es2.6of aisy.7e wo ,IOtOb d Y;dis b eradan elziki C U E1 D IT SA L ES 8tti f ithe Diviin OOi?. fteO .0Bafo 'P MLGEONbaalef a. Yb e Pi¶ ?n ,cinntaostanadiaaeae UI5,Cc21IeacfiIa'5 _________th,________rliable aid establa 16538~~ ~~ r.& ,2ý cf d te P aesfittiag e and tirIJiy,.. A A . co ~W RKIN cLA SE i 05.0, R9a. l 9 9 1 s.n paii ntea etifaeiense0 ld éail. 'We can gise yon , .b..asrlb.cpî 3ls.st*t i A c i n . J. M cithm . 19 I 1W ,471 0 & m.1 f 0E paWy un I, 100>> J1 28 sliet .2435.. Brag2 ..~t50 0 ô B* 1 *~itaiitbyaalSi MA.Aa -AT- and tàe, 9 . Caib.lslla OK k112. m2 1 a02' vrad2 l2dsde-ailian sretii.Nislé 0,i,~2l1~ac13~e 25laiac___________________________ 455212îî 51. 5ONT.e.15..ddftb .....i5s...0cr Chair9 adiesm.nail2 I3 s rl4j5251132.1. 10' i2ai11lr&:Sc3il- By celer, ~ ClerS i tise ParthéD0M I IOe teRbTU R E &'0i '77 ciýa*eai sud d at a Zlsm g Cmi-, Baa, aaOsa ir. -y otitipwt o*t=j-.7 l " stockof raraor Suiteiteea a aistasbWe sl av a e.- Ouraalaaeet t l y 10Wb Our ciB7.tsio TabesWmae TâleSS.1 Te _________________ =11=35 ..........so t'Ow 00 0000 .................... 1010 .... ........... ... 00 ---------- P. ............. .......... ............ ...... . ... NEW PLAN INO- MILL .eep, h. 1211,2 dd,- .a. redBULDERS & MÂ&NU.PA OTURERS, dr' 1.C.a. ce,.w.2.5 ....1dtei e. a In ILI am" p %BKd En-Iail Cî11o. DOOS S.dSE, B53. RCMOULDJJ(OS.DMOR.S WZNDOW FBA.MS, BÂUSIMI 25,2 ce la Bston. Wb. yad EJrBLLS aloa c ied ci OCBOLL SÂWINt;. .n, -l . S. 1 .lîy. Vis. e.e ec rI2 N SsI 44. I PI.riag and MaiaSl.g dan, tosOrdder. LUMBER, FLOORINQ LISTH AND SHINGLES, ui f, l almisi ,pt c.. t.25i d.ed rer..is r~quired. o Fo . G oceéies, confectio lbec -Fro D 1 a.îîî s i.p0rE uleLe . O sterS b eu~~l SQQTfeet EBT rLHEetc.0 - \Threa re acrecal IbtabanS, verbeun5fadelet, b lac, haer trnesVilf.2aWle."Pa cattrnI ba -T e il . Gcls.aicu 5120sM... er i.i d da crt mel'5asIhala erry 2122If ."ry ite .eh s in Gdo y ba ai fer frgaimf#btth5,1cr wdc5b23. and lt 123 ___ .11 bnl .1py a$c o att &aM e.bs M r yn m >d irc i a nt ala btYce een & . id I pn b y fam i lar c ge i la ia i g - E 3 aga ute a th rnM a I.. l a a ' a "Iaen aim2 db 1 e n a se 5 i a Jasai itia MaintneaitJ bislyei", anDr aiszi.x bse ea ocnd ber fntbet pragrasa arrd Sy te." - a s2 ir, .5,an" askBinosders menld ad25atmkOTee ctr4 ho obla e, t e dr- Mon" Be rti.e ee rard a usi r1 2b e rt. a iS o a reso n , c- e rar d cf b ic a irif, a i h a 1 2 c 5 n 3 3 5 l5 .ne i' cE e sD . c n g riie la s ,1' . n a iS elloe sb b bi e d 1 5e 6 c . l rigno lta5po- ee daeir, ecf.alronSlesaiO, 1-red feli.c.seS Sii. b.ûm;Wtelmu 1-1 kowlede !y_ýlied mbrela an or tIecim Thb] ard Joe s b2 rast Pccbe1 Isni 121dSiie v 1e g.dju.an-g tenlegt Pl M IL OI-'re i ta asise bin, anaa IrSsPO i e Io"' a g 0^ yen . 1 'do. C erof est 5\iAi5ILtMi 18 N 58m. T a 1,22 aa 7 1 tl b a a eS 2i2 Y n rt to b r nnIr s LIxtoîssion pSldl Had, d-t vij 2grs 2.rsie e gIe 12a aasle s I lste aeferr 12dîo n isls 5 'i s., ,. - î - î, g i i o . tr af 'c a a na n a o e . pT eC O s, d ,, 2 2 lI d s e S î f r l I a p y r l e b s t e i il S e a e d I 1bi .41l IlI isk e5 55onmaos;Myinshto biept.ns ' maîhrfsSInIlF~ow ayorderfectLlea etha, nd t125 'e n sai ooks, c asrsosttcnepieeof Cana to n fUi.0 gtSrSo 55 j is as i s e ie t a icO ante itîsîs'es i).sss 5er îi5end S asyefliepesarSe oe.bis ael reepts iie (f(ritl i . tu iah I...,.r? hp Diseay S. nyie6 ho eoceIe O M ____________ ________ ton, wicl ho founito'ho redarkab Y matchonsido ing the Butte '.i ni.tto ô ]un ssge, P i15fr ITI1LLqlht f te 5for ve55 lass lngtair.' ,5,nsdta alm wlth a -Wal public.____USE. _._faitthe ercelle.iferraSie gfcltha ss LordtF -r.therannm,. rout EA e onelb loh 5ilfro i ntra,5 iih onne aist5,cbrssyi cf tSe'12o aS n de,; u ..Ibisfit, dldîonrehnresd os.entl wof al aid.,-s al. ,.Iidbn= n xesv xpcl. itmilc prssion Of "eSlddr Uati.od te n d d aseil It h o w s ta L." - . i hlr c - . __ _ . & ol\,l e . rosa te Dfor2pai !%icrCom ait, _________1_do,___________a-__DO '235 itnîbe sa o t k a th ol a ti g y; ,n £ o d m i eso Is a- irra , aie.epsie. ferstar" esd.Stoubles leum Illa1p faitY f101 h a augbi tir« 15fme t ic 1R5 h,saibisG E T E B E T nlr 5351 pOelandccd.pfrb i,,ksl2~ito.isp~,i55taînia2T HE5 iiosdtîe STIst15ehaS ttweoe Pur i52f M35jeB Bins. I coebýhr b on a lRqe '2152 esysse eÀ - -9tuitis a ect tiIe D, îia, a eg aIud n h a ' x os dliesedeSr2iV0Ia75,kI Pblic. Cook,' 155 ee. 1THEGR - .orse ayhIgo %nin? on a1 aote Mo ai12l5i1 12 deuraia ailhee,5i'" InsRuA M, E A TS ofRoureisto r ed2 aiM i ts rseyes Cls a dptialS .sd M ena b àc ng' e of }"casepares lI,,k 34 Wel bH a 7 0 (ithPUI $1) trIta Drby 1 ainprlwIserasadilbuee t Id adred SeS S ISigiA T E Lepl i Orsmofe*li M . W . J av r e wi t hcf ahirl. Mi.h aa , ür103ll1 y t e. ,.1 .lne y .tIs l . 5 ~'I.ITI~TJG-~IT ~,511' bO SisIS a tsîai2b.L _D R . f ,O DUDe d,05uîleeaier as aris e 5abrsarl el 1 c olles le adîlivie.ysig t iv TsSathe varionssdalibidoe Lerd b. linS5,Ir," li Lpeis Cii> aitlîa f . pr c aers OalvMoivadtise,; cliasoen (o ci5,t o dai e S tsoS " If 2aiphactlrd. se Ilie el O ik gi d .ta kt lok ýti s s ý ue n Saet :,Y r N O cdl \ Or,'N O îUO - a m tD i o sîr e l e sh e ,oi s rfl sti l E u v s tine tte."T i 510 oseeee..gseTJOqeeWldn,. ol odnin akal.he h tukMn Ilc.. sslS- ri s eti p22 ,,îsievSetsnîLeltSdS sdiS.Agsefialmess.,îs"au Strr m= -UNION EDIef 1o.. Ci . 1[11 1710ETOS. eSter Tin raialM cos.a IbrllM sort o aggir, Mo5a. I rIeSs et h iftoIjzviseias-bis a nebaS lhftlanyImbinou.1eelveh a o aid: " ' r ltiegait mte nth al.tt L- DO. v vou hlà i-t lit t:ILDINGan.not ,i .,i,.leeb, tm5gmondsi,1mn a in a rai C A S o t s e,isa bPOt o u d3 -lb "Ysrgtec n a-A a n SoS e rtin.M'eeros utaaa ili G mlî l ta e t 5511...c1321a rost-lc1 is oanlid. sro a ,pr I _. J e a . Wbenn taSo r -12 floeiti'W5 thlSI.S John eisterttl1rl5lune 1 0a ____ Eleseca, Cles Elsasla, H COL ls.cî îioe.ad'5 -n cont1 aitIraitacelxaitr gr (hm1,, S 2îsacd S'iIl tli hiilo -AT.l l elstes i f l I si ste isntTTHhtE a ' h 512 t e sV "' 55 1 coo___ en g-le agmepladtoti nD'hnl r nhi ,-dhceab.-?tW B -E L V L ýct"fmbin ore mr al III helac l bs m utebnd6oter05ti51 'r m W an tel etforaIba aietr tet &IIl3uts ' N i -,-À.' ' ç p y C sh o tr n ,c u s ,brL u u w s eaoN s O ' t l o o as -l efoS r aess 11 air sîîi 5 t5 nS -h s ssblave a .ut Ifs Isaols aha.sl. ,51fes ln " " e t ai Siîeslheand uieka teu..ebaiSe fecaiP I,- th5fiet r -st t blsg MO bosîlîi lintîll S el" e" .- 5a apur r it . uffl. Eh bui3 mS,. 7 e S . t S I C Z C S S e ~ - . A s i î l v a 0 5 5 s 5 0 n en5 tS hidM r i n g s 0 2-.D o e V I a simo ts î l Doîin so l . " I 5t i e , O aI g , l n is éli " S l b o P" L a s t C a mf r IsSodlea s1 1 bave. aslargeI sbtteS l ietoc .g-eblsfChck FlaeWr n Seys i i fftRelaldi clbl e stop su doa. RADICAL ' OUBorcth ees - sienniMe --iNe5 1 a illebi bt ou . iSbLdee.î- enowt \3 A I4 A E H IJ e l agseoli- S 251àa 5L 1 2anaab. sù Tiîoi th r ms et i =s a a or S S W .die t sd o b t 'a W 0 essa 0, * tllSb O ttla DesOus éJme NT, _ m~~~~~~tc cl aIeath unsofesesto b hi uai hefc «_ -Z.. ýAY.*TL____ boi e o e an1 D nmTw es ri 4c a$-8 o els ote ut e esGueae ote - et2r-lhteP O M ae s I 'PL" 'S ara1 asfloese'lqns,", fire%:î,lsàdLS.u'r - ya-susi-Anas.- 1 have a glr2t eeî oo.g oe W a ss rtmetofSh ct.., V I..kRMte , 31 fr far . u-,, nd ous5thedoyena2 e Uî tes 1222S 55 z .t TeiS aiseiit a atsarfe o w mIau Coor e nt e o s obed ai , O s.Meaile i f uest nto,2 ha , lt 5 5 5 - 44. I -pla c; bu " p ., li sp e e l.m- -t el fa.ifr 0fvanw W ot at o a ee & Bonpol A C S I ai1S ~ w 11eslfel2.5~ ai i SWI snily J O N E S, - - - r treatisoldar bXIIiSal when esibed, teS "I Pa rs as fon .ts i"evetanrit Iewe? ainaad -ce-h i i UE EAIN ýO£LN f ila rinyW , ,v u a IIwp ca -IeliS «CARRIas gond ne ut bis t rinseds po hIerS dsObruni, P:CkeY, Il tg 1li ei n sa r i l k k IT O l T , si f e? lIEe~ ,, t i l o ,l v n s dth e a s e.a i th _ a-in v in IUITO. - - - ONARIO i y .e ls rej la -es ',l am sue 1ssll- ta s Mlaie., elvey re .. il.M III comentprevni m bu Sei PeSdlfoed" AND C -i A L S h , .i 5 2 ,l E - - 5,yt J A T R O H A ." ' Io-eA L isî S M e s. ..isssien sts aiem ou t k oi \.BiEY &NT&RELL CKAINIT. theTONLurnbHe la - - f1043 -0-a ii ~ ~ CAIU M E éIALsoosseenS . I4sic hlsf12-c5 airholasa bba e toia 5s-5 niorI ri n ga - Civilani iîin R ngiliir V alses, nips Com o, - b .wng le s - s nisfl iS lb. edbuc M m e ri sellhî istilor ety*' vlnI ibe.m - tik cnmed1%d se. nScn HARN ýSS&SADD Ë S. Y O «U G , C' irai eostes 11 , ttue ,"a 3salaSg tet al madmegr i br eFtFfCO helo-u Ms. Purid. IisitilM e eIlîtî 1 tî. - r a :Ti s o n bfl eâ e,1Q e o Y otlfrfca o rcocý tertetgvg ,et okets.ste 31r i -, RRF L N L i"Cbnu as pille-eIl butxe eu5s the5boserIeabil50Be sure .SP 235a.,btI ieer of b thouglr t te- Igha nd l t.m kné th ri2 ul" A . I lc.. . b u.ll u'g p t . 9 1 b o u l a o t le v .4 A m O nfIS ageSepols tise laImmoimIi cf s sest stlSe i aaiî j 1 51 1 a Urashi i, - r g W i.t5e e a ' G ls ,O 2 e i5 tf ri s a t H a r ft if H rs - Sld iS l e t ro e t s h o fo lu p s e O ' i s i a v d u ne te - , 1 5et .Tk e ainof bilo ts! A SiMisfsgIZ M.Rh i iil ana Min"~is gIfs' 55m troble.4tTireeIo - cassbud1 ars eIlintfo BittouSeesyohobexoctdogm e,1M ol1ethet iy raIsnScosfo"-" eaMenEs sil z2 n a iti l re d st stin o ios. .f r h ) at on C ud t Ost- i d 5ssva t hnoSa iSe w r.IagaNi rnis pMa wuob.t.. 7r etEcis i nturigtak,=rloen the slcl5bicd th«.Galassî psy fsenl e pritli"a= H esU~~ - _ sret2i5 ei IIlaa irn O nSaSli e a CO ite fe nt-prssin thecor erldnetbboabeau pi.2d 4 2 N « .1 11 1 J t h e , oh î t a k i l l o Sp . h a vern oi iel e s s t s t 1 1el1 2 cs52l55 5cdasV Op.nLIIssîd leni1nfrS5Sll. sere1sz usbl e th e l12 S - hlt. b t ,l airae t lfle-1 h pnl o r il M O FB5 t 5f u n s oa5.r I 30S al u t e r M K e ', ,Iys .1 - M- sr f l t a 0 g t e c iae ro h f r as a i f terO l a -th G îe t h t :b n T"s e o . G ri ii h a ~ . ~ gS se i5h etnse - b.,sr maSu tienig'f o ntinue M e Dthe s bc wuncasSSlInS goli~ e~ tst ole"d OPesssl lîhfilent . À bto l. issi H ara s a d e : m m o able notice. 11gis e tis O a I 'cs lls to1 S t 86 'r aone offn s n 5 f 12 . i îr s e d a S e ilOn .i e lS. par e w inl. a sid S I t.a IT, t l tl w-0.. - p m pt - Andeti mo n.a d ae"t e y r ot e , de r1 Th ,ne td y -tO1 c5. a d a o« e f.*,bibg fira,01188 Maeria Mad me D bis.gaYeu s wuIoli npst t oe pa fr hi l o L ,L lui iefufte2elulliiest d'ei1 thrm"biwolSdesti.ase es.a"ta n gellerBo yt cld-I.TI'Dele T o o cts'd o s 5 1 ". th2e is . se-sted U 4 , o r s , u h la Il e 5 y 5 ld lis i e fr n l Y . n s c f s l ip p l e t u t enar a e i M a th5 ee C o b .sln 5 sth e 1 2 best killâS lbor nll cntine ,Iybaieall e mi' fnldbeu.Mbeauq gobae" seiarf aistesna1d115 T a ie d , a tnatO iibi ale4l.pyfrw a i al TM 4 ft25 Mr.a i ger .MfaoiWel elSeelflntn i l t-j em ayft una ccient ile ' t ...,s.rlsasasaastheeWaislt 12b.22rame.aI fl5," .Cs.g0Riom .5IThak 0 1h allhogld f l t 5 1 a.,Id Mi-rli fmm te.itad i î bipent bolse ,ile bo ineŽ2t àS A T C0 T1115,k6Al.-'esi I tetS eOss"'3' ..WeUOël i" hiich. pta h: I -ais epyfrhi, ad $500.000 Eh UPETT AT 6 PUB CENT. -I 554es. eoff osd 5 t 5 2 5r S o e i 5-. ' r e st . dii 1 s i c N.O N Fsde 20 ,,5210 on OW 04.eiytOO. f îo-actiLDa tOSl. Il .; i~'Ï~ ~ :~. '5 ~ s ~11 ~'1 -] 2~41 - 14 h lys ~ -1