Canadian Statesman, 20 Sep 1888, p. 2

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te& ê*ýk-Re fée , ý:ý1 'ý " ý _ -,,',ý'ý_ýý, ", ý!. L ý - , , , . ý ' ý ý, ý1 . 'ý . , , ý ý ý _ .- : ý ý 1 ý 'i .- - ý ý - 1 - Il __ _', - _e -,,,,,,*,,, ýý .ý_ 1 î--'ýý-'ý,,ý .- ý _-ý' - ý;-' ý _- , 1ý1 1 1 1 - , L_., ' , ý ý ý ý2 - ý , ý P _,,ý - ý: - , -- ' - , ýý-.--ý*--,ý.ý'ýý,ýý,ý-ýý,-ýý", ý _ - , - - .- , -ý,f., 1 1 - C __ - 1 . -, ,-ý -- ,_ý",_ - - -ýý ý , ý: ? '_ý,ý,-, ý, , ,r, 7; ý ' "' , « o ý ' '_ ý. _ý 1 , 1 - - ý - - , ,ý ,ý_,ý .', lý -1 -, . . . , - - , 1 1 - Il ý . - ý- -ý-,- ', ý - -!- , , , ý- - _ _ - -ý,ý ý- e I., 1 -'l' Il - ý . . 1 1 ý . Il . ýý. . ý ý - ý - ý , - : ý - - l _ý - >ý ": ý 1 ý . ý,_ ý ý - , - - - :ý ,, ý . ý 1 . ý 1 . 1 - o ý _ýý _. , ,, :-, ý , , . ý,_ ý,, , - - - - ý ,,, ý, , ' , 1 . ý', ýý - ý , 1 - ý ý zy ý_, ý ý ' , - '-, ýý 1 - : _ -, , .- , - ,,, , - - -- j 1 , ' ý ý ý 1 .1 . . ý . ý 1 ý ý _.- - . Il ý . - ý ý Il 1, . ,ý - - 1 - -, ý - , _ _ - ý _-, 5e -- _ý _ýý1ý , ;ý Il. 1 . ý ý ..ý . . s 1 . ý 1 1 ý ý . ý . . 1 - 1 -_ , .- ý ' 1 ,- . - ý _ ', ..- ý-, ,-_1ýý-, ,ý - - M_ 1 !7Eýr 1 __ - __ - 777Fý7 , ý ýý ý - ý ý1 ', -ý 1 ý ,ý - , , ý 1 . ý,ý ,ý ý - ý- 1_,-.ý ,ý - __ ý, _: . ý . 1ý imm azuiBasr---M!E::_ _ ý MnMý . "1__.1ý ý7., ý _ ý' ý - - -, ý.- --- ýý - -: _-, 'i- ý, 7ý ý , ý, ' ý:1' ,,ý_1> ý7'11 1 1 _-, _: , .,.,- - , ', ,:'2eý ýý ý__ ý. . . - . ý - ý , ; ý ý ý _ýý%, - -_ý, - , - , - - , _ý_ :, 1 ý 1 ' . , _- - ý ,%, ý,-ý,.î' , , - ',ý.I.. , ý k, -', . . ...., àzwoigtï,i ý l 1 ý !7!ý " ' ý ý, , ý2i . . ,:ý,_- -,,, . ý - - ý .ý ý.- .1 Il e - * - . . , Bux»Ày:!-3CH, OOL LESSOX, . À.iâ Occutrandr'Sý31orcélay', If,. 1 ý :- - , ý., :1 - ýý- - -, , ý_, ý - - ý 1 ý . - IM.'ikg=f»» Haine la ,ýý 1 ý , Il. ý . ,. '-8 -ý>ý - ' ý1-A14 19 _ ýâ e gé in Pk e Aiý.1 effladian C-J'4i#0ý«1. . ýý 1 - Jamatait of the -Irish - ý ' , - 1 ' ýsÂY dîné ififfi ý1 .- LESSON FOR SEpTEMBER 28. GluU . ,The poUim'iie- collet! 1. 1.1.ýt...D -xXv !O, en - ýIt W -hatl---,Fjtrer-Y, .. * - . ,bod,Ë",4> E - ý. ý ý.1 aq ý . ey son. ý.*ý . ý ý ý 1 . ý 1 - _ .ýi - .- - - ý ý ý, _ , , -:.,."- ý- e, ý,: _. - Il ý- -Thursday Mor' = ,ý.,k. " ty Latxmîbdor*.ýb : . ,Ilust't)e -True:. .. ' -, _. _ ý. " _'Il l - .,:;,ý .!.- ,- ý1 ý,, -.,i,ý 1ý_'1 , ý _ , ý 1ý_ý_ý, ý ý ýýiýý,ý - -..--ý _- nüb .-- D ý 1 . l i -, _ý '. .0 eelUbg %bu di»Uàb&nM;. 1 1 Il- . _ , . - ,ý ýý 1. EATII ý ý ', 1', _ ý,; :;; - ý 1 1 ;ýýý ý ;_ -A" ý BualàL ci Mosm-DZUT. - .1 n.'àiààià.Ùàat. ý. ý.L ýý - ý,ý , 1 - , Iý,,ý ý, ý ý . ýý ýý.,: ý ý.1. . -- , »-"" ýý _,T.ý_ ý . ,ý 1 ".. ý1ý ý ,. .ýL_ ý1 - ý ý _ý.Mayor Abbettn Who fi, r. ý ý . ý1 - ý _ 1; ý -ý111,1_ý - - . , .. xim, i.1g. ' . . ..,.ýý ý . ý . :. 'ý7 ý - , - ý,- ;ý>ý, 4 ., :, ý ' ','., ý7ý__ >_ - 1 __-ý , , , ý ýl1,ý4- ý - - : - .. . - MILTON CO. OF.11;AT ON, ON - . realtrom, à trip ta Yancouvu;'q«kain - ýý ý _: ý.,ý., ý ý 1 - ;,-ý..ý!t ý,. ,ýý _ ý_.:.!',ý,,, ýý ý-ýý! rýi ý ,- ";ý - ý. .ý .ýý - , ", ,ýî' ý - . , l-, - . , .Eig"àfbloab.,c-Whe. thi 9bant 0 lie crops in the North. e eyeryýw éé tidii - 11 : ,,.R 'ôuèi#.'.É,ýà iý-e ýiýuiiýlýýý,B "ý ïe;- -îJ t 'i'iel-z'ýd, -*ý- , . O] the braelites' ý su bieh hé 0 caly daàaged ta ý , ' - ' -0 heplainsi very ligbtdé ta. ,arig.àlns---a d :d - «'IýË-. -4peti .- ' - -i- :. 1_ ý 1 % ý. C'rU ,.j or Moab '. ý... ý - 1 h à 1 'ýý - - .- . , ý 1 . ,>, th . .. ' .. .« 'i*- ý , - ., ....-7 :. -1 ý.. i ý the S a e; ,, _1 _. - ý- , ý- . ...ý.* . â. . .1 .. . ... *ý.. . . 1 . . ý . . . - . ý . ý ', , ý 1- e ý 1 . ý .4 . O.à L & PANTON, Fifte-a dollars a ma' - ý: MPBEL Pr'OPS-'.awnedr'tbheetwJecerndan.ý --X.ubit Neb..,ýý . . . - . ý . huit vu 21 yeus : * , 1: 1- - -ý': ,- 1 __ This. wça the .chief eleVation of the Old, neutre stock, vins, wbeù ho 1. - ý; - ' , -- 1 _-_,ý«_ -1_'ý -_ý:.ý4 , ý - .-_î ,. - ý ý i.,ý.-. - .. 1.1 ý - . ý - . . - - -, :ý.,, -, ... .ý'._ _ , , 1 1,ýý, FI' - Ahuri- bluffe in the m.UàW.,,.fmoab, !h 'whulo fortune of Janses MoUtIbn, ., , ý . .. ý ý 1 ý L'-*.'.:., - ýr;'- _ý,7n - Z. __ _ý .1.11. - ý ý - 1 . ý . . 1. 01, ICE;-(, ... de,-t.fth. Who = w fomentait - millionaire of Michi. 1: - * . . - :ý ' - nà l"M ý eX IT-13 3 ELBEY SI :_ .w.1 hua nu... . , . - of whichl%àah was thèôutisyings r ý - -ES - BIN G - 3 001 D -ý * A I L ý &W 1 W . pu. Mr.memmmissemiadùmbybirth . . .. ,CM :.,- %;G _B x E a - ý 1 -- .. - ý Aid the Lord Mordait him.'ýýirh.e* and edvcàtion 1 1. . . . _ . ý F . .., . . _ . ý ý ý . 1 1 . z .ý ý, .:ý-ý ý ". - . ý 1. ý . . 1 : ; . 1 , . ty Of " UR titis Marveloue vision . . ý . - . ý ý 1 1 1. ý. ýi, ý . ý . . 1 .1 . _ . - TER31 -11 ye- la .dr..e. or ýltbi. .. a - . . oh.ýc.I Il n 9MtIý éxaggeratod. Thot We have Dow twenty-thne Cotton mille . . . ý ý Il. . . ý ý . . . * « '3ýth.Lt..f».b.ýritý.cit..t.-P-d': a . . .9 . -1 1ý__ý ý. 'L. 82 «Ill.'W' . 1 . . . ru with 529,100 apical« in opercetion fil tics . -this:weeký-1 ý-Then see for yqu __ ,t. s.. t rm, ab, 2. a 1 .. 1 . . . . ., -1.erg te caeble Gf alDominion, An expert recently amid.that - No humbug but Ite '113âe I1ýý eac! MÉ throWn ,rOI,é counters ..Ïincter. W at.,.s atm Wh _, * . . _. . ;- ý. . ý . . . th i ý a ; 80 the mille Suld turc out Cotton for a . . ý ý . i. .a - ý l'à ý ý Mo ; ' ý tlzpia . t 1 .. , RATESýOFADVERTISJNG. . . C:P..o 40-inch wide Blabli Spanieh Lace for 50c. ' ý Be sc 'à 12 of thinking -a miracle population lare by 600,000 th" thstýof ý !!.B'aùt* l. wi eJi.MEI-c.1.. 0 - re lýMÔW l Wide Sash lbibbouW n ilotb: for Fali DréBses On!' .. Anothei.still allother lot -1 th ne ,ah-rki, 'ýTh.. j -U.* in ' _; à * Yorker: ý . - Pileird unto Dajp,".*etc. the Dominion. ý - ýý I C. ii, . - . Newly Imported.. $ilk Pl sliei ..... ....... :48c. . eloi.(_ . 1 GUOI)TICFINc ý ý ý . SxcUry - *1 -tain. 1 Y., ......................... 8-.500 ' 'ýýed el describing their At the Cardwall Conservative convection . . : . , A ":ý:*.::::ý*.*.:".:,.*.*:-.-:-.-:::ý'.* O'. inhariteil terdtury, hors. Let C beld et Mono lAille on Priday Major Evans . Silk Finished Black Velvet ...... ý.ý ........ i.500. Scarlet, -Blue or w",",,',, flapnels, "P«" 1%c. All the Creaýn- Seersuckers t. In, , , ý . 1 , 2. ý"? u ..: , 1 « ýd - - 1 ........... :;.ý..1 0. ý êtripea couic. , sitieýé aoing ALL II, ID the ,dl., Bible studënt who id tmkcquaigtea voi ....... cd lits endettaient train the field ý ý Or. Shàk . FI ela ....... . -l.rýl.t al .Ye ,ii;:*.:ý*.::::::::::::::::::.*.Io 1.0 Z 1 netts, Worth: 25c.,"j!ý Ïàé'_; A-bië bà î Le,- . A . . -3 .. .ý ...................... this reglon seàrCh it OlLit âna find in en sud after a gond dont ai wrangling Mr. R. . 'ey ,er ý . 1 ; ý .94. . . .1 . ý ý ; ý ý 1. . 0 - 1. .. . ...ýï;.*.:: .................. ý..15 00 in f . ha land of Moab tirer iiiainit Bath. momber wu cominated. - . . . . . _ý . . . - . . ý . . ýý ý . . ý . iiÉLùaàlready, for the . chill - nights and!ùgmings. : . .1 ý . 1 1 * ý ". , Y«r .. -n ............ . 0 acul? fa ý valley S. White, of Montred, wu of the lots ý . . ý . . . . . . 1 . . ý 1,1 - 1 'ý..:.-.ý:::- ..:.-.::-.-:: ......... 10 00 ar.d'-In; se a mt. 1 . Bed Conifbrters aiidýKùitted.Shà*là to ,r .:. ý Po in râvicto Oli'. 1N abc ZA wairani hum been haried for Albert , - . . 1 -., ý ý ý .... ...... 15 00 P"Îtë tOwn natâed train a Moabite Lloyd, uf . . . ; : 1 . _ . - . . ý . . 1 01, Both-P-r-Roùse 01poor.- ,,.ý'o -Po uvon Tyelai l'i a -.tho, q ..................... Io 00 . M 1 a Chaiging litre with . ý 1 . .. . ý ý - '. . . . ý . :ýý . -- - i hi. ai. -tuer, 14 yean- Il .,ýness.Cedj ut ton unes, or Ifs!«$5.00 per MOU 1110weili of lit# sepulchre.11-Per. IIOIýl.alyouag'm t2 . . LIN D SA Y 'S PU SECIN G STO R E 1 -M IL TON .- , ý ' - . ., .. . ý End the eartl W.6 1. Bel Mlh, ri am.W -ru of tg., and , . . . ý . 1 1 ý . . . . , . . . . .. _- . ý . ý . . . ý '-he, of nue. ta ho reekoued bý. the ipice liaps becausa Goa Chao, ily .y ta qivé aura.. 1 . . . . , . ý . ..ý ý ý, ý .. 1 . .1 1 . . ý . ý ý 1 . . - ý ýt,ýý,',',',c' . . with hie wile. - . , - - ý . . ý . . . . 1 > ý e .. ý ý 1 . A . . ' . . - ý .. ý ý . . ý . -d. ....iIed by a acale of %olid Noupardli. into a P)Orifi8d body. Elijah and Christ tien ta keep the peste . ý . .. ý il . dý.1. eh , oc 'on ý were preceded by Mokas; yst ail thiree Chas. A. Perey wnnt devra the Niagara . . . . . . . % . . . . . ý . l 1 ý ý . . . . . I.,ýl,,,t,,:,,,,,,,,,, 11.1h.ý.ýt.l,,11.11..t.etion4lu- ý ' .au-* - "làlif0bo.t froin .bovo the Suspensi.11 - - . ý - =ý7 - 1 . ý * . ..),.l,,.y6,ýIt.ý..Ll...I.,%.Iýý»ý'lýý-"" no-tba àet lu the Mount of Transfiguration.. t. . -The tiune of mourming Bridge ta Lauriston on Saturday. Hiý . . . . . - ý . . . . . . 1 . . , ý ý ta «ýiti.ý, ý,tlýéý.i. .111 ..tb. --Iljiy days.l' fer a rSOLI' -wu% wre.ked la the lower rapide and 1 8 . z « . . 1. 1'I1"'Iý -, II croit ITEM& : . . ý . . ft, . . . . ý .- 1 . ý ý . . . ý . 1 . ý 1 1 . . .,!.,I.,;.ii.ý. the .1,1.rt of 'dhioc 1. In .0f:liigl2 rank. .11.1 .1 il, liýid..I. Ir. . lie heul a namw campe. He wu& pick-sa ý - . ; r ý . . . . ,.,... Vlsloq or Mons Tvrecty-elght panons vers arc ' ý , à . __W -ý . . & . . . . .i. éliiii-Tbe 'L'iiý'i't'ilýl".,"Y"flý'ýýý«i'ýt,ý,;II ýýcY-."' Ir , a et . scaef ý ý ,; P the fioodi in Tyrol: . . 1 wpqà by , "" V IM E %,,ý en OCCUPies the tint four versos of the A catoredearithanaliveliyafiiiierman. ,,,, ci .c """" O - . - .1 -, du r,ý,t a..ýc.,.11.ýg , d -11 .1'*'P*";.,'ý.ýc,. ,co'l ,1c;c,, -, u , M 1 se -36 Inthe lesson 1 . . . . ý . ý- .. ý - ý . . .111ý1.laI noile oricicy Icinoi adinlttýùýa1. At Walkerton m Saturday the tocting ,ý,é.« ' A . jL , ýA qe. . . ý M lu 111R « e: .Io - ', nong - Thst bis sight vies anickened . . ý .. . . . . ".!gew. attend thaciso c.nufor«nnt de ou, cannot lie doubted. Row ý - Was it net 'et - sta.fra thre.her wu the unes ut two Ring Milanle divo it in ta ïbe ý * . . . ': . ý ý . . . . . ý . 1 . ý ý . _ . . - . . . zcucticucerti... hilinswa),. and through thora the of tried L' Novemboir 22rea en . ý . . . ..4 25 e'.t. f."..,]c'.1cni . .1. - birth.,' dent Lm,' and mirdage.. 25 through a character thorocÉbly in lier. r ' Over 1.0M ,ives ,, .. . ', i ; ý, . . . . . . : . . - ý i i," * - . - M. - . . 1 .1 Nnti". or Johnson, 80 venra ni ge, and the 1 ý . . . 1 , . 'et, _h *!th the 'Vision of bis leader ? b n* I., are Icii iý:-iýé! ; - ; ý ý . . - . , . . mon i g leg of O . . 1 . . , . .1 .. . . . . ,. Trincifi.; .dr.rti.....t, te. C..ù; , nuit - fmiseR.1 ,.f-w&ri1-8ýse W, I n't : , 9 ý, , -ý . ý . 1 . . ý ý . on. of I..t. .trayed, et '! ý'.': Goa Led ont ho coula ose, ri 'tutoie amacnaula*ultar. tenant C-aba cyclone. ý :.. . . . . . ý . - ý - .t,,. - . . . . ý ý . . ,, .. ville, ..a th. ý . ht licence Floua hxv. donc au immense .m* OA î -ci '- . .. iffcen t 1X ÉýP *ay of 1. n ni, ehoeilltmbmd-his éye ta look - . * 1 . ý . . . '-M a-'gü . 1 . .... ý *ý 1.1,5XItl'I' ef.1, " ,,ýnL*lcn,ýc- . .el 2; .ut e= d.* ýu ot ce tien. wliereGod"dirýffl. -Sa visions et a *haut fi au uncertain, white ÈxrleY tg'& damage in North Cowiioa: . :.ý , . : ! . - . A . . ýý 1 ý ý. -'l -, .Cash incler 1. C-71 ... t. higber spirituel lits; as au fanal fer bc. sale crop in Manitoba, Tho barley grourq . à ý . . . . ý > . ý . . m . . < . .. ý . lueurs I...rtiý. ý - : The Germans in Saines have a considee. e ý . 1 . . .. ý . . ý 1 1 T« f.,J"b ý.,k.trIe1Iy ccah. yond ouraeIýes; fi th-re la uùdoibUdly the but in the world. AM ý tranted ^inb!A-eý-ing clearne8a and But th. .aly market for'it fi th. United - .. ý 1 us . 17.l'd'.». .'t't t ri do ta t th'. . 1 ta Thora fa ticuble in -." 1 T"'""c,'ý"e P.'grt' 'hb:."p' : a ' readth . et bat lumitity accept States, and the Americien duty in ton Cini Bradford and Halifax. its perfection-, are able 48al with. ý . ,- ý ý W... .1 .. ý a t -= t A pout-oince notiý tu discontinua la a less extermina outlook firat; -' per cent. of the . , à E-M ýýýe,.ùwr,:tl..I-ài. ' F m :-L L ' ..t..M,.[.. . . . value rit dite crop. . Fifty Gernýaus,, aýsl>eote4 qf-being ipies, ý 1 1 hi. a ^ be. wM. _ 93%. ý 'G O O ' . on pont experiences as on present faith. The wrýît for C.rdwý c., ... have ledit e,,e.1 , . f - But such visions (IepeÙd much ,fàj..ý ,._...,. lad train FMhc.. . ý - 7 P -.jýDAN ciiuriô,- . I. Io vi Ný ý ' . . , 1 TH - ÇAN . ý, It ta Wall that we a' tic. nominations for th , 1 uku3ta4 Ga., bas èn aitéri by a . . . . ., . 1 . . . . ý ý.. . ý . ý. ýýl---"",ý ý 1 ý . . a Statu of par 0 soma dreurninit of pnlling on October àrd. It id enricient that grOztBOOd, Sinelivenwen-lont.-. . . ý. . 1 . . ý - / 1 . . ý . . 1 . ý . ý ý . 1 . . MILTON, SEPT. 20, IS88 . .. . tact boliriegs. We bel'ove theOttawa M--vagerce araafraid thatforther The freshet in"Noith Caroline, bu clusei - , . . ý 1 - ' ' . ý .. ___ . that no such longings are beyond.the del.v ,au,,, remit in renewed squabhHn-,. ancolie ta the amonnt of$1,000.00O., . . . 1 . .. X véry D epartm ent F ull. of R ich N ovelties. ý .... - , ý 1 - possibilitv of ultimate ACCOM-Plisliment. Mr."%Vhite .pont Sanday in Ottawa arrang. . . iý . . ý : .., . ý ". . ý ni' . . Suc" fi'àh 'dents Tho substriptions ta thsý fundAn &id et . : . '! . . .. . . . ý . .. . . 1 Tur retur of, Mr. John Waldie as prescrit a living iag for the campaigu. . .. . ý - - 1 - . 1'. . ' ffiotivd.for holy life on carth; They ý Mr. Parnell now ainount ta $16.000. , .. ý . . . . . . . ý . ý.ý . .. 1 ý Manchot for Haltou ývas gazetted ouly are au excellent menus of determining, The Montana Stock Growere' As- ý A decree lieu beau cent from Rome de . . . . :ý . a . . . . . i the Senlis of life, ho - Nv for wo are sociation aud*the Territorial Board of Chring in favar of the Knightý of Labor. , . 1 ý 1 lut SatUrdaý. . Wliat wýs the cause of in COMMIssigners have passed re- A, Bavarina tailor'numed Tropricaut . a bas 1 case of 18-inch'New.Élushes for Trimmings & Fanoy'vVôrk. 1 Case of 24-inell New Dress Plushes, all new the a.lay? 1 . ý lacklug lu àll.that gags ta moite th. Stock ý ý . . . ý .- .. perfect mali. solutions thankiug the CaUadianmotint. beau expelled front Sivitzarland As in Auar A special lot of'40 pieces.uf A Il-wuol Grey Suitings ýtt 15c.> Our Trinnningr )èpartirient this season kill, . .. ý . ___"ý . . _t fi cd police for tlicir services in rectiver. chi.t. . . . ý ý Te. .ehIýiuÎ. of convictions fat: bar* ("a falfilla 'lis Promises- The ingliorses stolon lit Montanaandrun 150 .pieces of French : ess Goods lit 25i* 30, & 38c., the very 'ý stpéked Nvi tli the very latesý in Braids, -ý Our shoot nocher in lits, our hopo in life Another .attempt il beidg macle ta se. .- .. . ley-growing, -auti-probibition Peel for and death. ! Icct us look toward the fat. serons the lino into Canadien tcirritory, climatise the Canadien, whitefi.h in En£. latetii designs-in stripes, plaids and plain colors. ,-,Btittoiis, etc. 1 . . ,ý ý m.. Il the quarter just ýcndcd appeared in the fi On Sanday et Little Glace Bay, Capo . ý . 60 piaces of'lieal-Frerich 1 1 abit Clotlis fit 75c., $1 ana $1.50. Spécial attentio-ii is called to the Black Gooas T ý sels on . . whi èh is kept the . best stock O otirriing a ý Brampton Banner list ýýeok and ives am but lot us r4momber Unit wu muet wake Breton Iclatid,.the youug wife of NVM.'l'Ic. Capt. Becker etarted train Brus Mautleïfi, JacketB; Dolrnaýs; Newrnaýkets and Childlreti'à . f m * ' : . 1, 1 - 900d the conditions or lose flic roward. Arell, whü liait been mercried only a week flanday on in exploricig. «partition te the . 1 .. ý :ý Mitu am, Initial. Thora were on y nine . The' ugxt four verses tirent of the gevioualy, Commtlail suicide by cutting Congo. - ý . .ý ý Mantles. Our stock in this department is most coluplete. goods in Oniizid'. A iipecial lille -of 1 Bla ý 1 ýý . Convictions altogrether, and . thora waM DEATU UF MOSES. 'It Sentait rathor a et thro.t with a rame. As -lie and lier Eighty.a,,eA ý . . 1 1 ý - net eue undér the tient] of drankentiess. s huaband were a partiefflarly loving ýAPI . parlais were drowned Ily Ladies' and ChiIdren'sý'cashfnere just to, hand. ý wool, at 20c. per yard. . ý ý ; . . tairait of the -Lord's affection titan - the atum.bip cellisi.n et th. Carter$ Io- . . 1 Secott,%ct, train the clients ci which Menus of pinisliment. The Lord kisa. w au . J ust receivéd all the néwest styles in Gent- Tics Col lars; ilk el net beau demoralized by the ho h a known cach other train chiltlhond. lands. 1 -si Silks,* in every inalie, and at prices' là ý- ùh ait - - cd Mou sud . ho died.. . . th. verdict of the coreu.r'a jury wu that Contât relatai will retire train th, Bus. . . a very lÙge ana choice stock to selert fro;.. ; Our Mr. Miurray.has sectired soine eîtraoâ 1 ., . lialton still setters, thon O In "' ý --ViSit.d by the band of Goa,, Secret site %ras teraporarily insane. dan Ministry of the Interlor on semant of etc., , . . 1 ý , . . .. - . . proving.. 1 ,- agreataffliction. It is whon tholif, Th. Methodista have obt.idej, it in ci.hi, 111-hulth. 1 NeW Ribbpns Laces, and a big lot of Ladi( ý in Silké this selison. . 1 '. ý z!ý . 1 ý1 . ý__ - __ . 1 . . .1 . ý 1 -1 . ý . . « ý . ý lias beau mispent and a%%;tiy front, Goa. sufficient mon.y t..cubport a dencroi.etion. It je rancinred that Prince Bismarck *fil Hanàkerchiefs. À special Elle each at 15 & 25c , soine-;qaIl earIy and examine Our new fd'l gqq)ds'i whic ý. . ý. TUE uulormented winc tlinory which But sweet beyond meastire it must bu AI collage in Manitoba for !ta fint year, and shortly follcw the exemple of Goa. Von . ' . : 1 .. 1. has boeu soýconstaùtIy k9pt beforc the for those yýhose flic huit beau Godwar it in expected that the projectoil Wesley Moltke sud rosigu. - .. thing!quiet new iý these,-ooas. . ý ý eqiiàily rich, good and cheap. ý . ý_ ý a . . ;ý r- - ý ..ý' -a lits like Moses's, for Cnllege will %Côn bc an.accoimpliabed faut. : A train bearing Garni 1 . 1 . ý 1 ý . . . . ýý ý 1 - With th& fa au troops raturninu blie for soma tirent piaét by ignorant and niapward 1 ý % 1 priChibitioniet cranks lias beau dcalt a and for Goa. - , agitation of Wesley ColIrge from'the army mancéavres %vas wrecked . : VITJR R A Y & 00 ., 18)-20 and 22 N ng St. E ast, Il '*« . ý . Others thora will lm tour denoncinational a.1l.gý. and four man killed. ' 1 . ý ý. And 80 Goa buried him. Enough teaching artain the province, namniy, st. A. 1 , ,, .i P ann . 1 ý Fortv-four.peranna were drowned and 1 .. ý . 1 Pl - . . ý ý hcavy blow 4 the Pan-Anglican COU- lionor One M'cala thück. Can vie net John-.. St. Boniface, Manitoba, and WeaIeý. 1 ý . . .ý . . .. .. . 1 , furence of biciliopla . train ail part of the $bars the hope also sud bc buried in $2.000,000 warth of .properti wu deutroy. 1 . ý . 1 - n===== . . ý 1 . . - worldrocci2tlybeldatLambothl Any kind of atampi wili in future de for Cd by the Mexican floods. 1 == . ý . . . , . . Palaico the Atais 01 Jesus ? the payment ai cagistering a lutter, if a French a. 9 . ý . . . W IN T E Eugland, one of flic most important N ý 7--_ . , . - - -The ninth verso tel'& of the ý F"" despatch train Ottawa .sa bu rolied kunboals. .111 Pro.eed ta th.ý LsADEn. Moses's successor inherited 0"* West c.aats of Africa ta punu. Y..8.1. an. 1.0 ý qr, le 1 1 '8 8 -.F ýtt.ü L -A DZ D . . A letter-duly regist a. and bearlnv ripcin ý . . . . 1 . . - . . ý . . .., r9ligiOuS,ý gatÙ'OriuL's Of the ccuturY- net On'y hilà Position but bis SPiritual it ordinary postagere gagea in the dava trade. . ý Itr Ap - . . ý ý ý . - 1 The tournait bishops aigu, ivhile upliold.' qualities., It is'hard ta beliave nbwa. erraient ta cover the charge for repistration Ail the London papote .Peak highly of O ý ý . . . - . . lu addition to-the postage «charge, will bi; th. incerti.1ty cli8pl . ýý-qý ý . ___ _ ý ... __ - __ - . . . 1 big Christian toml)eraiico«and total ab. days the foiculiar transference of Noah eyed et th. opeichâti . ý . 1 . . . . . ý . * de, « A man ment win for himself ail . 1 . atinen , refused te condenau. th. Rit". . convoyait ta its destination. lis, change f the arnell Commission. 1 . . ý ý 1 * 1 . 1-1- ý e, moderate use of winé. The falowiug thesowo think; yet who eau tell? will lie welcomed by ail who bote ma tape Win. Redonnait. M. P. for Fermanagh, - 1 ý : . . . d' . ý ý . . Soma auch'magnetie carrent mustexist and unn-essary bottier. bas beau ..nte..ed tri the.. menthe ici.. ý 1 1 . 1 1 rosolutious wera passeil by the confer. between Christ; and ourselves. Otbor* - priacriment uuder the Crime. Act. 1 Il . 1 .- .f enco Aller iliscussinà reports train coin. wi8e how Mach viler'we woubi lie. . Eighty cwiko concecteil with the Turkish ,i>ý M a m .m ; .--,-- t h ý - - _-,î_----ý,_ Mr. Douglas, Assistent Engineer of the 1 9 . ý ý ý - . Tho faut threc verses are MOSF.9's Publie Warka D.p.ptm.,.t, bu.ýd ý palace, who atruck on accoctint of .11 . Il 1 1 . ý . .1 . . ýý .. ý - . ; initient; plipointed ta ý procure certain Eý1TAfU. Srâ, Io the Govertiment in regard ta Sultan'a hie re rt ý - Nono tous avec more simple the air Plat. canal. Hisonniontion unliaid waiie., have been exiled. . .. W . . C-r= (D.-L=-C-rm w c)--7-rmý-T-- .ý ' iliforMation on tIco bible wine and tain, orstiblime-,all thisbecance trge..Mosea la thut the canal, white a publie work of - An old rolcann in the Phillipino Island. ý () 0 1 ý . - 1 1 . . ý . . . ý ý un. th..Uiiited.St.tes, in 1 ... toit entirely in bruits out again in July ..a .,a, . haticireil ý . 1 ý . . 1 .perance, questions: ý ý . was a ýompictc man-none more sa m ý P f. ,ý 1 _ _ _ - ý ý. , 1, ý, , TomporancýNablo and eolfdenyiiig til Christ ýame. .ffe was a type of Canadien waters. r. (;a.. Johnson, people wére killed by lava, and aube.. , 1 - ý ý 1 q 1. . : - ý ý. He knew Goa face ta face. Dominion Statisticien, bas aise beau en- The Beicý ..... ieer ann.n..e. th.t Baron within ana without thé church'for the lie org*aUized a new ga'ued.f.or saine tint. put 4etticit; nit .t.t. Multzalcu will auccesd Dr. Jacob av &sera. . Q R efforts have beau made for mauv years , religions active. catte, , a m -m a .. In & .ý 1 ý . ý . . . He other particulare tu regard ta rd. tort- of the Germon Imperial Treuùry. . U HMM IL - 1 Our earnomt hapo flint thune efforts will .was un undefented gencral. He was ý . The number of deathg in Havant, suppression of intemperance, and it in mont-, HO l'ad POIver over mon, taliation. ý . ý . ý scruPulOllis and inspired ivriter. He Th.ý Tara leader tells of the août of à frein yellow foyer during JLIIY watt 86. . . Il Vw m e . m L E -O u - , ý_ of titis clin on the life tiftha church'aud was a magot liumility, of cousecration, littié child in Bruce County the cther aY During Auguit 114 persans died of the . ' 1 . 1 , 1 __ . . i . ý . ý ý .ý,,,,a of ýra . Attifer D.culiar circumet.nces. Coniing i . * -_ ý . 1 ce -that they have received large portions of the nation eau scarcoly bc exaggerated. ,écr. lu diseuse. . M .. - ýý __ lieg to anliOlIni . .But vie are constraincil ý ta utter a Tho Testament bas lis creule de front tics Gala the father, of the child pîcký ' cran ta have gainait . . Winter importations froin the fore . igii and doluestic market . - .a a couple of barre off bis clothu "a The yellow foyer ne .. .. ý__ Aise. prinriple whici, lie ceeme- 11, la the hie of Moses. t . fStholdinTinn...o. Th.Jccckd.nýilh, m 1 ý ' . - . .caution against h f , hrewthenionthe floue. Tholittleone thrcatens ta croci, in and vitiate aimait Michael Augelo conceived of its ruiglity Florids, record on Motiday oral 82 rieur are esh 'goods front -foreign and dornestic inarketg'to repienish their Stock. making the sto( . 't icach teachOr ana Heh, picked up ne' of thora and put it in in, . . ý , . - teaëbar and Hebolar m.uth and ý ý . useful work. 'Hil, b.lipp.d clown mi. hi. oriud. flily valuable as wb Le catch t 1 1 aty. , I Canon and 7dogtb,. . 1 interest and pré'Banting to thoni one - In of th. jy Dr. Paul Gabier, th and, attraptive - The publie clin rely upt)n thern catering to their best ' ' . believo total abstiiieiiectobeasameàna l'ower," ," "Y a , ,,,,,, )es 1 i pipe. It coula net bc di»todged. and train a . French nort in 'claily receiving fr . . g t est . .. ..I» MI apeàt ýDa I - ho porfO.ý ý Ji Jh. path ing the affecte of lt the child died the next epldemics, intena atnclyinq the Che nost attýýictive stocktbat, can be seen auywhere. We call speeial attention to qur - 1 ta au end, %ve.desire ta disboutitenauce P t tluit u faure . or RW ýL the lauguage which condemus the use t ý .bi.Cý _or. . a nto mormi.g. f.v An Flurida. He la authorind by the ý . ? 1 1 , _ LI ý . . ý. .,of %vine as wrong lu itsolf, independont. 1 dey. , The duelph Miniattrial Association met French Governmont. - antles, ý . -Silk 'D r s C-ro.odà, T . ý Iy. f itis affecta on oursolvoq or on ailiers, _ _ The London Evenin, s.,..,. w. H Millinery, M ý Ribbons,,Dress ý S, 1 es danc D' the.otýer day and condemned, 0 . . ý > . - entoralizeil lfhlrd Party. et &Mong Smith veut bu ralenti ta the postage sa YÏ . . . ýý: sud have cpressed car disaliproval of *1 , _ hr -attractions" protided fer the agent Henliy and Mr. (louchon will becom's' ý WA1ýES, 1, LANNEDý'> STAPLES, BLANKETS, TWEEDS, CA RPETSY BOOTS & ,%.33 1 ý a reported practica (militait scores W bc . ý i Ccntral Fair et that place, what do cur . e . SM&LL . . ý 1 . ý 1 ý ý ý _ . , 'due te sortie estant te the tacit as. ' « Tcnu.tagl.b.. r.aders = ? The pl.ykg of th. bag, leader in tb.e.(;; 1 . ý - . 1 1 ý ý ý 1 1 ý ,. ý ý Btimption of thic; prificiple) of substi. . The Prohibition vote bas clocroasod pipas 1 nting on this remarkable The trottin reecipt. of the Chicago, Mil. Lking Departillent is in first class-workiifig order, larmier à contipetent head *Îth Pr'( _ t in the lastý two State clections-those ii-tion th. Stmtford Balcon partimently Our Dress anaMantle-mituting soma citlier liàtiidýiti the colobra.. waukee & St Paul fusil have decreued no ý ý . IN, 0. 1. We have large stock of the newest goods for Overcéatings -and Sui Ion of lioly communion. . . 1 of Vermont> and Maine. About once remark. -. "or. these beulghted feu. gentry mach tiret no divdi.d wlu bu Petit on th.e. Our Tailoring Department is quarter of the vote in each of the States -the champion a the a uni eciclesiantic- ccmmOn stock for th. boit yeur. .. Excellent Whi - yd. ; . factory cotton 3c. yd. ; gray flannel for .20a yd. ; tWeeds for 26c. 'l .. --RcsoIutionýI. Thatthisconference, - tolinvo *gens back tg, thalle. oblivieus tf th. well'undentnod tact that te (.,,O'tton for .)O.. ilks fortioc. yd.,' wo , rth $i ; colored. Silks foi 25à., worth 50c. ; ' . 'ivithout pledging itsolf ta ail theatate. 'O'M'a . John L. Sullivan il .aio« ill of jntîtrie publicans., ý ý the nialodioua;and thrillirs etrains of the faver and sors throust. .The phynicime COlOrOd Satin Merve1eýàn% and Gro Grain S . - Ments a il, opinions embodied tin the ý tirât music heard in dectare that the lining of hie atomisait la 5c. ana se. y , ivoýth jj2j and 15C. ya - and large piles of otfier gooas in pi-opoý7.iioÉ. The absolute sustE . . , . ,roport ef the Connuittec, on' iùtemper. . , ---- ý_ _ b"'I'Ys w-s' the 1 ýh . 1 , ý , . 1 > . suce, Coltuatinds the tapait ta the cou. Messrs. Bain, Laidlaw & Co., barris. Eau. : 0 heurt largaly destroyed by liquors. ' te:duptecl prOcession of cheap and bealutiful goods that we clin show you is siraply marvellous., ... . . ý 1 In Nova Scotia acide Augu.t2.237tons Vfgr -!bu prescateil ta thesideration of the rhurch. - é . tarit of Toronto, have hua the G. T. B. tig;A Schitffino, We M68treslIectfullyýiolicit a visit of inspection and we,! ç&n bonvince you Of the,.e±.texit, beauty, goodn "2. Tlint the bhliops assembleil in serveil with awritin the action brouglit of gala qnartz Ives cimaloci. producing 1,077 a memoWn'lum approving of Bel. ý . ý . . . ý . 1 . . . . . . . ýý , f -t ricIncem Of gala, valued et $20 par ouricte g. tissu plue of residence forthaPops ý . ý. . ý ý1 . ý, ý 1 ., . 1 this conferonce doclare that the une O by the County of Halton for the for ci . Much of the quartz yiellled avec, an ounce Tt'he aven% of hie bains obligea to.htve ness of Our Btock.. l' . 1 . ý . iclond for $65,000 given ta thé ,.,bu ton. R ý. . . . - . open cg un Thuraday, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 27, 28 & 29. . ùsifcrtueùte jaïna of th ý , or. nuy uýe of fi - The-Ieland Gold,ýlining0am. noce- . ! Our Grand Millinery i ý . ý W M . M cL E O D & other 1 id than truc gri ilu County by the Ilamilton & North-west. 1 Mill of the Storment district gave The abattage in th- harveat in Frantp 1. , . . ý ý . . . ý 1, - - . . - . .., 1 -1 .1 ý .. - cd as me in th ern.Rai * . . . - --- or undiic.1t, * a 2M on .... from 252 tons; the Mill of the catimat4ci et 110,COO.OOO buséels. %chiait il - - - __ _ _ _ ai eu in oly ' " -- ý ý ý Oxford Gala Mining Company of the Lake another indication tbat the 'a aind a .1 - ý ç. ý .. - !-.Ze--- adminisirattou Of. Athe , am - . ' - . .ý ý . 1 ý 1. 1 . communion univarranted by t a ex- . ý c Catcha district, 26(th ounces train 173 ta"; A.erim te supply the dao . . .. t. ý.; aiùplë of our Lord, and is au unauthor- - - ý .fillaillan Items. the Lake Lode Coepany's mill of the Cerf. "ry seront éloncy wýitrb: . . - : ized departure froin the Custoza of the 1 1 - . boa district 102 ounces train 99 tons. etc.rite N.'âý Santis, .oser. refinery bas Advices train Incite s.y .the widow of a : ý * E l -, prion of y.1low angar j of a cent. ,The Yield In -OmB Other. instances wu sa Brahmin villager neuf Cawnpore reciently ý . -E M S T R .E T , . . . B . '0 s ý Catholie cIinrcIý.." . , rali.d the .w . . 1 H , .. ý . . ', . , - .. ý - a one ounce ta six tons. . bornait bureau ta &.th open the tenant . . . . ý i ý . 1 . . . ý ý. bu,. P" -Of hm ' 1 ;.!, . ý . . ý 1 . ý 1 . The rocelpe t,.the Guelph Central Exhi. ý A . .. . 1 . . ý ýý .1 ý . . . ,1 Retallatlon liang.s.Fire. bition werci 0 rger th a yeux thau lait . IAdyMAciionaldwhoitroportadu m. She mou ted the . ý . 1ý . . . . . . . . . _ . ,ng)ust reachedVictoria, B.U., wasacco pyrc unnoticed citer the aperture of the . . 1 Invite inspection *of their stock of New FaU oods which ide now being da.ily received. : . WàgnlN'C-TO't, Sept.* 17.-A . The Maàitoba Govemment will bonus . . p by ]Ara. Allait. wite et P-ny- . .. ý . ý , .1 . . . 1 1. . - 1 : . . 1 ý. . .- . ' . ', . ý change thcRud.,oÏB&yrailway ta thoamcuntof "gras te have came' over tho spirit of . panied on ber tril Mun. Twenty-four Swedi.b girls, from, let;eis . ý .1 ý . 1 ý 1 . . _ . ý . . 1. $2,500,000- 1 ho Speaker of the Senate, and Mi" . . ci . . . , , .. d s, dc: --. N .; a.;- .N . IE : the dreama of thons, Coigrosamen vific 1 t dercald, of Toiento. Lady Macdonald bu veufs old, arrivait Mt C-stle Gardon on Snà.ý ý cent, the The C.,naclian fýtball ta-'in wu beaten achlov.d the unc.ual faut of cyinir viaite dey. Ail of thora came- ta Anierica under. N ew D ress G oo e w rim m in gs, .... .sw e ,-- - w te tu such haste ta rush thr . by ail ScO0 a Contrant ta marry. 1 . ý,ý . .ý ý . 1 . ý 1 ý ý. . . . . ý 1 . .ý notaliatiou Bill. Although the moasurc f And At Glong-W Yut-Id-Y by ta ,ach Citnity AI. eue ,ide y aund-In, The engagements tirera . .tir goal. ta noue. . Dominion thin.eunc. iti..otmuch.ver madabythe aid of tiorre-pondence.and p,ý4i,ýd1thO House Moro'thau aweek . . 1 1ANTýE CLOTHS, NEW SHAWLS A FANCY WO'OLFNS, NEW. 1) LZESS. S ' ' FI,, H er travelo . 1, .. . . . . . . . ý . - - . . ý . - . -, .. tas tint tenu roportea' train the Premier Creenway, of Manitoba, id In t%-oweekmaitide.he raturant! fromavisit photographe. . ý i N E W iN l: 1 . . . . . .. ý .ý - .1 . . ý_ diuniitteaonFoÏeignItelations, Toronto lookiuiz after the magnificent ex. ta the Mariticine Provinces. Timothy bu accepte 1 1 . .1 Se atec . ý thh attirance will in ail prnbabihty tint fait fron, the Parnell r a a brilif tu O hibit trace bis province. ý,MMiuloC. Thr Tics SB G04 .in patin. ùerv; ail the which it was reforma as Satin as it . . ' . ý : large stock of -Black and. Colorea Dre new shades, %vbieli" lhe agreement batweau the Northem much short of *six or savon thous-ait toiles. bu entend an appearance, in the Edînbur we*carry.v, ý . . 1 vine sont over te that branch of the ,leu exciWeil titis Court f Sei.iôn», the jeudi.g - Cou r- BO city prioes. We are b' ý ng ior cash, ana'-.-ý« -'lîèrý lighi Pacifie It.ilw.y ..a the Manitoba Cuvera Mies Mazdonald bu 9 b A Il at less than ý 1 1 uyi t expenses -we are, able to sel Governmont. cro-day Senator Sher. - lad ber* fathir on th, ana 0 ý advance of bri-inal cost. - - - ., 1 1 L ý . 1 ý -- muet will bu ratifiait ta-day. * record, as .],a -c-0-Pau flic. b.inR the -Dean Of.t S gnt . . ý . . . 'inan foire Eiglit batel-keepers were hi. trip ta Nawfonudland- lie Solicitor-G.ner ' âj 'y fi, 1 , ý é . ý.duced a restitution directing . ý and t . . f r,11 - ,. . ý . . -nd 1 - . - ý the Connaitte ou Foreign Relations ta senti fined 850 ý '. 1 . ý . ý . . ý A" costa'at Peterbam' on Saturdayfar OrrAwa, sept. 18.-An officiel inquieY in RtOlana Gideon I el a tic' 8 cà.c , .tT= . - . 1 .. 1 1 . Qrr into and report et the next sog. ici 1 - .A ' E3== ý m7s- iquira' - ta ho made into the officiel corder of D.Puty . - - =) ý violations qf the Scott Act. S 'iff Sherwood, -1 the C . Cily-tongued Hebre cd f .r ----- -_ ý .ý 1 . ý EM M ,a...P£ FjT Bien of CongreRs as ta the relations bel vunty of Carle, bas a . 1 - ý ... existine botweOn the United States, A raies 89,000t. for waterovorks eater, inspocitur of aning the clown il o : . ý ý 1 1 . . .1 ý. ý; . . 1 . ý .1 ., ý Il ana the Dominion of PurPoses wu carried int Teesowater on Bat. ton. Mr. John WincY B k bY aPPiaPriatiniz its monov ýo hie . . . ý ý ý . 1 . . Great 'Éritain . urday, by 9 m.joiity of 45. tagal ufficôts for Ontario. wil, co'nduct th: . an -- - . -==!!!= ý - - ý_ . . menace hein on th wn use, hua beau arrested in Landdn, ý ---- -...--. ------------.-7 ----- - - Canada' togètber with massacres ex levant, tien. ' %viciait mai . 1 . . ý . 1 .1 1 . ;,ý , atoll te oie friendly relations Ir cloaca tires after the test England. ý . . ; . ,ý . ý ý . . .ý P. If ,y t 1 Italien ý. ý, . ý ý .. . ý - . . .. 1 ý 1, - 1 _' ý The Canadien Pacifie Telograph Cam. qui .ni ta tircourse. the committee gâny's cable sorties the St. Clair River, At hys.electionin Cgroloton itpetitin..ig..d It il very gluerait . . ý . ý . . 1 ý . .. 1 . ý. . . ,ý ý , tu have louve ta ait auring the recasa of .Iý was laid au Saturday. by .everal off alors Of the coanty wu for. thcnt Stanley h cou il ë thot is . . ý . - . . - . . .. . ý 1 ý . 1 . .1 ý 1 . ý &II ta Mr . ý Cougrcso. Mr. Sherman asked that Thoinu . Moylan, white trying ta »partite wal or thb' In' Tib wu% tbet, une of sý, - 1 ' . * ' '-ý7 tbý . -morrow, two 61hthiq Inutiles et Hamilton wu viry. Mr., orne is. au ardent th. . . . oser. diffpA . ý - ' ý ý - -:ý. bonne - - MO'rât uk'ng f t lots _ . , &I m . ' restitution lie avec until te a angele . ý. . r 'a by the petitionori; A b asset a end a t tint ho lait would address the Sonate briefly 5t.bbe toiriènoliwoduded. .ry, Was aCýU" E "' b'o't' , .. .11 ý FL-B ý ', fin-I ho understood- that the The flatte receipts ut the Exhibition fait conduct, la record te hia relations -Ilh the Cong. Coty recentl . le waight . - - r.1va. lipoci it;- It tg .. a «coun.y officiel& Soma ta hie opinion. yeh nid . 1 . 1 -.,>% a .1 .,.ses a A .. 1 - i ,:. ri - - '.. ý _%:. Gî Relations yenu ri - Sa . ý 0 - $ouate comniittec on Fureur tôt te Jaý ameunteil ta $11,627.45 ; th. = u"OM wero citôd. la the stars itou te date being 46,87185. 1 . . . - , N . F . - 1 -ý!.,_ý-ý ..- < will have thisresolution ý PetItIoIIýý . Mr. Powderly, Grand Blutez work- . . ý :1 . . . I . 1 , . 1 . ý . . ý . ,ýý ý ý ý . ý « weanc! - Mighta of Labour,,B&Yo .1 1 pahibitio . . ý - . . . . , Y , , ., ý ý ý ý . ý . _ ,gaiy, and, aise the Retaliation ri ï, ,pp.r.ntly destina ta man of the F ý . , - - ý . - . . . . . 1 . 1 1 ý .ý,.' )the'r will bu indofmite. have . eh. ' that therec are a Million of'znen ont O£ - . ý1,1ý - . , . 1 . . . ,; '.. ý Bill. ý One or the c t alitift, in th- Nortli-W..t Ter. Congumption Suraly corna . , . ý . 1 . 1 ý . . ý . . lyloidnside. Whileituannotbeascer- ritoried. off ib Me Editaf' I ý employaient in the. United States, ana . . . ý = = =- (= . ilýL7- ý 'L m . =;Zcý:F4 . . ._ >Ir. Dowdnuy bu planta biens . . :ý-=.â.= w _-, 1 ourreaders thatI have . . ý .. with auything like cartainty on record Au Apponta ta it, they, oré, latin - P ý , 1 1, taineil Io Pinceau informil the aboya nain a .Suy in -t-t-a ý . . . . 1 . . ý ,,, ý . . , 1 t wl t the Foreign Belette day, et SL John's, N. B a .Positive rOUýCc . 1 cd *interèst ciinmunities The stateldoqt . 1 . - * "'l tint; ý th "" Cam- ýj diaousa. ' By its.- Um Y use thOUSAUdè coming train aucli ; scarce ta rgthor . ý . . . - ý T Mitt. wili a., th. et -11«miorz.ý-, -.,Streçt' s; cki:),RA]nL ON ,....C dB acchientally struck; on tighist& ý . ý N o. 140 K ing. .]gel ' « ý0ýi Blo 1 ve quoted eaus have Demaz Permanent. distreBeng te the protue . . . . : '.7ý:' . . . ý ; . . . ' , ;-.ýý. ý 1 . ý 1 1. e, . .ý ý. 11ý. ý-ý.. .1, 1 . ý Sherman bas offerea.the abc . f temple Soma minutes ago bya lieu hall. . , . . ý1. -_ of hopelons ' situai bu glaa ta seuil two ý1 . , . ý - 1 'i --- -----,_ý-- -A f.h.1h lie id ebairmau O f _ý-«,:---«-..-#.U-ul-- IV cured. -l uý C'arroi 1. th. West- . 1 ... .. ý . ý . . . ý IL ý - ý .1 . . -, ý - ,. .; - ... . 77------:77 ý ,; â ý . ..ý _ý ý 1, -ý, - _ ___ .-----.. Adi.výf.1, . . . . . _ ._ '. . ý ý - .- - ý . ,'r, ý . ý 1 ý 7 Infa nt$ and 1 P&M Yi E1ý îr Ille 01 pror ing lit: es, ý61ià bt the.b.efit Make of -or thein and da see sulnMer nionths ' àna Bavé-your woqd for àone:neaýly and at a phildfeil CrY fOr Pl LOCALI"'NEWS. lis t ta J'aw-of the dangescuil lis CfDr. loiV. Fait HatýýJi- placli ôoni light .11 the basems"11ý1's- Rov. -M,.j1ý4toO.cütt wil, Of- du 3.m Gracs dtirch. Milton, sud in "" Uext it-pben's se M inop HAMIAI arri,-es] at Quellec 1 la . - ay.home fýOns the , 'i iturday on Mou ; lis q'ngl. 2, -Ling at Lroudon, ana. !ni Hamiltnoi Song of t toi andcleve "detýateo] l'y trýl:üca ý-by aeve CUIS. .1 1 . ý N-sFs.ý',lr. Edwa LURUGE VE roi .Lis fins bNéos a,-11,11 idan, lermo, an et NDUCT Wéon% RUNDLE, Of thV C- wil along the Crodit 'y Di ana a genera, hwOriteý* et st ma4 un 310natty aveniug .igllt. eabe.- a ces] Shirt. nt À escli. un REBLE'S, cor. il, e.Cý..Sts.. Hamilton. merci will bc anecting lu MW. Rige Club ost; the W-1!ýc-! P gattirday.eveiiing-ate. on le ýîmù.sqnjnts for tl î 1 Il, .Ùfý, - ler "Il" h1w, Au mendiers .61,01oid tt(ý;:1,%1.1 ril tc Rnyal t, ,&Met Opewed Lliocir n- son. a loupper and lu Ci filillam. vas chainnaw. .,Jy Copie. t 3àw . HTS for boys rond f ing ont lit i!o.4t. Au -izt-ts ans' tift-TREUX-S's, cor. King & Jame. , c ýJàr,_irl.tîl, .. ... Vie popular 'and t z C agent et the C. P. R. station t town 01, M-onday for Wing- 1 ýeemCr lins wilitbür ho 1 sa bac,, transferred. beau in Milton about fous, 'Car. uring tbat tilloc lias mise f a host of friendB Who, Courouelveil, wisils, luisa avery auccosa iiew liome. , t soirs, Cotton underweir at,60c., 70c. 1 ý the sait, in, bmwn an ý1al1cy t Bd,>at TREBLES cor. King&. lamet; 1 Hamilton. a progressive ritizeno of Acten are ing might and main te malle tlieir grhich Witt coma off on October 9tli l0th, a big succeils, and they are r to do it. The fine throse-shect roi in colors they have liroctireC the job departinent of the Frec, i are wortlly of a provincial ion,. aud Brui. Moere may wellebxe* a Of'theln. 'ÛTS, white ansicambrie Shirts and ýel Shirts made to Corder. Splondid oriel sud good' workmaumliip.- t iLoît's, cor. King * andJames Sts., Luton. ÎNATIONS Te Tais: BàxD.-Following t jousil eiample ait by Mr. Huissier. t K tbe laisit election, Mr. Waldie re- Îd a check for M.00 bc ý,cbsIDo Iât Band las% weel4 Mr. Rendez- Wd: tbosý baud* 115.00 after, the don in February "a a subscquýsst b.whait one of the* borna was on. il M the social ci bis grosinds. Tlie sorcoleneco of thalle liorthy gantlesus Il ýplîrecîated by ibn band boys.- m Frae 'Prou. Ribbéit licuse for gentil, furnimliiiigs Ouse-is. TREBLE'S. ayLgves tho best valise and 1 a oicestatock. King alla Jimeu stol. il..iltou. Ki %-ý a Milton William mlle- sirualt où* SatLir(laý eýenieL--, èkolisorderly thost on Monidav eg ho vies. brought before %lasýor Il bY Conutabl, Dent. Hi, il imposea a-fina of 35 sud $2.5,19 ghlie In bis 11),r .0 m. YOUDIZ Edéi-je., leu ý-'ýame8 Màfnîof-Trafalgar, asid lie was 118%là branght befoire aYOI on Wednifany evening LoOol si 85- KbILLLOY gratluatd in iuebrit-ty kir the SCOtt Act and W's fiud for nuess Nvhileâàat sIlleged porc. ry law was in force. Lz4uoRs.--ýMr.1- IV.. Shields 9-1880si 'thoý,lentirp liq and auty pad,,arnuarý%tock, Oursting ils ýýabout; in Chose . of tlle J Shields & On., lately as- ami wili dispose or it witholut et the original Colit price in Isar- ýUit any o:order.ý, Orders by mail proinptly attenand tu. or departmant of the establish. tha'cornoi.otyonge and Tain- tracts; -M bc kept op.. mitil ,,, la chieront Ont. 4D-tf. aàd Joseph Varoficet roi inemberi -Methocllst Chasseh -et IMbidC. in that chissuch are free, but generally appopfit,- par. pewis and Ouen K.-them from r. Meurs. 196 aLùa «Verso. -.-laid claire ta Ouse.yew and -row, which reaulto in th. Dg the latier nefors, %N,.. 8%, J. P.. on a charge CE ýve . Janguage. the'stLmmôn by CdustableBrà&ey osE a magintratoû,ioa-ur.-vU. "deosta. Th triateaulied jexcitement"alLd IL gond ÈOR- SALEMIWHtN, bri* mu a.- . 9 Thi b

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