Canadian Statesman, 10 May 1888, p. 3

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-, --- ptlysse ate. INV ltluec.,etcA ti<l I)resuu Gruodi, t t 11 oxeel Dresseu ai $00 501 dosl. 'Biset Suilk1 M ,tu ueîtetllc etfet.ltîuilfr the ast, of? Partnership,,ý i t tofe 'c2i-ccfi do t e to sQ1- l duicc.... . 'i. ei e ndul.O eif - 1et i 'ttuttutiin .u a te ue st leti"' '.tuilleit leor e'-'1c'a te Ële-M.s t 'r uile$t10t estîdI~ e s-cetce c'. 'eetile'ttisu! e' 8LC]bQ&Co fiînts -andCide.- ' À11 Freh DrNew.Goode, Fancy Shirtings., Groceries of ail kinds.' at lowest cash.price. OTAM SHOES chéaper thaf.e-ver! 71bs.gbod;"Tea$l W.L. smitTToN. -Manager. MVAGNIFICEINT _DISPLAY Millineýr, Mauties, !Dress Goods, Carpets, Cutainsetc., etc.,1 KayV Bro thai diipluy' Cuv lla:1* i es GoodoO, 10,I2ý,.j5, 20, 25C. ouuZ eotis Goods 71,>10, 20 25c. leilr-o10, 12 , 1, 'u' 36ei.10,;1une. Neut Seertî'lers Si, 10, 1212c), IN etî. Ttuest'-y Carpets 25, 30,-85, 40, 50, 75c. "l'Ne% " v r iCerpettu 75, S1, $1 .10 Ne l(elet 374, à5 0, b75, $1, $1,10. Neuv lee ;itatiutltd, $1ý $1,25, $1.50, $2, $2.50. Nuuu-erî. IletitlotiltIo, I1,15, 20c. Ne ('i:iiie les 5, 75, $1, $1.50.,$2,50. NeT'ue.Jru'.eJeukets, extra vainîe, $3.50. Ni uî sty les intutDrestetoaking. MAYBROS., ~~Hamilton. Soes, ."-Tl inware AND GENERAL HOUSE PURNISHINGI Et I Maîn Street, iEltoil Non .ue but thte boit mnalte' of Stoves offéitd for sait. Cali ml oèetluotn aîidjttdge for yôtirsolf. Just tt tu- Otîl Stotes-Junt the'thibig for thue otttuuiuter tttottlîs. ' It %%,ill pay yotî to btuy oe nidul ouve 3y1out utod fortîte old weather. ~ Ibid ail idu of Repairing dote tieutly aid aie a reasonablé price.. Lumber,* Coal and Wood'Yard. -DEALEIL IN- ."uriber, .Lath,- Shîniglesi, PickeftS, doal, Wood 1 and Cedar PostS. LOWEST --MARIKET --PRICES. 'aril ast office ent tee C. P. .station, 2Mil' or. ' House" PaintingPpe riagng; Kalsomining, -Tmting,ý, AND ALL KINOS 0F INTERIOR' DECDRATWON.S. Estiliites'.attd Deintefttrtielg brsi& aestio allah é uo.-7 ' -e. e th4leot for amn., as no aoe holle bîi ParteuOnL,ýTiee bot- b ith uqst ey2 Itrrt ano r lObhasfrOele?00 Rlng and goodTory:«voto-mirroff tilmocol ls to., Haei;to;.bote doing elil. HorylrWowtL Woo ÂnW iL MD-T hé dwnt.da Sro erilBeiw. b'tie6é-oopad-for goi eriaale ny qnanttty of Boei rÂro-o o Ont., MâO;u wùhefagod a 7.A daroi atopt et berglar -OO 'CR&&Wee.eoe Oceerred hero tloesesrning about2 a. M 3r. Jaes c *tatthevye, poulmagteri B -=uALLý.TbO Milton and'Osage slaoeo&et te fe dotton Ofa tgtuttO lu eathebre on Suture lUs bedouc uedse dttltg 'me~usa0oAe.. nd.ea finsclbite tarted intBoneelto te e the Aroliés 0olToronto, at Acton l building ithe rlrtntty, huiediy rie Sulrda. .ad rorceedod tu boom tf. lHeus 8TnRuRÈ.vaý r us b, a vedope îdraby iurprised, howru teh bl ocra n h iB e copus q tiethUe liet proceeded froue bis o! lie yeeeeg- hHe ofuepvilaoeee ereoffieand tient it orne froue a lump FOR the eprtog otonde 'Office aile, anlehi eneoratod the reaiod k, ?fOO Ioc !Engt e irn, but theoburglaru ecapéd teouelh qo&Ahieri nd a lil,'j i hehestoe adjotnbng; lrcaving, hito OO ai euoth. tuise tylos. Canad pleor ellind tbhua. Tlsoy dia audJouru Corer o! Min et oucuot din opooing the" ae, but esStooein. oerd a quantity of elamp u'a SOOinO "OOdiv evOeeini ion m outeunt of bouse change oam tsdsoeddH.D. Itlib nhi, bat. sud otier euedctoo froue the potodfiro flin, whoiojvj ea Boe iotaitsandîthe asijaioog store o!fIlrL.'G. helles, where lhey "B.rreeatoil ina Mateewo. A 'nuaiher o! lettoru er eUPP«e"e heitapîbly outortaoreltuntlt oeud, but o eoniy was oircd ent rtnideetiet. frsethese. AUl tle draseeru in the .Tue prouerutilo mein oale et a poutoffice anaetto store noce riiooeeite eue0 agaiit Lircse Insecteir Brothes cd. This- s te o hiotburglarirai ls ekat teGuelph Assizes ,ou lie altoepit e epoinflhie, lbut.rac liai chanrg1eof trrupilof aàitnlt hbieey benu imeilarly uosurreuofl. The MUr. En Ir. o! f % ooçre uthîie gel. oary of Thue. Stalneane thle car. tant B~i Yrolurneieume groatîpolstato. I tterslieitof Joies Cuseron wreriaIrf NOW lthî ligit, siuoiioydaye havero db teiboty wao ieaored,. Çrse, railoff yîur oId baiu nad tieu iWoxicr.-notheovosin o! lhe and goine Trrhto. Ho liai soinsof 211h uit., Bl. Ex.Couep. Hugte Murray,j the elloioethuate and ootettiresti.GrandtSupt. of Woiteeoflte Hitalton] aginabl t unhartîof prtoe.-Corner itritl, puidlis officialiouileSI., King anet Jaes Ste.; Haimiltn. Clair Rtoyal Arte Cleoptor No. 15, 12. FFe Tnoo-Mr. Johnu Wallace, pro. C. The Chapitor abord at au Oeeoty prirtor of tUe Wallace House, wnXIta lîor aid St. lClair Lodgo No. -18, G. Horoing'eHtiltslnii ruerteand broeglel H. C., rpenuotandetîied .le iefflotat hoei a largo mearktr basket. ffeitof visit o! H. W. Hro. George Russelîl, iroiel, liii rsioef.tero day's fliig. D . .G. 2M.,wos a omspautot by The iroot'aroraerdlarertean Roy M; W. BoHougi Muerray, Pat Grand olirwe harvor vero e nltn. lastor o! Canada, H. W. Hro. Gavin > ROKWOD ba a eusppernowtheStowart, P. Di. D. G. M2., IV. lrou.Johu 05Wtee felr, W. M. of! hume Lodge, Ha- Aaleerart laeit ie alnuirue lientmitn, add C. W. Muelligan, P. M2. ef F twitartolatwkI oues pttomeplo Lodg 'o! rase ciy. -The eot 1 l beteateol h oroegr"o pt i hielnidarnc ti me eting was rory otowllmhe h d îhceernrifth a gef, teoccofaion wai aenotabeo 00 villageow'litttoprinti teýrnip1os arrouet ofîtho erreieof o! esanY plant i n p lalforis. lis tarai dopari.diufinishrd terettirti, aes t ia-e mernte issîporinliy,andt ii ell prolieâlyth pe g o tg140Oofti- ellied. ay t prsper . etooctios prsitit overiey thoe2IL W:. AsOrTe Blarge imeportationOf!Gret'D. D. G.M. ad . Heo. Hoottre. Thr ltrieoort.roithlofrrprigwco, e~e ore'f theOvrrroig eavng tere jeetrrrirt. Pitre and qoaityoeoeir. coorcluete Uetrorepsirelte tte pasird. Stleirialuebetai15iantd 2-Walaceulue, roere Uerypeeltdowo reule per liar.-Tiebe'r, cornr<oKin earsupprr, wbiotett o fii t teoay sert Jsirlin t., Hameiltoo. . waso ?rrolev. of te reptOtisOl of thil lîeiet.NDDiieoi Dou y.-Wei. ire. Will louoi' err' Ampeoutieo eair, o! Nrooogaeoyn, came te Milton honing e ool the goret thingo oie Toeedaueeeiog, guI ne overdoe of proi cd. the tlaeowsclerrd, altn Btetece e iietey and el terr seoiOdis. bor oftoaitos eoro lropoiot andtobly ordrrllitCtilofCoietaleliPracoutropodedote yrisitig ad boual raileIiieto. le r inintejsil altbrotliren, adoooguwareoSng inro' ntgeteîni.uehreay uoriegwa collet style by )W. irue. !ebsliguo acel teroottet befsse Marier Rrbertsrn, vlIestiotlrod! ant Hro. H. iroivio. The lieridtieein$aneto't, wtiiolbctuhl. borelrueo sperale eteilcrie lu2 Dlis SceA. .-A N5ltonie e eis r 000 itiithe ueo itror restoait. porte theu teerue the roberai eftho Scott "Happte lahi t'oerrl.r e upoil, ast Art tlleotehl mernif tBerlingostire ppy te laet otois." Tin above lrrico oteîtieg thrir busitnee tritîy roport waeinadrtollfotfo os île toprauro Plan,îleattetl;m.a-laetoiooue- poietebohiea drinkteo!foîeî.hiog te- Ton BH' timEnWes.e. Caro-Tie roui toeeèteiigtnlhu.rtlge.eed ttaaoy o! taeat v. Barer, ltewtiia sostiet tiuer teaiteladcsekte ero liai lu haovoer the tiltiof tle l.oephe Barbrr, iseportrei y tFIr ruineeorsrontsHame. o! Georgetowns, liai lioou guiog Du for itou ndB.nrtesocblee'1'X eimittarrprrt îlelait riglît duys hu'foro Mr. Jstice colsfroue Grorgoetown, at tit tttaf' reî t Ougooto Hall, wrou e id .roil çlit no drinkte aobu guItenhe yrtocaaftocoootan farur o!lIte leotelo tli'aèW'Wo'ie'ejvrjet leonrel frou e tstator'a tees sousFrderirte aed Wat. te Seeeou. ter, Itie rorreelori oaseel thi etl.- Fou grodoetr liopr riltiiais, Thecaseaiarry crionueandi cricktelrts. football and boalirg Jrr- fl fif ttrelt. Threunît irai drarri iirys,wleilto daoocl iito, yoiroeeiutoetp yGrorge Gibbs, a Georgetowni île brtter Ithan by guief hi Trrblo'e, lhotlbrpoer, anddtheoltitcraseOf!it, rorner of King andJamers btle Hamil- asoe toeertgiiiitty, 'is (theoresitso ton. oifse y ettui"te bcorqoitY dtitcd tlîo Te i, ter,.-Te Milton Hifle Club tir a-bois eu" rttenehri." tho wu.ereorgsetzd forithe saios luet puce"belicoen "waewriltealla otlieo Tleorrday oerirg, wotte ofollowtog ansp ari teelser e thend in~ sitiaisOG. u!lrrri -Judgo ulfilrr, tgoe. Presidrol; Gaod oleseartolieu. ercaslier tiit-G J. Htorfielil, Pcesideul; W.PFoine, G tuppit etenetieio ofecird-ie, 'eiou.Preusidcnt J. J. Zceand, Src.- teeio." Soiseoftheurtlerriildeirof iTtes;,. exando rseeri, oad . thueItelaor brioglil Iteis atnoe hihave Rixo, mnagng o-lottc, ad D drriilo iliithe ie î esioltoi Sot ndbu.ruaisot ange Ofii g-admittet hie probte i thuBial wt Aseooasutheranege i Il rc ite Word inlwrre" thoar, asu henro wlebusot îeroogîu an ier on.rosehe rootosi. Georgr Gibbe, ai- rriawe tely prntthel Srifub lu tle tosgl eedrrWltîe eili ant ros Pro. roglarweely.pratiès ei IlCI n Busent aiils cocrllioo, wion et a ut. Ssteereay atoeldouns. Sertbtg wileo, aid cri the iiials CorAn LesuoRSu.--Mr. 'Winr: Shieldls bsd brin uodiupiitoblytue 'îles inter. hou porieserdalier lettre lijuoruStorte, lineion seouldnet bave bronqr~rl te hoo u i ty ftit1, museosoin te oleeeirated. au nîlter tho truleor il to about 315.0W2in vrueorcf tlierecteee steerribing witueees iitisiled fir0 if Jamesu Shies&Co.; lutoly an'- tl nd il 'rai 0netsieiced tet oiu Siged, ansld W el;sfuoo! il setteol eon teeoclase. Ie udditin teîh recgervu utthleeoiginalrcou lucinsepur. sspicion tils tlriruaopusthe elter culahtiit uay ordor.Or!eriby seuil uioo,' Gihies hesuf eaithifio! that i or toergro priseîlp lteodrd te. badni et rtîtes the word "brîrucco,' The tîquordcplaieof o ithistalih-tteoogte iloboteitlinbe hie boetriig ment, ontheaourne'r o! yisgeeund Tee. aseathIaibbthe itiule "G. G." sero Del -Sue Slroue.tsvilt lhoept openoutil seitobyteise. . Csrioieiyoeeougli the tihostoc a erbrarontu. ' 40.1!, word io quson rias eotid "lertwore,' HREMNTPOSTAL F5r~N ooeF.NT. Tleeewiiil wssowte bc a puiurii lateil poitli aris aro eorie It ewa s. berrrt te Gitbos' rtioiry upittu papur pohlitieuri ce acreit aeonefui und* beervnins cothboloe, tueoise !raeelwleo labrie potier and rifuesote citou o! rohiubis o e.o hoieo aie yfor il. lnethe buse î su-aon riiyo!ia't. . Te trariri w lo altowehiseuhte* tluiote run abO o gcispoouigollso.p pli" e aeupat r ueetIreb liirotdibtdGtbhu asai wtuuio, eay psrfor insriteutai ,or taust huee tog thel froue hitidoorionor te irtoti oar rrstepeteaii ce atleonito irrnodois,'ast oridOr.t h e aotroeol utfpetforth, hoe nos sottele o ebeveulau, tho psbbiser, baye. hirseb! hable, te hie Lordeteip aoru btui rooitt nrci uand itSne,saine ai fol heut'.- joiwtout un leridnoroth!éeie FFro rous. ' abu n ehoater, lievid th BoareriOn iorEpôxsBLz.-Itirrally cets c , beRnovon eofteeti apitiihti iigit el on ilitloCharlt e erdietoie lEn, o eleu aîol Ebtiso eun ig taepte goai yeutinday u huo h r tleir plehocetatot a roi teinteiruOpenamooÔthuioprasumnt eteio shrv eteibrejeihu te e solil hinbislouusiug $d1ont if thîleoi ruai onritot, froueeliai oeJeoihblatFridup. Whul a appuneit t Itie ucrd h1olwris" ha tercthleitistofocra 0055pboy. îtcuipboofcthrnlbabe uail connusoro! dcnus aiheio oOui hatO rua ovrr hte butor. Rie Lone a,îb.paiirho am along ir h~ ip. wiihout teroiotet uydiseredti oteniltsPearent"asey foloaietol aeut cu.epcrorteuro ceaisi tete -huel( d uslete srut, eomoiig t teerting o! teword au ni etiale i lin te r ooroputoo!nue 9fos t qnto.asiemtt oobuo eC pnstenhirieu 21 e os o! ien Oues ti lieia. Hi aise saittol houf. eh lcieupr Sie ou T rienete sou il aiigti obu pprSEXt hpsm y pr ofbthl Pbie s altosT ruste, ol hoyltIthei isitoo oboulat have dide thtsialtentt-enser. ,,bu. hbie prOripe more ItliF YaseonglbI dont aten teit-almr. soisofiso! faetaltho ierowseauy' SeRAn yîortrocs 'and pou nelTb a indroie t hi ow UsaItebis inlooltu the fritsofporubor. Cati ind ssien leeroobentlit s ons FrOterte tee bn uotp or fuisenjob; ut W. H.ot Waofte H aipb'onethed lb Mlaoeab's. mosicOstee uad i1 iy ou o seu £LnTRS.-oenitv. . . Mollen, B. A., rua ie egy uted irtsente nntoia si ebrt.reatithe PresieytociuinCieece n te cfoctetaiot.c1ii NOS eor' Niue Yanus Bermuda-" UsaIhesoi Cohsn ra ui TienGeepie lnt Herit iyu ! Sc. rletaithuetuene!of thé excoion, ai ifoeuue Iohie e' e ctuire Wsea eeisooo Uai -ieseil wi t ai"Thte, 1oa n it ruaithe seHio! JosepeB e .én ý ecur -e!t avn iitf tee n p h Ba U lenpiofuen o! tei seianaeut hoin e metore hai tepssin =one-hepart of th i ep.bnr, 'iet pptelat. 01 t r jeneripeunieihopors e en', d, tohoiti& peut-aoui ri '-.iee ber. 8p.,niaa: nteisncl ho o fat'aohieofuir hilTe or iete stsbhoc .OY ha l theOurOm ehfrait' statse dsiy -eithie C wtehse. o, ..rPiterOo 'k ,111seOOeeisnsiem !uffa Ye 70, IC t o lure t i atod.e DA IWD Iino seleeac, ueàn usMes * w w M o uueu u rsu Cen fetsuesues e,. A leruc e u, sii.cOiodutoss oe. Ss cso ai a uifeeo, ode cou me ceeu tu, Y. rriC ~ ~ .«.. th.uune -1p.ihce=.ncgeueceeu - » -. OeimaeC erBie - ;G. , n eeio . strorîieese csesrnac AU o.use lruosiTEnEsaHle ffl sitSET.e MR. J. CÂRR!uà,; , te oo. Wrd.B , erfl iirmuilsersmOc creusee e largeor cir.e O el TPi às ino,M teW.gspbtriN net T E TI. "'car' un o cdinietf s l Co tTorishe Trbn . or..oi nullond Jas t Hitong.iewoe unatgoe ota$ienusenieay. Stieurua ruisng tehebr'rcolhtn.jusediner théo brdge battette Hr. Freesenue Jnilbr.nibiirsotnte htr teet by an altrote if plurtry, but we are glate hoyouteuo ottter; Jndgo Sinlair. if Hamoito, peesilet lueIlise ut ténivision Court sittigu t ahkui- ville, yetorilay. BOBS. HAums.-At Oatci'tttu.oa Torîtup. May 1,té urtfeofu!T. T.Harri, L.DI.S., ut a tan. STNoosE..-Ou thuoistleApi, Catuureuu ui!fofMr.MHenry Siolu. e! Camp- hnttrilte, Naireugaunnyn, ugctb50 youu.1 Nns.îeu-At ber lte' résudeoce, ia Neloon, on May u, Mary. reliaI o! théo bte Stdeuy Eeghiitî, antd uegher o! tho ale Capi. Ephcaum Lundt, o! Htamilton, agot St pcrs, Feuoci.-AI iuligon, os tlhi May, 1888, tn her 0rt poear, EliznJ., relirl o! thuelahi ýJ. H. Fisteer, and eriet auttor o! tie ateJoluiusmer. MICssi.-Oa the 4ttî ino., ah thecré *ietrsr uit'ierr fiher, Boqueouitg, Catunine, punogerh duoglitero!niMr. DunaniMaCotI. agait 19 yersand '7 montltuso OSEGON AND WASHINGTON. No sectiono f theueryepiu te.dny atlrouiig as u nuetiuitun 'au Hou-f iensu.Ocegueunitd Wroteîethoa lion. tenunbrraue ti aou:rruoilniulthe prcton uo! precioos neallo tOregon, hecause of ils rci notuoe. ,at WeoIe- qtgnnToreitnry uy crusu uof tisilt ubtuato. iaiher, . oalu. sminerais and urueitirlol proutions uitsrindi oureoais. Théerapiol grithioftSpokane Falus, seul aroahelpowne exceodisg lIeut e! Minneapolis; Tcoma, one Poget souithéerinsof thtenNorhiuro PaoffioHottlroadt. uue12,002tehuit- uîuis; Seuttlte, 80siles disant, as enrgete audt urirfog ciuy, smarktiet acution o! thle PaoutNrl ha Uai t. fri pocuttar' inariseouhite Iuonu aireint sow 110b'osr. By writing Chas. S. Foc, Gencral Pessege Agent, Norlhrme Peur huail- rond, Si, PaulMtio., liewihieBndtyo ilusitantpasephîcte Mnps anuitboules giiu ont uaenformasteuuion iu e frisu-ho hu counstry iraereit y tlete great lioe froenSt. Poui. Mitoea- polie, DuutUs ad Aslnleue te Portland, Os us, ont Tacoman 'ast Souille. Waiieiegho Terctterp. This coud, i additionhi biog tue onolp cai ise hi SpokaeseFalils, Tacoseaanet-Seate, races ailt hée prinsialtpoetint n Norhera Mniituuao neiDakota, Hou. tenu,.Idaho, oe'egi, and Washington, poeissunqoaeit enie traionsu, PO* haiaio traitrts quipmenut, oulu n* ing 'ans, et oluisi BlocepaifortUeo aie' uf inlending ot. 1 eti nctlr owirrti-ionnines are > teojeuodonanPuo r e i being bu iscsuihe States sot Territeri oaoert., 47-itais. 4 Orceasi. Acnreen v'ues fl auuue' Tbern isinenormore uspfu urcin t euhi lItheait uiethurities c. aie enuosotei ideeoeuuuusti'iii a!théo niuetuuricle" cold.teh e te publefir e foui, drok a.ed meliicse.' 1- The aittione for the Uuesage of len ta s expuose oit puentole fýOd &uttis inthte 1. Ueitilîsata, latejoO idethbY snuiou ot sin huikeubn bg îles Horis ni Healteon Iowebuing si Couere1theInlituo hRees h D.partlnet tihUe Doutisios. baseopebt- D'e tnsnames ofsesepof tetileh rnai ý( oeubeune irtcbrsesaitou. Aaioej bisse te Iufeorute! brndis o! aies et bklin!Josdece - Dlits', Sibvr Star, QFret ityA. &P. i-. King He. Sestes. à Cot'Farrie GraI, t. Thiatamsnst !e afiaetusi way tstop tblr saer."uno se u m wUC bey auasié bbtet gpundir khoos 0 ù .I.O unelyat.5nhbou instes h >t ar remsseo!, tartarndai. phosephae e biig lordere old ts tSi&n. set seaiestss e psi ai àet .OPr tlunln. libces.naooton inl; uny hand senadeseinioaanb. strec ieo! hlie un ëv mu à. foleesreli e seu eï' Cebis ie. gan 71 -i9 e.- - pnpWi COMMERCIAL ST., MuILTON. Eaig~ tthe n siroplehoc hi do Seu.l-rss wrore-o0 !untiry wrci. All vorte lesiltusnltejroisnes, haýnogsnearedte services of n fistgelesaitoo-oreer andtpaintoc. BUGGIES, CUTTERS, SLEIGHS and CARRIAGES. nirapeun baudanit madto eortie, grasrsd wîrkîof iii klnas aispoev Careiage Paintieg antdlteieiriuisl eue trio esnoutp esin pruaipttp e=ruint pýHors eeatbruti ouleusuet dis. punIeaenta f setaiss job garsanet. ltrito nt nafoegtug reHi , .Mociv iprotal attenton. ALL WORK OUIARANTEgD,' .Zobt. iamsl&aw. GENTLEMEN-, In the cunty, t CALDWELL'S, Wiinanuit Hguttain Stl. Brioos, frose M5o. hi S1.00. Neehuien (louh tshael). Gborc (u Bilt endoseu intel. ColeasandtCole.. Silte Hasdhemliiofs Iprottiy seesu. Lineneast CutesnaoUdheraeii!c. Flenuiel Stirto (Inedfon ruts). Suncleothdes vretyl. IBoelsenmueast hoyau hobr (t he h ndi!hil. ng) Coitns Shirto setUs neoruthot colar). PoperCoitas e(il tsel. Usebreita(Site anuitCutuel. Ustýerseene luiCotn,. iahhifgen, Me. .io nuitNat. Waib. Arsileto, Coiter Buttnse, Cetf Buttonis, Briait Pinr, &c. So!i Fli Heto isa&Uthenlastieiapc ont coloei. uililbe for uoamer wour. NI isîot o! Boy' Gou, c Besosunee nesue is stoekeoo!lBote befobuteif elanruhori. lMen'e Sûits frorn$ to $14. p-oo JLANGE, tYenthe OOt amde $5.75 apsir 0* o t- PI- WAGO1, C*IVE N AWAYIË Toi every-cashl purhsrom 0fOlthes for a body iinder 15 yQars. of fl0g64 wilgie a pres o our wi ed fa c xress WCagg1, SPLENDID STOCIK !NEW -CLOTHIN( TNobby Stylr .RaonilPes. Th is offor jsehod 'od ttl al the wagons i away. Aisapehi ie ron otte urginsEsminties îPrisli ren Baise inLaes'un'dotGirls' Stiw se .e-Â l o! a, léîù*dat shope' àfo,, 22e. aut Oit yopbieat25o.euote. C ameenl7 Ail.WoblNse'eaVelingabt. a pit'.' . .co 7c. , aitSo.Wah Puer oe. nrobUî 1Fistock nf Get papes; Crusue Se.muoheri t. y.. 1 Tomauisnaisd CSCsuae 2,clb(in fe sultuger Sl;IoH Stesar.ià1 eChoishe thoti Bit t 5.ote gsîl u NEW FELT 1HAl and Stiff--in' NEW -SPIRiN9-SH AI Prices -to Suit the ffn Job. lot of Hats at 75 c 'w $L50 and $1.75. Hamilton, 'lrl -ANNOUJNOCMEZNI riINAGIN liase fiiledl his store Wfth, an extra i' Tweeds for Suitings, emnbraring thé eeest things in, scotch and Canadiinmamhkfts, -and ranging in price1 per, suit UP te $25.- Dur tockbftCoatingu iiialeso«methi .ing Worth about, and a special line of Fine CorknrrenW Woretedu ing With rapid sales; 'o much s0 tit. we have b peat orders for tis oass of g,,up.onverti timon alie Our ehow of Pantings canniot lie excelleà , aned serve our patrons with the nobbiest- guods for pa ïotmd in Cansda.' Sprieg OrStnrost! are ehenwn lu erery 021r. q4 .tavuys audwe tnroinite istiatito iaUtori for Ovezsouue. Ouhv n- 1Ctteroreeby e nsuug iec fegCtti ee then Iuetlrhiamigs;,,ee nsoy oly Srst.clai boute Doet ail hi geralos aseau. i Cutom T1al orin o -;140 ,g S . pop * , ,làck), HIlto --o /7<

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