ILTON. M SOS3, ýt. Vrdîitfer clftr A ioct à hobailblat tdfcdili5 lucthaitetu e reetol dueei Tlhe ationOfethte teco eoil eee hooeecoelCy maý, ie i hrchyet ifth eflt ac ceeoheh Moday cSeinag inoîciporaicg lrEoe .Lhewsoc." fr 'the 1eymeel cof a iglel.wcrhrno Tree ,te îeeeIeeteW c1oce l Te eevtc es AkdAlu talcgeccdtratee prcprly etforýittze= odn eceteat ilamDn nt,, e traiae n iceedlacles and noetroal ',na D. Brthe.r, fer 900fi expanses, Ioeredctetigoranecoctpe il, e. Vhs toeetle roWaý>cc %aoe e mcc a step lu lth lee t Iltocine aasobeiiy sofferioe, ceeed bi semet houl. ie g haen e te gytle eeclr a s t lVaryCtiy direetio,bel eeMelhleg more le ce- 'ccedttce eeceitelOPOeei eeedbeoocelgcm: .e-eyierrla Pmoo }o.Î. pelescriclieeco otiloI cec t ceoee te dtecteel le n hedle . e~ta hi c eèereaeiscini lice gsat regoct fer 'hubEhB TI rce teivenra.i utelgeegSceii ;êf etel, presit. c-rýaie thce h oi.eby M.Shep e et byteeeym tiiruOc aeq clechoccyte relaie ber preot red..lvfr. 3 Sco, trote, s n ol. He teon sat t cs cuot . et u Âto dio..eMr.iSte . cepof Torontocieaeoi etIbmnttblierrenarre moi lamîcecodrenoheancd eliorderly cOc'li terplecolif'Mi. chtbe,ete ced it laot ceehleg Idim lMyctu, thewoleighel cedeeed leecouin thiercicer. slj&civryGeorgetown, defeoded, and tee casee eai.nosene.ndlemu aiey h sler aeltici te waene C'btgîbnce ey- .1el te wcI tou lSavionseleoict- -mnutnrdhYclcey, Objecdionswe beraDetaeetCelulc ie vai, RNSTM.LAV.AMtee'iatlff; ce tedwte ar ejiecem sct M.revolvers teeau inertf aell cee-i what là wàut4yin lethe rseîieg eut oet EcTcent;. Lca-m i h fiet atemOf eccycarverict ofhsmnyfrileo naicrie sn tht elLemLec..Letius. heaf ranthcetei e ct;eu'y'etta te ei e dd nto hbemleanale ltsueOwcment: Threeatsghterusedcce& a nel eeeopc breerl;Mac ceci te .mee I couranteeelsay mbulher Loke crvveber ad ,ëalmmbe.eLrf-rok- * Il sf'ln.tcK u.lw llte Ice 551e scetemr ce buiSentte f unfrontofeor, ye ISsw The errew le deepecet byC-he fact TII lll'ftIYOKSBY-IW Mito on28h Slhimfall;e 5 cceînucioly c.sarevlver hat Mats. Oelu s othen, c Véry cted ccc 5fr. Broteers ceteeGen ntd 7c.! choc t havemwarants incMypcuuusiel ececliving le Trafalgar, broleerc miloncieshavig th% itereteftlhe ced raceciet sy busiessehe ice le.a * cotlciillteic]bc guatu ltcttoidetéterelcete Trcnt eteCraceteéeceute ; crryl't PrOttycfOc'wo'tl egacl0ctlleeoedaeene tow et ho-eulrelce tee uecessaery font. ic*lbt u. te ~reain BatitcBxltday; cci- thel i carry .it si ayc cul t feerondtlion. Aill Vetpcertepeii savoncta epu opettheWllaeue, ancot c ee. ______ water.w'rte mec î uroducettacetrecl ceorig vhes lkicig a trii mtco .i er tJeu.lieccu.-ntmccu ale-okdbosi u chBcei roe ic thcerso e Stree;leclecase eeairhecdceOert .Lc ceshectri ieette sccoacycvofihete tehe*a al Bronzt tome ccd go le and Mr.Erwilucere there;i corerce--- ecouracil hlua eorlidy ooce ochégolcnd cutdot lct cypeuo. IseeéBepel Trcbles, Cornser NceS lccvOOlrh 0 m eg te é0 E D SUO.Hcebe n p Sciudere bltteeiecu yîret t pcycshec i e l eet me ton ce te o urtaheferrc; s "e s aîrestée, Mamlles. onerrytaeeeayers in etliu d.e ,e t heC it cl se tationc, chicli J tI .d.j7 cccmuvl et *. loinbuera lis mt aelie menuso riiethte s ,e .Leeh c.vestu tetationfbelaa1d.h butisWcicl's Wter1l- teem 'teeelcagieicg ccccc hice .eel 1hopth.cel cPair. et eleepcasele' 00 iayhateMiellcete theie ret ce iiecis e1. Air iiceeS fo seerrtisrch ehao sli rSe lce;lhe cle cchsIbee ieccim cigtortenduoeeAlwey. teptinlutlie buS. flreg - . Secteecce bu tel hou iga cla tey lngcaniwCete1ulàbeeSerin si Oti.1brusleeccy Cl. il Lccoelec el, e d c ult'cierie etheouneciMs-I e laDr. Fe en Nc lecr .M f cto. .-eu ;Ithn aa an eo ltace echsse s C i" g ont re b lepetere tc pcetu ited S Ot. eu5i TOO iil île tCO, thn, ihoticer ce. -5. h" tl« i rdtce-Mo .rin eeentuc * o e c i e e l c c c c s e l t î e S c e î e l u i c u le, s a w d i l u v 1m c m o c t B aye p h D Fe m W toc c e m c c a i e o r s fe y A di C u e e ia e c l t si -l é e ic y t o e e c e l s c e r;e h a c t e lt eh ejet cr h1e s elo n u; :Dc .ih es e c e-m a X o s c s e e eî c e e e c e r r c Mr..To te,Pfhe Lic ense Bcalei n dtstals lt ce s h aaibediesitv ry reliecte peefoai -te. c éraE io NS M O itî c e. de5ee Eerc .u S- telle i lcItu mse tnementOSc h cto m thec nti n .c; e- itel S.m& pepe s a letc te sllemcatD . becut e eCM muscs th cul uaie qe table nModt erec Act.rre le Meilege.atC aaper'fSmee, i ct Icespct cliblest e ehardeci ec iucdtewe cthcon. ceciieleec.rerc,,co ecr e.e eff rtt ect crc it. .1r.oc i t lm ea t cC i , m hec l e uis ter i , u î pae ; M r.lcc eJo h et icctit gàtc%,M A 5 r .a oe affoeîcO t sc- mcepeicleeiPolicecc c,s -es s 1cce ocm-ttI ilcecclclhtec. e e c la iepttasccuFmecoie c etle ec Seelgi i licccc H exeotait ee lhse criat,.M.Lc*e.let- iice a d " "aclp ep.r.W ccecie batbtec fe oa ites y e ctcy th e aead. cees;I a s t ltet c ip Ors. Frm so Cemo-, w sp rua s te t bDr. SlucrC, beC c t ee d , tir N.- e hululasetus. P. laintlieut o fci eiscc'Osve cmtio e'fo big ie n eîc e i c e roi ere mga l t p. honepfl ve aui tru t a s 1lc p ct n te lac e .,.f1- -, . .. .L. .. .. t (Mr. iothe cu)b cti. ct e lct c c rn ie i tocc eel Bc e cCcceltiff 1eerue o ed - (no u iS idutu m kE I tII oI , bs .1 tepe onfo c oumil vimec I tactlio Chamberstctu lc t e l is t e llte c t t A Yct . ele" ' l ie e cntd doaone e ue n Got feteettce revlow e rscCak iihe pe tccetl ; i 11 C Mir e i lt ', . .T ecet c t h h iv ae t geey . O t r e t Ca le u s a ni c t e c r u ic y e l r c e e a th el r e lt e r a t e e t i tamn e ; I c r ri e t c c ; a y h e ss . T i t e s 1 c e, e , p ii sl ec nedpleffortatuere iesMrCeeouheesu it le ccteeccte icvwe lepofler lilti 1cnetlercvelverho.'lial.ieececisece.cecee1msela Ic reccîce l leco Ciceacei e o b. V. a, ut-oepret fetrl usliclaiccrc5e iIi s weecep cceeoutiofrt ear. 55ccc-Punme mon ndc1c scoîteteerlcevedipcec.t;Acre. ce epsternnctiàinciteh ii * lie Sestl ci. 9li Pe tice lcic e tee enioile ast elece ceie e iD . leMai eBttnc se aie alltCince a e o, jey u ea ccprdic. ni te tlcefa cefc5c ee dit cciB Cee0,.rn e s býie ic Tocbvuctemcue.,D. r rSe e cuit -aIs lii diai nutcei, ai e fr c cieevicceru threct.ielance wshitoeluc M cDr eean thé eevl s tccred la iu tu - tec teect. Nordcthece. meeeeccebet Mc bate se e i erucet sfhig abilesSi-at; Beoierocsether s asbel iceent tc ep i ec lcgpeeriiae sta utecefiee u t hé c Crdle téicsm tbeccccthéoge le ad"Ttee. cec demebtecua e epicg e. Brthduesy W R RE V lucet tie r mt gc t I l oNellye. boyswo e e anicr t ern e oc poabot ,I ell mecter n hy Bcc. tAhen ALscscrec sYcellIuct *lcua erctie k lcch o t crieie ecicoungteet r ot e neveceme ppece ixa sit a te ieiterevol beut ilteeryarcvcai;r eseierci e d ceceei ciraeees ie Iaseérisearp ieceg re in Sttic A e T i vI tele rsuvo rn e l eed ît n et o ek dd e t kpC m lee eic aie * uns jsceercc t F uu terni l u scîdo sa et m., tý larr c bt a te c elanrdpec ts C rshe c g ifge ouh e c ict c e ép lthcr;J IeO O ePa t corî the r evole tpu t heb tad ,i cli eu err e ee a c q e is t . ic r e o ,etied t ci t c e i ; e vc C cr tc c deeei C iWc eOb t i ce i Ahc e t ic ce l ccoo C t.Ii S i ne 1 r ectet aýtie i iciu ein t hé o otl oIvde in lc dits oes t t héC c casid v clt e oî ent JcWivWT .- ' s crsetee îe thél i e courd i l btathleu.h h ti t icecrth e i u l ce eei -th e e uctsce e tef lso as ot eo to acr e c idtor mecou t n cd ba th ecole o ofr t. Itear i epcr m tucn ci . eitcd o r nic ceceicbuit tSot A le il thé Prcesceslea h il scnlce tIc tise!nt race f cest ar. tr oc elairte tatet sst te, ao enli le croesucit'eygodreri lestt bect evaetuetean inoer ie Clecpceeill inîuTornoeas $40,tt r.cDr. tuarlt.. ,tiecssigicleieececoce c , -lan a lccrs te îh e Poicei C e O ovic e a a ote tellemc se6,un r . ie rs S cevo e evce ascetatip co poooihladd etsC nbTicl.ircue s 1ca, oma r îc toc 0c . e ilieotie e acdt ei efie t eci biler 82;rste eu cisIc ie - tIc doecuteo î le a iceltasel, c ed t hcc ole i aunecslu ee rbutra ri.etIl iii rus i -Scta ct d laect corirntteaC ofilac*o bcls Irtes Brlothee.eersr op ietneesasCfergea he j ry.eta s . oo rn.Isciatü ee, ilec se eec i sri- BoceltoS adcaceiathé ci t. cice dcrisam ta ICerto tenete lerCesots eosteenedté - feilleofes.dl - ecrtenctoe.u<cc agieste elcuo ascierneseramt, s e icghirnltote r n ' e .- . . o ol tha hec c i. gret diecoei c eCote atocuecCis cme .t ecc a oOs BrmMItteD FwOm?-R. co - A .tge.lIe pccrccc ecs;oeieellies se5 tase o e acti ofAc eros taii e tciercbt n toelptecservcesa tiethc er na c uito Saehlnot tee , - yareolerrvovl o e loipaoiesâtfrit outil aee garchangeté5eintect. T tere cre Scocetst thet ceroters o a lk ~ctoexcptwld - te * - naceofFtereleiylee .ralecia io.l. e u ee ductais a ta lcer e otic a s ro athces iCIho ccp colt asreoter;c s e pEnlcîlars iA SIterCorcedt cd o ý Ieic e e tcxcL-& itc cly. h raTocicg e im ut e scotraocy letesecrol;es e t hé sola t ien ceemtolcas e a h w l .y k ni .V V ltiS ,p l lae gv clr ct teci ice eeliecion e o vert; utI ne e c dit it s c m ie- c a t *idfc tinfr. - Tn isrv ler a e ebumcs f at.p- ,ee, e kt eeiicsee sot e ;fthépselc auls I et y teau t etee ioin e, cetoi m c cet e hl m juDe eatccu dap ceta cintff e ie c srrn. l. s a t ai tiece rceysd gle cog' oi. . lecctsdthinc ait o ino i %Gli oîr. -, buti dicne t F cce si d. D.ilca a ver di hota b .. l i ce iifor thé fu l el t csueecle u -- ci. geceoe G.veumen tanertokê.te eforc fl cosetndctenct fo' p cr : wiease cpcu t ifle c ecwalohot W O BfectieccuIf t impeantS-a Ae te ingce nÙe tio la end lae teleifoc.T étéetatiet I t o v xie cer dttee ucrnt Rat h itif, ethrouglitowc iue.I A atoesrtiePcru cotyiel * Sg-r ugl I e À LOL'théLrovnce imsn uieta leA ricothesIi nioer ed lies en agt, al ie, psasrees, Tâ emicctc eciuo .tn s the suincai aci - - ife ndýs o norigt e oeBle toadcaltce rimloell.etmeinidentacedieect abutt blgilce .ýllr ,th e cr oibloa.rssc SoAeyeirecle getini te etoscuoei l dia m eel- orecéodéendet.i li e 1err rèi moet %, cashite acloteasriglec. rtcaes-tecarei tclcictSem eet,.tie* tceesrecmo l o w b oyeipric ula eodac to i fla p;emitceseet; tthctteptione ciceiiegre c tovrditl foree ,t e ll c xi, itse, eae' 1Wctrc Fel e coi f d e itrng utipcesool.r th e a ee e Mr.ypcnon lrct te ation -M ounrdst ciecCacroOcos Micsole. .-Snid jcc l .ecep eeso ctcra Ttume ofem ues atae t eIv s -se c o e e , cuieret lie e t m etttceetrao. seersc..irisccsei.1io -Mec ott aceicott i. tdutoaý i cdepl ri iahb ýac î ceie olt Tcifcnciu mscaice ethe e e. - Bcv. ioseectceis. el Atpétuioe ftfeerW. Piteteeraccd e cort idtcitleonttcse csicol lt teetcccteciTh aCiutcit tie peitice.I tectisi ( ctie.slisgin hrcnniostcc etiamp te cttde petecy t , acvseota otcBtO others & Wiscod eeledeea . r.d- întclut o snmiai iec suv.oc îe oold c ev"ctctetacolc-e ai cceheernsttcriieTior dcpetliîa .c l iEc n se .O fscu . vssee aciin oh Cut ; 1 dia e -îcho îa5edl,.secosstri.6eicce noSpsuc - e c Ftieceecuite Cs of.tee1pereiar citeociuisecouare;t w oeieloocusteiccaf iO ads y e tuaiteay cieliefor. Urls illo.i iesec1igýc.i engrc. - tcc pvo ct t em e fccot. eg hiy cec c rcd.-e te . tîce JslaH.d ScCocJ . .-Arn orecf À30 ssrto eci l r uic g.iete .ir ii Masse iy 5. H.Msti5cccascocdcd ctrice b flhec souecosteiste no il ts;.eégaintt. D. erothers siu; ci ie>stefcece cc csuet byD . tecte ilet Ie leutes~e at litesalUn;inréilment fors te Richardliiite C ileone op i, il cusAeriait ut ,eIcin Polai-e epIn eicut comc l Hecieo, u ln ller etlieîlebal Dc Serci, UÔ,a ndeteiise icg (ocopuisopee, ldse cne iPihI clieer-Cacrst. ,ime durm tee ssAin ivrxherees cciulaiernrrerlgte u.etelsstz .ieu t is i t senedcc AoesceoccctSrcr Jcic C -cunce alelactio e nse s; ut e lsao butorrceiigtesiuaut flitcceeofteet e eecOiee cr rroeiicu enlai n meinio eevesivee, tan t le e ndaiettlIc pe e e thé e pli-oCrou. ipctli ce sc t etp endr retherprate secc iige. Pescstl cls ) icit ii athé chair. e e ccec l iîu t i tueclîItonaa thmrî e tienoet Cc ieetin eoeat Cceu deC oeers mot Isesîc, i-tr t- ,eS orog mit Linc-. ait- Ituethi.1. M tcic s cis ha ercsvccprstrae levithébatisce,c8in tare to tetthe Cas Irn kest umer e ntci î i . -Cl ipery boet . rcul».er ThélcyO.minu.c, tes tee'est ooot ot bcccibre ones e. ec. rthe ue patmf. l e de r a 'c . epc eysracpltrsetcusîpW iclegi eysccp, r abc end id 5ni>et cctc the aepc d omce enl Ioo d r t c uailTi infocmatioen e eu drclrnduct e - n c jea ii lot i spsaieiy siea I Clu- A A -Cu iifron W.. t eead50Bt id itswtéprctocb teicheIcot enatref I b acvedmoit ctopubl ca . ccgt.c ecs sesde î, étes ie t h ceat aStecetlm1p JW it gtier te C it atii'ory corsutoceeh e ioctpaietrcandtouu, orsaurc ctnucl..s ceece tccs lai pencronComepl eoct taseu h cc eei e ticebtn italpc ieog d uetrue utepIeoe reLon 2SctscelSetcua ocCe à, etesc.tude.4lerid. lie;p c alcl thcgcufec aie a e t up tee ces gcynot icrna Cruae ofEte Ame.ursâ sla s 0y,'c ices b.ieirlîcoiiff eor,nuit les. egus ait s tib oucet e se lceto f e la nsc frstiss.tu sesew cv estbleeesiscsuceu rs thue pyecit aetubOeriosd, mas lo; teila hiathe ace,encloshe ob.h etoc.bye ccerntio; al edcce of riutrue'A Meri y.. .Mueclm, Seocooti cecuI ibsbre r aeeute roie etrrctp i et . Cmtic - -LirPil ce tenteteocri fve e oJrul re- elo bereléo nnucesîîc ic epMilto n; à elceh byacclatmuataion; wll- sh o foda t Iescsiccdr - y Dr. Ltu, htteuucrderre eccsi-e e aieuee ctb;c e sat asîal.~~ucb;mîbuerItee eu -Cessent. ttlcecvec a e b e t t rt sc i a c rl t ee i t tela !,a.Au- - - -uda - Sotg l e la u ccler, cmcr t st 1i- iceppeina. mnue;I xrc e setie c uls -o'ir teter te e or ee ;"OChe t y Dec Oses t ru frmisets.. i - Dc-est ri on, i n* tcc ébue i e teeth.rhal .eo Stuaret.-cLc i ni thet h opesrs c , le7 Iraceo1t he an c1 fsli cs i)Aei dctctu (idefoCrmermcrect t .itnh. ctefoslcsthéco u thbcacolvathe ytamtic;le intholeun ddeurü o Pt ee. sttu bec eft. or tc1ua . IAucouantefront John-ecleinas seocnsn;ande hel5og evle.emettereee o rthssni n ohet; hteo.nerntcif bataywee ienK stels ililtp-tia i ve s ece ot aa telfooe,- andm eccacetoeithéelceu or aicssttfoMies s.:e .. of r. asserrina MaotadtésieIcefi on, - il W O iniff ocmorenid etfini he cu 1moent;hlee ch cametee fodpri c eselcociitloece 1ct Meut ci J M lcOîlucecc dtee t ei s tct l lteroletout a hthc e c Cutmeel tcg Bcf thooesl 9 tirsautr e agslacat ac' o dl v-t .Aeeden, hat îleScnoetit he cuectseu t ehson le iteioneIîp.e'stlender a;If i en ctesaeceuo t i ,îuc e utara- st e . p ii.d rau; an, sup balsceta bel .Prson; tla l tas fi c Ihat 0, Ih i aasiu eteelltendrsshet t ot dulccrcetc t MpillyattAintcegcrse pevtstcttunictei wat lteests onttoi t o e a n ceth ctren1ohae tecerteu k.he up .onoceef - ecuesile eli .aeiee forD.lcter,Ocorld . tpli hu ath i eu t ff l a o ntîev i n Bceorn ytlee, eutIotr al ge c h iWek ce u ong llsudtse ttu e s. 1 . Jhnon tat nble iu;aof50ra e- C erinteeat h o si r t il me etra tee leonetaslio er acyatn- c41 ee ugg ileecie rltn CrfelI Caeatsce eeu ump ast itencycfasle ml.ilehat i ie rybants eitweut ence ta ntsctns t peuste s Ch Tie i» trts rci a.r o aseruc e t pl c a St e t mle.r- off, oc t e o î lidc l ongpc til ofle ie men t; am nth e eri at ered ten ce ,t he, s t ne seh e s a Brotlena.oun(ry.-Cani hoseie, ecal tra tlo tercndelent e nd rnnrat teeéaléaisdeun col er s ter d amiie l bes.c 9esi d l 1 oed -G nde sseldd y ta h;bi t ba lIsà e, Loiee'e iseee ere a auth le ceartcleTau enicu tol it ofe u r in e e ue J. eH b ceO1 cu stasdt M . G ftecpnalna -sawue ait reSutf whi tenue; te. Osuca-scc hc I reeve "Idsbutter h èrýZ-e y t a leee m e eci ,ar imiturles tee esi te or beexcanderbest, act eudrs acre atpen;tboa* cat cea ssaeieonMdce îwscîy MmecelucerteeA. ucesâposntsrsstreto vehiecny.Mcm icepdocts haetyebot eeabonnes; . aeothépatgtcusmeoce flemyefa; dint CciîtÎeca fs.udre stbent al lîyJaa Lidsa, ttaiau ar er eSaw .t et tee nInsulvt ainte. m oci enhmc nl ues adte im u' usa en ihe tcus gqucinfoe of bleu;iMrot a pererapie culet tculbq..eacceectrnptnt tee - JODOifW cew r L k as ot ot - r tto t1 c n t rs.m . n ast d sgg i . e - - -llpig ý.Ioýr$1.20 bong coponNo 5 n ialerteotiebInds el th tifocetwte h e Co hlanmclene;o - 1 tl sIlly m cso.r,îéBa . bifn le ld ant teeg terndcancI Bther s e- I enod m e co tld le o stat rrnte se , sucrldges udest a lirvhs t C. Aist Tm h vo e cics e nt t st- imontacawhtree v1 d a itherd tecm toc wnl r b ea u telothécConaîthalet- irsc ellru ueea. d c r clolOnare U itt h irlyaphug te yo wal emcuueitul cola ifoute pear! e telcwetwouurCu ehs cnlB teSs Meagaeesiia beun eryccle yhpee.BÙteerbt 5 ed eviereueret t: eâie à.atelebs hes f fi si .st e - nîgicrt t l e 0b&Crncu.ntuereiaThe nd rru houe buay,187-<c osay cusll e :i«Ras AItous sbldsu v.a o.Che t a- m uest e I eou.e. nepaitFs-etes ,,, ý thc amp wo- rei §Atiy.-a ue.h: ir ao forteroeldltisa-jsîce e tssbeu e othé;allitment t.eee ueisn;tbp h-ronse sr aeairte cssuy b let.scli e :ear 'cteor.mliea teC e~r r ol i2x Ibul gtic. se1 SJad'ii-Upbutei rus cf.1 e-à itouaejsut l'ate mas fist[ttae.c ataeb tra t t i epsou et sol Cteo u i t et. c- - - seetsd n oft pilonnonse eTice large .c-sr.rr.. D.. RoT iesýet r.Lepp oniat; eeu cirk .eto aerCeyvel rfns ie erls su i ue rucucrsleclaiofuCa bc tre t'ancen a té et es. (Tboad arte i 1 st Metr.ain of dteil slt eutstec esblue - I - Led B SI uy . H. eCh mso ndri 1s î eutey sigîni uuZf. yl - bodcthèàuî bÂlebueaeethI 11' l 5 Pvc~eer aat ua ppropriaiei or su ts. m peers;"surle ailig e i Ibosoe11t eas nc.t or th tend~ ers s .9 . ime 1ulacerin uc5re n -pe -U ve -e - vM ee suc r ip n a d t the ou e s rom tou tgo t ai rd f or arn 1to c i teo t h e u s mit e c, nd- h i' --la in e, gti 0 0 a -I 5 l e a s e ,ad ert seforte ie & taro n s, t is a e cifer lse-I-c e t u e t to me casst rth e ne rs in he ea a Àt. ru vi ou s?. a tans rcon t acs .t ti. î: .. u t aciu e e s j r alac leteM iu esci. l s c l 5ti e ) I d i n m an ef e t o ce] a toaft r h e Ifth th i rd thcce e u e r of c isO r ier -lss sc c bsi es sr rrtl and - - c l oit of tet e ak cp ovieo k b a a a m h t n es-h n m d H g es n i o st b e m r s M r.L y o'i i; I ass ste la trai- t e eoN st nf er w a i h thora; t e G a d ne , n th io ab si J ly -; t e l ic fc leeceeOLocùÂi t he làc;t 6xg aecxaeelty cece. Fdc ikIe;c boeght od1,oOtenOhceFicey Étripes ClrdDecG 15o.~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~1 CooeL IeoGoeCha DesI iyye t tlecleke M li. w aoe ceweg esemnceoseDree Godeet.2e 1Th ey e Ahgtce'tAlwe *2Q.O5OI~ Dct ~ becfero e ogejfail wo0ol Cyree c hcer ec crccF) re ilyl e -cleo Dre 01ee o Jv valy îh eer.~9 uitge at b i Goofamerb 8740.onta, rage fteelFithe r"'iýve""'in 91.e ihaveco ne n w orso.. W ,eeeoet eea .. havel.1.- nevei,'.L . i befor l-O Cêe shwn su good val i - îûvitedto cailad see4 -hek novre]s ofbi the "onll:cin.y eparteP ,aldyoPra [s aài'tyg is b11bac"in mheresplace.i Thtsecnd entos retnne 'W he e n imene lngeo teae oo e MôTcKÂY Bbaal arir i OTRS.-T 48 KIoný ý.oNG me REnT] OMM OD A] AIETDAEI Qràat Zalo ofCapetsz at -.About Ha ?#Pics at, Tüalté i cn, ier n éeoricsee oiity eo s r el 'Me fl0en lie'rsi.c esfoqnnucirres tVi 2bs es.' let e e 1eî.25î1s,. Oc. Mettere scllIircece S1t en l. ccn75te0e.Iace$ e o I mriseleme t rain8141,te S.ueucîse aclseit TapclCe pa 0"'lu eetdme cen i-;ele. SOc., fecOS tHOSi 6 uepi Os rlu ecl anito, ioe' 0u Sce. TIcsVee-p Bnci Qeaeeny Hateecli -I-eee4.1 $l&'a l, , i ,9t) t,0 teac epéCroi eecle ee r t sic.lsîisl-s Buttoisedery ei C.-Sior Kid titvea eselct, delctaecruitlo b. Aepilipieocit ôrENw Freeate Kit Gloee, mei cl .itc se. utijeea evedcr tItis ,eesl-in e lorrttes dwtont0teee12.1e I]c. litcliedema froot 2501v iieLacen EloiesseleciCgicgnf u et i ,pites. lelis ilatlue, Dcestecs alla Uieera Soceufàabot ial teiiie valuscseeo. DrecrsudWie t leiOrniercn, b seucfe C-Aieu Sers, Mtet aiCBnes foLadteiete noa iesr. Ne Enelseidecioe, L.aces, Piquce;-Tacielil rstiulis clci. dirso et ccii>be maniraciies ew HeC liesricSGeir ee ieiBlcki Ciiecesneu, isck Mcieccs, Siasl. e aietta Cieei sntoo tipri ew r,'Isho o et-Chi icati ilf t csetire5giea. îeesrnherr peu* cal ejc eieoee.sî aes-tteeg ceee Réel, Mcis,, Rogo, bMulise, Lnlusué, Fluer Oil-ciotst, C, rpet SCeeepersuDaroceciuBepc.leseelW ik; u elecs I i1 Ce mt.cet ileet uccp iheetut et th i Cg i Hocuse. , Sscnlicele.and eUlstercs oiui, S (es co, i.taPis CloudeScaruiotBec tisocf a ila lrliheg sff nce rneeceoteceelsreiceeTi hei lIose -sua-*u i.tstre saBis ce tie-rnoarsc '-ight Hllese ccd i-Tlocee C.. 'eVties' Ladies 0fMlYlilto HOLLNRÀ E &SON Eleryair warranl také pleacure ininteitîug you to their -Tese goodir ere m mýzý mpetenit xoke5gr - - r- hail ho perfedt.. AÀ I~e 3r~~ Smme. ~Zll~ey DIE - O S.TUDA,,APIL 2ind.. Gretdipay of Trimmnied- ihlto & nOfltoe after:the lateet ~12 WodneicedN TPoülr cylec. e - eý.. teealutentnol tseo=tle jevolleee totI becaattuuont HaloccdBuesel nte thé msteuonoble as liow at-ger totYtOecSl Iclase -ofgo ,7Tbcw c4)eeà fer tbouoauc ce rcy, Hitrape. olelc1Charmes wt,'à àî st6k .ony iht.ýtsà C T1o~TtiotenJebde'SOe - iety ofdaifft K. We Il ,dont liefej aLI-veel HNuu lpriog Wnigi cil-mool. Frci il-cool Fréii îil-mcol Fret acd Whitlec set Whitce( soit While C ana Gray Sti 100 to 500. gosdasor cote épartn PION- ,,tBreýerri Cee cali-y sfCoul , 6. Veryp OC lee Tlices-pli- i .121 fe --le. ( es. B-Cteol , esdic Thc tue frEiteir Bois lecm e et i Iecpsie. iiece muc, COncli lour crest MI :)AS C W.MA Ssat1àfartic i"eest mal beig takc* !iseegoodo tment of a- the large anadc at I.CRF( de'hoe Hot ,r aSeci l ~~aie-D-Air reot it - r 1, ss ociesn sf0~ ~~~~~~1 Ci1 e'csa"oscestseMcI r.b FOCAL JKS - c e rtla si i lescl ; el frose agur Inuit Bee enCec1 octe Serge..,.. ili5ics ~ rn e. . bi c ci té,teer #6o.i0 cah; ce iî stee Champion' eutlice tact ai niSlitc. -Price fron0t âeCh sed. eare cecaili - *Sed cf seet o scci roc We tsreClbai liceoitt a reDOu cice t Orecea Sect infosr mi tph le croira taeeru os o re --Eat cbeof ea udr dto ccl, seul. cbsfte. i a lt 'seit oc i ud- w nlet uu cornersKinguie - cuoccicet ceuluti-,E sut tu eeceiot peepes of htorse is vs-raeie - f Gait, laclus îles seiý ueuice oeth.tî,ecssisciineU ute.-T e reiscuit itoc ec vàcieCt, aei, aret nen nct:rceec ieethe tice.! ircetie sigU lee.ce u. l. arireicseagand ciB te Y.11111Helicceel i le, nIu oi, sga c ee.uîci1 esteceiq. iltice cluede i ad wcoaiicil. Sincca ct juluscei aCt leoc'vas S f soliictCCO a 4alet- srtcileici -ces a eoi l.xe tssoas a r, UTreialu.fceure s 1auet lo, aeend as undsUni iticlscCaCisei na ii Sîls i. Si *l scvey scie iCe t.v ne tocJ, .Gelu, fGa0ie rel*s o ne i- e. ieis laC etiieatee l - - ltme tcgseh o csscv.all o c hpd efo tre eut o u .1r =4 p tiser el à iegii- t petriting autiress t seuls . B; tiks ecofis.allr * t gelc la ie chir. i lcente-uoc.letoceoc e tee ci- hechIsidreen suth HQ lthdccxr scaceeýtcinýte a &ete.a ond ice ceai tsbottAer lCOl.a4ce oc%% MsIL hbcspo e listhute. Ccc 'avi ela -Sta t ck e - lifor pue orv li aIe .tFcic s Co e ccc'c, ce ar15 u MaWay aSlagMmio.ien ie - ~ ~ tes attet e eScee ,eai ieicaes t f'Tcsti wre i - mni en~ps.te ilandscpcsir i PirSsban-vauIyce e ice ySatecce théo w5seFuein vrietCs îe Di.ecus .fm , .2a nolgcge llou et Co..Ie rCta te ntioS o feli unliir 1 Mo5-to Àda8saut tCcinc 'aicoTIc ira Titce,' etTesC.lmpa lsj aec de aof cerc. is seiai ne e,; u.aie ee oci rn lu scmc reedasp TLu1,aecoèshofbide cf ieavua CliasciuriMucentedasrthe tlrai ocoilonssrosi ap1DI ,, . u aee l c c osscilcepassel leplcc wy, tiestit cCanenelés et A. Teyar, atru, aigse ,lot te telle ..D2 a e onde v ssî i un uteC uceni, s auc seuaon - 4c. ei. sWrvle t u t el -tiaoîe en ien cce tu 1 aiiy ecuemne k teocyeicct silB 0 ote tîsro lcmeo-and wo slociicOucerm ée Mct 1 mlper IL orne, l.E ooe; ln Tents iceté Meor ).0) rn..uuot Wiy Oece et seSOn , wlu b aSoc taD epatrtueothl à%s Unt rtale a5f au thVisdery - f 4 I: - - c e - e --a CeMZ -m