LOTS.ON SNErPJçf.NEW i'tu, Na - Lces, New ýL ,Co-or0F HAL;TON, ONT AMIPBELL &*PANTON, P P,p. c lîîcc eu tio - bardlîca e1n>.1c0rl lir0,et ite tln Jî - 18fCOc etw TcliELL, ic w. "ilc I i ltcz: - ~ Ir~>. - relie J.iLa rOhELL j(,- RCase,'ORS &i tté., ;;p-;- tic ,re iccoiii ... o tYrono e-O1lat e s ode i..,-crC al8liaomiocos.T m aunuomi- ceras' 'or1. occ«W.,Minetms - haa- Si rde 7. t-t e eet . Ic , Ail cin .Icî cf t o , m iscttXII eicci IIlc'scetu. - Pccasud ehe cie, ceeaeteo taaV'î1,ai Smiuniei>r t s iil-'It cc lii a- ettcn-E Joec-1, u-1 la - ,iNuP~fJ. Z'tcrc t- irieoiitcia Ae-s TIE-t RuF 'c.tIl. . e reipt oma ton J.ÇNO N &i C., R- Mtt 'e' e te s«éine eassi, Temeic, .l.f eccý u elu.,.. Il7ýà fý",tWORKING CLASSESecrTt ucieyniarîicu 1est ictcaiclu lseit 'eptercm c -t ileu mrc Cee . Mme ie crii i o uteitnea>c eco I cIinti t e .. u'iee ti.dollereT.au, cîim , -eeivinccirtîenteeo el it i 7- tr11 .. 1ILLLPl Iclicture CaciUNorNri-i ce: Peidccc'creIcuil0c"Gioi-o raot.A "N GIISRILM & EcLttOTT. - DVI) FFCI-mFistdOr ag o BukTH COKSBDEST FRIEND, Il. 'A.î'INGLt' ccclOccimerf ihn tc e'mnt Iain aaeere slc gCEcuTcaimaopptctc. Ma-e, c ., Jc-t t a !i te eiîe1n eslow.t atoiltre.tJ. C. HOUCH0 &e SXolictl& Ce edicinal and Family Ini laiesto.lrteenlota-luttlugeltud- ______________ le ec e cf oce dax etice, cciis Onrantîti tîevîn yrî. old. z. Z3 LXmEIIMAIN Ordeice b>. 1tLlptooiptltexreliied. PSNtST ;4 Réîd.ý11., Bîrit. Go 'S, Otrot icîîle creu0Bs E, lMouile 10S,8inotoiAmenoéan e kme, 3iitt., t710 cueppuloWe eK .. 'et-erpnei.-.le , je-, ccror ccmi, ceeu h uian m' o u o,.,ac ntucrc. rtn- i. o.Ein FADINCHOTEL INTOWN ucucuemesac.ctcI"ccItJi lo iuuicciau i 1 , c o ueyact ulcccho ucmelion, lth. s Ic. o- $in in jý eTci, liucui-ue.ccctiu tucugt. ne. -BTY AT 6Pun CE-ncui-u'2cL,[ Clt,caia,t. n a ,moo ON, FARTn rc c ., ucerci,rccectene..P.- nu no n eui mtucececIcccie eu s cntîidtii ai .ut leuoceccO ni it tto icc ntce mte klaiedeisi reT. fii mcciiceeyue C UT O E. ILItr u.1 orl THE t;,ic MYrtie Navy I 5 MODEHATYE - . 5. cPyoi t>enedi le Mii R 'NlB 800ZtO LCTTEâR8 j . - Iorcu>.,NONeE OTHElI GE NUINE. *~ ~ ~ ~ IO - - - --fiiTpLA NIN& MILLS. SeiimmC.iet eayc-- e unier &Ezard, Proprietors ' t~~Zo~&~s4 RO SE - a SOROLLer rir = ïr -..m.Oe kikr - e be a..tco to i ooontotfl A cl atot' r t .c~0cit ocoo eceedaa naaIcal UFEP8.) i SIIbe accES zIO MEOess4.a( lerlm.-.*,-,., .......... a Speoi 'E' .o" ' ,o Ioe-a"---m-o-e--. .turlrs eon aat fo t --_ _ý - .0. tez . Mflu.. C0. Wh - es.ta&mo for '*- - fIN<" :*1h. flhaota -. i ýjt.?4 - J Rnoiorp-o -.jiohho1lhatoo 3lobt n 1 .1' .0 ...aonoohor rmdeiLu .nohht a -8 I awy tIj-yot borl f b er te b_1î--ýoDféi 1,11 tbeato-oa0- "e .P gthe l'4 ta hlbttntm,, - yen20 ooyh âca. b fi%# lerM'ntramis bot-bli'aglaitthontan.la t-t -beu sayiro hot6lharal.utcct .,dsotmernotérùtibra11ho r orou0 dmty 'thé cerlhUa tsm11 » l ~71 ;: 6.I ô ti 1-* -.wc :at ! hswy it' tara Sa-A Itâttia, ond2 th&pléiahtaGtadya.t'ry,'h_-41 b.c aewh"1tf.? rasse -.cI7. ao I O . O'alae oio her oarecty thtahd»aI'h 6àJ[v iio èhjw't'a fri oÇd ihr o, e ; eoqdt hotdedju . 4tield aB a i--m f lu - ar1 cilo Bronbasrtatch ' alktabtaoii* l-à-àared- bint à-' Lo doÏL ' f, , -- ag mnnid~ a' n I t atbaai .hs.leieora,.c, -hoettta:awoar,. ale m - "-, i à.-. ' traSdeto!recoig«e mot -ct tho o he tleforrtn t.80 osItimb a ctdie rn . as h0 t Yt î&pn Isî t, , -. , m .: ýe ý Icamriirahelna la'tao.1 1lstam-e, /Iý,ý.,V_ýeî ýRiramavý mt r.tiIho i,iteasnp.-fat h anýect"I &'O. allloe4olae, c.oe.t.r on indli e 're njalLl -1oc h-, «'-am 'Y'"&tUliaaiéfft ~~~'j~~~ _O0o --mdtc i. o >"- f".iord cay mmi otl a narthobo Y ,lmhthosa-rth m!en.*t .d - clbltj . & . , V ,1d 05 par o tb' y thm-ý. lo,, ,,ot0'r datorll adtia lrdai mon hit hiizo titn ..e plsàli t-'a-, ,'frnt vM >ia1 tt .-. ebçu.ardelr. St hn-d y od ec " tha rctceoof'b6 mite-a ltamlonlltwiaapltyNiatn-& ýrdVll -h. .m.rco-' h-cr8,hona ri g 0emoll bit'ahimlila torae«dPmvat ee - 4" rn0alez:l. hont buoliaoepeh. ý-mooLat ina er her m ,i' aber ,d -- ý,"j- Ba tbdm tihWsto.thn ,Daif iaerrl'Z' l a1 t5o.ri, e ý odiluretîoc '-Laé:ùoj-' Ocptaie,ï,fl cyiiarl a m.bad...ltgrytorre18h adbndbam _- :Er7iaoahoea . mrreectiy. hbc . 'a Mec.I icat? lctoeid.beoo dhjt1 ocra1ber' _. 1 1 ý_,, îIr, . "a dcamhihiceleite 1 eva reeRi ol coeg attoSved Iic ttbraI tatte mv .RrIicfmbtwnaslaflrn.omIvra.Sho ' e ~ ~ ~ ~ al art mi er mia, emotmlaee. tmeM&. coterM. cf'on oct - chos. bihr -mnfahhattdof ai the eWlrIlsivoi Yheeu ley tîiieg d i, e ret eec .er cl I hetl forget fepliedha0etbite".- ho b syý1dt ramilat lh;.paraa'yiddoa -_ _ .meÀoi ýLî , ltý bd ie d 0ca, ed e cii cced r a hobl mie be.àDrai II oaso; I mmcl: bad- boîaaall î. '*karaWii '.. a Ph'yth=o c~~1 î tovieo.h ta'.ocimit oba te avcie Bb to aa cîdecty ht.Byi Fot eipher Ieethcg tlt reeam er at'rcl~ m elaèd acd Ieeed tos hIsmea tan,!hy tacemà-i1 20 t e ag h S l a c ti l ci e m c a e a h ec r e h m e c l b r e t . I m i yc , M to a " ib ' d > , h a m . a ddofh m s to t r d m re o a p I 'e a l - ~ ~ ~ - ' a b eCe. l e n - o e ' . t n c h c m i , D o 5 a c tt-o , c b e e e t l . -a emao oreÏtIF b d . T edf o p c t osOt op-' m a d I o o o h n ~ eIc. eooeooelrroclicileohe. oc' cmec geehoemi irrtcebî_hr.'aat.-htceg .ihegeenda itho ii k f44îhoîghtthde tll, rtee.ei a1jmereremt itoohoee o" sbiicemeoertlcd,hacdto cOntrer." , a mOaldin. p. li Ic vor ha5 im .iâpettmeraeloorilt ca ietoee r,el oedhociyp a mcccleaciîeoall he, li-,> l ,-,.'«t.ïA homiotahepmc_ .aodmsr4ýtg îîuiaotn:9 mo eeoa4iîce e e; e lcaei a ar ee he. brI"'lmI-epmloods cd 'Oà 1 lD .B- Ov hy Cr o ieattg a c a atecptl eh Rmoiri d e cenAngipolalgity."1m-arcl," aeal imas matos mi_ . e;m nw t .locl ta mcoelg'lI ercao ec-read1ear .tbcedoaoaoaata cy_'mttooec le cty mdte ut1sm m ,ito5e. ata-itat; ,cti. mec, - dhmght-af-the res* mecta'aû - taetmeedbet tope- liierta.lat. _maShe OW-1h f'-onahorr thoneleo,10 ' - eaacrOatli.ioma z$ aboulaeIetc tteîtuboemehanee 'teeo -ctlilier atho gir isce toto heeott e.hrba dsti'wonia- ena OhtOt.bmmlm co - int l mllah didlh bm MJTA E C t5th dict :c ercoet.(c)mb erhpyitccAM atm;itep c0ca' o t Iath tepl in henrgave Aliatialle , as "' quite r . i i1:ýMsmd al --,-. ýià--i rHbcaetet llete g h m t M- b ca cgtap e0 b t aléri ca ni t rc c a d - .-ls.ý , ' .m t-a hoice.cedae' ao* rpet ee- aois c.cci rimetl aofr eotl hm -htFae »lOM a *Mcdw renigl-rd, Offeedthe rm Ntm-lma- e>mucicaltcgeld, "licidi'e-al t lerthet mriceicbetbcda cnt Rosmm no oemîthoertaetecrclt&bcmebie no.t caneter.c ltub et wrtet cap-tbthcb'ord m .liccrcei a ll , oi..es7ctoctinoenbbordeben LZ _ _ ý U , ~~meetiiing pe>-hhaari th ceicpub-ttîc teeclitie t ginîrlea-rt bcl for. c eaie .iatteiept't',o-ie*vI Tatve>. mpre ciboth e elg qs _.8nv-WEa l ll ' f Injin th i-cn f c.atoeih t. l's o ccncti otrîa bee oranli"thydo at ntcipar eôri . é i it mtl iaodtîimi M, tl"ic ilisuc tc1 ee . lmJi mbcae hcec Seemiodotcpcidgth e tellmd- crtatpe.b-l---- ibl m aO :r p'nen -tahe m b.n. bcd drhto!atmilmmecomatcoma.y masAnratat md tIlicc.cidsrai. vinc'le .P..»..U, Mýý.I. byaý. o c heia q o St 3e.i ccto e- .îïî th;creci i>. cie cbchvuId instgofth e rr d i t r-eenp my m per, ' wha' ttalefd caC t dooncnheam it vémsik ft ta ix oacigeacce.aclop bi I't,ôpceocAlthle -,1.dionfcomthehtfa . Toh t ha viipaog tre h.e i, - - ý , Do L'"Z ltfuly g ro.ýd iaanoct Ire iiao-ca-l ied mta cc ivtoîrle h a b rta c lîi t t he. Derla oe bce,.'1ja toa t a le î it n t Rîip Th'&ogavd oteaua""- -- - -ercvcee-n houg thécaaocateeonc-t Gneys woiegdciiao iet e iereîocthete-a i e eî tn. irnly i ss am n" lme tarice awontarTahatsahn b ee mncc Pain cciit'a1ucteito. ,dcc'eaie mifeeecht cpctcianoi .ca.eeeieacme etpe mte le made te masw ac'Ol t ,ct *leS a mo hy Agül'tir hoitat. ierm s i ee ce a -t lieh o t me e a A .. f r e t i o n sf i. D o umotîthi d ecr e t I cdt eap y cr vetbm i f em s G a&I zp se -t r dof n c r 10 h -o ila l : bi e t oecil havaencietoiteiirtia occtcsa.,ec-o tei tedia Rm, Octollecitt; . e wmct ie' hea e oe ir aal ar am ntn ire3I4 q icg 80 , a t, aithet b ocaml 'octW iiit,7 oadi.t a -- toc i lOcf i ctccu E le wrci-tu igc tpci tla àri-il aitec ia3inîue-u - hrme- ta ked ec et if -l '- t itdeo ctu e r tirai t mae a .. . . .r - e. >;: cg e tce t no.î3e, ceecrett tetcecg I peecrm oie cc ca haig dnerhé aoga, .b t hatcc ia cd inc u- aitoue , b iat erclbrcfntcelcgh btor rtt erctig aicdOm car coarbcec'r'oi-1 - ha n & .1 . lecrleatet. -' a . ý . o . I W n,- - a m a e un êet l cr l u n hi ni d hy . te î *-id rt-acnd Toc h o.l « à uils t a g c eas' c rmc ita ...eeeotcdll(.. ý"lotyw f~iîeiÈO i tcu a wlcaec lanefcY tftcieý er1,Ytrcveo4,"tat >eIemelfFai m ." Sh* a shtcd.lh .h - mec leorir, . - et ibn ct i tuner e 5c a r h iit ileo wc tedr r ey~cr, andtturc o mntontrât1 ma e e tcct ýie~ r >.eronba I ., .fena o tRo odom oaas tothervnd; mccobcactoei eetletco ooedI t-oI bmtb htetfci oechabronc oai d inllrlit t a ndt ialH arcvmIý %."bs l i.,i 'nieovceecrie c'ree tee iit ornc id*-e oii t a e r a i a euaei, - htecercaea ht. tee thaï e atmelotao ko f Yth itlà la e MmcecGndsBn o ihccccercrerneiî'.a ccv te t icc e . . ý-vi o Jagà fi"cn iO eettÙtee rcida Myi et m u e t 'fcct soirO te ce b>. th a geead 1ciotti.ct g t he *ope d e, t f41iol' 1ocu itSo .nremao ci. liet a .rui IiaedcenppeIoco cl, - Aetc .c e. t.u i u veI %id tec .bce srm en, fydc e 'elm un hap yf m ,k o htim o e . a cb w'ncta mhioRom l i d pcmmdicranw1a w Nit>'b Z# aee.cvacoieuter.u oni.,1f. ebectteaeiyer. ymttirae C p. bcret c ocbo hocciced ortaaheptthrr tinirca al .lerdtim dbcoaidd tehtig FI E - >ocoht" eriltc,'ciodiea,"îMtbeli io' ct'Icldîverga> et'ia cfIia bopti bon li,ita wammodcntai OL.cc.ppc omshceralacIa mnc pteeh Lioîmomrla îatcm mesccaitp, dami nm ecctdatmpeleuu NGiedya et le if attoctieex- t in W Obrdevhacciccelertlegad u tehicacuatt Mn o?" i fo r e.S fitsuvi- - Ihi tas el is àýtaoa metarY Ilor' oti -11,,, ud y i crfe ainuitttet he lnti c i Misor aleirc,"mehe, ecc adtonci.'e aR cre'ù bcee, d Lcalt t)rc to nhidi 01th bie n Nid of m as la i odotapam r' tc Na ndtp to h. atr teoetl octc elro'Jo.cei- dre etepihle tet tmie.fis cedi>. tece -et Lai>.'ICvi c c c..enc a tratir m -5 m tprlalle athm, sn liai tom- mitlue lu-ea c t n te rd- o ircandm.ca ci htRoIl h ta caed brI10ati hedoia l e et- . ý fr vulte dbpea en hu fyuifet 1.ea h eve a a'bedro R e tio nc o oilr ote A gl;"bt1tnrJGr.s *hudh v e i a r hécn, ecto 'ce-o lptierper tbinhorte loednberstacco,-hJeemIcetoioi4choteeatodttth ep. gelRsas roa er a mc yaaryoraillecm v ce>toy ercie blga 3is O>. Tc an l panmamiddo'mtditcsti'~leg.Itmc cmot opl,ha a e iec he isetanbctIIe.st.a iUb g to s es alo e ri OLDt clie tbceT re ceeize rd Âelvi,.oceeiit And atlaiieo niia i- uai r ' aemt luc5 ,lithsptaite r a Angtolterose, qmcmtb ý at-nb1Ni alc;é *l1t cirer , te - -noic Go.hlaa mqLtYeeai 'ei r euog rat ernchehnc-htouatbas. teoreee :tc s issn ctrccg e sa ýTe beo wbr. wu AFT eLv 10 :u4wcedpreaiy e rdo beet edeamieee I . lhcicla fftroreRtoth cohntiaoc. ay n e er aatr anht crgnad B nm ena fie Nfra i tai s them ho il aitbeaserras jeurd ie hur - ceanoonGr tb i- aibe t otlac,10t)iym'e.êeag -ieé'atmae1a Clidrt eiht.ringfl er bcbands erhe off d i in d e c etretedyate Bai hc adh tondiot bava bahes Xî eerS. Tieo on m i. 1 Iee mot cent ci tàoc ie dt uca'ie fode ier, i lttem0-e; la ct h micee b idac t ell ich rcth a. oractcanmtwf&laaéadlcm. alat2!'!n fgre e'u 10'I. .to3 . n Sttrdy ki-y%IV oil4 rtaiee em cp el . eurdl0bo ry m clir uooas- cue nteoc hpyhiee dna glasi a!o n at , L'spotin Onyay o wnIoe a Batm 1 îcoaoncao tRieoceco - Accici, 'Ati ee heat> l detir, tt-aue.ol e 'Oltas-t S to-s O beme cai iccut.i>.oftoî;viocetrai th'elonatace. caao morhercci at hada.hhngta dobttr.lte - m e an. 1p m l ce tomieahlot m.2a ae au e .ea ca>.cacs;Inclina.a y r ouaaiulldb0a7 , .icecgeccea, ccecccai ýce "l i rl,%-q ertnîdccetlymos h e ibcra o hts mon wiH e P&gs datingi n lt moddramliai enomn NOR'TdeLnND"- lelo amr l.. - Iv- I' " T nedrkfaeco--hc,im thand c l Togasnal W>>as od lest an aie or a leat Nint thé ' bctholi ai e8ec4ent l l ou J.BU T - n D, t: aihve-' d3Lr 7can R R ua.? et i' T cprn is veeO ' bu- a et, iseBâodmae ate -0m p Icnllo 1The imo s ch at dO rm e o ra n m da bl ,Narh r n e 31ilortNo,18. m AENT. in ýd i dieuvo v.ýiurý y,ý, ît o ielt al teno amwci."tiicaché. roer b aralilbs didllerrotct'mpt."' a ac theiseo otyfligoe.E ieerp.t h li-W fhsmè r.cntiercetor ce. - titeya oue,-lt brpeiCtoto Acto,.-,In '"cLeI eac iet cnecýate l ocGnt. - dysnùorçed cacdnaeà I ncpiam'n as o oeo GTooan.iet ltree Rthat shjirtaily. lmosigs. tisera caneeocscc taraY ttcem,îiîv ~O'~, -c e i. ¶I'*>.ocendtc brct i m, ' a-c tb. Ptocet thé.a rtocïtiiuc ai i nùi vicrbeotc ebe >1 03d 1 a ,hfdîe- a7 H t a nd tse, .itrîne -oa t h e' ecrtceoeceoeoimenueîrmocmmhonaicueli ceomt, t ceei.l*eon" -moihlaiee i g amlrtfi ,m &.te v o*'Warhc"AntaNym.tp om Vteif. . 1 teeia1 nLyo eia r>ledAu yooimt bat%%hotI as, b-1 i'andthst eirnert ana>.. Wemolauhe i,1t - ' otwaco .. inaosci'ci oft a lnat i& fie ec a!I cooQ rcea.icrtkdrt -1 iclLctloicri et eghaRia iLt.t 1io e cae ltoa," sa i lic acmmp1ceeliearcceice aer n adéieg n.m adI .kr*ifau,?ractum cbtothoneaHeeTha la c vop eca>. titeg ii .sier. lai ru rol.. rsce totie , -rà ' asdtaIeh mac imî>. ecc aice >. tlu iIn ii t ic ila ti "i:sa fai~te fanyycdh o ae :Tebt ot cpusaei5 I a ie atM oceu s ei acï¶>>t',1 ~ ct seoovt >.pealeu titaýll. egiefwit eeitui taleeepu cttcbila '>. berledatonni; ci 1ba.-ettair" t eendsBcif. If aia m ove% Prat dughmibou a pre iahre c 1 atuits -iunt.eee_- ie ee a t lhlc-toe cvU ik Clieli ll l.ohIae n . C a r lo ic etiree m 't hetts etai yyr elie - C A ccclcrfLIci et 10 aea b ci o s'h'ooéNifn ltiin u .aeate. eci-_ c p-neaitiubttber..di--o ccc cn't-etac tatmiu friontbemisaitcaget teldlievoR pay-qal amTobmioa ea a ono, .rcoleîa .onu Looac i ' i ehcra t ' la.. la-lt ie nifreci " - lealntIén-ih. is -'estlcn ' ee o ls. ossrT ' noeroe-lrtf ot . -o Ldq, 0lo f., aaiiîrco, 1111- 01 e r eclîpoo théi ibt iintiicscccefacu.yteî cil> ose, tcouLtfne. - c -i mpatinaaaaty c bis aan , lacn ha faemalmara mg- -m ..losmea. Or vIeteuIO - Ilý,-1eicireN., cctoeil>. .t - loe oi I i .fa nd ot lot > e ia c cu evrtyo gtet~ b ti 4our ac.'%,io i' lo --tir empalm Roie s abota ca îa NsRc ',~~~~~~tafclde tIbmu hopicialciealiaite ndale ,eisi ctath. v- aelz-' i utn, ajcieï, 't a i, v i a etrd h urii; ct o2mie"A gammsaîati oi w tifnoal-n e a nales . i "îaoonrniaRhlrco,"delmm "iiretotaoc s aitet pesrcirmania the ailo '.bar oît,miw e-the a nwI mo d fi c -_lih ' theicdlebeof t *îtliaielle tci. tiiinysOuiadu1'e.i huiutr t h lm-o>efteoitheigmtn'o lc h îesm aié cethr. ' ~ 0bs otý " *a" ' i, a I- , nI' obbcdecamhtpiImohmy faha; ca n légies ilm nd., lioaechosoboer.isl - tc .eiee -ionb àacrm tai ýd o - - ,. .,ýý -. aII ýim b'Tij aft u u ii vr iie ml g e t e ig it Ii aa-in avhiit ti so- htb lc ba ri if o o r disea i mp osd e airociele tie, T . n cran haras ye t jraIlîremi -îap-i. ,c. -ci.etHatI .. m 'r 'i i fh iA nsi r un m rale k frcr d lrrcl tcU l fen thocrtsp por ni .at s it ba n"'mp a n m i o tm kl à,,or % t =au m m i a Ic_. I lo......Ï..tictaîmmis.ioiiniéiredoli.tnetIbtdisea"littodolmiNiiiti Sha tIlr.rccaaystali. .%*-ivaefiCet0Oahéreelle corti motgnoise Zti*md ii- t iscl"ancdi .I_< Pc. Riicgbi antis ce, na Rocet oncerdaNidadisegi, aniîdi chocs itiOlsosoat arahéstcrtad.lin '- W C iBNE IXc.ct.. aimonter hIioeaie fo it i s-da ~-Yondhi hav s iersid 0crola.'da n plin y5a0 c ordnrola t 5.ga Il ý . llaaceboromJmecior- lier, th.é r-és caeata lec att o n W 1 ,m tecn l <' c1r.I.c i he rp téd eau .. ' .osfftv «-Nd>ee Cu relisn ,, ia fnynueIe,, 5 id a 1 i, t .tc î neh6' > - 1i"* 47 ---- it? bî!Ntt*t and, as a 8 0cr our'-8-.OacLiaid hS a es. Th indcSein - If t? - - - 's t '-'-i i -i 'j- i I 1~ 7'