Canadian Statesman, 7 Jan 1886, p. 5

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cri. s, Boy wath bail, Kaleabosoopes' Horse àadRsders, Wheel d 'Donisys, Albums, 55;. ipuhd tinta heitniiai tue tu 1e M tiadory lb. Sldsieh W, hii uouegme. tyI e0,iiChiarfles 1 ,ueuo. TArli b ineIl e.i ,imth hal l.hic-l TOn men wbenipp> -adtah.fé boe 1,en. of ma. eo, haeille, a et ort p«qey o S.iday moiei 50..&tglu. b aiofB.,ici5O, aha S th. aI iid ui.. ii. aut hin. a taebed ha . pitiih.$2555a yaoe.- S Lii,... i1pe of ldtiyee a :eigi*a che ncia eeqae.tgte h orgesl -madeagaphiaSbib yth neiAs".ny hn appe.asl aut L.t= =h. J b gabu.Je[ax mia "Mains. ton 09 tif h Sott ÉAthhat C.si0t iý. h120uin uao n.uhifnaaI daty. ne. bastia*î el ron MaI ya-ahi buialmidt aepoule. A cmaaatathea utoiv, bo.Ul0auuwv a" ndilby a @hotit. .usaily the peihilfitll inte- Ilniy. 1. 1 - ý.- ý . *Tac mgaii"i.ate the ciuuty pSi for damkgmdaithe SSiPait tbicha M in M, 0 s.«u - Io ia -nt" mat. nS oa. b.ah itghabite.. The SouUti A t iha in O0uprain bor hîealy huèe.yim ueod yat uk. ennu . i enOhthe iesam TSie Toronto * Oie,, Maniéeg Vien, , ad Chez papirs wiih eety satod thi.. wnre, n drnt, 'sent taSi po t hi t coeaty ithehli *toic, m aont"s.Win pleaineialaa 16noofthho,-WiedhilM 1ulh- aua>gtae Pha tCuItma M_ dabtu ehli 6,aSeil hnCli adnli-h iai a.ib.ofnlh ýciliuiii à".bH. bouweIbo pel. D. atocs. Le iaciaoa.f 55, il Cî.tlIarf« *111i11«11iimi" iflu-Mli 1.IL ,T5N.. Oc,, lc. , Th rî.diy. imai Iii i *In, the Higlu Court of Justice, * Tbs DimiiiioCstrovcrtea Zloctipnî Act. ifr e Miiiiall istrii if iio. iiuiy uf aliei. boldm oil liiStband 2id days of easnnm, li. "mÎrLLý-IAM ROC5.Paiiii Wald,. frae-nof itifra ah. "tiaO- TaSiii, ilti r . «. FA55i.od i t Tâ. ii, i .1 fric,i, ion i i A t.aii huii. fr dti*-t.Gtof ililiii. .a1 le the IIigfr Court of Justice, is -The MminIon Coîtrsvsrtsd 1110090ns Act. »_. y Il.. i J OHN VALOI. -Ad aasse ffbia1lis, tbkoc-t ftueth. C.. ilA j niome ueacuifi n gda. th 6.htfu,,lkdoy outJassai,, iW, aieoLiof B est Faiiy menaper -in cassds, THE -FÉééePress The toimasOPoiTaiPper ln 'n Osin u a Xill o G ,u5d nAIi sdcm.a Laeuey ... ........ Viaon i CaunadaTompueÂuh. D......ddi.n..ct .. ....... Distuibiag fublin cueahti Diaurhing itiug. Dem nsiud dinnry ........ An ua ..... Diuniaand dturdery ... Aooaltng cinabl .................... Disoichely iobdnnt....;.......L Diodoriy ..........*......i... Auit ......... ........ Tu.a.N.T.sala.. . .1$ .nta....... ......m....a... ...n.....ud ... J.bitB. ii ineid Wpi Cnpti .. l Badey...... Wt. F.penesom LuO Sunan COnanlepheF .D...........u.. s- - cah, - t -tIbie thO i -- f i.-h, . Augsc15, icrntuhe11, - 11th, 5s, tbsr6 .,, il îth, - Wer McLeoua ad Thu, -Nantie- Thomas RosOns........... W. N. tocny i Nnbet flUnait, " .2 AbeEAtin ........ PuOns Zimniasu..... amis TriI ý,. - Aniuu f8Laud .n......... D'via ldiCraiy ...Z..... . EdivardMorelu...... Thonma MiEury ;... John Anlbnuy....... Feid Wahio ...... John Mrgan.......... John, Mnrgan.......... O. L. Mimaýî.......... Putur Bliwin.......... Oab:Odl lewni... Gabrielul hin h........ '. W.Mieinan. 'John Pattuisns.... Jotia Pattnn,. ....... Tho&. WSi5ern..::*'..... Chai. M. Clarkr...... Jonu Mrdith ....... lîtiar Fotune........ AEicad Fituni.****"*** Jaes Scout.. Wili5ami*Fortn . - :: Edicard Shiarp.........: I heriy cortify that the forqgoing is a correct Sohele oiConÙitions returned to myýQffice for the Qufarter abots rnýtioned. - IfiltuÏi 200h Decnmhoc. 1887. -- ior infants and Children. EM W.14iat Me.>" pgAau di - * kTa. Ceseaaa oia.ei, 7 mausht .)m. .ý.D.'s, A Fresh Stock Grocecries* ana Confebtionery to hand. ..yeters by Bulk or Can. BO OTS & SIIOES. rein daily i splendid stock of Mten, Womesi &COhild- ren's boots ansd Shoes, foi Spring ana Sommn 1er wesr. Thaueeaancnîci h.hîhnaîmaurctren ln the Dominion, und cuillbe Thele.uotpneIbi ic.. Ncclucnd Shoemade to rdee. A perfot ftand mi*cluatnkesd oueip guarasnîmd. Peul jour epeîa. * DON-T FOISQET TO CALL ON Charles ScribneriJbios 'tie Pubii.hdý.sèna61cu3 cpo kBNMiMAGAZINE.WitIIthe- "CANADI NCHAPOfor'..50Ô.ereaY. GRAD -ILINRYOI>ENINC W. haveaasiit plesaieu in anciiiicdîg Onouie xrasmsd i ..t h at Te ay&Wcdncay Oct 9"& wheiawwibo jnpncd f.soirae~ki i - *- Feathers, Wittgs, Bxg- -*Phiesbes,, Fanoy Tricmings, e alane at hntnIit sin'osa FucyWool.« mss. RMNAN IN CHAIION. .-*A CATLL 18 OLIOCTEn,: sp inci*.i -i* i - ~ - -. c - JoI r -asre*moved ta his New Sboop, next'to Geo. Anadrews' 0te.aieit toko Mill1inery &Mantie. DepartmentCO -AD:WOD. TVE c IN FULL P5UNNING O]Y»ER. . i hltn eluaehi.cht n,*I cc-il.. Hamndsomne Show Bôooms, * very0t fi, aftwtotpoatl Teo~p~r~~S __________ Frce;. ___ end 40uffi mp Susteuoet usb Pah idns nant'eanslomis: y drhicd ','DEWAR*,> Clark e t thn pmace,. Ce- VPo~ heBeet ditho, Tedy e li nceivrs nOihto« unasa Bti anald tasd n edun6 the asmn e, Ms n5ilto !eai nLi ABIG REDUTION".SALE-_ o -1V a - 4a b First;-class $.UlJ.LJAOKJ.TALJLI±NG, uoSlceei - * Wich wM c t omàaufromtthu Necuenl aadFinoct Liaos of- acui iedljucit Fie 1Enlilb Broatis andi Does Noti r HGupEs TULL m%,,W ADZDIWG Èînh5u a 8850.00 smite On Ocdîc tir $2700 827W0'S mtste On cier r $4W fola .l.tl4ni sens Pns 5e rrfo 8 00 .0 ýut t i fi 87.w eio.hqe dyL OaisiasMO4.00l 8e5a 400 1dot500 Est - - * 5 ~ 510 ai 88.U 815.00 Occinontu tOcdîc for eS$2l 18 00 at-t fde qn5 0 Con iéehe c #10.scribe., lot! 1". ioi 1780 2W --i i. -a n.o eo i- c -.îas < iic heioSIOJa 15é 80155.W S. uli I i ii i b te eni osais LI. - (,rùe j o t. ci.t1a .lociiCOI.tls.. on n5em us , Déei 81101 140 King'§0. nuit, CoppsBliibuiHtmiiténs.e FI.GN ITlE ! I, iRg? (oi On -a iùI xm - - 24-4o For Skates, SleîgJi , Asiýâ Tgper. Ground acfoohGos eiâ~aýes at 75ô.proa., s '. , I c. Ër I%* nt-55, doi. a, in elcii- H'anofactorers' %,»ack 0f Maatles ýý wbolenale priq c%*fldts s Ulters.$2.50, worth $.50.: -Laffles UMatera $à.00, wortb 84*.00.. - I Ladie-s Je'rsey Jackets $5. 00, worth .$7.È0. ~etL ai*es Knittéa d rs(German aie> 81.C NeetDesîgas ciiiCarp ets jost recseived. - "Tapestry Ostr'pets 250. * *- - russls Caipçts 70o et* Wool at Càt Swie a 2 6(agooa Sue). C. s -P pet, i Deaig jOndin. ..............w,~i.................. m t lP.e*acud vYalue. it is. ÇllIy and ouiiye .IUstr-ated orud bas Urcacly gairved a mor j than- natlona1, 'pircùIotion' cXccçdhun 2500 (C 6 ,d ...a -' *p--.,tU WRC2 CFNSANME"'$P ER Walnhigons tusoi G. T. R ............. .......... *~jii1~V -~~* ') I. '1114 --- - ---- -- . .................... . ... ... . ... ... 1 1 1 . ................ - .- - -v ..... . .......... 1 - m i eý m > Bq -L -1 AT~ P.m.S'tre e. Are offéring' Big Bsrgs in ail kinds of Jks, Yarns, Indetc1othi-àg, Fle mMantie Clothà, Feit Boots, 1 IAL VALUE IN SATI NE 9sw. Colore in ?UI',E SILK aitle Of sll iîcdq, Cliccp. 1NEW STOCR 0F 0EOICIEC.0IST: ane NlmBuG. SOLEs for aivcck or 0877, I use roies-ey bre n-o.biv tue gocds,t HEiMST!i aar- A at o vr al uaiGt nd S, Milisory, Uoîh ig. (ceenmei, 13 hoiîlobae anilvoîtagoî.îf Ilis 'ARIio *CI escllig $1.25 and $1MTLî~eN RAT S for '50 ce] :.J.est is gione ay ;îiu. .4ami>solJi. Cicap St Wonetu uchot oie ili Ii*ll prsi îrry'Ghristrnas to Lt Prinoiplaiiy for the Cliroaîsti.ii £XVEAIR lus 2atork ziv vijcr 1 esi., Pretty clradiOIillti .Of ittliicii1',v 1îo . eo. w ouils andlletv.I lii-ý. Afc mold. algni nt in"u-fo, c- 3 oiho ichver, a i i ccuqitalel mi tl t.NIKEÉdCHIE 1,8ver3 i-rgea aesi. A aiuu alit of Wht5o Sifto s alinoof ie. Lîi 7s llog oiiinciE 1i. hei tem, no lhey oiet to ieiro DEPARTMEN T. 1 Vcry :o dliisacdrn ti icii di az o.toCd oocîi sesraeo A i icl'd n le -SHIRTS and- COLLiRS.--Lcrg i ighl. ,Lare oroani l osioeen u i iciî p. lange -lf. HO SIER1Y. 'Mci necd, Nanorni Wool. iloheik«, aed tsMin ail ke pepair. 1-Uncqnallcd. LTi,EN UNDElVRWEAR lie oxoî lé stocki teiàoiso trois. lSoine ey flce1 a maugnitoàlioBsn lS5c~o t.oiIO ceid t boh inqualiy andtl'or ceîiforl. Geitii a eil ortet ienans elcc lToi li. 'Aliésô iueoet Nerel in Xsvy Bloc Y aflint fosrGeante Furuisliîîgs ot-ecery dei Selle&ad,citizons,ifyirc5y o-al nusl igaed bas opened- a Wood Yard (x ;'-îlist enst of theRlierriniandý fflish al Who; Mhy favor himý r orersîf with ndSofi Wood ofa snI plit forOSO at rock.bott I 55- 5110 1-ns 1.est

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