Canadian Champion, 2 Jan 1985, p. 13

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ksteame«.sIi aidrelusi damsw.ao4mba#4 hokey Bult,11 or lali Iimlfl.lt4I% * gOing tn Wa2 iota h Ulm dl.o a a thug ha=pn Lec bralevr lo ei l0d%1eoee I Wipu iirdy ni lthite vau stL. ' of Milion. Mlon Jr. BSiesra 90.Iclose 74 fume In Onîvîlle Bled"a Ulml argC ta0 Millon mlacosa thej u aometts. Il Cas5 with lg tbon 30 %MW& ta play but ai&a ,rored an .Inptrne goal. li.n p rckt, di ihe lwo-oid margin. Il wa a dubly bttepI~r lin coach GaryHudsn Wswalow. Jour gunea in band on toc league leaders, Huso ant.d 10 i5~ îmaor ubt. aI paet. Ii. 0 tays va uInsi P~caoinor (leorgetowni on Dc, 2D. Bu lve fait- - eredin n ville wben MIU goulier P"ol Zullan wax lorceul la malg stops Md rebourul stops lime and tilissâ gaagais <)slliville attachia. * When he' flot la cher ttIPr bÙMlzef hels golng la talle pensltMa" lotion sai. * b reference In Zultînsa brmi ,inrà. ',Our defegiremen are Juilletg un. We're rifilng :round in sur aWn zone." n1e jpgceIeading B&"dub, sore os -n> or Zulisola minoura bl uit lsh4- i po«doffenre look adelm 40li owrtunltieo 1grîni d~ot=o hairee. va tis Thersin laOsitlle Above à Mitu.4 continuel close. eape. Nllba4di falvIe lll el temlfecbîei alta sdZae Ait Io'aI earn Ikrtli in -plao ?<.* ay R« y ~ine a barth nm .w 'm ly of Lb Ilic four miae oqIsed Cholsti fael the plmyeif VAhmag ulegreei aif possible inueres, A nrap M toWflamfnt play in Frliaý, afll l» Novice = iisio faut.,. e .uusoý fo squadl. Seul ate. Nul. a voui Compuaar. S"s li. fmails , N"B. outl in-heb filaI aocAa» Ul. Im cuU bock Io e.i Richmnd 4M2 4-3 bot <thon fallered in their final flgan. deepag a 3-P decaisie loGeorFet.v.. Aller Miions, a frsi lImSr o Ad jU Caaoa aibniltod& ubWh, no a bit slow lately -I illeughl v. couai hevagayed clamer te 111cm iSaul Ste. Morée) bt ubsy aIM 1,0 early goas-tva I the. sacci ât of the sane. But mu aimb la moine lUn pildb.o Wenýe been -n a tirs, gaine loelag sait Commi ie, bioti îthne vvrandwé're Ina bu it ., slump. Sa w. iiufflm a., 110-up a lutte bit We owlldnd dsfsOeoaa Kgola Bloyle to %sina amd Blair Ititceai ta deluo. Aod use shuMOsi twnq M. m i uo aiC- l'lie eoly line Couilonn lait itac vas ëtm bigbcorng Carle DeViLa, ltyaa Hayda, Jeff Haydar comaibon. fiait lune wus r.poonsble for Ina pai as Milton ient 91Cpmd NU11, vu iggày Halydar n DeVescring. Ko(sffi. and Dorait aied taihe alier Miton goals. AS@"ia Geargetoun. Ityau ayda srornal Muton's soine goal. umv do tu mor etotIn the firs <ixo baplay- affs Detroit Compuv cousu hm. Au orgnztian istoh an lu0.51 yeuwf h.ekay budget and aàihgnviàalism Minor Atom AI the mimei atam level IMIlta Do m Doits vers titrsait as ah.e of du. MMa $agr. que&îl la do#8 ut Millets y toêwarv:as In beluamumbo ..We ~ ~ i vui lb.onot h yeur.."1 IoS, tb. bop are ru il.w?'io 'a brldaamsl* h lb. the t Jus- yM bague play "bl Yser ni'fvm m2ad i lady In bui we céatl Mm et p ait -1 DavidMM frle pougsmrlayr p al). AiL n de~a rIron an d a~ ilid lit aivanlage. b miirnkls:mcIis th1e Milton,- entéai M Oklle. eaekh club slUiied loto the. ()&kville t.,Red th.i C se ondril aom« srelitum i neeffetcielly. trngly] Illey iIcored *lhlotm "b lIa nb- tîym i coet ie whse, forner Milton playerJle liMu$siO Clu 4 lughowever, if yhadl pouoded in as lop.lio front tb. bité lss Qé u isiuder pro .cstný &fier Mark Fîiher lug the purk aIS if Io tao ilIOIsmeinutmm )rtuo crner arlfd him a pa.l.Utain tld. mi iltn arellelwfff o uhrge inuotes lnter whn Laedy bo* tIOVmch or pkeývroty, 51 d in areboundfolowing Poe.Jfb«rs a t he khuld 09 Iifhractil rfetrs" rareiy Millon bobill l d for t and pl Ignoire. lime he4lway tbroul, th. ecn m ol df aMtr li. ekeptilin Oakvilll crowd on the lice-off lo the Oakvilie sono. Tue PoumaPt eZ seeflerami. Ulien il was n e m hbund the. claire Oaktvglr delam, in- p urdlhl pelator aii Ib a wlnk; Thoa cludiât; the godile. bo casi la on Perri Isais wu Ilever ly i@uijil The woman b. wou 1paasoii talkil# ta repliait. "IL. not over 111 Il'. flaville lied il viien ftin at ba avoir. - in secnd dIing a panelr ffay lia plelini à Tiie tenisa swapp.d guais Iloroghsut. Is bigh coe'Wer svet ZullB'a trapat sige Omkvdlos amail arna lihe rrowd rings the Miltoni caltin Mlark Duval &ot àd habI les sultie more cloaely thon eioehere. cil. Oalwilie v-cnt abouai in tbe lad mimit Onecj riamosI bhl o eonvertadion.wO$ ofthe period whmn Mille P.llaillelâcedin a oomeaoi on the ohiier sai ofbth rik awhite salpabot Iroin 40 foet cleanly beigZua. spep. noirmal tenu. Miter .very Onk.- Stea<sero stbrîci Lb. trd vii &a t L vil g oal t eets aagoutlsv4y and the rameback, lhey hit!di power play gl- scrlicby, ibslort.dinusll syhlcmn licked in. early on but casuenl lie IL falivile Ipalle laydtoc Lotie Ranger« theme and thn Wiyne Cowley maden noveraI fins savai ta lteee ofrreia cr.eciog recorded choral cher rab, lhe vloilors. . . 5tmer l nusiita Wi th mona newod imiagin te middleoftepidZlaNil lbe Mormon Tabernacle t1lir would make rotd ms pli. 13 ~n+'oe~ Notice deadllines. were advanded for thelwo holiday Issues. s Corne out M a «d Our Coverage reflec4a eveit vW lcia of breakfalst, as they stood appresu kimeas & dedh* upabl time. Normal sche~uIln1S resumes next week. 14 naa se ld teéai oudhg mili nU» Nil..1 Remin Slme méé WutSoné la55 Lowe ai vas ible vJJg*lse tes,"Ver. AIe,, an Ameon shoner lasg. aise le. j -"Malt titi. coQVlacla vlan lbb.O 41a :Z".riou 'UtI bili ot àa pair fr010 opeoingi p me Mile Cas goi hall, MUlln a opening lieme ý3-O and lb. foui b. tb. ialourïma iei »ai«e MIta.' huait WgaI ta -tpeahe&4, the atIiel. acala MII". vas slaied ta go up agtainsi escîling,.n o eond baille viti Ns, ehnes. Mstie énibinta 0*@a s-1. scemfe giidsistl aue in firol round playotf action ai West Qenra Milion raine oui on tapi edsi Omdutlci 3-1 and puedid fakyle &- RI Wforsa aoi Manh a lal a lveaci prou inos. Opta Rave ploaitd iespaler t. score but they bail 15 sark harl for il 2. M prell time Media ver sobe&lls te 1in ebig n esoabst OitVMliaC@W .lady vice. nlnnln and oSing. In Milion Opta thal gamre Vaugias ciliosi bi oquà Play rasgsaW.inhli ployomfa Ky. e nalDoaaiendMefKmiaddod buti thi S-3 and aI "eler lb. horne rdait lot arct ns ilOskvtlls Noe" juapmi l a ,e lNav in lim Unaer.. M"le vwu icieduls lapley OM»tooil 3.2. 'iou salkith~at Ilvuls rosa gpb ache. Rl geb@Wle bai lvo OcnOgyl aIn f ai plAYof PMsSai MI#rcor Bantam S no do yod'Il me they ra'liogi.m Cols. Dave Mashall amff prs lâe Rouel coastl% Doug Vaughan gaI mec of bis hile They'rersedy* OBCde -sis. "T isai Minor Ilie Wou es n. b n Hic NUhLe club mode ils to te Bueman 110le laied roIe, w plaoyait "Y, ft loy as»b eea wTsi aai lotel tEll bhilton ,piilief WAW Lrit le~~Y plMay a I bot e badl* p.W lunmn playelIs lWad a.i shot ai tle Agaînui PreutonTOMi bicLaol Las taa..aioatasaifalê.h. m r poeuse in Iimi arts gaose of dm fiWa.but heytli3isbatOakvi. and Siwn Heabey scored for Miio. sumver tomasy maie lis playefa ami Is beoualoi* oui Preston In ibeir West Senica 111 Chrna Leblanc b.d f lia a lu ia.vtb Mills '5'V Man birL*od and Mark Frenchigi UanLb - IîBoyle. acto.laIIol 1 Milton goals. In un cacIer conilai OsI '1-.. "~ bad drubliel the Ainericl. Il-1.b lir'bM. 1« heioWa mli ' filoi cubans funme oui (irait up ainl MNU bailtoà3-10U playeisalid Cains Un"mHosine ismid M"1112 laIéApani OaliviUle. Leblanc and MIU ~ ~ ~ soocci At prisa lime UdMu a --«b bb@âmmlp meet Richmondi in thUn ploaif Rapi 41.mi iallna n NiieSIgI illa (.ail off agas istilais in dia t .Pilae Dom vas un. NMltasfgan Woi'ace II.a ailtigl- 1' uai Minor Mldget gàs flaI.dIlIiil auf -u 3 Ile mugît ivision fualura MM -abs lai - di à Um de , " csmaiîiisa. Mi vas evtdoa T reming bu play n4lnld a It.gic-k ouliven Ina allier playai.ll-ebre avay b.tllad Ji oui Parisla sgai Aurora UmeBa liim& Un y ettai pot lb. lers Aurcra rame (romn biblai ta chioethe relssi."Bo3li 5.ihiied lb Jile aa îaugii sud font hockey gaimme. unr i f lb.d U" i Ild la i'a aU lb.-e TasgI ani fait la the vay M dislplieca. e ta Un fI Sargent rarns play@ il mos am aI>ruf nljaniiiaiilla bat11 rief - lb.), oue peocîlbei ins aàlanit De 11os eLas aim Ita £ aDit lb.VBe . :l playoll action Pari bum Bu& woad ailes. Tadi Mmilp m- em MLuaand âleCm adedtbe.*w ilton beal Flamber, 3-I in tbir * . Ohs.-prellimlary gaine Farser coach ,, 5 -~~~I as.. Domost mi MiIelà écatai, la du yI<1? atp. 11-1 s t5J.EV mils i ia as a 0» rettiu os glati doll ar. rouier &W50 Items compsli ani ,Cbmoma.«wj opay»mo odo ~ vui itur a taio $17S ta sos Mryt conupeitlon.l Caharine iliere mur cogîy ix mib ls mdiffidouiatumi du i lb.y. Iea ta la 10 Mlla. Fer liaI. «5m gea viei thrne vegenlunte. MglLNadafin noviceI pon.aI le Ite brylof go be à cmpbmna ahi à lms. mtéaeser com flouSrgamm, mcli ployer gaie a peanldpI forîthe Beaver end à E lal of esgii udesi aIe liaeme, lM u W "0 Bi' oul etl. . bad. I rmily de! players tom., euedi vision gel aIl 4ar i lhe suer four dvbiuil. la a fcimu miyb.m * 5 a miWof Dnldmdi 1 dk Ibue éri lao trap»«. Chamollp gaiem o calescres Davêmh ba o malw a luwhjas, buiiaas ied bou*si Il'»ammytammou. lvue"dsàalotisi valnhi Pivsgt laeitatI:g oau nd bi te ltre eniS tammei anay.I disa Nass Deave luurnsal mIllu m om m i tb so~is, «m Iiipa N &i tlat hume hardware warde he informaioneatieroW 9abt th"m Dobt Ilavli ta lis cdi*5I. lilng. ROA w mv « ie r37 mau ien. tmiopeli tousmbaaJ laiW ogl areanlaf Usme I UnM lm i m O11 Vu» bOW4 u BWaUilas*bm 1w" àba o aitl" Do. sal ofI aliaI op. Igboebbulin la Nov.0 o rogwst vmk tra amil, mq= toap UIIB 0 ipit . «A ball milasi m ica putiIy vwu praadiudby Lb. billon Lîio ilien I pt he t ama for Une la... Is au. major Min rop tI mm or4 Ihm' " tMaWouSi sh mot" ~ i the Hockey Momsilb1ey pui os à ble pobine out Il lat e t n n PImm. " \ "Mpl rIm at.3ut i lagpart allihe $IM J t cotel buy &Hllbnae gerved - OW so @ePib gimd plP lWir am e piue." BaDeua» Ma. MWntebe . Davidiondubrsi ibecraib it wmai Unicut.Ebv in laq5s w1 Nlmos s. if»; ," ibIai 'a pdimai wNi t (bpIaallure, Dae* bal aotta touarmofl a suce"a -We bai a "tue! Dlv iii a m isi o \YSMS. Llme puglal1 quiarogle theU lacer age peuple nartiai behind the w««si," b 1wf4*e botraboi %àsýlyl'(1 âtIis rumgare s yeoa "(br Iio did a lnemencliun amoeut et "VW-àlzh;Ie egli. th>~ -le PM i5 bout un --t- Nardbtaonlmt. e«mailfolm For lie liraI lime v. %si Io l >bg tirs am vent il gémsis laaie admitted Idto B 1 pumilpîi 'îhoopon. Lautri)fIiltime and Md mon twsr «Ivialn-' Wmole . =a<ts elBewoforld WM oi-MNsoAie (girofl W liin nly oh, Aller i vas liana omc sm aid stliid d Un agiter lsuc ffldéy tu=ba "pila Udffs aLiAMY la m. puo 89"i gram Dim diorse. aiter pc.o oo pay ta do il 'Ibe j.,wlhuiei bas bm butisoleihle makroaprollMi (dfruad i. aqncatsm gobaa sl MiIton mIno, boeey. At C lme Iliet li he ierse Player in) leoffou enuuail te regile uipitil alave . * lo * 0 -

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