MS Thte OC an hMpOid on, Wed.,Jan. 9, lm" 'ep U73~1 11 oii ~.I U$o Ts AAP<HMIPOULOf.OdonUD~I~I a £- - -lM rh.. I> t - - - Icn ' - - -',-, - hecmBm WsoimeFba &Opê.M fi, m : 01c Pal pMo. 5te9 b9 e c185 I TAue.. "nso vli. Mlin ate P ie thoflllr mon Jambe lu Mtcthell, 4 1» 1 oz et es* *terl mtel.t mi*tltcsflon Occ.rlre2. le. u fA brottter for John, LESLIE 49t cand Le. are sI-n - TcrY ta nn'ýceté blrth t l tatle" feto d. *bce Jis, Alam. a b i5 ois. et 12.43 p1 i D4metr. 1984 E.clfd rcpren t Vonton kMurqaI L *QIt,& Uoand0cn PIMOga'.ct r6rdetdli Mron LesaK en A 00#01h, and cr0borothiy st4iecri - 4. - _ - - -_ - H lkFjnIa @ rend ne.Boa#$) w. pigttltd..ttrîte te brthf hmrarîtIrd ChdltlseDamit ô Ib .0on m nuay, t. I65. et Oalrnll# Trl UwMntoriar MOOglalPf~wgradparnrvuekirs. pego ut0aIQ CwnIbews £amldr. aMreis .f, 84 01Ci o cmrege 80%118tce alie t. h Ferozel E.tmadw. lleHtgl and étcidm cr1 et 9 e1ft AtMM speoîeliakticDr oiîlmn ,f TVoito Iotagaior. Blck CUdOreI ep staff on Wat&W e ltbt e nd dougM ae MAKVdt.I Gnée am vdeightd. b en nrne a0"bas, Ct Ia, bet 058. a *5.459 Vnllese.Catlrrer8aA. 7 te 13 Dit et «0. Traf.g Zloe:d"', Oertor Pm t 4. I à,, l, os.e M Wf -DeCi58er13 t9084 O 1. C4 . IA.L. aImoa.~ euti ou DntutMetMIa -r E fsim-c ".. Piw At81 45 isrtAm"t . i tOsain, 8,a90 .-e. ltc.H& te Wanoréglem Omn- - 'I il""«,W.utcnroi.w Il h,&fODLse, foe.M 'tc fror, Mc Vols p awài mo . u n Il4e. la, eelqit« 16t' 144W, Co94 sytt"e .4od t £00915,UooI, tWt P 00 t lt 194Mc loai rd Obcwy,. Jtan- SAi 11 Sqa , e ,LO-a,.f~ eat le émdAbR~ utemQII" ,of rm. tam N D'~ 0 Diii Moe 8,i Motom"0 o ng M, Dcrlor =8:.114biaalso SePou-f~rte 0 CdI& ieOoli S* 'lf Wlo, FmeaiMLlsa hl. ano t th IadnE*q. Jmtu b b. eýyM. tee huciet, =r54Nr bondt CMly W 0,011A e ! L»5. of Wb MI, n 1 i.L. oolsa ce - -.---- e .9-W MMrueqi 11191 Mtiý lICe < larilt 1 hoI paOus onulrc flnir Zuitd le el h rt94<'ton h Mciet omUlh urfied, otw ne2tturs for 1tIrli1ou et thebig« tthe ima. k= ouW4L leai be ccneffinl-Y1'NWilaA.. ca0nd lhoÀ for, thé,tncpy aO.ft, andllect d lits Wouttc onre lmved uro soite tifoot ,Aie. e thanit pou -40 PM. $ONol. Mecîdr $fo. hNe oot1in9Wrd#9.,Ye tho ulneecfa te tyafcEtcg ortm « In p Eseléme wR 'C4ý ea. w- -b te elielc Mate. tir dge pe Wm-âo ir«ign0090Mc aia OÀM4io. rsmwqca IOW 447 2 Mr fgO erèSt =65 90 i.odcd e 9gWb 05W mao<9coam wlqhor wd drendît o qaCê i. Wl hoOesa. ad Ilc beccmerlm.9 N03Z pilen80 p Tte 4teàahcc Fondm mo. vr d 'Atc 0 fcbed b con Hl.Q gtal mnFoccmt eecc aey 4 -or0 1077 Ouit lo.trg rraiio<t Seqy .ttecd and etmiys ew4aln*«",e. do.-ttflfq dwil ÔfrK çVAS t lo,4m nrnttOy od »rya And.msa Jinecanot0e In tMy For4ty houts 0f1Ct~ Thoughls of éirîta M 198er Deys CI saadilseMli o.n"perm puiende mmy thtiemU t rêl Tbef lite esi te rCn t r Cleae qmai96,Be miccd Wy aile «WlWMPth, Wheo pew om itnuvr4 lmo. '% .b9rel. ihiak e.ui Vos 1*10 M Them ow ie U »»Bcah e e~c le ef tla §WM -m Mrn es llt ala~i t ir a . e oeecoae 0» litsea IV on li la Ib~ - Slg Bit à O, ~BPB~mon -. ý i ANNUAL mmmý IV ebom - - O, ~90 Amy t? W Scie -AmyPice. -Io l&1.0 m.n p. W. la *0 10 0, oie. Be éi -evu* oe ui 4 Il W4t%": t7¶raou - me. -B e aime vu a: . 2 ai ~ W 1M c ut or . O r A o. M.O0 ftes4, h~lp0fll5 me talée :ýe#j iL". ý.. - 1 878-2576 Fw" Imm LSUIW 8ltR S- 0 ce 01159e. *40 roonmid yAietc .Bes Mbo Ac h um 4w If pi t y S7-A 10-M ~seo. Bm q*cBDffc$ab fj" sw -BaluV"P# OuA 1 400Â0d 1 1' Il 4I~ 4 - 4fin/~ t,, ""i .. '4, Il s!,. il. Foi MA C. E .W @.CCN M'omsau ter CSLCULAtOR S P" fcOmlesî lCia1 *2 delSeconda Wh ncviabl C Ot , 'a trienebea. maihecéys end sWolr Irec1.Eden Witte uclaig b Pios t61 ioe pe bY* »ion Pontaient Ounýing .Iasuuny a = * WeU, -O. e, && ~o où f '.aitnih$nea 3 J. lm 4 *ltsuiq "peu aif m Boa mal olo~rCin ul ota tu,.20 . f Ci. Be AH12J5- off Ai'omero o .4 328 . - fi. lont os~at 3l 56 WW4. Ue Aile. *t0 6 Bayop lima .W*à-e lu wet ."f'I2.duel oni 0".Z Fidii t e4.1* u B ton W tcs ope 42 0 bc 8S ie*d ,iWQÔE e e 'h 4 Che bil are I~" rem mmill~~