Canadian Champion, 2 Jan 1985, p. 5

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prouce shanki rmMa'çird ans Imm ansi as the local colnil no«etlohe final meeting orl the year. '%ie have a al.of aduievementa tuai council Ihoull ha toud of. Il keepe 0-0101,1 breaus councllors keep acomplfl mo., . > cttheMayor. lI prcssnllg a gecr end wrpup of Lu1 acti 1 iies n M 4. own AuhinlOatatr Roy M Main soeil Ihât local cow*iil lad convmned a loai of 661 01h00 for varS nlm uiil ad comimltemeet ings. Durlil 0the pas( year Counctu eiWed 8 by lsws that in lued *afollotlog iècs sgnificant leglila n.. * Lnlorm traf fe yls 1 landcappecil prkipg by.taw *Nosecontrol bylatu r Heriage deslgnation lylaw for Uthe T.nioslly home on Hiwaà,y 25 A *Amutualire agreemen with Flam* herough Iiilstinch and Mimaga, * *Cnirni of didiargeof firsarma Retuations fer l" rociog nof m talop .veiles - Licencing of placéeof &niuamet A aumher oft ey ecouuUim tlo jfoetb were compleied uidng Uth F"piàu of the Bronle St fteonstructlou proeia from NI. S losiop Rd Ohm iwluded; *Replacetinent and aonstUcmtmonofc .dryalksouting nier 16.000 C onstruction of Lyda St. silMriste * 'ulheization of imre tUran leO.t worlh f tla hini hp and gravi i Wdtng of rral roads in variousinatons . Conoîruction in ronjrnmctiçm wth Fia. b.horr for the MdilaroaJn * Attiqqzatitof f1nl n z tio fre ManS,aidTlo n R io *Authorza i. . 2et =rn l n fur significmnl p ort e le etio mmlromnnmht bàrgStaad 18kreu * 1onsiruemu ofaàwiiiW ji hUre %liI SI.parking loIwitm lais * Cmmmjeon of propety lois relative le lhefintario S. pro- lect (o"wiclamiase inftrmental lan mot uni-raI slgnificait net fécilitis nd prmgran n the pas ySr. Thece loci - A.aeding; o phasee ut t fo ther liew owImn Haill inaàross Smon of Thme nâtlmn of cricde bsource lmmv mmm 11e rban arewhiclibebn AWiil and uimolrd the collection gil nd * JnMn'.wli gaweyc esI Club l-r -Igni i vationustate UcrllIe lodlms Ouep Une ICatmpbedipll *A.ih e#MnallaUono f sntstO 1 allmcand ligh-iaalret ofniulPcl - Si aifcant 81. . i 1e ulo po N i ane facllly for lb i llpaS Gyipnaàfcrni *Acquitici f a nFOIW àuaoiat.d qiUofo*c1r ilAtinbuerw neTom aIT milhave bssdo M weQlall y oille, *A oahaetnforhil chlotandanaailath<zy APbcuiitonet ait-t . « h aIocoa"oomuaec A 'bAAlési* ofi. ditoa cmui oe crestinqofeaau latant m wSbk termith fr ofteesdf*ugatm. wsperintendairtpom . A number o i5ecal projecta uvre alo9 lb.craile. e o poaition entftled umilrtakien by Counci& whch încud ehfacontn h; A major 000010r position spearboadeil * Ionai aupport staff for the tnaur bthe Hazardous Wcaie Commrttee ip*-N.-dhpartmnon po=ngh1e Onerlo Wste Mnagéemdnt 0WIbe acad et Ontario Good RSod .orpoa11nAsociation Ceutif anJ.FnndmW., *Th1e continuoCo montoring and review Taylor of Halton Relm'a Itcept 10 locAle à *A P.M.M..d@gmnlioo On ire Qiiul santary land site i Milton James Colo. t - Th.e tablshmnt of LW eMayor& Tauh Cotil W" dalnsntrumntal 1inaaIlo. ferce entill "Business Outreach Pro- img for bilerto lie installait etthe berry gram" for Uhe commercial and business Itd. CNRlrailway crosoina. comm"w illon. (her goneraleccompdiabnenta inchrnrn- K<ey'evwts involving municipal jiarlici. * Fins ine.ara W val tte paion during 1WIN inciudedt aolshlted MhmoOffIci tau *The i-Centennia' clelrations uth *.uthatahiofor Un tllp craUof othei nlnnernqm evenla during the year under Uhe Conolldat oarning ly-la nictad publie gudanceof a IliCentennialcommitte neetij'.ýI *Hutiogg yhe Uilton10cm Pre bepartmint ta slmmto! h comurit Ato oUc reFighters AssociatbmorofOntario Group deaiiq witb the ame of inIg and hnmusi Crefrence wtweiU el A%1l0penO. drlviongomn ateflt11UM pie inattenfance*CommettUr iaIMU. *A volusteetr iqiition sponsored by Sloau"as' CouncU for a&i volifiseér groupe i the »n - *Genant approval of a Pea 'Tm ichicliwss attexkc bye@er 100pme e mergmiey Plan fbr 1thé mire 2',n *Sitniicai'tMcnributoo'-to 01e Mlton - Significitno Ton invovosa n Distict gIioW aJF~ndeitCamplg# emepl Ïoe slan ~ca" lm1h 'mes> bt inlI i aspecial âarad O(MarlaYnutiCorp mdCO-Efl. OWM C sont 5-hock waves OWMC Rands for iStard Wat Mnisge 1,1151 angered 1111000rtagol s Wmuai dent Crporailpo labut Oe maisy Hiton as Iliat inithe map iioWg lb.heUIM 000 residents thc initials stand for ietuer thâta t wo were hoenin11llton. hii the f thef i huge, losr Ilquid w0W& tretiseol 5dJlly final eght. a kew4ane hirwY iom th aznd imelnertor till b bit ba Mile. Jm So overps bchWs*iefly appered 'RoWdno4" balogn e set Milon e8dcingrO m'Ih. Lacb1100 .etz areed u in *3sowing lthe reas iromlti AdvlsOfY G(«l and Otl iljsl.n IHor~ hi u u t e ling Austi iÛmeilh United TeUpayOf o. qdedy sallii by Uthe, OWMC in prelînhnce mvd %lto action and they ance jdéned by t*Xhag A bisesosar caDelte ie ntrol ' su4m. iatsplo appured on Umal osnmplifiât! map. for Ils couefut 11011 againslt heregWotu Th. OWMC .al Ur lni til10mutnhoTe hree roupe have irail mivron- hu1011 r n rae of ruldieflU inimental experts and have bainujoladd hinlthe = aaaFes elLin"olaTownsip- fght b àmajoreffort en ihalton Un ~ Minsa, and 1Milton audlhny - fimaton.r hrailves 101111coma lero atithUic < hon se . lin ao me-ptan Usi a s cee" a ciarfe, hd apacagefro Ui QWC.temporfvyijiSictboO 84«n« en-411 rElle 1efneglWCco. tiaen lo theort twce deurisit1*4 bu 4aod teanie i 1911sites iret l a * putl off euch Ome, lb.ot twootiwll Mille.. Ila in Nau i Viutmesn t i ls uqrua. Curt of <huilrie on Liacoe. ad mcd i l' ' ca b Irnu si id h U 1aMh 11e itlnladk star wu illa e Mi e scda avOu ~ is tu ila ba*b, i 4i1t 6counQLI meigs u13 l« O .. bA s. a-W, v~~ton..anoesfu.on Attention Prop.rty Owners end-Tenants I Th~e Clles Of t mlssssus .Burllngton, Brampton end The TownkOf Halton His, Oakville, Milton and Caledon. PROPERTY and your 198MunicipeancidSchool lbes Io ssa »WmW r"hsado=MMulmwileOW fflpretyltax Mff. The amcxutof praprty lax yau pmrongiyour homeorbojslnossde0vcdaon #w »»»Wvraiswdemet b y yaumuniclpaTelh u 8qedvl mddpfl by t MO ate dslsrmws your 1905 prperty laim. p - mP- mmmw ev» nmel mun. %M me" Ilemau *hn UPiis 1i8.5*I. e OO 0lfWCUo mornal or koe~n~yu VA u s wu enh 'tfet. si C.. S U Art a i ûRfl90? ivcT.tN M5~ i mme, i th@ aMOU#IofyWum aa."cs4OeO e. ow iour.kmclOue.nuS,>1 &0 Imma=aMuSIe ltyty hMa il o pp@ iétiM e A.ucaeuWd Cmaniars ormaid udmnp heamponh-ib to« demisnig aitmet u nuaint ndW appeel a fs M endaqmiudW ai t IacMOI- «M"i01 nuw pmp. 5Main aoc, on uor r*lorho. i & -,FYO "l ,Your= s bé b ait mu~ons anc re mi slm F.eusay12. 1511 lâ youimpropeiy ddtse. RoI Nunibe cMVOii volas nute afflei oipm ibas Irarofi. esm e eevla gàusua ai al<Open Houssa.y-oie g-1o aAia- mm (Zflce O yoî mubfipl oftsc Ssoulsof op" imous M~ sseuv Iite Wbl p. 1SS i pOOa Lc dlS0*lOOiOimofl çiT>oeagtusoer sNOeCAUmooe i opMiê bg»UM M=;.iFMALnONNILS MMNOiAKMIu. * ~~t ~&b .W* COffu.. o os~~~~~~~DV afypst'ac« mPo4Lo.uL oaeomou O"Cwemum)O. (cadet deoe~s - naicotoai.~ ai CIesULiZ fi Colcein .1 lave,,nhfl157 N a ICmadln Cheroion. WW.d..J ; mÇDrryH ghSchîoIl' '0 uWItn Dsric Ighsèbhoi - YOU are InVted to attend the 1119h ,sdiooW wlwh serves your nelghbourhood.- E.C. GruJy Jan. 7 Vacatinal (flasjc) Jan. 14 Belr&UAdtvact Mo Mitt lsdtJ81116 ALL ParenS AIL PROGRAMS BEGIN AT 7:00OP.M. Parents of pupils currentty enrolled in PUBLIC and SEPARATE' elementary schools are invited ta atbnd. We take pdàlà fhe quality'and ý'arety aour programng. Mie want f0 help parents with wile chaîces for their sans and daughtrs in Grade 9. Pýsapins o tombrier informaion E.C.ODvry 870-575 Miflton District 8782839 Àýý

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