tRURSDAY, Fmm.. 25ti, 1980 C.W.L., Speaker Describes Work of Cdn. Cancer Society .,Who Plan Drive Here April 6 The valuable work ofa vol- and commended the Bowman.. dous worl< carried on by Vol- unteers was emnpbasizeýd by ville Branch of the Canadian unteer workers, Mrs. Frienc M3&s. Edith Friend, in a n ad- Cancer Society for its spien- said that men members are dress on the objectives of the; cbd work, and the untirîng of great help during the an- Canadian Cancer Society re- efforts of its members. fluai fund raising canpaigns, ter cently in St. Joseph's Hall, The beadquarters of the On- but she pointed out that the Bowrn.anville. Mrs. Friend, tario Division is in Toronto, womnen's services of the Ca.n- spoke at the meeting of the, and wbile the society is a fund adian Cancer Society carryt Bowmanville Catholic Wom. raising organization its aims oni invajuable work through- en's League, and also showedi'and objectives include educa- out the year. an informative motion picture,: tion and welfare in addition Helps Boister Morale "nhe Sword of Hope." ita the financing of research, Sh ldotedrsig is. Stewart Chisholm, the,ý Mrs. Friend told the meeting. maeShe el fare wdresdones president of the CWL, intro- Depend On Appeal ma the ductioa ie wrtu ee duced Mrs. Anne Saunders,i She explained that the great pared and distributed, and the, publicity chairman of the!j undertakings of the Canadian comforts and gifts given ta Bowanvll Brnc oft. Cancer Society depend on the cancer patients. Volunteer vis- 1 Canadian Cancer Society. Mre.1 annual appeai for funds ta itors do much to belp the moi- Saunders spoke of the worki be held this year in April, and aeo ains r.Fin of hebrachan anouce1 urged ber hearers to give gen- said. -She pointed out that that the annual campaign toj erously to this worthwhile visitors must be cautious when raise funds for the Canadian.ý cause. The intensive research talking to patients as somne Cancer Society will be he1dý carried on by the Canadian are not aware of their diag- in Bowmanville on April 6th.'Cancer Society Institute was~ nosis altbough their families In introducing Mrs. Friend,ioutlined by Mrs. Friend, who know. Mrs. Saunders pointed out also told of the research be- that she bas been a promninent ing carried on at the Univer- r. Early Treatment Essential mnember of the Oshawa Brarch sity of Toronto into the cause Surgery is stili the most im- of the Canadian Cancer So ýof this widespread disease. Dortant treatment of cancer, eiety for many years. Mrs . and for its cure. Mrs. Friend asserted. She trofnrste ss at e Ohaa es Mrart osit stressed the fact that early oriefnuistesscat e dOsrawaPrmncesMrae optltreatment is essential and General Hospital, Mrs. Saun-' ShQ also spoke of the Can.. urged that peopie bave any ders told tbe meeting. cer Frundation, tbe owner 1)f abnormality investigated by a the buildings in different doctor. Mrs. Friend said she wazs parts of tbe country wbicb b etpoecinaant happy to bring the Bowrnan- are used as treatment centres, caner lesithprotoug, per a ville Catholic Women's Lea- information distribution, and1 gue a message from the Cani- work places. Tbe nearest is iodic examinations by a' pby-l1 adian Cancer Society. She the Princess Margaret Hospi- Ms rinadvsd spoke of tbe province-wide tai in Toronto, Mrs. Friend All aduits sbould be examined l achievements of tbe Ontario said. She urged tbat anyore once a year. For protection Division of tbe organization, interested in the great bok etwe en examinations people visit his hspit worand sb ould erth svnda-f visitthis ospigeranisaidle and ta svendan- tbat tbe staff would gladly gepsnae ist and roandctor show visitors through the aur of themfirs appera o hospital. a fp teMi.Findsaq I EE US FOR THE CANADI 11111a] CANADIAN1 "l'SPECIAL! IIj ~THIS. WEI 111111 Glidden'sT liiiThe Latex« Il,"'Interior o: 111i Introductory Offer 5,I Choice of 8 Colors - Reg While Stock Lasts - QI jiABERNi III PAINTS & M 11133 King St. WV. J4nýtazitng People front Bowrnanville rand district drive to Toronto Seven Danger Signais for treatment at the Princess The seven danger signais Margaret Hospital, Mis. Fîiend are: 1. Unusual bleeding or said. She also mentioned other discharge. 2. A lump or tbick- cancer patients from a greater ening in the breast or else- distance wbo are treated there, wbere. 3. A soie that does not but who do not need to be heal. 4. Persistent change i thospifalized. The Canadian bowel or bladder habits. 5. WCancer Society maintains an Persistent hoaiseness or cough. excellent bostel where these 6, Persistent indigestion or patients can stay while tbey difficulty ini swailowing. 7. have to be in Toronto for Change in a wart or mole. >tieatment, Mis. Friend stated. Mrs. Friend advised people Ont Patients' Hospital wanfing furtiber information Titis itostel was opened last to consult their doctor, the November, the speaker said. counfir healtit department, or qShe toid o! the îoveîy colour tite Canadian Cancer Society. seheme of the decoration in Strikes Ail Ages thbe varlous îooms. Tbe beds The speaker said that can-' bave sheets of pale blue, pink cer strikes ail ages, and poin- or pastel green, site added. ted out that anyone fron thte There is a good cafeteria, and age of a few months to 90 a hairdressing parlor in the years may have it. Site urged itostel, Mrs. Friend said. titat people guard against tite In speaking of tite tremen- fear o! cancer and remembei the seven danger signais so they can lie safeguarded by Air, Rail or Steamship titeir doctors. T 1 C K E T S The film "The Sword e! i TO EVERYWHERE Hope" dePicted the great Consuit work done by volunteers titro- JURY & LOVELL ugitout -Ontario. It also show- 15 King St. . MA 3-3361 ed the work done by a cured Bowmanville cancer patient 'on bebai! of _____________________other sufferers from te di-! sease. Mis. Chisholm. on beital! ef the members o! the Bowntan- BEST . . . ville Catitoiic Women's League, ititanked Mis. Fîiend for lier iienlightening address. Site said à PAIT il hav e CWL members now in hea mucit clearer under-ý nd standing o! the fine work done WALLPAPthe Canadian Cancer Se- WA LP P iety.Mis. Chishoim aIso IIthanked Mis. Saunders for t tendin.g the meeting and Car- ence Bell for running te no- ;EK ONL tien pictune projector. ofMis. Young, thte treasurer theB1man1le ofli IlWomen's League, presented asatisfactory financiai stafe- R E Dl11 ment. Its adoption was moved' Floor Paint 111, by Mis. Young, seconded by ýr ExeriorMis. Lea Goulali, and caa-ried. ExteriorThe secretarY, Mis. Josepit $3.00ted the 1960 Diocesan ýUARTConvention o! the Catholic If mn' League wl be held 'ETH S 1June lst. VAL1PE A nominating conmittee Phone MA 3-5431 f the Bowntanville Catitolic fWomen's League for the cm ------ -----ing year. Mrs: Martin Mofloy is the chairman, and the other members are Miss Loretta Kil- Mgannon and Mis. Le o Goulah. lUPlans were compleed for. catering for the dinner on Lions Ladies' Nigitt wîth Mis. George Young as catering' * convenor. TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE For Your Old Set on purchase of a new 4160PHILIPS TELE VISION Large Selection of Models IED TV - from $75 Io $150 17" and 21" Screen Co. MA 3-5689 ELIZABETH VILLE No Cltuach and Sunday Scito- ol was iteld on Sundtay due to te poor road conditions. Front te top o! Popular Hill te tte village has been closed ahi, weekend. Last Sunday Woolacott's store was bioken into wiie thiey were at Mr. andi Mrs. Hanaka's. The robuben came ini a taxi front Port Hope aund twougit people noticing and contacting te taxi driver Mi. Woolacott and Alan Mercer were able te track and. catch the tiif. Onily tite silver in te till had been mis- sed. Entrance was made titro- ugt te kitchen door by break- ing te glass lu the door. Miss Glenda Mercer, daugit- ter o! Mi. and Ma-s. Clarence Merccr, returncd from Civic Hospital, Peterborougfh, on Fri- dey, witere ste itad spent a !ew days alter belng ln an accident at Centpbellcnoft Hall whenc site led been in a coWlson with a car driven by Steve Pienson, P~ort Hope. Site su!!ered lacer- ations oftce face, bruises and injuned knee. Her cousins Gwen Meicci, Suzanne Thick- son and ber sister Marie, cros- ing te roed with her, escap- ed injuuy. Oua- 4-H Club Acitievement Day on Saturday had Vo be postponed until Marci 12.- gr. and Mn-. E. Yemro and THE C~AflI1( ~ATEMMX UflMAMVT.T.~rnJ'PAGEi FmW ~ dlautiter, Mrs. Yarrow's mo-5 and Gordon Bray. lt was the MWte, brother, Oshawa, and hier f/ brnfrontheSco and icalMednd M . ivings another sucli school be held lierfro. Sotlad clle onat the same tinte of the year, Mr. and Mrs. E. Fowier, Sun- lnetya. eigaefo day. netyer dlgtefo Mr. John Van Belois i-,, re Increasea h rebtr will attend the i fothcoingmeeting of the iost a leg under the bulldozer The regular meeting of the The statistical report was Reiigion-Labor Council in To- at Gardedn Hill n October was Oshawa Presbytery was held given by Rev. Basil E. Long, ronto, Feb. 29. scheduled to have a second in the Harmony United of Orono, in which, by corn- The Missicnary and Main- operation on Friday. Church, Oshawa, on Wednes- parison with iast year's report, tenance report showed that Sorry to hear that Mis. Stan' day. Rev. John M. Smith o! an increase in the work of the an increase had been acbiev- Kennedy, Port Hope, is in a' Wbitby, ohairman, was in churches throughout the pres- ed throughout the presbytery, -serious condition in Port Hope charge o! the meeting. bytery area was indicated. the amounit being some 10.1 d hospitai after a couple of oper- 'neeweeaoul5metie indicated one point o! con- per cent over last year. e ations. Mr. Kennedy was rais -bers present comin>g from the CenbigVt eaieylw ntepsoa eain n *ed at Oak Hill just nortit of~vrosatricags ri insuriance ofl some churci borne missions reports, there here. 'ripkrtins onsthe 10scharges was some discussion o! the ere. Picvekeringouhed on the w n est Scugog avirig insurance of 66 per future supply for South-min- adr ohnae bn o h ubedon the nort. n ewovlecent or îess of the value Of ster, Westminster and Cedar- i e and a re e gi frtb u- tees. cburch propeîty. dale Cburcbes in Oshawa. A esan wrkr. President of the Presbyter- Two visitors to the presby- meeting of commîttees shortly On Wednesday evenling the lsalW.-A .. Mrs. L. F. Richard- tery, 4tev. L. W. Carlson and will seek to solve the matter. W.A. b-ac a pot luck supper. A son of Whitby, gave a report Fred 'McIndoo, o! Peterbor- Rev. A. M. Butler has been good crowd gathered. Riev. on the past vear's work, as did ougit, told of the new oppor- called to serve as assistant grm 2.0wsraie.E-tePebtra ...Bt okr'Wrigt t as slides for a pro- Mrs. M. C. Fisher, president of tunities o! using facilities for minîster at Whitby, and Rev. gra. $4.5 wa relizd. v- hePrebyfria W..S.Bot woker~ atherings or minis- Fred J. Jackson, of Tyrone, eryone itad a fine fime. renorts indicated enrouraging terial retreat, etc., at The has indicated tbat hie will seek Mr. and Mrs. Thickson vis growth in membersbip and in House Of the Four Seasons, a change of pastoral relation- ited with Mis. Lockwood, Gar- work undertaken by these near Gore's Landing, on Rice ship. .1den Hill, Titursday evening. women's groups in the Ciurch. Lake. s thhoeotepi- cal 189 were indicative of the Rev. W. A. Logan, in the I terv that some ofthen will OB T A Yesteemn and love in wiih the Christian Education report, attend a worksbop for United 03T A Ydeceased was beld. noted that it will soon be time Cburcb men to be held at Surviving, besides ber hus. to make plans for sumnter Campbellford soon. FRANCES 3. HONE band, are nine cbildren: Ar- citurch camping, but pointed ThlaisoHrmnU- thur; Dorotby (Ms. Percy out that one of the continuing .Tedhri seved the deUe- The deatit occurred of Fran- Rodgeîs) Campbellford: Mar- problents is the lack of go0àid Cu eve h ee ces Josepbine Hone, aged 515 jorie (Mis. Wesley Conlin) leaders at the church camps.1gates at the noon meal. years, in Memori al Hospital, Newcastle; Lorraine (Mvrs. The possibility of holding al Bowmianville, on Tuesday, John Richardson) HatJ'--..unior Boys' Camp at CampBU February i6fh, 36 bours after Marion (Mrs. Les Dunk- -,, Pretoria lafe in August was B R E O site bad suffered fatal burns Cam-pbellford; Helen (T'T-.s. deferred for the time being. in bier home, R. R. 4, Bowman- Stan Anderson) Osbawa; Ma- Film sfrips, records, and other by A. R. Hubbard ville. i bel of Toronfo, Don and helps for Christian Educafion Surdiy School and Churc'h The late Mis. Hone was Doug. Also surviving are 16 are available from the Secre.. Service was cancelled last Sun- born in London, England, and grandchildren. f ary of the Commitfee, Mis. day morning on account of came to Canada at a very early Funera.l service was held on W. C. Ives, Bowmanville. ra odtos age. In 1926 she married Char- Friday, February l9th, in the- A report was given of the ra odtos les Hone and for the past 25 orris Funeral Chapel with recent scitool for eIders and . Don'f forget the social even- years Mi. and Mis. Hone bavelCapt. Norman Coles officiat- stewards wbich was iteld af îng af the home of Mrs. A. Car- resided in the B'owmanville ing, assisted by Rev. G. E. thbe St. Andrew's United fer on Thursday eveninug, Feb- aiea. Prior to thaf they bavei Leno. Interment was in Bow- Churcit, Osbawa, by the evan- ruary 25th at 8:15 p.m. live! in Maple Grove and manville Cemetery. gelism and social service cont- Choir practise will meet at Whitby. Palîbearers were Bill Beg- mitfee, led by Rev. D. M. J. the borne of Mis. H. Graces Beautiful floral tribufes ley, Sid Price, Frank Williams, Buffars. Some 60 stewards and af 7:30 sharp, Thursday even- frOrn relatives, friends neigh- R'oss Stevens, Len Stainton 103 eiders attended, and were ing. bOurs, Shaw's Scitool and Lo- and Raipit Cam.pbell. led by Rev. Dr. Wm. Berry, Mr. and Mis. Dave Gýatchell,. Mommies will be so proud of Little Girls Dressed in one of These Dresses front Walker's What litde girl woukln't like a crisp, Rew cot- ton dress before Spring? Here are just four of dozens to choose f rom et Waiker's. Mommies wiii like them too because tey care from our regular best makers - corefully toilored of ""Don River", "Mission Valley" and other Arn- enican fabrics - ail guaronteed washabie. Sec these new 1960 styiings, exceptionalinii value and mode possible Uwoeugh 9 i«Wgepfe-seatson purchase! O"hWa, WUeeSuDday gUeBte 01 Mrs. J. Gatchel. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Corn- mack and fe.mily, Oshawa; Mr. ad Mms. K. Vlckery and Deb- bie, Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mn-. A. C. Stephtenson. Mr. andi Mrs. Orvus Smnitht aid Chris, Odiia'a, were week- entd guests of Mr. and Mi. Jack Smith. Mr. Alden Hubliard attend- ed tite Churcit Service at Col- umibus, on Sunday ntorning. Sonry tb report thatlittie Susan Van Dam is ili in Mem- orial Hospital, Bowmanville. The eommunity wishes lier ai speedy necovery. imaqine! BEAUTIFUL SHELLEY CUPS & SAUCERI 1 FOR ONLY S1256EACHI Mus. JTack Sinclair spet Tues- dlay iToronto. Mr. and Mrs. Normian Mc- Keena and family, Ha«M>ton; Mr. and Ma-s. Bill Parker and family, Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mis. Peter Gatcheil and family. Mis. S. Moffati lhes returned home àgain fromn Oshawa hes- pital feeling much imnproved. Mr. and Mis. Ivan Cochrene and Judy, Nestieton; Mis. Ross Oke and famiiy, Oshtawa, were recent guests of Mi. and Mis. E. M. Adamts. Miss Maryln Oliver, Black- stock; Mr-. Frank Melton, Cad- mus, weîe Sunday guests of Mr. and Mis. George Alhisofl A few memberships available F YOU'RE A MEMUER 0F THE CUP a SAUCER COLLECTOR'S CLU& Corn to'&y an, loin! You'il gt te racaus d ovely Shelley Engilsh Fine In China Cups and Saucers you've always Wanted - for oniy $1.25 each. Regular $3.50 each. Yau jet ane autstandlngly attrac- tive, different Shelley desiga mach week for six weeks at this 10w 1w price! And remember !- Collector's Club selectioiis ore fine quailty SHELLEY BniahF neieChilna. COM IN TODAY I Hooper' s Jewellery and Gift Shop 29 King st E Dowmanvile Get the feel of Spring with a NEW SPRING "60 DUSTER 0 New floral pdnrinh.washable Ererg laie or no-ieu euebo&isd re . Moderutely priced et 3,e98 .d 500 The feeling of Spring corn b. youfs before it arrives in dressy dusters of "Ever. glaze" cottons. Al are easy. care fabrics and washable. See Walker's big new Spring selection and select one f rom thes. two neya Spririg styles for round-#-ie. house wearing comfort. A. New Fitted Stye in .mbossed fobrk., bios trim, full lengtl, zipper, twe pockets, floral print in Blue, Rose, or Gold, sizes 12 ta 20 . 8 Eoeh ............ 99 m. Big Collar Style with tie of tricot Evergloze forbric, peorlized butter, Closing, Pastel Prirvts of Pink or Blue, sizes 12 ta 20.50 Ea . ............ O A4 quai it y you'il Wear on any occasion BUDGET PRI(ED NYLONS ÀAIl First Qualit y! Yes, nylons with ail the qualities you look for ta wear anywhere with pride - each pair is fashioned for perfect fit - full fashioned sheers corne with fine seamns and panel heels. The seamless mnesh are run-resistant for better wearing and you'il find the plain seamiless just the ight.kind for dress-up occasions. Whether you need nylons now or later, try these at Walker's - they're budget priced! e Colore - Beig.tone (light> mnd Taupeton. (medium). 0 Sies 9to 11. DRESS SHEER .51 gouge - 15 denier WALKING SHEER 45 gouge - 15 denier SEAMLESS MESH 400 noedie - 15 denier SEAMLESS PLAIN 400 moee - 15 denier l'air' 05 9 Pair 069 P'air o79 Pi 79 5 Kimg Si. E. lu 3-541 Philips Weekc Trade -in Offer 1 AS HIGH AS $15000 Cowan Equipment la4 King st.E. WALKIR'S of B@WMANVILLE STORE HOUES: MON. - SAT., 9:00 - 6:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY - 9:00 - 12:30 p.m. FRJDAY - 9:00 to 9:00 TAM ýl Pp hemw. A & D - Styled as idusUc'ted, in~ a variety c printed and woven fabrics moi suited to tNs age group - buttan-to-tfie-wafst open- ing, sizes 7 to 12, very speddnolac........4 4 a & C - Styles as iNustroted la a vaniety of fine, fine printed cottans - bock button-to-the- waist, deep hents, sizes 4 to 6x, veiy speciol 34 bEmi,.............. 34 r il TEM CANADUN STATESUM. nowifANVUIX OIMTAitteb Bowmanville libArm MUS