PAE TWO Canadian Club Speaker Deplores Our Pussyfooting ln World Affairs Canada - tudin effect giveý The president ofth Uc luib, ing she could make the leadership ta the world by us- Mir$. Kenneth Werry, in i- world's ataxosphere heaithier, Ing her geographical, palitical, traducing Dr. Phelps said that and alsa save face tqr the anxd cultural position,% Dr. Ar- he is nat. a stranger ta Bow- United States, he asserted. thur L. Phelps told the Cana- manville as he had braadcast, U.S. Hypnotlzed dlian Club of West Durham an his program "Neighbourly Such decisive action miglit Monday evening. Dr. Phelps, News" tram the Town Hall shock the Unitedi States into who gae'e an excellent address here during thc Centennial reaity he said. He castigated orW "Canadian Literature andi celebration. Nationalism," was the special Mirs. Werry alsa spoke of speaker at the meeting held hia renown as an author and at the Lions Community Cen-' baroadcastcr, and told et his tre. outstanding career as a pro- fesser of English at lcading universities. Pride of Community I'Nationhood at ll.s best is a deliberatcly nourished pride >. I oa conxxnunity ini ternis ai tra- dition, artistie achievement, wiiaime n ~,1.A~ aima and methods in educa- OR 111 dos oI . It is sometimes an operative cohesivenes i spite of dis- uWO'* p M fpersion ýand conxplexity,": Dr. Phelps said. He claimed that in this stage of the werld's and her awn *.. history such nationihood i.s possible for Canada, as her role in the United Nations suggests. He asserted that Pearson, Smith, and Green, ail have brought freshness, Arthur L. Phelps, r5.A., F.R.S.C. commnon setise, even a fruit- the United States for being fui naivete, into the d.rama- hypnotizeci by its own persan- tized hypochisies and rhetor- ality, political hypocrisy, ad- içal insincerities there. vertising, quiz shows, and fe- Fiabby Pussy-footing maie fixation. 4pHe deplored the tact that 1rie oieAto ELECRICLTD.iii view of Canadas opportun- Hepraised Caoaice Action i EELECTRIC LTD.ities there has been tao much H rie aaasato COMMacrn IMMURS curving hesitation, and flabby rgdigthe UN Police Force, I~.oe.moii.m~~!pussyfooting. a magnificent idea. But he Admission of China warned that this imaginative MTR - SALES - SERVICE unqioaî o h di-tionhaod cornes only from T..-RIJO PPLIANCES uneiofChia tar the UNs- within apeople's life, trom J pl as mater o coinionwithin a nation's business, re- . aseo a wolale . of o-n ligion, polltics educatianal1 sene o a orl scle.Sa o-and social theory, nlot tram evasian, apathy, and pussy- j * ~ - ~footing. ~ ~ u~Literature Contribution UUFE DR V E S AV Literature contributes tath nourishnient et this inner W ITH A FECOquality, Dr. Phelps stated. Li-.% WITH AFECOterature searches out thxe sig- nificance ot lite, and mani- If yon arenow paying high i Snefssarasrne sWýld insurance being a critft of externalsan vates despite your good driving record mere gadgetry, he renarked. -hncail us "Pa!CaeW'referred audience that Canada has -the tody! a.l*fUIavailable. great sources in thc Risk drversear lowr rtes ithliterature of Great Britain, Risk drversear lowr rtes ithFrance, and the United States. Safeco!He also said tixat Canada' is developing a lîterature af her own which, with humor, sa- -tire, imagination, and solid Ait thought, îs revealing and an Cg ç~ assistance in the coun'try's re- SA F E O ~ ' Olatîonships witih a denianding and inescapable world. AUTO 'INSURANCE S F CMxs. Werry thankeci theý guest speaker for his fine ad- Companion Company o! dress which. was bath men- Ceneral Insurance Company of Amer: a tally stinxulating _and enter- taining. Prier ta the meeting Dr. and Mrs. Phelps were enter- SAVE W ITHtained by Dr, and Mrs. George James at dinner at the Flying No f Dutchnxan Mator Hotel. Fol- C, H DU LEYlowing the meeting Mir. and RAndolph 5-4243 I at their residence, Prince 8OWMANVILLE COURTICE OSHAWA Street in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Phelpa or plates. Licences have been an sale sînce January 4th. Get yours taday tram ane of the 250 Agency Offices thraughout the province. Avoîid delay and inconvenience. DGN'T WAIT 'TIL THE HASCH DEADLINE Renew Your L'icences Now Au IMPORTANT HENINE. You mut show pneof of llabllity Insurance when you apply tor plates, or pay an extra $5.00 tee. If you do flot have a certiticate for licence purpases, caîl your insurance agent today. A. POLICY FOR FIRE, THEET AND COLLISION 15 NOT L[ABILIT INSURANCE. ONTARIO DEPÂRTMENT 0F TRANSPORT Bon. John Yaremko, Q.C> Minister D. J. Collins, Deputy Minister -......s.' MZCANADIAN STATMUN, BOWMANVRLE Ot Religion for Toclay Two Kinds of Life Thie Saving-The Losing A Weekly Talk By. z4v. IL IL Nicholson Oflb day our Lord Jesus lite. will lose 11.» BY '"lite" POWer, <I Christ taught ii disciples, iii Jesuz means our nature1lIife posaibly e a stàrtllng paradox, that there and wSoldly well-being. In every pasai are two kinds of life-the sav- the Gospel of John 12:25 He thle' fleuix ing, selfish life and the loaing, calla it "lite lin this world". livé for sel-sacrificing 111e. He declar- This means a life which lias selves alon ed: "For w'ho ever would save ne reterence ta any other; a To save has lite will lose it, and who- 111e that is complete in i±aelt our Ide a ever loscs his litie for nxy sake and does flot require lite in who loves will find it". <Matt. 16:25 R anether world fo1r its comple- (John 12:2 SV).1 ment; a worldly life only. af this lif tJestia mentions firet- The "ITo Bave our 111e" meanis ta for the si Saving, Selfish Lite. Lthink only of ourselves. lt 's whioh la vU "Whoever woul save his -te get aIl the pleasure, wealvlx, be spent ject than THE PRICELESS JEWEL self-aggran But Je& She took from the aven the loaves sa light. w'ould aavi She could have used, them ail, it." "IBy l0 But one waslwrapped in a napkin white, sha108oe id fite wfhich For "aid grannie" down the hall. the desire She loired her fiowers in ber garden plot, vails, tlxen iShe need neyer have shared them at ail, iflsfl, cou .But she trudged for many a city block, msp1iia To the -one-in the hospital taîl. beasts. There were countiess numbers of things she did, he be By many, not worth a thought. lives in va But in eveéry one, reai lovre was hid, mIn owis The jewei that can neyer b6 bought. hen w:ld -Marjorie Cunningham. ked workd wilderness live tihe P THE COUNTRY CHURCH mit, or he monastery It stands solernnly alone, ded lite oe Beside a towering tree. nothing a of othera; Here and there a stone, to sae h Plays like a symphony. He though could do The voices we recall wrongs bx Of loved ones long ago distresses1 At a mnapie syrup social soher ato What harmony did flow. 44oone The touch of a iover's hand. short." Bu- A smlle that neyer dies, his lite, t A tear, a fear, a wedding band, higher, nol ed only by An argan that mystifies. andi servir 1 pray, wherever I search, The seet "God Bless His Country Church" tioneci by ing, Self-,ç -Marion Ford su says: A MacDuff Ottawa Report Dreaim> Turned Nigh -OTTAWA - It now appears that. the Bill that is Prime Minister John Diefenbaker's pet project, may cause relations between his Government and the Province "of Quebec ta deteriorate. fis Bill of Rights bas caused storm ~arnings ta be sounded in the Quebec Legîsiature which may bring an a new constitutional clashx between the Do- minion jýnd the Province. This bas caused reàl concern among the federal Conservatives. . Il will be ironîcal if Mr. Diefen- baker's insistence on a Canadian Bill of Rigbts undaes ail the careful cultiva- lion he has engaged in bebind the scenes and during visits ta Quebec. He bas made mare progress in seiling bis ad- ministration and the Conservatives in that Frcnch-speaking province than any other Conservative in this century, but naw he bas run ia trouble of the kind that can quickly sirain the friendly feelings of tbe Frenchx Canadians. Mr. Diefenbaker insisîs that thé proposed Bill in no way restricts the Provinces, but the Bill itself is amn- biguaus. Members of the Quebec Leg- ;slaturc do not accept the Prime Min- 'ster's assurances. They insisi that Bill !'-60 does infringe on provincial ne- r ,ponsibilities. Il bas been denounced by Liberal Leader George Lapalme in the Quebec Legislature as a "massive invasion" of provincial rigixis. He moved a motion thai a committee be set up ta consider whether the propased Bih of Rigbts "constituies an infringe- ment upon the autanomy of ibis prov- ince or conflicts wiih existing baws." This bas been good politicai figbt- ing ground for the Libenais. When the Federal Libenal Party was in power at Ottawa 'il was confronteci wiih a belli- case Union Nationale Government under the late Premier Maurice Du- plessis, screaming tbat the Federai Lib- erals were -infringing on Quebec pro- vincial rights. The Quebec vaters appeared devoted ta the cause ef pro- vincial autonomy. At any rate they censistently returned Mr. Duplessis- the self-styied champion of Quebec's. provincial rigixus. Now the Liberals in Quebec have obviausby seen an appar- tunity ta make good use of ibis issue and bave turned il against the Federal Censervatives. N et te be outdone by their rivals, the Union Nationale went along wiih the Liberals. Attorney Generai Rivard, a anc-lime possible successor ta the late Pren4er Sauvé, moved an amend- ment toMr. Lapalnxe's ixiatian asking that the begsiature comnxunicate te Ottawa ils eoncern lest fthe Bibi of Riglits infringe on provincial jurisdic- f ian. Mr. Rivard, whom the Federai Conservatives werc relieved didn't gel the jobagreed that the Diefenbaker Bf oRights ventured imb dangerous waters. fie concurred with Mr. La- palme that il migixf, in tixe end, upset the entire Qucbec Civil, Code. The provincial lieuse agreed that it would neyer submit the Civil Code of the Province of Quebec' te scrutiny of the Federal Governnxent. In ringing tance the Quebec legilaters said the rights of their province would be de- fended against any governinent in Ottawa, whatever ils political calon. The Union Nationale supporters want- cd it made clear thati annex of any party in i when Premier Barreti compromise choice, nr more liberai course Sauve anid at the sari charge that he is t] servatives choice. This is the latest trouble Mr. Diefenbal he introduced bis Bi] Parliament as Bill C-6 ef the present hause. member of the oppa: Conservative voice fri be campaigned for thE Rights in tbis country. small minority of lega' with bim as ta the ne, constitutianal author the Bill in its present The Prime Minis ahead with bis 'Bibi a He agreed ta bold session in order toa examination of the pri There -bas been wîd te the measure. Somt damned the Bibi as p and a backward step discourage progress constitutional Bill of have said that at least that a start was bette ail. Mr. Diefenbaker that tbe proposed meE tations. But he takes even a limited Bibi ai ta the federai fieldi better than no Bill Paul Martineau, the Parlia*îentary Secret est in the Commons i the throne speecb-debi the Bill ef Rights ta tutionai amendiment. was quick ta empliasi: ineau was anby speal Mr. Diefenbaker and leagues are disturbed reaction in Quebec tc of Rights. They don witb Ottawa ta, takcia the warse by getting ù al ainendiment. Even Laurent, the Liberals lie when il came ta, suc reform. Witb Sauve likely Barrette wil i taking a traditional Q discussions in vob1v i an'endnxents. Capital Hili1 Russia and Canai agreement on a new t have been months ef, Finally the Canadian thec Russian two-for-or il the Russians agree mucix frein Canada a chase frein Rusa. Signs of a snap e] growing. The twor the fear ef a sharp r prcviously reportcd, i go te the polils before scheduled for 1962. tien Saskatchewan, thi home province, 'a ache meats. ~.R1C ' .' THURSDAY, VUE. 25tb, lUS M feo~r iy gobe will ind'IVtatc buycrs ofet vey age. Notl books iaur haine Ubr.ry. "To loge Our Mie" laetfo te- everyone ecs this imfettercdi Net so witlx my pocket books, tum t. make oui.' own Diea- fr-eedoexib PubfL*îb as desir- th'ey are undcrlined- i rcdand cm th e alo tm lite, and one's able. The paperbacks, have blue and nwrkcd w.Ith brack- - own wlll the 1mw of lité.e. l corne i for extremq arlticism, ets. Listen: 'Private toNtine3 I. , = urelL It l a 0gftVe even Ute ocaionti1 book- aré destroyeci by pubVras fS ,Christ%'a ace burnlng party. In a magazine wcll as by private exli!ava- tbm hings whkà hseem tg article a Cal1fornia writer, gance. Anxd this îa ic h tenden- make lite desiroble It is thc Grace'Boswortli, puts in a cy ef ail hunian governètts. siiofself-saceiKe, wlxlch w9rd for thc detence. A departure tram ptlflciples counts notblng n h is world "It was reperted. recently," ini anc instance becomies a pre- toc deur to 'be given up i ob- she Writesi "that Uic yugo- cedent for a second; that sec- edience te thc Divine Wffl., sivs altnost wept wfth joy ond a third, and soonax' 'fab lTe find our lite" meana when exposed te their firat is Thomas Jefterson, writingk, cur truc lite, thc hiçher, neb- sanilie ai supcrmarket shop- a letter in 1816. A book etf1bis>' 1er and abundant lite, wlichi ping. Thxe luxurv ai picking colîcteci letters cost me 35, c>~ - i. je i eternal lite. andi chooing 01 nuimy itemns cents. It lias 186 pages in all, [oyand t e we ogr #,yTo laie Our life" means re- touolicd them decply. Ini the but even if it had oniy fthe don; .very desire of aignation te thee wijll et Goci. local matket Ui ther niglit one letter, that was wortih My an md.itla~ otuntil wc arc able ta gay I wondcrcd ifthei day * would investment." ourselves, and Our- "'Net my will, but thine e ever -corne when they could On Uic other side otfUice ie. donc"', do wc lose our lite. biyY a loat et bread on Uic Iran Curtalîx Uicy are a long eur 111e je ta love Tennyson isaya: one hend and a boak an thc way frein supcrmarkets and ndJsamy:~ "Our wlls anre ,w ko other. We take »r granteci packet books, and even fur- id Jeas lite lRe t" not how; our markets, even more so, ther from freedeni ta read a sV) "Thie lovig Our willa arc ours, tmair ur, books. Witli Uic advelfft at real liberal like Jefferson. >5 RSV a"The Fouim them tiine." packet baoks we can have the Any wha think we permit peii ai gth aea .G dl aat v world at our tingcrtips for taa great 'a freedoni ta publish .nwilng ta opcnd or religion 4hat is worth thé les than $1.00 . ..1I buy theni ahould consider that other cx- for any ligher ob- namen, evcry phllosophy, warns for. anotixer reason, too-they treme on Uic other side et the seit-enjoyment and us te laie ourscîves in some- arc wondcrful for marking! lIran Curtain. adisement."l thing eater than ouracîves." "-Sornethin.g in my childhood A littie censorship inevit- ~usmaa. "Wocer "Ta oge o ur lite" means fpr traiinig prevents mie f rem ably goes a long way, invari- D s ss:«Wîll bac mrne people the renunciation m8i'kng up Uic clothbound ably toa long a way. resi", lie eaaweloetfw0aldly and social adsvan- Uic higixer, eternai tages, Uic tere-gaing et case, i islif ineed Iland rest anci wcalth. is lie xnded. Thc Apaatle Paul lst his S L>ra ge Uic ,mar'- JewialNe old-whae h, honr d A V i arewell ta enthus- ta be desired in Uic 'è nobler than thc and power. He mught have beca the toremost man of bis Leut thxe ages mea time in the eyes et Uic world. T e O e C rT a o t Ltrying ta savc their But when Christ called him h n aria o t ariaus wayab le gave up everything te fol- itinie, otteli whcn a lwhim. He sacrificed la lite cd ta save .his oiti, af case, alfluence, power, cul- Less To Buy ... retire tram the wic- ture and honor, for a lite oft : ta a cave in th. peverty, shame, suffering and# , wlxere hie would mrrow; But he feunci Uic truc, Fa e s T O p r t ,, [nl ie o a lier- abundant lite, which Christ Fa Les T Op r t . a ewudretire ta alan. can give. He became the f a laî ever known, andi bis la- C amon. R UcsaZaton ~have been et ineffable L ySUEAE hi-s anc des're was bes4 amnid Li cwnsitu'r i1 Throughout a1l theages t not et the geai lie ince ftic dcath et aur Savieur, la the werld; Uic Uic love ot C1ýrist lias been in- ce could rigît.the Uic ng mcnand woen ta he culd eiev. ~live lives et seli-denial1 and :, Hobbes, Uh ic lo- sacrifice, In the service of self islxncss, lite w a liera. It sent Florence Night- Lasty, brutish and ingale froni ber home aif it in seeking ta gave wealtli, refinement and lux- thc ascetie lbat Uic ury, ta the war ini Crimea, ta >bler lite ta bc gain- give herselfini ceaselessa ,er- y mingling with mca vice ta Uic sutfering soldiers. g their neecis. . His sacrifice on thc Cross in-9 >nd kind oi lite mca- pelleci Uic clever physician, Jess i-Th Ils-Wilfred Greni cil, ta go as is---Tli ~ frienci and helper ta tle ne- Sacrificing Lile. Je- lce fihr nofNw "Wheve loes isfeundiland and ta the bleak shores et Labrador. Jesus said: "Wlhoever bases PR1ICED5 8 0 his lite for my, sake wil tind AS LOW As $2 iCame in today! - - Test drive the 1960 Lark f mare A Little Goes a ySuear Long Way GAA ' Ottawa, especiaiiy by C. 3. Harris ;te, the dark horse nust continue the e boobakselling business has benrevolutionized. in Uic past nxe trne avoid the whcrc by Uic low-priceci, pa- STUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICE -he Federl Con- perback volume. Wlxere books once werc rctailed iiougli COlfax 3-2233 and most serious rclatively tcw outiets to, a re- Hyo lativcly small group et adults, Hado .R. 1, Bowmanville ker bas bad since new thousands of newsstands ________________________ I of Rights imue display books ot every type' î *For years as a ýsition and a banc ..... ,om Saskatchewan' " e need of a Bill of Prèbably anby a 1l authorities agrec ?ed, and almast al ... .... ities are against .. form. ter did flot press '~ t the last session~ Mr. Diefenbaker ithat Mr. Mart- ,Da19&" who are On the riglit track [king for himself. bis cabinet èol- nmake the better buy in life insurance d enough by the D'th watrelantisll ii. rght truck is the one that leado yeu rnany, many dollars ahead. a greater turn for where you want to go. In lite uxaurance Ask your Mutual Life man te draw rte a constitution- it'is the track that leads to lit etime up the facti and figures. Sec for your- iunder Louis St. muuty for your family; it'8 inceme fr self how much extra you get in divi- bet sleeping dogs your wife and chlidren if you <lie; it's ed n isoe h emn ch a constitutionalfo oorwseegnisad dns .addcvrwhs m ; ?gone, it seems savinge e onroseegnis Canadians are turning te The Mutuàl ~bec robe in any This is what yeu get frem ru LThArao empn aaatoi Jn g constitutions.l Mutual Life of Canada, plus higli for the better buy ini lite insurance. Or * dividendu Dividends that are credited write te the Head Office at Waterloo, Capsleste your Mutual Lite policy can put Ontarie, for additional information. ida are close te rade pact. There Laderahip.. through an ouistanding dioidend record tough bargainlng..1 -1 is have acceptedà1 ne formula. Under U. M m a s Canadians pur-Pez teM 1 buy twceasfi , ection in 1961 are nain reasons are recessian in 1962, and the desire te the redistribution Under redistribu- Le Prime Mlnister'a eduled ta loue tour Imm - -