Canadian Statesman, 25 Feb 1960, p. 15

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TE!mSDAY F~. 25b. IDèOT AD&AN WWTUUM, B. OWMAIIVILX . OTAIJO Vivid Account of Trip to Mexico 4iven by Mrs. Gi!! at B & P Meeting F The realistically vivid ac.l Cactus and Sagebrush Visit the ui igt plant ribboned band*Ilas hov cout a atnplu exca y Te extmoning they Before going ta Alapulco biid Uihecad of the bull, mnd 3£r. Mary Gi at thc dinner, drove on tW Mexico City,. thetheUic Gs had arranged with it. becomies furious and co metig fth Bwanîlccapital of Mexico. The road their botel ta secune tickets' fused. The matador then takes Pr "Buies and Professionai was excellent and ran tbrough for the buflfîghts, and on tbeir1 aven and bis aim is te maire Womnen's Club last week gave a desert type of country for return they had this unique'as quic a kil as possible, Mrs. n Uicth members a wonderful same distance witb cactus expérience, Mrs. Gi said she Gl said. She explained that 1 evening. Mrs. Gill's account and sagcbrush an cither side. found Uic bullfights 'exciting the matador bas ony et nel was so descriptive that. ail Mrs. GiII toid the club that but brutal, and added that sh tme 10 nake Uic kifi.Duingme present enjoyed a vicarlous later thcy dreve through Uic would not want ta see another Uic six bull iights on Uic dey B thrfll, and almost feit as if, foothilîs of the Sierra Madre Thé bullfights took place a' thUicGi watched, one mata- M0 they toa had visitcd this Pic- 1mountains befare coming into El Torec, thc îargest arena in dor was gorcd in thc uboulden WC turesque country. Uic vallcy wbere Mexico City thc wonld for such spectacles, but he continued and kfllcdM The dinner meeting af the is located. she remarked. i bul %t.GlsaedCà iGreat shouts, 'oies', and much pre club was field in the Sunday The Great Pyramids The cerenwniaus parade applause came £romi the peons 3 Pnsbyte Rrn Cofrct. Adcli- t thcir hotel they 7made1 around Uic ring led by the ma-'seated on Uic sunny aide of bre ciasbydine r as scre b arrangements for a guide to tadors, follawcd by the pica- the* ring, the speaker said. Pul laudi aS snrew shA wthem the points of in-idors and other assistants was Dsny oncnan 'licaes fct.Arine'soi.A.tercst, Mrs. Gill said. She, colourful. Immediately after- Dseainelad o The Vaetinerd nhertswr described their visit ta thc twa ward a large gate was opcned On thecttip back to Canadafi of.mVaentdinSpaniht ar ry i gereat pyramids 25 miles narth anid Uic first bull appeared. It Uic Gills took thc western out the Mexican theme af tUicof Mexico City. These aniaz- was a frisky animal and after route and on their way ta Los special spcakcn's subjcct. ing structures were built by rushing out stood pawing thc Angeles saw Uic breath-taking nul the carly inhabitants and one sand, Mrs. Giil said. views at thc Grand Canyon. ser Miss Madlyla Wioeax, thc was dedicatcd ta thc sun and She talc! of thc prelimina Bu lsr sitead LasoVegam, Pa president, thankcd Miss HIe- anc ta the moan. The base stage of the iigh.t whcrein the Bou ier îtai nd Ls Vnges' lai len Devitt and Miss Frances of anc af these pyramids us bull is teased by me with MsGusî.IiLsAce Hearle for ranslating Uic iirst langer than the base ai the small capes flot claborate af- their hotel was near Disney- M .vimes af thc club membens renawncd pyramids ini Egypt, fairs such as the matadors use. fl aUicplatte spetkeulya for the place cards. This iras Mrs. Guilstated. Dfabulaus place, Uichepeakerla ii-ost apprapriate for the meet. unngtispcld the mt-tl i club members. Shie ing as it was heid duriiag the Human Sacrifice dar is 'given a chancc ta size tl fteti ae ntena Business and Prafessional She told the club of thc an.. up thc action 'and manner afsil rai th bnp take D Women's International Week, dient square neanby and Uic attack uscd by thc bull. Ncxt neciai l andUiou e cdi th i Miss Wilcox painted out, cxtraordinary temple built by thc picadors mounted an bar- ncvewondecatdtrains ofbbc The president welcomcd the Toltecs in Uic 7th century. ses padded for protection ride arveljous atracins.c Miss Elsie Haldstack and tld The walis irere covercd by forth with their lance-like blhad cnjoy isdthene. Rii- lier how glad ber felîaw mcm- impressive frescos, and the spears, the speaker tlId the Ms ilas lI e c-I bers were to have her back guide explained thc symbals audience. iow mnembers ai their visit to again after ber recent iîînessabeif cpitdoutht wo ar BitcErs the clever and ias.cinating sets She alsa welcomed Mrs. Ingý the sacrifice required by Uic The picadors Place two they had seen. SIte spake ai Reitmullcr, a spécial guest. Taltcc Indians fon thc nain god darts behind Uic cars af the Uic tbnrill of sceing in persan C .Mrs. Reitinuiler, wha was iras a beautiful maiden, and bull ta weakcn it by bleeding, actons and adtresses she hadC . introduced by 1Mrs. Noreen the guide showcd the visitons and aiso ta farce it ta lairer aiten watcbcd an the screen Laidis n ccaplshe panhei altar where thc girls sel- ifs bead sa that later Uic ma- ai the Royal Theatre in Bow- T LaidSic ladan lavel she cia- ected wcre killed. tador can tbrust bis sword at manvilile. h tic&- by Mozart, and an Aus- Mrs. Gill also ýspoke ai bbc thc anc spot just back ai thc triait folk mclody, "Vienna lost city ai the Aztecs whieh animal's hcad whcrc lb can be On behaif f ai al present Miss Ier Tow- ofMy reas."she visited with ber famnily. instantly killed, lvrrs. Gili cx- Wilcox thankcd Mrs. GilU for Aud Tan i yDram- her calourful and informative and Rcferning ta Uic speakeraiS e dscribed the council plained. She remnarked that ades Ms em aa thc evcning Miss Wilcax pain- chaabers, vast halls, and in- ber iamily said shelokdharn ibcWys ndP ted out tia 3he is irdil known ticately dccorated buildings green at this point in the pro- Meairmns Cofmthe, ave a ne-thn for ber efficient work as trea- ai this city recovcrcd tram ceedings. Mport o t eccssuaveir eve aunr i heB. P Cub Ui jnge.One Matador Gored Deconating Nigbt beld necent- hY The prcsidc it said that Mrs. University City, saubh ai Men then corne out and ly by thc club. Batt GilU in addition ta being a Mexico City, is situated on a ____________________________new gaad mother is alsa a full rocky mesa, and the Gill iam- uît t partner witb ber husband in ily had a most interesting m 'day conuc Uicth Royal Thea- visit there. Mrs. Gill told of Aa d tre bere. Uiceiiposing aider university Land and oreit A large map witb the route buildings, and Uic stniking new UAl ** taken by tbc Gi famuly on ones. She dcscnibed the cx- et C tibeir Mvexican trip cleariy quisite murai in mosaic that W ee ly R portWar naarked gave the club a birds cavers the entire extenior irali o eye view ai their route, 8,000 ai anc famnous building there. Ilglfg aeKItiao cotaahg i 30-~~ miles, covd ding 1he6nitday. Vr eotPo There were 59 deer and 6 00 with bbc average at $115.00. lyn' .theycosed n the Unitesdw The Mexicans anc 90 percent moose recorcled as casuaities in Total damages ta vehicles Fn S. tes aven bbc Ambassadar Roman Catbolic and are -a de- the Lindsay Forest Districinaobdta$30O.A BrdebtenWnsradvaut people, Mns. GiN tald the 195.9. These 65 animais repres- ingtd o$33.0 Letroit, and then drove via audiene hrae60cuAd Toledo, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, neThrac60bu- cnt the known big game kili by 0f tbc 6 moose kilîs, 4 occur- y tbrough thc ail cauntry, later ches in Mexico City alane, she rneans ather tiaan legai hunt- ned in Haliburton Caunty and Batt cnoes e b Mississippi, and said She spoke ai the large ing. 1 each in Victoria and Peter- Ciar th.rough Missouni, Arkansas cathédral built on Uic site ai Durham County claimcd'19 borough Counties. Ail occurcd mut and Texas. the Aztcc temple destroyed ai bbc deer casualties and Pc- during deer seasan. Two ai bbc "W eteedMeic a iL by Contez, and tbc famous terborough County iras ncxt 6 (a caw and cali) irere paacb- lou rcûe<'nfr G xicai a - - Basîlica ai Our Lady ai Gua- in line with 13 losses. Falloir- cd and 4 (ail buils) wene ai- even inarkV that only four daysj dalupe. At Uic latter there 's ing these were Northumberland lcgediy shot in scîf-defence. Th aiLr lavig awmnvile a ontnuus lugimge nd ut ty with 12, Victoria Coun- There iras no apen season fanraUr theYwer in exio. Terethe Gis saw pilgnrims asccnd- ,y iith 10 and Haliburton moase in 1959 in bbc Lindsay Disi waca large informaicno. th heeUi long steps towards bhc Caunty iritb 5 deen kilîs. Forest District. Of C wa areifrmto bohIshrine an their knees.. ship. whcnc United States iunds i otan vebîcles snufied out ]Babies St111 Prevalent boy !' cpuid be changed into Mcxi-1 The speaker alsa talc! bbc lives ai 31 deer, more than by Dsit èan maney. Cards wcre given audience ai the widc tree al bbc other causes cambined. esnt epcated warnings ta cani to taurists entening thecocun- sbaded avenues in bhc centre The remaining 28 deer met sbay away fram mild animais skwn tr~y, Mns. Gilpainted out. On ai Mexico City, and ai secing their fate in bbc falîairing man. whicb appear tame, or cals and. thorc the back ai tbc card it show- the National Palace, govern- nen-dogs 10, fences 5, paacb- dogs that are acting strangcîy, skux cd thc exchange rate, Eight ment office buildings, and ens 5, malves 3, trains 2 children, and gnairn-ups boa, anin cents cquallcd anc pesa. Alsa wanderiul rnuseums there. drawning 2 and unknawn causý stili became involvcd with ra- andi that four miles cqualled 6 kil- Christmas in Alcapulco 1. bid animais. rabie Most ai the deer kiled were The treatment fan anyone opme ometers, the distance measure- From Mexico City we drove cither fawms or yearlings indi.. who bas camneita cantact iith night irimnt used in Mexico. On the ta Alcapulco, Uic only tropi- cating that thc aider animais an animal suspcctcd ai beinmg Foun front ai bbc card ire roaad cal resont ta wbich it is P05 may have devclapcd a sense ai rabid is fourteen tiab ml signs in use in tUicocuntry. sible*ta drive from bbce Unit- aavaninesseal Hav BsyTie d taesorCandarIIr. essîck). (oran re2 extremely serum injections in thc abdo- <On Hav Buy Tme edStaes r Cnad, Ms. illlucy).men. One persan, w.ho should warn Mns. Gilrcmarked that gas said. They arrivcd there an Information andamages iras knoxv, described it taoic mi- wild for cars is sold in litres, flot Eve and found tbc obtaincd on 20 ai bhc 31 cases ter as d4pnetty sevene reat- anda gallons. Betireen translatingý place tiruly a paradise, While invoîving deer killed by cars, ment". Failure ta bake prccau- dame mailes into kilameters, galions ibbc Christmas they spent there Individual damages ranged, tionany sbcps may nesuit in ser- that nibo litres and peso values iras quite difierent irom any, into dollars and cents ta knaw other thcy had knamn, th Uic value of punchases, Uic Gis iound il cncbanting, the wflale ianiily had a busy speaker taolc!bbc club. A M D f ta a R p r knie. Only $50 a day ~A~Df ta aRpr No Inspectons Mrs. Gill spoke ai bbc beau-E ~ .-- Cancer Society -Needs lolunteers to Drive >atieénts- to Toronto A meegf thicBomanm- ire ame uable ta accept thc eIe BrnhCanadian Cancer n=«me offers ai help at ibis k>ciety W'is beld lu bhc Couni- liae. i Chiambers on Pcb. 8UIh mita Voluntees arc needed for >ident; Walt Pascoc Prcsid ptents ta Tonanto for ng. b.neatmets.Anyonc intcrcsted Mms PeggY Frank, secnetany, picase 'Phane Mi. Bert Syer ead tic minutes of thc lest et MA 3-3177 fan full details. ceting. Treasurer Clarence Tue ncxt meeting will ho ell, Campaign Obainman beld n ?May 30. £aurice Stepiens, CObau*rman ncétemtigrptd V'omen's Service Committee Sîiebcm tngrptd £ma. Bert Sycr, arnd Publicity a-bove, a worknaom bas been îiairnian H. Saundmrs, lacated and !plans arc under- reseented tiieir reports. way :for thie rooni ta be open evcry Tuesday aiternoon s Mr. Stephens inianmed thc liaI anyone wisbing to bclp rancb tbat Uic Bownianville mako cancer dressings mill ho ind-raising Campaigai will vrm ecm.Tetm an tce place during the last meck opening date will ho publisbed fApnil, actual da-te not con- laber. rndas yet, Syer reparted on thc umber oi patients receivin r-viccs jsuai as dressings!, e i n L d e iecial cquipmcnt and embu- L gon L de =so ervices. Mrs. Sycr also V st O h w xessec! thc nced for a mark-V st O h w oui wbere a diffenent drcss- Lg couic! ho made rcquiring On Tucsday evening 30 mcmr-: ss sewing, but requi-ning more bers ai the Bommanville J >ace fon bic folding and Ladies' Auxiliary ta bbc Canad- iking ai suai a dressing. At ian Legion mere guests ai the Le moment d-ressings are Oshawa Ladies' Auxiliary ta ade at members' homes, so thc Canadieni Legion et the~ Legioii Hall, Oshawa. Mcm-, bers ai tic Wiby Ladies" ew M e bersAuxilany ta tic Canadien qew M emb rS Leg n eeaiso guests. A fie pnogram of entertain- k S pt d By ment was prcscntcd. lb in- ~cceptedcluded vocal solos, dancing numbers, several piano duels, andc!tmo original piano selc- :.0. F. G rou p tions composed by a litie girl, The application for memben- bic Oshawa membens. Thc Èp of Aima Perfect, Giadys Oshama ladies also stagcd an enry, Emlly Stancer and amusing comcdy skib. c!rey Date wre accepbed Bommanville minncrs ai et- d ajpproved et the meeting attractive pnizes ha tic dram Mapie Leaif Circe 143 Coin- mere Comnade Donathy John- nions ai thc Foret, ield et son, Comnade Audrey Bate, eUnion Biajil on Tbur-sday Camnade Milly Bates, president< ering, February 18Ui. Wor- ai tie Bommanville Auxiliary; y Ciief Camnponian Rena Comnade R. Sommenscaies, and n Lihgate annaunmced tiet the Conade Mildred Conmay. 1 w members wili ho initiated Games. were cnjoycd and thecc te next meeting on Thurs- pnize winners for skial and r v evnig 1Mrc. h . balance mere Comnade Ruth Before leaving fon Mexico'tiful sandy beaches, tbc bit thc Gifle 'ac! sccurcd visas for Pacific, tbc swmiming, maet thein passparts, certificates ai skiing, and boating cnjoyed vaccination and so an. Enter- She bold ai bbcide vared ing Mexico at Laredo they did af luxuriaus acoommodaticl not sec any Immigration In- oiiered. Tic Gilis stayeda aopectors, Mrs. Gili said andia manderfui motel and thi es Uicy drovc down bhc bigh- rate af $50 a day cavencd tbbc way toaerd the intenior ai bbc *00InS, meals, and recreatia: country the Gills thaughbtuhs Mclodic Mexican music wa! was a bit strange. played by orchestras in th( Faurteen 'miles irom bbe restaurants, and apportunitie. border they arrived et tic abounded ta buy souvenirs ai Immigration Post and there neasonabie pnices, sic said. Iearned that bhey should havel Thc drive betireen Mvexiec bad their passparts, visas and City and Alcapulco bas ta be ather papens stamped at La- made via mnding roads reda and tien braugit ta tuis hrough Uic amesome moun. place for inspection. Beck thcy tains. Tic land is fertile lied ta go ta conplebe thc en...Peims lime thc noads, and ban- trance fornialities, Mrs. Gili anas, oranges, bamaboes, and seid. Tien on ta Montcrcy, a a widc varicty ai tropical lovely place, wiene tbey spent fruit groir in lie fields, Mrs. thc nugit. .Gil said. IMagistrate's Court An 0sliaweR mani pleaded of $12, $17, .mad $22 from sev- gilty fia ticft ai 2 Govit. af cral otir.No proper ligmits, Canr" Cheques and guilty ta cibier beadilights, tail ligits, 4 charges ai Fanging 4 others. icense plate ligits an clearance AR li aIl be necieved'$173.OO in lights brought penalties af cash fon tic chieques. lIc wasi $7.00 caci. rnmded for thirce mcmtis "'I have very litie patience wtth the consent ai Mn. Bruce for drivers mia do net stop Afileck, assistant Crown At- for scitoal busses", cammenbed * torncy ion tlhe County ai On- Magisti-at R. B. Baxten as be tario mho was acting for Herry imposed a penalty ai $20.00 &. Dcymian Q.C. Mn. Deymam is andi co6ts ai $2.00 on anotiber away in anobier jurisdîction driver. trying a murden case. Evidenc yplc n h A 38 yeer aId mairricd elc- bus nie bys polie thd buc triciali pleaded Guilty t,, stpd drie ias webet flabs baving charge ai e Motar Ve- st- ,etclgt eefah bid mêilebisaîiityira im ing bbc bus mas properly mark- pled.iehs blt was mc e d, bhe doar was olened and a paied.He as ine $5.00boy mas aligbting an bis may endestawit a 3moni lc-horne fram school. Thc car pul- .n upension. ldotaon h u n 4 1CIl6CyTear aid lad wes told laed- ut.aon i u Iy Magistrate R. B. Baxter laPasd t !Use w'hat the Lord providcd Tira overioads brought pen- you wibli your feel", when he alties ai $22.00 and $53.00 ion Îlkted him. on probation for different ovcnloads. 211an ths HIe cannat drive bis A local youth paid $13.00 for own car durlng this period cx. iailing to 3'ield, thc nigt ai eept ta go to anic irom mark iray at Albert and Duke Sts. <ai he must be et home et: at 6.13 p.m. on February ist 11.00 p.m. every nugit. Thc lad and came int collision miti b.d been convicted ai stealing anotien motar vehicle. No cvi- by E. V. Osborne, King St. Street iras slippery. Duke St. ..on Pcb. 7, 1960. mas centre banc. .lure to notify thie depant-; "A case oi just driving boa jnaemu af changie ai addrcss on 1fast- taking into consideretian1 Uis drlvcr's liceaise cost an er- tqte condition ai tic raad". seîdi ring tnot-lst $12V. Spcedng ibe meg'st -'e li im-posing Uic emviction;ý braught penaltiesifine and costs.1 Oâbome mmd Comrad. Audrey Bate. Thé uprise for. maklng th&zmcmi original paper hat 'waa wo bCordMUyBates. enc Kinsmen à Attend ro Inter Club The Bowmanviile Kinsmen CI Club had the moat niembers Y>"i pre et aogail thc Kins- aM me Cus .ht attended the co Zone C Inter-club and Quartet i Night held ln Port Hope last t There were 32 members of Q the local KCinsmen Club at the Ge( event, and Uic followlng mcm- tabla bers of thc executive: Murry thc Larmer, thc presldent; Don boo Stutt, lst vice-president; Os- ma3 borne Willams, 2pdvc-rs-wa dent; Arnold SI ep, Uic sec- retary; Gordon Stringer, the .reasurer; Larry Deweil and C Irvine (Jake) Brown, Uic Bul- 2, ri letin editors;, Roy McMullen. Fa" ,the registrar; John Living and Bob Guthrie,' directors. The Mi0r. local Kinsmen travelled by CrY chartered bus to Port Hope. Jaff, The entertainment offered sn by Uic entries from Uic Manyi Einsmen Clubs in Uic Zoene was excellent. The competition was keen, and Uic Minden tr Einsmen Club won thc contest DMI for Uic Best Variety Act. and Hospital Aux. t'l WiII Present itot Men 3aby Bootees IL In the absence cmi chainman with Ivan Hbobbs due to iliness, Ferg Glenholne Hughes, the vice- Lanf chairman, presided at the the meeting of thc Board of Di- H. P, cectomrs of Mémorial Hospital le î on Wedaiesday evening, Feb- it h. ruary l7tb. ,terra Marg yh ('. the hjef son, lans . eaf ýve- Ort. eet- cd. ved dion ibly Sto Isay ýage .t a had rhe hen nly Ehe rice the àad t;he me les ni- ia iny i ,er Vanted: Political Platformsj ty This is the year that the îod asf a repudiatian af prom- and dislocation due ta bo n SGovernment bas finally eaught ssa ab1ne bde0 rdcin iatmthion- wih ow badt- aey can aubdgtso gîvemare utoaton up wihits on"ol h-todytheycnpicture 'au- Yet Uic poliiciens iemr ýe lne" poiicy. ! terity" as breaking Uic prom- the impression ai marking Jr It's boa late ai course ta hold lise ai northland deveîopment tie than ai marching toward il thc "built-in" spending prov- and mare services without solutions ta Uthc prablems be-' as ided by stabute. Too late, that bigher taxes. The argument fore us. On, if ire can vary e is, unîess tbc Governffient is not so much Uiab bbc G.ov- the metaphor, Uicy'rc spend- esvere suddenly ta decide that ernment's policies arc or mee n g 100 mucb tinie chcwingý atWalter HIarris bad been igbt basically wrang, as that thc thc cud and boa littie produc- ý aiber ail and take tbe suicidai disparity between clectoral ing niilk. ýo course ai recommcnding thatl promise and Governmental To rcturn ta a theme we )e aid age pensions go back ta performance is politically im- have expressed befare un ls $46 a mnt-or that somqi moral. biese colurnns: plationîns 1other welfarc benefit be cut.1 lb is a charge that should sbauic!n't be just for clection1 e. It's also boa late ta undo1 be made. There is trutbh i it. bime, palitical parties shouid' - that part ai bbc dcvclopmcinti But how senious is it, and be canstantly warking out, d1pragram hicb cantributcd ta should it be dninabing aur and pncsentîng ta Uihe electors il an extra $2,000,000,000 in bbc political debates in 1960? bbc policies on wbicb thcy snational dcbt and bence ta Actually, Uic Gavcrnment stand. bigher repayment charges. can dlaim saine mitigating cir- Yeb is tbere nat thc impres- But it isn't boa labe far a cuinstances. In thc big prom- sion that thce emphasis in Gov- tough-mirîded finance minis- ise campaign ai 1957 thc Con- ernment policy et different ber ta put on tbc brake, a pro- servatives bad been aut of af- times is almost irholly depen- bable twa years away from fice 22 ycars, had virbuelly no dent on day-ta-day adminis- an election date with bbc hope of gaining office an~d did trative problemis and aintost voters, and cut back contrai- not have expenience of bbc neyer bascd on steadLy adher- lable spending. Tbat's jusb linibs mi Goverrnental ence ta longer range objec- f what doughby Donald Fleming responsibiity imposes. Fromn tives? did in presenting tbc Govern- this position ai desperation And is bbene not thc im- ment's spending estimates ta, and a good deai ai ignorance, pression that bic Liberals Penliament reccntly. And bhc led by Mn. Diefenbaker, ticy dwell on tbc bnaken..promises results ai bis savings, combin- ment too far with thein prom- theme and day-by-day crnti- cd with bigier bax revenues, ises. But some of that exuber- cisin ratier than on thc poli- mili show up mien laber he ance was sunely excusable in cies whicla Uicy wish ta sec presents a budget rapidly Uic- circumst4nces. inaplemcntcd ta neacb long- caminig back inta balance. As a Gavcrnment, thc suc- range objectives? The Lîberals criticized bbc cessiul canspaignens made a This la an aid consplint ha Governnient strongly, aif genuine effort ta, fulfil Uic Canadian politics. But it can't course, ion reckless spending main promises and won ne- be overesnpbasised if me irant and piling up debt duning thc ciection on that basis. In a Parlianacnt ta be a real forum, recessian; but they vated for sense it iras gaod fortune that Ifor Uic expression and debate: ail bic spending measures. Uic bigi- spendin1g coincided aiofUicebigli policies that arc Tiose werc Uic days wbeni with a recesiù period Wiý»: ta guide thc nation. thc Government mas pushingý econommic Pump-pnixxungwa Capital Hill Capsule Uic northern "vision" develop- i ncedsed. By now, af course, Here's just haw small-mind- ment poiicy and boasting ai i bhe Gavennment's pcnformn-cd and uncharitable people a massive public marks pro-ij ance ai 1957 and 1958 bas beeni can o: GOne NP got a letter gram made ta appear mucb watcned down by lait year's i. Oîni a lady wbo said sbe'd bigger tien it actually mas. tex naise and tbis yean's gone aven the lst af tubencu- Those mere thc days, boa,: spending eut, bath hlaving ian refugees adibted to Can- wbcn it was urging manage-! been iound administratively ada and foundi they mere al ment and labour ta "hold thec essentiel. Roman Catholic. She wanted line" on profits, pices and As re seid, it is good for hlm ta protest. Anter NP wages se as mat ta, feed infa- us ta be ncmin.ded by tic Op-j-was wanned by a doctor, ai tion and pnice Canada out afi'position that al bas not tu.n- all people, that tbe refugeesý markets abroad. cd out as nosiiy as il was miglit bring a neir strain af Taday, baving caugit up 1 painted by thc Governnaent TB ta Canada. (Tic MI> found; with its advicc ta mnanage-ý party at election time. But out reliably Ibis mas non- ment and labor. tic Gavcnrn-1 surely tiaI sbould no longer sense). Neariy ail tic MP's ment faces an opposition1 be thc main theme ai national bave neceived lettens of pro-ý svbich, muile appnavung ai bbc polibical debate. Canada faces test against belping bbe refu- curtailinent ai spcnding, tries senieus neir challenges at gees instead of glvmng banc!-, ta paint it as Tory austcnity home and abroad-new trade outs to Canadians. (0f courseý bnougbt an by Tory financial patterns, relaxed internation- tucre have alac been strong' nlismeagemcnt. ai tensions, ever greaten in- demalda that more Q=a 100 Just as Uic Liberals couic! debtcdness ta the United tubercular sefugees ho admit- * ipaint tie deficit-iinancing per- States, unemployment at homej ted.) - -M ______________________________ ~ MW £.q~ Thase prescrit hi addition t. new addition te the hospital. A social haif hour was spcsi~ a HossY Co-IR KOmB Cr NER y-26 uOs., tara,% ht 12ae ,e wt cares to màe use Wouk bock 0" : bUi m tiu it, remadleus mi yhther 12 ais. foç il rides. &Bk ey have a definite hobby or wool. Tco art foot, tie on phr* tS immee, would you or -biue wom i asieet a mp, :e to exchange patterne or pick up and kait 1 inhi ctnsfor knlttlng, bro- ridge along aide of vamp. Knlt etng or any kind of nieedie acros. 12 uts, en needle. Pick Sk? Perhaps you need a re- up and krâit 1 st. in each ridg. o or formula for somefiiing a . oug other &ide of vamp. uwish to make. If there is Lût 14 uta. en neede. AUl ats, 3 information you need in around foot ame now on needle,. inection wilii your homm e. acit e ridges, then kuit 2 ats. ities, let us have the ques- togeer mach end andc! entr* na mnd we will try to, flnd of neede every ridge 3 Urnes !answoes Cast off. Strap around Slipper, ýuetin and AnswelrsMrs. Cnt on 36 stà. Kit 2 ridges. org YongI an t in et off. Form anal loop at a means of letan.g yuhaeoe n.Se uto n te foilowing directions foer e0o~ W tt>t tees, so that othea' knittersceteo heel et baok. y zakeuseofthe ifthe lor Information about the oh mkeo use fte. i >e spring MHBBY SHOW AND ~ <1<> ~oSALE" 'write te "Hobby (Corý- "Boo0tees" nr ins." a re of The C*m&mia at on 40 sts. knât 2, pýrl Statesman, P.O. Box 190, or [bbed knitting for 2 Inches. phone AU 3-3687 betwee it Plain for 3 inches. Knit. 3:00 and 6:30. nes Stutt, Mf&& L. C. Ma-f E en g 4dearin, oe, Nh ason i* nr gton, M]rs. Harold Gibson, uxla y Hec Ske, Mi7s. Stanley McMmur-r Dr. Zlan iB. Sylvester, RayFreb. M eeing ninitraor.Trinity Evening Auxlliary inistator.held its February meeting wilth frs. Mason, president of the President Mn. S. McMurter men's Hospital Aaixiliary, preing Plana for Womenu 1the meeting that starting Wo(rld Day of Prayer evening !Iaster the Auxiliary will meeting were dingusaed. La pair of hand knltted in e~Mar Jewell and Mrs. -es to each baby borni n A. Davis were i charge of the ionsa! Hospital. worship service whlch centered trry V. Cryderman, chair. around the theme of Brother. i o the building commit- hood. reported on con-ferences Mrs. R. Sadier and Mus àthe architects, Govan, Vivian Sadier favoured wltha guson, Lindcsay, Kanuinker, duet, gley and Keenleyside, and The Study Book Chapter was consulting ermginervs, H. ably.taken by Miss V. Bunner, Angus and Associates, Ltd. the subject being Rhodesia. aisa talc! the meeting that Mrs. G. Eliott, Stewardship Ms been decided ta have Secretary, prcscnted a bnief azza floors throughout the talk on Stewardship. . P E O/P LE ARE, RUSHING TO ae0. Paints *Brushet " Weeping Tile " Door Chimes " Locks " Cabinet Hardware * Electric Exhausi Fans " Me dicine Cabinets " Combination Doors " Inierior and Exierior Panelling " Wall and Floor Tile - " Fence Kaierial " Shelving Main Offie andl Sbawrous COUICTICE - SA 8-leu AJAX - zEnith LB DOWNTOWN OSHAWA OFFIE OPIN FEIAT TILL booP-. 4-v ~'- - s Oshiawa 'Wood P 'roducts To* Select Their Needs From Our Large Supply 0f QUALITY BUILDING MATERIALS * Lumber * Shingles * Cernent .Insulation * Tools * Trim * Windows Interior and Exterior Doors *Hardwood Flooring Decorative Plywoods *Duralame (Counfier Topping) *Siding *Cabinet Unit: I a. THE ABOVE AIRE ONLY A FEW 0F THE MANY BUILDING MATERIALS WE HAVE IN STOCK FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE CALL IN AT OUR COMMTIE SHOWROOM OR CALL MArket 3-2130 Oshawa Wood Products Limited Downtown Showroom 84 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH - RA 8.1617 50 WMAN VILL - MA 3-2130 -ý aw- wwww Vif- 'IC-Iofffl TRUMAY, Pu. 25th. 1980 la @Oum 9 OSHAWA TELEPRONES9 TO SERVE Tou 1 -- vv

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