1 PAGE HRE IIM rE!AeAWAWo'IAT?-'VaMAW 7fAMVI.IOANTARIOl qWIMmcfAY. PM. 2th. 1988 LjM %,anà%p,&a VU ________% Solo Performers 'in Action W. A. Plans To Attend go. wa Weea ray a KEdAL ent=UwSUO1h In heabene f rs ln-ana Mrs. E. oruw e etLarmer, Mrs. Glenn Lar andi Mm. G. Kermeddy, M.adBleil pn i ekn Ash Wednesday Service er eest andM..m Ms ola Newcastie-Membera of the blocks. P. Romeril gave a most inter- Langstiaft and girls. Evening Braneh of St. Geor- Mrs. Dewdney anou estngadrsson Ht in Mr.and Mrs. A. CoIaofdy,. M. .Ms.G WmnsAxlayme-tath oesWrdDyMatches and Dispatches 'nLgtuf ge' theWome of Au A.iofary etha te Woservicewor b ld yJainaica, andi matie several Hamilton vislted on Sna isCrlLnsafi pn Ing at he hom ai Mi. A. o Prayerservic will e heldwith Canadian with Mrs. J. Martinell.dn e aswt e ui .,. ~~Garroti on February 17 decid- on Friday, Maich 4th in the. Mr. and Mrs. J. Nea niMs .Lns~f ed tc, meet at the church for Sunday School Hall of the Un- MsHrl caglna--a"lNstdÙ service on the evening of their ited Church. The president MrHrltMcaginc-aIiYyitdlOrn on r iMa. ob ou- .~~~~~ ~~next meeting on Ash Wednes- also read a letter frorn Arch- companied by Mrs. Gordon Sunday wtiMr. anid Mi e nigrsvstdwt r daMarch 3rd and atjourn bishop Clark, Primate of alSrnsn oo Oe yNa.at a.L oriem r ta t'he Parish hall for their Canada regarding World Re- Eyes that I may See". Mrs. Ry Dutatesam nFrdy nd r.D.BckiCuro. *.. business anti sewing meeting fugee Year. A special appeal Taylor read a poem "Be Stdil". night several.of the ienspn foloin the levce is bein-g made by the Primate Mrs. Glenn Lariner contiucted .*Tolwing semervioe Younto llAngpeople gve haveops arene, eent-o ~~ ..>..~. ...5~o _ sent at the meeting and fol- support on February 2 wheýn formed and each group asked in coilege and hier pas1rcne nthi ae ieta S) ~~~~~~ ~lowing the opening prayers a collection is being taken. ta tell somethàng af "An Over work after ste graduae nhderirgnrtos h ~~~~~~ ~~~~reports were heard from the The members voted a sum fsesMsonr,"A Hm ApiShtenhoesld ectisarydtctnad ., ..., ~~~~~~ various officers with Mrs. Bill money ta Warld Refugee Year Missionary","A etri Mis- of Jamaiçaanieacwokb-pmttrtnntlreur Lake readlng a list of articles to be made in addition ta pri- soayNm h ye iigdm hr.Ms ct re acrciis - needed for the Arctic, which vate contributions. wr fMsinre" 11 etdMs ea 4;' ,-, - ~~ *~.b. $~ she had received from the W. There was same discussion provod very interestinsg and W.A. pin. Canon Caprn MriCuewo, ithr ICI' ,,~ A. House in Toronto. regarding plans for the recep- informative. After the closing closeti the meeting wihpa-hbad Per, i&vrd ~ ..~ '~ rs. RossBoyd voluteer- tin for a wdding tabe held hymn whieh was sung as a solo er. Lunch was servetib ru adu n19 oc ai h V 'i'." -" 'V~.ed ta act as flower secretary. in the near future, and the by Rev. Romeril since 'verY 2.rmaktt"Ntigstob -~~ ~ ~..................................~~The members were asked ta meeting was brought ta a con- few knew it andi the Benedic- Srie eehl nbt iUid tS013 ; eudr ~~' t"' -*~~~, ~~ bring material ta the nextl clusion with the serving of1 tion, lunich *as serveti by the <churches Sunday monin ih____________ J;; meeting ta be eut inta qult refreshments. group.anatdne 1inleA- -,~ 9/ ~ The MotheTs Auxiliary met glican and about 60 inth Ui hief Holds at the home af Rena Butt, Wed- ted. There are a few ntc Th<t >EntT s C.G.I...ld nesday night witjh ten molhers people living on higbwy h present. Decided ta, have a could get out. Otherwieiwa Il > bootli at the W.I. bazaar in all villagers who couwilc Hal i1 o ' etT'I'nA Â April ta which each mother i'5'Due ta the illness of ReB Rm ta contribute one article. Final eril, Mr. Earl Dorrelcod- Loot Is 5 ai1 ight Feb 15,planG were made for the Fa- ted the service '11 thentd Loo I S ali Niht Fe , 5jther and Son Banquet, Satur- Dalton Dorrell assistantSpr dayý nigit o this week. Çoffee intendent was able tae u Newcastle - The thief who1 Newcastle-The first meet- and cookles were served. Next and took charge aof uda entered the Newcastle Coin-ing of the newlv forr-ncd Can- meeting to be hield at Jean Ky- Seho 1. munity hall early last Wed-' adian Girls in Training grouol tes March lth instead af March M.ac r.H akn neda mrnn dd otrewas held in the Sunda lth Port, Perry, were Mensa àkceive much pavment for ail School hall of the Newcastle Prize winners at the LOB.A. dinner guests of Mr.aniMs , ,his work, accurdigt ilg United Church on Monday euchre Wednesday night were Leith Byers. A, , ~~~~~~~Police Officer Jack Ricard evening, February l5th.- high lady, Mrs. George Ms ainPip ihat u rmu who is investigating the break- Ms ainPip in. ~~~~~Ater beginning the meet- Fowler; high gent- CharlesCrkvitehermhrMs A baemet wndo ontheing with two games "Who An Smith: Door prize- Gea. Chas. Smith, Charliean01- Py etlntke north eset ornrof o the al '~ and a stor.y game, Mrs. Crozier ver, Wednesday. - .. . .. was broken and the intruder Tilîson welcomed the girls The High School pupils are Rev. P. Romeril ani M.Er la f enee hoghtewnoand introduced herseif and busy planning for their second Dorreli attended Presbtr bde th oligtrleades. tegrsasana ihShol"tHm"Hamn ensa During Newcastle Arena's big Minor Hckyta the delight of the large, enthusiastic crowd. They.wli, ln h oln hi edr.Arl2t.Nels o a and Figure Skating Night on Saturday, these twoI are, Ieft, Miss SandraViceGragor and Miss Pat Rudeil. ingealeyse where the till was Officers were elected re- their dance schedulecl for Fni- Mr. anti Mrs. Reid Halp young performers put on solo displays of the fine art, Manyý other fine acts were presented. rifled and an electric shaver sulting as foilows President, day night was called off also Toronto, spent last weet o a a fodt e belonging ta Bill Harrison was Donna Ferguson; Vice Presi- the Fatiher and Son Banquet with Mr- and Mrs. HB r a h ia poet nuac ed as anim-ais presented a fine« taken along with three i ifty dent, Sharma Ferguson Secre- Saturday night. Did we say las Camp anti Arthur.yanedwhutsuglg saigehbto otem-cent roîls Of 1 cent coins. tary, Audrey Miller; Treasui- week that this was on aid-fa- Congratulations baJnc oetbianapyet Y o ng te -s P r s ntsi o "nma Cacer".Acodln, t heinesig-er, Cathy Scott; Press Repor- shioned winter's storrn. Well, Byers also ElizabethRwaai urPmum ayetln Tho second class, still in the M ito ion the thief then wcnt uter i a hic Friday this week wvas one wor- Yelverton on passin tei eabsyotaivd th juirage appeared as Angels stairs, climbed up ta the tran- .Following the election the se. Any workers who tried ta grade 7 Piano exainairs pemu cnenntyoe B rilliant Ice S ho vi and Devils and skated ta the H c e som above the door in the new president Donna Fergu- get home Friday night had ta These girls are Ppils iMs eido ots. nrli n ce S o Uic of the well known sang H c e clerk's office entering through son took charge of the meiet- turn back and iind lodging Dave Wilson. a o ugtyu et et 'Tank Heaveni for Little there and gaing thraugh ail îng and general business of somnewliere. Most of them ar- Mrs. Bull Johnston, Trn, tlpoe t.(~ , oa 14! (V errio ial / renaGirls. Following this nuxuber R s t the papers etc., in the office, the meeting was discussed as1 rived home some time Satur- spt-nt Tuesday ta, Thursa v o Aat r McGrgor esened pr1 Raly lokin.g mon- as plans for future meet- tiËy p.m. or evening after eigadMs a rciun , Sanra Meregorwalkingd rseveral ookmiles.rmoTheningrsay nn g t a Snta Newcastle-A large crowd sored by the Newcastle R- a lovely solo number skating Newcastle - The Jets and ey but there was none ta be ings af the group. wligsvrlmls h hrdyeeigt of oca ciizns as resnt, ceaton oi-ff-niteein tat the strains af a waltz med- Rebels were winners in the iound sa nothing mare was The meeting was adjourned snow plow fram Bowmanville morniing with theirmoer aiy local cîtîzendssftwdripsrese thrcreatirenSaonrai alttes. Jnhn Wot1ev at the annual Mnor Hockey Newcastle Mcmral Ariia on Minor League Hockey games taken. adpcon ndsfdrkstra uth hera e rd i-Ivrs John Wotten. andFigre katng howspo- Sturay venugan were At this time the figure ska- played at the local arena on The intruder leit his foo(t- were enjoyed by the girls i n onbtserlidros Ms.Vva aiespn1f thrilled by the brilliant dis- ting instructress Miss Lynne Monday, Feb. 15. when the prints on the 1olished lanes the kitchen. arnin)fAlot ope (Mod May weker ithreroM'.S U IT I A E play presented by the young-1 Bagnell was presented with Jets downed the Rackets 7 ta ai the bowling alleys as he Porninpg).Asow bwrac rom artcatTooho sters of the community. a lovely pink carnation cor- 2 and the Rebels took the Cubs tramped the length of two Mr.o oraPrynadalo' Mrs. tCRhmae]th EA STT sago on ehaif ofthe firsPtwo by 4 ta 3 core. laes and fom theseand athe The program got underway saeocl il ftefrttob 4t,3soe ae n mteeasse .. . r c ~ A v r corner Sun'dlay evenng. Scho- funeral of Cecil's aunMs igS.E omnll at 7:00 p.m. with a minor s oboolru, I h îs gm ee c us osal îad smk ~' ~ as were closed anti bus driv- E. J. Patterson, Norw'ov F1 - ' ae ih h toBetty Anne Hockin and Mary Oullough scared six ai the ing bis investigation. estook the pupils home at WIIEN JI COMESTOMllEATING. e eeadTo atm Grac e Paterson.Jes seven goals with Bob - - Aty Pe e n wh __________kig hesvethAtC nf re c noon Friday. Monday 8 a.m.- lvfr. and Mrs. AnsonTyoM -58 A359 -WE GUALIFY- teams participating. The Roc-i Then came the cowgirls ska- Bnitasnigtesvnl The Oshawa Times for Friday Scarborough, visited . sd OURZ PRICES FAIR0 kets alid Jets teamed up tai ting ta the tune "Rag Time tally in the net. Assists were H Y O ;, and Saturday hiave just arriv _____________ take IltheCh ad Rce Cowboy Jo" a class ai fiftecn pir-keti up by Wayne Pearce ifled W ae opngth vp-w Mrs. Roy Taylor, Sunay 4R STANLI&RD 1.11w! eae on(3) nd . 'AlIdra (3)lnorhbll d ozWers woil be bl age ______ Ecý ýW! and played ta aaonc ail tie. girls dressed in cowgirl out- w<le heand J et pldea t (3) rs ee igeo ulozr ilb al c Brian Pickering was the lits prcsented a fine display wieteol e eat r n r.PtrSneraitruht hr al________ scoerfo te acet Jtsof skating ta the delight of went ta Brian Pickering. Swansea spent the weekenti al Newcastle - A conference carrierougnes c n e mail t combinatian on an assist framn the crawd. Eric Naylor a.nd Ted Znak Mr. andi iVrs. D. Cameron's. on Criminal Law Administra..ad* -tantdy.Tebs Skain t th srans f 4Awere the scorers for the Roc- Mr, Earl Thompson, Patsy and tion held in Chicago February ssant rom tringda c he bus Dennis Rudman. While pen- Saigt h tan i" kets with Ronnie Goode get- Larry, Bowînanxville, w e r e 19th and 20th, ane ai a series se r eoahrng citrefi aliswere handed out by re- Bicycle Built For Two", Pait ting an assist while the scor- Sunday dininer guests ai Mr. beîng h-eld on the "Preserva- fram anywhere they can get Gryand Brian Pickering. play ai figure skating between bath penalized during the also visited Mrs. Thompsan on Law", conducted by the Nor- The W.A. ai St. John's Chu- Th ub-ebl cmia-te ialtosktngcase.gaine. Sunday. thwestern University Schoal reli met in the Pari§rh Hall,-- tian helti on with an unassist- The finale group number In thae cloelyt-.ought second Mr. W. Blackburn, owing to of Law. in observance e>î its Thursday with 18 members ed *goal' scored by Harry was presented by twelvc girls> gamne Bil Scott and Terry -road and weather conditions 1iOth annivcrsary was attend- present. Meeting apened with M Cuffe while penalties wer*e skating ta the Old Comrades Walton teamed up ta score had E.Rihada vki o N yn.ScipifladF Iaer ______________________given ta Stanley CobbledickI March in their coîçurful ska- the goals and get the assists d c tay Friday night with c ~ .RcadLvkna yn citr n ryr andFre Aldred. ingcosume an mainga o th otersgoas fr ~ Mrs. Cale and Miss Stella Bla- Newcastle on the weekend. were read by Mrs. McArthurÀv d Folowngths oceyir-1real hit with the audience. Rbels with Terry Walton get- ckbuir4 Bowmanv7iîle. Lcue at a eisus- nan eeso Paeneea.iT e Sp ig R s Foloin ti hcky ra'sions were conducted by prom- Sccrctary-feaur ntoCrrs cas Brenton Riclkard the Mas-.. The final skating number ting the only penalty. Harry Aithough the roatis werc niot inent criminai lawyers fram pndng ereary ave theirs 30 ter ai Ceremionies for the was presented by Miss Lynne Cuffe was the only scarer for the best on Sunday, Rev. F. egtcutisadicue odngSceaygv hi I-mT alld ortheeininageg formerly ai the Ice the Cubs with assists fromn Jackson got out for the churchegtcotrsan cudi reports Miss Parr reported onWappeng evening figr te sericeSunay cenig TeiG. Arthur Martin, Q.C., a Dorcas work andi shawed mat- Panllg, G pteing URza.Xààf2NUaw exhibition of - Figuraers nsbî SkaAlA 1 ..g menber ofthebairri uroaef frOazar ntd" r-sho h-for the wonderful shawing the anly penalizeti player. was a fair attendance. Alte'r eai bars On-orbazar Co 3-2281 17892 enadbeinrswodrs- madie by the youngsters in this Follawing is a list ai the top the service, Mr. Kenneth Gra- letr inti rii aluma anti Miss Parr, Mrs. Scott anti Mrs. RoxatoneVnlW lCoeîg bgneswodsshowtrog her teaching scarers in the village Minor~ ham an Mr. W. Blackburn lreure intheriiiiinal llt Hamilton were appointed ta over the past weeks. At the League as aifIMontiay, Feh. 15: werc appointed pastorial rela- pro creth e sgn orot.all choose ladies for offices on Qaiyw Lawe fScerhooi inpesn-PlToranto. tin omLawe.- Diocesan Board anti send the aiywr yeprecdtaene cltonseae umber na presen Clog-_Pl1y.r3G2A Mrs tio n mmtee. n ycrs îrom Canada, Englani, nimes in. Mrs. Hamilton re- at esnbePie tréatin-asfmae ta her la ap- P. Mclo h--183.1.r.K.neh ra a 8s France, Germany, Israel, Ja- minded. the ladies af the Warid pr~iaia u hr wrkbyBe B Sett------13 3 16 dinner guest on Sunday at Mrs. pan, Norway and the Unitedi G O * . verley Rickard, Brenda Brown,' F. AlldTead -- 8 4 12 H. Crossman's. States participateti in the con- Day ai Prayer service in Cati- - Ci ardra Adair, Janice Rick- W. Pearce ---- ------- 4 7 11 Februacry meeting of the W. ference which opcned at 9:001 mus Churchi, March 4tîh. De- arJeanette Jacobson and!J. Alîtircat------ 7 8 A. was held Thursdiay alter- a.m. on Friday and held fucddtakJh aitntO Re a de s o n wDebbie Darling on beha1lf ai .s. Cobbledick 3- 4 7'no' n at the home ai Mrs. E~. sessions. ur repair floor in wa9hroom i R0E AE NT I thesktin casss.H.Cufe -n--an-- 4 7Rectory. Aflter the rail eau andtiA R e a d Iess 0f ~0W he katngcases . Cffe --- ~ Topple; Presitient, Mrs. J. Jon- Objectives ai the confcrence afferîn.g, the Presitient expres- FOR SAFER WINTER DRIVING. . A lovely student's dcsk don- penti yD otoa wawrcaaayeatidscuss seti appreciation ta Miss Mc-PA TE an DCRTR ateti by M1r. Carl Weyrich ta rsntdb Mrs. J. Potts. the laws andi rules currently Nab, Toronto, for caming anti LET US DE-SKID YOURTIRES teRetioCommittcc and U7t'VTtVITTTTt' Several items af business were prevailing in the Uniteti States akdle t ae e . M issMArket à52 r TUnr545 OR th e ce ts haveIvLJJ.u dealit with. Mrs. K. Cowlin'g andti t evaluate such laws anti McNab thanketi the ladies for For Tat Havy now . .solt durng te pas wees.Snw,1wn-ti-andthei foî- wsapiieti as delegate ta rules-inthligai pnf ractincsciLsng hr=spryr2at prI * MzMee . Won __ Mhrs. E.in us Came ta Your Hause" was Ladis' oor riz- Mr. 111.reati' by Guy Boninettà. Leanne oi tuNcwcaste R.R. No. 3; Dorreil led la the gaine " M en' do r pr ze - D on entm ca anti Juliet". L orraine i prize donateti by PeterboroughTure rati the poem IIýAuto Supply- Don Canin R.R.-Metn lsdwhpry, No. 1, Part Hope; prizes dana-Meigcoeiwt ryr te yCastra Oils- Winston after which ail enjoyeti a Val- WhtheCampbcllcroft; F. entine treat. IL uma an afaiore Hoskin W.M.. mt tthchomanagement su denie The RemIlIngton Hoskin R.R. No. 1, Part Hope.WMSme the'oef __ _IBill Barrowlouhwt he Mrs. Cecil HiII Wednesdîay ai-110 othr or Hpehih cholternoon with 15 ladies, 1 gent C~éet4I~t kr-~.k:Iboyse, avnBonPrt Hope; shool andi 4 kiddies piresenit. Presi-M RER . B OK Jas. Webster, Port Granby; Ute odes n dent operied the meeting by 1M. E V IjNoel Wright ai Canton ""111 godnss nd reading anc ai Edigar Guest's Ijed open housc at Queenl's Uni- flevor of big, juicy poens- "Ligihten Their Loati We regret any inconvenience causei oarmn ueta b jversity. Colifomnia oranges of Needless Suffering". A utresdeothtieha Ii ere Vere 51 at Sunday hynin was sung andi prayer ai -cuoerdetatefe htocdthsoato 1111 AVAILABLE AT I School with Mrs. A. Austin fereti. Rail call was well ans-1 to be closed since Novembrth15. jreatiing the morning Seripture.. wered by - A book I woulti1 Th gregatian was pieseti Recommenti. During thc busi- We now extend to the Motoring pbia niaint t a thc special part ai ness perioti the ladies were ur-! drap ini and renew your acqintne b.t jthe morniing service whieh was ged ta attend the Prcsbyteriai lo vrormdri t a tribute ta the Qucen anti the m l Oshawa, February 24th. bo vrarmdenzdsain Inew baby pmince. The singing The film- 'il Sing, Not Cr3"'ý ofI a the twa verses ai Goti Save in Blackstock Christian Eidu-' theUi Qucen was iollowed by a cation Building, February 26th, Our officialoi ngwl ak l PHON MAket3-303 j1 peciai pmycr. There wus a andi the World Day of Prayer PHN Akt330 odcnrfto oejyteW-5 service la Cadmus UnitediL. .1111KIN S. W gowi of hereonki teChurch, March 4th. Quilts fln-ai I NG ST.W.BO MANVILLF. vlyfowers brought by the *ffiYIEn miI6OTTIICAIToN isheti anti in the making werel l cntucinwokl - _ Walters an&MrHarding's fine displayed. Also it was report-1 ~uw*~ - - - - - - . - . - - - . ~asermon. eti the bale for Simcoe Hall,