Canadian Statesman, 18 Feb 1960, p. 7

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rr ffe Phone MA 3-330 Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cewan 4 ae vcationing la Daytona eachFlorida. Mina Mary Turner, Toronto, spent the weekend with Miss Amn Ferguson, Queca Stireet. Mr. R. G. Stapley, Winnipeg, In, was a weekend visiter vii Mrs. Stapiey's mother, ]ÉMa. W. H. Birks, Hîgh Street.' Mss. Sid Mitchell and Mss. F. IL. Cook returned home last Baturdey from Moncton, N.B., where tbey bad been visiting Ur. and Mrs. Howard Hartiey. Mr'. nd Mrs. George Gra- barn, Georgeann and Susanne 'wern "snowed-in" guests Sun- clay evening o! Mr. and Mrs. Don Stainton and family, Ty- t'ore. -Sunday gueste vitil Ms. and Mns. E. J. Fairey, Kinig Street at, ver. the !orme's sister and bzether-la-law, Mr. and Mmfr. Les Barber ef Newman- ket, Ont. Thirty-tive mecubers o! Osh- wa and District Movie Club were guests Tuescday evenlag o! tie Metro Movie Club at Woodgreea Comnmnmity Centre, Toronto. Congraulations te Mise Mar- garet Golieca, daugbter ot Mr. and Mu. Gernet Gobeen, who uccessfly pessed ber Grade V Theory Examinations at Ifanilton Conscnvatony. Two Chinese engineering stu- dents ftro Hong Kong, Yui Cho Li alndYliul Clung Li, wh are attendulng thbe University et Toronto, wcre wcekend gucsts of Dr. mand Mss. Keith Siemon. Mr. and Mu4rs. liaury Souci, Lenore and Judy, Mr. and Mrs. Don Cole, l of Oshawai, Mrs. Gerald Pincb,. Scarborougb, and Mn. Norman Eiiiott, Peter- borough, viere recemt guests et UT. and Mss. Albert Cale. Mr. and Mms. F. R. Cook, Mrs. Frank Westlake, Solina, eid Mr. George Mutton attend- ed the fuerai on Tuesday o! Un. Cook's uncle, Mr. Albert O'Brien, at Eden. Returndng, lliey called on Mrs. Minnie Carval, Lindsay. Parents and teachers are ne- mi>ded that the ciasing date for entries la thc Peterborough Kiwanis Music Festival, te ibe held Mfaiy 9th te May l7th, 1960, is Monday, Februnry 29. Sec adverttisement on page Iree of!lits issue. Mr. and Mss. Roy Jackmain, travelling by 'plan- left last Janu« 28tb for Aizona where they are vislting the latters sister and husbad, Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Nichola. They plan o make a three-week motor trip o Southern Califer- niai and Mexico betore retura- ing home. Receatly on display lanVthe North York public library vicre 75 tancy Canadian Valentines o! the 1827-1900 period, which lied been collected by thue laVe Dr. James Goodwin, a Toronto physician. 0f particular inter- est is one. rcceived 103 years age by a Henrietta Manna at ber Bowmanvilie home. Mr Johnny Seto e! the Cor- onation Cale leaves Venigiht on the first ieg of a vacation trip te Hong Kong to visit bis par- ents. Johnny goes by train froxa Toronto te New York where he will board a plane for Los Angeles. There hie will spend seme time with bis sis- er and her family betore leav- irig Sain Francisco by 'plane for Hong Kong. IV vies coatirmed reccntly by Dr. I. J. Wooiscy, director e! bealth o! animais brancil, Faderai Departinent o! Agri- culture for Durham andi Ont- ario Counties that a fox sus- pected o! being rabid was found deed, or aeariy dcad, last week on thc farm o! Lloyd Gifford in south-east Oshawa. Some animais on the farm are undier a 60-day quarentine. Jim D. Mitchell, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Mitchell 217 Third St. W., Fort Frances, Ont., fonmeniy o! Bowman- ville, is anieng students cited for schoiastic attalament at Ti-State College, Angola In- diane, accordiiag o an announ- cernent by Pault A. Nurnber- ger, dean o! students. Mr. Mit- chell is a student ini the Scilool o! Business Administration majoring la genenal business. Manuy e! bis former ciassmates will rememiben whea Jini wais a student at B.H.S. Mr. and Mss. James Ander- son, Trull's noad nontil Cour- ie, celebrated their 26th wed- ddng anniversary with a family ddinner party for 15 on Sunday. The couple rcceived many gi!ts and congratulations came from Miami and Derit. Mrs. An- derson la the former Rose- marie Gammon of Whitby and the couple bave lived at Cour- ice for tue pat 10 years. They have five sons, tbn-ee daughters aind 15 granddilidren. Durng tue day fnlends and aeigbbors calied Vo offer best vilahes. - - - - - - - - ..Ekntecostali urc#h 21 ONTARIO ST. REV. G. E. LENO Missionary Convention FRIDAY, 8 p.m. - Rev. A. Bowler SUNDAY, il a.m. - Rev. B. Skinner 7 p.m. - Rev. W. Cornelius Recenly rehurned frorn Kenya and Rbodcsia Hear BEy. A. KUDRA, convcrted Mobanmedan commencing speclal services la Manchu REHOBQTH CHRISTIAN REFQRMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowmianville 89ORNING SERVICE - 10:00 a.m. - Eugllsh IVENING SERVICE - 7:30 p.m. -Dutcb SundaY School immediately after Sunday morning service. "Back To God \ûý%ur"' Broadcast CLOshawa, ut .'P.m. .very Suaday 8:30 a.m every Sunday, CFRB - - - - - - - - - - - .KTrinity United Church Minster-Rev. Wm. K. Housiander, B.A., B.D. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison. Mus. B, L.R.S.M. il a.m - MORNING WORSHIP ""An Alternative Io Goa" SP.m. - EVENING WORSIIIP "Two Di.fferent Religions?" SIJNDY SCROOL DEPARTUMNT M-00am. - Nursery - Begianers u.39 &m6 - iindergartea - Pulmmr I@* - Junior, Intermedlate, Senior EVERYGNE WELCOME SALEM Congratulations and best wishes te Mr nd xiM. Harvey Barie wbe ccelebrated theiré golden wcdding auuiivenaaity on Fcb. 9. Misses Grae Bliebi p Gerda and Bea Craig al k Bob Daives attended th& 06g peo!ples retreat at the 'lieuse et the four seasons", Gore's Landing frein Friday evcaung unutl Sunday noon. Miss Marion Buttery, Miss Marg. Harvey, Tyrone; Mr. Don Welsh and Mn. Harold Yeliowlees, Sllna, attended the Junior Fariner Leadership scbool ah Brighton on Sahur- day. Congratulations te Mr. Don Welsh wha tied witu two oUi- ers la Canada for tirst prize in the Ail Cainadian Nomina- tions sponsorcd by tue Hla- stein - Friesan Association o! Canada. Mr. and Mss. E. Twist and tamiiy wene Sund'ay visi tors with Mn. ami Mss. Fred Twist, Whitby. Miss Gerda Craig and a nurns- ing classamate, Miss Orma Fill- more, Ottawa, le! t on Tuesday nigt for Los Angeles, Cali- foraie. Tbey will b. workimg at their profession la a haspitai tuer.. Ms. Leslie Welsh, Dom and Ron, attended the fumerai o! Ms. George Goddard trom Marris Fumerai Chaipel on Wednesdaiy afternoon. Salem W.A. vil bold tueir meeting at the borne ef Mrs. Deug. Reynolds this Thunsday, Tm CANADMA PAUAN OWMANVILU, OITAEÎD ""Queen" Candidate Dianne Leask, wife of Mr. Don Leask, Bowman- ville, and daughter of Mr. and Mns. Allan E. Thomp- son, Taunton, has been chosen "Miss Gilgal" and will represent Gilgal Fraternity of which Mn. Leask is a member, and compete with 10 othens for Queen of General Motors Institute Interfraternity Swcetheart Balho be held on February 27th in Flint, Mich. Salary Increases Feafure Darlington Council Sessionj Dalington Township Coun- cil at Vthe meeting ield la Uic Township . all, Haimpton, on Thursduay, February lith, de- cided o purchase an Interna- tional truck with Eastern Steel attacilment froin Cowan Equip- ment Ltd., Bowmiairille. Five tenders were neceived. The pice o! Uic new truck will ibe $8775, the second low- est tender received. A tender from thbe former Reeve o! Dan- lingtion, Roy W. Nicibols, vibicil arrived at the municipal of- fice after the hour when ten- ders were ciosed was returned unopened. Walter Rundle, the Town- ship Cierk was lastructed Vo advertuise for tenders te cnusb and stock-pile 10,000 yards o! gravel. Closing date for these tenders vil be Manch l6th. Gerry Estabrooks acting fine' Chie! o! the Dalington Towrn- ship Volunteer Fine Brigade No. 1 inforrned the council of Vthe money naised by the group, the truck and equipment paid for and thc plans tor a build- ing la wbich th bouse the truck. Hie stated that the townsip now pays Bowmanviile about $2,500 annuaiiy, but explained that if the taxes collected la tue brigade's amen were return- cd bote brigade tue building could be boug¶t and maintain- cd. Coundil iastructed thc legis- lation and by-laws comniittee la, obtain turther inîormation on thle subjeet, and te arrange for a meeting et people inter- csted la tire protection, and te report back te council. 1Road Rate 16 Milis The Counil struck its 1960 rond rate at 16 mils. One miii wil represent $6,097 and coun- cil la setting $85,264 aside for- 1 ZMON ýFCongratulations to Joyce and Patsy Fisher on winning bon- ors in their thecry and harm- ony Music Examinations, Gra- de IV. Mrs. Ross,.Stainiton attended ber knitting club at Mrs. Doug- las Ciark's, Oshawa, on Mon- day night. George Sonley, Mr. and Mrs. EdIward Soniey, Mrs. Percy Bryce, Toronto, were supper guests ait Fred Camerons on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Killen visited at Wilfred Franks, Tor- onto. 1&. and Mrs. Ross C. Stain- ton attended Vihe maintenance diance at the Oshawa Airport on Saturday eveaing. Mr. and Mrs. Don Prout, Bowmanville; Mn. and Mrs. Lawrence Henry visited at RaY Camerons on Satunday. Mr. and MIrs. Aubrey Hir- cock Oshawa. had a famiiy party for ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron, SundaY cvenimg, February 14, on their thirty-fifth wedlding annivers- ary. Owiag la the weather and drited roads not zmany were able la attend. George Sonley and Mns. Perey Bryce, Toronto, breiher and sister o! Mrs. Cam- cron and Edward Sonley and Wl!. o! Toronto, attended, also Mrs. Russell Stainton and Mrs. Wes Canieron sister and sister- in-law o! Mr. Camneron. Best wishes for rnony more sani- versaries. Mr. and Mrs. jim Moore and famiiy, Oshiawa, were Satun- day nlght visitons at Keith Stahiton's. Keith StainSbon and Bert Beckei were ice fisbing at Lake Simcoe, Monday. Severel homes bcd over- night guesta on Sunday night wbea people lied la abandon their cars o the saow drifts and take siielter where they couid find it. The winid was really terrifie eut la the open country. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Canieroti spent Sundoy upight at Aubney Hlrcock's, Oshawa, because o! the snow drifts. The -E--.- rers bcd a Valen- tinq party onon )mby. road work. The account of C. surer of the Planning Board at A. Meadows and Associates, a salary of $5,250 per year Toronto, for preiiminary plan- plus a $250 yearly car allow- ning in coinection with the ance. proposed CPR overpass sçuth Miss Mary Niddery was ap- of Courtice, in the amounit of pointed deputy clerk-treasurer $2,800 was passed for payment. and deputy ax collector at an Garbage By-Law annual salary of $3,320. A. by-la*w o ban the dis- R. M. (Max) Shortt was ap- posai of refuse ini Darlington pointed roads supintendent at was given the necessary three a yeariy salary of $5500 plus readîings and approved. It in- $500 for keeping the roads de- cludes penalties te be imposed partment accounits and* 10 cents for any breaches. a mile car ailowance. The Township Couneil with E. A. Varcoe the buildin~g in- Councillor Sidney Cornlsh ia spector, hiad his aninuai salary opposition voted to increase set at $3,300. He also is to re- the salary of W L. Lycett, the ceive $100 a montih for acting assessor to $4,000 a year plus as welfare administrator until an annual car ailowance o! the return of J. D. Hogarth. $1,000. W. R. Pickell's appointaient Walter Rundie was appoint- as weed inspector ait an annuai ed Clerk, treasurer, and Tax saiary o! $100 plus 10 cents a collecter, and seretary-trea- mile car allowance. Midgets Bow Out Early Lose Two Game Playoff Agoinst Whitby Squad Last year, Bowmanville o! the stick was enough. The Midg2ts went ail the way la visitors kept the puck in the capture the Ontario champion- Bowmanviile end practically ship, but their chances of re- throughout the contest, with peatiag were quickly nulli- oniy work of nonchalant goal- fied, when Whltby took the keeper Ken Veitoh, keeping second game or the nest of the score down. three series, 8-0, here Satur- Switzer and Fletcher were day night. Th visitors were the pick of the Whitby outfit, easy victors at home in the each with a pair of goals and opener. by a 10-1 score. an assist, Ashby, McK.ay, Tab- The locals, playing as if they ner and Bremner accounited had taken tranquilizer pilla for the reinaining markers. before the game, were for the TIhe visitors led 3-0 at the most part, in a fog tihroughout end o! the first, added three the gamne. Nobody seemed to more in the second and finish- care if a %Iitby player got ed off with a pair of third arouid the-a simple wave period goals. would be one. Unfortunately ADoUYwe are going te lose Smith Beverages te Oshawa. I talk- M d with M&. Smith and tnied N orm al to get him Vo reverse bis de- cision, but hie had gone too far with the negotiations. Also (Continued tram page one) Pepsi-Cola Head Office was in Mr. Hodlgson. On' Jan. 6th, favour of Oshawa. Had we there were 4,642 drawinig bene- had serviced inctustrial land fits and on Feb. i lth, this had we would -have been able to dropped to 4,198. keep Smith Beverages here."1 The Oshawa office probably "The Industrial Commission will move within a few weeks is in a highly competitive into the new UIC building on field and it is becoming more Simjcoe St. S., Oshawa. Somne se. The present motion will time ago, MNI. Hodgson was give us a better stand and reported as retiring because strengthen our hand,I" he said. bis health would noV permit 'He asserted that it would be hlm to ciimb up and down stairs a decided Vo be able in the new building. however, la give a firm answer when this move has been delayed a new industry was ready Vo and NIr. Hodgson wili continue sign up and go ahead. Oshawa wlVh the branch for the pre- Industrial Park serviced 27 sent, -acres on speculation and sold It was interesting to note 26 i 1959. he added. that the Oshawa office services Glie More Study an area which bas about 100, Counecillor Glenholme H'ugh- 000 population and a working es said hie was noV in disagree- force o! 44,000. It includes ment with the motion but Cartwright, Clarke, Darlington, woul lise Vo ask if one man MIanvers, Newcastle and Bow- is Vo have the power to com- manville in Durham anid East mit the municipality for a Whiby, Pickering, Reaah, Scu- $100,000 expenditure. The gog, Uxbridge, Whitby and Town Council should have Oshawa. time o study the motion, a decision should noV be given s Upp i i three or four minutes, he asserted. y Prospect Loses Intereat S Councillor Nicks stated that the industrial Commissioner's 4 bands are tied if a prospect (Coatinued from page one) cornes te hini 1 escorted Vo vices Vo any prospective in- sec the available land, and dustry that clcanly qualifies, when ie asks about services rcferring te Towa Council for the Commissioner is noV able a decision oniy those prospects Vo give a stnaght answer. The ,whbos e qualifications may prospect loses iaterest anm be questionable", C ouniciflor goes Vo anothen locality, he Nicks stated. added. He then moved that the Councilior 0. J. Presson foregoing recominendatlon of. said he would ike te go more the Bowmanvlle Industrial thcroughly la thc dollars and Commission be nImplemcntcd. cents o! the matter. The fi- The motion was seconded by nanciai statua of a cozupany Councillor Keith Lathangue. could b. established and smre Mlght Have Kept Smth Here financlal limit coasidered as Ceuncillor Nicks stated that a $25,000 industry would noV the 1959 Town Council at a warrant a huge expenditure. meeting in November bad The growth poteatial is un- agreed te, service the Bant- known, he remnarked. ing and Fice propejxties fo Councillor Presson express- two prospective inuties. cd =i beie. that there should "lW. hoped Smith Beveragesib. a ratio set betwee the GOLDEN JUBHLE - About 60 Brownies had a wonderful timpne t the Arena on Tuesday alter- Wh.9nývveway»t Èetiep- egetdag li'aago eay gorefaz Jud take Retieuethot jumpy "t*w eI atun Enjoej'life Sije at peuy. PHOiPHO-PLuX 511E1 WAMPOLE 100 NUOpIE ImmAmET ~a .mmpm..d V".uuuu $4 a Iians $2.50 *OM $2.50 2 o43c 2 rS §Sc aize ofthie ladustryad the services to h. provldcd by lb. towni Mayoe- Wilkrid Carruthers agrccd te Coumeillor NIcka' ne- quest to cl on the Industrial Commnissioner & N. Morris. U[t la only propen that coun- cil establish the ruies uine vihicli I operate," Mr. Morris' said, and explained that the Commission had ne intention ot trying to give hlmmor~e freedom. The 25% Rule «'I beieve that if an indus- try's annual ax payments arc 25 per cent o! the service de- benture debt iV la worth ser- vicing. The chances o! obtain- ing industry fo unserviced land arc ]imited, ln fiet un- icsa commitment fer services la given it is amost a guaraft- tee that industry will not be obtained." Must Inveat ln Future If moaey is speat servicing an industrial arca the oppor- tunities are enhanced e! eb- talning two or thrce more in- dustries, Mr. Morris pela ted eut. "I hold the opinion strongiy thut the own must invest la Its future. A start must be made some day. An iadustry thait oaa pay 25 per cenV of the service debenture debt la large enough Vo justi- fy the installation ef services," Msr. Morris firmly asserted. Councillor Hughes pointed eut thait the motion would be more satisfactory if the. ruies were outlined under wbich the Indus trial Cominissioner may pledge the installation o! services. As iV stands thc mo- tion is a blank cheque, h. said. g"I go along with vihat Mn. Morris bas saiid about the 25 per cent. I move an amend- ment that the ax provided by amy industry for which the services are ins alled must amount te 25 per cent o! the service debenture cost for 20 years; and tubat thc industry be commit ted te build by a certain date, se that services are mot instalied before they are rcquired," 1%n. Hughes s-* -d. The amendaient was secon- ded by Councillor Presson and carried unanimousiy. Council then voted on the motion and iV tee was carried unanimous- iy. 1 WAMPOLE EXTRACT of Cod Uver Compound S'sTmîlcflm*.WImts coughs end colda are lust ar.und the cemS. Help youv family te bolie- h.olh Iis wintuabulld vp thwrdrslitonce teolds... give thean Wampole Extmct mgulry .. . atari odeyl i5 OUNCES - $1.59 34 OUNCES -.$2.89 ECGNOMY SZE70 SAVES OU la PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McG regor Drugs 1We Deliver Your Local I.D.A Drug Store h id * .1 & - ~, ~ Colgate - Reg. 1.119 size Florient Air Deodoraul 1.39 Willams White - Reg. 65e Laiher Shave Crea. - 2 For 98c Nfivea Special - - - - 98c 73o size Nive& Cream plus 49o size Baud Lotion Glant size - 22 ounce - eg. 1.49 Lislerine Aniseptic -* 1.29 I.DA. SICKROOM IT EMS Boraclc Acid 29c, 45c, 60e Bronchida Chest Euh ________59e Bronchida Cough Syrup 85e Bronchida Cold Capsules 1.25 Camphorated OÙl 20c, 40e Castor 01 ____________ 39c, 69e Epsm Sait - 25c, 39e Rot Water Botties 1.99, 2.50 Idaphedrin Nasal Spray 95e Idaphedrin Nose Drops 65e Mercurochrome -_________25e Milk of Magnesia Tablets 35c, 50c, 1.00 Milk of Magnesia ------45c, 75e Tincture of lodine, 2'%- 25e Whit Emroctio 30t,,Snc Pbon.e MA 3-5792 (Contlnued from page one) mission b. granhed te Memor- ial Park Association te sublet land on a year ho yean bais te Irvine Beauprie for tue pur- poso setting up his rcfrcsb- metbooth," Couacilion Hughes shated. Councillor Ken Nieks secondcd tue motion, ad 1h vais carried. A communication vas necelv- cd from tue Township o! Crovi- land asking Bowmanville Town Council te support areselution o! Crovland s te petition the Provincial Governament te en- act legisiation whereby any municipality pnapesing te an- neic another must bear tue cost not only o! its own pnoceed- ings, but aise tue cost of Uic defence sbouid thc application b. unsuceseful. Councillon O. J. Pressea ex- pnessed thc opinion tuait 1 vould b. unfair fon tue cost et tue detence te bave te b. borne by a municlpality mak- ing application for the annexa- tien o! anotuen. lic said tuait lic tbought it would b. wneng te give support te sucb an idea, and moved thait the letter be received and filed. The mo- tien was secended by Councillor Hughes and cairied. Wants Dot Catcher A nequcat from tue New- castie Municipal Coundil ne- garding thbe possibiity o! bir- ing thc Bovimanville Dog Catcher part time fan tue vil- lage was rcceived ait the meet- ing of Bowmanville Town Council beld la tue Coundil Chaniber on Monday cvemlng. On motion o!' Councilior Rosa Stevens, chairman o! thc Dog Contrai Comnuttee, se- conded by Councillon O. J. Presson, this matten vas ne- terred te the committee so thait furtuber information could be obtalmcd on the Newcastle By-laws as te wbetber or mot they conforxniVo tue Bowman- ville Dog Control By-law. The Dog Control Report ton January vas submitted ta coundil. IV showed that 40 an- imais haid beca picked up, 35 dogs and five'cats. During thbe montil 14 dogs and Vwo cats were destroyçd, and 14 dogs_ wererebm" t tUir o1M-I ers Vive dom w. a o1d, and two cas were givea W o wn- ers. On. dog wus boarded uat $1.00 per day. Dr. Whcatlcy, the. Dog Con- trol Officer, alse, reponted that numerous investigations had beca made lanJanuary. Elght licenses were sold. There were ne rabies suspects held !br observation. The Town Clerk, R. B. Rey- nolds, said that quite a nuin- 'ber ot dog licenses lied been sold at the office lathie Town Hall. -Ie pointcd eut that the 1980 Dog Licence peniod ex. tends from January lat, 1960, until thec end of the ycar, Garton Coach (Continued from page one) be most weicoine and acted upon wbere practicable."1 Star ing with onc sehool bus 15 yeans ago, Kelth Bur- iey soon afterwards acquired the franchise for Ncwtonville, Kendail and Port Hope. A town bus for Port Hope was added and Carter Coach Uines taken over la Cobourg. LaVer, a srmail bus carricd pupils in- Va Bowmanville. Today, Bur- iey Bus Lines operate tbree school buses laVa Bowman- ville as well as others servie- ing Cobourg and Port Hope. Héadquar ers for the cern- blned ficets wlll be at Co- bourg where most o! the maintenance work will be donc, with garages at Bow- manville, Courtice and Whit- by. Claire Garton wl continue Vo assist lMs. Burley tor an in- definite peried. The transac- tion did not include any o! the buildings owned by Gar- ton Coach Lines. Garton Coach Uines began with only three buses when Mr. T. A. Gar on niovcd Vo Bownvlle frei Wlhitby in 1923. H. bad been operating a route. between these two points for a year prier to that aind residing in Whitby. Whea Mr. Garton came te Whitby frein London, Ont., he had oniy anc bus whioh car- nried 12 passengers la long meats dmrn eihber ~. Wbltby h. wus la busines wUth a Mr. Jaon wo bed been ausociated witlihhi la London. They divided -the Whitby-Bowmaflle run, do- ing alterat. tripse. About 1923 Johnson sold to Duncan Flet- cher and he and Mr'. Geroa operated on the same basis until about 1926 giien Ur.- Garton bought out Flecher and acquired bis two-buae& Business increaslng, Garton built smre new b>uses himself la Bowmanville ln ga- rage prernises located where McGregor's hardware la now. Bill Werry assisted hlm wîth the tirst bus whieh seated 17. The number of buses was ln. creased to five by 1927 when the garage and terminal were bufit on the present site on Kin~g St. . I 1931 the business was, extended furt*ier by starting. a route from Bowmanvilie to Bobcaygeon and Clre Garton, 1the present proprietor, a son of T. A. (Tua), began to drive 1this run la 1935. In 1938 the .business was sold te Clare by 1hls father, but Tim continiued to drive buses until his deatli in 1947. During the war years he had a particularly busy time when workers in war plants were travelling in large nuxnbers and at ail hours. Clare was in the RCAI' dur-d ing this time as an instructor la aero engines. After the war Clare returned to the Bobeay- .geon run and his father con.. tinued to opeIrate the No. 3 Highway run until his death. SThough a large nuaiber ai students along the to the west and on tihe Scugog rua had used the buses as transportation to high school ln Bowmanviile, it was net until a few years ago that this was done on s contract basia -under the new set-up of the .District High School Area. During ail these year Gar. ton buses have been a con- ventent means of transporta. etion for a great niany people, and coaches are often charter. ed for apecial trips by hockey teaLms and other groupa. Mvrs. T. JA. Garton still re- sides in Bowmanville, as de Clare and his wife, the former Miriamn Purdy of Peterbor. . ugh, and the>1r daughter Mar- Ilyn, aged 10. 1 q. -1. .......... * yr ..ç'r.. r r r: rw~" L.flrn,.r.x.. .~-.. -. *#**. 1

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