7- - - 71 7 r - I 1e r-w a - bA.t at.ý Maple Grove --Tm CAMDM TAUAK O'WIZ&NVILtx OTAR!* 1.4azng .Sfc'ry--f ydro- iTDescrbe'd by osStrie 1At -Men's -Canadian Club- SDespite the great 'proges A ated.-He addtithait the gutst Ellioti stateti, andi atdeti1 muat les been mateie n the speaker is tht senior partner wlen Menioial. Hospital lii50 years in the fieldi ot in Strlke andi Strike witihlis fitai huit Mr.. Strike ~i9ectric energy, its magie is son.' chairman of the canvs. !ust beginnîng, W. Ross D'est 50 Years likoeQ.C., tld tht Bowman- ïrille Men's Canadian Club on Tht pat hlai century éVdnesday evening, Februany been the besi 50 yeavs for 1 t0~h. Mr. Stnike was tle guest gres since . Ii.tory began, Aj'eaker at tht dinner meeting speaker asserted' Elec M 'tht club in tht Sunday energy lias been a factor 4col Boom of Maple Grove, tis ativance, le adddti à Alvin Davis, the, president, - elci uce * elcometi tht guesis, A. A. "'Less than 100 'years Ikley, Stewart MicTavih, eneîgy was 90 per . centn 'y;ynnt Osborne, anti Gee. cde power anid the manyo -Van Bridger, a special heeti atvantages of this ouiwe: Ïâb1e guest. Het bld tht club eti its advantages.- Now jiperbers that Rex Waltens, positionis rçvereed anti so Wlio was unable te le present ces other Ilian muscles -1 because et iilnesa, lied aise vide m~ore tien 90, percent been invite to te lea gutat ai the. power available. the heati table. Deleteti Fumes Milton Elliett introduceti tht speaker anti spoke of the Ht explaineti that aithoi eutsianding service Mi. Strike 'ne ont las ever been able has given te Bowmanvlt antid give an exact definition tht province. HetoIld tht club electricity, everyont kn( inembers thai Mi. Strike was that with coniplex machin heirn in Prince Edward Ceuni- W. Ross Strike, Q.C. electricity is set up, anti ly, the son of a Melliodisi curieiit is transmuttet.Ione minister. Mr. Strike was electedti t anti longer distances for lu 914liesaretithtid Town Council i 1931 anti was multitude et uses. -Iý is In 91 li sartd hesuy Mayor of Bowmanville frorn fixai source that lias tiele of law, but enlisteti in tht 1934 te 1938, Mv. Ellioti saiti. the fumes of combustion, Canadian Army eaily in 1915, During lis tirhe as Mayor he consumers receive a Mr. Elliloit saiti. Ht spoke of aa ebroth wnsmuta hefik f ti. trikt live sericepublic Utiiy Commission, swiicli, Mi. Strike asseitf Mîr.Strie ha in rancean still is, Mr. Ellieti, who Ht spoke of tht precauti where lie was 'ilitary e- eta hiniseif been a membe11 taken to safeguard egai He rectiveti theltayM-o the PUC for 21 years, pain- dangers, anti mentioneti dael for Valeur at Vimy Ridge- ite ut. Safety Code for tht train M1%. Strîke graduateti from Osgoode Hall in tht Veter- In.June 1944 Mr. Strike was of electidS workers, and ans' Class ef 1920, anti starteti appointedti t the Ontario Hy- high standards for al ev a law practice in Perth dur- tire Commission, anti in 1956 ances, equipment, anti ap ing the following year. In became isi vîce-cliairman of ratus. 1926 lie came te Bownville Ontario Hydre. Be las been Thomas Edison brought and lias practiceti 1aw litre active i chuioli, Sunday eciricity freni' tht laboral smnce that time," Mr. Ellioti Sehool. anti boys' work , Mr. for thetseo mankinti,1 PRICES SLASHED ON USED CA&RS 1959 STUDEBAKER LARK 2-DR. SEDAN One owner car, Iow mileage, air conditioning 1951 STUDEBAKER V-S automatic, radio, air conditioning $ 450 1951 STUDEBAKER STANDARD COACH air conditioning $ 325 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN heater ----- $ 300 1948 CHEVROLET SEDAN Good running order$ 125 1947 STUDEBAKER M-17 STAKE TRUCIC Completely Reconditioned. 1951 GMC PANEL TRUCK Mechanic's opportunity. One Only 1959 NEW STUDEBAKER 1/2-ton TRUCK air conditioning. Ail Studebaker Parts and Accessories available at Graham's Garag STUDEBAKER SALES & SERVICE SCOlfax 3-2233 Hayden R.R. 1, Bowmanville M las pro- the e tri c r in aga raus- ,dis- the ct f ugli et eows nery tht i-ger S a tht [teti andi full tions ainst the îing the ppli- ppa- Sel- Lory Mr. Strike reminuedthe u cli-.U ence, anti spoke efthVe won- derful ecliievements of t us amazing genius, wlo lad 1,- 300 electrical patents. Tht invention cf the incan- descent light by Edison wes ef great benefit, 14r. Strike remarketi. Ht taîketi of the early days when carbon pen- cils wert useti anti peoplei coulti Watch, Ilienijump ilu sireet liglits. Lighiing lias de-1 velopeti progrtssively everi since, he seiti. Fini Statin In 1881 Tht taller cf tht electrie uiility business on this contin- eut was tht firsi power sta- tion built in New York in 1881-82. Mi. Stnike mention- eti thet many organizations tIai have lonouveti Edison by tht use et bis naine. Ht re- ferreti ospecially te the Edi- son Institute in New York1 City Nvlere tht greetest col-1 lection of electrical data in tht woilt islakept. »Ini tht companatively few . inteivening years since thej firsi power station was buili île magie age ot invention anti electrical developnient was sparked, M&. Strike saiti. "In this age practically tvery- bodiylias lied tht thril et iouohing e switalh anti being Contact For 100,000 h.p. Ht mentioneti tht tact that in 1907, or 1908, tht Tenante Globe lied werned that Ou- tarie woulti become bankrupt because the Ontario Hydre lied contiacteti for 100,000 horsepewei anti the press titi not believe industry could possibly use thai amount. To- day Ontario Hydre lias 6,500,- 000 liorsepowev Industriel Rtvoluin Eectnic nioters have pro- duceti an industial revalu- tion, ?&r. Strike saiti. Electri- city las speetietipiogress, ne- duceti cests, tlirnnattd.dst anti confusion. Over 80 per- cent of power in indusiry te-À day is electnical. Ht empliasiz-i eti tht importance et tht boan( given tht foodi intiustry byI electriciiy, anti mentioneti tht 7 fod ncesinur: atiHaydon *In e ial aeu, eetlt aze replaces muscle pw th Wakrcwame& e=tl the= , Caainclub merabez thet it ha«, ofien been sU that hydre la stIh fae nr best andi oléapest hired man.- It ia available te 9 pes et of the fariperain aulpatsof this province, h. atdeti p.m. Wed.nesay, Feb. 17. 11ev. Harld i ainton coàducieti the services.' Intemueént in -Ebene- me Céni.iery. Palibearers were Donald Welih, Ronald Welb, Gerld Fulton, Herbert lIuttop. Haiy He«Ton, Clayton KenU. Tura OCidruilur IuIs*a 1 Wah. S TATUBU ae CLABUIII e D i Ph. mArk.t à-nu i *~~ ~L ~ Man. Building 'Motel YmSre@ )Nl& G d ihor etSt- Vlen- hbnyottcCubvwth'Akela Beni SnW dniBaco Bo «mr ill zdoyeti a rmble mx ocky onealethAe grava - .~ ,~. pfti atsnr&W aternoon. M&a. Wflt MrLean, Rchard anti Lariy wmr weekénd' guesta t&i. a If Ms. Gery miso iiPetetuorouigh. CaesA eek a Dresmer Mr. Sta'ike a"sespoke- ofethe tdeys years &go when Sir Adami Beck was laugheti at anti cal-. eti a dreamer because lie pre- dieteti the time would corne when people would cook,' iion anti wah with electrlciiy. Al- though the people of that tinie 9ridiculeti Beck as a wild dreamner, le had intareality been farsighteti, anti today electricity las taken over the drudgevy 0f liousework, the speaker pointeti eut. Streuse. Adequate Wirinc The importance of having a lieuse adeq'uately wired' was stresseti by Mvr. Strike. Ht spoke of the large nu-mber of electrical appliances in cern- mon use in homes. He stateti anyone would. have trouble trying te get rnuch waier through a sniall pipe, leading an inaeqtiqute systemwould, cause wires te overcheat anti f uses te blow. Ht aise wavn-1 eti that improper substitutes for fuses wou]d result in set- ting thtelieuse on fire. The annuel consuniption of electricity in Ontario iw al- most double that of tht Unit- Sedi States, Mr. Strike stateti. Its low cast anti higli use lias been the driving force behinti the econoniic adveffce et On- tarie in tht last 50 years, he tasserteti firmly. Electronit Cooklng Electric power is instantan- tous, dlean, noiseless, flexible andi adaptable, and ti s nagic lias only' begun, Mi&. Strike tolti tht meeting. Hie spoke of tht electronie cocker already on thie miarket whicl cooksae roast in e few minutes, a cake in three minutes. Ini this oven, utensils are net litateti anti the ceoketi products are de- licieus. At present ît la a lit- tie ex-pensive for ordinary use, but pucees wiil conie down as the production of it increeses, Mi. Stnike explain- eti. 'Amazint New Producte He tolti cf the wontieiful electric products that will be ini use lu tht fairly near fu- ture. Some nientioneti were ultra-sonic machines for wasli- ing, drying, anti stenilzing dishes by liglits; self rinsing sinks with temperature con- trois, serving caris run by re- mote control; plastic refrig- eratiors in any size anti shape anti colour cembinations; tele- vision sets te be hung flat on the well, thai do not need aerials; anti an amezing, pre- cipitator te bu uset i 11e a wand te banieli dusi in lieuses. MIê. Strike alse predicteti tht shadeti lemps useti et pîesent.Light wiil come from glass Panels in walle te bt brigltentd of dînmtd, by switch, controls. Mi. Strike remnindeti lis lis- teners that tht excellent ser- vice tliey receivet rom elec- tricity is tht resuit of tht work cf office staffs, line- men, transmission crews, andi ether hydre employets. H. S. Britten, Newcastle, la movig a vote of thanks te hEr. Strike -for lis splendid addxess spoke et lis expert knowledge of the electrical intiustry, anti stateti that Mi. Strike la tht best known man lu Ontario liytivo. Tht president cf the club, Air. Davis aise expresseti ap- precietian te Mir. Strike for tht wonderful talk le lad given.à& OBITIJARY GEORGE GODDARD The death occurreti et tht Anden Nursing Home, Osh- awa, on Monday, Feb. 15, of George Goddard, beloved lus- band oef Florence Simpson andi loving father of Louise, ef Courtice. The decaseti wlo was I his 791ih year, was 'barin Hamup- shirt, Englanti, but lad liveti 'bn (lna eint et ourtice for0 Tuesdey, February l6th Two Bowmainvlile residenis paiti $53.00 for heving liquor in a place other than a residence, namely'a motor vehicle. A local aimeanuiseiyiman paiti $24.80 on a charge ot Careless Driving. Tht court was tolti that thie accuseti lid attendeti a Cincie conducteti by tht OPP aind local Police anti lad been successful ini lis ekaminations. Anotiier local man was con- victeti et Careless Driving, on JanuarSi 3rd4 1960 ai tht inter- section ef 7A anti Hghway 35 in thieTownsip ef Manvens. Megistrate Bexter commien- et, '"The other driver coulti havrghuily been clargeti wiil ca.reless drivirig tee. Ris rear wùIndw wus obscureti by steami andi snew. Howevtr, in thils case thet car was stioppeti for about % a minute. Ih was there te le seen anti failure te set i with visîability et leasi 3/ ef e mile andthîe time 2:00 p.m. indiicates lack et due care andi attention. This is a rear- tend collision îlot coulti lave been avoidieti. Ht shleulti have taken precautions anti I so finut him Guilty as charge&i Penal- ty will tbe a Fine of $10.001 anti costs et $17.40 or 5 days. TIret people weit dhargeti witui dumping their garbage on tht roatisidein theVItTown- ship of Clarke. lliey weîe Newcastle residieuts. Thiere is Gaxtuege collection in New- ceaitleat 30 or 35 cents per week. Saut tht magistrate lu pess- ing judigment. "Dit penalty should, bt a truck loati of Gar- bage dumpet int youî owu back yard anti have you. dean il up. You will dlean up titis garbage anti tht fine wlll bu $10.00> anti cosis et $3.00. For 15 dollars a year you coulti have lad your garbage liauleti away properly. For a second offenice tht pen- alty will lbe $100. A 42 yeai olti divoreti pain- ter, pleadeti Guilty le uttering a forget ciheque i the anieunt of $17.40 "idithen pleadieti guil- ty te a charge of btinlg diink. le was reniindeti for two weeks. ,HRelad vequesteti police pro-, tection after he became intox- icated as he had no place to go. Police remembereti that lie lied useti a local mian's name ini uttering the forgeti cheque two years ago. He requested the court to let him go as lie biad a job to go te tomorro'w. "It's anazing how being caught spurs you on te work", conzmenitedtithe magistraîte ini remanding liim. Another local men pleadeti guilty te impaired ddnving at 1:00 a.m., Februairy l2th, 1960. He was fined,450.00 and costs of $3.001. His license was sus- pendedi for 3 months. Police tried to stop lm7 or 8 tinies because of his erra- tic driving, and finially stopped hâm aet lis home alter he made a turn at the Ldiberty-King traffe lights. When asked for an explana- tion, he stated tihat lie wenit to Newcastle et 6.00 p.ni. to get a haircut andi startedti t drink ini thie lotel. A local area man was fineti a total of $12.041 for failing to stop at the stop sign at Divi- sion on Church St. Ini his defence lie stateti that it was liard to readi the aign ibecause the paInt is peeling off. The ohef Constable pointedi out that the word stop was plaànly visible and that lthe Town was in the procesa of changing all signa te onormi te an edict of the - Dept. cf H-igbwawsl for uniform sigs. The niagistrate agreed. Another local avea mon who ha ,pedd guiity te bouse- breaking in the Town ef Bow- manville was r-emndedti o0f custedy. Restitution bas been muade for the articles stolen and $50.041 paidi for a forgeti cheque. In Magistrate's Court at Bur- lington, Ont., on January 29th, Kenneth Johuiston, no fixed adi- dress, pleadeti guilty to cashing a forgeti certifieti Royal Baînk of Canada cheque at Pearson's Smake Shep, Bowmanville, on Septcmber 511h, 1959. Hie was sentencedt t 5 months in Geol by Igstrat K. M. Langtion. Thisws o0f 43 charges beard againet this man. He is te serve a total of 3 years anti 5 monis in the Penitentiary. MAPLE G-ROVE Mias. Everett Kirk (Ruth plitai, Eownmvile, but lias re- Preston> 0of Aspe%, Nova Scot- covered . siffioiesitly te be je wsa suppeèr guest of Mr. transferret t Stratahhaven rust a= Ir. Ceeil Milis on Thurs- home. Her friends and neigh- -day, Mis. Ki.rk and Mr. abd heurs wish lier luck in lier Mis. Mis visiteti Mr. and Mrs. neCr abode. Chester McGréth laiter Thurs- Evýening Auxiliary will ibe diayv evening.. helti et thie home of Mars. D. Recent visiters with Mis. E. C. lIkiley on Fébruary 25. Ashton, who bas been very i11 Mary Ansi Doyle entertaineti with 'flu, were Mi. andi Mis. several friendw at her homne on Stewart Roimn, 'Port Perry; Saturday, on tihe occason of 1&. and Mis. Ira Traveil, Mr. her niinfd birthday. a d Mia. Dave Weltion, Osh- Mi. anti Mis. Haiold Cooney, mma; -Mr. and Mia. William Mr. andi Mis. Howard Cryder- Bregg ninily, Providence; man, Mr. ant Mars. Bon 'Bio- Mr. Bruce Ashiton, Bleekstock; oks, Mr. andi Mis. Howardi Mr. and Mm.. Orville Ashton Bradley andi Mr. and, bMis. Jack nd faunily, Mi. anti Mrs. Har- Huîrrie attendet the Couples old Ashton andi family, al cf Club skating perty at thie Noth Flkna~fien. 'Oshawa rik Ô n Saturday ev- arUn. TOM Colis la 'holiday- ening, wtie 42 members en- lng-witli Mrs. Louise Woed- joyeti the- outing. Atter abat- cock at Arden, siar-Keled&r. î , mnb6renjoyed lunch cf Mr.nd Mim Cecil Mills cal- hodgsduhusatiofe led on Mr. nd, Ms. Bill Eeg- sorveti by 4heè executive cf 1the leynnaIl, on SoLturdey. club at Courtice United Chu- Mis EereitKirk, Aspen, r icIlçese svii.luîndi were Nova Scotii, as returned Mr. an4 Mis. J. MâcGregor, hom erÈ visitios her tam- Mr. and is~. ÈhImer Dowii, Mr. iJly here, andi hçr 4t rM.and Mis..Angus MeDoieia, Mr. I. D. P1,eston, who -bas been -aAd Mis. Jack Hqrrie. uit. mIn lMmria1 Wospital, ,About -20 Brownies enjoyeti B.wmnvlfe, ame shortly id- a al0gh-ridlng party on Tues- tar Oiiski.day eveaing wiili leaders, Mm. ods Beech atteoeled Brown Owl, -Mre. WeUly Both- *re goldfi wedding annrs - well, Tmmy Owls, Mrs. John ary clebmUn for 1fr. andi W. Noblend Mrs. Jim Colis. Mis Ib~ve Brri aiProi-The girls were taken by car <Iunc anFrd.~ emnig. te lir Howard Crydermmn', W. ienLwe't ~cenpn-ta= nw1are tfiey clbmbeti on Med hths aco orn.l.e "O frcthe ride. T7%y vOle o Kremi but week. were morveti luneh it t he adcel Un M , i Iyrol, a senior aftoe. ikfenof«ce Grove, ba, Mies Dorothy Fcley, Base beeg quitO ZIii la MmOrlulWsdLhr, mt M" eq vmnng J. M. Olesen, Trenton contractor and son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Hl. Olesen, R. R. 1, Bowmanville, announced recently a construction development involving more than half a million dollars, and comprising a 30-unit motel, service station, snack bar and resaurant, which wiil be situated at the junction of Sidney Street and Highway No. 401, in Trenton. Mr. Olesen attended O.C.V.I. in Oshawa and upon completion ef his educa- tien joined the R.C.A.F. in Trenton, serving overseas for two years. Upen returning te Trenton with his bride, the fermer Audrey Barker ef Trenton, he cern- menced his career in the construction f ield. TEUB frw EDAY. 'D ltI DON"T KNOW WHERE ..00. TO BEGIN ? siari wilà a.0. OSHAWA WOOD PRO DUCTS For Advice on. . . NEW HOME PLANNING We have an experienced and well trained staff to help You select plans frein our Plan Book Library.. recommend architectural service and reliable contractors ... and give you the beut hm Quality Building Materials We are as near as pour ielephone - Dial MArkef 3-2130- @S>HAWA WOOD PR@ODUCT41 Mala Office and Showrooms COURTICE-RA 8-1611 9Oshawa Telephones te Serve You, DOWMAL4NVULLE-MA 3-2130 MJAX-ZENITH 2-9600 DOWNTrOWN OFFIC OPEN "MIAT =TI9 PJL *5, L 1.. ,-. 1 4 Smith Dhvoragos .. THE FAMILY REFRESHMENT 4 A FLAVOR TO SATISFY EVERYONE eLEMON LIME * RAPE eROOT BEER *ORANGE. S INGER ALE 0- CREAM SODA Mode end Dottled by ROWMÀN VILLE Ï4 wlt Mi ani Ms. illon Pet- ers andi Rapu. ?&. and Mrs.Menwla Mouant- loy upent a few <hys ln 'rer- auto. Mis. Ray Sellers anti daugi- ter, Brenda, Bownuafle, vis- lied her parents, M. = dMrs. Jack Maoiab ant& attendeti the Home andi Sehool alter- moon tee andi home baking sale on FPridey. Mr, ami Min. Kenxuy Rogers anti daugliter' cf AMax, weve Suxiday'evenine dilnner guests ef Mu- anti Mrs. JeGaUant. Mr. and Mis. Jeckt Lyon and 1 - --l -- -- MUR" mmudon D.wntown Showroom 17LEID U4 SIMCOE ST. S..-RA 811 fThe, Ouis are presenting a' candlelgbt SexVlce at MipIe Gitive aiurch *oân Sunday, Pebruary *21 at 7 p.m. AU are welcorne. Mr. Bert ýBudai la firding travelling harder than usuâl, smce bis car was sbolen-from the G.M. parking lot last Thu- rsdiay night. So tai, it hasnt been found. Mr. end Is. Lloyd Snow- doen andi Betty Lou accompan- ied by Mirs. Everett Kirk, were dinno guedts of 1&. and Mirs. Wés Down, Ebenezer, on Wednesday. The synpathy of tihe com- mvunity la ertended te, the fam- ily 01 the late Mr. Bert Parker who passed away on Monday. Tbf. childien have been mak- ing good use of the ice. M.Ts. B]ack's room enjoyed a skat- ing party at a pond near the school on Monday anti the sen- ior room skated on Tûesday. It is repolibeti that teachers, Messrs, Mollins and Metealfe eut a mean figure eight on the ioe. Those from Maple Grove who attended the euchre at Memorial Park, Bowmanville, were Mg. Robert Bothwell, Mrs. Robert Jarvie, Mrs, Doug- las Bothiwell anti Mrs. John Bothwell, who won a door prize Of two ibarbeque chick- ens. U and 1 Circle The February meeting of the "U andi I Cirele" met at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Snowden with President Mis. Gordon Beech in tihe chair. The meet- ing oPened with a hymn fol- lowecl by prayer led by Mrs. Lloyd Snorwden. Scriplture was reati by Mis. Douglas Chute andi Mis. James Hfoltby. A story, the Flower of Neeman was reati by Mrs. Lloyd Snowden. Worship service closeti wibh another hymn. Two songs by 1 e-m i , ý , , ý l4i , ý Rmiy visited bis runsM id Mis. I~ Lyeul. Wiint, i 'uday. Ur. and. Mrs. Harlanti 1BoÔwnville ndid M1 1 &s. C. E. Hon. Oiiawa, werf Wurdy evenlng vistera with gr. and Mms Lorenzo TrufL ,- Miss Mary Peters Bowmen- 411e, spent lUit weeketid ait the- iaiter home. Mr. and Mms Merwln oit Oy were recenit visitera wlth., 1V .anid Mrs. Melville Semeils, )shawa. Severel f romn Hamptqn at- .'aded the Masone Ladies' Fîight banquet anti progrein et fe Lions Community Centre. eù SaturdaY night. Sorry to eartemoethe lUneas >f Mi. Geo. Glbert. Mir. WiUl Wilbur le a patient n thie Oshawa General Hos- ital. Their menY f riends hope àeY boihmay soon bu impro- Miss Janet Mamoeil andi Ter. 'Y Wraight were ameng high .hool Stutients who attended ýublie speatking onctest aethe ff-Y.C.A., Oshawa, on Saturday.. ç'ening. We congratulate Janet )n winning 2nd place nd Ter- 'Y 3rd' Place- their subject raÉ;"Saety in Industry". 11he.Home andi School Assoc- ition hielti an afiernoon te& and home baking andi candi1 ;ale in the new Sunday Sohool ial on Fridfay afternoon. The ttendance was not as large as ýusual for sucli an affair. Tht ïery colti anti stonmY weather, cy. street conditions anti many )f Oui people being inidilaposeti - were possibly some of the hilngs which contributeti to us. However, there was a 1ev- ýly display Of enticing foodi, A Iainty afternoon. tee was ser- 7ed tht tables being attraci - Iely arrangeti anti a pleasant mcial heur was enjoyeti. Thie seven symptonis that .ay indicate cancer are: 1. Unusual bleeding or dis- Jiarge. 2. A lump or thickening of le bieast or elsewhere. 3. A soie that does not heal. 4. Persistent chan-?,; in bowel or bladder habits. 5. Persistent hoarsenss or mugh. 6. Persistent indigestion nr Jiffîculty in swallowing. 7. Change in a wart or mole. Judy GibSon and Sandra Con- nors, were enjoyed. Fourteen i members were present. p Plans were mod!e-for the St. t Petrick's Iay' dinner whioh v will be held ait the chuvvh. Lunch was serveti by Mis. J. r Holtby, Mr. R. Connors, M4rs. si Lloyd Sowden and Mis. D. P Chute. ' e, Home and Ichool o The Febiuary meeting of r Maple Grove Home and Sdiool In Assciation wus held at the West School in the form coff i Open House. President, Mrs, aý Robert Bothwell opened the s< meeting with. "0 Canada" foi- h lowed, by the "Loffd's Praye"". a Secretary Mrs. Bert Budai iS called the roll and room count v was tied by Mrs. J. Ford's andic1 Mrs. Brown's rooms. Volun- 0: teers were asked te go to the - Home anti Sehool Convenrtion -t] at the Royal York Hotel, Tor- t] onto, during the Easter holi- e days. d Correspondence from the v Bowmanville Red Cross asking il for volunteer canvassers for sq funds and sewing were read. Treasurer Mrs. Cecil Cullen. gave her report. Guest speaker, MT. Norman n~ Sisco, principal of Doctor Don- evan Colleglate, Oshawa, spoke d on the limportance of hard work to develop character in t] students. Several chijidren from the school presented, two song andi dance niumbers. b Mis. Bothwell thanked the speaker andi the children and e tie meeting closed with the national anithem and lunch was d served. IMagistrate's Court