Canadian Statesman, 18 Feb 1960, p. 8

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4 ~PAi~EETGWI 'i -4 a ýqLXoUR CÂN ]BE CROWDED Yu., in a onai apattment, a ifamlly offour can bW crowd. 4 .d. 'ftats why "hisfarly dedded te buid àahomeof thefrawn. AMd di"sfather bua lrady mda& ne wls decision. R. hua told bie Sun LiI. agent that ho wants te take out a SmnMife Martgag. Protection Polcy. In that way, the houa. will really bélong to dabisfmly if ho should die prenmatumr.y Tour home 4e a o ur La me help pou safeguard Lit for pour familp. laier Pauuant KA 2.2258 53 Brown St. UNLIFE 019 CANADA STOVE On. mAIT BUANTITY et Lowest Prices in Town -PLUS' \FREE GIFTS Withi BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS r-Special Wilh This Coupon iFREE EXIRAFREE i.Black Diamond 1 StOMPS 1 WMTH ANYPURtCihASE0OF $200OR19OVER L J--- G NÂNAM g~A~u5g~~, ~~gA~Vfl5, «E?481D - ?NUIISDAT, WEk~ i~, tUB fA Ai i a t efor meU=t no to adobut twiddle my thumbu. -What ln w wce gCo t bve, en ofsM toge. ther Perilvupnr'hudaund could play pargo, but I momn lid My snuspicoshe w«e no flul- erman. Hlnlng th@ boat wua cln& W. were aven able ta augment the.buoo poles and "aplnncra" w. iiad bougnt ,àt the. corner grocc la in h resort town, wlien avis.d by the boathouse owner, aiter ho hed looked oven our tucklc, ta nent sanie ofi bisquip- ment. Thene werc armies of mon- qultos and a e fw ack files left aven from thepi. pnl- vasion, wiho soon found my sun-suited hide waa not only vuinenable but apparently t.asty. Alter I had lot out e few yelps I was Iiporedta keep quiet or thefs would- n't bite. Head of the houa. in- slated, when I lavited hlm to row furtiier out on the lake away froïn Insect headquar- ters, the. flah always ran in schools an the =oky hoils close ta shore.1 - a DONrOTIIY ANKER -It WMas epleaseýntrip from Rontreal taou rsrt long stop at J.*vla. Watchlng the coun- Itryside ii fas reuli blanket af anow wus as fiacnating as anY surnier spectacle. I was elad I had chosen this season of the year for my trip. Rab- bit tracks made a crazy quit pattern in the fluffy white aurface of the. strlp farine by the railway tracks, which are peculiar to the Province oi Quebec. Here and there would appeer a large disturbed spot where perhaps a fox had flush- ed a pheasant feeding near a buâh. 1 wetched for the fluher- men I had seen at one Urne, Sitting patiently on the frozen St. Lawrence, perched on a box or wooden chair aven a amali hale cut in the Ice. I rememnbered the colourful pic- tUre theY made with their bright habitant tuques and long knltted scarves dotting thie wide expanse oi white beauty wlth a sp1aâh, of red or blue. This trip, o far, I lied not spotted a sigle iisii- ernian. Long before insect repel- lents were concocted or the Word ««togetherness" was coin- ed, I was taken on a flshlng trip. 1 suppose searching the river for a bent aver figure lied nemnlnded me oi $he in- cident. We were suni.merlng that year, In the Raliburton Hiigh-1 lands of Ontario. Nearby was an excellent golf course whioh MY huaband wa greatly en- joying, but apparently with a s tri ck e-n conscience. One rnorning, when I wasil puck- ered up ta krns him goody and hie me to the beac forà a Sun bath, he announced'he 1 waa taking the wliole 1anl fishiig. I was InOtructed to pack frylng pan, butter, sait and î .pepper and rails. The idea 1 wae that we would catch a c fiah, then Pull into shone and f ilaok it pronto. This was sup. i Posed ta teach the two lads 1 .soonething, I believe it wase It e Iti ti k ni nl gý bt ai m h< th th gi EBENEZER Mnr. Hopkins, the. Presi- dent, presided et thc W.M.S. meeting, uuing a hynin rend in unison as aan opeflig pray- en. lhe usuïl business was takon cane of. Two delegatos, Mns. Eber Snowden and Mrs. R. Pearce, were appointed to attend Prosbyterial et Simce St., Churcli, Oshawa, on Feb. 24. World Day of Prayer Service will b. held at Maple Grave on March 4. Another quilting la planned for Feb. 17 w1th a pat-luck dinner et faon. Mirs. X. Courtice and Mrs. Eaui Oke cepably pnesented 'the Study Book-Of &Ul the developments taklng place in Africa today, that of commun- ications is fonemnost. Mlodemn Afnica in being made ready for the future. Afnican newspa- pers run by Africans are themuoelves news lingvent stretches oi the continent . It is a problom ta edIt a papen for a lately literato people, toge ther with Europeans who wiil also read it. Education end the. teachlng of the Christian gospel 15 most1 essential ta Uice uture. By ra- dio their news in heard around Uic world. Thon. are 82 news bulletins weekly, and saered music daily. Filnms are1 being used in schools in saine1 places.1 Anierice la being blanied for1 pon entertaiument filins,1 whiieh are consdered factors1 of crime. Radio and f ikms4 form a xnlghty link wlth the whole world.I Mrs. Angua McDonald con-î ducted the devational perlod1 using as her topie, a study ai the teachings of the Lord'aj Prayen. The. meeting closed wlth prayer by Mrs. McDanald. pdlafr. O*RsM vauumns OP aAMAD 400 fm r Uo410roaW - Lifford '-Hi!! Residents Petition Mon vers Council To Cut Down Their Hi!! A nePressnattve of Uic Pe- propective purcliaU of a terborough Ski'Club addrcua- truck for the snow piow wlth ed the. meeting ofi Mmver. a Municipal Couneil hcld la Ecti. h .W! ay recanty. lSc autiined ,APrO s5l w« ecoivid Plans of the club for flhc aext from'em lcDputmnt of 1ilgh- few yoars, sud asked for lthe wY$ Co', iiti.posai- co-opération ai thé couneil in biltY of tunulng back ta the helping toa naithetiroed twnshl certain 500t1i5OOf froin 7A IHlghway tothe Ski eflcad L. 33 ighway which Club hill hi a aatlsfactory con. are roquiUr.d bY the, dePait dition. ment et prisent.. A delegatian antepoyers Council instructid flic Taw- from thUic vcnty of Liffard uhip Clerk fa notlfy thc De. Hill1. preaentcd a petition topatient aoflilgiweya et Port council rcqueatiug tiat thigi Hoethat the Manvers Muni-, hill b.eout down during 1980. ciPal CouncIl 10flot in f4vor Council voted ta file Utch stifcitaklng back the. main tion, and ta give aonidera- teo f Pontypool until a tion ta the nequcat when the hat-mnix neaurfeclng job t, mail prognein for ti"la ear donc tiare, sud thc otiar r- là drafted. tions qf the old No. $15 hri- T'he necessity ai tepin way are l.ft in goad candi- Up the noed construction pro. tofl* gramn to neduce maintenance The Pontypoal fin. truck and: costa was edvlsed by A. Uic Warkimen's Compensationi Ward, Uic municipal englacer. covcning Uic Volunteer Finei The council discussed Uic Brigade was dlscussd. A mo- l New Phone System WiI Use Numfbers But No Exchanges A new telephone numbering Isystem whlch will eventually elmnte exchange naines la to be lntroduced graduaIly ln the Ontario and Quebec ex. a changes operated by The Bel rTelephane Ca. af Canada, J. 9 W. Lowry, Bell manager here, 1 announced tis week. The new pin-known as tAUl Numnber Calling (ANC)- 1wlll eliinate the exchange 1namnes froin telephone nuni- ebers snd substitut. figures for the letters now used ta designate exchanges. For ex- ample a nuunben suoh as, UN- lvrly 6-391 1--dialed fUN i6-39l1-would become 886- t 3911. 9 Initlally the nAw plan wil 1 not affect exlstlng two-letter 1 five-figure telephone nunibers, 1which wlfl b. ohanged ta ANC only gr.aduaily aver a perlod L Ofyears as changmng condi- ttions offer favorable oppor- tunities. According to the Benl man- ager, finat use -of ANC ln Bell terrltory Is scheduled ta b. in several Ontario and Que. bec communities slated for dial conversion later thus year. Most of those exchanges ai-j neady in process af being changed over ta the twa-let- ton fiegure plan will ne- tain.94p th na~~ unibersj thet 0av ben amigned ta th4,0althogh a few may bej given ali-numeral. telephonei numbers. ANC numbmrs are alsobe- ing lntraduced tht, year inj several exehagea ln the.Un-. 9Ited States. rExtensive studica indicate 3thet ANC la thie niat precti- ical nuunbering method for ta- day'a condition, ?&. Lowry said. An important edvantage af ANC ta thc telophone user la that calis can be dialed fauter and marc accuratcly, using nunienals only. ANC prevents nilspelling sud misinterpreta- tion ai office names and let- f er codes-of great sîgnif 1- cance wiore marc tienanon lariguage la spoken. It misa oliminates the confusion be- twecn the figure 0 and the letten a and between the fig- ure 1 and the. letton I. 1Tests Indicate tuat seven- figure nun-àbens are as easy ha rememben as namne-and-iigure numbers and, lu practical use, custorners have not found It diffirult ta memorize fre- quently-called seven figure nunmbers. With the millions af phonos acros thc continent la Uic jrocess of being linked ta- gether by Direct Distance Dialln-the sYstenu whercby telephone usons dial their own station-ta-station long distance cafls-.,ANC affers Important advantages. Thc two-lctter five figure plan allows only ,540. usable comblnations for exchange neamea uinneDDD numbonmng-plan ares, whce- as ANC wiil permit up ta 800. lis wll pravide greaten flexibility for future growil- and for improvernent la tele- phone service._ I tried ta bide my bea every tim o ur bloadthnat, second son ciangcd tic wonz on his haok ta "freshen up th lune"l and Wa. almoat over corne with admiration for Nc 1 son, whc calmly set in th prow oi thc boat reading "Th Adventurcs ai Huckleber Finu", obilviaus oi sun, ln sects or Urne. We dld funafly catch a fist But not before houri imd beea spent in untangllng lines seeking new and better spot aud arguing et great len tI as ta Uic advantage ai tralnc over atm lfiing. Personalli 1pnefenncd Uic tralllng, ever if my handa were bliaterd Erain rowing while two baya and e man pursucd thein aepý arate hobbies.- Building e fine was quit. i task, wh.n fatieî Inslsted on showing the boyi how- ta liglit Uic twigsanmud dry beaves w. lied gathered, by twirllng ane stick againsl anothen. Whcn we were al] practleaily cxhausted wlti hunger he gave Ini and lit tlhe 'Ire wlth e match. Thank heaven h. volunteen- ed to "cae and gut Uic fiah whieh must have wclghed ai of a pound. We thon eut it in four f iny pieces and fried Il in thc butter. It wasaet this nmnent, when wo were ail droaling ini anticipation that we discovered I lied fargathen the sait. If ever a proud flsi- eman was dcflated, it was et that moment. Tic flsh net Dnly tasted fiat, but Uic en- ire advcntune hed suddenly [t Its flavour as well. Bath parents decided "together- aess'l on fun "on famille" was more enjoyable with anc member oi thc famuily on tUc olf course, amotion an the cadih, a third lu e troc hut ind tic fourth slung in a hanm- nocli with à good book. Wonder if the habitant rives ever sit oves' a fishing ioe iu Penhaps on te day niy train rade along he riven's edge, thcy bad 3rtested and won thein an- Yument tiat flshing la c waste >f Urne. A 29 yer aid Belleville truck driver, tlic father af 5 chidren, was canvicted ai careleus driving and fined $50.00 and cosfa. On a second charge ai rcalsting anrest, for Uic careleas drivlng, h. was fined $250.00 sud $17.55 costs making e total of $320.55. Prov. Conat. Dlanwnd told thc court oifthe erratic dniv- ing of the accused ut 1.45 a.m. on February 6tiu. It wus nain- ing and the accusad mcan iad been drinklng. Dianuond was kicked lu ic h hcad and back end the men kickcd tue &st ouf af ticep- lice car, broke the canstabFec'a wahch and dinfied is uniform. Damuage coit $14.55 to be ne- palred. Thc aocused adrnitf cd fat thc evidence was correct and in reply ta a question froni thc niagistrate, lue stated ho was tired and wheu h. gets fired hg geta ugly. "You fellcws who drink whcn you mr on duty driv- ing truckis, are thc authors ai youn own muisforfunes if you losc your licenses and your Jobs. Yeu look like a persan wluo las been spalled by your mathen. If you arc going ta att 1k. tuat, you anc going ta pay for i t. If you came back la Ibis court for any of- fiance, on ony sunimary con- viction matten, I will suspend yaur licens. for tie maximum period I cau under tUc 1mw," commented the magistrat.. A marrled 33-year-old, Osi- awa Construction Inspecton Pleaded flot guiity ta a charge ai cancless drlving. Rec had been dniving fer 1e yas with- eut su accident and on the day ln question wes rcturning froin a huntlng trip. A b]ood test lied beea Mon and wua ne- gutive. Judgnuant by Magitrat. B. B. Baxher wes au tlows: "Yau ire cherged wif h careiess dnlvlns. =en la evidence ai No el"ool. Tioe.Je no evi- d«nc.ofiapceding. Tine la &bout 4*30 pan. I flnd that if you lied -4tayed an your own mid of ai icroad and nat made Mimanoeuvre to go lafo thc service station, tuis accident' wouint have happened. Tc other car was there ta b. uen.L T'h.ervmice station was well llghted sud th. second car was dcfinltely visible. I fiîid you didn't un duc cama and *ttentiom ad I fibd you tvy was c fine of $10.00 and coctu cg *5.80 iàn a totalci Anotier carciemu drlving ti villageofiNewcastle on 5the 23rd af lest August was fheard and Magistrat. R. B. 1Bexten convlcted e 9 ycar ne- 1 ident and Iniposed c penalty r f $10.00 and costs of $57.40. S If tlis nat expected thaf we iall attain perfection lu diriv- ing on aur highways. Thora anc certain andinary Jneceu- flusthat popie should taie toh eihw wen they are entrsed wifh eanicon rvel. cie. , "An Independent wttness sew fie nioocycle coming dawn thec highway. If was a quiet motorcycle. Tien. lias been evidence that Uic min was Ini suci e position et 8c)0 this morning as ta cause smne diiiiculty. Tic aocused didh'f use is sun visons. We shauid use every Precaution. "Thora was evidence of bleck clothing on e blacki mo- toncycle aegainstthUicb"ac lglwsy and the. accused says ha didn't sec the nuetarcycle. I niSt iind fiat Uic matai' cycle was tuer. ta b. seen. Thot 1h was an abject that should have been seen. He had been dnivlng for saine miles against the sun, and I feel that h. was loolcing for a service station that was open rather than cexercislng due cane and attention. "Youn counsel stafes fiat tusta la ecrimuinal offence, 1 agnee wlflhlhm. Tis lias t b. for Uic protection ai the public. oi a-. criminel nature, orelase saine people wll drive willy-nilly sud say I didn't sec 1h. If fie sun wes bothen- lng hlm, lie should have known what ta do toaevold If, on eis. stop until h. can drive in salehy. If I do nat hoid tis way, we anc golng ta nun into a morc intaierable situation on thc highways. Tic mujority of accidentsaire duc ta Inadvc-hStnc-lacli ai care. If aonitiing Isn't donc, tuis condition could acf 11k, a boomerang if wa lowon the barrns o f due cane and at- tention, W. arc trying ho mua o ur highways saier. I fibd you gullty as charged." Two Young men 20 Yeers of «%ge, ncfrorn AJax and on. frani Toronto, woec arrest.d by Constable o ane n febrdaesy OM on charges ar obinlng lquar whule under 21 yaraai &ge. Machi w« fin- e8M .0 andcoste of $3.00. 1ccar had been tpped on Duki Street becausec noir bumpen was obsfructlng the. licens plate. A seranuble uas made ta change places bohlnd the driver'. wbcel. On thc floog Of Uic càn wuas acase of 24 bottles ai bers. Bath Yaung men iad beau drinklng, Tbq ware .ndoed tedrive. î41 ticm wus cuyid that the om- 'zienstion o thei Pire Brigade bencreaaad from c a ulm7ba- la ai $2,000 mer ycar to$S '00 ~~~ri @crl i vent oaIlnjury way7ýolnt fUifreflghtera. It wu dcd.d ta havc a latter sent ta Uic Miuter ai Righways and ta Alex Car- ruticrs, M.P., outllning thec advantguatoi)be gained by iiavlng tue rond from No. 35 Highway on the Sdi Conces- sion af Maivens ta Uic Cent- wrlgiit Townsip Boundary takenon ver teas e velopmerl Road. Tisarad la also known as Uic Bhllyduff Roed and ¶005 thraugi Lotus ta thc Develap- ment Road la Cartwright. Accaunta amaunting ta $4,- 826.87 were paased for pay- mon~t. Coundil agneed ta nuake appliation ta Uic Department aiHgways ta have aigns ectcdalong No. 35 Highway Ithi e concession nurnber o ach noad ieading Off 1h. ta tic Police Office and they sherted ta smash Up the cvi- douce and smashed 22 botties oi beer. Palice were told by Uic uncle ai one ai Uic boys that Uic boys took fie car without is consent, tic y were just supposcd ta be takung i t down'tawn iAjax. "Tiiene will b. lots afiliquor for yau ta consume when you got ta 21 years af age. You are just trying ta, be smnart and that's foolish. It's Uic law ai thie Province and we are gaing ta enfonce 1h, comment- cd t.e magistrat.. Thec icense plates woe taken frein thc car and for- wardcd ta Uice Depantment ai Transport as tic car is deiec- tive, Uic niuifler doca not work, brakes anc defective and thc wlndshleld wlpers do nat work. "tic most honest man I'vo even met", was Uic comment of PC. J. Cartwright when h. gave evidence against a man charged with m.aking an Improper lbit turn and caus- lrmg an accident. He was fined $10.00 sud colts of $2.00. Another liquor case was ad- jaurnnd ta Cobourg an Fniday. The court wanhcd ta check the comments af tice ccused Uim he had ta go t sea Ca- bourg docton about hlm being an. elcohalie. Four charges of trespasslng braugit fines ai $5.00 and costs af $3.00 eccl. Several speeders ion 39, 56 anud athen speeds braugit fines ranging frain $12.00 ta $22.00 lncludlng costs. A 16 year aid O"ae girl, Makes Hobby Local inherest appears lu fie Fcbruany issue of Chat- elaine magazine. Tie Maga- zine has a new coluin culled "Whait'a New Wlih Yeu" coin- prised ai short items about women wha have unusuai hob- bics, avocetiang ar vocations. This menthi t contains a most interesting tiumbneil sketch ai Mns. W. L. Peter- san's hobby ai seeklng out and painting old buldings with particular reference ta Muas- onee sud Meose Factory build- Ings wiich are historie sud ai architectural interet. Mmi. Patersan, wtiame home la an Concession Streo, lies misa captured an cenvas local acenes and buildings such as Uic aid blacksnith uap an Sil- ver Street awned by Franki Cryderman, Vanstone's MMi and Uic StetesamuBlock. it la ineresfing ta note fiat the information and Photo af Mmc. Paterson ath ler esel wenc forwandcd ta thc maga- zine b5'M WIAMrs o ny. Our Cleaning Is Sure to Please. 8«.lis if you want a Sure thlng when It couses to cleanlng clothes! We guarante. satisf action *..yet our superlor methoda cost you not a penny more! Try us soon. Cliffcrest Cie an ers 71 KING ST. I. BOWMA&NVILLE PROIE NA 3-7061 for PICKUP AID DELI VERT LORNE McQUAIRUE, Pr turniîîg heads rlght across Canada. (and sales figures prove iti) Not only is Its stye obvlousty arlstocatc. it moves with a cat's paw sureness and a feline grace unmatched in its fiéd.. In nine lifetimes of motorlng youll nevor find such kitten-soft luxury . 0. Reiax in a* Chevy, sucb ouring pleasure. end watch it Iap up the *miles 1 On the road itfs a full-blooded tiger with blazing action and taloned traction and a low-crouch grip of the road -.. eap into a and seel US VHS CATi WNUUW à 4wi NALmm$R VA" ROY COURTICE w.* NiCHOLS BOWMANVILLI M OI1L SERVICE STATION Z.I. 5, Eowînville CORNER 0F MANVERS RD. AND TAUNTON RD. Open irom T7a.&nt. oIl p.m. Daily Top Quality Petroleum Products- and Gasolines *4 L ýMag istrate's Court -11 Ili cordn bris Tragic Case History Snyten e eàlth ati:i.Just One of Many lI lOng St. W.,7 htWOliV lnoicesand iooked mut 0At Children's Aid Uicwndow ansd saw a car Dýougla Ntt dssst ntw v an. Aiter a-cmlli =ped a:wayon T it iy i ectareai ic dlde'sAid îfram Uic conunlnty, ti A wetoudTbsmirato Scety0i u ham and Non d h Hah-ithî was given ta thé. O.P.P. by iimbnlad, uind i k idUcHltUnthd. telephoiiî ut Peterborough. At t0h1arda iecosa take 0ver agali. 1:55 a.m., Constb.1eRespndthe CAS et theirnwmnthly Ne Sucems and Jamesbrut back thec meeting recently li Port tIr eaung p1l n h oe n Nte animanily The. children came lato ear* stalen u as enar w i . he t arl %,In 1959 and from April The 0 tin 01complaintea&bout iîam- ho ovember ettempts were guilty and e glilan~ other Mes. Made ta un.prove conditions youtla ic hefaniily wlthout succeas. yuh pleaded not guilty. The ease hlstory ofai eim- In Navemnber Uic childncn b. Chagswdamaed egeni e*yr on e lcnune tecame permanent wards cf tiiê Ahni Apre-sentence report sprvs ofai hei oclcty CAM. was ondered for Uic gullty lad. since 1955 was reviewcd, wli M.Nt.hnmre i Tic~ea fether di UicrUic thene wene apprxnaey4 aid, appeared Uin court and tothituations sr.roim a elayl45 told the Magistrate that he R.iith Unit Ahnncd d estutne lai nited i had taken thc car away from The. intervention of thce *t present.--Guldc. hio son. lis son héàae stcady clcty wu ask@d by the Dur. Job and thereIno need for hei n sd Northlumberland A T this nonsense. Heailh unit, because ai ne- IS R LIEF FOR The. Magistrat. reprIzn-"d P dirt and f ith, Mn. Nut- ed all threc and told th e r nid. Aitar a program af and thc 18 year aid tat if hausecleen n, regulan week- thcy ]hed tald tetUic Uictgerlyvisita werc nmode by UtheE.. Chief ai Police et 3:00 a.m. an CAS, sud with tchelofp4aiA Sunday mornlng, tiey wculd. thc publie heelth nurse Uic ut have beon locked up and lage'e ocf young child- they wouldn't have had ta b. reun ec led mare adequate baied out by Uder parents. foo dcddte i 1~ C O T'hey had no eue ta blanie At the end of two years it Of buat- atiude.vs fo hercould nct supervise itocif and amant-aec attiude.n 1957 Uic chldren werc tek- U Bewmianvillc Police had fuve en, lato cane. This period oi pnisoners aven thc wcekend. wardsluip lasted nine montis. Aiter Uic return cf thc child- 09 6F re t he parents, whose coditions scemed lm noved,' W eli% .. I1 , .a six weeka, gen at two-month m mmm Il a

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