Merchant And General Advertiser, 24 Mar 1871, p. 1

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THE MERCHAN'l' AND GENERAL ADVERTISER WEST DURHAM Steam Job Printing Office, KING SrnEET BOWMANVIILE m ad Obser RATE S 01 \.DV.i!.lt'lI S iS\: 10 J.><l annmn 1 AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. vOLU~'ll II BOV\M'\.NvILIE ONTARIO FRIDAY MARCH 24 1871 NU:YI.13ER XXY CORRESI C~!JE~CE POSTERS PAMPHLETS cnw UL ,\RS BILL HE ,\DS CHEQUES NOTES HANDBILLS LABEI S 'I H KETS CARDS &c &c &c T EXECUTED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE. E>el) word of t is R R LOSCOMBE 1J1lll11STZ I A? JAW SOLIOITO.R I'i CHA NO"'l 1 O:t FICE Over McClung s Store at. as J ~I Bnmacomb s D~1 tal Room Bv man 11 Oct 2 th 1868 l'ra ns no v nruiv..llle Sta..tion ll~ t e M follo ~1:1 GOING E S1 FULL SUPPLY. n 1y t THt WEEKLl GLOBE 1871. POETRY AMEN nr T H 8'.tOCKrON D D d s eves at th1a mCJtn en t I s1 LENDID SI LF.CIIONS of Ho JAMES BIGHAM, Pamter G1..,,z1er Paper Hanger &c &c of VI o k pron } th attended to an 1 satisfact on guara teed R~ denc~Next tl w1 a.~tof tle Tille Ch:n; t ru ( bu1cl TYI ONE T TOno llfarcb St 1869 22 tf ~l l m 18 ~u l Mxd Passeng r Ex1 ess -t:.Tb st a ~3.51m !) SO a..1n 3a I w 00 p m Fall and Winter Goods, AT For Sale: Bowmanville Veterma.ry Surgery A J MARTIN RMP SGB tually atte ded to V ctcr narv med Clllf!f:i ~1 wa.ya on han I ly bp m 20 onS O r To Rent 0 ,\.me 'Ihc w 11 of Gol be lone !{e ca.Us tl e be~ut f l n ay lo VIOrsh pat tl e tl rone T l cbcn tf l n!!oul lhc situntly and t] e goo 1 l he s nner freed fro1 Bln s control "\Vash d n.rc leefu De blood God calls tho l oly one a a.y W th > n ofhglt 1\tICLEOD S, GENERAL STORE, excee lu gl) cheap AI l vestments bnght To waU am ht the bloom of eve lMt g day Am n IIOl: SE 0 itbuil<l n!\' au I 0 THE Vi'lth t1 S l a di at l re cnt occ el by D Da or Q t ft .1..1 a p pp J Qn th I r I01ses or tu I arl alf s f :l o ffi ce o Ki Stroot, ea.<-1t or Rend O llot l Res dcnco L berty Street ne the Rall vay Sta. on Bo :vroa.n :ille Calls punc g 'l"JOU ti tr DR DAvIDSON Bo FOR CASH Home Insurance Company OF Ihe drea. nof l fe s past Oh what a maze of in n,,) g J e,. }a. back:va d netaa,tl t And what a roar of soun hi ay la gh a,.nd chill g ail Like ti nder on tht' s nset bo n<l a Now 11 ca dying gale DR DAVIDSON, Cotle~eof r:tl e vo ces and the a bo v 1 uc lo th All r lers fvr pr ze na of tl e lm ~e 81Lv of · r orouto and 1Jn er ty of Q eC' s C~Jle0 e !Gngston Mem · ~~ .- bet of the C'olleze r PLT c lD.S and Sur<;.eons of Ontar 0 s ~ !Hl n on 1( Dr:, S eet seco d do of Yr lfa y dH H tel HADUAlE of the Royal l'hJ G s c a.n'l of E n gla n I and U ruvennty of V c tor a ColleO'e Cobourg Undergrad uate an I t'! 'lhe'.\: faint tl ev The fl ght s made 0 1 ock1 g earth no wu1 NEW HAVEN! 1Al]MJ NI UF THE HUME Il'WCR anoe Uorr11 an' of Ne v IIn.ven J ~ a11 l~t 1868 [ Cai ta! I s rrpl'" 1 000 000 00 om 070 34 Tailoring PROMPTLY EXECUTED nll m& S -T -H -8-W _E _E _T_ M _ A_N __ O' J::R .FIFTEEN 1 K.>\R8 TE CH.ER IND \.RLl:NGION , Comm1sSloner ia the Court of Common Pleas Conveyancer &c &c ]) cods :\fo tagcs L eases, Agi ecments &c dra 1th accuracy and despatch \YnITING .:\l\'D B ooKKELI'J"'iG TArGnr A SSE T S Also Agent f the ell k own MERCI! ~Nr S BOOKS POS TED Office S W !UGLE Lot C\ o 14 o C 1 J50 Dorlingt-On. FIRST-PRIZE WANZEff SEWING MACHINE, ·t BEAUIIF~L J M BRIMACOMBE L D S 0 th r110 - n8 tf IEE1H AT l'B.l!l BowmanVIlle Drug Store 1 J HIGGINBOTHAM, llTOUL:O uost res~ectfullv ten le J 11 s n t l ero thanks to lus numerous fr en ls a d c t:iLo c ti. l to the 1 uLhc generally for the / ve j 1 e Dl support he haf! reco cd s nee h s co nn en ng n buSlness aud hopes l y co1 t r n t:rl Stl:'l k .P ~onal o,,ttent on to bu.'S l ess an l offerrng noth: ng but tho p est artwlcs at the most easonablc I nces to ensure o. cont nuru ce of I ublic t atro age J II ~ o tld call ,;I ec al attention to h s e y super or stoc o CAMBRIAN WOOLEN MILLS, Ordets promptly rtttended to l o es~ u( ~ lJUl5t ne t ~8 8 0 44 -s [ ~ I l lt'I :B I\ I Of re n u IB l ece el 1 d Lo tll4 t.111. d h l'l g eacl J ~a cc t1 c or0 an at o uf il e ( om1 a Io s r A1ne An on va d ve ge of 1 ght L:indauape o,nd clouille$8 sl Fa 1 gr r 1:1 11 robes of white Ai I com ng 01cea bland Of melody :t.n l bl ;;s The press re of an angels ha.nd Ihe warn1th of sa ntly k ss A deathless world\ th nightie s sk1os Beauty and Youth And Love and 1 ruth l\ ot v1thstanding the great enlargement and 0 bleat hange for all that lives mp 'OVeme t of ti e W ceklv Globe that hav~ recently been made the subscnp1 on \\-ill oo l <\.J en t n e tooo onlv rWO DOLLARS PER <\.N Tl e " .s on of the bleist NlJ\l pn.y able a.1 ayR 11 advrulec- aNd the 'l he s eetness of the Sav10 s o ce follo mg " ll be the I The happ uess of rest CLUB RATES FOR 1871 The mn.Jcsty d inc \. Club of Five Co1 es one J ellr 9 00 In olar pomp s rene Do len do I 00 Fron v} use. f r ra) s all sun~ th t ;ih 32 ()() Io I ~e!tltJ rlo 4;; ()() Do I'l i ty do ll e1 golJer glor es gleam t\J d eacl add tonal C()PY o er th rty at one 0 love l of heaven hft up tl y o ce Dullar D.JJ.d FiftJ Cents 'Viti kwd el tongi. es Lar&;:e P zes are g \oa to parties who get up Club& a. luit of vh chi; ill be ~ent to any one T_'; te t i v so gs who will apr ly for t Ly letter 01 r ers nail) at 0 rapt ins lent prn. se n God alone I CJO cc the Office \..ny one is at libc1ty to 2ot up a Club on his o n reispons bihtJ and those de fill' ng to lo i'lU ho d se l a.t once f(J1 1:1. Ct nlu.r sho"",ng the terms Each Club p per shall bead lres sed sepa ate 1) a.ud ma) be for any Post Office 0 ic .s u. d Reu ttancea to be addrefise 1 tlil THE CHILD OF THE WRECK or 'IRE GLUBJ PRIN 11'.NG CO~fPANY loronto THE SAILORS ORPHAN PS - l c1lclo·e the prcc10" Joe 1ment from D ndcc m the I ope ti at' ou '"11 p 1t it Jn the hands of so1ne lor g headed lawyer wl o w1U make a clue of it to g de s out of tlns nlnr.e There sa tl M1· Wemfiel l t11un1 pbantly when her b isbanil I al read the letter " hat £ay ) ou llOW mv dear ? Tl at women are 1ncon1p1ehens bJe } that \ltt lre ~ill v11 chcate ltsE :.lf in spite of ts ndversar es and that tr ac] er" will be l sco' ered notw1thstand1ng all its l an c:cuvres but these are plat tu les " lncn may he ..£e!y utte1ed at any t u e ti ough theJ may not be ·PI heal le to the case 11 hand Pardun me deor but I th k tl J arc and mu eo\'c If I am not in ;.ital e you tlu11k so Luo It liS e\1d1tn said he ev.a<l1 Ig th1 s re ma k ti at f1 c d <\.bbott "u n a stute ot enthus1asr vben he penned th s GI istlcqt ite nde1 the sp 1 Lof ch' alrv and ready to b1enka l 1..:B fur lady far Ilut I u1 tbrng 1o tbu k that ahe m that vretch ed lodg ng v h >o prosp ct before I e1 but beggary "WI r }er sci ool i; sin a £101r sh 11 g c:ontl1L 01 a fc:., ' eels n 0 0 Rhe' II CI lrg \\ell f I 01 c she will e c1 be d rve1 l to it LITERATURE G1 e us I s day o 1 d 1h 1 r a I "'ll le her da1J 111n er a1 d lt l Ue a 1 i:; e1 ed too I r 1 t o I pray ti at rl ma} n1 l II m to ho1 that pa c1 s a ldre, ect \\ c n ust I ave l er Cl \1: 'JlI -lfINlS ERIN(l \NGE L:'i J WILLIAMS RI AII> l\AN'I agocd 1ont of I F l:Ot" fit to JJlo.ce Wore ;your fr ds c :t l at olu ' am! TIJ - d T~osses pa 1 10 788 20 Forty First Year GODY S LADY S BOOI'- for 1871 The Cheape$t of Ladies Magazmes Because it is the Best CH..i.P \I - son.ROWS OF \_ ~l rs wro ~ 1 P. all C\o 1. Ile, bnll lOib · 0 'lw·t 1Juildi1 is 0 e r's n231v 1 ' 0 O?o Ol 160 434 2 8 488 4ol 2t.l2 ~ 122 nos 137 935 iiLZ~~ 1 DYE STUFFS 0 04. wh1ch s re tog vc tl o best sat sfact on ' 90 so 1 DB, Gs 14 I ~ ' A veil selected tock of H OHutA Agtlnt Bo %1 :inv lle J a1 lot! 1868 B. PE TAILOl --,,,.---- REL I AN 0 !l Muta! ;Life Assurance Society E 1:>1 ABLlSf l] D 1840 C!: A! A Cltll!iE 0 l<lO.!!iS C'IliillflCALS P !!TENT ,lfEDICINES BRuSHES CO~fBS INSTER Cont n ed N l:;lve n rl F y t l to: clo es but another sh ta l\:I o~ e e n e t>QUO'l ED PROV loor EIIB Gentlemen s & Boys Garments M\DE IN IH1' ~E\~ES'l STYLES SHOULDER BRACES SuPPOR'l.ERS Etc Etc keµt const ntl) on h ncl CHARLES TOD, 131 tll J 1.Mli:S SIHEEI MO :-11}\JL \] D1HE~1 IQ OILS Oli S :Bl\::E:AD AND BISCUIT BARED. NEAR POS1 OFlICE BOWMANVILLE Ordc -s 1 ct all Atta de l '1 u 1 · \\ AUrEU DUNC N '.\iAJOI TmlioNOD\l)LE Jo N H\.MI TO:'( S \NL Eaq ,_11 P Cillt1hnou !\f !!..CDOX.iLD .Esq T E 0 ~IPBELL 0 B St Hilai e Hawks -JA1 I s PAiliT COLORS VARN'IHSES and TtHITE LEAJJ at the er:; lowest 1 nces. Horses and Cattle Med1crnes most a 1 (l.Utngcous tciws A cbo ce select on of LA"\fl S :BowmanvilJe ))ec 9 1868 R1 Sl])J ~] SECR] I At): burg Ont GJ NT SPECIAL FEATURES. nl PAPER B-~GS 1 Oct Ji;L 18 0 AT M:O?i:TRE \.L PIUCES Fai'"eW'ell, McGee, & Rutled.g;e, BARRISTERS .ATTORNEYS Sohc1tors Conveyancers Notaries Public ments urc 1c::q ired cuch 1avment 8C l r:Jng a PoliC) fo a sum assured proportio ate to the OFFICE AT Bo V;'J ANVtLLE ".\IcFeete I::\ Block n 1 nbet of prem \ms I aid a. 1f eef 01lL fut re oppoa te entrMce to 1 own Uall payt e7 t of pre n ms OrYIO.E IN Os1 \. \.- F1:-st loor north of the l'IoDXRA 1' P EM M::; nU most hl?eral con P ot Ofti e <l t ons Money to lon1 nt low rates of utc est E F~n E ELL LLB R McGEE BA Pros1 ectt aes Proposn.l Forms &c i:;u1 plied o nppl cat 011 at the Head Uffi a J of J llE llt:TLEDGE B A the Agcne es ..., &\:mo.nv11lc D ct: l 1tl4 l~q J\MESGR ~Nr Res Seeretary l'l mcnt of Paper Bags 'h ch v;e will ~ell at !\-Io 1trcn.l Pnces 11he I a.per fl of the 1 ef)t 111 al ty and we guarantee th 'lot no e of t} e Ba..,s stick t 0 etl er 11 e follo v ng l8 t} e lVE HAVE NOW A COMPLEIE as ort PRICE LIST PER 1000 Sl.Ztl 2 3 4 0 ~la111lla l " bl o, 7 8± s~ 8 9 10 ~ 130 2 00 230 Bio 8:/ 11 12 ·so 330 '7 6 10 10 11 11 12 11 11 13. 15 lo 17 17 18 19 3 55 425 5W 5 80 G GO 740 980 TERMS 1 OR 18 I 0 e CUI y o.ue :y ear 3 'l o 001 es one ye&r /5 l hree copies one yea 3 F u tr cu1 efJ ooe yea 10 F 'lie cop es ore y('ar nnd an extra, copy to the person getting up the cl b J ak ng 8 :x 01 es 14 E ght cop es one ye Ll' nnd an extra 01 y to tht:l r erso1 gett ng r the d b n ak 00 00 50 00 00 GENERAL tie n unll J. Fletcher, GROCER, 14 .!\GEN! 10R DOWMANVTILE C BARKER 01 ser. er Office 1{1n,.,. St i3 ly Bo v1n 39 20 8 10 12 .l._, If you cq re =oo l and cheap good.rg g :ve Bown: o.n 11 0 t l ;;t..l 186lJ )3 El NU 5TREET BOW~IAN!'ILLE 1\.TEXI loor vest of Dunstan a Fancy Store JO No 14 ~l 11 90 14 23 14 00 "\\HITE '!EA BAGS Imperial Fire Insurance Co OF LONDON (lMabl she 11803 H o Cl 1 CES 1 Old 1l oad St I nil :\:Ia.H I o idon and AUCTIONEERS H I PHILLIPS HL\IPTON l rom1 t att tio g c to sales &c on reai!OJ able t~1w " 8j 10 0 0 8f 11 3 ;;> Sole ~g nt between Port Hope and Io o ito N B lour Sacks l l Stock < B<\.RKlrn 1 2 ! t oi Sze br ~t $1 0 2 30 ing nine co1 es 21 00 :Eleven cop es one year ru d rtn extra eop:; to tl e I e 'SO cett ., I tie lub ak ng twelvn cop eR 27 50 Godey s Lady s Book a1 d Ha pe1s :\.Ittga ztne ill be sent one vear on rtce pt of ;:i 50 Godey s Lady s Book an l A.i:tl u s llo ne Ma0 azme will be se it one year Oil iece1 t of 4 oO EVERYTHING IN Insurances agMnst lO[;lf> by Fu e are effeete. r on the mo t fa'\ oruble terms a 1d lossm~ pa l h u t r1;fe1en t;J t o Lb P, a Xl LU Lon lon 11 s at M Joh SEASON11 l\!J a Gode1 s I a ly i:1 B ok m rl 'JI o Ch l Iren s Ho r w 111 o s90.t on1:1 yea.r on re e1pt f 3 oO G dey"' Lndv I! Book A1 th rs }Jome Mags, ol l l'lt at 1 W::tn.. Barton, EJ..1'. ISKILLE N' ]({Ji ( ST I ow:l'IA"' TITLE POR1 HOPJ LHDSAY .t BEAVAR10.N T DODS"\\ OB'l'H J r,pe Lo l ffNTOUL BROS Gel \gen ts J\fontre I Mrs. C. BOUNSALL, B KING 31 BO\\ MA~\ ILLE EGS to nu l Q u1ce to t he pt blio tha.t sl c e no v 01 en ng n c1 ~ cc Belect1un of BOJ.. 1'.El S IIA'l:S RfBBOJ..DS lLOWERS 1'EA THER:S VELvJ:,1~ mdMILLnERY l g ucral Lich ill b old at tho lo cat l os 1'> 1le 1ce R R LOSCOMBE Barrister Agent for Bowmanville and V1C1n1ty Eo'Vi ma1 ville Jun 14th 1860 RICHARD MARTIN Trains Wlil RAILW <\.Y 'Un a.s follows i \. Tl A K 36 I J In tes: th attent on 0£ the ] bl to the fa t that 1 ~ ;i I l n l t A l ply factUrtJd GO :NG 8 0 Tl{ p I ' : ·· lli· -~ ., ="' ~- Leavo L n Is.<ty 'lot :\TI cat P 01tH01e ~UXED Lea e I ndsay irr e atlo1tHope GOING NORTH- MAlJ.J TR.AI? 12 35 p n1 4: 20 3 00 p n1 15 30 IARIS Lea e Po t }lope at Am c at L ndsa'\ u.t lIXED AND OONFEOTIONERY I cave I o t g lk Vel et o St aw TI01 ne~ oleane l &c tf nl Hope at :lrr1vca.t I en lsay at 1fOPE 5 4 n n1 10 ;i..m ru:s us a.I of every descnpt on 'vholctmlc and retaJL .All PORT 1 P-rson vho req ure guod pastry 11 do well to give hun ~ ..! ~D PEXEIWOR?iGB ooll Ji<\.ILWAl' l\Ia.:t·ll' I~o Lh~enses~ m , , UED THE :BEST TEMPERANCE DRINKS 115pm 3 20pm GOING SOU'.flI-M:AIL TRAD> ROBERT ARMOUR n au llc D c 10 1869 Cl ASH oi FOR WOOL it GENERAL GROCERIES Peterboro a.t Arr ve a.t Port I!ope 1i XEU 30pm 5 Wpm ca.I l " 111 I a <l for THI v HIGHEST a of Meicha.nt able ool at ti GR EY JLA~~ELS In th (j i:i!I a tJ nt he OM pron ptl) meef; tl e Pete bo ottt auts of h s fr 11nds A :nvc at I ort Hope at 5 30a .a 80t;am DURHAM .At s ] ~ULLS '!' WILLIAMS S :pt ende t WOOLEN JilILLS Do l t l!O g t the place biluui'i old stan 1 ORONOo \ .11 u ers for 1XTE I-IA.YE J rnt I eee ed a. N w 8upply of Roll Card.jug Spmnmg Cloth Dressing a 1 Clo 1 1\f uufaet nng l rom1 tl:; atte dcd to J n 4tl 1870 CRONI~HITE ~ GORDO:N n~ I h3.t def'I' all co n1 et t on a d a.t p c s to su t all come give s a c all \\ a r sol t!d to d i:;po e f o r To s t v 1u5S ~ ff Boo s spec all} ada1 ted to the e son t f: )JQ 'l >acov I e April 271 1809 ly2\I Our ~e a<lm tted to be the and fr esh supplies Bo vm., illo Dec. 21st l 870 c BARKER 1 A few only of those splcn J d BE:::>T IN THE MARKET A goo l Stoel on ban l ever:; fcv. ln.) s T "V\; EEDSHIRTS (1.t S l! filLL S 0 BARKER Sl e as !lnd ex - -- ---- .~-- - ~-------------~------L---------~-

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