Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 9, 1970, p. 12

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Acton Free Press Wcdneiday December St Nicholas Black Peter visit family Saturday December was an ordinary evening to many families but to countless Dutch children all over the world the date marked the birthday of St Nicholas who was according to authorities a Spanish bishop born at the end of the 3rd Century He loved little children The Dutch traditional evening known as the Eve of St Nicholas is celebrated one week after the children have left their shoes set by the fireside and if they have been very good Black Peter Zwarte Plet who assists the Bishop leaves little tokens of love in the shoes But it they have been naughty he leaves a spanking whisk so that their parents can spank them Last Saturd ay visit to the home of the lucky SchuUer children in was an exciting one when St Nicholas and his little helper arrived mysteriously during the evening on his annual visit to meet some of the children he loves and watched them as they played with his gifts Black Peter danced about spanking playfully any of the children who misbehaved and then St Nicholas and his prankster helper disappeared into the night Although sometimes the bishop arrives by horseback no one really knows Just where he does come from except that its always on the celebration date of his birthday This charming Dutch custom Is not to be mistaken for the December celebration of Christmas It is simply a Holland traditional evening which is being carried on in Canada to delight the children Full attendance at WI meeting OLD ST NICHOLAS born at the end of the 3rd century is tired after his trip around the world and Is about to depart mysteriously after his Saturday night round of visiting Dutch children In the Village of Photo by Lorraine Holly wreaths and Christmas decoraUons In a warm country atmosphere made the December meeting of the Rockalong Institute one to remember Mrs Alex was the hostess to the ladles whose 100 per cent attendance and enthusiasm only matched the holiday atmosphere of the McPhedran homestead A delicious buffet supper with festive delights was prepared by the ladles who for the organization of the occasion split Into two groups and one group planned the first course of the Christmas dinner and the other the dessert Cold turkey not potatoes mincemeat tarts and Christmas cake moved the calendar date forward and the Noel season Is well on Its way for the Institute members Business meeting Hot tea and coffee topped off the dinner which was followed by a friendly business meeting with Helen Bain chairing as president Trie usual opening eierclses with the opening ode and prayer followed in accordance with the Successful for Board of Education The roll call was then read and for that ail members answered with their special Christmas recipes Several of these recipes had been handed In at an earlier November meeting and compiled by Mrs Lloyd Dyer Into a holiday booklet A speciality of the evening celebrations was when copies of the booklet were handed out to each member as a favour Mrs Dyer was given thanks by the lames and afterwards the minutes of the last meeting were read and recorded Mrs John Thomson of gave a resume of the Achievement Day which she had convened and said that she was of the showing the girls made Remembrances A committee was formed to take charge of the Christmas remembrances for shutins after which a program of special holiday readings and contest were conducted by Mrs and Mrs Dyer Stimu lating and exciting word games and tongue chasers kept the party rollicking for some time It was further decided during business session that the next euchre to be held at the No school would be on the date of December 10 and on January 7 the Institute would hold their first one of the new year The special short course to be conducted by Mrs BUI Garner and Mrs Margaret Nelson as demonstrators of The main dish makes the meal was postponed until January IS to be held at the No Schoolhouse meeting place Parcels for all At the completion of the program Santa parcels were 1 given out to the various members whose ticket matched the number of gifts In the two front door barrels Everyone received a present and when It was time to leave the members agreed that although It had not bean a long one It had a most delightful meeting and one which everyone had enjoyed Mrs Cyril Tttt of Rock thanked Mrs McPhedran on behalf of the Institute ladles for sharing her home with them Win Country TV Centre SALES SERVICES Highway Lin ft to all Oru TREE DAY GUTHRIES SCOTCH PINE TREE FARM CREWSONS CORNERS from now until CHRISTMAS CHOOSE AND CUT YOUR OWN TREE I YOUNG PEOPLE participated in a craft night last Tuesday evening and Don GriiGn Preston St Guelph is seen showing Sandy Boot and Paul dark some of his know- bow In candle making Photo by Lorraine School choirs presenf concert BETTY LOU CLARK adult adviser for the Rockwood Young People is seen participating in the candlemaking and craft night which was conducted in the St Johns Anglican parish kitchen Driftwood sanding was another part of the instruc- tioDalevenmgandafewpieceswcretrimsfarTnedbydeatting sanding and varnishing Into decorative ornaments under the guidance of David Rowe Photo by Lorraine Presbyterian team third In the Hamilton Ministers Annual Bonspiel held last week at the and Dundas Granite Curling Clubs the rink the Rev Andrew McKenzie of Acton placed third and won electric docks as There were rinks In competition from Sarnla London Niagara Falls Kitchener Oshawa Toronto Brampton and other The John Ross Collegiate auditorium was almost packed last Friday December when the Eramosa Public School Choir the Centennial School Choir participated in the Choral Society Concert under the direction of Mrs Roberta Hoy Helen of R Rock wood took a solo part In the Choral Society rendition of Born Free Louise Fair played Carnival Pranks at Vienna In a piano solo and a medley from the Sound of Music was sung by a trio of the Merritt Primary choirs s Primary Choir sang two selections Kitty Tongue and Indian Children as Susan and Laurie Cargo sang the vocal duet of Where er you Walk Deborah and Cameron Burechalls played a piano duet and the combined choirs of and Rockwood delighted their audience with songs such as Oh What a Beautiful Oklahoma God Is Wisdom The Bavarian Yodelling Song and others Heidi Merritt sang the Holy City and the Stokman sisters gave a trio of Silver Bells The choir then sang two Christmas renditions and Christine of Guelph gave a piano solo of Winter Wonder land after which the choral society summarized the marvellous evening with several musical specialities The Choral Society Is sponsored by Eastern Farm Machinery Limited and the proceeds derived from the evening fulfilling entertainment arc going towards the transportation costs to the Kiwanls Music Festival In Toronto In the spring My Sincere Appreciation To All Who Supported My Election to I Rockwood Trustee Board 1 wish you all Happiness this Holiday Season with Best Wishes for the Coming Year STANLEY C HARRIS TIRES SEE DICK AT RICHS SERVICE CENTRE NO MILES EAST OF ACTON ERAMOSA FLOWER MART GOES SUPERMARKET Hundreds of Potted and Cut Flowers In Stock Visit our Greenhouses Choose Your Flowers Let Us Cut Them for you Fresh CHRISTMAS Other members of Mr McKenzie a rink were the Rev Forbes Thomson Guelph the Rev Utile and the Leslie of Morriston all Presbyterians NOTMESARGE Weil snarled the tough old sergeant to the private I suppose after you get discharged from the Army you Just be waiting for roe to die so you can Come and spit on my grave Not me the GI assured him once I get out of this Army I ain t never going to stand in line again Dont waste money on insurance It a act some bus nesses are over with overlapping insurance Others are dangerously under insured Because your bus involves customers and sup pl inventory and equipment bad debts liability taxes employees etc etc you need a business ance expert We know how to plan your business coverage so you have just the insurance you need and no mora INSURANCE AGENCY SAFECO PHONE INSURANCE Oil Monday 9 to Alt MiltBtll8537243 MEN We can help you select a suitable gift from our stock LINGERIE BLOUSES DRESSES SWEATERS Housecoats Scarf Sets Hi GILS Sw for Chrittmu CRIMPLENE Sara Special See our Excellent Selection Yard Goods Greatly Reduced SINGLE 3STEM DELUXE CACTUS 139 INCH 378 INCH FREE CUMTION TO EVERT LIST STOPPIRfi CYCLAMEN US Mixed Pots MUMS CHRISTMAS TREES mm YOUR CHOICE MM r SPIKE Potted Mums Inch Inch Inch MUM SPRAY CARNATIONS en iff ACTON FABRIC CENTRE ERAMOSA FLOWER SHOP N West of Hrth Side 8564771

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