Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 2, 1970, p. 24

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Acton Wednesday December the at ACTON BOWLING LANES Sully Nov Pa tenia moved up tor a of the top rung when they look alt games from Rollers On the triple and tingle plateaus for Patents were Roger Murray Ron US CM Rum Mathews and John Davidson Up there for were Phil Dunn Kor vryenhock and Andre Broulllard were on the win beam In the first go In in with a pin win only to have Finisher break out with a barrage of sir Ik and spares In the finale to make with he big win and grab the singleton for totals Tripling and singling for were A rile White and Helen 21T Getting them for nit hers were Tom Shannon Helen EST Earl Weal and Dennl Crooks Uppers had the upper hand for two and totals win Socket soaking away the middle canto for their one game win Getting Uppers trl counts and solos were Hay Atkinson Phil Mllly Fabian 209 and Jake Van Kooy For Snakes it was John Constantino 712 Ray and Flat on Adams League standing Patents Boomers Uppers Finishers Rollers 13 CAROLINF GARDEN CFNTRE Nov hung onto a one point lead In the standings hut they had to win all games from Hurricanes to do It Tripling and singling In the win were Jens Bill Malhlcs and Tops for the Hurricanes were Lome Norton Betty 2S4 and Donna Slaves IBS The second place Intruders t gain on tic leaders but they kept up to the pace with a triple win from Marauders Making with the winners trlcounta and solos were Jules ten 206 Bert 379 Ruby Top trio lor Marnuder were Clarence 533 221 and Bob Adams 193 Zombies won two games from i llminstors but had to elite for a lie on the total pintail and cut the odd singleton point in half Top for Zombies were Steve Jim Mitchell 265 and Joyce Adams 240 Eliminators made with triples and singles Roy Swan 237 Orv Porte 224 Trace Robertson 201 Lois Norton 204 John had em league Handing Saphlres Intruders Hurricanes Fllmlnalora 1BV limbics Marauders 17W SPRINGS FLOWER SHOP Nov Coral Belli added to their lead when they made every game a winning one from Bleeding Hearts Norma Titus 287 Betty 232 Mitchell and Sandy 219 paced the win Tops for the Bleeding Sylvia Mages Anna Spear 194 and Marilyn Lupins were a two and totals winner Trllllums winning the middle Marj Johnston 274 Betty Bender 256 and Wannetta up Lupins roll Tripping the top for were El lie Jennie 215 and Mary Anderson 153 Larkspurs hit the win circle in a big way they won cm all from Petunias with Caroline Doyle Wagner 228 and Lit heading up the win Top tricountlng trio tor Petunias were Laura Treble j30 POT Agnes McGlnncs and League standing Coral Bells SI Lupins 37 Petunias 32 Larkspurs Bleeding Hearts SPORTS CORNER MIXED Nov Belying their name Born Losers came up with a two and totals win from Rascals who won the last to save face Heading up the win wore Elmer white 239 Joan Knight Smllly 250 and Howie cart Top trio for Rascals were Dave McMillan Helen 212 and Knight 525 COS Poos ran away with the first game against Unknowns hung on to annex the middle canto by pins then lost out in the by a pin margin to settle for a two and totals win Top for the were Dave Shannon 254 Harry Mover 218 and Anne Perry For Unknowns it was Steve 574 213 Dim Perry and Archie 213 Hillbillies dropped the first game to Road Runners equalised in the second then came up with a game In the third and picked up the singleton for totals fork two and a half point win Top for Hillbillies were Ed Hood 269 Jamca and Tom Shannon 178 For Road Runners Lucy Synnott Cam Lelshman37e238and Bill Dram him 165 League standing Born I oscrs 28 Road Runners Unknowns Hillbillies Poos Rascals Nov John Hurst Electric moved up for a share of the top rung when after losing the first game to A B Supermarket bounced back to win the next two and totals Top trio In the win were Bruce 825 157 Pete Homer 262 spud Murphy Best for the Abies were Gary Turkoss Tom Browning 281 and dlcton John a Texaco Service won the first two spasms from Pete s Barber Shop bus settled for two and totals win when the Clipper came to life In time to annex the finale Top tripling trio for the were Phil TBI Terry and Dee Deforest Clipping em for the Barbers were Dave Johnson 1TB Bill Shannon 734 and Jeff Fryer IB Ml Terryi won the first two cantos from Station Hotel then pulled up lame and the grabbed list tame win Two inudlerf made the triple plateau for Station Hole John Winston Churchill and Rupe Harmtr IIS up there for Station Hotel were French Alt Roach 875 254 and Doug Lockerbie League standing Pttea Barber shop John Hunt Electric John Texaco Service A Supermarket 19 Station Hotel IT Terrys 15 ACTON I ADIES Nov The second place Becker a Milk failed to gain on the league- leading I A when the slid I A knocked em off for a two and totals win Audrey 234 Marion Storey Lynn Barrett 232 headed up the win Tops for the Malda were Grace Robertson IBS Verm McFachem 488 180 and Lynda Pierce Twas a nice win for the last place Nielsen a Clothing when after losing the first canto to Farms by 19 pins bounced back to win the second then hung on to annex the by for a two and totals win Fran Pierce Shirley 464 ITS and Smith paced the win Top trio for Ihc Farmerettes were May Swackhamer530U92 Belly 13 and June Warner 158 Cameo Boutique came up with a two and totals win Family Store taking the last game Top Irlplers for the Cameos were June Hunter 215 Donna 228 and Lll llercnibcrger 184 Best In Family Stare a efforts were June Payne 289 Nan Hurst Mae Ward 171 League standing I A Beckers Milk Family Store Boutique Speyhilt Farms 37 Nielsen a Clothing THURSDAY TOPPFRS Nov drifted along with the for a three game win from Alley Hoppers and cased into first place First game was close Drifters it by 3 pirn Top trio In the win were Sandy McGraw June and Donna Staves Alley Hoppers best were Mary Joan Why and Mary O Coot lost their first place standing when Challengers took cm for all games with Meecham 603230 and Norma Thornhlll 424 pacing the win Top trio for Goot were Annette St I lerre 465 Audrey STRIKES at ByMargotMathcson Nov Assistant Supervisor Sylvia Mages Is In St Joseph a recovering from surgery We a hope she b a speedy recovery In bowling this week Octopus crabbed one game and totals from the Whales drowned the Rabbits taking both games from them Ctts meowed themselves Into a totals win against the Sea Horses In the Second Shift the Donkeys win against the Snails barked up a two game win from the Kangaroos Crabs rounded up the Bantam bowling by taking both games from the Teddy The Top ten in the Bantams Division were Ricky Van Fleet 213 174 Susan 148 150 298 David Dunn Susan Thompson 130133283 Patsy Storey 281 Steve 261 Karen Trcmills let US Mm Pink 112 143 217 Terry 127 254 Bert Post 145- 100 245 Bowling best over their average to win the Orange Crush and Cokes were Paul Mc Trash Susan Pat sky Henry Roach and Patsy Storey Our most bowlers were Terry fin tern an rolling two games 127 who came up with both games who rolled two games of 73 and Janet who rolled both back to back League standings First Shift Rabbits IBti Whales IB Octopus 11 Sea Horses Second Shift Teddy Bears Donkeys 16 Dogs 13 Crabs Snails Kangaroos in the Junior Division he Turks chalked up three games Unknowns lets zoomed over the Mod Squad taking both games with them Marauders killed the Champions to take all three games from Ihcm The Ten Toppers Wade Knight 219 Ronnie Moore 267 Marcel I- rytcrs Ronnie Turkoaz SOB 190 Roger Janet Storey 480 Danny Thompson 436 211 llrnd Martin 412 171 David Mills 166 Valeric 426 League standings Jets Turks Marauders Champions IBM Mod Squad Unknowns with the Senior Division the pinned two games and totals from the No won the last game by only seven plnsl meowed themselves into a two game and total win from the luisycats lost their second game by only four pins wrapped up the days bowling by taking all three games from he Alley Rockers Seniors in the Top Ten were Sue 627 253 Dob Andrews 224 Dan Allan Green 327 Debbie Storey 181 Pat lunnc51BlB6 Margot Malheson League standings 11 11 Alley Rockers No I In the Welt Wishes and Birthday Department celebrating the happy event arc Bantam Bobble Dec 8 and Junior bowler Eric Couture Dec So for now good luck and good Blanchard IBS and Shirley Thompson It was a two and totals win for Freak Outs after losing game to Hopeful by pins Cora Walters 202 Roselee Dawklns 412 141 and Joyce 411 141 headed up the win McKlnnonS47207 Joan and Mamie Allen were Hopeful beat League standing Drifters 13 14 Alley Hoppers 13 Freak Outs Challengers II Hopefuls MAJOR Nov Acton Meadows bowed out to Reliable Taxi In the first canto got even In the second with a pin win then carried on to annex the is totals Don Wllkea 797 2BS Jim 268 and Mac llerrlngton paced he win Top trio for Reliable Taxi Bill 763 296 Bob Martin 703 262 and Phil 263 Scenic lools wcro a two and totals winner Store winning the middle Tops In the Scenic win were nil Anderson 798 Tom Browning 266 and Jack Gould Acton Lanes went for a two and totals win at Adams But Depots expense Top for the Lanes were Dee Had 281 and John Churchill COS 294 For he Depot It was 753 Conway 709 and Bob Doyle 703 League standing Acton Meadows Reliable Taxi s Store I i Acton I Adams Bus Depot Nov Hippie Hem lea hung onto tlrst place when they won two games from Cudos who mado with a big win in Ihi middle canto to take the odd point tor totals Top for the Hippies were Ben 581 lack lendenning and Gloria Moulton475193 efforts were headed up by Pete Jim lendenning efforts were headed up by Pete 641 261 Jim 205 and Norbct 425 141 Road Runners look the first spasm from Diggers who bounced back to win the second and hung on to win the finale by pins grab totals Making with most for Diggers were John Chapman Alan 237 Lou 219 and Monica 323 Little Darlings took the first game from Dusters by pins lost out In the second by then came back to annex the finale by 11 pins but lost out for totals by 18 and settled for a point split Top trio for Dusters were Chick Milne Harry Phillips and Mike Noble 466 For Little Darlings It was Cord Lott 229 Dennis Death 211 and Donna Schlnck 1B4 League standing Hippie Hemies Diggers IBM IS LllUe Darlings 15 Dusters Road Runners 12 ACTON MIXED Nov Plcadlllys kept their lead with a three game win from 106 John Gilbert Bryan Billings 196 and Woyne 227 headed up the win Topi lor filiilsrt were Ann marie Moore 278 Ntir and Joan Forty J IS 199 I they won all games Happy who were not 100 happy about losing the second and third cantos by Iht same margin IB pins Top trlcountcrs for Slowpokes were West TOT 278 and Km Minis 198 Top trio for Happy Gang were While 313 Andre 23S and Ed Browne 440 The Clan were a two and totals winner losing out in the middle to Nitrons by 28 pins Making with the moit for the Clsn were shorty Bob Price and ErnaWellwood 192 Top trio for Nitrons were Don Marco 232 Harry Mlddleton 20T and Larsan OH League standing The Clan Slowpokes Nitrons sinlcrs Happy Gang BIG FOUR Nov Red Wings were flying and took the league leading Fireballs for all games with Bryan Hammond Larry Douglas and Jane Van Soelen 427 win Best In Fireballs efforts were Hammond Mirg Hammond and Sony Wyga was a wo and totals win for Happy Gang when they met up with the Hot Shots Van Arrogon 626268 Harry and Chris Duiker 172 headed up the win Topi for Hoi Shot were Jake Van 242 Big Jake Van Kooy 212 and John 520 181 League standing Fireballs Hot Shots 45 Red Wings Happy Gang ZONE CHAMPIONS In the Colonel Saunders Kentucky Fried Chicken bowling tournament these Acton ladles received their crests last week Left to right are Joan Why Joyce Adams Cora Walters and Sandra McGraw The group now advance to In the weekend Beat the Champ Brown with and Peter with won the right to challenge champion Terry Churchill The Champ retained title with a as against Brown 724 and Bowman this coming Sunday at the Sherwood Lanes In Hamilton will be the big day lor Cora Wnkcra Sandra McGraw Joyce Adams and Joan Why They will be bowling in the Provincial Finals of Colonel banders Kentucky Fried Chicken Ladies Five Pin Champlonihlpi May crown their efforts to participate In the Finals at Calgary January 18th from Hamilton Preston Kitchener Waterloo Creek Chatham Wallaccburg London Lambeth Dorchester and Woodstock will be competing for top honors that winds it up once again my so and goodnlte Concord city permits worth Building permits valued at were Issued in township for the month of November Big item on the list submitted to township council Monday night was for a horse stable and an apartment for Limited on Lot Concession valued at JO was also a permit for replacing the original canopy at the Riviera In Nerval which the deputy reeve objected to because the township had not cleared up a dispute with club owners over another project there IF YOU THINK THE TIME HAS ARRIVED TO HOLD THE LINE ON EDUCATION COSTS VOTE H H HINTON TO THE HALT0N COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION the provincial finals at Sherwood Lanes in Hamilton this Sunday If theyre successful Sunday they travel to Alberta for the Canadian championships January 1971 Missing when photo was taken was Kenore McKinnon photo EXPERIENCE COUNTS TOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE ARE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED TO REELECT WILFRID LESLIE TO COUNCIL FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF ESQUESING Years Experience on Council Years as Deputy Reeve For Transportation Call To my friends the people of Nassagaweya Dear Friends This is a letter to better acquaint you with some of the facts regarding your township business and why I am asking you to reelect me as your Deputy Reeve Being interested in our township affairs since I was a boy I have attended scores of meetings at council without pay I have seen good administration and some I believe not so good I gather from the greatest number of you that I have discussed the present administration of our township with since being your Deputy Reeve that you are very satisfied The only dissatisfaction I have been able to find Is from some members of council who evidently I believe prefer In some instances not to let you know what Is going on I do not believe in closed meetings committee of the whole except when ab solutely necessary or the suppression of facts or audits that are not completed before an election I believe all residents of must have equal rights and receive the same consideration regardless of nationality the ability to write or speak perfect English or colour of skin or creed have tried to sponsor good planning In the township and have attended many seminars on the subject and have tried to prevent land speculation from raising your taxes because we are going into market value assessment and inflated values In speculative sales reflect in a higher assessment to you I was the first to alert our planning board and council to the fact that the Ontario Hydro was considering the cutting of a 740 feet swath through our township for a new hydro line Many meetings have ensued and I think we will make a satisfactory arrangement with the hydro if I am allowed to continue these negotiations The pollution especially the use of chemicals such as that we believe can affect the unborn child in our township I have fought and am happy to say is now be tug banned by the government The number of motor accidents and resulting deaths on Highway east of known as the Death Strip was so by having council pass a motion that I had prepared to the Minister of Highways and consultation I had with the Department of Traffic Control Engineer I am pleased to report that the road surface and alignment of Highway east of CampbellvLUe has been corrected In regard to constructing and repairing roads within our township I do not believe we should cut or destroy any trees unless ab solutely necessary for the safety of the public and our beauty spots In the township must be preserved such must maintain its preservation I have attended many meetings on regional government and have discussed the subject with Minister of Municipal Affairs and many others I believe it will come and we must steadfastly fight for a only region and must be as a municipality within this region With proper and reasonable negotiations I believe this will be done The cost of Education Is a very serious matter to us especially those of us not employed by the school board per cent or more of your tax money now goes to support education I have attended many meetings on this matter and have proposed that schools must be used all year as some universities arc There is no scarcity of teachers so it seems ridiculous that millions of dollars worth of schools remain idle half the year a school year is now approximately 190 days we spend millions to build more ac commodation Instead of doing what industry does namely double the output from the same buildings by using them double the time These are just a few of the things I have done on your behalf and may I respectfully suggest to you that To be successful In handling the township of safftdra Your business and to gain the respect thoie he Is dealing with a man must first be as in fab own business As a successful business man of over years and one who has been honored by the Institute of Radio Engineers The American Association for the Advancement of Sdence and Chartered Institute of American Inventors for my knowledge and contributions I again respectfully ask you for your support in reelecting me as your Deputy Reeve Siaeoroly fiOUOl E PLEASE VOTE Deo DONT LET I fiBOOP TAKE OVER TOW SI IP FOR DEPUTYREEVE VOTE

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